Virtualized DragonflyBSD - Several Virtual Machines ready to download [[!toc levels=3 ]] We have prepared some download-n-run virtual machines on several virtualization systems that you can use without the need of installing DragonFlyBSD. Try out our new filesystem HAMMER which is full of features, and help us improving with your feedback on the [Mailing Lists]( ## QEMU / KVM **Stable 2.0** :: Bare DFBSD Installation [ [Tarred GZ]( ] [Tarred BZIP2] - See **QEMU/KVM** instructions below :: Minimal X DFBSD Installation [Tarred GZ] [Tarred BZIP2] :: KDE DFBSD Installation [Tarred GZ] [Tarred BZIP2] ## VMWare **Stable 2.0** :: Bare DFBSD Installation [ [Tarred GZ]( ] [Tarred BZIP2] - See **VMWARE** instructions below :: Minimal X DFBSD Installation [Tarred GZ] [Tarred BZIP2] :: KDE DFBSD Installation [Tarred GZ] [Tarred BZIP2] ## Vkernel infrastructure **Stable 2.0** :: Bare DFBSD Installation [ [Tarred GZ]( ] [Tarred BZIP2] - See **VKERNEL** instructions below ## VirtualBox Not yet available. See [The problem]( ## OpenVZ Not yet available. ## Xen Not yet available. ## General instructions ### Instructions for QEMU/KVM **User:** root / **Password:** dragonfly ### Instructions for VMWARE **User:** root / **Password:** dragonfly ### Instructions for VKERNEL **User:** root / **Password:** dragonfly ## Final notes ## Contact You can either write to our[Mailing Lists](,[contact me]( directly or just connect to IRC EFNet on channel #dragonflybsd Cheers Antonio Huete