Add the DragonFly cvs id and perform general cleanups on cvs/rcs/sccs ids. Most
[dragonfly.git] / contrib / libf2c / libI77 / rsfe.c
1 /* read sequential formatted external */
2 #include "f2c.h"
3 #include "fio.h"
4 #include "fmt.h"
6 xrd_SL(Void)
7 {       int ch;
8         if(!f__curunit->uend)
9                 while((ch=getc(f__cf))!='\n')
10                         if (ch == EOF) {
11                                 f__curunit->uend = 1;
12                                 break;
13                                 }
14         f__cursor=f__recpos=0;
15         return(1);
16 }
17 x_getc(Void)
18 {       int ch;
19         if(f__curunit->uend) return(EOF);
20         ch = getc(f__cf);
21         if(ch!=EOF && ch!='\n')
22         {       f__recpos++;
23                 return(ch);
24         }
25         if(ch=='\n')
26         {       (void) ungetc(ch,f__cf);
27                 return(ch);
28         }
29         if(f__curunit->uend || feof(f__cf))
30         {       errno=0;
31                 f__curunit->uend=1;
32                 return(-1);
33         }
34         return(-1);
35 }
36 x_endp(Void)
37 {
38         xrd_SL();
39         return f__curunit->uend == 1 ? EOF : 0;
40 }
41 x_rev(Void)
42 {
43         (void) xrd_SL();
44         return(0);
45 }
46 #ifdef KR_headers
47 integer s_rsfe(a) cilist *a; /* start */
48 #else
49 integer s_rsfe(cilist *a) /* start */
50 #endif
51 {       int n;
52         if(f__init != 1) f_init();
53         f__init = 3;
54         f__reading=1;
55         f__sequential=1;
56         f__formatted=1;
57         f__external=1;
58         if(n=c_sfe(a)) return(n);
59         f__elist=a;
60         f__cursor=f__recpos=0;
61         f__scale=0;
62         f__fmtbuf=a->cifmt;
63         f__curunit= &f__units[a->ciunit];
64         f__cf=f__curunit->ufd;
65         if(pars_f(f__fmtbuf)<0) err(a->cierr,100,"startio");
66         f__getn= x_getc;
67         f__doed= rd_ed;
68         f__doned= rd_ned;
69         fmt_bg();
70         f__doend=x_endp;
71         f__donewrec=xrd_SL;
72         f__dorevert=x_rev;
73         f__cblank=f__curunit->ublnk;
74         f__cplus=0;
75         if(f__curunit->uwrt && f__nowreading(f__curunit))
76                 err(a->cierr,errno,"read start");
77         if(f__curunit->uend)
78                 err(f__elist->ciend,(EOF),"read start");
79         return(0);
80 }