/* $KAME: altq_subr.c,v 1.23 2004/04/20 16:10:06 itojun Exp $ */ /* $DragonFly: src/sys/net/altq/altq_subr.c,v 1.9 2006/12/22 23:44:55 swildner Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) 1997-2003 * Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY SONY CSL AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SONY CSL OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "opt_altq.h" #include "opt_inet.h" #include "opt_inet6.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef INET6 #include #endif #include #include #include #include /* machine dependent clock related includes */ #if defined(__i386__) #include /* for tsc_freq */ #include /* for cpu_feature */ #include /* for CPUID_TSC */ #endif /* __i386__ */ /* * internal function prototypes */ static void tbr_timeout(void *); int (*altq_input)(struct mbuf *, int) = NULL; static int tbr_timer = 0; /* token bucket regulator timer */ static struct callout tbr_callout; int pfaltq_running; /* keep track of running state */ MALLOC_DEFINE(M_ALTQ, "altq", "ALTQ structures"); /* * alternate queueing support routines */ /* look up the queue state by the interface name and the queueing type. */ void * altq_lookup(const char *name, int type) { struct ifnet *ifp; if ((ifp = ifunit(name)) != NULL) { if (type != ALTQT_NONE && ifp->if_snd.altq_type == type) return (ifp->if_snd.altq_disc); } return (NULL); } int altq_attach(struct ifaltq *ifq, int type, void *discipline, int (*enqueue)(struct ifaltq *, struct mbuf *, struct altq_pktattr *), struct mbuf *(*dequeue)(struct ifaltq *, struct mbuf *, int), int (*request)(struct ifaltq *, int, void *), void *clfier, void *(*classify)(struct ifaltq *, struct mbuf *, struct altq_pktattr *)) { if (!ifq_is_ready(ifq)) return ENXIO; ifq->altq_type = type; ifq->altq_disc = discipline; ifq->altq_enqueue = enqueue; ifq->altq_dequeue = dequeue; ifq->altq_request = request; ifq->altq_clfier = clfier; ifq->altq_classify = classify; ifq->altq_flags &= (ALTQF_CANTCHANGE|ALTQF_ENABLED); return 0; } int altq_detach(struct ifaltq *ifq) { if (!ifq_is_ready(ifq)) return ENXIO; if (ifq_is_enabled(ifq)) return EBUSY; if (!ifq_is_attached(ifq)) return (0); ifq_set_classic(ifq); ifq->altq_type = ALTQT_NONE; ifq->altq_disc = NULL; ifq->altq_clfier = NULL; ifq->altq_classify = NULL; ifq->altq_flags &= ALTQF_CANTCHANGE; return 0; } int altq_enable(struct ifaltq *ifq) { if (!ifq_is_ready(ifq)) return ENXIO; if (ifq_is_enabled(ifq)) return 0; crit_enter(); ifq_purge(ifq); KKASSERT(ifq->ifq_len == 0); ifq->altq_flags |= ALTQF_ENABLED; if (ifq->altq_clfier != NULL) ifq->altq_flags |= ALTQF_CLASSIFY; crit_exit(); return 0; } int altq_disable(struct ifaltq *ifq) { if (!ifq_is_enabled(ifq)) return 0; crit_enter(); ifq_purge(ifq); KKASSERT(ifq->ifq_len == 0); ifq->altq_flags &= ~(ALTQF_ENABLED|ALTQF_CLASSIFY); crit_exit(); return 0; } /* * internal representation of token bucket parameters * rate: byte_per_unittime << 32 * (((bits_per_sec) / 8) << 32) / machclk_freq * depth: byte << 32 * */ #define TBR_SHIFT 32 #define TBR_SCALE(x) ((int64_t)(x) << TBR_SHIFT) #define TBR_UNSCALE(x) ((x) >> TBR_SHIFT) struct mbuf * tbr_dequeue(struct ifaltq *ifq, struct mbuf *mpolled, int op) { struct tb_regulator *tbr; struct mbuf *m; int64_t interval; uint64_t now; crit_enter(); tbr = ifq->altq_tbr; if (op == ALTDQ_REMOVE && tbr->tbr_lastop == ALTDQ_POLL) { /* if this is a remove after poll, bypass tbr check */ } else { /* update token only when it is negative */ if (tbr->tbr_token <= 0) { now = read_machclk(); interval = now - tbr->tbr_last; if (interval >= tbr->tbr_filluptime) tbr->tbr_token = tbr->tbr_depth; else { tbr->tbr_token += interval * tbr->tbr_rate; if (tbr->tbr_token > tbr->tbr_depth) tbr->tbr_token = tbr->tbr_depth; } tbr->tbr_last = now; } /* if token is still negative, don't allow dequeue */ if (tbr->tbr_token <= 0) { crit_exit(); return (NULL); } } if (ifq_is_enabled(ifq)) { m = (*ifq->altq_dequeue)(ifq, mpolled, op); } else if (op == ALTDQ_POLL) { IF_POLL(ifq, m); } else { IF_DEQUEUE(ifq, m); KKASSERT(mpolled == NULL || mpolled == m); } if (m != NULL && op == ALTDQ_REMOVE) tbr->tbr_token -= TBR_SCALE(m_pktlen(m)); tbr->tbr_lastop = op; crit_exit(); return (m); } /* * set a token bucket regulator. * if the specified rate is zero, the token bucket regulator is deleted. */ int tbr_set(struct ifaltq *ifq, struct tb_profile *profile) { struct tb_regulator *tbr, *otbr; if (machclk_freq == 0) init_machclk(); if (machclk_freq == 0) { kprintf("tbr_set: no cpu clock available!\n"); return (ENXIO); } if (profile->rate == 0) { /* delete this tbr */ if ((tbr = ifq->altq_tbr) == NULL) return (ENOENT); ifq->altq_tbr = NULL; kfree(tbr, M_ALTQ); return (0); } tbr = kmalloc(sizeof(*tbr), M_ALTQ, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); tbr->tbr_rate = TBR_SCALE(profile->rate / 8) / machclk_freq; tbr->tbr_depth = TBR_SCALE(profile->depth); if (tbr->tbr_rate > 0) tbr->tbr_filluptime = tbr->tbr_depth / tbr->tbr_rate; else tbr->tbr_filluptime = 0xffffffffffffffffLL; tbr->tbr_token = tbr->tbr_depth; tbr->tbr_last = read_machclk(); tbr->tbr_lastop = ALTDQ_REMOVE; otbr = ifq->altq_tbr; ifq->altq_tbr = tbr; /* set the new tbr */ if (otbr != NULL) kfree(otbr, M_ALTQ); else if (tbr_timer == 0) { callout_reset(&tbr_callout, 1, tbr_timeout, NULL); tbr_timer = 1; } return (0); } /* * tbr_timeout goes through the interface list, and kicks the drivers * if necessary. */ static void tbr_timeout(void *arg) { struct ifnet *ifp; int active; active = 0; crit_enter(); for (ifp = TAILQ_FIRST(&ifnet); ifp; ifp = TAILQ_NEXT(ifp, if_list)) { if (ifp->if_snd.altq_tbr == NULL) continue; active++; if (!ifq_is_empty(&ifp->if_snd) && ifp->if_start != NULL) { lwkt_serialize_enter(ifp->if_serializer); (*ifp->if_start)(ifp); lwkt_serialize_exit(ifp->if_serializer); } } crit_exit(); if (active > 0) callout_reset(&tbr_callout, 1, tbr_timeout, NULL); else tbr_timer = 0; /* don't need tbr_timer anymore */ } /* * get token bucket regulator profile */ int tbr_get(struct ifaltq *ifq, struct tb_profile *profile) { struct tb_regulator *tbr; if ((tbr = ifq->altq_tbr) == NULL) { profile->rate = 0; profile->depth = 0; } else { profile->rate = (u_int)TBR_UNSCALE(tbr->tbr_rate * 8 * machclk_freq); profile->depth = (u_int)TBR_UNSCALE(tbr->tbr_depth); } return (0); } /* * attach a discipline to the interface. if one already exists, it is * overridden. */ int altq_pfattach(struct pf_altq *a) { struct ifnet *ifp; struct tb_profile tb; int error = 0; switch (a->scheduler) { case ALTQT_NONE: break; #ifdef ALTQ_CBQ case ALTQT_CBQ: error = cbq_pfattach(a); break; #endif #ifdef ALTQ_PRIQ case ALTQT_PRIQ: error = priq_pfattach(a); break; #endif #ifdef ALTQ_HFSC case ALTQT_HFSC: error = hfsc_pfattach(a); break; #endif default: error = ENXIO; } ifp = ifunit(a->ifname); /* if the state is running, enable altq */ if (error == 0 && pfaltq_running && ifp != NULL && ifp->if_snd.altq_type != ALTQT_NONE && !ifq_is_enabled(&ifp->if_snd)) error = altq_enable(&ifp->if_snd); /* if altq is already enabled, reset set tokenbucket regulator */ if (error == 0 && ifp != NULL && ifq_is_enabled(&ifp->if_snd)) { tb.rate = a->ifbandwidth; tb.depth = a->tbrsize; crit_enter(); error = tbr_set(&ifp->if_snd, &tb); crit_exit(); } return (error); } /* * detach a discipline from the interface. * it is possible that the discipline was already overridden by another * discipline. */ int altq_pfdetach(struct pf_altq *a) { struct ifnet *ifp; int error = 0; if ((ifp = ifunit(a->ifname)) == NULL) return (EINVAL); /* if this discipline is no longer referenced, just return */ if (a->altq_disc == NULL || a->altq_disc != ifp->if_snd.altq_disc) return (0); crit_enter(); if (ifq_is_enabled(&ifp->if_snd)) error = altq_disable(&ifp->if_snd); if (error == 0) error = altq_detach(&ifp->if_snd); crit_exit(); return (error); } /* * add a discipline or a queue */ int altq_add(struct pf_altq *a) { int error = 0; if (a->qname[0] != 0) return (altq_add_queue(a)); if (machclk_freq == 0) init_machclk(); if (machclk_freq == 0) panic("altq_add: no cpu clock"); switch (a->scheduler) { #ifdef ALTQ_CBQ case ALTQT_CBQ: error = cbq_add_altq(a); break; #endif #ifdef ALTQ_PRIQ case ALTQT_PRIQ: error = priq_add_altq(a); break; #endif #ifdef ALTQ_HFSC case ALTQT_HFSC: error = hfsc_add_altq(a); break; #endif default: error = ENXIO; } return (error); } /* * remove a discipline or a queue */ int altq_remove(struct pf_altq *a) { int error = 0; if (a->qname[0] != 0) return (altq_remove_queue(a)); switch (a->scheduler) { #ifdef ALTQ_CBQ case ALTQT_CBQ: error = cbq_remove_altq(a); break; #endif #ifdef ALTQ_PRIQ case ALTQT_PRIQ: error = priq_remove_altq(a); break; #endif #ifdef ALTQ_HFSC case ALTQT_HFSC: error = hfsc_remove_altq(a); break; #endif default: error = ENXIO; } return (error); } /* * add a queue to the discipline */ int altq_add_queue(struct pf_altq *a) { int error = 0; switch (a->scheduler) { #ifdef ALTQ_CBQ case ALTQT_CBQ: error = cbq_add_queue(a); break; #endif #ifdef ALTQ_PRIQ case ALTQT_PRIQ: error = priq_add_queue(a); break; #endif #ifdef ALTQ_HFSC case ALTQT_HFSC: error = hfsc_add_queue(a); break; #endif default: error = ENXIO; } return (error); } /* * remove a queue from the discipline */ int altq_remove_queue(struct pf_altq *a) { int error = 0; switch (a->scheduler) { #ifdef ALTQ_CBQ case ALTQT_CBQ: error = cbq_remove_queue(a); break; #endif #ifdef ALTQ_PRIQ case ALTQT_PRIQ: error = priq_remove_queue(a); break; #endif #ifdef ALTQ_HFSC case ALTQT_HFSC: error = hfsc_remove_queue(a); break; #endif default: error = ENXIO; } return (error); } /* * get queue statistics */ int altq_getqstats(struct pf_altq *a, void *ubuf, int *nbytes) { int error = 0; switch (a->scheduler) { #ifdef ALTQ_CBQ case ALTQT_CBQ: error = cbq_getqstats(a, ubuf, nbytes); break; #endif #ifdef ALTQ_PRIQ case ALTQT_PRIQ: error = priq_getqstats(a, ubuf, nbytes); break; #endif #ifdef ALTQ_HFSC case ALTQT_HFSC: error = hfsc_getqstats(a, ubuf, nbytes); break; #endif default: error = ENXIO; } return (error); } /* * read and write diffserv field in IPv4 or IPv6 header */ uint8_t read_dsfield(struct mbuf *m, struct altq_pktattr *pktattr) { struct mbuf *m0; uint8_t ds_field = 0; if (pktattr == NULL || (pktattr->pattr_af != AF_INET && pktattr->pattr_af != AF_INET6)) return ((uint8_t)0); /* verify that pattr_hdr is within the mbuf data */ for (m0 = m; m0 != NULL; m0 = m0->m_next) { if ((pktattr->pattr_hdr >= m0->m_data) && (pktattr->pattr_hdr < m0->m_data + m0->m_len)) break; } if (m0 == NULL) { /* ick, pattr_hdr is stale */ pktattr->pattr_af = AF_UNSPEC; #ifdef ALTQ_DEBUG kprintf("read_dsfield: can't locate header!\n"); #endif return ((uint8_t)0); } if (pktattr->pattr_af == AF_INET) { struct ip *ip = (struct ip *)pktattr->pattr_hdr; if (ip->ip_v != 4) return ((uint8_t)0); /* version mismatch! */ ds_field = ip->ip_tos; } #ifdef INET6 else if (pktattr->pattr_af == AF_INET6) { struct ip6_hdr *ip6 = (struct ip6_hdr *)pktattr->pattr_hdr; uint32_t flowlabel; flowlabel = ntohl(ip6->ip6_flow); if ((flowlabel >> 28) != 6) return ((uint8_t)0); /* version mismatch! */ ds_field = (flowlabel >> 20) & 0xff; } #endif return (ds_field); } void write_dsfield(struct mbuf *m, struct altq_pktattr *pktattr, uint8_t dsfield) { struct mbuf *m0; if (pktattr == NULL || (pktattr->pattr_af != AF_INET && pktattr->pattr_af != AF_INET6)) return; /* verify that pattr_hdr is within the mbuf data */ for (m0 = m; m0 != NULL; m0 = m0->m_next) { if ((pktattr->pattr_hdr >= m0->m_data) && (pktattr->pattr_hdr < m0->m_data + m0->m_len)) break; } if (m0 == NULL) { /* ick, pattr_hdr is stale */ pktattr->pattr_af = AF_UNSPEC; #ifdef ALTQ_DEBUG kprintf("write_dsfield: can't locate header!\n"); #endif return; } if (pktattr->pattr_af == AF_INET) { struct ip *ip = (struct ip *)pktattr->pattr_hdr; uint8_t old; int32_t sum; if (ip->ip_v != 4) return; /* version mismatch! */ old = ip->ip_tos; dsfield |= old & 3; /* leave CU bits */ if (old == dsfield) return; ip->ip_tos = dsfield; /* * update checksum (from RFC1624) * HC' = ~(~HC + ~m + m') */ sum = ~ntohs(ip->ip_sum) & 0xffff; sum += 0xff00 + (~old & 0xff) + dsfield; sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff); sum += (sum >> 16); /* add carry */ ip->ip_sum = htons(~sum & 0xffff); } #ifdef INET6 else if (pktattr->pattr_af == AF_INET6) { struct ip6_hdr *ip6 = (struct ip6_hdr *)pktattr->pattr_hdr; uint32_t flowlabel; flowlabel = ntohl(ip6->ip6_flow); if ((flowlabel >> 28) != 6) return; /* version mismatch! */ flowlabel = (flowlabel & 0xf03fffff) | (dsfield << 20); ip6->ip6_flow = htonl(flowlabel); } #endif } /* * high resolution clock support taking advantage of a machine dependent * high resolution time counter (e.g., timestamp counter of intel pentium). * we assume * - 64-bit-long monotonically-increasing counter * - frequency range is 100M-4GHz (CPU speed) */ /* if pcc is not available or disabled, emulate 256MHz using microtime() */ #define MACHCLK_SHIFT 8 int machclk_usepcc; uint32_t machclk_freq = 0; uint32_t machclk_per_tick = 0; void init_machclk(void) { callout_init(&tbr_callout); machclk_usepcc = 1; #if !defined(__i386__) || defined(ALTQ_NOPCC) machclk_usepcc = 0; #elif defined(__DragonFly__) && defined(SMP) machclk_usepcc = 0; #elif defined(__i386__) /* check if TSC is available */ if (machclk_usepcc == 1 && (cpu_feature & CPUID_TSC) == 0) machclk_usepcc = 0; #endif if (machclk_usepcc == 0) { /* emulate 256MHz using microtime() */ machclk_freq = 1000000 << MACHCLK_SHIFT; machclk_per_tick = machclk_freq / hz; #ifdef ALTQ_DEBUG kprintf("altq: emulate %uHz cpu clock\n", machclk_freq); #endif return; } /* * if the clock frequency (of Pentium TSC or Alpha PCC) is * accessible, just use it. */ #ifdef __i386__ machclk_freq = tsc_freq; #else #error "machclk_freq interface not implemented" #endif /* * if we don't know the clock frequency, measure it. */ if (machclk_freq == 0) { static int wait; struct timeval tv_start, tv_end; uint64_t start, end, diff; int timo; microtime(&tv_start); start = read_machclk(); timo = hz; /* 1 sec */ tsleep(&wait, PCATCH, "init_machclk", timo); microtime(&tv_end); end = read_machclk(); diff = (uint64_t)(tv_end.tv_sec - tv_start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + tv_end.tv_usec - tv_start.tv_usec; if (diff != 0) machclk_freq = (u_int)((end - start) * 1000000 / diff); } machclk_per_tick = machclk_freq / hz; #ifdef ALTQ_DEBUG kprintf("altq: CPU clock: %uHz\n", machclk_freq); #endif } uint64_t read_machclk(void) { uint64_t val; if (machclk_usepcc) { #if defined(__i386__) val = rdtsc(); #else panic("read_machclk"); #endif } else { struct timeval tv; microtime(&tv); val = (((uint64_t)(tv.tv_sec - boottime.tv_sec) * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec) << MACHCLK_SHIFT); } return (val); }