Merge branch 'vendor/EE'
[dragonfly.git] / sbin / hammer2 / main.c
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 The DragonFly Project.  All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * This code is derived from software contributed to The DragonFly Project
5  * by Matthew Dillon <>
6  * by Venkatesh Srinivas <>
7  *
8  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
9  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
10  * are met:
11  *
12  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
13  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
14  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
15  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
16  *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
17  *    distribution.
18  * 3. Neither the name of The DragonFly Project nor the names of its
19  *    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
20  *    from this software without specific, prior written permission.
21  *
34  */
36 #include "hammer2.h"
38 int DebugOpt;
39 int VerboseOpt;
40 int QuietOpt;
41 int NormalExit = 1;     /* if set to 0 main() has to pthread_exit() */
42 int RecurseOpt;
43 int ForceOpt;
45 static void usage(int code);
47 int
48 main(int ac, char **av)
49 {
50         const char *sel_path = NULL;
51         const char *uuid_str = NULL;
52         const char *arg;
53         int pfs_type = HAMMER2_PFSTYPE_NONE;
54         int all_opt = 0;
55         int ecode = 0;
56         int ch;
58         srandomdev();
59         signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
60         dmsg_crypto_setup();
62         /*
63          * Core options
64          */
65         while ((ch = getopt(ac, av, "adfrqs:t:u:v")) != -1) {
66                 switch(ch) {
67                 case 'a':
68                         all_opt = 1;
69                         break;
70                 case 'd':
71                         DebugOpt = 1;
72                         break;
73                 case 'f':
74                         ForceOpt = 1;
75                         break;
76                 case 'r':
77                         RecurseOpt = 1;
78                         break;
79                 case 's':
80                         sel_path = optarg;
81                         break;
82                 case 't':
83                         /*
84                          * set node type for mkpfs
85                          */
86                         if (strcasecmp(optarg, "ADMIN") == 0) {
87                                 pfs_type = HAMMER2_PFSTYPE_ADMIN;
88                         } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "CACHE") == 0) {
89                                 pfs_type = HAMMER2_PFSTYPE_CACHE;
90                         } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "COPY") == 0) {
91                                 pfs_type = HAMMER2_PFSTYPE_COPY;
92                         } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "SLAVE") == 0) {
93                                 pfs_type = HAMMER2_PFSTYPE_SLAVE;
94                         } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "SOFT_SLAVE") == 0) {
95                                 pfs_type = HAMMER2_PFSTYPE_SOFT_SLAVE;
96                         } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "SOFT_MASTER") == 0) {
97                                 pfs_type = HAMMER2_PFSTYPE_SOFT_MASTER;
98                         } else if (strcasecmp(optarg, "MASTER") == 0) {
99                                 pfs_type = HAMMER2_PFSTYPE_MASTER;
100                         } else {
101                                 fprintf(stderr, "-t: Unrecognized node type\n");
102                                 usage(1);
103                         }
104                         break;
105                 case 'u':
106                         /*
107                          * set uuid for mkpfs, else one will be generated
108                          * (required for all except the MASTER node_type)
109                          */
110                         uuid_str = optarg;
111                         break;
112                 case 'v':
113                         if (QuietOpt)
114                                 --QuietOpt;
115                         else
116                                 ++VerboseOpt;
117                         break;
118                 case 'q':
119                         if (VerboseOpt)
120                                 --VerboseOpt;
121                         else
122                                 ++QuietOpt;
123                         break;
124                 default:
125                         fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %c\n", ch);
126                         usage(1);
127                         /* not reached */
128                         break;
129                 }
130         }
132         /*
133          * Adjust, then process the command
134          */
135         ac -= optind;
136         av += optind;
137         if (ac < 1) {
138                 fprintf(stderr, "Missing command\n");
139                 usage(1);
140                 /* not reached */
141         }
143         if (strcmp(av[0], "connect") == 0) {
144                 /*
145                  * Add cluster connection
146                  */
147                 if (ac < 2) {
148                         fprintf(stderr, "connect: missing argument\n");
149                         usage(1);
150                 }
151                 ecode = cmd_remote_connect(sel_path, av[1]);
152         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "debugspan") == 0) {
153                 /*
154                  * Debug connection to the target hammer2 service and run
155                  * the CONN/SPAN protocol.
156                  */
157                 if (ac < 2) {
158                         fprintf(stderr, "debugspan: requires hostname\n");
159                         usage(1);
160                 }
161                 ecode = cmd_debugspan(av[1]);
162         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "disconnect") == 0) {
163                 /*
164                  * Remove cluster connection
165                  */
166                 if (ac < 2) {
167                         fprintf(stderr, "disconnect: missing argument\n");
168                         usage(1);
169                 }
170                 ecode = cmd_remote_disconnect(sel_path, av[1]);
171         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "hash") == 0) {
172                 ecode = cmd_hash(ac - 1, (const char **)(void *)&av[1]);
173         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "status") == 0) {
174                 /*
175                  * Get status of PFS and its connections (-a for all PFSs)
176                  */
177                 ecode = cmd_remote_status(sel_path, all_opt);
178         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "pfs-clid") == 0) {
179                 /*
180                  * Print cluster id (uuid) for specific PFS
181                  */
182                 if (ac < 2) {
183                         fprintf(stderr, "pfs-clid: requires name\n");
184                         usage(1);
185                 }
186                 ecode = cmd_pfs_getid(sel_path, av[1], 0);
187         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "pfs-fsid") == 0) {
188                 /*
189                  * Print private id (uuid) for specific PFS
190                  */
191                 if (ac < 2) {
192                         fprintf(stderr, "pfs-fsid: requires name\n");
193                         usage(1);
194                 }
195                 ecode = cmd_pfs_getid(sel_path, av[1], 1);
196         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "pfs-list") == 0) {
197                 /*
198                  * List all PFSs
199                  */
200                 ecode = cmd_pfs_list(sel_path);
201         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "pfs-create") == 0) {
202                 /*
203                  * Create new PFS using pfs_type
204                  */
205                 if (ac < 2) {
206                         fprintf(stderr, "pfs-create: requires name\n");
207                         usage(1);
208                 }
209                 ecode = cmd_pfs_create(sel_path, av[1], pfs_type, uuid_str);
210         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "pfs-delete") == 0) {
211                 /*
212                  * Delete a PFS by name
213                  */
214                 if (ac < 2) {
215                         fprintf(stderr, "pfs-delete: requires name\n");
216                         usage(1);
217                 }
218                 ecode = cmd_pfs_delete(sel_path, av[1]);
219         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "snapshot") == 0) {
220                 /*
221                  * Create snapshot with optional pfs-type and optional
222                  * label override.
223                  */
224                 if (ac > 2) {
225                         fprintf(stderr, "pfs-snapshot: too many arguments\n");
226                         usage(1);
227                 }
228                 if (ac != 2)
229                         ecode = cmd_pfs_snapshot(sel_path, NULL);
230                 else
231                         ecode = cmd_pfs_snapshot(sel_path, av[1]);
232         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "service") == 0) {
233                 /*
234                  * Start the service daemon.  This daemon accepts
235                  * connections from local and remote clients, handles
236                  * the security handshake, and manages the core messaging
237                  * protocol.
238                  */
239                 ecode = cmd_service();
240         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "stat") == 0) {
241                 ecode = cmd_stat(ac - 1, (const char **)(void *)&av[1]);
242         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "leaf") == 0) {
243                 /*
244                  * Start the management daemon for a specific PFS.
245                  *
246                  * This will typically connect to the local master node
247                  * daemon, register the PFS, and then pass its side of
248                  * the socket descriptor to the kernel HAMMER2 VFS via an
249                  * ioctl().  The process and/or thread context remains in the
250                  * kernel until the PFS is unmounted or the connection is
251                  * lost, then returns from the ioctl.
252                  *
253                  * It is possible to connect directly to a remote master node
254                  * instead of the local master node in situations where
255                  * encryption is not desired or no local master node is
256                  * desired.  This is not recommended because it represents
257                  * a single point of failure for the PFS's communications.
258                  *
259                  * Direct kernel<->kernel communication between HAMMER2 VFSs
260                  * is theoretically possible for directly-connected
261                  * registrations (i.e. where the spanning tree is degenerate),
262                  * but not recommended.  We specifically try to reduce the
263                  * complexity of the HAMMER2 VFS kernel code.
264                  */
265                 ecode = cmd_leaf(sel_path);
266         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "shell") == 0) {
267                 /*
268                  * Connect to the command line monitor in the hammer2 master
269                  * node for the machine using HAMMER2_DBG_SHELL messages.
270                  */
271                 ecode = cmd_shell((ac < 2) ? NULL : av[1]);
272         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "rsainit") == 0) {
273                 /*
274                  * Initialize a RSA keypair.  If no target directory is
275                  * specified we default to "/etc/hammer2".
276                  */
277                 arg = (ac < 2) ? HAMMER2_DEFAULT_DIR : av[1];
278                 ecode = cmd_rsainit(arg);
279         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "rsaenc") == 0) {
280                 /*
281                  * Encrypt the input symmetrically by running it through
282                  * the specified public and/or private key files.
283                  *
284                  * If no key files are specified data is encoded using
285                  * "/etc/hammer2/".
286                  *
287                  * WARNING: no padding is added, data stream must contain
288                  *          random padding for this to be secure.
289                  *
290                  * Used for debugging only
291                  */
292                 if (ac == 1) {
293                         const char *rsapath = HAMMER2_DEFAULT_DIR "/";
294                         ecode = cmd_rsaenc(&rsapath, 1);
295                 } else {
296                         ecode = cmd_rsaenc((const char **)(void *)&av[1],
297                                            ac - 1);
298                 }
299         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "rsadec") == 0) {
300                 /*
301                  * Decrypt the input symmetrically by running it through
302                  * the specified public and/or private key files.
303                  *
304                  * If no key files are specified data is decoded using
305                  * "/etc/hammer2/rsa.prv".
306                  *
307                  * WARNING: no padding is added, data stream must contain
308                  *          random padding for this to be secure.
309                  *
310                  * Used for debugging only
311                  */
312                 if (ac == 1) {
313                         const char *rsapath = HAMMER2_DEFAULT_DIR "/rsa.prv";
314                         ecode = cmd_rsadec(&rsapath, 1);
315                 } else {
316                         ecode = cmd_rsadec((const char **)(void *)&av[1],
317                                            ac - 1);
318                 }
319         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "show") == 0) {
320                 /*
321                  * Raw dump of filesystem.  Use -v to check all crc's, and
322                  * -vv to dump bulk file data.
323                  */
324                 if (ac != 2) {
325                         fprintf(stderr, "show: requires device path\n");
326                         usage(1);
327                 } else {
328                         cmd_show(av[1], 0);
329                 }
330         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "freemap") == 0) {
331                 /*
332                  * Raw dump of freemap.  Use -v to check all crc's, and
333                  * -vv to dump bulk file data.
334                  */
335                 if (ac != 2) {
336                         fprintf(stderr, "freemap: requires device path\n");
337                         usage(1);
338                 } else {
339                         cmd_show(av[1], 1);
340                 }
341         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "setcomp") == 0) {
342                 if (ac < 3) {
343                         /*
344                          * Missing compression method and at least one
345                          * path.
346                          */
347                         fprintf(stderr,
348                                 "setcomp: requires compression method and"
349                                 "directory/file path\n");
350                         usage(1);
351                 } else {
352                         /*
353                          * Multiple paths may be specified
354                          */
355                         ecode = cmd_setcomp(av[1], &av[2]);
356                 }
357         } else if (strcmp(av[0], "printinode") == 0) {
358                 if (ac != 2) {
359                         fprintf(stderr,
360                                 "printinode: requires directory/file path\n");
361                         usage(1);
362                 }
363                 else
364                         print_inode(av[1]);
365         } else {
366                 fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized command: %s\n", av[0]);
367                 usage(1);
368         }
370         /*
371          * In DebugMode we may wind up starting several pthreads in the
372          * original process, in which case we have to let them run and
373          * not actually exit.
374          */
375         if (NormalExit) {
376                 return (ecode);
377         } else {
378                 pthread_exit(NULL);
379                 _exit(2);       /* NOT REACHED */
380         }
381 }
383 static
384 void
385 usage(int code)
386 {
387         fprintf(stderr,
388                 "hammer2 [-s path] command...\n"
389                 "    -s path            Select filesystem\n"
390                 "    -t type            PFS type for pfs-create\n"
391                 "    -u uuid            uuid for pfs-create\n"
392                 "\n"
393                 "    connect <target>             "
394                         "Add cluster link\n"
395                 "    disconnect <target>          "
396                         "Del cluster link\n"
397                 "    hash filename*               "
398                         "Print directory hash\n"
399                 "    status                       "
400                         "Report cluster status\n"
401                 "    pfs-list                     "
402                         "List PFSs\n"
403                 "    pfs-clid <label>             "
404                         "Print cluster id for specific PFS\n"
405                 "    pfs-fsid <label>             "
406                         "Print private id for specific PFS\n"
407                 "    pfs-create <label>           "
408                         "Create a PFS\n"
409                 "    pfs-delete <label>           "
410                         "Destroy a PFS\n"
411                 "    snapshot [<label>]           "
412                         "Snapshot a PFS\n"
413                 "    service                      "
414                         "Start service daemon\n"
415                 "    stat [<path>]                "
416                         "Return inode quota & config\n"
417                 "    leaf                         "
418                         "Start pfs leaf daemon\n"
419                 "    shell [<host>]               "
420                         "Connect to debug shell\n"
421                 "    debugspan <target>           "
422                         "Connect to target, run CONN/SPAN\n"
423                 "    rsainit                      "
424                         "Initialize rsa fields\n"
425                 "    show devpath                 "
426                         "Raw hammer2 media dump\n"
427                 "    freemap devpath              "
428                         "Raw hammer2 media dump\n"
429                 "    setcomp comp[:level] path    "
430                         "Set compression {none, autozero, lz4, zlib} & level\n"
431         );
432         exit(code);
433 }