2007-06-18 dmcmahillAdd guile16-gtk-0.5. This is based on the guile-gtk...
2007-06-16 sborrillDeskMenu is a root menu program which is activated...
2007-06-15 dmcmahillimport tex-cooking-0.9b
2007-06-15 minskimImport ruby-maruku.
2007-06-14 bouyerRename xentools30-hvm to xentools3-hvm to acknowledge...
2007-06-14 bouyerRename xentools30 to xentools3 to acknowledge that...
2007-06-14 bouyerRename xenkernel30 to xenkernel3 to acknowledge that...
2007-06-14 minskimImport ruby-itex2MML.
2007-06-14 minskimImport itex2MML, which converts the itex equations...
2007-06-13 obacheImport libjudy version 1.0.4.
2007-06-13 rilligImported six.
2007-06-12 heinzInitial import of p5-DateTime-Calendar-Discordian 0...
2007-06-11 heinzInitial import of p5-LWPx-ParanoidAgent 1.03.
2007-06-11 agcInitial import of loggedfs-0.4, a FUSE-based file syste...
2007-06-11 heinzInitial import of p5-Text-Textile 2.03.
2007-06-11 minskimImport ruby-ferret.
2007-06-11 minskimImport ZenTest.
2007-06-11 minskimImport Erubis.
2007-06-11 minskimImport ruby-feed-normalizer.
2007-06-11 minskimImport ruby-simple-rss.
2007-06-11 minskimImport hoe.
2007-06-11 minskimImport rubyforge, a simplistic script which automates...
2007-06-10 absAdded p5-Template-Stash-EscapeHTML version 0.01
2007-06-10 minskimImport p5-Geo-IPfree from pkgsrc-wip. Packaged by...
2007-06-10 absAdded databases/p5-Rose-DB-Object version 0.764
2007-06-10 absAdded databases/p5-Rose-DB version 0.734
2007-06-10 absAdded devel/p5-Rose-Object version 0.84
2007-06-10 absAdded time/p5-Rose-DateTime version 0.532
2007-06-10 absAdded databases/p5-SQL-ReservedWords version 0.7
2007-06-10 absAdded devel/p5-Clone-PP version 1.02
2007-06-10 absAdded devel/p5-Data-OptList version 0.101
2007-06-10 absAdded devel/p5-Sub-Exporter version 0.974
2007-06-10 absAdded devel/p5-Sub-Install version 0.924
2007-06-10 absAdded time/p5-DateTime-Format-MySQL version 0.04
2007-06-10 absAdded time/p5-DateTime-Format-Pg version 0.16001
2007-06-10 absImport p5-Time-Clock-0.11
2007-06-08 sborrillImport desklaunch 1.1.5
2007-06-08 heinzInitial import of dvdisaster 0.70.4. from pkgsrc-wip.
2007-06-08 wizInitial import of libmusicbrainz-3.x:
2007-06-08 pookaipbt, a high-tech ttyrec player with the ability to...
2007-06-06 rilligImported Bastille from pkgsrc-wip.
2007-06-06 markdImport of p5-Data-ICal-DateTime version 0.65
2007-06-06 markdImport p5-Data-ICal version 0.13
2007-06-06 markdImport p5-DateTime-Event-ICal version 0.09
2007-06-06 markdImport p5-DateTime-Event-Recurrence version 0.16
2007-06-06 markdImport p5-DateTime-Format-ICal version 0.08
2007-06-06 markdImport of koverartist-0.5
2007-06-05 rilligImported bouml from pkgsrc-wip.
2007-06-05 schmonzInitial import of FreePOPs 0.2.4, an extensible POP3...
2007-06-04 dmcmahillImport guile-1.6.8 as guile16-1.6.8 as part of getting...
2007-06-04 rilligImported p5-Class-Accessor-Chained from pkgsrc-wip.
2007-06-04 obacheImport rabbit version 0.5.2.
2007-06-03 jmmvInitial import of tex-resume-20010823:
2007-06-03 dsaintyFix-CA is a Gimp plug-in to correct chromatic aberratio...
2007-06-02 agcInitial import of metisse-0.4.0rc4 into the Packages...
2007-06-02 jmmvReimport of boost-build as boost-jam (version 1.33...
2007-06-02 jmmvInitial import of planner, version 0.14.2:
2007-06-02 agcInitial import of nucleo-0.6 into the Packages Collection.
2007-05-30 obacheImport xxkb version 1.11 from pkgsrc-wip.
2007-05-29 tacaImporting devel/psvn.
2007-05-28 jmmvInitial import of tex-algorithm2e, version 3.9:
2007-05-28 obacheImport antiright version 3.4.
2007-05-27 heinzInitial import of p5-File-Tempdir 0.02.
2007-05-27 obacheImport mimetex version 1.64.
2007-05-27 obacheImport ruby-gnome2-poppler version 0.16.0.
2007-05-26 obacheImport rcairo version 1.4.1.
2007-05-26 obacheImport ruby-htree version 0.6.
2007-05-26 obacheImport ruby-gnome2-rsvg version 0.16.0.
2007-05-26 obacheImport ruby-gnome2-gnomeprint version 0.16.0.
2007-05-26 obacheImport ruby-gettext version 1.9.0.
2007-05-26 minskimImport ruby-mechanize.
2007-05-26 minskimImport ruby-hpricot.
2007-05-26 minskimImport xhtmldiff.
2007-05-25 minskimImport ragel.
2007-05-25 agcInitial import of htop-0.6.5 into the Packages Collection.
2007-05-25 jmmvInitial import of tex-glossaries, version 1.0:
2007-05-25 jmmvInitial import of tex-xkeyval, version 2.5f:
2007-05-25 markdInitial import p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM...
2007-05-25 markdInitial import p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBH version...
2007-05-24 obacheImport ucpp version 1.3.
2007-05-24 minskimImport ruby-syntax.
2007-05-23 markdInitial import libopensync version 0.22
2007-05-21 reedImport sparse.
2007-05-20 joergImport modular-xorg-apps-1.0, a meta-pkg for the variou...
2007-05-20 heinzInitial import of ossp-uuid 1.6.0.
2007-05-20 heinzInitial import of p5-DBD-SQLite2 0.33.
2007-05-19 wizInitial import of mednafen-0.8.1, previously packaged...
2007-05-19 heinzInitial import of sudoku-cli 1.0.1.
2007-05-18 heinzInitial import of p5-GD-Graph-sparklines 0.2.
2007-05-18 wizInitial import of tesseract-1.04b from pkgsrc-wip ...
2007-05-17 wizInitial import of g-wrap196, the 1.9.6 release of g...
2007-05-16 heinzInitial import of p5-GD-SVG 0.28.
2007-05-16 heinzInitial import of p5-SVG 2.33.
2007-05-16 agcInitial import of wdfs-1.4.1 into the Packages Collection.
2007-05-16 xtraemeInitial import of fuse-obexfs-0.8.
2007-05-15 heinzInitial import of liblrdf 0.4.0.
2007-05-13 wizPackage for gnucash-2.1.1, the current development...
2007-05-13 sebInitial import of p5-Class-Std version 0.0.8 into The...
2007-05-13 sebInitial import of p5-Getopt-Euclid version 0.1.0 into...
2007-05-13 sebInitial import of p5-IO-InSitu version 0.0.2 into The...