[Home] WishList Home | RecentChanges | Preferences _________________________________________________________________ Fix memory leak related to aliasrun(). Precmd, Cwdcmd etc. leak memory. _________________________________________________________________ Fix migrate -site $$... Seems to hang... (aix370) _________________________________________________________________ Fix history in loops. _________________________________________________________________ New idea: sed operations on variables. Lots of people seem to like the idea to be able to do sed type operations on shell variables. Maybe we can extend the syntax of the variable editing to understand string operations. So I would like to be able to use: > set a="this is a STRING" > echo $a:[3-] is is a STRING > echo $a:[#] 16 > echo $a:[6-7] is > echo $a:[-2] ng > echo $a:[-20] Subscript out of bounds. > echo $a:[2-20] Subscript out of bounds. > echo $a:[1-1]:u$a:[2-]. This is a string. _________________________________________________________________ Fix pipelines that contain builtins so that they behave correctly. I tried to fix that (most of the code is in sh.sem.c, but it works only for non POSIX machines cause otherwise the setpgid() I added fails). _________________________________________________________________ Fix the correct code... How to do that involves A.I.... _________________________________________________________________ Rewrite the whole thing. It has taken to much beating over the years... _________________________________________________________________ Add another hook like precmd to be executed after the prompt but before the command. _________________________________________________________________ Add instructions for using configure in the README file. _________________________________________________________________ Home | RecentChanges | Preferences Edit text of this page | View other revisions Last edited April 28, 2001 2:04 (diff) Search: ____________________