pfnStop() seems to take a flags argument which as far as I can tell from
[dragonfly.git] / sys / crypto / blowfish / bf_pi.h
1 /*      $FreeBSD: src/sys/crypto/blowfish/bf_pi.h,v 2002/03/26 10:12:23 ume Exp $       */
2 /*      $DragonFly: src/sys/crypto/blowfish/bf_pi.h,v 1.2 2003/06/17 04:28:20 dillon Exp $      */
3 /*      $KAME: bf_pi.h,v 1.4 2001/09/10 04:03:56 itojun Exp $   */
5 /* crypto/bf/bf_pi.h */
6 /* Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Eric Young (
7  * All rights reserved.
8  *
9  * This package is an SSL implementation written
10  * by Eric Young (
11  * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL.
12  *
13  * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as
14  * the following conditions are aheared to.  The following conditions
15  * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA,
16  * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code.  The SSL documentation
17  * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms
18  * except that the holder is Tim Hudson (
19  *
20  * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in
21  * the code are not to be removed.
22  * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution
23  * as the author of the parts of the library used.
24  * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or
25  * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package.
26  *
27  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
28  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
29  * are met:
30  * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright
31  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
32  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
33  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
34  *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
35  * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
36  *    must display the following acknowledgement:
37  *    "This product includes cryptographic software written by
38  *     Eric Young ("
39  *    The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library
40  *    being used are not cryptographic related :-).
41  * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from
42  *    the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement:
43  *    "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson ("
44  *
56  *
57  * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or
58  * derivative of this code cannot be changed.  i.e. this code cannot simply be
59  * copied and put under another distribution licence
60  * [including the GNU Public Licence.]
61  */
63 static const BF_KEY bf_init= {
64         {
65         0x243f6a88L, 0x85a308d3L, 0x13198a2eL, 0x03707344L,
66         0xa4093822L, 0x299f31d0L, 0x082efa98L, 0xec4e6c89L,
67         0x452821e6L, 0x38d01377L, 0xbe5466cfL, 0x34e90c6cL,
68         0xc0ac29b7L, 0xc97c50ddL, 0x3f84d5b5L, 0xb5470917L,
69         0x9216d5d9L, 0x8979fb1b
70         },{
71         0xd1310ba6L, 0x98dfb5acL, 0x2ffd72dbL, 0xd01adfb7L,
72         0xb8e1afedL, 0x6a267e96L, 0xba7c9045L, 0xf12c7f99L,
73         0x24a19947L, 0xb3916cf7L, 0x0801f2e2L, 0x858efc16L,
74         0x636920d8L, 0x71574e69L, 0xa458fea3L, 0xf4933d7eL,
75         0x0d95748fL, 0x728eb658L, 0x718bcd58L, 0x82154aeeL,
76         0x7b54a41dL, 0xc25a59b5L, 0x9c30d539L, 0x2af26013L,
77         0xc5d1b023L, 0x286085f0L, 0xca417918L, 0xb8db38efL,
78         0x8e79dcb0L, 0x603a180eL, 0x6c9e0e8bL, 0xb01e8a3eL,
79         0xd71577c1L, 0xbd314b27L, 0x78af2fdaL, 0x55605c60L,
80         0xe65525f3L, 0xaa55ab94L, 0x57489862L, 0x63e81440L,
81         0x55ca396aL, 0x2aab10b6L, 0xb4cc5c34L, 0x1141e8ceL,
82         0xa15486afL, 0x7c72e993L, 0xb3ee1411L, 0x636fbc2aL,
83         0x2ba9c55dL, 0x741831f6L, 0xce5c3e16L, 0x9b87931eL,
84         0xafd6ba33L, 0x6c24cf5cL, 0x7a325381L, 0x28958677L,
85         0x3b8f4898L, 0x6b4bb9afL, 0xc4bfe81bL, 0x66282193L,
86         0x61d809ccL, 0xfb21a991L, 0x487cac60L, 0x5dec8032L,
87         0xef845d5dL, 0xe98575b1L, 0xdc262302L, 0xeb651b88L,
88         0x23893e81L, 0xd396acc5L, 0x0f6d6ff3L, 0x83f44239L,
89         0x2e0b4482L, 0xa4842004L, 0x69c8f04aL, 0x9e1f9b5eL,
90         0x21c66842L, 0xf6e96c9aL, 0x670c9c61L, 0xabd388f0L,
91         0x6a51a0d2L, 0xd8542f68L, 0x960fa728L, 0xab5133a3L,
92         0x6eef0b6cL, 0x137a3be4L, 0xba3bf050L, 0x7efb2a98L,
93         0xa1f1651dL, 0x39af0176L, 0x66ca593eL, 0x82430e88L,
94         0x8cee8619L, 0x456f9fb4L, 0x7d84a5c3L, 0x3b8b5ebeL,
95         0xe06f75d8L, 0x85c12073L, 0x401a449fL, 0x56c16aa6L,
96         0x4ed3aa62L, 0x363f7706L, 0x1bfedf72L, 0x429b023dL,
97         0x37d0d724L, 0xd00a1248L, 0xdb0fead3L, 0x49f1c09bL,
98         0x075372c9L, 0x80991b7bL, 0x25d479d8L, 0xf6e8def7L,
99         0xe3fe501aL, 0xb6794c3bL, 0x976ce0bdL, 0x04c006baL,
100         0xc1a94fb6L, 0x409f60c4L, 0x5e5c9ec2L, 0x196a2463L,
101         0x68fb6fafL, 0x3e6c53b5L, 0x1339b2ebL, 0x3b52ec6fL,
102         0x6dfc511fL, 0x9b30952cL, 0xcc814544L, 0xaf5ebd09L,
103         0xbee3d004L, 0xde334afdL, 0x660f2807L, 0x192e4bb3L,
104         0xc0cba857L, 0x45c8740fL, 0xd20b5f39L, 0xb9d3fbdbL,
105         0x5579c0bdL, 0x1a60320aL, 0xd6a100c6L, 0x402c7279L,
106         0x679f25feL, 0xfb1fa3ccL, 0x8ea5e9f8L, 0xdb3222f8L,
107         0x3c7516dfL, 0xfd616b15L, 0x2f501ec8L, 0xad0552abL,
108         0x323db5faL, 0xfd238760L, 0x53317b48L, 0x3e00df82L,
109         0x9e5c57bbL, 0xca6f8ca0L, 0x1a87562eL, 0xdf1769dbL,
110         0xd542a8f6L, 0x287effc3L, 0xac6732c6L, 0x8c4f5573L,
111         0x695b27b0L, 0xbbca58c8L, 0xe1ffa35dL, 0xb8f011a0L,
112         0x10fa3d98L, 0xfd2183b8L, 0x4afcb56cL, 0x2dd1d35bL,
113         0x9a53e479L, 0xb6f84565L, 0xd28e49bcL, 0x4bfb9790L,
114         0xe1ddf2daL, 0xa4cb7e33L, 0x62fb1341L, 0xcee4c6e8L,
115         0xef20cadaL, 0x36774c01L, 0xd07e9efeL, 0x2bf11fb4L,
116         0x95dbda4dL, 0xae909198L, 0xeaad8e71L, 0x6b93d5a0L,
117         0xd08ed1d0L, 0xafc725e0L, 0x8e3c5b2fL, 0x8e7594b7L,
118         0x8ff6e2fbL, 0xf2122b64L, 0x8888b812L, 0x900df01cL,
119         0x4fad5ea0L, 0x688fc31cL, 0xd1cff191L, 0xb3a8c1adL,
120         0x2f2f2218L, 0xbe0e1777L, 0xea752dfeL, 0x8b021fa1L,
121         0xe5a0cc0fL, 0xb56f74e8L, 0x18acf3d6L, 0xce89e299L,
122         0xb4a84fe0L, 0xfd13e0b7L, 0x7cc43b81L, 0xd2ada8d9L,
123         0x165fa266L, 0x80957705L, 0x93cc7314L, 0x211a1477L,
124         0xe6ad2065L, 0x77b5fa86L, 0xc75442f5L, 0xfb9d35cfL,
125         0xebcdaf0cL, 0x7b3e89a0L, 0xd6411bd3L, 0xae1e7e49L,
126         0x00250e2dL, 0x2071b35eL, 0x226800bbL, 0x57b8e0afL,
127         0x2464369bL, 0xf009b91eL, 0x5563911dL, 0x59dfa6aaL,
128         0x78c14389L, 0xd95a537fL, 0x207d5ba2L, 0x02e5b9c5L,
129         0x83260376L, 0x6295cfa9L, 0x11c81968L, 0x4e734a41L,
130         0xb3472dcaL, 0x7b14a94aL, 0x1b510052L, 0x9a532915L,
131         0xd60f573fL, 0xbc9bc6e4L, 0x2b60a476L, 0x81e67400L,
132         0x08ba6fb5L, 0x571be91fL, 0xf296ec6bL, 0x2a0dd915L,
133         0xb6636521L, 0xe7b9f9b6L, 0xff34052eL, 0xc5855664L,
134         0x53b02d5dL, 0xa99f8fa1L, 0x08ba4799L, 0x6e85076aL,
135         0x4b7a70e9L, 0xb5b32944L, 0xdb75092eL, 0xc4192623L,
136         0xad6ea6b0L, 0x49a7df7dL, 0x9cee60b8L, 0x8fedb266L,
137         0xecaa8c71L, 0x699a17ffL, 0x5664526cL, 0xc2b19ee1L,
138         0x193602a5L, 0x75094c29L, 0xa0591340L, 0xe4183a3eL,
139         0x3f54989aL, 0x5b429d65L, 0x6b8fe4d6L, 0x99f73fd6L,
140         0xa1d29c07L, 0xefe830f5L, 0x4d2d38e6L, 0xf0255dc1L,
141         0x4cdd2086L, 0x8470eb26L, 0x6382e9c6L, 0x021ecc5eL,
142         0x09686b3fL, 0x3ebaefc9L, 0x3c971814L, 0x6b6a70a1L,
143         0x687f3584L, 0x52a0e286L, 0xb79c5305L, 0xaa500737L,
144         0x3e07841cL, 0x7fdeae5cL, 0x8e7d44ecL, 0x5716f2b8L,
145         0xb03ada37L, 0xf0500c0dL, 0xf01c1f04L, 0x0200b3ffL,
146         0xae0cf51aL, 0x3cb574b2L, 0x25837a58L, 0xdc0921bdL,
147         0xd19113f9L, 0x7ca92ff6L, 0x94324773L, 0x22f54701L,
148         0x3ae5e581L, 0x37c2dadcL, 0xc8b57634L, 0x9af3dda7L,
149         0xa9446146L, 0x0fd0030eL, 0xecc8c73eL, 0xa4751e41L,
150         0xe238cd99L, 0x3bea0e2fL, 0x3280bba1L, 0x183eb331L,
151         0x4e548b38L, 0x4f6db908L, 0x6f420d03L, 0xf60a04bfL,
152         0x2cb81290L, 0x24977c79L, 0x5679b072L, 0xbcaf89afL,
153         0xde9a771fL, 0xd9930810L, 0xb38bae12L, 0xdccf3f2eL,
154         0x5512721fL, 0x2e6b7124L, 0x501adde6L, 0x9f84cd87L,
155         0x7a584718L, 0x7408da17L, 0xbc9f9abcL, 0xe94b7d8cL,
156         0xec7aec3aL, 0xdb851dfaL, 0x63094366L, 0xc464c3d2L,
157         0xef1c1847L, 0x3215d908L, 0xdd433b37L, 0x24c2ba16L,
158         0x12a14d43L, 0x2a65c451L, 0x50940002L, 0x133ae4ddL,
159         0x71dff89eL, 0x10314e55L, 0x81ac77d6L, 0x5f11199bL,
160         0x043556f1L, 0xd7a3c76bL, 0x3c11183bL, 0x5924a509L,
161         0xf28fe6edL, 0x97f1fbfaL, 0x9ebabf2cL, 0x1e153c6eL,
162         0x86e34570L, 0xeae96fb1L, 0x860e5e0aL, 0x5a3e2ab3L,
163         0x771fe71cL, 0x4e3d06faL, 0x2965dcb9L, 0x99e71d0fL,
164         0x803e89d6L, 0x5266c825L, 0x2e4cc978L, 0x9c10b36aL,
165         0xc6150ebaL, 0x94e2ea78L, 0xa5fc3c53L, 0x1e0a2df4L,
166         0xf2f74ea7L, 0x361d2b3dL, 0x1939260fL, 0x19c27960L,
167         0x5223a708L, 0xf71312b6L, 0xebadfe6eL, 0xeac31f66L,
168         0xe3bc4595L, 0xa67bc883L, 0xb17f37d1L, 0x018cff28L,
169         0xc332ddefL, 0xbe6c5aa5L, 0x65582185L, 0x68ab9802L,
170         0xeecea50fL, 0xdb2f953bL, 0x2aef7dadL, 0x5b6e2f84L,
171         0x1521b628L, 0x29076170L, 0xecdd4775L, 0x619f1510L,
172         0x13cca830L, 0xeb61bd96L, 0x0334fe1eL, 0xaa0363cfL,
173         0xb5735c90L, 0x4c70a239L, 0xd59e9e0bL, 0xcbaade14L,
174         0xeecc86bcL, 0x60622ca7L, 0x9cab5cabL, 0xb2f3846eL,
175         0x648b1eafL, 0x19bdf0caL, 0xa02369b9L, 0x655abb50L,
176         0x40685a32L, 0x3c2ab4b3L, 0x319ee9d5L, 0xc021b8f7L,
177         0x9b540b19L, 0x875fa099L, 0x95f7997eL, 0x623d7da8L,
178         0xf837889aL, 0x97e32d77L, 0x11ed935fL, 0x16681281L,
179         0x0e358829L, 0xc7e61fd6L, 0x96dedfa1L, 0x7858ba99L,
180         0x57f584a5L, 0x1b227263L, 0x9b83c3ffL, 0x1ac24696L,
181         0xcdb30aebL, 0x532e3054L, 0x8fd948e4L, 0x6dbc3128L,
182         0x58ebf2efL, 0x34c6ffeaL, 0xfe28ed61L, 0xee7c3c73L,
183         0x5d4a14d9L, 0xe864b7e3L, 0x42105d14L, 0x203e13e0L,
184         0x45eee2b6L, 0xa3aaabeaL, 0xdb6c4f15L, 0xfacb4fd0L,
185         0xc742f442L, 0xef6abbb5L, 0x654f3b1dL, 0x41cd2105L,
186         0xd81e799eL, 0x86854dc7L, 0xe44b476aL, 0x3d816250L,
187         0xcf62a1f2L, 0x5b8d2646L, 0xfc8883a0L, 0xc1c7b6a3L,
188         0x7f1524c3L, 0x69cb7492L, 0x47848a0bL, 0x5692b285L,
189         0x095bbf00L, 0xad19489dL, 0x1462b174L, 0x23820e00L,
190         0x58428d2aL, 0x0c55f5eaL, 0x1dadf43eL, 0x233f7061L,
191         0x3372f092L, 0x8d937e41L, 0xd65fecf1L, 0x6c223bdbL,
192         0x7cde3759L, 0xcbee7460L, 0x4085f2a7L, 0xce77326eL,
193         0xa6078084L, 0x19f8509eL, 0xe8efd855L, 0x61d99735L,
194         0xa969a7aaL, 0xc50c06c2L, 0x5a04abfcL, 0x800bcadcL,
195         0x9e447a2eL, 0xc3453484L, 0xfdd56705L, 0x0e1e9ec9L,
196         0xdb73dbd3L, 0x105588cdL, 0x675fda79L, 0xe3674340L,
197         0xc5c43465L, 0x713e38d8L, 0x3d28f89eL, 0xf16dff20L,
198         0x153e21e7L, 0x8fb03d4aL, 0xe6e39f2bL, 0xdb83adf7L,
199         0xe93d5a68L, 0x948140f7L, 0xf64c261cL, 0x94692934L,
200         0x411520f7L, 0x7602d4f7L, 0xbcf46b2eL, 0xd4a20068L,
201         0xd4082471L, 0x3320f46aL, 0x43b7d4b7L, 0x500061afL,
202         0x1e39f62eL, 0x97244546L, 0x14214f74L, 0xbf8b8840L,
203         0x4d95fc1dL, 0x96b591afL, 0x70f4ddd3L, 0x66a02f45L,
204         0xbfbc09ecL, 0x03bd9785L, 0x7fac6dd0L, 0x31cb8504L,
205         0x96eb27b3L, 0x55fd3941L, 0xda2547e6L, 0xabca0a9aL,
206         0x28507825L, 0x530429f4L, 0x0a2c86daL, 0xe9b66dfbL,
207         0x68dc1462L, 0xd7486900L, 0x680ec0a4L, 0x27a18deeL,
208         0x4f3ffea2L, 0xe887ad8cL, 0xb58ce006L, 0x7af4d6b6L,
209         0xaace1e7cL, 0xd3375fecL, 0xce78a399L, 0x406b2a42L,
210         0x20fe9e35L, 0xd9f385b9L, 0xee39d7abL, 0x3b124e8bL,
211         0x1dc9faf7L, 0x4b6d1856L, 0x26a36631L, 0xeae397b2L,
212         0x3a6efa74L, 0xdd5b4332L, 0x6841e7f7L, 0xca7820fbL,
213         0xfb0af54eL, 0xd8feb397L, 0x454056acL, 0xba489527L,
214         0x55533a3aL, 0x20838d87L, 0xfe6ba9b7L, 0xd096954bL,
215         0x55a867bcL, 0xa1159a58L, 0xcca92963L, 0x99e1db33L,
216         0xa62a4a56L, 0x3f3125f9L, 0x5ef47e1cL, 0x9029317cL,
217         0xfdf8e802L, 0x04272f70L, 0x80bb155cL, 0x05282ce3L,
218         0x95c11548L, 0xe4c66d22L, 0x48c1133fL, 0xc70f86dcL,
219         0x07f9c9eeL, 0x41041f0fL, 0x404779a4L, 0x5d886e17L,
220         0x325f51ebL, 0xd59bc0d1L, 0xf2bcc18fL, 0x41113564L,
221         0x257b7834L, 0x602a9c60L, 0xdff8e8a3L, 0x1f636c1bL,
222         0x0e12b4c2L, 0x02e1329eL, 0xaf664fd1L, 0xcad18115L,
223         0x6b2395e0L, 0x333e92e1L, 0x3b240b62L, 0xeebeb922L,
224         0x85b2a20eL, 0xe6ba0d99L, 0xde720c8cL, 0x2da2f728L,
225         0xd0127845L, 0x95b794fdL, 0x647d0862L, 0xe7ccf5f0L,
226         0x5449a36fL, 0x877d48faL, 0xc39dfd27L, 0xf33e8d1eL,
227         0x0a476341L, 0x992eff74L, 0x3a6f6eabL, 0xf4f8fd37L,
228         0xa812dc60L, 0xa1ebddf8L, 0x991be14cL, 0xdb6e6b0dL,
229         0xc67b5510L, 0x6d672c37L, 0x2765d43bL, 0xdcd0e804L,
230         0xf1290dc7L, 0xcc00ffa3L, 0xb5390f92L, 0x690fed0bL,
231         0x667b9ffbL, 0xcedb7d9cL, 0xa091cf0bL, 0xd9155ea3L,
232         0xbb132f88L, 0x515bad24L, 0x7b9479bfL, 0x763bd6ebL,
233         0x37392eb3L, 0xcc115979L, 0x8026e297L, 0xf42e312dL,
234         0x6842ada7L, 0xc66a2b3bL, 0x12754cccL, 0x782ef11cL,
235         0x6a124237L, 0xb79251e7L, 0x06a1bbe6L, 0x4bfb6350L,
236         0x1a6b1018L, 0x11caedfaL, 0x3d25bdd8L, 0xe2e1c3c9L,
237         0x44421659L, 0x0a121386L, 0xd90cec6eL, 0xd5abea2aL,
238         0x64af674eL, 0xda86a85fL, 0xbebfe988L, 0x64e4c3feL,
239         0x9dbc8057L, 0xf0f7c086L, 0x60787bf8L, 0x6003604dL,
240         0xd1fd8346L, 0xf6381fb0L, 0x7745ae04L, 0xd736fcccL,
241         0x83426b33L, 0xf01eab71L, 0xb0804187L, 0x3c005e5fL,
242         0x77a057beL, 0xbde8ae24L, 0x55464299L, 0xbf582e61L,
243         0x4e58f48fL, 0xf2ddfda2L, 0xf474ef38L, 0x8789bdc2L,
244         0x5366f9c3L, 0xc8b38e74L, 0xb475f255L, 0x46fcd9b9L,
245         0x7aeb2661L, 0x8b1ddf84L, 0x846a0e79L, 0x915f95e2L,
246         0x466e598eL, 0x20b45770L, 0x8cd55591L, 0xc902de4cL,
247         0xb90bace1L, 0xbb8205d0L, 0x11a86248L, 0x7574a99eL,
248         0xb77f19b6L, 0xe0a9dc09L, 0x662d09a1L, 0xc4324633L,
249         0xe85a1f02L, 0x09f0be8cL, 0x4a99a025L, 0x1d6efe10L,
250         0x1ab93d1dL, 0x0ba5a4dfL, 0xa186f20fL, 0x2868f169L,
251         0xdcb7da83L, 0x573906feL, 0xa1e2ce9bL, 0x4fcd7f52L,
252         0x50115e01L, 0xa70683faL, 0xa002b5c4L, 0x0de6d027L,
253         0x9af88c27L, 0x773f8641L, 0xc3604c06L, 0x61a806b5L,
254         0xf0177a28L, 0xc0f586e0L, 0x006058aaL, 0x30dc7d62L,
255         0x11e69ed7L, 0x2338ea63L, 0x53c2dd94L, 0xc2c21634L,
256         0xbbcbee56L, 0x90bcb6deL, 0xebfc7da1L, 0xce591d76L,
257         0x6f05e409L, 0x4b7c0188L, 0x39720a3dL, 0x7c927c24L,
258         0x86e3725fL, 0x724d9db9L, 0x1ac15bb4L, 0xd39eb8fcL,
259         0xed545578L, 0x08fca5b5L, 0xd83d7cd3L, 0x4dad0fc4L,
260         0x1e50ef5eL, 0xb161e6f8L, 0xa28514d9L, 0x6c51133cL,
261         0x6fd5c7e7L, 0x56e14ec4L, 0x362abfceL, 0xddc6c837L,
262         0xd79a3234L, 0x92638212L, 0x670efa8eL, 0x406000e0L,
263         0x3a39ce37L, 0xd3faf5cfL, 0xabc27737L, 0x5ac52d1bL,
264         0x5cb0679eL, 0x4fa33742L, 0xd3822740L, 0x99bc9bbeL,
265         0xd5118e9dL, 0xbf0f7315L, 0xd62d1c7eL, 0xc700c47bL,
266         0xb78c1b6bL, 0x21a19045L, 0xb26eb1beL, 0x6a366eb4L,
267         0x5748ab2fL, 0xbc946e79L, 0xc6a376d2L, 0x6549c2c8L,
268         0x530ff8eeL, 0x468dde7dL, 0xd5730a1dL, 0x4cd04dc6L,
269         0x2939bbdbL, 0xa9ba4650L, 0xac9526e8L, 0xbe5ee304L,
270         0xa1fad5f0L, 0x6a2d519aL, 0x63ef8ce2L, 0x9a86ee22L,
271         0xc089c2b8L, 0x43242ef6L, 0xa51e03aaL, 0x9cf2d0a4L,
272         0x83c061baL, 0x9be96a4dL, 0x8fe51550L, 0xba645bd6L,
273         0x2826a2f9L, 0xa73a3ae1L, 0x4ba99586L, 0xef5562e9L,
274         0xc72fefd3L, 0xf752f7daL, 0x3f046f69L, 0x77fa0a59L,
275         0x80e4a915L, 0x87b08601L, 0x9b09e6adL, 0x3b3ee593L,
276         0xe990fd5aL, 0x9e34d797L, 0x2cf0b7d9L, 0x022b8b51L,
277         0x96d5ac3aL, 0x017da67dL, 0xd1cf3ed6L, 0x7c7d2d28L,
278         0x1f9f25cfL, 0xadf2b89bL, 0x5ad6b472L, 0x5a88f54cL,
279         0xe029ac71L, 0xe019a5e6L, 0x47b0acfdL, 0xed93fa9bL,
280         0xe8d3c48dL, 0x283b57ccL, 0xf8d56629L, 0x79132e28L,
281         0x785f0191L, 0xed756055L, 0xf7960e44L, 0xe3d35e8cL,
282         0x15056dd4L, 0x88f46dbaL, 0x03a16125L, 0x0564f0bdL,
283         0xc3eb9e15L, 0x3c9057a2L, 0x97271aecL, 0xa93a072aL,
284         0x1b3f6d9bL, 0x1e6321f5L, 0xf59c66fbL, 0x26dcf319L,
285         0x7533d928L, 0xb155fdf5L, 0x03563482L, 0x8aba3cbbL,
286         0x28517711L, 0xc20ad9f8L, 0xabcc5167L, 0xccad925fL,
287         0x4de81751L, 0x3830dc8eL, 0x379d5862L, 0x9320f991L,
288         0xea7a90c2L, 0xfb3e7bceL, 0x5121ce64L, 0x774fbe32L,
289         0xa8b6e37eL, 0xc3293d46L, 0x48de5369L, 0x6413e680L,
290         0xa2ae0810L, 0xdd6db224L, 0x69852dfdL, 0x09072166L,
291         0xb39a460aL, 0x6445c0ddL, 0x586cdecfL, 0x1c20c8aeL,
292         0x5bbef7ddL, 0x1b588d40L, 0xccd2017fL, 0x6bb4e3bbL,
293         0xdda26a7eL, 0x3a59ff45L, 0x3e350a44L, 0xbcb4cdd5L,
294         0x72eacea8L, 0xfa6484bbL, 0x8d6612aeL, 0xbf3c6f47L,
295         0xd29be463L, 0x542f5d9eL, 0xaec2771bL, 0xf64e6370L,
296         0x740e0d8dL, 0xe75b1357L, 0xf8721671L, 0xaf537d5dL,
297         0x4040cb08L, 0x4eb4e2ccL, 0x34d2466aL, 0x0115af84L,
298         0xe1b00428L, 0x95983a1dL, 0x06b89fb4L, 0xce6ea048L,
299         0x6f3f3b82L, 0x3520ab82L, 0x011a1d4bL, 0x277227f8L,
300         0x611560b1L, 0xe7933fdcL, 0xbb3a792bL, 0x344525bdL,
301         0xa08839e1L, 0x51ce794bL, 0x2f32c9b7L, 0xa01fbac9L,
302         0xe01cc87eL, 0xbcc7d1f6L, 0xcf0111c3L, 0xa1e8aac7L,
303         0x1a908749L, 0xd44fbd9aL, 0xd0dadecbL, 0xd50ada38L,
304         0x0339c32aL, 0xc6913667L, 0x8df9317cL, 0xe0b12b4fL,
305         0xf79e59b7L, 0x43f5bb3aL, 0xf2d519ffL, 0x27d9459cL,
306         0xbf97222cL, 0x15e6fc2aL, 0x0f91fc71L, 0x9b941525L,
307         0xfae59361L, 0xceb69cebL, 0xc2a86459L, 0x12baa8d1L,
308         0xb6c1075eL, 0xe3056a0cL, 0x10d25065L, 0xcb03a442L,
309         0xe0ec6e0eL, 0x1698db3bL, 0x4c98a0beL, 0x3278e964L,
310         0x9f1f9532L, 0xe0d392dfL, 0xd3a0342bL, 0x8971f21eL,
311         0x1b0a7441L, 0x4ba3348cL, 0xc5be7120L, 0xc37632d8L,
312         0xdf359f8dL, 0x9b992f2eL, 0xe60b6f47L, 0x0fe3f11dL,
313         0xe54cda54L, 0x1edad891L, 0xce6279cfL, 0xcd3e7e6fL,
314         0x1618b166L, 0xfd2c1d05L, 0x848fd2c5L, 0xf6fb2299L,
315         0xf523f357L, 0xa6327623L, 0x93a83531L, 0x56cccd02L,
316         0xacf08162L, 0x5a75ebb5L, 0x6e163697L, 0x88d273ccL,
317         0xde966292L, 0x81b949d0L, 0x4c50901bL, 0x71c65614L,
318         0xe6c6c7bdL, 0x327a140aL, 0x45e1d006L, 0xc3f27b9aL,
319         0xc9aa53fdL, 0x62a80f00L, 0xbb25bfe2L, 0x35bdd2f6L,
320         0x71126905L, 0xb2040222L, 0xb6cbcf7cL, 0xcd769c2bL,
321         0x53113ec0L, 0x1640e3d3L, 0x38abbd60L, 0x2547adf0L,
322         0xba38209cL, 0xf746ce76L, 0x77afa1c5L, 0x20756060L,
323         0x85cbfe4eL, 0x8ae88dd8L, 0x7aaaf9b0L, 0x4cf9aa7eL,
324         0x1948c25cL, 0x02fb8a8cL, 0x01c36ae4L, 0xd6ebe1f9L,
325         0x90d4f869L, 0xa65cdea0L, 0x3f09252dL, 0xc208e69fL,
326         0xb74e6132L, 0xce77e25bL, 0x578fdfe3L, 0x3ac372e6L,
327         }
328         };