RMAIL(8) RMAIL(8) NNAAMMEE rmail - handle remote mail received via uucp SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS rrmmaaiill [--DD _d_o_m_a_i_n] [--TT] _u_s_e_r _._._. DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN RRmmaaiill interprets incoming mail received via uucp(1), collapsing ``From'' lines in the form generated by mail.local(8) into a single line of the form ``return-path!sender'', and passing the processed mail on to sendmail(8). RRmmaaiill is explicitly designed for use with uucp and sendmail. FFllaaggss --DD Use the specified _d_o_m_a_i_n instead of the default domain of ``UUCP''. --TT Turn on debugging. SSEEEE AALLSSOO uucp(1), mail.local(8), sendmail(8) HHIISSTTOORRYY The rrmmaaiill program appeared in 4.2BSD. BBUUGGSS RRmmaaiill should not reside in /bin. $Date: 2001/04/03 01:53:16 $ RMAIL(8)