-- $Id: 200_select_disk.lua,v 1.5 2005/02/24 23:08:03 cpressey Exp $ require "gettext" require "storage_ui" return { name = "select_disk", title = "Select Disk", action = function(fsm) App.state.sel_disk = nil App.state.sel_part = nil -- XXX there might be a better place to handle this. if App.state.storage:get_disk_count() == 0 then App.ui:inform(_( "The installer could not find any suitable disks " .. "attached to this computer. If you wish to " .. "configure an installation of %s " .. "on an unorthodox storage device, you will have to " .. "exit to a LiveCD command prompt and configure it " .. "manually, using the file /README as a guide.", App.os.name) ) return nil end local dd = StorageUI.select_disk({ sd = App.state.storage, short_desc = _( "Select the disk on which the installation of %s " .. "that you wish to configure resides.", App.os.name), cancel_desc = _("Return to Main") -- _("Return to %s", fsm:prev().title) }) if dd then App.state.sel_disk = dd return fsm:next() else return nil -- fsm:prev() end end }