Add support for cam_calc_geometry(), from FreeBSD-5.
[dragonfly.git] / release /
1 #
2 # Network services, Internet style
3 #
4 # Stripped-down version.
5 #
6 # $FreeBSD: src/release/,v 1.4 1999/08/28 01:33:10 peter Exp $
7 # $DragonFly: src/release/Attic/,v 1.2 2003/06/17 04:27:17 dillon Exp $
8 #
10 #
11 echo              7/tcp
12 echo              7/udp
13 discard           9/tcp    sink null
14 discard           9/udp    sink null
15 systat           11/tcp    users        #Active Users
16 systat           11/udp    users        #Active Users
17 daytime          13/tcp
18 daytime          13/udp
19 chargen          19/tcp    ttytst source        #Character Generator
20 chargen          19/udp    ttytst source        #Character Generator
21 ftp-data         20/tcp    #File Transfer [Default Data]
22 ftp-data         20/udp    #File Transfer [Default Data]
23 ftp              21/tcp    #File Transfer [Control]
24 ftp              21/udp    #File Transfer [Control]
25 ssh              22/tcp    #Secure Shell Login
26 ssh              22/udp    #Secure Shell Login
27 telnet           23/tcp
28 telnet           23/udp
29 #                24/tcp    any private mail system
30 #                24/udp    any private mail system
31 smtp             25/tcp    mail         #Simple Mail Transfer
32 smtp             25/udp    mail         #Simple Mail Transfer
33 time             37/tcp    timserver
34 time             37/udp    timserver
35 domain           53/tcp    #Domain Name Server
36 domain           53/udp    #Domain Name Server
37 bootps           67/tcp    dhcps        #Bootstrap Protocol Server
38 bootps           67/udp    dhcps        #Bootstrap Protocol Server
39 bootpc           68/tcp    dhcpc        #Bootstrap Protocol Client
40 bootpc           68/udp    dhcpc        #Bootstrap Protocol Client
41 tftp             69/tcp    #Trivial File Transfer
42 tftp             69/udp    #Trivial File Transfer
43 gopher           70/tcp
44 gopher           70/udp
45 finger           79/tcp
46 finger           79/udp
47 http             80/tcp    www www-http         #World Wide Web HTTP
48 http             80/udp    www www-http         #World Wide Web HTTP
49 sunrpc          111/tcp    rpcbind      #SUN Remote Procedure Call
50 sunrpc          111/udp    rpcbind      #SUN Remote Procedure Call
51 auth            113/tcp    ident tap    #Authentication Service
52 auth            113/udp    ident tap    #Authentication Service
53 nntp            119/tcp    usenet       #Network News Transfer Protocol
54 nntp            119/udp    usenet       #Network News Transfer Protocol
55 rmt             411/tcp    #Remote MT Protocol
56 rmt             411/udp    #Remote MT Protocol
57 https           443/tcp
58 https           443/udp
59 #
60 # Berkeley-specific services
61 #
62 exec            512/tcp    #remote process execution;
63 #                          authentication performed using
64 #                          passwords and UNIX loppgin names
65 biff            512/udp    comsat       #used by mail system to notify users
66 #                                       of new mail received; currently
67 #                                       receives messages only from
68 #                                       processes on the same machine
69 login           513/tcp    #remote login a la telnet;
70 #                          automatic authentication performed
71 #                          based on priviledged port numbers
72 #                          and distributed data bases which
73 #                          identify "authentication domains"
74 who             513/udp    whod         #maintains data bases showing who's
75 #                                       logged in to machines on a local
76 #                                       net and the load average of the
77 #                                       machine
78 cmd             514/tcp    shell        #like exec, but automatic
79 #                                       authentication is performed as for
80 #                                       login server
81 syslog          514/udp
82 printer         515/tcp    spooler
83 printer         515/udp    spooler
84 talk            517/tcp    #like tenex link, but across
85 #                          machine - unfortunately, doesn't
86 #                          use link protocol (this is actually
87 #                          just a rendezvous port from which a
88 #                          tcp connection is established)
89 talk            517/udp    #like tenex link, but across
90 #                          machine - unfortunately, doesn't
91 #                          use link protocol (this is actually
92 #                          just a rendezvous port from which a
93 #                          tcp connection is established)
94 ntalk           518/tcp
95 ntalk           518/udp
96 utime           519/tcp    unixtime
97 utime           519/udp    unixtime
98 efs             520/tcp    #extended file name server
99 router          520/udp    route routed    #local routing process (on site);
100 #                                          uses variant of Xerox NS routing
101 #                                          information protocol
102 uucp            540/tcp    uucpd
103 uucp            540/udp    uucpd
104 uucp-rlogin     541/tcp
105 uucp-rlogin     541/udp
106 klogin          543/tcp                 # Kerberos (v4/v5)
107 klogin          543/udp                 # Kerberos (v4/v5)
108 kshell          544/tcp    krcmd        # Kerberos (v4/v5)
109 kshell          544/udp    krcmd        # Kerberos (v4/v5)