/* Copyright (C) 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Export of this software from the United States of America is assumed to require a specific license from the United States Government. It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating export to obtain such a license before exporting. WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. */ /* * Kerberos administration server-side subroutines */ #include "kadm_locl.h" RCSID("$Id: kadm_server.c,v 1.9 1997/05/02 10:29:08 joda Exp $"); /* kadm_ser_cpw - the server side of the change_password routine recieves : KTEXT, {key} returns : CKSUM, RETCODE acl : caller can change only own password Replaces the password (i.e. des key) of the caller with that specified in key. Returns no actual data from the master server, since this is called by a user */ int kadm_ser_cpw(u_char *dat, int len, AUTH_DAT *ad, u_char **datout, int *outlen) { u_int32_t keylow, keyhigh; des_cblock newkey; int status; int stvlen=0; char *pw_msg; char pword[MAX_KPW_LEN]; char *strings[4]; /* take key off the stream, and change the database */ if ((status = stv_long(dat, &keyhigh, 0, len)) < 0) return(KADM_LENGTH_ERROR); stvlen=status; if ((status = stv_long(dat, &keylow, stvlen, len)) < 0) return(KADM_LENGTH_ERROR); stvlen+=status; if((status = stv_string(dat, pword, stvlen, sizeof(pword), len))<0) pword[0]=0; keylow = ntohl(keylow); keyhigh = ntohl(keyhigh); memcpy(((char *)newkey) + 4, &keyhigh, 4); memcpy(newkey, &keylow, 4); strings[0] = ad->pname; strings[1] = ad->pinst; strings[2] = ad->prealm; strings[3] = NULL; status = kadm_pw_check(pword, &newkey, &pw_msg, strings); memset(pword, 0, sizeof(pword)); memset(dat, 0, len); if(status != KADM_SUCCESS){ *datout=malloc(0); *outlen=vts_string(pw_msg, datout, 0); return status; } *datout=0; *outlen=0; return(kadm_change(ad->pname, ad->pinst, ad->prealm, newkey)); } /* kadm_ser_add - the server side of the add_entry routine recieves : KTEXT, {values} returns : CKSUM, RETCODE, {values} acl : su, sms (as alloc) Adds and entry containing values to the database returns the values of the entry, so if you leave certain fields blank you will be able to determine the default values they are set to */ int kadm_ser_add(u_char *dat, int len, AUTH_DAT *ad, u_char **datout, int *outlen) { Kadm_vals values, retvals; long status; if ((status = stream_to_vals(dat, &values, len)) < 0) return(KADM_LENGTH_ERROR); if ((status = kadm_add_entry(ad->pname, ad->pinst, ad->prealm, &values, &retvals)) == KADM_DATA) { *outlen = vals_to_stream(&retvals,datout); return KADM_SUCCESS; } else { *outlen = 0; return status; } } /* kadm_ser_mod - the server side of the mod_entry routine recieves : KTEXT, {values, values} returns : CKSUM, RETCODE, {values} acl : su, sms (as register or dealloc) Modifies all entries corresponding to the first values so they match the second values. returns the values for the changed entries */ int kadm_ser_mod(u_char *dat, int len, AUTH_DAT *ad, u_char **datout, int *outlen) { Kadm_vals vals1, vals2, retvals; int wh; long status; if ((wh = stream_to_vals(dat, &vals1, len)) < 0) return KADM_LENGTH_ERROR; if ((status = stream_to_vals(dat+wh,&vals2, len-wh)) < 0) return KADM_LENGTH_ERROR; if ((status = kadm_mod_entry(ad->pname, ad->pinst, ad->prealm, &vals1, &vals2, &retvals)) == KADM_DATA) { *outlen = vals_to_stream(&retvals,datout); return KADM_SUCCESS; } else { *outlen = 0; return status; } } int kadm_ser_delete(u_char *dat, int len, AUTH_DAT *ad, u_char **datout, int *outlen) { Kadm_vals values; int wh; int status; if((wh = stream_to_vals(dat, &values, len)) < 0) return KADM_LENGTH_ERROR; if(wh != len) return KADM_LENGTH_ERROR; status = kadm_delete_entry(ad->pname, ad->pinst, ad->prealm, &values); *outlen = 0; return status; } /* kadm_ser_get recieves : KTEXT, {values, flags} returns : CKSUM, RETCODE, {count, values, values, values} acl : su gets the fields requested by flags from all entries matching values returns this data for each matching recipient, after a count of how many such matches there were */ int kadm_ser_get(u_char *dat, int len, AUTH_DAT *ad, u_char **datout, int *outlen) { Kadm_vals values, retvals; u_char fl[FLDSZ]; int loop,wh; long status; if ((wh = stream_to_vals(dat, &values, len)) < 0) return KADM_LENGTH_ERROR; if (wh + FLDSZ > len) return KADM_LENGTH_ERROR; for (loop=FLDSZ-1; loop>=0; loop--) fl[loop] = dat[wh++]; if ((status = kadm_get_entry(ad->pname, ad->pinst, ad->prealm, &values, fl, &retvals)) == KADM_DATA) { *outlen = vals_to_stream(&retvals,datout); return KADM_SUCCESS; } else { *outlen = 0; return status; } }