# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= python-kombu VERSION= 4.2.1 KEYWORDS= python devel VARIANTS= py27 py36 py37 SDESC[py36]= Messaging library for Python (PY 36) SDESC[py37]= Messaging library for Python (PY 37) SDESC[py27]= Messaging library for Python (PY 27) HOMEPAGE= https://kombu.readthedocs.io CONTACT= Python_Automaton[python@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= PYPI/k/kombu DISTFILE[1]= kombu-4.2.1.tar.gz:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[py36]= single SPKGS[py37]= single SPKGS[py27]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= PY27 PY36 PY37 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[py36]= PY27=OFF PY36=ON PY37=OFF VOPTS[py37]= PY27=OFF PY36=OFF PY37=ON VOPTS[py27]= PY27=ON PY36=OFF PY37=OFF DISTNAME= kombu-4.2.1 GENERATED= yes [PY36].BUILDRUN_DEPENDS_ON= python-amqp:single:py36 [PY36].USES_ON= python:py36 [PY37].BUILDRUN_DEPENDS_ON= python-amqp:single:py37 [PY37].USES_ON= python:py37 [PY27].BUILDRUN_DEPENDS_ON= python-amqp:single:py27 [PY27].USES_ON= python:py27 [FILE:4764:descriptions/desc.single] ======================================== kombu - Messaging library for Python ======================================== |build-status| |coverage| |license| |wheel| |pyversion| |pyimp| :Version: 4.2.1 :Web: http://kombu.me/ :Download: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/kombu/ :Source: https://github.com/celery/kombu/ :Keywords: messaging, amqp, rabbitmq, redis, mongodb, python, queue About ===== `Kombu` is a messaging library for Python. The aim of `Kombu` is to make messaging in Python as easy as possible by providing an idiomatic high-level interface for the AMQ protocol, and also provide proven and tested solutions to common messaging problems. `AMQP`_ is the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol, an open standard protocol for message orientation, queuing, routing, reliability and security, for which the `RabbitMQ`_ messaging server is the most popular implementation. Features ======== * Allows application authors to support several message server solutions by using pluggable transports. * AMQP transport using the `py-amqp`_, `librabbitmq`_, or `qpid-python`_ libraries. * High performance AMQP transport written in C - when using `librabbitmq`_ This is automatically enabled if librabbitmq is installed: :: $ pip install librabbitmq * Virtual transports makes it really easy to add support for non-AMQP transports. There is already built-in support for `Redis`_, `Amazon SQS`_, `ZooKeeper`_, `SoftLayer MQ`_ and `Pyro`_. * In-memory transport for unit testing. * Supports automatic encoding, serialization and compression of message payloads. * Consistent exception handling across transports. * The ability to ensure that an operation is performed by gracefully handling connection and channel errors. * Several annoyances with `amqplib`_ has been fixed, like supporting timeouts and the ability to wait for events on more than one channel. * Projects already using `carrot`_ can easily be ported by using a compatibility layer. For an introduction to AMQP you should read the article `Rabbits and warrens`_, and the `Wikipedia article about AMQP`_. .. _`RabbitMQ`: https://www.rabbitmq.com/ .. _`AMQP`: https://amqp.org .. _`py-amqp`: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/amqp/ .. _`qpid-python`: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/qpid-python/ .. _`Redis`: https://redis.io .. _`Amazon SQS`: https://aws.amazon.com/sqs/ .. _`Zookeeper`: https://zookeeper.apache.org/ .. _`Rabbits and warrens`: http://web.archive.org/web/20160323134044/http://blogs.digitar.com/jjww/200 9/01/rabbits-and-warrens/ .. _`amqplib`: https://barryp.org/software/py-amqplib/ .. _`Wikipedia article about AMQP`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMQP .. _`carrot`: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/carrot/ .. _`librabbitmq`: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/librabbitmq .. _`Pyro`: https://pythonhosting.org/Pyro4 .. _`SoftLayer MQ`: https://sldn.softlayer.com/reference/messagequeueapi .. _transport-comparison: Transport Comparison ==================== +---------------+----------+------------+------------+---------------+----- ---------+-----------------------+ | **Client** | **Type** | **Direct** | **Topic** | **Fanout** | **Priority** | **TTL** | +---------------+----------+------------+------------+---------------+----- ---------+-----------------------+ | *amqp* | Native | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes [#f3]_ | Yes [#f4]_ | +---------------+----------+------------+------------+---------------+----- ---------+-----------------------+ | *qpid* | Native | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | +---------------+----------+------------+------------+---------------+----- ---------+-----------------------+ | *redis* | Virtual | Yes | Yes | Yes (PUB/SUB) | Yes | No | +---------------+----------+------------+------------+---------------+----- ---------+-----------------------+ | *mongodb* | Virtual | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | +---------------+----------+------------+------------+---------------+----- ---------+-----------------------+ | *SQS* | Virtual | Yes | Yes [#f1]_ | Yes [#f2]_ | No | No | +---------------+----------+------------+------------+---------------+----- ---------+-----------------------+ | *zookeeper* | Virtual | Yes | Yes [#f1]_ | No | Yes | No | +---------------+----------+------------+------------+---------------+----- ---------+-----------------------+ | *in-memory* | Virtual | Yes | Yes [#f1]_ | No | No | No | [FILE:97:distinfo] 86adec6c60f63124e2082ea8481bbe4ebe04fde8ebed32c177c7f0cd2c1c9082 423926 kombu-4.2.1.tar.gz