This file documents some of the problems you may encounter when upgrading your ports. We try our best to minimize these disruptions, but sometimes they are unavoidable. You should get into the habit of checking this file for changes each time you update your ports collection, before attempting any port upgrades. 20200408: AFFECTS: users of security/openssh-portable AUTHOR: OpenSSH was upgraded to 8.2p1 on 2020-03-23. A restart of sshd is required after upgrade due to an incompatibility introduced in 8.2. Please see for upcoming deprecation notices. 20200408 AFFECTS: users of net/irrd AUTHOR: Legacy version of net/irrd has been moved to net/irrd-legacy. net/irrd has been upgraded to 4.X branch. If someone wants to stick with legacy version then pkg users have to do something like # pkg set -o net/irrd:net/irrd-legacy For portmaster users # portmaster -o net/irrd-legacy net/irrd Both of the version can be installed and used concurrently in case there is a need for migration 20200403: AFFECTS: users of x11-fonts/fontconfig AUTHOR: Fontconfig 2.13.1 generated .uuid files in the fonts directory which where not properly registered to the packages. To clean them up, please execute the following command: find /usr/local/share/fonts -type f -name .uuid -delete 20200326: AFFECTS: users of devel/sonarqube and devel/sonar-ant-task AUTHOR: The outdated port devel/sonarqube has moved to devel/sonarqube-community to make it clear that it is the community edition. The log and DB files are still stored in the same location. The devel/sonar-ant-task port has moved to devel/sonarqube-ant-task to match the upstream-name. The install location is renamed accordingly. At the same time the user/group of the sonarqube port changed from www:www to sonarqube:sonarqube. It is expected that nobody was using the 6.2 version from 2016 anymore and no change needs to be done. No analysis was done to check if the old 6.2 version can be updated in-place to the 8.2 version. As such if there is still someone using the old 6.2 version, you may have to delete /var/log/sonarqube and /var/db/sonarqube before installing the new version. 20200320 AFFECTS: users of devel/qca AUTHOR: New versions of devel/qca stopped supporting OpenSSL < 1.1. For this reason devel/qca-legacy has been added, which is held back at an older version until FreeBSD 11 goes EOL. Ports depending on devel/qca should stop adding direct LIB_DEPENDS and switch to depending on it via USES=qca. FreeBSD 11 users might want to run something like pkg set -o devel/qca:devel/qca-legacy 20200320: AFFECTS: users of x11/libxkbcommon AUTHOR: The libxkbcommon library (x11/libxkbcommon), used to handle keyboards in some applications, most notably kde and wayland, have been switched to use evdev rules by default on FreeBSD 12 and later. Some keys, most notably arrow keys, may not work in applications using libxkbcommon if you are using xf86-input-keyboard rather than xf86-input-libinput. If you have trouble with the keyboard keys, and if /var/log/Xorg.*.log shows that the "kbd" or "keyboard" driver is being used, you need to switch to legacy rules by setting the environment variable XKB_DEFAULT_RULES to xorg. This switch is made to match the default configuration on FreeBSD 12.1 and later, the default configuration on FreeBSD 11.3 still uses the legacy rules. 20200316: AFFECTS: users of net-im/slack-term AUTHOR: The config file location was changed from ~/.slack-term to ~/.config/slack-term/config, please move your existing config file accordingly. 20200308 AFFECTS: users of graphics/mesa-libs and legacy graphics drivers AUTHOR: The mesa OpenGL library (graphics/mesa-libs) has been switched to use DRI3 by default, instead of the older DRI2 interface. This might cause regressions when using the legacy graphics drivers, either through graphics/drm-legacy-kmod or the graphics drivers in base. If you experience issues when running OpenGL applications it is possible to force the use of DRI2 by setting the LIBGL_DRI3_DISABLE environment variable to 1 before starting any OpenGL application. The easiest way to do this is by adding it to either your shell startup files or .xinitrc. 20200306 AFFECTS: users of databases/mysql80-server AUTHOR: As of MySQL 8.0.16, the MySQL server performs the upgrade tasks previously handled by mysql_upgrade. Consequently, mysql_upgrade is unneeded and is deprecated as of that version, and will be removed in a future MySQL version. Because mysql_upgrade no longer performs upgrade tasks, it exits with status 0 unconditionally. 20200303: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/librenms AUTHOR: 1. Apache / mod_php options removed The APACHEMOD option has been removed. LibreNMS can be used with other webservers, not just Apache. In order to simplify the port, the option was removed. Now you manually install the webserver of your preference. If upgrading from LibreNMS < 1.61, you can do this to prevent 'pkg autoremove' from uninstalling Apache / mod_php: $ sudo pkg set -A 0 apache24 mod_php74 Mark apache24-2.4.41 as not automatically installed? [y/N]: y Mark mod_php74-7.4.3 as not automatically installed? [y/N]: y Adjust mod_php74 to suit the version of mod_php you have. 2. include/ is gone The file include/ is no longer distributed by the upstream project. The FreeBSD port patched this file to correct the paths to common tools such as ping, snmpwalk, etc. These values previously adjusted by the port must now be specified in config.php. New installs will have this automatically, but existing installs must be updated manually. These are the entries you should add if upgrading from LibreNMS < 1.61: $config['snmpwalk'] = '/usr/local/bin/snmpwalk'; $config['snmpget'] = '/usr/local/bin/snmpget'; $config['snmpbulkwalk'] = '/usr/local/bin/snmpbulkwalk'; $config['snmptranslate'] = '/usr/local/bin/snmptranslate'; $config['ping'] = '/sbin/ping'; $config['mtr'] = '/usr/local/bin/mtr'; $config['nmap'] = '/usr/local/bin/nmap'; $config['nagios_plugins'] = '/usr/local/libexec/nagios'; $config['ipmitool'] = '/usr/local/bin/ipmitool'; $config['virsh'] = '/usr/local/bin/virsh'; $config['dot'] = '/usr/local/bin/dot'; $config['sfdp'] = '/usr/local/bin/sfdp'; $config['nfdump'] = '/usr/local/bin/nfdump'; 20200229: AFFECTS: users of textproc/apache-solr AUTHOR: Apache-solr switched to the supported java LTS version 11. Make sure you update the following files accordingly: /usr/local/etc/ (see /usr/local/etc/ /usr/local/etc/javavm_opts.conf (JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/openjdk11/) 20200225: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/netbox AUTHOR: 1. Removal of the Topology Maps feature The deprecated topology maps feature has been removed. Please replicate any required data to another source before upgrading NetBox to v2.7.7, as any existing topology maps will be deleted. 2. Changed REDIS database configuration settings The REDIS database configuration parameters were splitted up in two discrete subsections named "webhooks" and "caching" with the 2.7 release. This requires modification of the REDIS parameter in as follows: Old Redis sample configuration: REDIS = { 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': 6379, 'PASSWORD': '', 'DATABASE': 0, 'CACHE_DATABASE': 1, 'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 300, 'SSL': False, } New Redis sample configuration: REDIS = { 'webhooks': { 'HOST': '', 'PORT': 1234, 'PASSWORD': 'foobar', 'DATABASE': 0, 'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 300, 'SSL': False, }, 'caching': { 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': 6379, 'PASSWORD': '', 'DATABASE': 1, 'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 300, 'SSL': False, } } Note that the CACHE_DATABASE parameter has been removed and the connection settings have been duplicated for both webhooks and caching. This allows one to make use of separate Redis instances if desired. It is fine to use the same Redis service for both functions, although the database identifiers should be different. Please also check the pkg-message and the changelogs for further info. 20200223: AFFECTS: users of security/gsasl AUTHOR: The library part of security/gsasl has been split into security/libgsasl. The security/gsasl now depends on security/libgsasl. Due to this change, old security/gsasl conflicts with the new security/libgsasl and it can prevent the installed security/gsasl from upgrading. Please remove the installed security/gsasl before upgrading if a conflict error occurs. 20200220: AFFECTS: users of x11-servers/xorg-server AUTHOR: x11-servers/xorg-server has been updated to 1.20.7. With this update, xorg-server has switched from using the devd backend to the udev backend for device configuration on FreeBSD 12 and 13. If you have issues with input devices, please see the install message for details. The HAL backend option has been completely removed, as it was deprecated. If you have problems with input devices, ensure that both x11/libinput and x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput are installed. They are installed in the default configuration, but if you have a custom configuration, they might not be. 20200210: AFFECTS: users of net-im/prosody AUTHOR: Prosody's pid file and data directory have moved to a new location. If you are upgrading from a version with the pid file and data directory in /usr/local/var/lib/prosody please perform these steps: # stop Prosody pkill -F /usr/local/var/lib/prosody/ # copy the data directory cp -a /usr/local/var/lib/prosody /var/db/prosody rm -f /var/db/prosody/ Make sure your prosody config has the following option set: pidfile = "/var/run/prosody/" Then start Prosody again. Everything should be working as before and the /usr/local/var/lib/prosody directory can now be removed. 20200207: AFFECTS: users of security/nss AUTHOR: NSS header files and libraries have been moved from ${PREFIX}/include/nss/nss and ${PREFIX}/lib/nss to ${PREFIX}/include/nss and ${PREFIX}/lib 20200204: AFFECTS: users of editors/vim AUTHOR: The PYTHON2 and PYTHON3 options have been turned into a single PYTHON option that uses whichever python you've set as default. However, this means that you cannot have both python2 and python3 support at the same time. 20200126: AFFECTS: users of multimedia/gstreamer1-plugins[-bad] AUTHOR: In GStreamer 1.16 some files moved from the gstreamer1-plugins-bad package to the gstreamer1-plugins package. If your using a tool like portmaster or portupgrade delete the old -bad port and then follow the normal upgrade method. # pkg delete -f gstreamer1-plugins-bad 20200126: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/helm AUTHOR: The Helm project have deprecated the Tiller utility in Helm 3. If you are using Helm 2 you will need to migrate the configuration to be compatible with Helm 3. Please, refer to the following documentation for more information about the migration process: Note that the 2to3 plugin binary is not available for FreeBSD and you will need to compile it yourself. 20200113: AFFECTS: users of python and net/samba410, devel/talloc, devel/tevent, databases/tdb, databases/ldb* AUTHOR: In the entry 20191216 for the Python update the filtering constrains are too limiting and omit the Samba supplimentary libraries, which do have Python bindings to the default Python 3.x version. With the update of the default Python3 version you also need to rebuild all the supplimentary Samba libraries and samba410 itself. For portmaster users it would be enough to run: # portmaster devel/talloc devel/tevent databases/tdb databases/ldb15 net/samba410 20200109: AFFECTS: www/firefox AUTHOR: Firefox requires Capsicum since r522464 for IPC and in future will require Capsicum for process sandboxing. If you use a custom kernel make sure to copy the following lines from GENERIC kernel: options CAPABILITY_MODE # Capsicum capability mode options CAPABILITIES # Capsicum capabilities 20200107: AFFECTS: Users of *-emacs27-* packages AUTHOR: There is a major version bump in 28.0.50, therefore to upgrade all the packages dependent on editors/emacs-devel, please use the following commands: # sh # for i in $(pkg query -g %n '*-emacs27*'); do \ nn=$(echo "$i" | sed -e 's/emacs27/emacs28/'); \ pkg set -yn "$i":"$nn"; done; # pkg upgrade 20200106: AFFECTS: users of net/gnatsd AUTHOR: net/gnatsd has been replaced by net/nats-server to reflect the new naming upstream. All options in rc.conf should be renamed by replacing 'gnats' with 'nats' (nats_enable, nats_user, nats_options). 20200101: AFFECTS: users of security/openssl and security/openssl111 AUTHOR: The openssl port was removed on 2019-12-31, subsequently the openssl111 port was renamed to openssl on 2020-01-01. The shared library version of OpenSSL has been bumped. Users of DEFAULT_VERSIONS= ssl=openssl111 must update this to ssl=openssl. You must rebuild all ports that depend on OpenSSL if you use OpenSSL from ports. 20191226: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/dsbmd AUTHOR: With version 1.10 dsbmd now uses sysutils/fusefs-jmtpfs for mounting MTP devices. Please adjust your dsbmd.conf or recreate it from the new dsbmd.conf.sample. 20191225: AFFECTS: multimedia/libva-intel-media-driver AUTHOR: As of libva 2.6.0 iHD driver is automatically enabled, so you no longer need to adjust LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME in ~/.profile or ~/.login. 20191221: AFFECTS: users of misc/openhab2 AUTHOR: If you upgrade from a pevious version, make a backup of /var/db/openhab2 read about the breaking changes in the release notes at and run %%PREFIX%%/libexec/openhab2/runtime/bin/update.freebsd which takes care about changes for: - Textual Configuration - Next Generation Rule Engine 20191216: AFFECTS: users of python AUTHOR: Default version of python3 and python was switched to 3.7. For ports users wanting to keep version 3.6 as default, add DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= python=3.6 python3=3.6 to make.conf This may ease the upgrade for users of pre-build packages: # sh # for i in $(pkg query -g %n 'py36-*'); do pkg set -yn ${i}:py37-${i#py36-}; done # pkg upgrade For portmaster users: # portmaster -o lang/python37 python36 # REINSTALL="$(pkg info -o py36-\* | awk '{printf "%s ", $2}')" # pkg delete -f py36-\* # portmaster $REINSTALL # REBUILD=$(pkg query -g "%n:%dn" '*' | grep py3 | grep -v py37 | cut -d : -f 1 | sort -u) # portmaster $REBUILD # REBUILD2=$(pkg list | grep python-36 | xargs pkg which | awk '{print $6}' | sort -u) # portmaster $REBUILD2 20191204 AFFECTS: users of mail/nextcloud-mail AUTHOR: Version 0.20.0 removed the default mail configuration via config.php. All users will be prompted to enter account and SMTP- and IMAP-server details for sending and reading email. 20191126: AFFECTS: consumers of net/py-urllib3 AUTHOR: Since version 1.25 HTTPS connections are now verified by default which is done via "cert_reqs = 'CERT_REQUIRED'". While certificate verification can be disabled via "cert_reqs = 'CERT_NONE'", it's highly recommended to leave it on. Various consumers of net/py-urllib3 already have implemented routines that either explicitly enable or disable HTTPS certificate verification (e.g. via configuration settings, CLI arguments, etc.). Yet it may happen that there are still some consumers which don't explicitly enable/disable certificate verification for HTTPS connections which could then lead to errors (as is often the case with self-signed certificates). In case of an error one should try first to temporarily disable certificate verification of the problematic urllib3 consumer to see if this approach will remedy the issue. 20191125: AFFECTS: users of emulators/qemu AUTHOR: emulators/qemu31 has been updated to 4.1.1. Previous 3.1.X branch has been repocopied to emulators/qemu31. If someone wants to stick with 3.1.X branch please use one of the following command: # pkg install emulators/qemu31 or # portmaster -o emulators/qemu31 emulators/qemu or # portupgrade -o emulators/qemu31 emulators/qemu 20191124: AFFECTS: users of irc/eggdrop AUTHOR: The irc/eggdrop port has been updated to 1.8.4 and its config is not backward compatible with 1.6.21. A new port was created to keep 1.6.21 version available at irc/eggdrop16 and it will be available for 3 months until users have time to upgrade their configuration. More information at: If you would like to keep using 1.6.21, please run the following command to update pkg database: pkg set -n eggdrop:eggdrop16 pkg set -o irc/eggdrop:irc/eggdrop16 20191108: AFFECTS: users of databases/redis[-devel] AUTHOR: The databases/redis port has been updated to the recent stable release. Users wanting to stay on v4.x can replace databases/redis with databases/redis4 with one of the following commands: # pkg install databases/redis4 or # portmaster -o databases/redis4 databases/redis or # portupgrade -o databases/redis4 databases/redis 20191103: AFFECTS: users of www/node AUTHOR: The www/node port has been updated to Node.js v13.0.0, the latest upstream release. A new port, www/node12, has been created for the v12.x LTS branch. Users wanting to stay on v12.x can replace www/node with www/node12 with one of the following commands: # pkg install www/node12 or # portmaster -o www/node12 www/node or # portupgrade -o www/node12 www/node 20191029: AFFECTS: users of emulators/open-vm-tools[-nox11] AUTHOR: open-vm-tools 11.0.1 has removed the vmxnet driver. This driver has been in tree for quite some time and hopefully everyone is using the in tree version, however if you had removed device vmx from your kernel, or are running an unsupported version of FreeBSD which didn't have the driver included in the base system, updating your open-vm-tools version will leave you without networking. 20191026: AFFECTS: users of www/qt5-webengine AUTHOR: Users that upgrade www/qt5-webengine without using pkg/poudriere might experience failures due to conflicts with the installed version of 5.12.2. In that case, pkg delete -f the qt5-webengine package before building the updated version. 20191025: AFFECTS: users of x11/nvidia-driver (and slave ports) AUTHOR: x11/nvidia-driver* ports no longer install Linux programs and libraries, which had been moved to their own ports (x11/linux-nvidia-libs*). When updating the driver package next time, remember to install them manually if you need to run Linux OpenGL programs. 20191016: AFFECTS: users of KDE Plasma Desktop (x11/plasma5*) AUTHOR: With Plasma 5.17 the startup script has been renamed. People who use the .xinitrc method to start Plasma have to call the new binary. Previously: exec ck-launch-session startkde Change to: exec ck-launch-session startplasma-x11 20191014: AFFECTS: users of mail/rspamd, mail/rspamd-devel AUTHOR: Sample configuration files has been removed as default configuration files are NOT intended for modification by users and SHOULD be overwritten on port upgrade. Make sure the default configuration files are unmodified and migrate all configuration changes to the proper places, before you continue. 20191002: AFFECTS: users of textproc/groff AUTHOR: with groff 1.2.4_3, groff does not depend anymore on ghostscript and netpbm. In order to be able to properly use the html backend the user can install ghostscript and netpbm from ports without the need of reinstalling the package. Also note that the X11 option has been removed. 20190930: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/netbox AUTHOR: Since the 2.6 release a running Redis server instance is required for caching objects to run. Also the following settings like below need to be added (or modified) in the existing REDIS = { 'HOST': 'localhost', 'PORT': 6397, 'PASSWORD': '' 'DATABASE': 0, 'CACHE_DATABASE': 1, 'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT': 300, 'SSL': False, } Note that if you were using these settings in a prior release with webhooks, the DATABASE setting remains the same but an additional CACHE_DATABASE settings has been added with a default value of 1 to support the caching backend. The DATABASE setting will be renamed in a future release of NetBox to better relay the meaning of the setting. It is highly recommended to keep the webhook and cache databases separate. Using the same database number for both may result in webhook processing data being lost during cache flushing events. Please also check the pkg-message and the changelogs for further info. 20190927: AFFECTS: users of emulators/qemu-devel AUTHOR: qemu-devel has been updated to 4.1.0 and 4.0.0 has been merged into a new port emulators/qemu40. If you want to stick with 4.0.X branch, simply use: # portmaster -o emulators/qemu-devel emulators/qemu40 20190927: AFFECTS: users of XFCE desktop (x11-wm/xfce4) AUTHOR: Due to changes in the XFCE 4.14 metaport, systems could end up with both xscreensaver and xfce4-screensaver installed and enabled simultaneously. This can cause conflicts and problems unlocking the screen. To avoid problems, please make sure to have only one enabled by going to the Application Autostart tab of the Session and Startup settings applet and enable only one Screensaver there. Some further information can be found in the xfce4-session pkg-message displayed on installation and upgrade. 20190920: AFFECTS: users of net-mgmt/pushgateway AUTHOR: The persistent storage format used by pushgateway in the latest version is not backwards compatible. See the pushgateway changelogs for details. 20190911: AFFECTS: users of security/bastillion AUTHOR: The datastore of bastillion needs to be updated: java -jar $PREFIX/jetty_bastillion/upgrade/bastillion-upgrade-3.08.00.jar \ $PREFIX/jetty_bastillion/bastillion/WEB-INF/classes/ 20190909: AFFECTS: users of lang/ruby25 AUTHOR: The default ruby version has been updated from 2.5 to 2.6. If you compile your own ports you may keep 2.5 as the default version by adding the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file: # # Keep ruby 2.5 as default version # DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=ruby=2.5 If you wish to update to the new default version, you need to first stop any software that uses ruby. Then, you will need to follow these steps, depending upon how you manage your system. If you use pkgng, simply upgrade: # pkg upgrade If you do not use pkg, please check entry 20190420. The description there should also work for this version. 20190906: AFFECTS: users of devel/py-fabric AUTHOR: Fabric (devel/py-fabric) was upgraded to 2.5.0, Fabric (2+) represents a near-total reimplementation and reorganization of the software. Fabric 2 is not at 100% feature parity with 1.x! Some features have been explicitly dropped, but others simply have not been ported over yet, either due to time constraints or because said features need to be re-examined in a modern context. More information at: If you would like to keep using 1.x, please run the following command to update pkg database: pkg set -n py27-fabric:py27-fabric1 pkg set -o devel/py-fabric:devel/py-fabric1 20190830: AFFECTS: users of www/gitlab-ce AUTHOR: Make sure you upgrade your PostgreSQL to version 11 as described in 20190829, before you upgrade your gitlab-ce version. Gitlab-ce 12.1 needs at least PostgreSQL version 9.6. After this you can follow the usual upgrade guide: 20190829: AFFECTS: users of database/postgresql* and other software using PostgreSQL to run AUTHOR: The default version of PostgreSQL has been switched from 9.5 to 11. The upgrade procedure can use up twice the space the databases currently needs. If you have a big amount of stored data take a closer look at the manpage of pg_upgrade for avoidance and/or speedup of the upgrade. The upgrade instructions consider a basic usage and do not match complex scenarios like replication, sharding, or similar. Upgrade instructions: First stop your PostgreSQL, create PostgreSQL-binaries and backup your data. If you have another Version of PostgreSQL installed, for example 9.5.19, your files are named according to this. # service postgresql stop # pkg create postgresql95-server postgresql95-contrib # mkdir /tmp/pg-upgrade # tar xf postgresql95-server-9.5.19.txz -C /tmp/pg-upgrade # tar xf postgresql95-contrib-9.5.19.txz -C /tmp/pg-upgrade # pkg delete -f databases/postgresql95-server databases/postgresql95-contrib databases/postgresql95-client Now update PostgreSQL: pkg user: # pkg install databases/postgresql11-server databases/postgresql11-contrib # pkg upgrade Portmaster users: # portmaster databases/postgresql11-server databases/postgresql11-contrib # portmaster -a Portupgrade users: # portinstall databases/postgresql11-server databases/postgresql11-contrib # portupgrade -a After installing the new PostgreSQL version you need to convert all your databases to new version: # su -l postgres -c "/usr/local/bin/initdb --encoding=utf-8 --lc-collate=C -D /var/db/postgres/data11 -U pgsql" # chown -R postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data/ # su -l postgres -c "pg_upgrade -b /tmp/pg-upgrade/usr/local/bin/ -d /usr/local/pgsql/data/ -B /usr/local/bin/ -D /var/db/postgres/data11/ -U pgsql " Now the migration is finished. You can start PostgreSQL again with: # service postgresql start ATTENTION: 1) The default user changed from "pgsql" to "postgres". The migration steps above preserve the "pgsql" database user while the database daemon is now executed as the "postgres" FreeBSD user. 2) The default data dir changed from "/usr/local/pgsql/data/" to "/var/db/postgres/data11/" 3) If you use non-default initdb options, you have to adjust the initdb-command accordingly 20190816: AFFECTS: users of net-im/ejabberd AUTHOR: Riak support has been removed by upstream. For update instructions from 19.05, please refer to: 20190812: AFFECTS: users of lang/perl5* AUTHOR: The default Perl version has been switched to Perl 5.30. If you are using binary packages to upgrade your system, you do not have anything to do, pkg upgrade will do the right thing. For the other people, follow the instructions in entry 20161103, it should still be the same. 20190801: AFFECTS: users of www/ot-recorder AUTHOR: The data directory has moved from /var/spool/owntracks to /var/db/owntracks Be sure to stop otrecorder, move the directory, and start otrecorder. service ot-recorder stop cd /var/spool mv owntracks /var/db service ot-recorder start 20190728: AFFECTS: users of net-im/py-matrix-synapse AUTHOR: The support for Python 2.7 has been dropped with the 1.1.0 release of net/py-matrix-synapse. Users that still use the Python 2.7 version of net-im/py-matrix-synapse should switch to a newer Python version, e.g. 3.6, which is the default Python version since April 2019. 20190717: AFFECTS: users of net-p2p/zetacoin and net-p2p/zetacoin-nox11 AUTHOR: Zetacoin will default to using modern versions of BDB (5.x or 6.x) when the WALLET option is selected. See pkg-help for explanation. The zetacoin-nox11 slave port was renamed to zetacoin-daemon to align with the net-p2p/bitcoin format. The zetacoin-cli and zetacoin-tx utilities have been re-packaged into a separate port. If you require these programs, or use the zetacoin-cli program to access the daemon or the GUI, install net-p2p/zetacoin-utils to reinstall them. 20190717: AFFECTS: users of sysutils/py-borgmatic AUTHOR: The default location for borgmatic's configurations changed. We moved it from '/etc/borgmatic' to '/usr/local/etc/borgmatic' in order to follow recommended standards used on FreeBSD. 20190710: AFFECTS: users with DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=linux=c6 or c6_64 in /etc/make.conf AUTHOR: On amd64 adding DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=linux=c6 to /etc/make.conf made Linux infrastructure ports (linux_base-c6 and linux-c6*) install i386 CentOS 6 packages. Using c6_64 instead of c6 made them install mixed amd64/i386 CentOS 6 packages and allowed Linux application ports to install amd64 binaries when available. The i386-only configuration was only useful for users of x11/nvidia-driver* which didn't provide Linux amd64 emulation until recently. With x11/nvidia-driver* now supporting Linux amd64 there's no longer a need for i386-only Linux on amd64 so DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=linux=c6 has been changed to make Linux infrastructure ports install mixed amd64/i386 CentOS 6 packages, like c6_64 before, and support for c6_64 has been removed. Users with DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=linux=c6 should reinstall linux_base-c6 and all packages that depend on it. A list of dependent packages can be obtained with the following command: pkg info -r linux_base-c6 Users with DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=linux=c6_64 only need to replace c6_64 with c6 in /etc/make.conf. Users of x11/nvidia-driver* should upgrade to FreeBSD 11.3 or 12.0 if they want to run Linux amd64 OpenGL programs. If you are running an older version you may want to postpone installing or updating Linux application ports until you find the time to upgrade because application ports may install amd64 binaries now. Infrastructure ports are safe to reinstall, and so is x11/nvidia-driver*. On i386 nothing has changed. 20190707: AFFECTS: users of www/gitlab-ce AUTHOR: You must at first upgrade to version 11.11.5 before you can upgrade to version 12. Support for MySQL will be dropped with next version. Make sure you use at least PostgreSQL version 9.6. Follow the normal upgrade manual that can be found here: 20190705: AFFECTS: users of net/serviio which bought a license for the non-free features AUTHOR: Version 2 of serviio needs a new license file. Updating without a new license file will disable the non-free features. 20190701: AFFECTS: users of databases/mysql56-(server|client) AUTHOR: The default MySQL version has been updated from 5.6 to 5.7. If you compile your own ports you may keep 5.6 as the default version by adding the following lines to your /etc/make.conf file: # # Keep MySQL 5.6 as default version # DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=mysql=5.6 If you wish to update to the new default version, you need to first stop any running server instance. Then, you will need to follow these steps, depending on installed packages. # pkg set -o databases/mysql56-client:databases/mysql57-client # pkg set -o databases/mysql56-server:databases/mysql57-server # pkg upgrade 20190630: AFFECTS: users of net/samba410 AUTHOR: If you used Samba in AD/DC mode with the previous versions of the port on UFS2 backed storage you have to add usage of vfs_freebsd VFS module for at least SYSVOL share and configure it to use 'legacy' mode(see manpage). The reason behind this is that previous versions Samba port used a hack to workaround broken mapping of Linux security and trusted extended attributes into FreeBSD namespace. In particular, essential security.NTACL attribute was replaced with the user.NTACL and placed in a insecure USER namespace. This port dropped this hack in favor of vfs_freebsd module, which should provide more controlled way of such a mapping. To maintain the compatibility with the previous installations on UFS2 storage (as ZFS uses it's own way of mapping SYSVOL, thanks to the iXsystems patches) the vfs_freebsd module provides 'legacy' mode that implements old functionality. For the fresh installations it is recommended to use 'secure' mode of operations for this module and use it as a global vfs objects. Caution: The given module is still considered EXPERIMENTAL. 20190630: AFFECTS: users of net/samba410, net/samba4[6-8] and devel/talloc?, devel/tevent?, databases/tdb?, databases/ldb* AUTHOR: The port of the new version of Samba 4.10 is introduced. Due necessarily to keep backwards compatibility for the legacy samba4[6-8] ports the upgrade procedure is a bit convoluted. You are safe to perform fresh new install of samba410 port. In case you are upgrading from the previous versions of Samba, please use the following procedure: 0. Take backups of all the relevant files, in particular PREFIX/etc/smb4.conf and /var/db/samba4/ subdirectory. Keep in mind that files there (may) have extended attributes, so use appropriate tools to preserve them. 1a. If you haven't updated Samba between 20190619 and 20190630 then next step should be as simple as: portmaster -o net/samba410 net/samba48 1b. If you have been affected by the archiving legacy versions of Samba-related libraries for legacy versions of Samba, which happened in the given time frame, then you need to reverse operation from the 20190619 entry: for users of portmaster: portmaster -o devel/talloc devel/talloc1 portmaster -o devel/tevent devel/tevent1 portmaster -o databases/tdb databases/tdb1 portmaster -o net/samba410 net/samba48 for users of portupgrade: portupgrade -o devel/talloc devel/talloc1 portupgrade -o devel/tevent devel/tevent1 portupgrade -o databases/tdb databases/tdb1 portupgrade -o net/samba410 net/samba48 20190619: AFFECTS: users of samba4[6-8] and devel/talloc, devel/tevent, databases/tdb, databases/ldb* AUTHOR: To introduce samba410(we deliberately skip samba49 due the complexity of handling) and to drop dependency on deprecated Python 2.7, Samba supplementary libraries talloc, tevent and tdb were split into current Python 3 compatible versions and legacy ones, with the suffix "1". Old versions of Samba were changed to depend on the legacy supplementary libraries, so if you need to install samba46, samba47 or samba48 over previous Samba installations you need to downgrade supplementary libs with the following commands: for users of portmaster: portmaster -o devel/talloc1 devel/talloc portmaster -o devel/tevent1 devel/tevent portmaster -o databases/tdb1 databases/tdb portmaster -r talloc1 for users of portupgrade: portupgrade -o devel/talloc1 devel/talloc portupgrade -o devel/tevent1 devel/tevent portupgrade -o databases/tdb1 databases/tdb portupgrade -fr devel/talloc1 20190613: AFFECTS: users of www/qt5-webengine AUTHOR: Users that upgrade www/qt5-webengine without using pkg/poudriere might experience failures due to conflicts with the installed version of 5.12.2. In that case, pkg delete -f the qt5-webengine package before building the updated version. 20190611: AFFECTS: users of net/routinator AUTHOR: Release 0.4.0 fundamentally changes the command line options for running the server and introduces a new way to initialize the local RPKI repository used by Routinator. If you have been using previous releases, you will likely have to adjust your tooling. We apologize for this, but we also feel that the new commands are more intuitive and logical. 20190604: AFFECTS: users of net/samba47 AUTHOR: The default version of samba has been switched from 4.7 to 4.8. Upgrade instructions: For package users having samba47 installed indirectly (as a dependency): # pkg upgrade For package users having samba47 installed directly (leaf port): # pkg upgrade # pkg install samba48 For ports users: If you want to keep samba47, add DEFAULT_VERSIONS+= samba=4.7 to make.conf If you want to upgrade to samba48, remove samba47: # pkg delete -f samba47 Portmaster users: # portmaster net/samba48 # portmaster -a Portupgrade users: # portinstall net/samba48 # portupgrade -a