Ravenports generated: 26 Jun 2018 21:48
[ravenports.git] / bucket_FB / ruby23
1 # Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit.
3 NAMEBASE=               ruby23
4 VERSION=                2.3.7
5 KEYWORDS=               lang ruby
6 VARIANTS=               standard
7 SDESC[standard]=        Object-oriented interpreted scripting language
8 HOMEPAGE=               http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/
9 CONTACT=                nobody
11 DOWNLOAD_GROUPS=        main
12 SITES[main]=            RUBY/2.3
13 DISTFILE[1]=            ruby-2.3.7.tar.xz:main
14 DIST_SUBDIR=            ruby
15 DF_INDEX=               1
16 SPKGS[standard]=        complete
17                         primary
18                         rdoc
19                         docs
20                         examples
23 OPTIONS_STANDARD=       none
25 BUILDRUN_DEPENDS=       libyaml:single:standard
26                         libffi:single:standard
27                         gdbm:single:standard
28                         gmp:complete:standard
29 RUN_DEPENDS=            autoselect-ruby:single:standard
31 USES=                   autoreconf cpe execinfo readline ssl ruby:v23,interp
32                         zlib
34 DISTNAME=               ruby-2.3.7
36 LICENSE=                BSD2CLAUSE:primary RUBY:primary
38                         RUBY:{{WRKSRC}}/BSDL
39 LICENSE_SCHEME=         dual
41 CPE_UPDATE=             p0
42 CPE_VENDOR=             ruby-lang
43 CPE_VERSION=            2.3.7
44 FPC_EQUIVALENT=         lang/ruby23
46 MUST_CONFIGURE=         gnu
47 CONFIGURE_ARGS=         --enable-pthread
48                         --enable-shared
49                         --enable-install-static-library
50                         --with-ruby-version=minor
51                         --with-sitedir="{{PREFIX}}/lib/ruby/site_ruby"
52                         --with-vendordir="{{PREFIX}}/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby"
53                         --disable-libedit
54                         --disable-dtrace
55                         --with-readline-dir={{LOCALBASE}}
56                         --with-gmp
57                         --without-gmp
58                         {{RUBY_CONFIGURE_ARGS}}
59 CONFIGURE_ENV=          debugflags=
60                         ac_cv_build={{CONFIGURE_TARGET}}
62 SINGLE_JOB=             yes
65 PLIST_SUB=              XY={{RUBY_SUFFIX}}
66                         XDOTY={{RUBY_VER}}
67                         LINUX_SOVER=2.3.0
69 LDFLAGS=                -L{{LOCALBASE}}/lib
70                         -Wl,-rpath,{{LOCALBASE}}/lib
71                         -lpthread
73 post-patch:
74         ${REINPLACE_CMD} -E \
75                 -e 's,-l$$pthread_lib,-lpthread,g' \
76                 -e '/^RUBY_LIB_PATH/s,\.\$$\{TEENY\},,' \
77                 -e '/^RUBY_SITE_LIB_PATH2/s,\.\$$\{TEENY\},,' \
78                 -e '/^RUBY_VENDOR_LIB_PATH2/s,\.\$$\{TEENY\},,' \
79                 ${WRKSRC}/configure
80         ${FIND} ${WRKSRC}/ -name "*.orig" -delete
81         # We install these from other ports
82 .for d in bin/rake doc/rake lib/rake test/rake man/rake.1 lib/rake.rb ext/win32ole bin/gem
83         ${RM} -r ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/${d}
84 .endfor
85         # Prepare modules we are wanting to build via external ports
86 .for d in gdbm tk
87         ${MV} ${BUILD_WRKSRC}/ext/${d} ${WRKDIR}/
88 .endfor
90 pre-install:
93         ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${RUBY_RIDIR}
98 post-install:
99         # strip ruby binaries
100         ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/${RUBY_NAME}
101         ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/libruby${RUBY_SHLIBVER}.so
102         ${FIND} ${STAGEDIR}${RUBY_ARCHLIBDIR} -type f -name '*\.so' -exec ${STRIP_CMD} {} \;
103         # install docs
104         (cd ${WRKSRC}/doc/ && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} . ${STAGEDIR}${RUBY_DOCDIR}/)
105         (cd ${STAGEDIR}${RUBY_DOCDIR} && ${MKDIR} readline ripper stringio syslog)
106         ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/ext/readline/README* ${STAGEDIR}${RUBY_DOCDIR}/readline/
107         ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/ext/ripper/README ${STAGEDIR}${RUBY_DOCDIR}/ripper/
108         ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/ext/stringio/README ${STAGEDIR}${RUBY_DOCDIR}/stringio/
109         ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/ext/syslog/syslog.txt ${STAGEDIR}${RUBY_DOCDIR}/syslog/
110         # remove docs
111         ${RM} ${STAGEDIR}${STD_DOCDIR}/NEWS-*
112         ${RM} ${STAGEDIR}${STD_DOCDIR}/ChangeLog-*
113         ${RM} ${STAGEDIR}${STD_DOCDIR}/.document
114         # install examples
115         ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${RUBY_EXAMPLESDIR}/bigdecimal
116         ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/ext/bigdecimal/sample/*.rb \
117                 ${STAGEDIR}${RUBY_EXAMPLESDIR}/bigdecimal/
118         (cd ${WRKSRC}/sample/ && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} . ${STAGEDIR}${RUBY_EXAMPLESDIR}/)
120 post-build:
121         # Hack to allow modules to be installed into separate PREFIX and/or under
122         # user privilegies
123         ${RB_SET_CONF_VAR} "prefix" "ENV['PREFIX'] || \3"
124         ${RB_SET_CONF_VAR} "INSTALL" "'/usr/bin/install -c'"
129 [FILE:665:descriptions/desc.primary]
130 Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and
131 easy object-oriented programming.  It has many features to
132 process text files and to do system management tasks (as in
133 Perl).  It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible.
135 Features of Ruby are shown below.
137   + Simple Syntax
138   + *Normal* Object-Oriented features(ex. class, method calls)
139   + *Advanced* Object-Oriented features(ex. Mix-in, Singleton-method)
140   + Operator Overloading
141   + Exception Handling
142   + Iterators and Closures
143   + Garbage Collection
144   + Dynamic Loading of Object files(on some architecture)
145   + Highly Portable(works on many UNIX machines, and on DOS,
146     Windows, Mac, BeOS etc.)
149 [FILE:64:descriptions/desc.rdoc]
150 This package contains the Ruby Documentation System for Ruby24.
153 [FILE:101:distinfo]
154 c61f8f2b9d3ffff5567e186421fa191f0d5e7c2b189b426bb84498825d548edb     11438124 ruby/ruby-2.3.7.tar.xz
157 [FILE:15848:manifests/plist.primary]
158 %%ONLY-DRAGONFLY%%lib/libruby%%XY%%.so.%%RUBY_SHLIBVER%%
159 %%ONLY-FREEBSD%%lib/libruby%%XY%%.so.%%RUBY_SHLIBVER%%
160 %%ONLY-LINUX%%lib/
161  libruby%%XY%%.so.%%LINUX_SOVER%%
162  libruby%%XY%%.so.%%XDOTY%%
163 %%ONLY-SUNOS%%lib/libruby%%XY%%.so.%%RUBY_SHLIBVER%%
164 bin/
165  erb%%XY%%
166  irb%%XY%%
167  rdoc%%XY%%
168  ri%%XY%%
169  ruby%%XY%%
170 include/ruby-%%XDOTY%%/ruby.h
171 include/ruby-%%XDOTY%%/%%RUBY_ARCH%%/ruby/config.h
172 include/ruby-%%XDOTY%%/ruby/
173  debug.h
174  defines.h
175  digest.h
176  encoding.h
177  intern.h
178  io.h
179  missing.h
180  oniguruma.h
181  re.h
182  regex.h
183  ruby.h
184  st.h
185  subst.h
186  thread.h
187  thread_native.h
188  util.h
189  version.h
190  vm.h
191 include/ruby-%%XDOTY%%/ruby/backward/
192  classext.h
193  rubyio.h
194  rubysig.h
195  st.h
196  util.h
197 lib/
198  libruby%%XY%%-static.a
199  libruby%%XY%%.so
200 lib/pkgconfig/ruby-%%XDOTY%%.pc
201 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/
202  English.rb
203  abbrev.rb
204  base64.rb
205  benchmark.rb
206  cgi.rb
207  cmath.rb
208  csv.rb
209  date.rb
210  debug.rb
211  delegate.rb
212  digest.rb
213  drb.rb
214  e2mmap.rb
215  erb.rb
216  expect.rb
217  fiddle.rb
218  fileutils.rb
219  find.rb
220  forwardable.rb
221  getoptlong.rb
222  ipaddr.rb
223  irb.rb
224  json.rb
225  kconv.rb
226  logger.rb
227  mathn.rb
228  matrix.rb
229  mkmf.rb
230  monitor.rb
231  mutex_m.rb
232  observer.rb
233  open-uri.rb
234  open3.rb
235  openssl.rb
236  optionparser.rb
237  optparse.rb
238  ostruct.rb
239  pathname.rb
240  pp.rb
241  prettyprint.rb
242  prime.rb
243  profile.rb
244  profiler.rb
245  pstore.rb
246  psych.rb
247  psych_jars.rb
248  rdoc.rb
249  resolv-replace.rb
250  resolv.rb
251  ripper.rb
252  rss.rb
253  rubygems.rb
254  scanf.rb
255  securerandom.rb
256  set.rb
257  shell.rb
258  shellwords.rb
259  singleton.rb
260  socket.rb
261  sync.rb
262  tempfile.rb
263  thwait.rb
264  time.rb
265  timeout.rb
266  tmpdir.rb
267  tracer.rb
268  tsort.rb
269  ubygems.rb
270  un.rb
271  unicode_normalize.rb
272  uri.rb
273  weakref.rb
274  webrick.rb
275  xmlrpc.rb
276  yaml.rb
277 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/%%RUBY_ARCH%%/
278  bigdecimal.so
279  continuation.so
280  coverage.so
281  date_core.so
282  dbm.so
283  digest.so
284  etc.so
285  fcntl.so
286  fiber.so
287  fiddle.so
288  nkf.so
289  objspace.so
290  openssl.so
291  pathname.so
292  psych.so
293  pty.so
294  rbconfig.rb
295  readline.so
296  ripper.so
297  sdbm.so
298  socket.so
299  stringio.so
300  strscan.so
301  syslog.so
302  thread.so
303  zlib.so
304 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/%%RUBY_ARCH%%/cgi/escape.so
305 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/%%RUBY_ARCH%%/digest/
306  bubblebabble.so
307  md5.so
308  rmd160.so
309  sha1.so
310  sha2.so
311 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/%%RUBY_ARCH%%/enc/
312  big5.so
313  cp949.so
314  emacs_mule.so
315  encdb.so
316  euc_jp.so
317  euc_kr.so
318  euc_tw.so
319  gb18030.so
320  gb2312.so
321  gbk.so
322  iso_8859_1.so
323  iso_8859_10.so
324  iso_8859_11.so
325  iso_8859_13.so
326  iso_8859_14.so
327  iso_8859_15.so
328  iso_8859_16.so
329  iso_8859_2.so
330  iso_8859_3.so
331  iso_8859_4.so
332  iso_8859_5.so
333  iso_8859_6.so
334  iso_8859_7.so
335  iso_8859_8.so
336  iso_8859_9.so
337  koi8_r.so
338  koi8_u.so
339  shift_jis.so
340  utf_16be.so
341  utf_16le.so
342  utf_32be.so
343  utf_32le.so
344  windows_1250.so
345  windows_1251.so
346  windows_1252.so
347  windows_31j.so
348 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/%%RUBY_ARCH%%/enc/trans/
349  big5.so
350  chinese.so
351  ebcdic.so
352  emoji.so
353  emoji_iso2022_kddi.so
354  emoji_sjis_docomo.so
355  emoji_sjis_kddi.so
356  emoji_sjis_softbank.so
357  escape.so
358  gb18030.so
359  gbk.so
360  iso2022.so
361  japanese.so
362  japanese_euc.so
363  japanese_sjis.so
364  korean.so
365  single_byte.so
366  transdb.so
367  utf8_mac.so
368  utf_16_32.so
369 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/%%RUBY_ARCH%%/io/
370  console.so
371  nonblock.so
372  wait.so
373 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/%%RUBY_ARCH%%/json/ext/
374  generator.so
375  parser.so
376 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/%%RUBY_ARCH%%/mathn/
377  complex.so
378  rational.so
379 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/%%RUBY_ARCH%%/racc/cparse.so
380 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/%%RUBY_ARCH%%/rbconfig/sizeof.so
381 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/bigdecimal/
382  jacobian.rb
383  ludcmp.rb
384  math.rb
385  newton.rb
386  util.rb
387 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/cgi/
388  cookie.rb
389  core.rb
390  html.rb
391  session.rb
392  util.rb
393 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/cgi/session/pstore.rb
394 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/digest/sha2.rb
395 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/drb/
396  acl.rb
397  drb.rb
398  eq.rb
399  extserv.rb
400  extservm.rb
401  gw.rb
402  invokemethod.rb
403  observer.rb
404  ssl.rb
405  timeridconv.rb
406  unix.rb
407 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/fiddle/
408  closure.rb
409  cparser.rb
410  function.rb
411  import.rb
412  pack.rb
413  struct.rb
414  types.rb
415  value.rb
416 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/io/console/size.rb
417 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/irb/
418  completion.rb
419  context.rb
420  extend-command.rb
421  frame.rb
422  help.rb
423  init.rb
424  input-method.rb
425  inspector.rb
426  locale.rb
427  magic-file.rb
428  notifier.rb
429  output-method.rb
430  ruby-lex.rb
431  ruby-token.rb
432  slex.rb
433  src_encoding.rb
434  version.rb
435  workspace.rb
436  ws-for-case-2.rb
437  xmp.rb
438 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/irb/cmd/
439  chws.rb
440  fork.rb
441  help.rb
442  load.rb
443  nop.rb
444  pushws.rb
445  subirb.rb
446 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/irb/ext/
447  change-ws.rb
448  history.rb
449  loader.rb
450  math-mode.rb
451  multi-irb.rb
452  save-history.rb
453  tracer.rb
454  use-loader.rb
455  workspaces.rb
456 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/irb/lc/
457  error.rb
458  help-message
459 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/irb/lc/ja/
460  encoding_aliases.rb
461  error.rb
462  help-message
463 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/json/
464  common.rb
465  ext.rb
466  generic_object.rb
467  version.rb
468 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/json/add/
469  bigdecimal.rb
470  complex.rb
471  core.rb
472  date.rb
473  date_time.rb
474  exception.rb
475  ostruct.rb
476  range.rb
477  rational.rb
478  regexp.rb
479  struct.rb
480  symbol.rb
481  time.rb
482 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/matrix/
483  eigenvalue_decomposition.rb
484  lup_decomposition.rb
485 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/net/
486  ftp.rb
487  http.rb
488  https.rb
489  imap.rb
490  pop.rb
491  protocol.rb
492  smtp.rb
493 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/net/http/
494  backward.rb
495  exceptions.rb
496  generic_request.rb
497  header.rb
498  proxy_delta.rb
499  request.rb
500  requests.rb
501  response.rb
502  responses.rb
503 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/openssl/
504  bn.rb
505  buffering.rb
506  cipher.rb
507  config.rb
508  digest.rb
509  pkey.rb
510  ssl.rb
511  x509.rb
512 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/optparse/
513  ac.rb
514  date.rb
515  shellwords.rb
516  time.rb
517  uri.rb
518  version.rb
519 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/psych/
520  class_loader.rb
521  coder.rb
522  core_ext.rb
523  deprecated.rb
524  exception.rb
525  handler.rb
526  nodes.rb
527  omap.rb
528  parser.rb
529  scalar_scanner.rb
530  set.rb
531  stream.rb
532  streaming.rb
533  syntax_error.rb
534  tree_builder.rb
535  versions.rb
536  visitors.rb
537  y.rb
538 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/psych/handlers/
539  document_stream.rb
540  recorder.rb
541 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/psych/json/
542  ruby_events.rb
543  stream.rb
544  tree_builder.rb
545  yaml_events.rb
546 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/psych/nodes/
547  alias.rb
548  document.rb
549  mapping.rb
550  node.rb
551  scalar.rb
552  sequence.rb
553  stream.rb
554 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/psych/visitors/
555  depth_first.rb
556  emitter.rb
557  json_tree.rb
558  to_ruby.rb
559  visitor.rb
560  yaml_tree.rb
561 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/racc/parser.rb
562 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rbconfig/datadir.rb
563 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/
564  alias.rb
565  anon_class.rb
566  any_method.rb
567  attr.rb
568  class_module.rb
569  code_object.rb
570  code_objects.rb
571  comment.rb
572  constant.rb
573  context.rb
574  cross_reference.rb
575  encoding.rb
576  erb_partial.rb
577  erbio.rb
578  extend.rb
579  generator.rb
580  ghost_method.rb
581  i18n.rb
582  include.rb
583  known_classes.rb
584  markdown.rb
585  markup.rb
586  meta_method.rb
587  method_attr.rb
588  mixin.rb
589  normal_class.rb
590  normal_module.rb
591  options.rb
592  parser.rb
593  rd.rb
594  rdoc.rb
595  require.rb
596  ri.rb
597  ruby_lex.rb
598  ruby_token.rb
599  rubygems_hook.rb
600  servlet.rb
601  single_class.rb
602  stats.rb
603  store.rb
604  task.rb
605  test_case.rb
606  text.rb
607  token_stream.rb
608  tom_doc.rb
609  top_level.rb
610 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/context/section.rb
611 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/generator/
612  darkfish.rb
613  json_index.rb
614  markup.rb
615  pot.rb
616  ri.rb
617 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/generator/pot/
618  message_extractor.rb
619  po.rb
620  po_entry.rb
621 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/
622  _footer.rhtml
623  _head.rhtml
624  _sidebar_VCS_info.rhtml
625  _sidebar_classes.rhtml
626  _sidebar_extends.rhtml
627  _sidebar_in_files.rhtml
628  _sidebar_includes.rhtml
629  _sidebar_installed.rhtml
630  _sidebar_methods.rhtml
631  _sidebar_navigation.rhtml
632  _sidebar_pages.rhtml
633  _sidebar_parent.rhtml
634  _sidebar_search.rhtml
635  _sidebar_sections.rhtml
636  _sidebar_table_of_contents.rhtml
637  class.rhtml
638  index.rhtml
639  page.rhtml
640  servlet_not_found.rhtml
641  servlet_root.rhtml
642  table_of_contents.rhtml
643 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/css/
644  fonts.css
645  rdoc.css
646 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/fonts/
647  Lato-Light.ttf
648  Lato-LightItalic.ttf
649  Lato-Regular.ttf
650  Lato-RegularItalic.ttf
651  SourceCodePro-Bold.ttf
652  SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf
653 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/images/
654  add.png
655  arrow_up.png
656  brick.png
657  brick_link.png
658  bug.png
659  bullet_black.png
660  bullet_toggle_minus.png
661  bullet_toggle_plus.png
662  date.png
663  delete.png
664  find.png
665  loadingAnimation.gif
666  macFFBgHack.png
667  package.png
668  page_green.png
669  page_white_text.png
670  page_white_width.png
671  plugin.png
672  ruby.png
673  tag_blue.png
674  tag_green.png
675  transparent.png
676  wrench.png
677  wrench_orange.png
678  zoom.png
679 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/js/
680  darkfish.js
681  jquery.js
682  search.js
683 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/generator/template/json_index/js/
684  navigation.js
685  searcher.js
686 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/i18n/
687  locale.rb
688  text.rb
689 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/markdown/
690  entities.rb
691  literals_1_9.rb
692 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/markup/
693  attr_changer.rb
694  attr_span.rb
695  attribute_manager.rb
696  attributes.rb
697  blank_line.rb
698  block_quote.rb
699  document.rb
700  formatter.rb
701  formatter_test_case.rb
702  hard_break.rb
703  heading.rb
704  include.rb
705  indented_paragraph.rb
706  inline.rb
707  list.rb
708  list_item.rb
709  paragraph.rb
710  parser.rb
711  pre_process.rb
712  raw.rb
713  rule.rb
714  special.rb
715  text_formatter_test_case.rb
716  to_ansi.rb
717  to_bs.rb
718  to_html.rb
719  to_html_crossref.rb
720  to_html_snippet.rb
721  to_joined_paragraph.rb
722  to_label.rb
723  to_markdown.rb
724  to_rdoc.rb
725  to_table_of_contents.rb
726  to_test.rb
727  to_tt_only.rb
728  verbatim.rb
729 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/parser/
730  c.rb
731  changelog.rb
732  markdown.rb
733  rd.rb
734  ruby.rb
735  ruby_tools.rb
736  simple.rb
737  text.rb
738 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/rd/
739  block_parser.rb
740  inline.rb
741  inline_parser.rb
742 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/ri/
743  driver.rb
744  formatter.rb
745  paths.rb
746  store.rb
747  task.rb
748 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rdoc/stats/
749  normal.rb
750  quiet.rb
751  verbose.rb
752 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rexml/
753  attlistdecl.rb
754  attribute.rb
755  cdata.rb
756  child.rb
757  comment.rb
758  doctype.rb
759  document.rb
760  element.rb
761  encoding.rb
762  entity.rb
763  functions.rb
764  instruction.rb
765  namespace.rb
766  node.rb
767  output.rb
768  parent.rb
769  parseexception.rb
770  quickpath.rb
771  rexml.rb
772  sax2listener.rb
773  security.rb
774  source.rb
775  streamlistener.rb
776  syncenumerator.rb
777  text.rb
778  undefinednamespaceexception.rb
779  xmldecl.rb
780  xmltokens.rb
781  xpath.rb
782  xpath_parser.rb
783 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rexml/dtd/
784  attlistdecl.rb
785  dtd.rb
786  elementdecl.rb
787  entitydecl.rb
788  notationdecl.rb
789 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rexml/formatters/
790  default.rb
791  pretty.rb
792  transitive.rb
793 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rexml/light/node.rb
794 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rexml/parsers/
795  baseparser.rb
796  lightparser.rb
797  pullparser.rb
798  sax2parser.rb
799  streamparser.rb
800  treeparser.rb
801  ultralightparser.rb
802  xpathparser.rb
803 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rexml/validation/
804  relaxng.rb
805  validation.rb
806  validationexception.rb
807 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rinda/
808  rinda.rb
809  ring.rb
810  tuplespace.rb
811 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/ripper/
812  core.rb
813  filter.rb
814  lexer.rb
815  sexp.rb
816 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rss/
817  0.9.rb
818  1.0.rb
819  2.0.rb
820  atom.rb
821  content.rb
822  converter.rb
823  dublincore.rb
824  image.rb
825  itunes.rb
826  maker.rb
827  parser.rb
828  rexmlparser.rb
829  rss.rb
830  slash.rb
831  syndication.rb
832  taxonomy.rb
833  trackback.rb
834  utils.rb
835  xml-stylesheet.rb
836  xml.rb
837  xmlparser.rb
838  xmlscanner.rb
839 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rss/content/
840  1.0.rb
841  2.0.rb
842 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rss/dublincore/
843  1.0.rb
844  2.0.rb
845  atom.rb
846 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rss/maker/
847  0.9.rb
848  1.0.rb
849  2.0.rb
850  atom.rb
851  base.rb
852  content.rb
853  dublincore.rb
854  entry.rb
855  feed.rb
856  image.rb
857  itunes.rb
858  slash.rb
859  syndication.rb
860  taxonomy.rb
861  trackback.rb
862 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/
863  available_set.rb
864  basic_specification.rb
865  command.rb
866  command_manager.rb
867  compatibility.rb
868  config_file.rb
869  defaults.rb
870  dependency.rb
871  dependency_installer.rb
872  dependency_list.rb
873  deprecate.rb
874  doctor.rb
875  errors.rb
876  exceptions.rb
877  ext.rb
878  gem_runner.rb
879  gemcutter_utilities.rb
880  indexer.rb
881  install_default_message.rb
882  install_message.rb
883  install_update_options.rb
884  installer.rb
885  installer_test_case.rb
886  local_remote_options.rb
887  mock_gem_ui.rb
888  name_tuple.rb
889  package.rb
890  package_task.rb
891  path_support.rb
892  platform.rb
893  psych_additions.rb
894  psych_tree.rb
895  rdoc.rb
896  remote_fetcher.rb
897  request.rb
898  request_set.rb
899  requirement.rb
900  resolver.rb
901  safe_yaml.rb
902  security.rb
903  server.rb
904  source.rb
905  source_list.rb
906  source_local.rb
907  source_specific_file.rb
908  spec_fetcher.rb
909  specification.rb
910  stub_specification.rb
911  syck_hack.rb
912  test_case.rb
913  test_utilities.rb
914  text.rb
915  uninstaller.rb
916  uri_formatter.rb
917  user_interaction.rb
918  util.rb
919  validator.rb
920  version.rb
921  version_option.rb
922 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/commands/
923  build_command.rb
924  cert_command.rb
925  check_command.rb
926  cleanup_command.rb
927  contents_command.rb
928  dependency_command.rb
929  environment_command.rb
930  fetch_command.rb
931  generate_index_command.rb
932  help_command.rb
933  install_command.rb
934  list_command.rb
935  lock_command.rb
936  mirror_command.rb
937  open_command.rb
938  outdated_command.rb
939  owner_command.rb
940  pristine_command.rb
941  push_command.rb
942  query_command.rb
943  rdoc_command.rb
944  search_command.rb
945  server_command.rb
946  setup_command.rb
947  sources_command.rb
948  specification_command.rb
949  stale_command.rb
950  uninstall_command.rb
951  unpack_command.rb
952  update_command.rb
953  which_command.rb
954  yank_command.rb
955 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/core_ext/
956  kernel_gem.rb
957  kernel_require.rb
958 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/ext/
959  build_error.rb
960  builder.rb
961  cmake_builder.rb
962  configure_builder.rb
963  ext_conf_builder.rb
964  rake_builder.rb
965 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/package/
966  digest_io.rb
967  file_source.rb
968  io_source.rb
969  old.rb
970  source.rb
971  tar_header.rb
972  tar_reader.rb
973  tar_test_case.rb
974  tar_writer.rb
975 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/package/tar_reader/entry.rb
976 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/request/
977  connection_pools.rb
978  http_pool.rb
979  https_pool.rb
980 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/request_set/
981  gem_dependency_api.rb
982  lockfile.rb
983 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/request_set/lockfile/
984  parser.rb
985  tokenizer.rb
986 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/resolver/
987  activation_request.rb
988  api_set.rb
989  api_specification.rb
990  best_set.rb
991  composed_set.rb
992  conflict.rb
993  current_set.rb
994  dependency_request.rb
995  git_set.rb
996  git_specification.rb
997  index_set.rb
998  index_specification.rb
999  installed_specification.rb
1000  installer_set.rb
1001  local_specification.rb
1002  lock_set.rb
1003  lock_specification.rb
1004  molinillo.rb
1005  requirement_list.rb
1006  set.rb
1007  source_set.rb
1008  spec_specification.rb
1009  specification.rb
1010  stats.rb
1011  vendor_set.rb
1012  vendor_specification.rb
1013 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/resolver/molinillo/lib/molinillo.rb
1014 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/resolver/molinillo/lib/molinillo/
1015  dependency_graph.rb
1016  errors.rb
1017  gem_metadata.rb
1018  resolution.rb
1019  resolver.rb
1020  state.rb
1021 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/resolver/molinillo/lib/molinillo/modules/
1022  specification_provider.rb
1023  ui.rb
1024 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/security/
1025  policies.rb
1026  policy.rb
1027  signer.rb
1028  trust_dir.rb
1029 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/source/
1030  git.rb
1031  installed.rb
1032  local.rb
1033  lock.rb
1034  specific_file.rb
1035  vendor.rb
1036 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/ssl_certs/
1037  AddTrustExternalCARoot-2048.pem
1038  AddTrustExternalCARoot.pem
1039  Class3PublicPrimaryCertificationAuthority.pem
1040  DigiCertHighAssuranceEVRootCA.pem
1041  EntrustnetSecureServerCertificationAuthority.pem
1042  GeoTrustGlobalCA.pem
1043  GlobalSignRootCA.pem
1044 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/rubygems/util/
1045  licenses.rb
1046  list.rb
1047 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/shell/
1048  builtin-command.rb
1049  command-processor.rb
1050  error.rb
1051  filter.rb
1052  process-controller.rb
1053  system-command.rb
1054  version.rb
1055 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/syslog/logger.rb
1056 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/unicode_normalize/
1057  normalize.rb
1058  tables.rb
1059 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/uri/
1060  common.rb
1061  ftp.rb
1062  generic.rb
1063  http.rb
1064  https.rb
1065  ldap.rb
1066  ldaps.rb
1067  mailto.rb
1068  rfc2396_parser.rb
1069  rfc3986_parser.rb
1070 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/webrick/
1071  accesslog.rb
1072  cgi.rb
1073  compat.rb
1074  config.rb
1075  cookie.rb
1076  htmlutils.rb
1077  httpauth.rb
1078  httpproxy.rb
1079  httprequest.rb
1080  httpresponse.rb
1081  https.rb
1082  httpserver.rb
1083  httpservlet.rb
1084  httpstatus.rb
1085  httputils.rb
1086  httpversion.rb
1087  log.rb
1088  server.rb
1089  ssl.rb
1090  utils.rb
1091  version.rb
1092 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/webrick/httpauth/
1093  authenticator.rb
1094  basicauth.rb
1095  digestauth.rb
1096  htdigest.rb
1097  htgroup.rb
1098  htpasswd.rb
1099  userdb.rb
1100 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/webrick/httpservlet/
1101  abstract.rb
1102  cgi_runner.rb
1103  cgihandler.rb
1104  erbhandler.rb
1105  filehandler.rb
1106  prochandler.rb
1107 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/xmlrpc/
1108  base64.rb
1109  client.rb
1110  config.rb
1111  create.rb
1112  datetime.rb
1113  marshal.rb
1114  parser.rb
1115  server.rb
1116  utils.rb
1117 lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/yaml/
1118  dbm.rb
1119  store.rb
1120 share/man/man1/
1121  erb%%XY%%.1.gz
1122  irb%%XY%%.1.gz
1123  ri%%XY%%.1.gz
1124  ruby%%XY%%.1.gz
1125 @dir %%RUBY_EXAMPLESDIR%%/curses
1127 @dir %%RUBY_SITERIDIR%%
1129 @dir lib/ruby/%%XDOTY%%/racc/rdoc
1132 [FILE:823:manifests/plist.docs]
1133 share/doc/ruby%%XY%%/
1134  contributing.rdoc
1135  contributors.rdoc
1136  dtrace_probes.rdoc
1137  etc.rd.ja
1138  extension.ja.rdoc
1139  extension.rdoc
1140  forwardable.rd.ja
1141  globals.rdoc
1142  keywords.rdoc
1143  maintainers.rdoc
1144  marshal.rdoc
1145  regexp.rdoc
1146  security.rdoc
1147  shell.rd.ja
1148  standard_library.rdoc
1149  syntax.rdoc
1150 share/doc/ruby%%XY%%/images/boottime-classes.png
1151 share/doc/ruby%%XY%%/irb/
1152  irb-tools.rd.ja
1153  irb.rd.ja
1154 share/doc/ruby%%XY%%/pty/
1155  README.expect.ja
1156  README.ja
1157 share/doc/ruby%%XY%%/readline/
1158  README
1159  README.ja
1160 share/doc/ruby%%XY%%/ripper/README
1161 share/doc/ruby%%XY%%/stringio/README
1162 share/doc/ruby%%XY%%/syntax/
1163  assignment.rdoc
1164  calling_methods.rdoc
1165  control_expressions.rdoc
1166  exceptions.rdoc
1167  literals.rdoc
1168  methods.rdoc
1169  miscellaneous.rdoc
1170  modules_and_classes.rdoc
1171  precedence.rdoc
1172  refinements.rdoc
1173 share/doc/ruby%%XY%%/syslog/syslog.txt
1176 [FILE:3132:manifests/plist.examples]
1177 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/
1178  README
1179  benchmark.rb
1180  biorhythm.rb
1181  cal.rb
1182  cbreak.rb
1183  cgi-session-pstore.rb
1184  clnt.rb
1185  coverage.rb
1186  delegate.rb
1187  dir.rb
1188  dualstack-fetch.rb
1189  dualstack-httpd.rb
1190  eval.rb
1191  export.rb
1192  exyacc.rb
1193  fact.rb
1194  fib.awk
1195  fib.pl
1196  fib.py
1197  fib.rb
1198  fib.scm
1199  freq.rb
1200  from.rb
1201  fullpath.rb
1202  iseq_loader.rb
1203  less.rb
1204  list.rb
1205  list2.rb
1206  list3.rb
1207  mine.rb
1208  mkproto.rb
1209  mpart.rb
1210  net-imap.rb
1211  observ.rb
1212  occur.pl
1213  occur.rb
1214  occur2.rb
1215  open3.rb
1216  philos.rb
1217  pi.rb
1218  pstore.rb
1219  rcs.awk
1220  rcs.dat
1221  rcs.rb
1222  rinda-ring.rb
1223  sieve.rb
1224  simple-bench.rb
1225  svr.rb
1226  tempfile.rb
1227  test.rb
1228  time.rb
1229  timeout.rb
1230  trojan.rb
1231  tsvr.rb
1232  uumerge.rb
1233  weakref.rb
1234 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/bigdecimal/
1235  linear.rb
1236  nlsolve.rb
1237  pi.rb
1238 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/drb/
1239  README.ja.rdoc
1240  README.rdoc
1241  acl.rb
1242  darray.rb
1243  darrayc.rb
1244  dbiff.rb
1245  dcdbiff.rb
1246  dchatc.rb
1247  dchats.rb
1248  dhasen.rb
1249  dhasenc.rb
1250  dlogc.rb
1251  dlogd.rb
1252  dqin.rb
1253  dqlib.rb
1254  dqout.rb
1255  dqueue.rb
1256  drbc.rb
1257  drbch.rb
1258  drbm.rb
1259  drbmc.rb
1260  drbs-acl.rb
1261  drbs.rb
1262  drbssl_c.rb
1263  drbssl_s.rb
1264  extserv_test.rb
1265  gw_ct.rb
1266  gw_cu.rb
1267  gw_s.rb
1268  holderc.rb
1269  holders.rb
1270  http0.rb
1271  http0serv.rb
1272  name.rb
1273  namec.rb
1274  old_tuplespace.rb
1275  rinda_ts.rb
1276  rindac.rb
1277  rindas.rb
1278  ring_echo.rb
1279  ring_inspect.rb
1280  ring_place.rb
1281  simpletuple.rb
1282  speedc.rb
1283  speeds.rb
1284 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/logger/
1285  app.rb
1286  log.rb
1287  shifting.rb
1288 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/openssl/
1289  c_rehash.rb
1290  cert2text.rb
1291  certstore.rb
1292  cipher.rb
1293  crlstore.rb
1294  echo_cli.rb
1295  echo_svr.rb
1296  gen_csr.rb
1297  smime_read.rb
1298  smime_write.rb
1299  wget.rb
1300 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/optparse/
1301  opttest.rb
1302  subcommand.rb
1303 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/pty/
1304  expect_sample.rb
1305  script.rb
1306  shl.rb
1307 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/rdoc/markup/
1308  rdoc2latex.rb
1309  sample.rb
1310 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/ripper/
1311  ruby2html.rb
1312  strip-comment.rb
1313 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/rss/
1314  blend.rb
1315  convert.rb
1316  list_description.rb
1317  re_read.rb
1318  rss_recent.rb
1319 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/testunit/
1320  adder.rb
1321  subtracter.rb
1322  tc_adder.rb
1323  tc_subtracter.rb
1324  ts_examples.rb
1325 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/trick2013/README.md
1326 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/trick2013/kinaba/
1327  authors.markdown
1328  entry.rb
1329  remarks.markdown
1330 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/trick2013/mame/
1331  authors.markdown
1332  entry.rb
1333  music-box.mp4
1334  remarks.markdown
1335 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/trick2013/shinh/
1336  authors.markdown
1337  entry.rb
1338  remarks.markdown
1339 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/trick2013/yhara/
1340  authors.markdown
1341  entry.rb
1342  remarks.en.markdown
1343  remarks.markdown
1344 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/trick2015/README.md
1345 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/trick2015/eregon/
1346  authors.markdown
1347  entry.rb
1348  remarks.markdown
1349 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/trick2015/kinaba/
1350  authors.markdown
1351  entry.rb
1352  remarks.markdown
1353 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/trick2015/ksk_1/
1354  authors.markdown
1355  entry.rb
1356  remarks.markdown
1357 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/trick2015/ksk_2/
1358  abnormal.cnf
1359  authors.markdown
1360  entry.rb
1361  quinn.cnf
1362  remarks.markdown
1363  sample.cnf
1364  uf20-01.cnf
1365  unsat.cnf
1366 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/trick2015/monae/
1367  authors.markdown
1368  entry.rb
1369  remarks.markdown
1370 share/examples/ruby%%XY%%/webrick/
1371  demo-app.rb
1372  demo-multipart.cgi
1373  demo-servlet.rb
1374  demo-urlencoded.cgi
1375  hello.cgi
1376  hello.rb
1377  httpd.rb
1378  httpproxy.rb
1379  httpsd.rb
1382 [FILE:666:patches/patch-ccan_list_list.h]
1383 --- ccan/list/list.h.orig       2015-09-06 07:10:54 UTC
1384 +++ ccan/list/list.h
1385 @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ struct list_head
1386   * Example:
1387   *     static struct list_head my_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(my_list);
1388   */
1389 -#define LIST_HEAD_INIT(name) { { &name.n, &name.n } }
1390 +#define CCAN_LIST_HEAD_INIT(name) { { &name.n, &name.n } }
1392  /**
1393   * LIST_HEAD - define and initialize an empty list_head
1394 @@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ struct list_head
1395   * Example:
1396   *     static LIST_HEAD(my_global_list);
1397   */
1398 -#define LIST_HEAD(name) \
1399 -       struct list_head name = LIST_HEAD_INIT(name)
1400 +#define CCAN_LIST_HEAD(name) \
1401 +       struct list_head name = CCAN_LIST_HEAD_INIT(name)
1403  /**
1404   * list_head_init - initialize a list_head
1407 [FILE:2569:patches/patch-configure.in]
1408 --- configure.in.orig   2017-09-14 20:41:49 UTC
1409 +++ configure.in
1410 @@ -1278,10 +1278,10 @@ main()
1411    ],
1412  [      LIBS="-lm $LIBS"])
1414 -AC_CHECK_LIB(crypt, crypt)      # glibc (GNU/Linux, GNU/Hurd, GNU/kFreeBSD)
1415 -AC_CHECK_LIB(dl, dlopen)       # Dynamic linking for SunOS/Solaris and SYSV
1416 -AC_CHECK_LIB(dld, shl_load)    # Dynamic linking for HP-UX
1417 -AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, shutdown)  # SunOS/Solaris
1418 +AC_SEARCH_LIBS(crypt, crypt)      # glibc (GNU/Linux, GNU/Hurd, GNU/kFreeBSD)
1419 +AC_SEARCH_LIBS(dlopen, dl)     # Dynamic linking for SunOS/Solaris and SYSV
1420 +AC_SEARCH_LIBS(shl_load, dld)  # Dynamic linking for HP-UX
1421 +AC_SEARCH_LIBS(shutdown, socket)  # SunOS/Solaris
1423  dnl Checks for header files.
1425 @@ -2531,7 +2531,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
1426  if test x"$ac_cv_func_clock_gettime" != xyes; then
1427      # glibc 2.17 moves clock_* functions from librt to the main C library.
1428      # http://sourceware.org/ml/libc-announce/2012/msg00001.html
1429 -    AC_CHECK_LIB(rt, clock_gettime)
1430 +    AC_SEARCH_LIBS(clock_gettime, rt)
1431      if test x"$ac_cv_lib_rt_clock_gettime" = xyes; then
1433      fi
1434 @@ -2938,7 +2938,7 @@ else
1435  fi
1437  if test x"$enable_pthread" = xyes; then
1438 -    for pthread_lib in thr pthread pthreads c c_r root; do
1439 +    for pthread_lib in pthread thr pthreads c c_r root; do
1440         AC_CHECK_LIB($pthread_lib, pthread_kill,
1441                      rb_with_pthread=yes, rb_with_pthread=no)
1442         if test "$rb_with_pthread" = "yes"; then break; fi
1443 @@ -2952,6 +2952,7 @@ if test x"$enable_pthread" = xyes; then
1444         [c],    [],
1445         [root], [],
1446         [c_r],  [MAINLIBS="-pthread $MAINLIBS"],
1447 +       [pthread],  [MAINLIBS="-pthread $MAINLIBS"],
1448                 [AS_CASE(["$target_os"],
1449                     [openbsd*|mirbsd*], [LIBS="-pthread $LIBS"],
1450                     [LIBS="-l$pthread_lib $LIBS"])])
1451 @@ -3260,7 +3261,6 @@ if test "$with_dln_a_out" != yes; then
1452                         : ${LDSHARED='$(CC) -shared'}
1453                         if test "$rb_cv_binary_elf" = yes; then
1454                             LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -rdynamic"
1455 -                           DLDFLAGS="$DLDFLAGS "'-Wl,-soname,$@'
1456                         else
1457                           test "$GCC" = yes && test "$rb_cv_prog_gnu_ld" = yes || LDSHARED='$(LD) -Bshareable'
1458                         fi
1459 @@ -3730,13 +3730,10 @@ AS_CASE("$enable_shared", [yes], [
1460             LIBRUBY_RELATIVE=yes
1461         fi
1462         ],
1463 -    [freebsd*|dragonfly*], [
1464 +    [freebsd*|dragonfly*|solaris*], [
1465         SOLIBS='$(LIBS)'
1466         LIBRUBY_SO='lib$(RUBY_SO_NAME).so.$(MAJOR)$(MINOR)'
1467 -       if test "$rb_cv_binary_elf" != "yes" ; then
1468 -           LIBRUBY_SO="$LIBRUBY_SO.\$(TEENY)"
1469 -           LIBRUBY_ALIASES=''
1470 -       fi
1471 +       LIBRUBY_DLDFLAGS='-L$(PREFIX)/lib -Wl,-rpath,$(PREFIX)/lib -Wl,-soname,$(LIBRUBY_SO)'
1472         ],
1473      [netbsd*], [
1474         SOLIBS='$(LIBS)'
1477 [FILE:729:patches/patch-ext_bigdecimal_bigdecimal.c]
1478 --- ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c.orig    2017-09-14 04:16:51 UTC
1479 +++ ext/bigdecimal/bigdecimal.c
1480 @@ -102,29 +102,6 @@ static ID id_eq;
1481  # define RB_OBJ_STRING(obj) StringValueCStr(obj)
1482  #endif
1484 -#ifndef HAVE_RB_RATIONAL_NUM
1485 -static inline VALUE
1486 -rb_rational_num(VALUE rat)
1487 -{
1489 -    return RRATIONAL(rat)->num;
1490 -#else
1491 -    return rb_funcall(rat, rb_intern("numerator"));
1492 -#endif
1493 -}
1494 -#endif
1495 -
1496 -#ifndef HAVE_RB_RATIONAL_DEN
1497 -static inline VALUE
1498 -rb_rational_den(VALUE rat)
1499 -{
1501 -    return RRATIONAL(rat)->den;
1502 -#else
1503 -    return rb_funcall(rat, rb_intern("denominator"));
1504 -#endif
1505 -}
1506 -#endif
1508  /*
1509   * ================== Ruby Interface part ==========================
1512 [FILE:469:patches/patch-lib_mkmf.rb]
1513 --- lib/mkmf.rb.orig    2017-07-07 06:00:04 UTC
1514 +++ lib/mkmf.rb
1515 @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ module MakeMakefile
1516    end
1517    $extmk ||= false
1518    if not $extmk and File.exist?(($hdrdir = RbConfig::CONFIG["rubyhdrdir"]) + "/ruby/ruby.h")
1519 -    $topdir = $hdrdir
1520 +    $topdir = $hdrdir + "/" + "#{CONFIG['arch']}/ruby/"
1521      $top_srcdir = $hdrdir
1522      $arch_hdrdir = RbConfig::CONFIG["rubyarchhdrdir"]
1523    elsif File.exist?(($hdrdir = ($top_srcdir ||= topdir) + "/include")  + "/ruby.h")
1526 [FILE:307:patches/patch-thread__pthread.c]
1527 --- thread_pthread.c.orig       2017-08-09 08:24:37 UTC
1528 +++ thread_pthread.c
1529 @@ -1154,7 +1154,7 @@ native_sleep(rb_thread_t *th, struct tim
1530  }
1532  #ifdef USE_UBF_LIST
1533 -static LIST_HEAD(ubf_list_head);
1534 +static CCAN_LIST_HEAD(ubf_list_head);
1536  /* The thread 'th' is registered to be trying unblock. */
1537  static void
1540 [FILE:563:patches/patch-tool_mkconfig.rb]
1541 --- tool/mkconfig.rb.orig       2017-06-30 10:58:32 UTC
1542 +++ tool/mkconfig.rb
1543 @@ -168,8 +168,9 @@ def vars.expand(val, config = self)
1544    val.replace(newval) unless newval == val
1545    val
1546  end
1547 -prefix = vars.expand(vars["prefix"] ||= "")
1548 -rubyarchdir = vars.expand(vars["rubyarchdir"] ||= "")
1549 +prefix = vars.expand(vars["rubyarchdir"])
1550 +major, minor, *rest = RUBY_VERSION.split('.')
1551 +rubyarchdir = "/lib/ruby/#{major}.#{minor}/#{arch}"
1552  relative_archdir = rubyarchdir.rindex(prefix, 0) ? rubyarchdir[prefix.size..-1] : rubyarchdir
1553  puts %[\
1554  # frozen-string-literal: false
1557 [FILE:3125:patches/patch-tool_rbinstall.rb]
1558 --- tool/rbinstall.rb.orig      2017-03-27 15:18:38 UTC
1559 +++ tool/rbinstall.rb
1560 @@ -695,93 +695,6 @@ end
1562  # :startdoc:
1564 -install?(:ext, :comm, :gem) do
1565 -  gem_dir = Gem.default_dir
1566 -  directories = Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories(gem_dir, :mode => $dir_mode)
1567 -  prepare "default gems", gem_dir, directories
1568 -
1569 -  spec_dir = File.join(gem_dir, directories.grep(/^spec/)[0])
1570 -  default_spec_dir = "#{spec_dir}/default"
1571 -  makedirs(default_spec_dir)
1572 -
1573 -  gems = {}
1574 -
1575 -  Dir.glob(srcdir+"/{lib,ext}/**/*.gemspec").each do |src|
1576 -    specgen   = RbInstall::Specs::Reader.new(src)
1577 -    gems[specgen.gemspec.name] ||= specgen
1578 -  end
1579 -
1580 -  gems.sort.each do |name, specgen|
1581 -    gemspec   = specgen.gemspec
1582 -    full_name = "#{gemspec.name}-#{gemspec.version}"
1583 -
1584 -    puts "#{" "*30}#{gemspec.name} #{gemspec.version}"
1585 -    gemspec_path = File.join(default_spec_dir, "#{full_name}.gemspec")
1586 -    open_for_install(gemspec_path, $data_mode) do
1587 -      specgen.spec_source
1588 -    end
1589 -
1590 -    unless gemspec.executables.empty? then
1591 -      bin_dir = File.join(gem_dir, 'gems', full_name, 'bin')
1592 -      makedirs(bin_dir)
1593 -
1594 -      execs = gemspec.executables.map {|exec| File.join(srcdir, 'bin', exec)}
1595 -      install(execs, bin_dir, :mode => $script_mode)
1596 -    end
1597 -  end
1598 -end
1599 -
1600 -install?(:ext, :comm, :gem) do
1601 -  gem_dir = Gem.default_dir
1602 -  directories = Gem.ensure_gem_subdirectories(gem_dir, :mode => $dir_mode)
1603 -  prepare "bundle gems", gem_dir, directories
1604 -  install_dir = with_destdir(gem_dir)
1605 -  installed_gems = {}
1606 -  options = {
1607 -    :install_dir => install_dir,
1608 -    :bin_dir => with_destdir(bindir),
1609 -    :domain => :local,
1610 -    :ignore_dependencies => true,
1611 -    :dir_mode => $dir_mode,
1612 -    :data_mode => $data_mode,
1613 -    :prog_mode => $prog_mode,
1614 -    :wrappers => true,
1615 -    :format_executable => true,
1616 -  }
1617 -  Gem::Specification.each_spec([srcdir+'/gems/*']) do |spec|
1618 -    ins = RbInstall::UnpackedInstaller.new(spec, options)
1619 -    puts "#{" "*30}#{spec.name} #{spec.version}"
1620 -    ins.install
1621 -    File.chmod($data_mode, File.join(install_dir, "specifications", "#{spec.full_name}.gemspec"))
1622 -    installed_gems[spec.full_name] = true
1623 -  end
1624 -  installed_gems, gems = Dir.glob(srcdir+'/gems/*.gem').partition {|gem| installed_gems.key?(File.basename(gem, '.gem'))}
1625 -  unless installed_gems.empty?
1626 -    install installed_gems, gem_dir+"/cache"
1627 -  end
1628 -  next if gems.empty?
1629 -  if defined?(Zlib)
1630 -    Gem.instance_variable_set(:@ruby, with_destdir(File.join(bindir, ruby_install_name)))
1631 -    gems.each do |gem|
1632 -      begin
1633 -        File.umask(022)
1634 -        Gem.install(gem, Gem::Requirement.default, options)
1635 -      ensure
1636 -        File.umask(0222)
1637 -      end
1638 -      gemname = File.basename(gem)
1639 -      puts "#{" "*30}#{gemname}"
1640 -    end
1641 -    # fix directory permissions
1642 -    # TODO: Gem.install should accept :dir_mode option or something
1643 -    File.chmod($dir_mode, *Dir.glob(install_dir+"/**/"))
1644 -    # fix .gemspec permissions
1645 -    File.chmod($data_mode, *Dir.glob(install_dir+"/specifications/*.gemspec"))
1646 -  else
1647 -    puts "skip installing bundle gems because of lacking zlib"
1648 -  end
1649 -end
1650 -
1651  parse_args()
1653  include FileUtils
1656 [FILE:378:files/special.mk]
1657 # Macros to change variables in rbconfig.rb
1658 RB_SET_CONF_VAR=${SH} -c '${REINPLACE_CMD} -E -e "s,(CONFIG\[\"$$0\"\][[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*)(\(?)(.*)(\)?),\1\2$$1\4," ${WRKSRC}/rbconfig.rb' --
1660 POST_PLIST_TARGET=      rdoc-autolist
1662 rdoc-autolist:
1663         @(cd ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX} && ${FIND} share/ri \
1664         \( -type f -o -type l \) 2>/dev/null | ${SORT}) \
1665         >> ${WRKDIR}/.manifest.rdoc.mktmp