/* * Copyright (C) 2004 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Internet Software Consortium. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* $Id: dst.h,v 2004/12/09 04:07:19 marka Exp $ */ #ifndef DST_DST_H #define DST_DST_H 1 #include #include ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS /*** *** Types ***/ /* * The dst_key structure is opaque. Applications should use the accessor * functions provided to retrieve key attributes. If an application needs * to set attributes, new accessor functions will be written. */ typedef struct dst_key dst_key_t; typedef struct dst_context dst_context_t; /* DST algorithm codes */ #define DST_ALG_UNKNOWN 0 #define DST_ALG_RSAMD5 1 #define DST_ALG_RSA DST_ALG_RSAMD5 /* backwards compatibility */ #define DST_ALG_DH 2 #define DST_ALG_DSA 3 #define DST_ALG_ECC 4 #define DST_ALG_RSASHA1 5 #define DST_ALG_HMACMD5 157 #define DST_ALG_GSSAPI 160 #define DST_ALG_PRIVATE 254 #define DST_ALG_EXPAND 255 #define DST_MAX_ALGS 255 /* A buffer of this size is large enough to hold any key */ #define DST_KEY_MAXSIZE 1280 /* * A buffer of this size is large enough to hold the textual representation * of any key */ #define DST_KEY_MAXTEXTSIZE 2048 /* 'Type' for dst_read_key() */ #define DST_TYPE_KEY 0x1000000 /* KEY key */ #define DST_TYPE_PRIVATE 0x2000000 #define DST_TYPE_PUBLIC 0x4000000 /*** *** Functions ***/ isc_result_t dst_lib_init(isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_entropy_t *ectx, unsigned int eflags); /* * Initializes the DST subsystem. * * Requires: * "mctx" is a valid memory context * "ectx" is a valid entropy context * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * ISC_R_NOMEMORY * * Ensures: * DST is properly initialized. */ void dst_lib_destroy(void); /* * Releases all resources allocated by DST. */ isc_boolean_t dst_algorithm_supported(unsigned int alg); /* * Checks that a given algorithm is supported by DST. * * Returns: * ISC_TRUE * ISC_FALSE */ isc_result_t dst_context_create(dst_key_t *key, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_context_t **dctxp); /* * Creates a context to be used for a sign or verify operation. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. * "mctx" is a valid memory context. * dctxp != NULL && *dctxp == NULL * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * ISC_R_NOMEMORY * * Ensures: * *dctxp will contain a usable context. */ void dst_context_destroy(dst_context_t **dctxp); /* * Destroys all memory associated with a context. * * Requires: * *dctxp != NULL && *dctxp == NULL * * Ensures: * *dctxp == NULL */ isc_result_t dst_context_adddata(dst_context_t *dctx, const isc_region_t *data); /* * Incrementally adds data to the context to be used in a sign or verify * operation. * * Requires: * "dctx" is a valid context * "data" is a valid region * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * DST_R_SIGNFAILURE * all other errors indicate failure */ isc_result_t dst_context_sign(dst_context_t *dctx, isc_buffer_t *sig); /* * Computes a signature using the data and key stored in the context. * * Requires: * "dctx" is a valid context. * "sig" is a valid buffer. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * DST_R_VERIFYFAILURE * all other errors indicate failure * * Ensures: * "sig" will contain the signature */ isc_result_t dst_context_verify(dst_context_t *dctx, isc_region_t *sig); /* * Verifies the signature using the data and key stored in the context. * * Requires: * "dctx" is a valid context. * "sig" is a valid region. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * all other errors indicate failure * * Ensures: * "sig" will contain the signature */ isc_result_t dst_key_computesecret(const dst_key_t *pub, const dst_key_t *priv, isc_buffer_t *secret); /* * Computes a shared secret from two (Diffie-Hellman) keys. * * Requires: * "pub" is a valid key that can be used to derive a shared secret * "priv" is a valid private key that can be used to derive a shared secret * "secret" is a valid buffer * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * If successful, secret will contain the derived shared secret. */ isc_result_t dst_key_fromfile(dns_name_t *name, dns_keytag_t id, unsigned int alg, int type, const char *directory, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp); /* * Reads a key from permanent storage. The key can either be a public or * private key, and is specified by name, algorithm, and id. If a private key * is specified, the public key must also be present. If directory is NULL, * the current directory is assumed. * * Requires: * "name" is a valid absolute dns name. * "id" is a valid key tag identifier. * "alg" is a supported key algorithm. * "type" is DST_TYPE_PUBLIC, DST_TYPE_PRIVATE, or the bitwise union. * DST_TYPE_KEY look for a KEY record otherwise DNSKEY * "mctx" is a valid memory context. * "keyp" is not NULL and "*keyp" is NULL. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * If successful, *keyp will contain a valid key. */ isc_result_t dst_key_fromnamedfile(const char *filename, int type, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp); /* * Reads a key from permanent storage. The key can either be a public or * key, and is specified by filename. If a private key is specified, the * public key must also be present. * * Requires: * "filename" is not NULL * "type" is DST_TYPE_PUBLIC, DST_TYPE_PRIVATE, or the bitwise union * DST_TYPE_KEY look for a KEY record otherwise DNSKEY * "mctx" is a valid memory context * "keyp" is not NULL and "*keyp" is NULL. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * If successful, *keyp will contain a valid key. */ isc_result_t dst_key_tofile(const dst_key_t *key, int type, const char *directory); /* * Writes a key to permanent storage. The key can either be a public or * private key. Public keys are written in DNS format and private keys * are written as a set of base64 encoded values. If directory is NULL, * the current directory is assumed. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. * "type" is DST_TYPE_PUBLIC, DST_TYPE_PRIVATE, or the bitwise union * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * any other result indicates failure */ isc_result_t dst_key_fromdns(dns_name_t *name, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, isc_buffer_t *source, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp); /* * Converts a DNS KEY record into a DST key. * * Requires: * "name" is a valid absolute dns name. * "source" is a valid buffer. There must be at least 4 bytes available. * "mctx" is a valid memory context. * "keyp" is not NULL and "*keyp" is NULL. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * If successful, *keyp will contain a valid key, and the consumed * pointer in data will be advanced. */ isc_result_t dst_key_todns(const dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *target); /* * Converts a DST key into a DNS KEY record. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. * "target" is a valid buffer. There must be at least 4 bytes unused. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * If successful, the used pointer in 'target' is advanced by at least 4. */ isc_result_t dst_key_frombuffer(dns_name_t *name, unsigned int alg, unsigned int flags, unsigned int protocol, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, isc_buffer_t *source, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp); /* * Converts a buffer containing DNS KEY RDATA into a DST key. * * Requires: * "name" is a valid absolute dns name. * "alg" is a supported key algorithm. * "source" is a valid buffer. * "mctx" is a valid memory context. * "keyp" is not NULL and "*keyp" is NULL. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * If successful, *keyp will contain a valid key, and the consumed * pointer in source will be advanced. */ isc_result_t dst_key_tobuffer(const dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *target); /* * Converts a DST key into DNS KEY RDATA format. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. * "target" is a valid buffer. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * If successful, the used pointer in 'target' is advanced. */ isc_result_t dst_key_privatefrombuffer(dst_key_t *key, isc_buffer_t *buffer); /* * Converts a public key into a private key, reading the private key * information from the buffer. The buffer should contain the same data * as the .private key file would. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid public key. * "buffer" is not NULL. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * If successful, key will contain a valid private key. */ isc_result_t dst_key_fromgssapi(dns_name_t *name, void *opaque, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp); /* * Converts a GSSAPI opaque context id into a DST key. * * Requires: * "name" is a valid absolute dns name. * "opaque" is a GSSAPI context id. * "mctx" is a valid memory context. * "keyp" is not NULL and "*keyp" is NULL. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * If successful, *keyp will contain a valid key and be responsible for * the context id. */ isc_result_t dst_key_generate(dns_name_t *name, unsigned int alg, unsigned int bits, unsigned int param, unsigned int flags, unsigned int protocol, dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, isc_mem_t *mctx, dst_key_t **keyp); /* * Generate a DST key (or keypair) with the supplied parameters. The * interpretation of the "param" field depends on the algorithm: * RSA: exponent * 0 use exponent 3 * !0 use Fermat4 (2^16 + 1) * DH: generator * 0 default - use well known prime if bits == 768 or 1024, * otherwise use 2 as the generator. * !0 use this value as the generator. * DSA: unused * HMACMD5: entropy * 0 default - require good entropy * !0 lack of good entropy is ok * * Requires: * "name" is a valid absolute dns name. * "keyp" is not NULL and "*keyp" is NULL. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * any other result indicates failure * * Ensures: * If successful, *keyp will contain a valid key. */ isc_boolean_t dst_key_compare(const dst_key_t *key1, const dst_key_t *key2); /* * Compares two DST keys. * * Requires: * "key1" is a valid key. * "key2" is a valid key. * * Returns: * ISC_TRUE * ISC_FALSE */ isc_boolean_t dst_key_paramcompare(const dst_key_t *key1, const dst_key_t *key2); /* * Compares the parameters of two DST keys. This is used to determine if * two (Diffie-Hellman) keys can be used to derive a shared secret. * * Requires: * "key1" is a valid key. * "key2" is a valid key. * * Returns: * ISC_TRUE * ISC_FALSE */ void dst_key_free(dst_key_t **keyp); /* * Release all memory associated with the key. * * Requires: * "keyp" is not NULL and "*keyp" is a valid key. * * Ensures: * All memory associated with "*keyp" will be freed. * *keyp == NULL */ /* * Accessor functions to obtain key fields. * * Require: * "key" is a valid key. */ dns_name_t * dst_key_name(const dst_key_t *key); unsigned int dst_key_size(const dst_key_t *key); unsigned int dst_key_proto(const dst_key_t *key); unsigned int dst_key_alg(const dst_key_t *key); isc_uint32_t dst_key_flags(const dst_key_t *key); dns_keytag_t dst_key_id(const dst_key_t *key); dns_rdataclass_t dst_key_class(const dst_key_t *key); isc_boolean_t dst_key_isprivate(const dst_key_t *key); isc_boolean_t dst_key_iszonekey(const dst_key_t *key); isc_boolean_t dst_key_isnullkey(const dst_key_t *key); isc_result_t dst_key_buildfilename(const dst_key_t *key, int type, const char *directory, isc_buffer_t *out); /* * Generates the filename used by dst to store the specified key. * If directory is NULL, the current directory is assumed. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key * "type" is either DST_TYPE_PUBLIC, DST_TYPE_PRIVATE, or 0 for no suffix. * "out" is a valid buffer * * Ensures: * the file name will be written to "out", and the used pointer will * be advanced. */ isc_result_t dst_key_sigsize(const dst_key_t *key, unsigned int *n); /* * Computes the size of a signature generated by the given key. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. * "n" is not NULL * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * DST_R_UNSUPPORTEDALG * * Ensures: * "n" stores the size of a generated signature */ isc_result_t dst_key_secretsize(const dst_key_t *key, unsigned int *n); /* * Computes the size of a shared secret generated by the given key. * * Requires: * "key" is a valid key. * "n" is not NULL * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS * DST_R_UNSUPPORTEDALG * * Ensures: * "n" stores the size of a generated shared secret */ isc_uint16_t dst_region_computeid(const isc_region_t *source, unsigned int alg); /* * Computes the key id of the key stored in the provided region with the * given algorithm. * * Requires: * "source" contains a valid, non-NULL region. * * Returns: * the key id */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DST_DST_H */