Ravenports generated: 24 Feb 2024 23:39
[ravenports.git] / bucket_B4 / botan2
1 # Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit.
3 NAMEBASE=               botan2
4 VERSION=                2.19.4
5 KEYWORDS=               security
6 VARIANTS=               standard
7 SDESC[standard]=        Crypto library written in C++
8 HOMEPAGE=               https://botan.randombit.net/
9 CONTACT=                nobody
11 DOWNLOAD_GROUPS=        main
12 SITES[main]=            GITHUB/randombit:botan:2.19.4
13 DISTFILE[1]=            generated:main
14 DF_INDEX=               1
15 SPKGS[standard]=        complete
16                         primary
17                         tools
18                         dev
19                         man
20                         docs
23 OPTIONS_STANDARD=       none
25 BUILD_DEPENDS=          python-Sphinx:single:python_used
26                         python-docutils:single:python_used
27                         boost-libraries:dev:standard
28 BUILDRUN_DEPENDS=       boost-libraries:primary:standard
29 EXRUN[tools]=           botan2:primary:standard
31 USES=                   cpe gmake shebangfix zlib bz2 xz sqlite
32                         python:sutools
34 LICENSE=                BSD2CLAUSE:primary
35 LICENSE_FILE=           BSD2CLAUSE:{{WRKSRC}}/license.txt
36 LICENSE_SCHEME=         solo
38 CPE_PRODUCT=            botan
39 CPE_VENDOR=             botan_project
40 FPC_EQUIVALENT=         security/botan2
41 SHEBANG_FILES=          configure.py
42                         src/python/botan2.py
43                         src/scripts/install.py
45 MUST_CONFIGURE=         yes
46 CONFIGURE_SCRIPT=       configure.py
47 CONFIGURE_ARGS=         --prefix={{PREFIX}}
48                         --cc=gcc
49                         --with-boost
50                         --with-bzip2
51                         --with-lzma
52                         --with-zlib
53                         --with-sphinx
54                         --with-sqlite3
55                         --with-rst2man
56                         --with-python-versions={{PYTHON_VER}}
57                         --without-stack-protector
59 SOVERSION=              19.19.4
61 VAR_OPSYS[midnightbsd]= CONFIGURE_ARGS=--os=freebsd
63 post-install:
64         ${MV} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/botan-2.19.4 \
65                 ${STAGEDIR}${STD_DOCDIR}
66         ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/botan
67         ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/libbotan-2.so
69 [FILE:662:descriptions/desc.primary]
70 Botan is a crypto library written in C++. It provides a variety of
71 cryptographic algorithms, including common ones such as AES, MD5, SHA,
72 HMAC, RSA, Diffie-Hellman, DSA, and ECDSA, as well as many others that
73 are more obscure or specialized. It also offers X.509v3 certificates
74 and CRLs, and PKCS #10 certificate requests. A message processing
75 system that uses a filter/pipeline metaphor allows for many common
76 cryptographic tasks to be completed with just a few lines of code.
77 Assembly optimizations for common CPUs, including x86, x86-64, and
78 PowerPC, offers further speedups for critical tasks such as SHA-1
79 hashing and multiple precision integer operations.
82 [FILE:35:descriptions/desc.tools]
83 This package contains botan tools.
86 [FILE:108:distinfo]
87 5754a6b5ddc3c74b0cb8671531feea69d03a4f3b5bdafa5f75e4c73a1242e5b1      8224111 randombit-botan-2.19.4.tar.gz
90 [FILE:61:manifests/plist.primary]
91 lib/
92  libbotan-2.so.%%SOMAJOR%%
93  libbotan-2.so.%%SOVERSION%%
96 [FILE:42:manifests/plist.tools]
97 %%PYTHON_SITELIBDIR%%/botan2.py
98 bin/botan
101 [FILE:3855:manifests/plist.dev]
102 include/botan-2/botan/
103  adler32.h
104  aead.h
105  aes.h
106  alg_id.h
107  argon2.h
108  aria.h
109  asio_async_ops.h
110  asio_context.h
111  asio_error.h
112  asio_stream.h
113  asn1_alt_name.h
114  asn1_attribute.h
115  asn1_obj.h
116  asn1_oid.h
117  asn1_print.h
118  asn1_str.h
119  asn1_time.h
120  assert.h
121  auto_rng.h
122  b64_filt.h
123  base32.h
124  base58.h
125  base64.h
126  basefilt.h
127  bcrypt.h
128  bcrypt_pbkdf.h
129  ber_dec.h
130  bigint.h
131  blake2b.h
132  blinding.h
133  block_cipher.h
134  blowfish.h
135  botan.h
136  bswap.h
137  buf_comp.h
138  buf_filt.h
139  build.h
140  bzip2.h
141  calendar.h
142  camellia.h
143  cascade.h
144  cast128.h
145  cast256.h
146  cbc.h
147  cbc_mac.h
148  ccm.h
149  cecpq1.h
150  cert_status.h
151  certstor.h
152  certstor_flatfile.h
153  certstor_sql.h
154  certstor_sqlite.h
155  certstor_system.h
156  cfb.h
157  chacha.h
158  chacha20poly1305.h
159  chacha_rng.h
160  charset.h
161  cipher_filter.h
162  cipher_mode.h
163  cmac.h
164  comb4p.h
165  comp_filter.h
166  compiler.h
167  compression.h
168  cpuid.h
169  crc24.h
170  crc32.h
171  credentials_manager.h
172  crl_ent.h
173  cryptobox.h
174  ctr.h
175  curve25519.h
176  curve_gfp.h
177  curve_nistp.h
178  data_snk.h
179  data_src.h
180  database.h
181  datastor.h
182  der_enc.h
183  des.h
184  desx.h
185  dh.h
186  divide.h
187  dl_algo.h
188  dl_group.h
189  dlies.h
190  dsa.h
191  dyn_load.h
192  eax.h
193  ec_group.h
194  ecc_key.h
195  ecdh.h
196  ecdsa.h
197  ecgdsa.h
198  ecies.h
199  eckcdsa.h
200  ed25519.h
201  elgamal.h
202  eme.h
203  eme_pkcs.h
204  eme_raw.h
205  emsa.h
206  emsa1.h
207  emsa_pkcs1.h
208  emsa_raw.h
209  emsa_x931.h
210  entropy_src.h
211  exceptn.h
212  fd_unix.h
213  ffi.h
214  filter.h
215  filters.h
216  fpe_fe1.h
217  gcm.h
218  gf2m_small_m.h
219  ghash.h
220  gmac.h
221  gost_28147.h
222  gost_3410.h
223  gost_3411.h
224  hash.h
225  hash_id.h
226  hex.h
227  hex_filt.h
228  hkdf.h
229  hmac.h
230  hmac_drbg.h
231  hotp.h
232  http_util.h
233  idea.h
234  init.h
235  iso9796.h
236  kasumi.h
237  kdf.h
238  kdf1.h
239  kdf1_iso18033.h
240  kdf2.h
241  keccak.h
242  key_constraint.h
243  key_filt.h
244  key_spec.h
245  keypair.h
246  lion.h
247  loadstor.h
248  locking_allocator.h
249  lookup.h
250  lzma.h
251  mac.h
252  mceies.h
253  mceliece.h
254  md4.h
255  md5.h
256  mdx_hash.h
257  mem_ops.h
258  mgf1.h
259  misty1.h
260  mode_pad.h
261  monty.h
262  mul128.h
263  mutex.h
264  name_constraint.h
265  newhope.h
266  nist_keywrap.h
267  noekeon.h
268  numthry.h
269  oaep.h
270  ocb.h
271  ocsp.h
272  ocsp_types.h
273  ofb.h
274  oids.h
275  otp.h
276  p11.h
277  p11_ecc_key.h
278  p11_ecdh.h
279  p11_ecdsa.h
280  p11_module.h
281  p11_object.h
282  p11_randomgenerator.h
283  p11_rsa.h
284  p11_session.h
285  p11_slot.h
286  p11_types.h
287  p11_x509.h
288  package.h
289  par_hash.h
290  parsing.h
291  passhash9.h
292  pbes2.h
293  pbkdf.h
294  pbkdf1.h
295  pbkdf2.h
296  pem.h
297  pgp_s2k.h
298  pipe.h
299  pk_algs.h
300  pk_keys.h
301  pk_ops.h
302  pk_ops_fwd.h
303  pkcs10.h
304  pkcs11.h
305  pkcs11f.h
306  pkcs11t.h
307  pkcs8.h
308  pkix_enums.h
309  pkix_types.h
310  point_gfp.h
311  poly1305.h
312  polyn_gf2m.h
313  pow_mod.h
314  prf_tls.h
315  prf_x942.h
316  processor_rng.h
317  psk_db.h
318  psk_db_sql.h
319  pssr.h
320  pubkey.h
321  pwdhash.h
322  rc4.h
323  rdrand_rng.h
324  reducer.h
325  rfc3394.h
326  rfc6979.h
327  rmd160.h
328  rng.h
329  rotate.h
330  roughtime.h
331  rsa.h
332  salsa20.h
333  scan_name.h
334  scrypt.h
335  secmem.h
336  secqueue.h
337  seed.h
338  serpent.h
339  sha160.h
340  sha2_32.h
341  sha2_64.h
342  sha3.h
343  shacal2.h
344  shake.h
345  shake_cipher.h
346  siphash.h
347  siv.h
348  skein_512.h
349  sm2.h
350  sm2_enc.h
351  sm3.h
352  sm4.h
353  sodium.h
354  sp800_108.h
355  sp800_56a.h
356  sp800_56c.h
357  sqlite3.h
358  srp6.h
359  stateful_rng.h
360  stl_compatibility.h
361  stream_cipher.h
362  stream_mode.h
363  streebog.h
364  sym_algo.h
365  symkey.h
366  system_rng.h
367  threefish.h
368  threefish_512.h
369  tiger.h
370  tls_alert.h
371  tls_algos.h
372  tls_blocking.h
373  tls_callbacks.h
374  tls_channel.h
375  tls_ciphersuite.h
376  tls_client.h
377  tls_exceptn.h
378  tls_extensions.h
379  tls_handshake_msg.h
380  tls_magic.h
381  tls_messages.h
382  tls_policy.h
383  tls_server.h
384  tls_server_info.h
385  tls_session.h
386  tls_session_manager.h
387  tls_session_manager_sql.h
388  tls_session_manager_sqlite.h
389  tls_version.h
390  totp.h
391  tss.h
392  twofish.h
393  types.h
394  uuid.h
395  version.h
396  whrlpool.h
397  workfactor.h
398  x509_ca.h
399  x509_crl.h
400  x509_dn.h
401  x509_ext.h
402  x509_key.h
403  x509_obj.h
404  x509cert.h
405  x509path.h
406  x509self.h
407  x919_mac.h
408  xmss.h
409  xmss_hash.h
410  xmss_key_pair.h
411  xmss_parameters.h
412  xmss_privatekey.h
413  xmss_publickey.h
414  xmss_wots.h
415  xmss_wots_parameters.h
416  xmss_wots_privatekey.h
417  xmss_wots_publickey.h
418  xtea.h
419  xts.h
420  zfec.h
421  zlib.h
422 lib/
423  libbotan-2.a
424  libbotan-2.so
425 lib/pkgconfig/botan-2.pc
428 [FILE:26:manifests/plist.man]
429 share/man/man1/botan.1.gz
432 [FILE:3715:manifests/plist.docs]
433 share/doc/botan2/
434  authors.txt
435  license.txt
436  news.txt
437  pgpkey.txt
438 share/doc/botan2/handbook/
439  .buildinfo
440  abi.html
441  building.html
442  cli.html
443  contents.html
444  credits.html
445  deprecated.html
446  genindex.html
447  goals.html
448  index.html
449  objects.inv
450  old_news.html
451  packaging.html
452  py-modindex.html
453  roadmap.html
454  search.html
455  searchindex.js
456  security.html
457  side_channels.html
458  support.html
459 share/doc/botan2/handbook/.doctrees/
460  abi.doctree
461  building.doctree
462  cli.doctree
463  contents.doctree
464  credits.doctree
465  deprecated.doctree
466  environment.pickle
467  goals.doctree
468  index.doctree
469  old_news.doctree
470  packaging.doctree
471  roadmap.doctree
472  security.doctree
473  side_channels.doctree
474  support.doctree
475 share/doc/botan2/handbook/.doctrees/api_ref/
476  bigint.doctree
477  block_cipher.doctree
478  cipher_modes.doctree
479  compression.doctree
480  contents.doctree
481  credentials_manager.doctree
482  cryptobox.doctree
483  ecc.doctree
484  env_vars.doctree
485  ffi.doctree
486  filters.doctree
487  fpe.doctree
488  hash.doctree
489  kdf.doctree
490  keywrap.doctree
491  message_auth_codes.doctree
492  otp.doctree
493  passhash.doctree
494  pbkdf.doctree
495  pkcs11.doctree
496  psk_db.doctree
497  pubkey.doctree
498  python.doctree
499  rng.doctree
500  roughtime.doctree
501  secmem.doctree
502  srp.doctree
503  stream_ciphers.doctree
504  tls.doctree
505  tpm.doctree
506  tss.doctree
507  versions.doctree
508  x509.doctree
509  zfec.doctree
510 share/doc/botan2/handbook/.doctrees/dev_ref/
511  configure.doctree
512  contents.doctree
513  continuous_integration.doctree
514  contributing.doctree
515  fuzzing.doctree
516  mistakes.doctree
517  oids.doctree
518  os.doctree
519  reading_list.doctree
520  release_process.doctree
521  test_framework.doctree
522  todo.doctree
523 share/doc/botan2/handbook/_sources/
524  abi.rst.txt
525  building.rst.txt
526  cli.rst.txt
527  contents.rst.txt
528  credits.rst.txt
529  deprecated.rst.txt
530  goals.rst.txt
531  index.rst.txt
532  old_news.rst.txt
533  packaging.rst.txt
534  roadmap.rst.txt
535  security.rst.txt
536  side_channels.rst.txt
537  support.rst.txt
538 share/doc/botan2/handbook/_sources/api_ref/
539  bigint.rst.txt
540  block_cipher.rst.txt
541  cipher_modes.rst.txt
542  compression.rst.txt
543  contents.rst.txt
544  credentials_manager.rst.txt
545  cryptobox.rst.txt
546  ecc.rst.txt
547  env_vars.rst.txt
548  ffi.rst.txt
549  filters.rst.txt
550  fpe.rst.txt
551  hash.rst.txt
552  kdf.rst.txt
553  keywrap.rst.txt
554  message_auth_codes.rst.txt
555  otp.rst.txt
556  passhash.rst.txt
557  pbkdf.rst.txt
558  pkcs11.rst.txt
559  psk_db.rst.txt
560  pubkey.rst.txt
561  python.rst.txt
562  rng.rst.txt
563  roughtime.rst.txt
564  secmem.rst.txt
565  srp.rst.txt
566  stream_ciphers.rst.txt
567  tls.rst.txt
568  tpm.rst.txt
569  tss.rst.txt
570  versions.rst.txt
571  x509.rst.txt
572  zfec.rst.txt
573 share/doc/botan2/handbook/_sources/dev_ref/
574  configure.rst.txt
575  contents.rst.txt
576  continuous_integration.rst.txt
577  contributing.rst.txt
578  fuzzing.rst.txt
579  mistakes.rst.txt
580  oids.rst.txt
581  os.rst.txt
582  reading_list.rst.txt
583  release_process.rst.txt
584  test_framework.rst.txt
585  todo.rst.txt
586 share/doc/botan2/handbook/_static/
587  agogo.css
588  basic.css
589  bgfooter.png
590  bgtop.png
591  doctools.js
592  documentation_options.js
593  file.png
594  language_data.js
595  minus.png
596  plus.png
597  pygments.css
598  searchtools.js
599  sphinx_highlight.js
600 share/doc/botan2/handbook/api_ref/
601  bigint.html
602  block_cipher.html
603  cipher_modes.html
604  compression.html
605  contents.html
606  credentials_manager.html
607  cryptobox.html
608  ecc.html
609  env_vars.html
610  ffi.html
611  filters.html
612  fpe.html
613  hash.html
614  kdf.html
615  keywrap.html
616  message_auth_codes.html
617  otp.html
618  passhash.html
619  pbkdf.html
620  pkcs11.html
621  psk_db.html
622  pubkey.html
623  python.html
624  rng.html
625  roughtime.html
626  secmem.html
627  srp.html
628  stream_ciphers.html
629  tls.html
630  tpm.html
631  tss.html
632  versions.html
633  x509.html
634  zfec.html
635 share/doc/botan2/handbook/dev_ref/
636  configure.html
637  contents.html
638  continuous_integration.html
639  contributing.html
640  fuzzing.html
641  mistakes.html
642  oids.html
643  os.html
644  reading_list.html
645  release_process.html
646  test_framework.html
647  todo.html