This code is structured roughly as follows: xmalloc.c: - Wrappers for the malloc() functions, for error generation and memory leak checking purposes. tre-mem.c: - A simple and efficient memory allocator. tre-stack.c: - Implements a simple stack data structure. tre-ast.c: - Abstract syntax tree (AST) definitions. tre-parse.c: - Regexp parser. Parses a POSIX regexp (with TRE extensions) into an abstract syntax tree (AST). tre-compile.c: - Compiles ASTs to ready-to-use regex objects. Comprised of two parts: * Routine to convert an AST to a tagged AST. A tagged AST has appropriate minimized or maximized tags added to keep track of submatches. * Routine to convert tagged ASTs to tagged nondeterministic state machines (TNFAs) without epsilon transitions (transitions on empty strings). tre-match-parallel.c: - Parallel TNFA matcher. * The matcher basically takes a string and a TNFA and finds the leftmost longest match and submatches in one pass over the input string. Only the beginning of the input string is scanned until a leftmost match and longest match is found. * The matcher cannot handle back references, but the worst case time consumption is O(l) where l is the length of the input string. The space consumption is constant. tre-match-backtrack.c: - A traditional backtracking matcher. * Like the parallel matcher, takes a string and a TNFA and finds the leftmost longest match and submatches. Portions of the input string may (and usually are) scanned multiple times. * Can handle back references. The worst case time consumption, however, is O(k^l) where k is some constant and l is the length of the input string. The worst case space consumption is O(l). tre-match-approx.c: - Approximate parallel TNFA matcher. * Finds the leftmost and longest match and submatches in one pass over the input string. The match may contain errors. Each missing, substituted, or extra character in the match increases the cost of the match. A maximum cost for the returned match can be given. The cost of the found match is returned. * Cannot handle back references. The space and time consumption bounds are the same as for the parallel exact matcher, but in general this matcher is slower than the exact matcher. regcomp.c: - Implementation of the regcomp() family of functions as simple wrappers for tre_compile(). regexec.c: - Implementation of the regexec() family of functions. * The appropriate matcher is dispatched according to the features used in the compiled regex object. regerror.c: - Implements the regerror() function.