Pullup ticket #3700 - requested by wiz
[pkgsrcv2.git] / devel /
2012-03-05 tronPullup ticket #3693 - requested by taca
2012-02-13 spzPullup ticket #3681 - requested by riz
2012-02-12 sbdPullup ticket #3679 - requested by spz
2012-02-02 tronPullup ticket #3669 - requested by bouyer
2012-01-19 tronPullup ticket #3657 - requested by ryoon
2012-01-08 pkgsrc fixupFixup fromcvs/togit conversion
2012-01-08 tronPullup ticket #3638 - requested by obache
2012-01-07 marinodevel/nspr, devel/xulrunner: PR#45638 (DragonFly support)
2012-01-07 obacheUse MACHINE_ARCH instead of LOWER_ARCH to detect Java...
2012-01-06 obacheApply patches to fix SEGV by GC on Ruby 1.9 for Ruby...
2012-01-06 sbdOnly add the yasm build dependence on platforms the...
2012-01-05 sbdEnabling the jemalloc option adds two more files to...
2012-01-05 sbdAdd yasm>=1.1.0 as a build dependence.
2012-01-04 dhollandmissing libXxf86vm, showed up in linux build
2012-01-03 dhollandThe reason this can't find its own source files is...
2012-01-02 dhollandUse xulrunner192; does not build with later version.
2012-01-02 obacheUpdate cutter to 1.2.0.
2012-01-02 dholland- patch out uncompilable unused declaration (not clear...
2012-01-02 dhollandPatch out YY_PROTO, which is no longer provided by...
2011-12-31 tsutsuiPull fix from upstream for asm error on NetBSD/arm...
2011-12-29 jmcneilluse AUDIO_GETBUFINFO when available; bump pkg revision
2011-12-27 christosPut back the 3 macro files lost in the previous update...
2011-12-26 joergFix RCS ID
2011-12-26 wizFix typo in ifdef.
2011-12-25 pkgsrc fixupFixup fromcvs/togit conversion
2011-12-24 dhollandRevert addition of devel/nspr; problem is now solved...
2011-12-23 asauThis needs libnspr4.
2011-12-23 asauHome page and master site moved to frama-c.com/
2011-12-23 joergMake sure that the directory exists before writing...
2011-12-23 joergWorkaround brain damage from configure (non-)test by...
2011-12-22 joergDisable use of tgmath.h on NetBSD, since various functi...
2011-12-20 dhollandForce MKPROFILE=yes to avoid PLIST divergence.
2011-12-19 hiramatsuFix build with perl 5.14.
2011-12-19 wizpkglint fix.
2011-12-19 wizFix build with gcc-4.5.
2011-12-19 wizFix openssl breakage so this package can now progress...
2011-12-19 wizpkglint fix.
2011-12-19 schwarzupdated version to 3.6.0 in buildlink3.mk file
2011-12-19 schwarzupgraded to libosip2-3.6.0; added LICENSE information
2011-12-19 obacheNeed to include bsd.prefs.mk before using PKGPATH.
2011-12-19 obacheUpdate firefox36 to 3.6.24.
2011-12-19 dhollandForce MKPROFILE=yes to avoid PLIST divergence.
2011-12-18 sbd"included by ncursesw" means the ncursesw Makefile...
2011-12-18 sbdAdd ruby-hike (Hi taca)
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaAdd missing dependency to ruby-multi_json, noted by...
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaAdd and enable ruby-randexp.
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 tacaImporting devel/ruby-randexp package version 0.1.6.
2011-12-17 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 wizUpdate to 3.290:
2011-12-17 obache+ npapi-sdk
2011-12-17 obacheImport npapi-sdk-0.27 as devel/npapi-sdk.
2011-12-17 obacheMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-17 obacheChange default PKGNAME scheme for PECL packages.
2011-12-17 sbdAdd missing mk/curses buildlink.
2011-12-17 sbdAdd missing mk/termcap buildlink.
2011-12-16 sbdAdd missing devel/zlib buildlink.
2011-12-16 ryoonUSE_JAVA and USE_JAVA2 requires mk/java-vm.mk.
2011-12-16 tacaUpdate ruby-rspec-rails package to 2.7.0.
2011-12-16 tacaUpdate ruby-rspec package to 2.7.0.
2011-12-16 tacaUpdate ruby-rspec-mocks package to 2.7.0.
2011-12-16 tacaUpdate ruby-rspec-expectations package to 2.7.0.
2011-12-16 tacaUpdate ruby-rspec-core package to 2.7.1.
2011-12-16 tacaUpdate devel/ruby-test-unit package to 2.4.3.
2011-12-16 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-16 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-16 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-16 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-16 tacaAdd and enable ruby-railties31.
2011-12-16 tacaImporting devel/ruby-railties31 package version 3.1.3.
2011-12-16 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-16 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-16 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-16 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-16 tacaMerge from vendor branch TNF:
2011-12-16 tacaAdd and enable ruby-activemodel31 and ruby-activesupport31.