Merge branch 'master' of git://venus/dragonfly
[dragonfly.git] / contrib / ncurses-5.4 / test / README
1 -- $Id: README,v 1.15 2003/07/05 19:17:49 tom Exp $
2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 The programs in this directory are designed to test your newest toy :-)
5 Check the sources for any further details.
7 blue       - Blue Moon, a nifty solitaire (uses color)
8 bs.c       - the game of Battleships (uses color)
9 firework.c - multi-colored fireworks (uses color)
10 gdc.c      - Great Digital Clock (uses color)
11 hanoi.c    - the game of hanoi (uses color essentially)
12 knight.c   - the game of Knight's Tour (uses color)
13 lrtest.c   - test of access to the lower-right corner
14 ncurses.c  - multi-test program (uses color)
15 newdemo.c  - another test from PDCurses (uses color)
16 rain.c     - rain drops keep falling on my head...
17 tclock.c   - analog/digital clock
18 testcurs.c - a test from the PDCurses people (uses color)
19 worm.c     - worms run all over your screen (uses color)
20 xmas.c     - Xmas greeting card
22 The bs and knight games demonstrate processing of mouse events under xterm.
23 This directory also contains:
25 tracemunch - Perl script to crunch trace scripts to make them easier to read
27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 These programs provide examples of use, but do not comprise a complete set of
31 tests.  Here is a list of library externals, noting those that are used:
33 libform:
34 -------
35 TYPE_ALNUM                      test: demo_forms
36 TYPE_ALPHA                      test: demo_forms ncurses
37 TYPE_ENUM                       test: demo_forms
38 TYPE_INTEGER                    test: demo_forms
39 TYPE_IPV4                       -
40 TYPE_NUMERIC                    test: demo_forms
41 TYPE_REGEXP                     test: demo_forms
42 current_field                   test: demo_forms edit_field ncurses
43 data_ahead                      -
44 data_behind                     -
45 dup_field                       -
46 dynamic_field_info              -
47 field_arg                       -
48 field_back                      -
49 field_buffer                    test: cardfile demo_forms edit_field ncurses
50 field_count                     -
51 field_fore                      -
52 field_index                     test: demo_forms
53 field_info                      test: ncurses
54 field_init                      -
55 field_just                      -
56 field_opts                      test: demo_forms ncurses
57 field_opts_off                  test: cardfile
58 field_opts_on                   -
59 field_pad                       -
60 field_status                    -
61 field_term                      -
62 field_type                      test: demo_forms
63 field_userptr                   test: ncurses
64 form_driver                     test: cardfile demo_forms edit_field ncurses
65 form_fields                     test: cardfile
66 form_init                       -
67 form_opts                       -
68 form_opts_off                   -
69 form_opts_on                    -
70 form_page                       -
71 form_request_by_name            -
72 form_request_name               test: edit_field
73 form_sub                        test: cardfile demo_forms ncurses
74 form_term                       -
75 form_userptr                    -
76 form_win                        test: cardfile demo_forms edit_field ncurses
77 free_field                      test: cardfile demo_forms ncurses
78 free_fieldtype                  -
79 free_form                       test: cardfile demo_forms ncurses
80 link_field                      -
81 link_fieldtype                  -
82 move_field                      -
83 new_field                       test: cardfile demo_forms ncurses
84 new_fieldtype                   test: ncurses
85 new_form                        test: cardfile demo_forms ncurses
86 new_page                        -
87 pos_form_cursor                 -
88 post_form                       test: cardfile demo_forms ncurses
89 scale_form                      test: demo_forms ncurses
90 set_current_field               -
91 set_field_back                  test: cardfile demo_forms edit_field ncurses
92 set_field_buffer                test: cardfile demo_forms edit_field ncurses
93 set_field_fore                  -
94 set_field_init                  -
95 set_field_just                  test: cardfile
96 set_field_opts                  test: demo_forms ncurses
97 set_field_pad                   -
98 set_field_status                -
99 set_field_term                  -
100 set_field_type                  test: demo_forms ncurses
101 set_field_userptr               test: demo_forms ncurses
102 set_fieldtype_arg               -
103 set_fieldtype_choice            -
104 set_form_fields                 -
105 set_form_init                   -
106 set_form_opts                   -
107 set_form_page                   -
108 set_form_sub                    test: cardfile demo_forms ncurses
109 set_form_term                   -
110 set_form_userptr                -
111 set_form_win                    test: cardfile demo_forms ncurses
112 set_max_field                   -
113 set_new_page                    test: demo_forms
114 unpost_form                     test: cardfile demo_forms ncurses
116 libmenu:
117 -------
118 current_item                    test: ncurses
119 free_item                       test: ncurses
120 free_menu                       test: ncurses
121 item_count                      -
122 item_description                -
123 item_index                      test: ncurses
124 item_init                       -
125 item_name                       test: ncurses
126 item_opts                       -
127 item_opts_off                   -
128 item_opts_on                    -
129 item_term                       -
130 item_userptr                    -
131 item_value                      test: ncurses
132 item_visible                    -
133 menu_back                       -
134 menu_driver                     test: ncurses
135 menu_fore                       -
136 menu_format                     -
137 menu_grey                       -
138 menu_init                       -
139 menu_items                      test: ncurses
140 menu_mark                       -
141 menu_opts                       -
142 menu_opts_off                   test: ncurses
143 menu_opts_on                    -
144 menu_pad                        -
145 menu_pattern                    -
146 menu_request_by_name            -
147 menu_request_name               -
148 menu_spacing                    -
149 menu_sub                        -
150 menu_term                       -
151 menu_userptr                    -
152 menu_win                        test: ncurses
153 new_item                        test: ncurses
154 new_menu                        test: ncurses
155 pos_menu_cursor                 lib: menu
156 post_menu                       test: ncurses
157 scale_menu                      test: ncurses
158 set_current_item                -
159 set_item_init                   -
160 set_item_opts                   -
161 set_item_term                   -
162 set_item_userptr                -
163 set_item_value                  test: ncurses
164 set_menu_back                   -
165 set_menu_fore                   -
166 set_menu_format                 test: ncurses
167 set_menu_grey                   -
168 set_menu_init                   -
169 set_menu_items                  -
170 set_menu_mark                   -
171 set_menu_opts                   -
172 set_menu_pad                    -
173 set_menu_pattern                -
174 set_menu_spacing                -
175 set_menu_sub                    test: ncurses
176 set_menu_term                   -
177 set_menu_userptr                -
178 set_menu_win                    test: ncurses
179 set_top_row                     -
180 top_row                         -
181 unpost_menu                     test: ncurses
183 libncurses:
184 ----------
185 BC                              -
186 COLORS                          test: ncurses xmas
187 COLOR_PAIR                      test: blue bs demo_forms filter firework gdc hanoi ins_wide inserts knight ncurses newdemo rain tclock testaddch testcurs view worm xmas
188 COLOR_PAIRS                     test: ncurses newdemo
189 COLS                            test: cardfile demo_defkey demo_forms demo_keyok edit_field firework hashtest ins_wide inserts lrtest ncurses newdemo rain tclock testcurs view worm
190 ESCDELAY                        lib: ncurses
191 LINES                           test: cardfile demo_defkey demo_keyok edit_field firework hanoi hashtest ins_wide inserts lrtest ncurses newdemo rain tclock testcurs view worm xmas
192 PAIR_NUMBER                     lib: ncurses
193 PC                              lib: ncurses
194 SP                              lib: ncurses
195 TABSIZE                         lib: menu
196 UP                              -
197 acs_map                         test: gdc ins_wide inserts knight ncurses newdemo testcurs
198 add_wch                         -
199 add_wchnstr                     test: ncurses
200 add_wchstr                      test: view
201 addch                           test: blue bs ditto hashtest ncurses testaddch view worm
202 addchnstr                       -
203 addchstr                        -
204 addnstr                         -
205 addnwstr                        -
206 addstr                          test: blue bs cardfile gdc hanoi lrtest ncurses
207 addwstr                         -
208 assume_default_colors           test: ncurses
209 attr_get                        -
210 attr_off                        test: ncurses
211 attr_on                         test: ncurses
212 attr_set                        -
213 attroff                         test: filter gdc ncurses tclock
214 attron                          test: bs filter gdc ncurses
215 attrset                         test: bs firework gdc hanoi ncurses rain tclock testaddch testcurs
216 baudrate                        lib: ncurses
217 beep                            test: blue bs cardfile demo_forms edit_field hanoi ins_wide inserts knight ncurses tclock testcurs view xmas
218 bkgd                            test: demo_forms ncurses tclock view
219 bkgdset                         test: ncurses testaddch
220 bkgrnd                          -
221 bkgrndset                       -
222 boolcodes                       progs: dump_entry
223 boolfnames                      progs: dump_entry
224 boolnames                       progs: dump_entry infocmp
225 border                          -
226 border_set                      -
227 box                             test: cardfile demo_forms edit_field ins_wide inserts lrtest ncurses newdemo testcurs
228 box_set                         test: ncurses
229 can_change_color                test: ncurses
230 cbreak                          test: blue bs cardfile demo_defkey demo_forms demo_keyok ditto filter firework gdc hanoi hashtest ins_wide inserts knight lrtest ncurses newdemo tclock testcurs view worm xmas
231 chgat                           -
232 clear                           test: blue bs gdc ncurses testcurs xmas
233 clearok                         test: bs knight
234 clrtobot                        test: ncurses
235 clrtoeol                        test: blue bs hanoi hashtest ncurses view
236 color_content                   test: ncurses
237 color_set                       -
238 copywin                         test: testcurs
239 cur_term                        test: dots lrtest progs: clear tic tput tset
240 curs_set                        test: firework gdc hanoi lrtest newdemo rain tclock testcurs worm xmas
241 curscr                          test: edit_field knight lrtest ncurses tclock view
242 curses_version                  test: ncurses progs: infocmp tic toe tput tset
243 def_prog_mode                   test: bs ncurses
244 def_shell_mode                  lib: ncurses
245 define_key                      test: demo_defkey
246 del_curterm                     lib: ncurses
247 delay_output                    -
248 delch                           -
249 deleteln                        -
250 delscreen                       -
251 delwin                          test: cardfile demo_forms edit_field ncurses newdemo testcurs
252 derwin                          test: cardfile demo_forms ncurses
253 doupdate                        test: cardfile edit_field ins_wide inserts knight ncurses
254 dupwin                          test: edit_field
255 echo                            test: bs hanoi ncurses testcurs testscanw
256 echo_wchar                      test: ncurses
257 echochar                        test: ncurses
258 endwin                          test: blue bs cardfile demo_defkey demo_forms demo_keyok ditto filter firework firstlast gdc hanoi hashtest ins_wide inserts knight lrtest ncurses newdemo rain tclock testaddch testcurs testscanw view worm xmas
259 erase                           test: cardfile filter firework firstlast hanoi lrtest ncurses tclock testcurs
260 erasechar                       lib: ncurses
261 erasewchar                      -
262 filter                          test: filter
263 flash                           test: cardfile lrtest ncurses tclock testcurs
264 flushinp                        test: ncurses newdemo testcurs
265 get_wch                         -
266 get_wstr                        -
267 getbkgd                         test: ncurses
268 getbkgrnd                       -
269 getcchar                        test: view
270 getch                           test: blue bs ditto firework firstlast hanoi hashtest lrtest rain tclock testaddch testcurs view worm xmas
271 getmouse                        test: bs knight ncurses
272 getn_wstr                       -
273 getnstr                         test: filter ncurses
274 getstr                          -
275 getwin                          test: ncurses
276 halfdelay                       test: view
277 has_colors                      test: bs demo_forms filter firework gdc hanoi ins_wide inserts knight ncurses newdemo rain tclock testcurs view worm xmas
278 has_ic                          test: lrtest
279 has_il                          lib: ncurses
280 has_key                         lib: ncurses
281 hline                           test: gdc ncurses
282 hline_set                       -
283 idcok                           -
284 idlok                           test: ncurses testscanw view
285 immedok                         -
286 in_wch                          -
287 in_wchnstr                      -
288 in_wchstr                       -
289 inch                            -
290 inchnstr                        -
291 inchstr                         -
292 init_color                      test: ncurses
293 init_pair                       test: blue bs demo_forms filter firework gdc hanoi ins_wide inserts knight ncurses newdemo rain tclock testaddch testcurs view worm xmas
294 initscr                         test: blue bs cardfile demo_defkey demo_forms demo_keyok firework firstlast gdc hanoi hashtest ins_wide inserts knight lrtest ncurses newdemo rain tclock testaddch testcurs testscanw view worm xmas
295 innstr                          -
296 innwstr                         -
297 ins_nwstr                       -
298 ins_wch                         -
299 ins_wstr                        -
300 insch                           -
301 insdelln                        -
302 insertln                        -
303 insnstr                         -
304 insstr                          -
305 instr                           -
306 intrflush                       test: demo_forms
307 inwstr                          -
308 is_linetouched                  lib: form
309 is_term_resized                 -
310 is_wintouched                   lib: ncurses
311 isendwin                        -
312 key_defined                     test: demo_defkey
313 key_name                        test: ncurses
314 keybound                        test: demo_defkey
315 keyname                         test: demo_defkey demo_keyok edit_field keynames ncurses testcurs view progs: tic
316 keyok                           test: demo_keyok
317 keypad                          test: bs cardfile demo_defkey demo_forms demo_keyok edit_field filter firework hashtest ins_wide inserts knight lrtest ncurses tclock testcurs testscanw view
318 killchar                        lib: ncurses
319 killwchar                       -
320 leaveok                         test: hanoi
321 longname                        test: testcurs progs: tput
322 mcprint                         -
323 meta                            test: ncurses
324 mouse_trafo                     -
325 mouseinterval                   -
326 mousemask                       test: bs knight ncurses
327 move                            test: blue bs cardfile gdc hanoi hashtest knight lrtest ncurses testscanw view worm xmas
328 mvadd_wch                       test: ncurses
329 mvadd_wchnstr                   -
330 mvadd_wchstr                    -
331 mvaddch                         test: bs gdc hanoi lrtest ncurses rain tclock xmas
332 mvaddchnstr                     test: gdc
333 mvaddchstr                      -
334 mvaddnstr                       -
335 mvaddnwstr                      -
336 mvaddstr                        test: bs demo_forms gdc hanoi knight ncurses rain tclock testcurs xmas
337 mvaddwstr                       -
338 mvchgat                         -
339 mvcur                           lib: ncurses
340 mvdelch                         -
341 mvderwin                        lib: menu
342 mvget_wch                       -
343 mvget_wstr                      -
344 mvgetch                         -
345 mvgetn_wstr                     -
346 mvgetnstr                       -
347 mvgetstr                        -
348 mvhline                         test: ncurses
349 mvhline_set                     test: ncurses
350 mvin_wch                        -
351 mvin_wchnstr                    -
352 mvin_wchstr                     -
353 mvinch                          -
354 mvinchnstr                      test: gdc
355 mvinchstr                       -
356 mvinnstr                        -
357 mvinnwstr                       -
358 mvins_nwstr                     -
359 mvins_wch                       -
360 mvins_wstr                      -
361 mvinsch                         -
362 mvinsnstr                       -
363 mvinsstr                        -
364 mvinstr                         -
365 mvinwstr                        -
366 mvprintw                        test: bs firework hanoi ncurses tclock view
367 mvscanw                         -
368 mvvline                         test: ncurses
369 mvvline_set                     test: ncurses
370 mvwadd_wch                      -
371 mvwadd_wchnstr                  -
372 mvwadd_wchstr                   -
373 mvwaddch                        test: newdemo testcurs xmas
374 mvwaddchnstr                    -
375 mvwaddchstr                     -
376 mvwaddnstr                      test: newdemo testcurs
377 mvwaddnwstr                     -
378 mvwaddstr                       test: firstlast ins_wide inserts knight ncurses newdemo testcurs xmas
379 mvwaddwstr                      -
380 mvwchgat                        -
381 mvwdelch                        test: ncurses
382 mvwget_wch                      -
383 mvwget_wstr                     -
384 mvwgetch                        -
385 mvwgetn_wstr                    -
386 mvwgetnstr                      -
387 mvwgetstr                       -
388 mvwhline                        lib: ncurses
389 mvwhline_set                    -
390 mvwin                           test: cardfile testcurs xmas
391 mvwin_wch                       -
392 mvwin_wchnstr                   -
393 mvwin_wchstr                    -
394 mvwinch                         test: newdemo testcurs
395 mvwinchnstr                     -
396 mvwinchstr                      -
397 mvwinnstr                       test: testcurs
398 mvwinnwstr                      -
399 mvwins_nwstr                    -
400 mvwins_wch                      test: ins_wide
401 mvwins_wstr                     test: ins_wide
402 mvwinsch                        test: ins_wide inserts
403 mvwinsnstr                      -
404 mvwinsstr                       test: inserts testcurs
405 mvwinstr                        -
406 mvwinwstr                       -
407 mvwprintw                       test: ncurses testcurs
408 mvwscanw                        test: testcurs
409 mvwvline                        test: ins_wide inserts
410 mvwvline_set                    -
411 napms                           test: firework gdc hanoi lrtest ncurses newdemo railroad rain tclock testcurs view worm xmas progs: tset
412 newpad                          test: edit_field ncurses testcurs
413 newscr                          lib: ncurses
414 newterm                         test: ditto filter gdc
415 newwin                          test: cardfile demo_defkey demo_forms demo_keyok edit_field firstlast ins_wide inserts knight ncurses newdemo testcurs xmas
416 nl                              test: demo_forms ncurses rain testcurs
417 nocbreak                        test: testcurs
418 nodelay                         test: firework gdc lrtest ncurses newdemo rain tclock view xmas
419 noecho                          test: bs cardfile demo_defkey demo_forms demo_keyok ditto firework firstlast gdc hanoi hashtest ins_wide inserts knight lrtest ncurses rain tclock testcurs view worm xmas
420 nonl                            test: bs demo_forms hashtest ncurses view worm xmas
421 noqiflush                       -
422 noraw                           test: demo_forms ncurses testcurs
423 notimeout                       -
424 numcodes                        progs: dump_entry
425 numfnames                       progs: dump_entry
426 numnames                        progs: dump_entry infocmp
427 ospeed                          progs: tset
428 overlay                         test: testcurs xmas
429 overwrite                       test: ncurses
430 pair_content                    lib: ncurses
431 pechochar                       -
432 pnoutrefresh                    test: edit_field ncurses
433 prefresh                        test: testcurs
434 printw                          test: blue bs demo_defkey demo_keyok filter ncurses testcurs testscanw view
435 putp                            progs: tput
436 putwin                          test: ncurses
437 qiflush                         -
438 raw                             test: demo_forms ncurses testcurs
439 redrawwin                       -
440 refresh                         test: blue bs demo_defkey demo_forms demo_keyok ditto filter firstlast gdc hanoi hashtest lrtest ncurses tclock testcurs view worm xmas
441 reset_prog_mode                 test: filter ncurses
442 reset_shell_mode                test: bs filter
443 resetty                         -
444 resize_term                     test: view
445 resizeterm                      lib: ncurses
446 restartterm                     -
447 ripoffline                      test: ncurses
448 savetty                         -
449 scanw                           test: testcurs testscanw
450 scr_dump                        -
451 scr_init                        -
452 scr_restore                     -
453 scr_set                         -
454 scrl                            -
455 scroll                          test: testcurs
456 scrollok                        test: demo_defkey demo_keyok ditto hashtest knight ncurses testcurs testscanw view
457 set_curterm                     lib: ncurses
458 set_term                        test: ditto
459 setcchar                        test: ins_wide ncurses view
460 setscrreg                       test: view
461 setupterm                       test: dots progs: clear tput tset
462 slk_attr                        -
463 slk_attr_off                    -
464 slk_attr_on                     -
465 slk_attr_set                    -
466 slk_attroff                     lib: ncurses
467 slk_attron                      lib: ncurses
468 slk_attrset                     -
469 slk_clear                       test: ncurses
470 slk_color                       test: ncurses
471 slk_init                        test: ncurses
472 slk_label                       test: ncurses
473 slk_noutrefresh                 test: ncurses
474 slk_refresh                     test: ncurses
475 slk_restore                     test: ncurses
476 slk_set                         test: ncurses
477 slk_touch                       test: ncurses
478 slk_wset                        test: ncurses
479 standend                        test: blue gdc ncurses worm
480 standout                        test: blue ncurses
481 start_color                     test: blue bs demo_forms filter firework gdc hanoi ins_wide inserts knight ncurses newdemo rain tclock testaddch testcurs view worm xmas
482 stdscr                          test: bs demo_forms ditto filter firework gdc hanoi hashtest ins_wide inserts knight lrtest ncurses rain tclock testcurs testscanw view xmas
483 strcodes                        progs: dump_entry
484 strfnames                       progs: dump_entry
485 strnames                        progs: dump_entry infocmp tic
486 subpad                          test: testcurs
487 subwin                          test: ncurses newdemo testcurs
488 syncok                          -
489 term_attrs                      -
490 termattrs                       test: ncurses testcurs
491 termname                        test: testcurs
492 tgetent                         test: railroad
493 tgetflag                        -
494 tgetnum                         test: railroad
495 tgetstr                         test: railroad
496 tgoto                           test: railroad
497 tigetflag                       progs: tput
498 tigetnum                        test: ncurses progs: tput
499 tigetstr                        test: blue demo_defkey testcurs progs: tput
500 timeout                         test: rain
501 touchline                       lib: ncurses
502 touchwin                        test: edit_field filter firstlast ncurses xmas
503 tparm                           test: dots progs: tic tput
504 tputs                           test: dots railroad progs: clear tset
505 trace                           test: hanoi hashtest lrtest ncurses testcurs view worm
506 ttytype                         lib: ncurses
507 typeahead                       test: testcurs
508 unctrl                          test: ncurses testcurs
509 unget_wch                       -
510 ungetch                         test: bs knight
511 ungetmouse                      -
512 untouchwin                      -
513 use_default_colors              test: filter firework gdc hanoi knight ncurses rain tclock worm xmas
514 use_env                         progs: tput
515 use_extended_names              progs: infocmp tic
516 vid_attr                        -
517 vid_puts                        -
518 vidattr                         lib: ncurses
519 vidputs                         lib: ncurses
520 vline                           test: gdc ncurses
521 vline_set                       -
522 vw_printw                       -
523 vw_scanw                        -
524 vwprintw                        lib: ncurses
525 vwscanw                         lib: ncurses
526 wadd_wch                        lib: ncurses
527 wadd_wchnstr                    lib: ncurses
528 wadd_wchstr                     -
529 waddch                          test: firstlast knight ncurses
530 waddchnstr                      lib: ncurses
531 waddchstr                       -
532 waddnstr                        lib: form
533 waddnwstr                       test: ncurses
534 waddstr                         test: demo_forms edit_field firstlast ins_wide knight ncurses testcurs
535 waddwstr                        test: ins_wide
536 wattr_get                       -
537 wattr_off                       lib: menu
538 wattr_on                        lib: menu
539 wattr_set                       -
540 wattroff                        test: demo_forms ncurses testcurs xmas
541 wattron                         test: testcurs xmas
542 wattrset                        test: demo_forms ncurses newdemo testcurs xmas
543 wbkgd                           test: demo_forms ncurses newdemo testcurs
544 wbkgdset                        test: ins_wide inserts ncurses
545 wbkgrnd                         lib: ncurses
546 wbkgrndset                      lib: ncurses
547 wborder                         lib: ncurses
548 wborder_set                     lib: ncurses
549 wchgat                          test: view
550 wclear                          test: ncurses testcurs
551 wclrtobot                       test: firstlast ncurses testcurs
552 wclrtoeol                       test: demo_defkey demo_keyok firstlast ins_wide inserts knight ncurses testcurs
553 wcolor_set                      lib: ncurses
554 wcursyncup                      lib: form
555 wdelch                          test: ncurses testcurs
556 wdeleteln                       test: testcurs
557 wecho_wchar                     lib: ncurses
558 wechochar                       lib: ncurses
559 wenclose                        lib: menu
560 werase                          test: cardfile demo_forms edit_field firstlast knight ncurses newdemo testcurs xmas
561 wget_wch                        test: ins_wide ncurses
562 wget_wstr                       -
563 wgetch                          test: cardfile demo_defkey demo_keyok edit_field gdc inserts knight ncurses newdemo testcurs
564 wgetn_wstr                      test: ncurses
565 wgetnstr                        test: ncurses
566 wgetstr                         -
567 whline                          test: testcurs
568 whline_set                      lib: ncurses
569 win_wch                         lib: ncurses
570 win_wchnstr                     lib: ncurses
571 win_wchstr                      -
572 winch                           test: knight testcurs
573 winchnstr                       lib: ncurses
574 winchstr                        -
575 winnstr                         test: demo_defkey
576 winnwstr                        lib: ncurses
577 wins_nwstr                      lib: ncurses
578 wins_wch                        lib: ncurses
579 wins_wstr                       -
580 winsch                          test: testcurs
581 winsdelln                       lib: form
582 winsertln                       test: testcurs
583 winsnstr                        lib: form
584 winsstr                         -
585 winstr                          -
586 winwstr                         lib: ncurses
587 wmouse_trafo                    lib: menu
588 wmove                           test: demo_defkey demo_keyok firstlast ins_wide inserts knight ncurses newdemo testcurs
589 wnoutrefresh                    test: edit_field ins_wide inserts knight ncurses
590 wprintw                         test: demo_defkey demo_forms demo_keyok edit_field ins_wide inserts knight ncurses testcurs
591 wredrawln                       lib: ncurses
592 wrefresh                        test: demo_forms demo_keyok edit_field firstlast knight lrtest ncurses newdemo tclock testcurs view xmas
593 wresize                         test: cardfile ncurses
594 wscanw                          test: testcurs
595 wscrl                           test: ncurses testcurs view
596 wsetscrreg                      test: ncurses testcurs
597 wstandend                       test: xmas
598 wstandout                       test: xmas
599 wsyncdown                       lib: ncurses
600 wsyncup                         lib: form
601 wtimeout                        test: ncurses
602 wtouchln                        lib: form
603 wunctrl                         -
604 wvline                          test: testcurs
605 wvline_set                      lib: ncurses
607 libpanel:
608 --------
609 bottom_panel                    test: ncurses
610 del_panel                       test: ncurses
611 hide_panel                      test: ncurses
612 move_panel                      test: ncurses
613 new_panel                       test: cardfile ncurses
614 panel_above                     -
615 panel_below                     -
616 panel_hidden                    -
617 panel_userptr                   test: ncurses
618 panel_window                    test: cardfile ncurses
619 replace_panel                   -
620 set_panel_userptr               test: ncurses
621 show_panel                      test: ncurses
622 top_panel                       test: cardfile ncurses
623 update_panels                   test: cardfile ncurses