This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo version 1.68 from the input file heimdal.texi. INFO-DIR-SECTION Heimdal START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Heimdal: (heimdal). The Kerberos 5 distribution from KTH END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: Top, Next: Introduction, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir) Heimdal ******* * Menu: * Introduction:: * What is Kerberos?:: * Building and Installing:: * Setting up a realm:: * Things in search for a better place:: * Kerberos 4 issues:: * Windows 2000 compatability:: * Programming with Kerberos:: * Migration:: * Acknowledgments::  File:, Node: Introduction, Next: What is Kerberos?, Prev: Top, Up: Top Introduction ************ What is Heimdal? ================ Heimdal is a free implementation of Kerberos 5. The goals are to: * have an implementation that can be freely used by anyone * be protocol compatible with existing implementations and, if not in conflict, with RFC 1510 (and any future updated RFC) * be reasonably compatible with the M.I.T Kerberos V5 API * have support for Kerberos V5 over GSS-API (RFC1964) * include the most important and useful application programs (rsh, telnet, popper, etc.) * include enough backwards compatibility with Kerberos V4 Status ====== Heimdal has the following features (this does not mean any of this works): * a stub generator and a library to encode/decode/whatever ASN.1/DER stuff * a `libkrb5' library that should be possible to get to work with simple applications * a GSS-API library that should have all the important functions for building applications * Eric Young's `libdes' * `kinit', `klist', `kdestroy' * `telnet', `telnetd' * `rsh', `rshd' * `popper', `push' (a movemail equivalent) * `ftp', and `ftpd' * a library `libkafs' for authenticating to AFS and a program `afslog' that uses it * some simple test programs * a KDC that supports most things; optionally, it may also support Kerberos V4 and kaserver, * simple programs for distributing databases between a KDC master and slaves * a password changing daemon `kpasswdd', library functions for changing passwords and a simple client * some kind of administration system * Kerberos V4 support in many of the applications. Bug reports =========== If you find bugs in this software, make sure it is a genuine bug and not just a part of the code that isn't implemented. Bug reports should be sent to . Please include information on what machine and operating system (including version) you are running, what you are trying to do, what happens, what you think should have happened, an example for us to repeat, the output you get when trying the example, and a patch for the problem if you have one. Please make any patches with `diff -u' or `diff -c'. Suggestions, comments and other non bug reports are also welcome. Mailing list ============ There are two mailing lists with talk about Heimdal. is a low-volume announcement list, while is for general discussion. Send a message to to subscribe. Heimdal source code, binaries and the manual ============================================ The source code for heimdal, links to binaries and the manual (this document) can be found on our web-page at `'.  File:, Node: What is Kerberos?, Next: Building and Installing, Prev: Introduction, Up: Top What is Kerberos? ***************** Now this Cerberus had three heads of dogs, the tail of a dragon, and on his back the heads of all sorts of snakes. -- Pseudo-Apollodorus Library 2.5.12 Kerberos is a system for authenticating users and services on a network. It is built upon the assumption that the network is "unsafe". For example, data sent over the network can be eavesdropped and altered, and addresses can also be faked. Therefore they cannot be used for authentication purposes. Kerberos is a trusted third-party service. That means that there is a third party (the kerberos server) that is trusted by all the entities on the network (users and services, usually called "principals"). All principals share a secret password (or key) with the kerberos server and this enables principals to verify that the messages from the kerberos server are authentic. Thus trusting the kerberos server, users and services can authenticate each other. Basic mechanism =============== *Note:* This discussion is about Kerberos version 4, but version 5 works similarly. In Kerberos, principals use "tickets" to prove that they are who they claim to be. In the following example, A is the initiator of the authentication exchange, usually a user, and B is the service that A wishes to use. To obtain a ticket for a specific service, A sends a ticket request to the kerberos server. The request contains A's and B's names (along with some other fields). The kerberos server checks that both A and B are valid principals. Having verified the validity of the principals, it creates a packet containing A's and B's names, A's network address (A), the current time (T), the lifetime of the ticket (LIFE), and a secret "session key" (K). This packet is encrypted with B's secret key (K). The actual ticket (T) looks like this: ({A, B, A, T, LIFE, K}K). The reply to A consists of the ticket (T), B's name, the current time, the lifetime of the ticket, and the session key, all encrypted in A's secret key ({B, T, LIFE, K, T}K). A decrypts the reply and retains it for later use. Before sending a message to B, A creates an authenticator consisting of A's name, A's address, the current time, and a "checksum" chosen by A, all encrypted with the secret session key ({A, A, T, CHECKSUM}K). This is sent together with the ticket received from the kerberos server to B. Upon reception, B decrypts the ticket using B's secret key. Since the ticket contains the session key that the authenticator was encrypted with, B can now also decrypt the authenticator. To verify that A really is A, B now has to compare the contents of the ticket with that of the authenticator. If everything matches, B now considers A as properly authenticated. Different attacks ================= Impersonating A --------------- An impostor, C could steal the authenticator and the ticket as it is transmitted across the network, and use them to impersonate A. The address in the ticket and the authenticator was added to make it more difficult to perform this attack. To succeed C will have to either use the same machine as A or fake the source addresses of the packets. By including the time stamp in the authenticator, C does not have much time in which to mount the attack. Impersonating B --------------- C can hijack B's network address, and when A sends her credentials, C just pretend to verify them. C can't be sure that she is talking to A. Defense strategies ================== It would be possible to add a "replay cache" to the server side. The idea is to save the authenticators sent during the last few minutes, so that B can detect when someone is trying to retransmit an already used message. This is somewhat impractical (mostly regarding efficiency), and is not part of Kerberos 4; MIT Kerberos 5 contains it. To authenticate B, A might request that B sends something back that proves that B has access to the session key. An example of this is the checksum that A sent as part of the authenticator. One typical procedure is to add one to the checksum, encrypt it with the session key and send it back to A. This is called "mutual authentication". The session key can also be used to add cryptographic checksums to the messages sent between A and B (known as "message integrity"). Encryption can also be added ("message confidentiality"). This is probably the best approach in all cases. Further reading =============== The original paper on Kerberos from 1988 is `Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Open Network Systems', by Jennifer Steiner, Clifford Neuman and Jeffrey I. Schiller. A less technical description can be found in `Designing an Authentication System: a Dialogue in Four Scenes' by Bill Bryant, also from 1988. These documents can be found on our web-page at `'.  File:, Node: Building and Installing, Next: Setting up a realm, Prev: What is Kerberos?, Up: Top Building and Installing *********************** Heimdal uses GNU Autoconf to configure for specific hosts, and GNU Automake to manage makefiles. If this is new to you, the short instruction is to run the `configure' script in the top level directory, and when that finishes `make'. If you want to build the distribution in a different directory from the source directory, you will need a make that implements VPATH correctly, such as GNU make. You will need to build the distribution: * A compiler that supports a "loose" ANSI C mode, such as `gcc'. * lex or flex * awk * yacc or bison * a socket library * NDBM or Berkeley DB for building the server side. When everything is built, you can install by doing `make install'. The default location for installation is `/usr/heimdal', but this can be changed by running `configure' with `--prefix=/some/other/place'. If you need to change the default behavior, configure understands the following options: `--without-berkeley-db' DB is preferred before NDBM, but if you for some reason want to use NDBM instead, you can use this option. `--with-krb4=`dir'' Gives the location of Kerberos 4 libraries and headers. This enables Kerberos 4 support in the applications (telnet, rsh, popper, etc) and the KDC. It is automatically check for in `/usr/athena'. If you keep libraries and headers in different places, you can instead give the path to each with the `--with-krb4-lib=`dir'', and `--with-krb4-include=`dir'' options. You will need a fairly recent version of our Kerberos 4 distribution for `rshd' and `popper' to support version 4 clients. `--enable-dce' Enables support for getting DCE credentials and tokens. See the README files in `appl/dceutils' for more information. `--disable-otp' By default some of the application programs will build with support for one-time passwords (OTP). Use this option to disable that support. `--enable-osfc2' Enable some C2 support for OSF/Digital Unix/Tru64. Use this option if you are running your OSF operating system in C2 mode. `--with-readline=`dir'' Gives the path for the GNU Readline library, which will be used in some programs. If no readline library is found, the (simpler) editline library will be used instead. `--with-hesiod=`dir'' Enables hesiod support in push. `--enable-netinfo' Add support for using netinfo to lookup configuration information. Probably only useful (and working) on NextStep/Mac OS X. `--without-ipv6' Disable the IPv6 support. `--with-openldap' Compile Heimdal with support for storing the database in LDAP. Requires OpenLDAP `'. See `' for more information. `--enable-bigendian' `--enable-littleendian' Normally, the build process will figure out by itself if the machine is big or little endian. It might fail in some cases when cross-compiling. If it does fail to figure it out, use the relevant of these two options. `--with-mips-abi=ABI' On Irix there are three different ABIs that can be used (`32', `n32', or `64'). This option allows you to override the automatic selection. `--disable-mmap' Do not use the mmap system call. Normally, configure detects if there is a working mmap and it is only used if there is one. Only try this option if it fails to work anyhow.  File:, Node: Setting up a realm, Next: Things in search for a better place, Prev: Building and Installing, Up: Top Setting up a realm ****************** * Menu: * Configuration file:: * Creating the database:: * keytabs:: * Serving Kerberos 4/524/kaserver:: * Remote administration:: * Password changing:: * Testing clients and servers:: * Slave Servers:: * Incremental propagation:: * Salting:: * Cross realm:: * Transit policy:: * Setting up DNS:: A realm is an administrative domain. The name of a Kerberos realm is usually the Internet domain name in uppercase. Call your realm the same as your Internet domain name if you do not have strong reasons for not doing so. It will make life easier for you and everyone else.  File:, Node: Configuration file, Next: Creating the database, Prev: Setting up a realm, Up: Setting up a realm Configuration file ================== To setup a realm you will first have to create a configuration file: `/etc/krb5.conf'. The `krb5.conf' file can contain many configuration options, some of which are described here. There is a sample `krb5.conf' supplied with the distribution. The configuration file is a hierarchical structure consisting of sections, each containing a list of bindings (either variable assignments or subsections). A section starts with `[section-name]'. A binding consists of a left hand side, an equal (`=') and a right hand side (the left hand side tag must be separated from the equal with some whitespace.) Subsections has a `{' as the first non-whitespace character after the equal. All other bindings are treated as variable assignments. The value of a variable extends to the end of the line. [section1] a-subsection = { var = value1 other-var = value with {} sub-sub-section = { var = 123 } } var = some other value [section2] var = yet another value In this manual, names of sections and bindings will be given as strings separated by slashes (`/'). The `other-var' variable will thus be `section1/a-subsection/other-var'. For in-depth information about the contents of the configuration file, refer to the `krb5.conf' manual page. Some of the more important sections are briefly described here. The `libdefaults' section contains a list of library configuration parameters, such as the default realm and the timeout for KDC responses. The `realms' section contains information about specific realms, such as where they hide their KDC. This section serves the same purpose as the Kerberos 4 `krb.conf' file, but can contain more information. Finally the `domain_realm' section contains a list of mappings from domains to realms, equivalent to the Kerberos 4 `krb.realms' file. To continue with the realm setup, you will have to create a configuration file, with contents similar to the following. [libdefaults] default_realm = MY.REALM [realms] MY.REALM = { kdc = my.kdc my.slave.kdc kdc = my.third.kdc } [domain_realm] .my.domain = MY.REALM If you use a realm name equal to your domain name, you can omit the `libdefaults', and `domain_realm', sections. If you have a SRV-record for your realm, or your Kerberos server has CNAME called `', you can omit the `realms' section too.  File:, Node: Creating the database, Next: keytabs, Prev: Configuration file, Up: Setting up a realm Creating the database ===================== The database library will look for the database in the directory `/var/heimdal', so you should probably create that directory. Make sure the directory have restrictive permissions. # mkdir /var/heimdal The keys of all the principals are stored in the database. If you choose to, these can be encrypted with a master key. You do not have to remember this key (or password), but just to enter it once and it will be stored in a file (`/var/heimdal/m-key'). If you want to have a master key, run `kstash' to create this master key: # kstash Master key: Verifying password - Master key: To initialise the database use the `kadmin' program, with the `-l' option (to enable local database mode). First issue a `init MY.REALM' command. This will create the database and insert default principals for that realm. You can have more than one realm in one database, so `init' does not destroy any old database. Before creating the database, `init' will ask you some questions about max ticket lifetimes. After creating the database you should probably add yourself to it. You do this with the `add' command. It takes as argument the name of a principal. The principal should contain a realm, so if you haven't setup a default realm, you will need to explicitly include the realm. # kadmin -l kadmin> init MY.REALM Realm max ticket life [unlimited]: Realm max renewable ticket life [unlimited]: kadmin> add me Max ticket life [unlimited]: Max renewable life [unlimited]: Attributes []: Password: Verifying password - Password: Now start the KDC and try getting a ticket. # kdc & # kinit me me@MY.REALMS's Password: # klist Credentials cache: /tmp/krb5cc_0 Principal: me@MY.REALM Issued Expires Principal Aug 25 07:25:55 Aug 25 17:25:55 krbtgt/MY.REALM@MY.REALM If you are curious you can use the `dump' command to list all the entries in the database. It should look something similar to the following example (note that the entries here are truncated for typographical reasons): kadmin> dump me@MY.REALM 1:0:1:0b01d3cb7c293b57:-:0:7:8aec316b9d1629e3baf8 ... kadmin/admin@MY.REALM 1:0:1:e5c8a2675b37a443:-:0:7:cb913ebf85 ... krbtgt/MY.REALM@MY.REALM 1:0:1:52b53b61c875ce16:-:0:7:c8943be ... kadmin/changepw@MY.REALM 1:0:1:f48c8af2b340e9fb:-:0:7:e3e6088 ...  File:, Node: keytabs, Next: Serving Kerberos 4/524/kaserver, Prev: Creating the database, Up: Setting up a realm keytabs ======= To extract a service ticket from the database and put it in a keytab you need to first create the principal in the database with `ank' (using the `--random-key' flag to get a random key) and then extract it with `ext_keytab'. kadmin> add --random-key host/ Max ticket life [unlimited]: Max renewable life [unlimited]: Attributes []: kadmin> ext host/ # ktutil list Version Type Principal 1 des-cbc-md5 host/ 1 des-cbc-md4 host/ 1 des-cbc-crc host/ 1 des3-cbc-sha1 host/  File:, Node: Serving Kerberos 4/524/kaserver, Next: Remote administration, Prev: keytabs, Up: Setting up a realm Serving Kerberos 4/524/kaserver =============================== Heimdal can be configured to support 524, Kerberos 4 or kaserver. All theses services are default turned off. Kerberos 4 support also depends on if Kerberos 4 support is compiled in with Heimdal. 524 --- 524 is a service that allows the KDC to convert Kerberos 5 tickets to Kerberos 4 tickets for backward compatibility. See also Using 2b tokens with AFS in *Note Things in search for a better place::. 524 can be turned on by adding this to the configuration file [kdc] enable-524 = yes Kerberos 4 ---------- Kerberos 4 is the predecessor to to Kerberos 5. It only support single DES. You should only enable Kerberos 4 support if you have a need for for compatibility with an installed base of Kerberos 4 clients/servers. Kerberos 4 can be turned on by adding this to the configuration file [kdc] enable-kerberos4 = yes kaserver -------- Kaserver is a Kerberos 4 that is used in AFS, the protocol have some features over plain Kerberos 4, but like Kerberos 4 only use single DES too. You should only enable Kerberos 4 support if you have a need for for compatibility with an installed base of AFS machines. Kaserver can be turned on by adding this to the configuration file [kdc] enable-kaserver = yes  File:, Node: Remote administration, Next: Password changing, Prev: Serving Kerberos 4/524/kaserver, Up: Setting up a realm Remote administration ===================== The administration server, `kadmind', can be started by `inetd' (which isn't recommended) or run as a normal daemon. If you want to start it from `inetd' you should add a line similar to the one below to your `/etc/inetd.conf'. kerberos-adm stream tcp nowait root /usr/heimdal/libexec/kadmind kadmind You might need to add `kerberos-adm' to your `/etc/services' as 749/tcp. Access to the administration server is controlled by an acl-file, (default `/var/heimdal/kadmind.acl'.) The lines in the access file, has the following syntax: principal [priv1,priv2,...] [glob-pattern] The matching is from top to bottom for matching principal (and if given, glob-pattern). When there is a match, the rights of that lines are used. The privileges you can assign to a principal are: `add', `change-password' (or `cpw' for short), `delete', `get', `list', and `modify', or the special privilege `all'. All of these roughly corresponds to the different commands in `kadmin'. If a GLOB-PATTERN is given on a line, it restricts the right for the principal to only apply for the subjects that match the pattern. The patters are of the same type as those used in shell globbing, see `none,,fnmatch(3)'. In the example below `lha/admin' can change every principal in the database. `jimmy/admin' can only modify principals that belong to the realm `E.KTH.SE'. `mille/admin' is working at the help desk, so he should only be able to change the passwords for single component principals (ordinary users). He will not be able to change any `/admin' principal. lha/admin@E.KTH.SE all jimmy/admin@E.KTH.SE all *@E.KTH.SE jimmy/admin@E.KTH.SE all */*@E.KTH.SE mille/admin@E.KTH.SE change-password *@E.KTH.SE  File:, Node: Password changing, Next: Testing clients and servers, Prev: Remote administration, Up: Setting up a realm Password changing ================= To allow users to change their passwords, you should run `kpasswdd'. It is not run from `inetd'. You might need to add `kpasswd' to your `/etc/services' as 464/udp. Password quality assurance -------------------------- It is important that users have good passwords, both to make it harder to guess them and to avoid off-line attacks (pre-authentication provides some defense against off-line attacks). To ensure that the users choose good passwords, you can enable password quality controls in `kpasswdd'. The controls themselves are done in a shared library that is used by `kpasswdd'. To configure in these controls, add lines similar to the following to your `/etc/krb5.conf': [password_quality] check_library = LIBRARY check_function = FUNCTION The function FUNCTION in the shared library LIBRARY will be called for proposed new passwords. The function should be declared as: const char * function(krb5_context context, krb5_principal principal, krb5_data *pwd); The function should verify that PWD is a good password for PRINCIPAL and if so return `NULL'. If it is deemed to be of low quality, it should return a string explaining why that password should not be used. Code for a password quality checking function that uses the cracklib library can be found in `lib/kadm5/sample_password_check.c' in the source code distribution. It requires the cracklib library built with the patch available at `'. If no password quality checking function is configured, it is only verified that it is at least six characters of length.  File:, Node: Testing clients and servers, Next: Slave Servers, Prev: Password changing, Up: Setting up a realm Testing clients and servers =========================== Now you should be able to run all the clients and servers. Refer to the appropriate man pages for information on how to use them.  File:, Node: Slave Servers, Next: Incremental propagation, Prev: Testing clients and servers, Up: Setting up a realm Slave servers, Incremental propagation, Testing clients and servers, Setting up a realm ======================================================================================= It is desirable to have at least one backup (slave) server in case the master server fails. It is possible to have any number of such slave servers but more than three usually doesn't buy much more redundancy. All Kerberos servers for a realm shall have the same database so that they present the same service to all the users. The `hprop' program, running on the master, will propagate the database to the slaves, running `hpropd' processes. Every slave needs a database directory, the master key (if it was used for the database) and a keytab with the principal `hprop/HOSTNAME'. Add the principal with the `ktutil' command and start `propd', as follows: slave# ktutil get -p foo/admin hprop/`hostname` slave# mkdir /var/heimdal slave# hpropd The master will use the principal `kadmin/hprop' to authenticate to the slaves. This principal should be added when running `kadmin -l init' but if you do not have it in your database for whatever reason, please add it with `kadmin -l add'. Then run `hprop' on the master: master# hprop slave This was just an on-hands example to make sure that everything was working properly. Doing it manually is of course the wrong way and to automate this you will want to start `hpropd' from `inetd' on the slave(s) and regularly run `hprop' on the master to regularly propagate the database. Starting the propagation once an hour from `cron' is probably a good idea.  File:, Node: Incremental propagation, Next: Salting, Prev: Slave Servers, Up: Setting up a realm Incremental propagation ======================= There is also a newer and still somewhat experimental mechanism for doing incremental propagation in Heimdal. Instead of sending the whole database regularly, it sends the changes as they happen on the master to the slaves. The master keeps track of all the changes by assigned a version number to every change to the database. The slaves know which was the latest version they saw and in this way it can be determined if they are in sync or not. A log of all the changes is kept on the master and when a slave is at an older versioner than the oldest one in the log, the whole database has to be sent. Protocol-wise, all the slaves connects to the master and as a greeting tell it the latest version that they have (`IHAVE' message). The master then responds by sending all the changes between that version and the current version at the master (a series of `FORYOU' messages) or the whole database in a `TELLYOUEVERYTHING' message. Configuring incremental propagation ----------------------------------- The program that runs on the master is `ipropd-master' and all clients run `ipropd-slave'. Create the file `/var/heimdal/slaves' on the master containing all the slaves that the database should be propagated to. Each line contains the full name of the principal (for example `iprop/'). You should already have `iprop/tcp' defined as 2121, in your `/etc/services'. Otherwise, or if you need to use a different port for some peculiar reason, you can use the `--port' option. This is useful when you have multiple realms to distribute from one server. Then you need to create these principals that you added in the configuration file. Create one `iprop/hostname' for the master and for every slave. master# /usr/heimdal/sbin/ktutil get iprop/`hostname` The next step is to start the `ipropd-master' process on the master server. The `ipropd-master' listens on the UNIX-socket `/var/heimdal/signal' to know when changes have been made to the database so they can be propagated to the slaves. There is also a safety feature of testing the version number regularly (every 30 seconds) to see if it has been modified by some means that do not raise this signal. Then, start `ipropd-slave' on all the slaves: master# /usr/heimdal/libexec/ipropd-master & slave# /usr/heimdal/libexec/ipropd-slave master &  File:, Node: Salting, Next: Cross realm, Prev: Incremental propagation, Up: Setting up a realm Salting ======= Salting is used to make it harder to precalculate all possible keys. Using a salt increases the search space to make it almost impossible to precalculate all keys. Salting is the process of mixing a public string (the salt) with the password, then sending it through an encryption-type specific string-to-key function that will output the fixed size encryption key. In Kerberos 5 the salt is determined by the encryption-type, except in some special cases. In `des' there is the Kerberos 4 salt (none at all) or the afs-salt (using the cell (realm in afs-lingo)). In `arcfour' (the encryption type that Microsoft Windows 2000 uses) there is no salt. This is to be compatible with NTLM keys in Windows NT 4. `[kadmin]default_keys' in `krb5.conf' controls what salting to use, The syntax of `[kadmin]default_keys' is `[etype:]salt-type[:salt-string]'. `etype' is the encryption type (des, des3, arcfour), `salt-type' is the type of salt (pw-salt or afs3-salt), and the salt-string is the string that will be used as salt (remember that if the salt is appended/prepended, the empty salt "" is the same thing as no salt at all). Common types of salting includes * `v4' (or `des:pw-salt:') The Kerberos 4 salting is using no salt att all. Reason there is colon that the end or the salt string is that it makes the salt the empty string (same as no salt). * `v5' (or `pw-salt') `pw-salt' means all regular encryption-types that is regular * `afs3-salt' `afs3-salt' is the salting that is used with Transarc kaserver. Its the cell appended to the password.  File:, Node: Cross realm, Next: Transit policy, Prev: Salting, Up: Setting up a realm Cross realm =========== Suppose you are residing in the realm `MY.REALM', how do you authenticate to a server in `OTHER.REALM'? Having valid tickets in `MY.REALM' allows you to communicate with kerberised services in that realm. However, the computer in the other realm does not have a secret key shared with the Kerberos server in your realm. It is possible to add a share keys between two realms that trust each other. When a client program, such as `telnet' or `ssh', finds that the other computer is in a different realm, it will try to get a ticket granting ticket for that other realm, but from the local Kerberos server. With that ticket granting ticket, it will then obtain service tickets from the Kerberos server in the other realm. For a two way trust between `MY.REALM' and `OTHER.REALM' add the following principals to each realm. The principals should be `krbtgt/OTHER.REALM@MY.REALM' and `krbtgt/MY.REALM@OTHER.REALM' in `MY.REALM', and `krbtgt/MY.REALM@OTHER.REALM' and `krbtgt/OTHER.REALM@MY.REALM'in `OTHER.REALM'. In Kerberos 5 the trust can be one configured to be one way. So that users from `MY.REALM' can authenticate to services in `OTHER.REALM', but not the opposite. In the example above, the `krbtgt/MY.REALM@OTHER.REALM' then should be removed. The two principals must have the same key, key version number, and the same set of encryption types. Remember to transfer the two keys in a safe manner. vr$ klist Credentials cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_913.console Principal: lha@E.KTH.SE Issued Expires Principal May 3 13:55:52 May 3 23:55:54 krbtgt/E.KTH.SE@E.KTH.SE vr$ telnet -l lha Trying 2001:6b0:5:1095:250:fcff:fe24:dbf... Connected to Escape character is '^]'. Waiting for encryption to be negotiated... [ Trying mutual KERBEROS5 (host/ ] [ Kerberos V5 accepts you as ``lha@E.KTH.SE'' ] Encryption negotiated. Last login: Sat May 3 14:11:47 from hummel$ exit vr$ klist Credentials cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_913.console Principal: lha@E.KTH.SE Issued Expires Principal May 3 13:55:52 May 3 23:55:54 krbtgt/E.KTH.SE@E.KTH.SE May 3 13:55:56 May 3 23:55:54 krbtgt/SU.SE@E.KTH.SE May 3 14:10:54 May 3 23:55:54 host/  File:, Node: Transit policy, Next: Setting up DNS, Prev: Cross realm, Up: Setting up a realm Transit policy ============== If you want to use cross realm authentication through an intermediate realm it must be explicitly allowed by either the KDCs or the server receiving the request. This is done in `krb5.conf' in the `[capaths]' section. When the ticket transits through a realm to another realm, the destination realm adds its peer to the "transited-realms" field in the ticket. The field is unordered, this is since there is no way to know if know if one of the transited-realms changed the order of the list. The syntax for `[capaths]' section: [capaths] CLIENT-REALM = { SERVER-REALM = PERMITTED-CROSS-REALMS ... } The realm `STACKEN.KTH.SE' allows clients from `SU.SE' and `DSV.SU.SE' to cross in. Since `STACKEN.KTH.SE' only have direct cross realm with `KTH.SE', and `DSV.SU.SE' only have direct cross realm with `SU.SE' they need to use both `SU.SE' and `KTH.SE' as transit realms. [capaths] SU.SE = { STACKEN.KTH.SE = KTH.SE } DSV.SU.SE = { STACKEN.KTH.SE = SU.SE KTH.SE }  File:, Node: Setting up DNS, Prev: Transit policy, Up: Setting up a realm Setting up DNS ============== If there is information about where to find the KDC or kadmind for a realm in the `krb5.conf' for a realm, that information will be preferred and DNS will not be queried. Heimdal will try to use DNS to find the KDCs for a realm. First it will try to find `SRV' resource record (RR) for the realm. If no SRV RRs are found, it will fall back to looking for a `A' RR for a machine named kerberos.REALM, and then kerberos-1.REALM, etc Adding this information to DNS makes the client have less configuration (in the common case, no configuration) and allows the system administrator to change the number of KDCs and on what machines they are running without caring about clients. The backside of using DNS that the client might be fooled to use the wrong server if someone fakes DNS replies/data, but storing the IP addresses of the KDC on all the clients makes it very hard to change the infrastructure. Example of the configuration for the realm `EXAMPLE.COM', $ORIGIN _kerberos._tcp SRV 10 1 88 _kerberos._udp SRV 10 1 88 _kerberos._tcp SRV 10 1 88 _kerberos._udp SRV 10 1 88 _kpasswd._udp SRV 10 1 464 _kerberos-adm._tcp SRV 10 1 749 More information about DNS SRV resource records can be found in RFC-2782 (A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)).  File:, Node: Things in search for a better place, Next: Kerberos 4 issues, Prev: Setting up a realm, Up: Top Things in search for a better place *********************************** Making things work on Ciscos ============================ Modern versions of Cisco IOS has some support for authenticating via Kerberos 5. This can be used both by having the router get a ticket when you login (boring), and by using Kerberos authenticated telnet to access your router (less boring). The following has been tested on IOS 11.2(12), things might be different with other versions. Old versions are known to have bugs. To make this work, you will first have to configure your router to use Kerberos (this is explained in the documentation). A sample configuration looks like the following: aaa new-model aaa authentication login default krb5-telnet krb5 enable aaa authorization exec krb5-instance kerberos local-realm FOO.SE kerberos srvtab entry host/ 0 891725446 4 1 8 012345678901234567 kerberos server FOO.SE kerberos instance map admin 15 This tells you (among other things) that when logging in, the router should try to authenticate with kerberised telnet, and if that fails try to verify a plain text password via a Kerberos ticket exchange (as opposed to a local database, RADIUS or something similar), and if that fails try the local enable password. If you're not careful when you specify the `login default' authentication mechanism, you might not be able to login at all. The `instance map' and `authorization exec' lines says that people with `admin' instances should be given `enabled' shells when logging in. The numbers after the principal on the `srvtab' line are principal type, time stamp (in seconds since 1970), key version number (4), keytype (1 == des), key length (always 8 with des), and then the key. To make the Heimdal KDC produce tickets that the Cisco can decode you might have to turn on the `encode_as_rep_as_tgs_rep' flag in the KDC. You will also have to specify that the router can't handle anything but `des-cbc-crc'. This can be done with the `del_enctype' command of `kadmin'. This all fine and so, but unless you have an IOS version with encryption (available only in the U.S) it doesn't really solve any problems. Sure you don't have to send your password over the wire, but since the telnet connection isn't protected it's still possible for someone to steal your session. This won't be fixed until someone adds integrity to the telnet protocol. A working solution would be to hook up a machine with a real operating system to the console of the Cisco and then use it as a backwards terminal server. Making things work on Transarc/OpenAFS AFS ========================================== How to get a KeyFile -------------------- `ktutil -k AFSKEYFILE:KeyFile get afs@MY.REALM' or you can extract it with kadmin kadmin> ext -k AFSKEYFILE:/usr/afs/etc/KeyFile afs@My.CELL.NAME You have to make sure you have a `des-cbc-md5' encryption type since that is the key that will be converted. How to convert a srvtab to a KeyFile ------------------------------------ You need a `/usr/vice/etc/ThisCell' containing the cellname of you AFS-cell. `ktutil copy krb4:/root/afs-srvtab AFSKEYFILE:/usr/afs/etc/KeyFile'. If keyfile already exists, this will add the new key in afs-srvtab to KeyFile. Using 2b tokens with AFS ======================== What is 2b ? ------------ 2b is the name of the proposal that was implemented to give basic Kerberos 5 support to AFS in rxkad. Its not real Kerberos 5 support since it still uses fcrypt for data encryption and not Kerberos encryption types. Its only possible (in all cases) to do this for DES encryption types because only then the token (the AFS equivalent of a ticket) will be be smaller than the maximum size that can fit in the token cache in OpenAFS/Transarc client. Its so tight fit that some extra wrapping on the ASN1/DER encoding is removed from the Kerberos ticket. 2b uses a Kerberos 5 EncTicketPart instead of a Kerberos 4 ditto for the part of the ticket that is encrypted with the service's key. The client doesn't know what's inside the encrypted data so to the client it doesn't matter. To differentiate between Kerberos 4 tickets and Kerberos 5 tickets 2b uses a special kvno, 213 for 2b tokens and 255 for Kerberos 5 tokens. Its a requirement that all AFS servers that support 2b also support native Kerberos 5 in rxkad. Configuring Heimdal to use 2b tokens ------------------------------------ Support for 2b tokens are turned on for specific principals by adding them to the string list option `[kdc]use_2b' in the kdc's `krb5.conf' file. [kdc] use_2b = { afs@SU.SE = yes afs/ = yes } Configuring AFS clients ----------------------- There is no need to configure AFS clients. The only software that needs to be installed/upgrade is a Kerberos 5 enabled `afslog'.  File:, Node: Kerberos 4 issues, Next: Windows 2000 compatability, Prev: Things in search for a better place, Up: Top Kerberos 4 issues ***************** If compiled with version 4 support, the KDC can serve requests from a Kerberos 4 client. There are a few things you must do for this to work. The KDC will also have kaserver emulation and be able to handle AFS-clients that use `klog'. * Menu: * Principal conversion issues:: * Converting a version 4 database:: * kaserver::  File:, Node: Principal conversion issues, Next: Converting a version 4 database, Prev: Kerberos 4 issues, Up: Kerberos 4 issues Principal conversion issues =========================== First, Kerberos 4 and Kerberos 5 principals are different. A version 4 principal consists of a name, an instance, and a realm. A version 5 principal has one or more components, and a realm (the terms "name" and "instance" are still used, for the first and second component, respectively). Also, in some cases the name of a version 4 principal differs from the first component of the corresponding version 5 principal. One notable example is the "host" type principals, where the version 4 name is `rcmd' (for "remote command"), and the version 5 name is `host'. For the class of principals that has a hostname as instance, there is an other major difference, Kerberos 4 uses only the first component of the hostname, whereas Kerberos 5 uses the fully qualified hostname. Because of this it can be hard or impossible to correctly convert a version 4 principal to a version 5 principal (1). The biggest problem is to know if the conversion resulted in a valid principal. To give an example, suppose you want to convert the principal `'. The `rcmd' name suggests that the instance is a hostname (even if there are exceptions to this rule). To correctly convert the instance `foo' to a hostname, you have to know which host it is referring to. You can to this by either guessing (from the realm) which domain name to append, or you have to have a list of possible hostnames. In the simplest cases you can cover most principals with the first rule. If you have several domains sharing a single realm this will not usually work. If the exceptions are few you can probably come by with a lookup table for the exceptions. In a complex scenario you will need some kind of host lookup mechanism. Using DNS for this is tempting, but DNS is error prone, slow and unsafe (2). Fortunately, the KDC has a trump on hand: it can easily tell if a principal exists in the database. The KDC will use `krb5_425_conv_principal_ext' to convert principals when handling to version 4 requests. ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) the other way is not always trivial either, but usually easier (2) at least until secure DNS is commonly available  File:, Node: Converting a version 4 database, Next: kaserver, Prev: Principal conversion issues, Up: Kerberos 4 issues Converting a version 4 database =============================== If you want to convert an existing version 4 database, the principal conversion issue arises too. If you decide to convert your database once and for all, you will only have to do this conversion once. It is also possible to run a version 5 KDC as a slave to a version 4 KDC. In this case this conversion will happen every time the database is propagated. When doing this conversion, there are a few things to look out for. If you have stale entries in the database, these entries will not be converted. This might be because these principals are not used anymore, or it might be just because the principal couldn't be converted. You might also see problems with a many-to-one mapping of principals. For instance, if you are using DNS lookups and you have two principals `' and `', where `foo' is a CNAME for `bar', the resulting principals will be the same. Since the conversion function can't tell which is correct, these conflicts will have to be resolved manually. Conversion example ------------------ Given the following set of hosts and services: rcmd rcmd, pop rcmd, ftp you have a database that consists of the following principals: `', `rcmd.mail', `pop.mail', `rcmd.ftp', and `ftp.ftp'. lets say you also got these extra principals: `rcmd.gone', `rcmd.old-mail', where `' was a machine that has now passed away, and `' was an old mail machine that is now a CNAME for `'. When you convert this database you want the following conversions to be done: host/ rcmd.mail host/ pop.mail pop/ rcmd.ftp host/ ftp.ftp ftp/ rcmd.gone removed rcmd.old-mail removed A `krb5.conf' that does this looks like: [realms] FOO.SE = { v4_name_convert = { host = { ftp = ftp pop = pop rcmd = host } } v4_instance_convert = { foo = ftp = } default_domain = } The `v4_name_convert' section says which names should be considered having an instance consisting of a hostname, and it also says how the names should be converted (for instance `rcmd' should be converted to `host'). The `v4_instance_convert' section says how a hostname should be qualified (this is just a hosts-file in disguise). Host-instances that aren't covered by `v4_instance_convert' are qualified by appending the contents of the `default_domain'. Actually, this example doesn't work. Or rather, it works to well. Since it has no way of knowing which hostnames are valid and which are not, it will happily convert `rcmd.gone' to `host/'. This isn't a big problem, but if you have run your kerberos realm for a few years, chances are big that you have quite a few `junk' principals. If you don't want this you can remove the `default_domain' statement, but then you will have to add entries for *all* your hosts in the `v4_instance_convert' section. Instead of doing this you can use DNS to convert instances. This is not a solution without problems, but it is probably easier than adding lots of static host entries. To enable DNS lookup you should turn on `v4_instance_resolve' in the `[libdefaults]' section. Converting a database --------------------- The database conversion is done with `hprop'. You can run this command to propagate the database to the machine called `slave-server' (which should be running a `hpropd'). hprop --source=krb4-db --master-key=/.m slave-server This command can also be to use for converting the v4 database on the server: hprop -n --source=krb4-db -d /var/kerberos/principal --master-key=/.m | hpropd -n Version 4 Kadmin ================ `kadmind' can act as a version 4 kadmind, and you can do most operations, but with some restrictions (since the version 4 kadmin protocol is, lets say, very ad hoc.) One example is that it only passes des keys when creating principals and changing passwords (modern kpasswd clients do send the password, so it's possible to to password quality checks). Because of this you can only create principals with des keys, and you can't set any flags or do any other fancy stuff. To get this to work, you have to add another entry to inetd (since version 4 uses port 751, not 749). *And then there are a many more things you can do; more on this in a later version of this manual. Until then, UTSL.*