## Requirements You should have read [[HowToPkgsrc]], installed pkgsrc and know how to use it. Capable of being able to breathe would help, too. ## lang/sun-jre14 and lang/sun-jdk14 IMHO are this the only binary Java ports you can get working. But as of 21.03.2007 you can not use 1_4_2_13 with DragonFly 1.9.0-PREVIEW. I got it working with 1_4_2_11, which you can get at [[http://java.sun.com/products/archive]]. To get your pkgsrc lang/sun-jre14 and lang/sun-jdk14 back to 1_4_2_11 do: # cd lang/sun-jre14 # cvs update -dPD 20060727 and . # cd lang/sun-jdk14 # cvs update -dPD 20060727 Now do an default install ritual. FYI: You tagged pkgsrc lang/sun-jre14 and lang/sun-jdk14 and they will not be updated anymore until you use once: . # cvs update -dPA instead of your default: . # cvs update -dP ## wip/jdk14 Default prozedure should work, if your libexec/rtld-elf/rtld.c is version 1.27 (as Release 1.8.1) and install a working lang/sun-jre14 and lang/sun-jdk14, as described above.