/* * Copyright (c) 2003,2004 The DragonFly Project. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The DragonFly Project * by Matthew Dillon * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name of The DragonFly Project nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific, prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $DragonFly: src/sbin/jscan/jscan.c,v 1.13 2008/06/05 18:06:30 swildner Exp $ */ #include "jscan.h" static int donecheck(enum jdirection direction, struct jdata *jd, int64_t transid); static void usage(const char *av0); int jmodes; int fsync_opt; int verbose_opt; off_t prefix_file_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024; off_t trans_count; static enum jdirection jdirection = JD_FORWARDS; static void jscan_do_output(struct jfile *, const char *, const char *, int64_t); static void jscan_do_mirror(struct jfile *, const char *, const char *, int64_t); static void jscan_do_record(struct jfile *, const char *, const char *, int64_t); static void jscan_do_debug(struct jfile *, const char *, const char *, int64_t); static void fork_subprocess(struct jfile *, void (*)(struct jfile *, const char *, const char *, int64_t), const char *, const char *, const char *, int64_t); int main(int ac, char **av) { const char *input_prefix = NULL; char *output_transid_file = NULL; char *mirror_transid_file = NULL; const char *mirror_directory = "."; char *record_prefix = NULL; char *record_transid_file = NULL; struct jsession jsdebug; struct jsession jsoutput; struct jsession jsmirror; char *ptr; int64_t mirror_transid; int64_t output_transid; int64_t record_transid; int64_t transid; int input_fd; struct stat st; struct jfile *jf; struct jdata *jd; int ch; while ((ch = getopt(ac, av, "2c:dfm:o:s:uvw:D:O:W:F")) != -1) { switch(ch) { case '2': jmodes |= JMODEF_INPUT_FULL; break; case 'c': trans_count = strtoll(optarg, &ptr, 0); switch(*ptr) { case 't': trans_count *= 1024; /* fall through */ case 'g': trans_count *= 1024; /* fall through */ case 'm': trans_count *= 1024; /* fall through */ case 'k': trans_count *= 1024; break; case 0: break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Bad suffix for value specified with -c, use 'k', 'm', 'g', 't', or nothing\n"); usage(av[0]); } break; case 'd': jmodes |= JMODEF_DEBUG; break; case 'f': jmodes |= JMODEF_LOOP_FOREVER; break; case 'v': ++verbose_opt; break; case 'm': jmodes |= JMODEF_MIRROR; if (strcmp(optarg, "none") != 0) mirror_transid_file = optarg; break; case 'O': jmodes |= JMODEF_OUTPUT_FULL; /* fall through */ case 'o': jmodes |= JMODEF_OUTPUT; if (strcmp(optarg, "none") != 0) output_transid_file = optarg; break; case 's': prefix_file_size = strtoll(optarg, &ptr, 0); switch(*ptr) { case 't': prefix_file_size *= 1024; /* fall through */ case 'g': prefix_file_size *= 1024; /* fall through */ case 'm': prefix_file_size *= 1024; /* fall through */ case 'k': prefix_file_size *= 1024; break; case 0: break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Bad suffix for value specified with -s, use 'k', 'm', 'g', 't', or nothing\n"); usage(av[0]); } break; case 'u': jdirection = JD_BACKWARDS; break; case 'W': jmodes |= JMODEF_RECORD_TMP; /* fall through */ case 'w': jmodes |= JMODEF_RECORD; record_prefix = optarg; asprintf(&record_transid_file, "%s.transid", record_prefix); break; case 'D': mirror_directory = optarg; break; case 'F': ++fsync_opt; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "unknown option: -%c\n", optopt); usage(av[0]); } } /* * Sanity checks */ if ((jmodes & JMODEF_COMMAND_MASK) == 0) usage(av[0]); if (optind > ac + 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Only one input file or prefix may be specified,\n" "or zero if stdin is to be the input.\n"); usage(av[0]); } if (strcmp(mirror_directory, ".") != 0) { struct stat sb; if (stat(mirror_directory, &sb) != 0) { perror ("Could not stat mirror directory"); usage(av[0]); } if (!S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { fprintf (stderr, "Mirror directory '%s' is not a directory\n", mirror_directory); usage(av[0]); } } if (jdirection == JD_BACKWARDS && (jmodes & (JMODEF_RECORD|JMODEF_OUTPUT))) { fprintf(stderr, "Undo mode is only good in mirroring mode and " "cannot be mixed with other modes.\n"); exit(1); } /* * STEP1 - OPEN INPUT * * The input will either be a pipe, a regular file, or a journaling * file prefix. */ jf = NULL; if (optind == ac) { input_prefix = ""; input_fd = 0; if (fstat(0, &st) < 0 || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { jmodes |= JMODEF_INPUT_PIPE; if (jdirection == JD_BACKWARDS) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot scan journals on pipes backwards\n"); usage(av[0]); } } jf = jopen_fd(input_fd); } else if (stat(av[optind], &st) == 0 && S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { input_prefix = av[optind]; if ((input_fd = open(av[optind], O_RDONLY)) != 0) { jf = jopen_fd(input_fd); } else { jf = NULL; } } else { input_prefix = av[optind]; jf = jopen_prefix(input_prefix, 0); jmodes |= JMODEF_INPUT_PREFIX; } if (jf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open input %s: %s\n", input_prefix, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } /* * STEP 1 - SYNCHRONIZING THE INPUT STREAM * * Figure out the starting point for our various output modes. Figure * out the earliest transaction id and try to seek to that point, * otherwise we might have to scan through terrabytes of data. * * Invalid transid's will be set to 0, but it should also be noted * that 0 is also a valid transid. */ get_transid_from_file(output_transid_file, &output_transid, JMODEF_OUTPUT_TRANSID_GOOD); get_transid_from_file(mirror_transid_file, &mirror_transid, JMODEF_MIRROR_TRANSID_GOOD); get_transid_from_file(record_transid_file, &record_transid, JMODEF_RECORD_TRANSID_GOOD); transid = LLONG_MAX; if ((jmodes & JMODEF_OUTPUT_TRANSID_GOOD) && output_transid < transid) transid = output_transid; if ((jmodes & JMODEF_MIRROR_TRANSID_GOOD) && mirror_transid < transid) transid = mirror_transid; if ((jmodes & JMODEF_RECORD_TRANSID_GOOD) && record_transid < transid) transid = record_transid; if ((jmodes & JMODEF_TRANSID_GOOD_MASK) == 0) transid = 0; if (verbose_opt) { if (jmodes & JMODEF_OUTPUT) { fprintf(stderr, "Starting transid for OUTPUT: %016llx\n", output_transid); } if (jmodes & JMODEF_MIRROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Starting transid for MIRROR: %016llx\n", mirror_transid); } if (jmodes & JMODEF_RECORD) { fprintf(stderr, "Starting transid for RECORD: %016llx\n", record_transid); } } if (strcmp(mirror_directory, ".") != 0) { if (chdir (mirror_directory) != 0) { perror ("Could not enter mirror directory"); exit (1); } } /* * Now it gets more difficult. If we are recording then the input * could be representative of continuing data and not have any * prior, older data that the output or mirror modes might need. Those * modes must work off the recording data even as we write to it. * In that case we fork and have the sub-processes work off the * record output. * * Then we take the input and start recording. */ if (jmodes & JMODEF_RECORD) { if (jrecord_init(record_prefix) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize file set for: %s\n", record_prefix); exit(1); } if (jmodes & JMODEF_MIRROR) { fork_subprocess(jf, jscan_do_mirror, record_prefix, mirror_transid_file, mirror_directory, mirror_transid); /* XXX ack stream for temporary record file removal */ } if (jmodes & JMODEF_OUTPUT) { fork_subprocess(jf, jscan_do_output, record_prefix, record_transid_file, NULL, output_transid); /* XXX ack stream for temporary record file removal */ } jscan_do_record(jf, record_transid_file, record_prefix, record_transid); exit(0); } /* * If the input is a prefix set we can just pass it to the appropriate * jscan_do_*() function. If we are doing both output and mirroring * we fork the mirror and do the output in the foreground since that * is going to stdout. */ if (jmodes & JMODEF_INPUT_PREFIX) { if ((jmodes & JMODEF_OUTPUT) && (jmodes & JMODEF_MIRROR)) { fork_subprocess(jf, jscan_do_mirror, input_prefix, mirror_transid_file, mirror_directory, mirror_transid); jscan_do_output(jf, output_transid_file, NULL, output_transid); } else if (jmodes & JMODEF_OUTPUT) { jscan_do_output(jf, output_transid_file, NULL, output_transid); } else if (jmodes & JMODEF_MIRROR) { jscan_do_mirror(jf, mirror_transid_file, mirror_directory, mirror_transid); } else if (jmodes & JMODEF_DEBUG) { jscan_do_debug(jf, NULL, NULL, 0); } exit(0); } /* * The input is not a prefix set and we are not recording, which means * we have to transfer the data on the input pipe to the output and * mirroring code on the fly. This also means that we must keep track * of meta-data records in-memory. However, if the input is a regular * file we *CAN* try to optimize where we start reading. * * NOTE: If the mirroring code encounters a transaction record that is * not marked begin, and it does not have the begin record, it will * attempt to locate the begin record if the input is not a pipe, then * seek back. */ if ((jmodes & JMODEF_TRANSID_GOOD_MASK) && !(jmodes & JMODEF_INPUT_PIPE)) jd = jseek(jf, transid, jdirection); else jd = jread(jf, NULL, jdirection); jmodes |= JMODEF_MEMORY_TRACKING; jsession_init(&jsdebug, jf, jdirection, NULL, 0); jsession_init(&jsoutput, jf, jdirection, output_transid_file, output_transid); jsession_init(&jsmirror, jf, jdirection, mirror_transid_file, mirror_transid); jsmirror.ss_mirror_directory = mirror_directory; while (jd != NULL) { if ((jmodes & JMODEF_DEBUG) && jsession_check(&jsdebug, jd)) dump_debug(&jsdebug, jd); if ((jmodes & JMODEF_OUTPUT) && jsession_check(&jsoutput, jd)) dump_output(&jsoutput, jd); if ((jmodes & JMODEF_MIRROR) && jsession_check(&jsmirror, jd)) dump_mirror(&jsmirror, jd); if (donecheck(jdirection, jd, transid)) { jfree(jf, jd); break; } jd = jread(jf, jd, jdirection); } jclose(jf); jsession_term(&jsdebug); jsession_term(&jsoutput); jsession_term(&jsmirror); return(0); } /* * Returns one if we need to break out of our scanning loop, zero otherwise. */ static int donecheck(enum jdirection direction, struct jdata *jd, int64_t transid) { if (direction == JD_FORWARDS) { if (jd->jd_transid > transid && trans_count && --trans_count == 0) return(1); } else { if (jd->jd_transid <= transid && trans_count && --trans_count == 0) return(1); } return(0); } /* * When we have multiple commands and are writing to a prefix set, we can * 'background' the output and/or mirroring command and have the background * processes feed off the prefix set the foreground process is writing to. */ static void fork_subprocess(struct jfile *jftoclose, void (*func)(struct jfile *, const char *, const char *, int64_t), const char *input_prefix, const char *transid_file, const char *info, int64_t transid) { pid_t pid; struct jfile *jf; if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { jmodes &= ~(JMODEF_DEBUG | JMODEF_INPUT_PIPE); jmodes |= JMODEF_LOOP_FOREVER; /* keep checking for new input */ jclose(jftoclose); jf = jopen_prefix(input_prefix, 0); jmodes |= JMODEF_INPUT_PREFIX; func(jf, transid_file, info, transid); jclose(jf); exit(0); } else if (pid < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "fork(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } static void jscan_do_output(struct jfile *jf, const char *output_transid_file, const char *dummy __unused, int64_t transid) { struct jdata *jd; struct jsession jsdebug; struct jsession jsoutput; jsession_init(&jsdebug, jf, jdirection, NULL, 0); jsession_init(&jsoutput, jf, jdirection, output_transid_file, transid); if ((jmodes & JMODEF_OUTPUT_TRANSID_GOOD) && !(jmodes & JMODEF_INPUT_PIPE)) jd = jseek(jf, transid, jdirection); else jd = jread(jf, NULL, jdirection); while (jd != NULL) { if ((jmodes & JMODEF_DEBUG) && jsession_check(&jsdebug, jd)) dump_debug(&jsdebug, jd); if (jsession_check(&jsoutput, jd)) dump_output(&jsoutput, jd); if (donecheck(jdirection, jd, transid)) { jfree(jf, jd); break; } jd = jread(jf, jd, jdirection); } jsession_term(&jsdebug); jsession_term(&jsoutput); } static void jscan_do_mirror(struct jfile *jf, const char *mirror_transid_file, const char *mirror_directory, int64_t transid) { struct jsession jsdebug; struct jsession jsmirror; struct jdata *jd; jsession_init(&jsdebug, jf, jdirection, NULL, 0); jsession_init(&jsmirror, jf, jdirection, mirror_transid_file, transid); jsmirror.ss_mirror_directory = mirror_directory; if ((jmodes & JMODEF_MIRROR_TRANSID_GOOD) && !(jmodes & JMODEF_INPUT_PIPE)) jd = jseek(jf, transid, jdirection); else jd = jread(jf, NULL, jdirection); while (jd != NULL) { if ((jmodes & JMODEF_DEBUG) && jsession_check(&jsdebug, jd)) dump_debug(&jsdebug, jd); if (jsession_check(&jsmirror, jd)) dump_mirror(&jsmirror, jd); if (donecheck(jdirection, jd, transid)) { jfree(jf, jd); break; } jd = jread(jf, jd, jdirection); } jsession_term(&jsdebug); jsession_term(&jsmirror); } static void jscan_do_record(struct jfile *jfin, const char *record_transid_file, const char *prefix, int64_t transid) { struct jsession jsdebug; struct jsession jsrecord; struct jdata *jd; jsession_init(&jsdebug, jfin, jdirection, NULL, 0); jsession_init(&jsrecord, jfin, jdirection, record_transid_file, transid); assert(jdirection == JD_FORWARDS); jsrecord.ss_jfout = jopen_prefix(prefix, 1); if (jsrecord.ss_jfout == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open prefix set for writing: %s\n", prefix); exit(1); } if ((jmodes & JMODEF_RECORD_TRANSID_GOOD) && !(jmodes & JMODEF_INPUT_PIPE)) jd = jseek(jfin, transid, jdirection); else jd = jread(jfin, NULL, jdirection); while (jd != NULL) { if ((jmodes & JMODEF_DEBUG) && jsession_check(&jsdebug, jd)) dump_debug(&jsdebug, jd); if (jsession_check(&jsrecord, jd)) dump_record(&jsrecord, jd); if (donecheck(jdirection, jd, transid)) { jfree(jfin, jd); break; } jd = jread(jfin, jd, jdirection); } jclose(jsrecord.ss_jfout); jsrecord.ss_jfout = NULL; jsession_term(&jsdebug); jsession_term(&jsrecord); } static void jscan_do_debug(struct jfile *jf, const char *dummy1 __unused, const char *dummy __unused, int64_t transid __unused) { struct jsession jsdebug; struct jdata *jd; jsession_init(&jsdebug, jf, jdirection, NULL, 0); jd = NULL; while ((jd = jread(jf, jd, jdirection)) != NULL) { if (jsession_check(&jsdebug, jd)) dump_debug(&jsdebug, jd); if (donecheck(jdirection, jd, transid)) { jfree(jf, jd); break; } } jsession_term(&jsdebug); } static void usage(const char *av0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s [-2dfuvF] [-D dir] [-m mirror_transid_file/none]\n" "\t[-o/O output_transid_file/none]\n" "\t[-s size[kmgt]] -w/W record_prefix] [input_file/input_prefix]\n", av0); exit(1); }