#! /bin/sh # # Setup a wireless extender/relay: extend a wireless network using # dwds. We create an ap vap and a station vap; then enable # dwds on the sta. The sta vap associates to another ap and passes # traffic from stations associated to the (local) ap. The sta # will follow it's peer ap, dragging the ap vap with it. # # $FreeBSD: src/tools/tools/net80211/scripts/setup.wdsrelay,v 1.1 2008/04/20 20:43:42 sam Exp $ # PATH=.:$PATH . config AP_SSID='freebsd+wdsrelay' WDS_SSID='freebsd+wdsmain' #WDS_SSID='WDS1' #mwldebug state+node+reset+xmit+recv+beacon+hal+hal2 WLAN_AP=`ifconfig wlan create wlanmode hostap wlandev $WIRELESS` ifconfig $WLAN_AP ssid "$AP_SSID" mtu 1500 -apbridge wlandebug -i $WLAN_AP state+assoc+wds+11n WLAN_STA=`ifconfig wlan create wlanmode sta wlandev $WIRELESS -beacons` ifconfig $WLAN_STA ssid "$WDS_SSID" dwds -bgscan wlandebug -i $WLAN_STA state+assoc+auth+wds+scan+11n # no TSO in the bridge, no AMPDU until fw works right ifconfig $WLAN_STA -tso -ampdu BRIDGE=`ifconfig bridge create` ifconfig $BRIDGE addm $WLAN_AP addm $WLAN_STA up # NB: bring sta up first so it can locate it's AP ifconfig $WLAN_STA up ifconfig $WLAN_AP up #ifconfig $WIRED down delete