Rename printf -> kprintf in sys/ and add some defines where necessary
[dragonfly.git] / sys / contrib / ipfilter / netinet / ip_auth.c
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1998-2001 by Darren Reed & Guido van Rooij.
3  *
4  * See the IPFILTER.LICENCE file for details on licencing.
5  *
6  * @(#)$Id: ip_auth.c,v 2002/06/04 14:40:42 darrenr Exp $
7  * $FreeBSD: src/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_auth.c,v 2003/03/01 03:55:54 darrenr Exp $
8  * $DragonFly: src/sys/contrib/ipfilter/netinet/ip_auth.c,v 1.9 2006/12/23 00:27:02 swildner Exp $
9  */
10 #if defined(__sgi) && (IRIX > 602)
11 # include <sys/ptimers.h>
12 #endif
13 #include <sys/errno.h>
14 #include <sys/types.h>
15 #include <sys/param.h>
16 #include <sys/time.h>
17 #include <sys/file.h>
18 #if !defined(_KERNEL) && !defined(KERNEL)
19 # include <stdio.h>
20 # include <stdlib.h>
21 # include <string.h>
22 #endif
23 #if (defined(KERNEL) || defined(_KERNEL)) && (defined(__DragonFly__) || __FreeBSD_version >= 220000)
24 # include <sys/filio.h>
25 # include <sys/fcntl.h>
26 #else
27 # include <sys/ioctl.h>
28 #endif
29 #ifndef linux
30 # include <sys/protosw.h>
31 #endif
32 #include <sys/socket.h>
33 #if (defined(_KERNEL) || defined(KERNEL)) && !defined(linux)
34 # include <sys/systm.h>
35 #endif
36 #if !defined(__SVR4) && !defined(__svr4__)
37 # ifndef linux
38 #  include <sys/mbuf.h>
39 # endif
40 #else
41 # include <sys/filio.h>
42 # include <sys/byteorder.h>
43 # ifdef _KERNEL
44 #  include <sys/dditypes.h>
45 # endif
46 # include <sys/stream.h>
47 # include <sys/kmem.h>
48 #endif
49 #if defined(__DragonFly__) || (_BSDI_VERSION >= 199802) || (__FreeBSD_version >= 400000)
50 # include <sys/queue.h>
51 #endif
52 #if defined(__DragonFly__) && defined(_KERNEL)
53 # include <sys/thread2.h>
54 #endif
55 #if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(bsdi)
56 # include <machine/cpu.h>
57 #endif
58 #include <net/if.h>
59 #ifdef sun
60 # include <net/af.h>
61 #endif
62 #include <net/route.h>
63 #include <netinet/in.h>
64 #include <netinet/in_systm.h>
65 #include <netinet/ip.h>
66 #ifndef KERNEL
67 # define        KERNEL
68 # define        NOT_KERNEL
69 #endif
70 #ifndef linux
71 # include <netinet/ip_var.h>
72 #endif
73 #ifdef  NOT_KERNEL
74 # undef KERNEL
75 #endif
76 #ifdef __sgi
77 # ifdef IFF_DRVRLOCK /* IRIX6 */
78 #  include <sys/hashing.h>
79 # endif
80 #endif
81 #include <netinet/tcp.h>
82 #if defined(__sgi) && !defined(IFF_DRVRLOCK) /* IRIX < 6 */
83 extern struct ifqueue   ipintrq;                /* ip packet input queue */
84 #else
85 # ifndef linux
86 #  if defined(__DragonFly__) || __FreeBSD_version >= 300000
87 #   include <net/if_var.h>
88 #  endif
89 #  include <netinet/in_var.h>
90 #  include <netinet/tcp_fsm.h>
91 # endif
92 #endif
93 #include <netinet/udp.h>
94 #include <netinet/ip_icmp.h>
95 #include "ip_compat.h"
96 #include <netinet/tcpip.h>
97 #include "ip_fil.h"
98 #include "ip_auth.h"
99 #if !SOLARIS && !defined(linux)
100 # include <net/netisr.h>
101 # if defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
102 #  include <machine/cpufunc.h>
103 # endif
104 #endif
105 #if defined(__DragonFly__) || (__FreeBSD_version >= 300000)
106 # include <sys/malloc.h>
107 # if (defined(_KERNEL) || defined(KERNEL)) && !defined(IPFILTER_LKM)
108 #  include <sys/libkern.h>
109 #  include <sys/systm.h>
110 # endif
111 #endif
113 #if (SOLARIS || defined(__sgi)) && defined(_KERNEL)
114 extern KRWLOCK_T ipf_auth, ipf_mutex;
115 extern kmutex_t ipf_authmx;
116 # if SOLARIS
117 extern kcondvar_t ipfauthwait;
118 # endif
119 #endif
120 #ifdef linux
121 static struct wait_queue *ipfauthwait = NULL;
122 #endif
124 #ifndef _KERNEL
125 #define kprintf         printf
126 #endif
128 int     fr_authsize = FR_NUMAUTH;
129 int     fr_authused = 0;
130 int     fr_defaultauthage = 600;
131 int     fr_auth_lock = 0;
132 fr_authstat_t   fr_authstats;
133 static frauth_t fr_auth[FR_NUMAUTH];
134 mb_t    *fr_authpkts[FR_NUMAUTH];
135 static int      fr_authstart = 0, fr_authend = 0, fr_authnext = 0;
136 static frauthent_t      *fae_list = NULL;
137 frentry_t       *ipauth = NULL,
138                 *fr_authlist = NULL;
141 /*
142  * Check if a packet has authorization.  If the packet is found to match an
143  * authorization result and that would result in a feedback loop (i.e. it
144  * will end up returning FR_AUTH) then return FR_BLOCK instead.
145  */
146 u_32_t fr_checkauth(ip, fin)
147 ip_t *ip;
148 fr_info_t *fin;
149 {
150         u_short id = ip->ip_id;
151         frentry_t *fr;
152         frauth_t *fra;
153         u_32_t pass;
154         int i;
156         if (fr_auth_lock || !fr_authused)
157                 return 0;
159         READ_ENTER(&ipf_auth);
160         for (i = fr_authstart; i != fr_authend; ) {
161                 /*
162                  * index becomes -2 only after an SIOCAUTHW.  Check this in
163                  * case the same packet gets sent again and it hasn't yet been
164                  * auth'd.
165                  */
166                 fra = fr_auth + i;
167                 if ((fra->fra_index == -2) && (id == fra->fra_info.fin_id) &&
168                     !bcmp((char *)fin, (char *)&fra->fra_info, FI_CSIZE)) {
169                         /*
170                          * Avoid feedback loop.
171                          */
172                         if (!(pass = fra->fra_pass) || (pass & FR_AUTH))
173                                 pass = FR_BLOCK;
174                         /*
175                          * Create a dummy rule for the stateful checking to
176                          * use and return.  Zero out any values we don't
177                          * trust from userland!
178                          */
179                         if ((pass & FR_KEEPSTATE) || ((pass & FR_KEEPFRAG) &&
180                              (fin->fin_fi.fi_fl & FI_FRAG))) {
181                                 KMALLOC(fr, frentry_t *);
182                                 if (fr) {
183                                         bcopy((char *)fra->fra_info.fin_fr,
184                                               fr, sizeof(*fr));
185                                         fr->fr_grp = NULL;
186                                         fr->fr_ifa = fin->fin_ifp;
187                                         fr->fr_func = NULL;
188                                         fr->fr_ref = 1;
189                                         fr->fr_flags = pass;
190 #if BSD >= 199306
191                                         fr->fr_oifa = NULL;
192 #endif
193                                 }
194                         } else
195                                 fr = fra->fra_info.fin_fr;
196                         fin->fin_fr = fr;
197                         RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
198                         WRITE_ENTER(&ipf_auth);
199                         if (fr && fr != fra->fra_info.fin_fr) {
200                                 fr->fr_next = fr_authlist;
201                                 fr_authlist = fr;
202                         }
203                         fr_authstats.fas_hits++;
204                         fra->fra_index = -1;
205                         fr_authused--;
206                         if (i == fr_authstart) {
207                                 while (fra->fra_index == -1) {
208                                         i++;
209                                         fra++;
210                                         if (i == FR_NUMAUTH) {
211                                                 i = 0;
212                                                 fra = fr_auth;
213                                         }
214                                         fr_authstart = i;
215                                         if (i == fr_authend)
216                                                 break;
217                                 }
218                                 if (fr_authstart == fr_authend) {
219                                         fr_authnext = 0;
220                                         fr_authstart = fr_authend = 0;
221                                 }
222                         }
223                         RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
224                         return pass;
225                 }
226                 i++;
227                 if (i == FR_NUMAUTH)
228                         i = 0;
229         }
230         fr_authstats.fas_miss++;
231         RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
232         return 0;
233 }
236 /*
237  * Check if we have room in the auth array to hold details for another packet.
238  * If we do, store it and wake up any user programs which are waiting to
239  * hear about these events.
240  */
241 int fr_newauth(m, fin, ip)
242 mb_t *m;
243 fr_info_t *fin;
244 ip_t *ip;
245 {
246 #if defined(_KERNEL) && SOLARIS
247         qif_t *qif = fin->fin_qif;
248 #endif
249         frauth_t *fra;
250         int i;
252         if (fr_auth_lock)
253                 return 0;
255         WRITE_ENTER(&ipf_auth);
256         if (fr_authstart > fr_authend) {
257                 fr_authstats.fas_nospace++;
258                 RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
259                 return 0;
260         } else {
261                 if (fr_authused == FR_NUMAUTH) {
262                         fr_authstats.fas_nospace++;
263                         RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
264                         return 0;
265                 }
266         }
268         fr_authstats.fas_added++;
269         fr_authused++;
270         i = fr_authend++;
271         if (fr_authend == FR_NUMAUTH)
272                 fr_authend = 0;
273         RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
274         fra = fr_auth + i;
275         fra->fra_index = i;
276         fra->fra_pass = 0;
277         fra->fra_age = fr_defaultauthage;
278         bcopy((char *)fin, (char *)&fra->fra_info, sizeof(*fin));
279 #if SOLARIS && defined(_KERNEL)
280 # if !defined(sparc)
281         /*
282          * No need to copyback here as we want to undo the changes, not keep
283          * them.
284          */
285         if ((ip == (ip_t *)m->b_rptr) && (ip->ip_v == 4))
286         {
287                 u_short bo;
289                 bo = ip->ip_len;
290                 ip->ip_len = htons(bo);
291                 bo = ip->ip_off;
292                 ip->ip_off = htons(bo);
293         }
294 # endif
295         m->b_rptr -= qif->qf_off;
296         fr_authpkts[i] = *(mblk_t **)fin->fin_mp;
297         fra->fra_q = qif->qf_q;
298         cv_signal(&ipfauthwait);
299 #else
300 # if defined(BSD) && !defined(sparc) && (BSD >= 199306)
301         if (fin->fin_out == 0) {
302                 ip->ip_len = htons(ip->ip_len);
303                 ip->ip_off = htons(ip->ip_off);
304         }
305 # endif
306         fr_authpkts[i] = m;
307         WAKEUP(&fr_authnext);
308 #endif
309         return 1;
310 }
313 int fr_auth_ioctl(data, mode, cmd)
314 caddr_t data;
315 int mode;
316 #if defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || (__FreeBSD_version >= 300003)
317 u_long cmd;
318 #else
319 int cmd;
320 #endif
321 {
322         mb_t *m;
323 #if defined(_KERNEL) && !SOLARIS
324 #if !defined(__DragonFly__) && !defined(__FreeBSD__)
325         struct ifqueue *ifq;
326 #endif
327 #if !defined(__DragonFly__)
328         int s;
329 #endif
330 #endif
331         frauth_t auth, *au = &auth, *fra;
332         int i, error = 0;
334         switch (cmd)
335         {
336         case SIOCSTLCK :
337                 if (!(mode & FWRITE)) {
338                         error = EPERM;
339                         break;
340                 }
341                 error = fr_lock(data, &fr_auth_lock);
342                 break;
343         case SIOCINIFR :
344         case SIOCRMIFR :
345         case SIOCADIFR :
346                 error = EINVAL;
347                 break;
348         case SIOCINAFR :
349                 error = EINVAL;
350                 break;
351         case SIOCRMAFR :
352         case SIOCADAFR :
353                 /* These commands go via request to fr_preauthcmd */
354                 error = EINVAL;
355                 break;
356         case SIOCATHST:
357                 fr_authstats.fas_faelist = fae_list;
358                 error = IWCOPYPTR((char *)&fr_authstats, data,
359                                    sizeof(fr_authstats));
360                 break;
361         case SIOCAUTHW:
362                 if (!(mode & FWRITE)) {
363                         error = EPERM;
364                         break;
365                 }
366 fr_authioctlloop:
367                 READ_ENTER(&ipf_auth);
368                 if ((fr_authnext != fr_authend) && fr_authpkts[fr_authnext]) {
369                         error = IWCOPYPTR((char *)&fr_auth[fr_authnext], data,
370                                           sizeof(frauth_t));
371                         RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
372                         if (error)
373                                 break;
374                         WRITE_ENTER(&ipf_auth);
375                         SPL_NET(s);
376                         fr_authnext++;
377                         if (fr_authnext == FR_NUMAUTH)
378                                 fr_authnext = 0;
379                         SPL_X(s);
380                         RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
381                         return 0;
382                 }
383                 RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
384 #ifdef  _KERNEL
385 # if    SOLARIS
386                 mutex_enter(&ipf_authmx);
387                 if (!cv_wait_sig(&ipfauthwait, &ipf_authmx)) {
388                         mutex_exit(&ipf_authmx);
389                         return EINTR;
390                 }
391                 mutex_exit(&ipf_authmx);
392 # else
393                 error = SLEEP(&fr_authnext, "fr_authnext");
394 # endif
395 #endif
396                 if (!error)
397                         goto fr_authioctlloop;
398                 break;
399         case SIOCAUTHR:
400                 if (!(mode & FWRITE)) {
401                         error = EPERM;
402                         break;
403                 }
404                 error = IRCOPYPTR(data, (caddr_t)&auth, sizeof(auth));
405                 if (error)
406                         return error;
407                 WRITE_ENTER(&ipf_auth);
408                 SPL_NET(s);
409                 i = au->fra_index;
410                 fra = fr_auth + i;
411                 if ((i < 0) || (i > FR_NUMAUTH) ||
412                     (fra->fra_info.fin_id != au->fra_info.fin_id)) {
413                         SPL_X(s);
414                         RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
415                         return EINVAL;
416                 }
417                 m = fr_authpkts[i];
418                 fra->fra_index = -2;
419                 fra->fra_pass = au->fra_pass;
420                 fr_authpkts[i] = NULL;
421                 RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
422 #ifdef  _KERNEL
423                 if (m && au->fra_info.fin_out) {
424 # if SOLARIS
425                         error = (fr_qout(fra->fra_q, m) == 0) ? EINVAL : 0;
426 # else /* SOLARIS */
427                         struct route ro;
429                         bzero((char *)&ro, sizeof(ro));
430 #  if ((_BSDI_VERSION >= 199802) && (_BSDI_VERSION < 200005)) || \
431        defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || (defined(IRIX) && (IRIX >= 605)) || \
432        (__FreeBSD_version >= 470102)
433                         error = ip_output(m, NULL, &ro, IP_FORWARDING, NULL,
434                                           NULL);
435 #  else
436                         error = ip_output(m, NULL, &ro, IP_FORWARDING, NULL);
437 #  endif
438                         if (ro.ro_rt) {
439                                 RTFREE(ro.ro_rt);
440                         }
441 # endif /* SOLARIS */
442                         if (error)
443                                 fr_authstats.fas_sendfail++;
444                         else
445                                 fr_authstats.fas_sendok++;
446                 } else if (m) {
447 # if SOLARIS
448                         error = (fr_qin(fra->fra_q, m) == 0) ? EINVAL : 0;
449 # else /* SOLARIS */
450 # if defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
451                         error = netisr_queue(NETISR_IP, m);
452 # else
453                         ifq = &ipintrq;
454                         if (IF_QFULL(ifq)) {
455                                 IF_DROP(ifq);
456                                 m_freem(m);
457                                 error = ENOBUFS;
458                         } else {
459                                 IF_ENQUEUE(ifq, m);
460 #  if IRIX < 605
461                                 schednetisr(NETISR_IP);
462 #  endif
463                         }
464 # endif
465 # endif /* !SOLARIS */
466                         if (error)
467                                 fr_authstats.fas_quefail++;
468                         else
469                                 fr_authstats.fas_queok++;
470                 } else
471                         error = EINVAL;
472 # if SOLARIS
473                 if (error)
474                         error = EINVAL;
475 # else
476                 /*
477                  * If we experience an error which will result in the packet
478                  * not being processed, make sure we advance to the next one.
479                  */ 
480                 if (error == ENOBUFS) {
481                         fr_authused--;
482                         fra->fra_index = -1;
483                         fra->fra_pass = 0;
484                         if (i == fr_authstart) {
485                                 while (fra->fra_index == -1) {
486                                         i++;
487                                         if (i == FR_NUMAUTH)
488                                                 i = 0;
489                                         fr_authstart = i;
490                                         if (i == fr_authend)
491                                                 break;
492                                 }
493                                 if (fr_authstart == fr_authend) {
494                                         fr_authnext = 0;
495                                         fr_authstart = fr_authend = 0;
496                                 }
497                         }
498                 }
499 # endif
500 #endif /* _KERNEL */
501                 SPL_X(s);
502                 break;
503         default :
504                 error = EINVAL;
505                 break;
506         }
507         return error;
508 }
511 /*
512  * Free all network buffer memory used to keep saved packets.
513  */
514 void fr_authunload()
515 {
516         int i;
517         frauthent_t *fae, **faep;
518         frentry_t *fr, **frp;
519         mb_t *m;
521         WRITE_ENTER(&ipf_auth);
522         for (i = 0; i < FR_NUMAUTH; i++) {
523                 if ((m = fr_authpkts[i])) {
524                         FREE_MB_T(m);
525                         fr_authpkts[i] = NULL;
526                         fr_auth[i].fra_index = -1;
527                 }
528         }
531         for (faep = &fae_list; (fae = *faep); ) {
532                 *faep = fae->fae_next;
533                 KFREE(fae);
534         }
535         ipauth = NULL;
536         RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
538         if (fr_authlist) {
539                 /*
540                  * We *MuST* reget ipf_auth because otherwise we won't get the
541                  * locks in the right order and risk deadlock.
542                  * We need ipf_mutex here to prevent a rule from using it
543                  * inside fr_check().
544                  */
545                 WRITE_ENTER(&ipf_mutex);
546                 WRITE_ENTER(&ipf_auth);
547                 for (frp = &fr_authlist; (fr = *frp); ) {
548                         if (fr->fr_ref == 1) {
549                                 *frp = fr->fr_next;
550                                 KFREE(fr);
551                         } else
552                                 frp = &fr->fr_next;
553                 }
554                 RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
555                 RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_mutex);
556         }
557 }
560 /*
561  * Slowly expire held auth records.  Timeouts are set
562  * in expectation of this being called twice per second.
563  */
564 void fr_authexpire()
565 {
566         int i;
567         frauth_t *fra;
568         frauthent_t *fae, **faep;
569         frentry_t *fr, **frp;
570         mb_t *m;
571 #if !SOLARIS && defined(_KERNEL) && !defined(__DragonFly__)
572         int s;
573 #endif
575         if (fr_auth_lock)
576                 return;
578         SPL_NET(s);
579         WRITE_ENTER(&ipf_auth);
580         for (i = 0, fra = fr_auth; i < FR_NUMAUTH; i++, fra++) {
581                 if ((!--fra->fra_age) && (m = fr_authpkts[i])) {
582                         FREE_MB_T(m);
583                         fr_authpkts[i] = NULL;
584                         fr_auth[i].fra_index = -1;
585                         fr_authstats.fas_expire++;
586                         fr_authused--;
587                 }
588         }
590         for (faep = &fae_list; (fae = *faep); ) {
591                 if (!--fae->fae_age) {
592                         *faep = fae->fae_next;
593                         KFREE(fae);
594                         fr_authstats.fas_expire++;
595                 } else
596                         faep = &fae->fae_next;
597         }
598         if (fae_list != NULL)
599                 ipauth = &fae_list->fae_fr;
600         else
601                 ipauth = NULL;
603         for (frp = &fr_authlist; (fr = *frp); ) {
604                 if (fr->fr_ref == 1) {
605                         *frp = fr->fr_next;
606                         KFREE(fr);
607                 } else
608                         frp = &fr->fr_next;
609         }
610         RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
611         SPL_X(s);
612 }
614 int fr_preauthcmd(cmd, fr, frptr)
615 #if defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || \
616         (_BSDI_VERSION >= 199701) || (__FreeBSD_version >= 300000)
617 u_long cmd;
618 #else
619 int cmd;
620 #endif                 
621 frentry_t *fr, **frptr;
622 {
623         frauthent_t *fae, **faep;
624         int error = 0;
625 #if defined(KERNEL) && !SOLARIS && !defined(__DragonFly__)
626         int s;
627 #endif
629         if ((cmd != SIOCADAFR) && (cmd != SIOCRMAFR)) {
630                 /* Should not happen */
631                 kprintf("fr_preauthcmd called with bad cmd 0x%lx", (u_long)cmd);
632                 return EIO;
633         }
635         for (faep = &fae_list; (fae = *faep); )
636                 if (&fae->fae_fr == fr)
637                         break;
638                 else
639                         faep = &fae->fae_next;
640         if (cmd == SIOCRMAFR) {
641                 if (!fr || !frptr)
642                         error = EINVAL;
643                 else if (!fae)
644                         error = ESRCH;
645                 else {
646                         WRITE_ENTER(&ipf_auth);
647                         SPL_NET(s);
648                         *faep = fae->fae_next;
649                         *frptr = fr->fr_next;
650                         SPL_X(s);
651                         RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
652                         KFREE(fae);
653                 }
654         } else if (fr && frptr) {
655                 KMALLOC(fae, frauthent_t *);
656                 if (fae != NULL) {
657                         bcopy((char *)fr, (char *)&fae->fae_fr,
658                               sizeof(*fr));
659                         WRITE_ENTER(&ipf_auth);
660                         SPL_NET(s);
661                         fae->fae_age = fr_defaultauthage;
662                         fae->fae_fr.fr_hits = 0;
663                         fae->fae_fr.fr_next = *frptr;
664                         *frptr = &fae->fae_fr;
665                         fae->fae_next = *faep;
666                         *faep = fae;
667                         ipauth = &fae_list->fae_fr;
668                         SPL_X(s);
669                         RWLOCK_EXIT(&ipf_auth);
670                 } else
671                         error = ENOMEM;
672         } else
673                 error = EINVAL;
674         return error;
675 }