## Appendix B. Bibliography While the manual pages provide the definitive reference for individual pieces of the DragonFly operating system, they are notorious for not illustrating how to put the pieces together to make the whole operating system run smoothly. For this, there is no substitute for a good book on UNIX® system administration and a good users' manual. ## B.1 Books & Magazines Specific to BSD ***International books & Magazines:*** * [Using FreeBSD](http://jdli.tw.FreeBSD.org/publication/book/freebsd2/index.htm) (in Chinese). * FreeBSD for PC 98'ers (in Japanese), published by SHUWA System Co, LTD. ISBN 4-87966-468-5 C3055 P2900E. * FreeBSD (in Japanese), published by CUTT. ISBN 4-906391-22-2 C3055 P2400E. * [Complete Introduction to FreeBSD](http://www.shoeisha.com/book/Detail.asp?bid=650) (in Japanese), published by [Shoeisha Co., Ltd](http://www.shoeisha.co.jp/). ISBN 4-88135-473-6 P3600E. * [Personal UNIX Starter Kit FreeBSD](http://www.ascii.co.jp/pb/book1/shinkan/detail/1322785.html) (in Japanese), published by [ASCII](http://www.ascii.co.jp/). ISBN 4-7561-1733-3 P3000E. * FreeBSD Handbook (Japanese translation), published by [ASCII](http://www.ascii.co.jp/). ISBN 4-7561-1580-2 P3800E. * FreeBSD mit Methode (in German), published by [Computer und Literatur Verlag](http://www.cul.de)/Vertrieb Hanser, 1998. ISBN 3-932311-31-0. * [FreeBSD 4 - Installieren, Konfigurieren, Administrieren](http://www.cul.de/freebsd.html) (in German), published by [Computer und Literatur Verlag](http://www.cul.de), 2001. ISBN 3-932311-88-4. * [FreeBSD 5 - Installieren, Konfigurieren, Administrieren](http://www.cul.de/freebsd.html) (in German), published by [Computer und Literatur Verlag](http://www.cul.de), 2003. ISBN 3-936546-06-1. * [FreeBSD de Luxe](http://www.mitp.de/vmi/mitp/detail/pWert/1343/) (in German), published by [Verlag Modere Industrie](http://www.mitp.de), 2003. ISBN 3-8266-1343-0. * [FreeBSD Install and Utilization Manual](http://www.pc.mycom.co.jp/FreeBSD/install-manual.html) (in Japanese), published by [Mainichi Communications Inc.](http://www.pc.mycom.co.jp/). * Onno W Purbo, Dodi Maryanto, Syahrial Hubbany, Widjil Widodo ***[Building Internet Server with FreeBSD](http://maxwell.itb.ac.id/)*** (in Indonesia Language), published by [Elex Media Komputindo](http://www.elexmedia.co.id/). ***English language books & Magazines:*** * [Absolute BSD: The Ultimate Guide to FreeBSD](http://www.AbsoluteBSD.com/), published by [No Starch Press](http://www.nostarch.com/), 2002. ISBN: 1886411743 * [The Complete FreeBSD](http://www.freebsdmall.com/cgi-bin/fm/bsdcomp), published by [O'Reilly](http://www.oreilly.com/), 2003. ISBN: 0596005164 * [The FreeBSD Corporate Networker's Guide](http://www.freebsd-corp-net-guide.com/), published by [Addison-Wesley](http://www.awl.com/aw/), 2000. ISBN: 0201704811 * [FreeBSD: An Open-Source Operating System for Your Personal Computer](http://andrsn.stanford.edu/FreeBSD/introbook/), published by The Bit Tree Press, 2001. ISBN: 0971204500 * Teach Yourself FreeBSD in 24 Hours, published by [Sams](http://www.samspublishing.com/), 2002. ISBN: 0672324245 * FreeBSD unleashed, published by [Sams](http://www.samspublishing.com/), 2002. ISBN: 0672324563 * FreeBSD: The Complete Reference, published by [McGrawHill](http://books.mcgraw-hill.com), 2003. ISBN: 0072224096 CategoryHandbook Category