# et # Anisoptera ### Various Tidbits * **Hammer** is hands down the best file system currently in existence. **DragonFly BSD** is an awesome operating system, but it's a bit rough around the edges for everyday use. I would like DragonFly to be easier to use so that my everyday desktop environment can use Hammer. * **[Dissonance](https://bitbucket.org/varialus/dissonance)** is my fork of Apache Harmony, which is a clean room implementation of Java with a permissive license. Apache gave up because they couldn't license the Java compatibility testing framework. If Oracle isn't going to provide the compatibility testing framework, then the community should write its own compatibility framework that's better than the official one. This would cause dissonance between Oracle and the community, but that's no reason to not pursue it. I'd like to get Dissonance running on DragonFly. * **[Jython](http://www.jython.org/)** is Python written in Java. It's cool. But it's not installed in DragonFly by default. * **ee** is roughly equivalent to **nano**. They are both easy to use command line text editors. The exit option will ask you whether you want to save and you can get to it by pressing Ctrl-[ and selecting 'a) leave editor'. It would be cool if there was a shortcut to ee named nano. * **pkgin** is roughly equivalent to **apt-get**. They are both fairly straightforward command line package management utilities. It would be cool if there was a shortcut to pkgin named apt-get. ### Various Issues * Varialus should ensure that these issues are properly logged. Yes, I know that they should be properly logged and I intend to eventually get them all logged. In the mean time hopefully my notes will help someone still trying to find the answers to life's persistent questions. * The installer should offer the Xfce desktop environment as a supported option. Observed in DragonFly 3.0.2. * The installer should set the keyboard layout before any typing is required. Observed in DragonFly 3.0.2. * The installer should set the keyboard layout for the GUI. Observed in DragonFly 3.0.2. See workaround below. * The installer should set the keyboard layout for encryption password prompt. Observed in DragonFly 3.0.2. * The installer should configure the keyboard within the GUI to be able to use the caps lock key. Observed in DragonFly 3.0.2. See workaround below. * When encrypting the swap partition, the installer should configure the boot loader to generate a random key each time the system is booted so that the password doesn't have to be typed twice when the system is booted. Observed in DragonFly 3.0.2. * When configuring the system from the installer, if the system just finished installing with encryption, the hard drive should stay unlocked so that the user doesn't have to type in his password again. Observed in DragonFly 3.0.2. * When configuring the system from the installer, if the system is encrypted but was not just barely installed, the user should only have to type in his password once, not twice. Observed in DragonFly 3.0.2. * When installing from a USB device onto a USB device, the installer should ensure that installed media is named such that when booted without the USB installer, the installed device name doesn't change. Observed in DragonFly 3.0.2. * When installing onto a 3TB+ hard drive, the default partition table should be able to handle that size. Observed in DragonFly 3.0.2. Fixed and tested in snapshot on 8/14/2012. See workaround below. * After selecting to install using all of a 3TB+ hard drive that already has an MS-DOS/MBR partition table on it, the installer should overwrite the partition table with an adequate partition table such as GPT. Observed in snapshot on 8/14/2012. * The installer should provide a shell which lists valid auto completion options after pressing tab twice. Observed in DragonFly 3.0.2. * ->Excepting the bullet point, this syntax should center text in this wiki.<- Observed on 8/25/2012. ### Various Workarounds **Enable the Caps Lock Key within the GUI** Edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf. ee /etc/X11/xorg.conf Delete the ctrl:nocaps XkbOptions option from the InputDevice section with the identifier Keyboard0 of the xorg.conf file. Or comment it out by prefixing the line with the # symbol. Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Keyboard0" Driver "kbd" #Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl:nocaps" EndSection **Install Non-GUI on 3TB+ Hard Drive** *WARNING:* This workaround includes instructions which will delete all data from a hard drive. Delete the partition table from the hard drive. There are various tools with which to do this, one particularly easy to use tool is the [GParted Live CD/USB](http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php). Install from a [snapshot version of DragonFly](http://avalon.dragonflybsd.org/snapshots/). Be aware that snapshot versions are less thoroughly tested than stable releases. Tested in snapshot on 8/14/2012. **Set the GUI Keyboard Layout** Edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf. ee /etc/X11/xorg.conf Set the XkbVariant option to your keyboard variant. Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Keyboard0" Driver "kbd" Option "XkbVariant" "dvorak" EndSection Valid keyboard options can be found by searching through /usr/pkg/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ for example to find references to the dvorak keyboard layout, run the following command. grep --color -n -r dvorak /usr/pkg/share/X11/xkb/symbols If too many lines scroll by, you can use your arrow buttons to scroll back within the non-graphical console screen by pressing the Scroll Lock button on your keyboard. Tested in DragonFly 3.0.2.