%{ #include //#define YYSTYPE struct token #define YY_NO_INPUT #include #include "ktrfmt.tab.h" #include "tok.h" #include "internal.h" enum { NR_TOKENS = 18, }; /* XXX: need to switch to reentrant lexer */ static struct token tokens[NR_TOKENS]; static int curr_tok; static struct symtab *strtab; static struct token * tok_new(void) { ++curr_tok; if (curr_tok == NR_TOKENS) { /* can't happen */ fprintf(stderr, "Reached max number of tokens\n"); abort(); } return &tokens[curr_tok]; } void tok_free(struct token *tok) { assert(&tokens[curr_tok] == tok); --curr_tok; } /* * We keep track of strings we've seen before so string comparison * can be done w/ a simple pointer comparison */ static char * newstr(const char *s) { void *r; if (!strtab) strtab = symtab_new(); if ((r = symtab_find(strtab, s))) return r; if (!(r = strdup(s))) return r; symtab_insert(strtab, r, r); return r; } %} %option prefix="__ktrfmt" %option outfile="ktrfmt.yy.c" %option bison-bridge %option noyywrap %option nounput INT [0-9]+ HEX 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ WHITE [ \t\r] ID [a-z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_]* CTOR [A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]* %% {WHITE}+ { /* ignore */ } \"(\\\"|[^"\n])+\" { size_t len; yylval->tok = tok_new(); yylval->tok->type = TOK_STR; len = strlen(yytext); assert(yytext[len - 1] == '"'); yytext[len - 1] = '\0'; /* kill trailing quote */ printd(LEX, "newstr(\"%s\")\n", yytext + 1); yylval->tok->str = newstr(yytext + 1); /* parser detects oom */ yytext[len - 1] = '"'; /* restore quote */ printd(LEX, "TOK_STR: \"%s\"\n", yylval->tok->str); return TOK_STR; } {ID} { yylval->tok = tok_new(); yylval->tok->type = TOK_ID; printd(LEX, "tok %p TOK_ID %p:%s\n", yylval->tok, yytext, yytext); yylval->tok->str = newstr(yytext); /* parser detects oom */ return TOK_ID; } {CTOR} { yylval->tok = tok_new(); yylval->tok->type = TOK_CTOR; printd(LEX, "tok %p TOK_CTOR %p:%s\n", yylval->tok, yytext, yytext); yylval->tok->str = newstr(yytext); /* parser detects oom */ return TOK_CTOR; } {INT} { yylval->tok = tok_new(); yylval->tok->type = TOK_INT; yylval->tok->str = strdup(yytext); /* parser detects oom */ printd(LEX, "TOK_INT\n"); return TOK_INT; } {HEX} { yylval->tok = tok_new(); yylval->tok->type = TOK_INT; yylval->tok->str = strdup(yytext); /* parser detects oom */ printd(LEX, "TOK_INT\n"); return TOK_INT; } "=" { yylval = NULL; printd(LEX, "TOK_EQ\n"); return TOK_EQ; } "." { yylval = NULL; printd(LEX, "TOK_DOT\n"); return TOK_DOT; } "[" { yylval = NULL; printd(LEX, "TOK_LEFT_BRACK\n"); return TOK_LEFT_BRACK; } "]" { yylval = NULL; printd(LEX, "TOK_RIGHT_BRACK\n"); return TOK_RIGHT_BRACK; } %%