[[!meta title="Google Summer of Code 2009"]] [[!toc levels=3]] DragonFly BSD is participating in Google Summer of Code 2009. A list of accepted projects is below. Have a look at our [[pages|docs/developer/GoogleSoC2008/]] from 2008 to get an overview about last year's projects. [Google's SoC page](http://socghop.appspot.com/) # Accepted projects ## DevFS for DragonFly BSD * **Student**: Alex Hornung * **Mentor**: Joe Talbott ## Support debugging of multi-threaded applications * **Student**: Dan Chis * **Mentor**: Simon Schubert ## C99 and POSIX conformance audit * **Student**: Efstathios Kamperis * **Mentor**: Hasso Tepper ## Finish amd64 port of DragonFly * **Student**: Jordan Gordeev * **Mentor**: Matthew Dillon ## Profile SMP kernel contention * **Student**: Robert Luciani * **Mentor**: Samuel Greear