# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= mupdf VERSION= 1.16.1 KEYWORDS= graphics VARIANTS= standard SDESC[standard]= Lightweight PDF and XPS viewer HOMEPAGE= https://mupdf.com/ CONTACT= nobody DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= https://mupdf.com/downloads/archive/ https://mupdf.com/downloads/ DISTFILE[1]= mupdf-1.16.1-source.tar.gz:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[standard]= complete primary docs examples OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none BUILDRUN_DEPENDS= curl:primary:standard freetype:primary:standard harfbuzz:primary:standard openjpeg:single:standard jbig2dec:single:standard freeglut:primary:standard USES= cpe gmake pkgconfig XORG_COMPONENTS= x11 xcursor xext xinerama xrandr DISTNAME= mupdf-1.16.1-source LICENSE= AGPLv3+:primary LICENSE_TERMS= primary:{{WRKDIR}}/TERMS LICENSE_FILE= AGPLv3+:{{WRKSRC}}/COPYING LICENSE_SCHEME= solo CPE_VENDOR= artifex FPC_EQUIVALENT= graphics/mupdf MAKE_ARGS= build=release prefix={{PREFIX}} mandir={{MANPREFIX}}/man verbose=yes SOVERSION=1.16.1 SOVERSION= 1.16.1 CFLAGS= `pkg-config --cflags libopenjp2` -I{{WRKSRC}}/include/mupdf -I{{LOCALBASE}}/include/freetype2 -I{{LOCALBASE}}/include/harfbuzz VAR_ARCH[x86_64]= CFLAGS=-fPIC post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|%%OPSYS%%|${OPSYS}|; s/-pipe -O2 //" \ ${WRKSRC}/Makerules post-install: ${MV} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/mupdf-x11 ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/mupdf ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/build/release/muraster \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin ${LN} -s libmupdf.so.1.16.1 \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/libmupdf.so ${LN} -s libmupdfthird.so.1.16.1 \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/libmupdfthird.so ${MKDIR ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/examples ${MV} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/mupdf/examples \ ${STAGEDIR}${STD_EXAMPLESDIR} ${RM} ${STAGEDIR}${STD_DOCDIR}/COPYING post-extract: ${RM} -r ${WRKSRC}/thirdparty/curl \ ${WRKSRC}/thirdparty/freetype \ ${WRKSRC}/thirdparty/freeglut \ ${WRKSRC}/thirdparty/harfbuzz \ ${WRKSRC}/thirdparty/jbig2dec \ ${WRKSRC}/thirdparty/openjpeg \ ${WRKSRC}/thirdparty/zlib ${AWK} '/^LICENSE/,/^REPORTING/' ${WRKSRC}/README > ${WRKDIR}/TERMS post-patch-sunos: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '/define _XOPEN_SOURCE/d' \ ${WRKSRC}/platform/x11/x11_image.c [FILE:828:descriptions/desc.primary] MuPDF is a lightweight PDF viewer and toolkit written in portable C. The renderer in MuPDF is tailored for high quality anti-aliased graphics. It renders text with metrics and spacing accurate to within fractions of a pixel for the highest fidelity in reproducing the look of a printed page on screen. MuPDF has a small footprint. A binary that includes the standard Roman fonts is only one megabyte. A build with full CJK support (including an Asian font) is approximately five megabytes. MuPDF has support for all non-interactive PDF 1.7 features, and the toolkit provides a simple API for accessing the internal structures of the PDF document. Example code for navigating interactive links and bookmarks, encrypting PDF files, extracting fonts, images, and searchable text, and rendering pages to image files is provided. [FILE:105:distinfo] e71da73dd593dd779b8e0995978ec071139ae51ca7bcccd095dd8922278be447 60805318 mupdf-1.16.1-source.tar.gz [FILE:951:manifests/plist.primary] bin/ mupdf mupdf-gl mupdf-x11-curl muraster mutool include/mupdf/ fitz.h memento.h pdf.h ucdn.h include/mupdf/fitz/ archive.h band-writer.h bidi.h bitmap.h buffer.h color.h compress.h compressed-buffer.h config.h context.h crypt.h device.h display-list.h document.h filter.h font.h geometry.h getopt.h glyph-cache.h glyph.h hash.h image.h link.h outline.h output-svg.h output.h path.h pixmap.h pool.h separation.h shade.h store.h stream.h string-util.h structured-text.h system.h text.h track-usage.h transition.h tree.h util.h version.h write-pixmap.h writer.h xml.h include/mupdf/pdf/ annot.h clean.h cmap.h crypt.h document.h event.h font.h form.h interpret.h javascript.h name-table.h object.h output-pdf.h page.h parse.h resource.h xref.h lib/ libmupdf.so libmupdf.so.%%SOVERSION%% libmupdfthird.so libmupdfthird.so.%%SOVERSION%% share/man/man1/ mupdf.1.gz mutool.1.gz [FILE:463:manifests/plist.docs] share/doc/mupdf/ CHANGES README android-sdk.html artifex-logo.png building.html coding-overview.html coding-progressive.html coding-style.html index.html manual-mupdf-gl.html manual-mutool-clean.html manual-mutool-convert.html manual-mutool-create.html manual-mutool-draw.html manual-mutool-extract.html manual-mutool-merge.html manual-mutool-run.html manual-mutool-show.html manual-mutool-trace.html style.css template.html thirdparty.html [FILE:254:manifests/plist.examples] share/examples/mupdf/ bbox-device.js create-thumbnail.js draw-device.js draw-document.js example.c fix-s22pdf.js jpx-to-pdf.js multi-threaded.c pdf-create-lowlevel.js pdf-create.js pdf-dejpx.js pdf-merge.js pdf-portfolio.js trace-device.js [FILE:616:patches/patch-Makefile] --- Makefile.orig 2019-08-02 14:49:26 UTC +++ Makefile @@ -189,13 +189,17 @@ generate: source/pdf/js/util.js.h # --- Library --- -MUPDF_LIB = $(OUT)/libmupdf.a -THIRD_LIB = $(OUT)/libmupdf-third.a +MUPDF_LIB = libmupdf.so.$(SOVERSION) +THIRD_LIB = libmupdfthird.so.$(SOVERSION) THREAD_LIB = $(OUT)/libmupdf-threads.a PKCS7_LIB = $(OUT)/libmupdf-pkcs7.a $(MUPDF_LIB) : $(MUPDF_OBJ) + $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -fPIC -shared -Wl,-soname=$@ -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) + $(THIRD_LIB) : $(THIRD_OBJ) + $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -fPIC -shared -Wl,-soname=$@ -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) + $(THREAD_LIB) : $(THREAD_OBJ) $(PKCS7_LIB) : $(PKCS7_OBJ) [FILE:666:patches/patch-Makerules] --- Makerules.orig 2019-08-02 14:49:26 UTC +++ Makerules @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ else ifeq ($(OS),MACOS) LD = xcrun ld RANLIB = xcrun ranlib -else ifeq ($(OS),Linux) +else ifeq ($(OS),%%OPSYS%%) HAVE_OBJCOPY := yes ifeq ($(shell pkg-config --exists freetype2 && echo yes),yes) @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ else ifeq ($(OS),Linux) X11_LIBS := $(shell pkg-config --libs x11 xext) endif - HAVE_LIBCRYPTO := $(shell pkg-config --exists 'libcrypto >= 1.1.0' && echo yes) + HAVE_LIBCRYPTO := no ifeq ($(HAVE_LIBCRYPTO),yes) LIBCRYPTO_CFLAGS := $(shell pkg-config --cflags libcrypto) -DHAVE_LIBCRYPTO LIBCRYPTO_LIBS := $(shell pkg-config --libs libcrypto) [FILE:505:patches/patch-Makethird] --- Makethird.orig 2019-08-02 14:49:26 UTC +++ Makethird @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ # GNU Makefile for third party libraries used by MuPDF +USE_SYSTEM_LIBS := yes ifeq ($(USE_SYSTEM_LIBS),yes) USE_SYSTEM_FREETYPE := yes USE_SYSTEM_HARFBUZZ := yes USE_SYSTEM_JBIG2DEC := yes USE_SYSTEM_JPEGXR := no # not available USE_SYSTEM_LCMS2 := no # lcms2mt is strongly preferred - USE_SYSTEM_LIBJPEG := yes USE_SYSTEM_MUJS := no # not available USE_SYSTEM_OPENJPEG := yes USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB := yes