# Created by: Jyun-Yan You # $FreeBSD$ PORTNAME= rust PORTVERSION?= 1.38.0 PORTREVISION?= 0 CATEGORIES= lang MASTER_SITES= https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/:src \ https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/:rust_bootstrap \ LOCAL/tobik/rust:rust_bootstrap \ https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/:cargo_bootstrap \ LOCAL/tobik/rust:cargo_bootstrap \ https://releases.llvm.org/${COMPILER_RT_VERSION}/:compiler_rt \ https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-${COMPILER_RT_VERSION}/:compiler_rt DISTNAME?= ${PORTNAME}c-${PORTVERSION}-src DISTFILES?= ${NIGHTLY_SUBDIR}${DISTNAME}${EXTRACT_SUFX}:src \ ${_RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP}${BOOTSTRAPS_SUFFIX}.tar.gz:rust_bootstrap \ ${_RUST_STD_BOOTSTRAP}${BOOTSTRAPS_SUFFIX}.tar.gz:rust_bootstrap \ ${_CARGO_BOOTSTRAP}${BOOTSTRAPS_SUFFIX}.tar.gz:cargo_bootstrap \ ${DISTFILES_${ARCH}} DISTFILES_armv6= compiler-rt-${COMPILER_RT_VERSION}.src.tar.xz:compiler_rt DISTFILES_armv7= compiler-rt-${COMPILER_RT_VERSION}.src.tar.xz:compiler_rt DIST_SUBDIR?= rust EXTRACT_ONLY?= ${DISTFILES:N*\:*bootstrap:C/:.*//} MAINTAINER= rust@FreeBSD.org COMMENT= Language with a focus on memory safety and concurrency LICENSE= APACHE20 MIT LICENSE_COMB= dual LICENSE_FILE_APACHE20= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-APACHE LICENSE_FILE_MIT= ${WRKSRC}/LICENSE-MIT IGNORE_FreeBSD_11_powerpc64= is missing a bootstrap for FreeBSD 11.x powerpc64 ONLY_FOR_ARCHS?= aarch64 amd64 armv6 armv7 i386 powerpc64 ONLY_FOR_ARCHS_REASON= requires prebuilt bootstrap compiler BUILD_DEPENDS= cmake:devel/cmake \ gmake:devel/gmake LIB_DEPENDS= libcurl.so:ftp/curl \ libgit2.so:devel/libgit2 \ libssh2.so:security/libssh2 USES= libedit pkgconfig python:build ssl tar:xz CONFLICTS_INSTALL?= rust-nightly EXTRA_PATCHES+= ${EXTRA_PATCHES_${ARCH}} EXTRA_PATCHES_armv6= ${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-arm-compiler-rt EXTRA_PATCHES_armv7= ${PATCHDIR}/extra-patch-arm-compiler-rt PLIST_FILES= lib/rustlib/components \ lib/rustlib/rust-installer-version OPTIONS_DEFINE= DOCS GDB SOURCES GDB_DESC= Install ports gdb (necessary for debugging rust programs) SOURCES_DESC= Install source files DOCS_VARS_OFF= _RUST_BUILD_DOCS=false DOCS_VARS= _RUST_BUILD_DOCS=true GDB_RUN_DEPENDS= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/gdb:devel/gdb # See WRKSRC/src/stage0.txt for the date and version values. BOOTSTRAPS_DATE?= 2019-08-15 RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION?= 1.37.0 CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION?= 0.38.0 COMPILER_RT_VERSION?= 9.0.0 BOOTSTRAPS_SUFFIX?= ${BOOTSTRAPS_SUFFIX_${ARCH}} BOOTSTRAPS_SUFFIX_powerpc64?= -elfv1 CARGO_VENDOR_DIR?= ${WRKSRC}/vendor # Rust's target arch string might be different from *BSD arch strings _RUST_ARCH_x86_64= x86_64 _RUST_ARCH_i386= i686 _RUST_TARGET= ${_RUST_ARCH_${ARCH}:U${ARCH}}-unknown-${OPSYS:tl} _LLVM_TARGET= ${ARCH:C/armv.*/ARM/:S/aarch64/AArch64/:S/powerpc64/PowerPC/} _RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP= ${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE}}/rustc-${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}-${_RUST_TARGET} _RUST_STD_BOOTSTRAP= ${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE}}/rust-std-${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}-${_RUST_TARGET} _CARGO_BOOTSTRAP= ${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE}}/cargo-${CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}}-${_RUST_TARGET} .include .if ${ARCH} == powerpc64 # The bootstrap is hardcoded to use gcc9 # but we can build with a newer or older compiler as provided by USE_GCC=yes BUILD_DEPENDS+= gcc9:lang/gcc9 USE_GCC= yes .endif .if ${OPSYS} == FreeBSD && ${ARCH} == aarch64 && \ (${OSVERSION} < 1200502 || \ (${OSVERSION} > 1300000 && ${OSVERSION} < 1300006)) IGNORE= fails to run due to a bug in rtld, update to 12-STABLE r342847 or 13-CURRENT r342113 .endif .ifdef QEMU_EMULATING IGNORE= fails to build with qemu-user-static .endif X_PY_ENV+= HOME="${WRKDIR}" \ LIBGIT2_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=1 \ LIBSSH2_SYS_USE_PKG_CONFIG=1 \ OPENSSL_DIR="${OPENSSLBASE}" X_PY_CMD= ${PYTHON_CMD} ${WRKSRC}/x.py post-extract: @${MKDIR} ${WRKSRC}/build/cache/${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE}} ${LN} -sf ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${_RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP}${BOOTSTRAPS_SUFFIX}.tar.gz \ ${WRKSRC}/build/cache/${_RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP}.tar.gz ${LN} -sf ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${_RUST_STD_BOOTSTRAP}${BOOTSTRAPS_SUFFIX}.tar.gz \ ${WRKSRC}/build/cache/${_RUST_STD_BOOTSTRAP}.tar.gz ${LN} -sf ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/${_CARGO_BOOTSTRAP}${BOOTSTRAPS_SUFFIX}.tar.gz \ ${WRKSRC}/build/cache/${_CARGO_BOOTSTRAP}.tar.gz .if ${ARCH} == armv6 || ${ARCH} == armv7 ${LN} -sf ${WRKDIR}/compiler-rt-${COMPILER_RT_VERSION}.src ${WRKSRC}/src/llvm-project/compiler-rt .endif post-patch: @${REINPLACE_CMD} 's,gdb,${LOCALBASE}/bin/gdb,' ${WRKSRC}/src/etc/rust-gdb @${ECHO_MSG} "Canonical bootstrap date and version before patching:" @${GREP} -E '^(date|rustc|cargo)' ${WRKSRC}/src/stage0.txt # If we override the versions and date of the bootstraps (for instance # on aarch64 where we provide our own bootstraps), we need to update # places where they are recorded. @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,^date:.*,date: ${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE_${ARCH}:U${BOOTSTRAPS_DATE}},' \ -e 's,^rustc:.*,rustc: ${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${RUST_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}},' \ -e 's,^cargo:.*,cargo: ${CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_${ARCH}:U${CARGO_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION}},' \ ${WRKSRC}/src/stage0.txt @${ECHO_MSG} "Bootstrap date and version after patching:" @${GREP} -E '^(date|rustc|cargo)' ${WRKSRC}/src/stage0.txt # Disable vendor checksums @${REINPLACE_CMD} 's,"files":{[^}]*},"files":{},' \ ${CARGO_VENDOR_DIR}/*/.cargo-checksum.json post-patch-SOURCES-off: # Mimic tools in config.toml with just src excluded @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's/config.tools.*"src".*/false;/' \ ${WRKSRC}/src/bootstrap/install.rs .if defined(WITH_CCACHE_BUILD) && !defined(NO_CCACHE) CCACHE_VALUE= "${CCACHE_BIN}" .else CCACHE_VALUE= false .endif do-configure: ${SED} -E \ -e 's,%PREFIX%,${PREFIX},' \ -e 's,%SYSCONFDIR%,${PREFIX}/etc,' \ -e 's,%MANDIR%,${MANPREFIX}/man,' \ -e 's,%PYTHON_CMD%,${PYTHON_CMD},' \ -e 's,%CHANNEL%,${PKGNAMESUFFIX:Ustable:S/^-//},' \ -e 's,%TARGET%,${_RUST_TARGET},' \ -e 's,%CCACHE%,${CCACHE_VALUE},' \ -e 's,%CC%,${CC},' \ -e 's,%CXX%,${CXX},' \ -e 's,%DOCS%,${_RUST_BUILD_DOCS},' \ < ${FILESDIR}/config.toml \ > ${WRKSRC}/config.toml # no need to build a crosscompiler for these targets .if ${ARCH} == aarch64 || ${ARCH} == armv6 || ${ARCH} == armv7 || ${ARCH} == powerpc64 @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,^#targets =.*,targets = "${_LLVM_TARGET}",' \ -e 's,^#experimental-targets =.*,experimental-targets = "",' \ ${WRKSRC}/config.toml .endif @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,%CC%,${CC},g' \ ${WRKSRC}/src/librustc_llvm/build.rs \ ${WRKSRC}/src/bootstrap/native.rs do-build: cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ${SETENV} ${X_PY_ENV} \ ${X_PY_CMD} build \ --verbose \ --config ./config.toml \ --jobs ${MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER} do-install: cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ${SETENV} ${X_PY_ENV} \ DESTDIR=${STAGEDIR} \ ${X_PY_CMD} 'install' \ --verbose \ --config ./config.toml \ --jobs ${MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER} # In post-install, we use the manifests generated during Rust install # to in turn generate the PLIST. We do that, instead of the regular # `pkg-plist`, because several libraries have a computed filename based # on the absolute path of the source files. As it is user-specific, we # can't know their filename in advance. # # Both rustc and Cargo components install the same README.md and LICENSE # files. The install process backs up the first copy to install the # second. Thus here, we need to remove those backups. We also need to # dedup the entries in the generated PLIST, because both components' # manifests list them. # # We fix manpage entries in the generated manifests because Rust # installs them uncompressed but the Ports framework compresses them. post-install: for f in ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/rustlib/manifest-*; do \ ${REINPLACE_CMD} -i '' -E \ -e 's|:${STAGEDIR}|:|' \ -e 's|(man/man[1-9]/.*\.[0-9])|\1.gz|' \ "$$f"; \ ${ECHO_CMD} "$${f#${STAGEDIR}}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \ ${AWK} '\ /^file:/ { \ file=$$0; \ sub(/^file:/, "", file); \ print file; \ } \ /^dir:/ { \ dir=$$0; \ sub(/^dir:/, "", dir); \ system("find ${STAGEDIR}" dir " -type f | ${SED} -E -e \"s|${STAGEDIR}||\""); \ }' \ "$$f" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \ done ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/rust/*.old ${SORT} -u < ${TMPPLIST} > ${TMPPLIST}.uniq ${MV} ${TMPPLIST}.uniq ${TMPPLIST} @${RM} \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/rustlib/install.log \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/rustlib/uninstall.sh # FIXME: Static libraries in lib/rustlib/*/lib/*.rlib are not stripped, # but they contain non-object files which make strip(1) unhappy. @${FIND} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin -exec ${FILE} -i {} + | ${AWK} -F: \ '/executable|sharedlib/ { print $$1 }' | ${XARGS} ${STRIP_CMD} # Note that make test does not work when rust is already installed. do-test: cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ${SETENV} ${X_PY_ENV} \ ALLOW_NONZERO_RLIMIT_CORE=1 \ ${X_PY_CMD} test \ --verbose \ --config ./config.toml \ --jobs ${MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER} .if !defined(_RUST_MAKESUM_GUARD) makesum: ${MAKE} -D_RUST_MAKESUM_GUARD makesum ARCH=${ONLY_FOR_ARCHS:O:[1]} DISTINFO_FILE=${DISTINFO_FILE}.tmp .for arch in ${ONLY_FOR_ARCHS:O:[2..-1]} ${MAKE} -D_RUST_MAKESUM_GUARD makesum ARCH=${arch} DISTINFO_FILE=${DISTINFO_FILE}.${arch} ${GREP} ${_RUST_ARCH_${arch}:U${arch}} ${DISTINFO_FILE}.${arch} >> ${DISTINFO_FILE}.tmp .for file in ${DISTFILES_${arch}} ${GREP} ${file:S,:, ,:[1]} ${DISTINFO_FILE}.${arch} >> ${DISTINFO_FILE}.tmp .endfor ${RM} ${DISTINFO_FILE}.${arch} .endfor ${MAKE} -D_RUST_MAKESUM_GUARD makesum ARCH=powerpc64 BOOTSTRAPS_SUFFIX="-elfv2" DISTINFO_FILE=${DISTINFO_FILE}.powerpc64-elfv2 ${GREP} ${_RUST_ARCH_powerpc64:Upowerpc64} ${DISTINFO_FILE}.powerpc64-elfv2 >> ${DISTINFO_FILE}.tmp ${RM} ${DISTINFO_FILE}.powerpc64-elfv2 ${AWK} '!seen[$$0]++' ${DISTINFO_FILE}.tmp > ${DISTINFO_FILE} ${RM} ${DISTINFO_FILE}.tmp .endif .include