/* * Copyright (c) 2005 The DragonFly Project. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The DragonFly Project * by Matthew Dillon * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name of The DragonFly Project nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific, prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Generic cputimer - access to a reliable, free-running counter. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern void pcpu_timer_process(void); extern void pcpu_timer_process_frame(struct intrframe *); static sysclock_t dummy_cputimer_count(void); static struct cputimer dummy_cputimer = { SLIST_ENTRY_INITIALIZER, "dummy", CPUTIMER_PRI_DUMMY, CPUTIMER_DUMMY, dummy_cputimer_count, cputimer_default_fromhz, cputimer_default_fromus, cputimer_default_construct, cputimer_default_destruct, 1000000, (1000000LL << 32) / 1000000, (1000000000LL << 32) / 1000000, 0 }; struct cputimer *sys_cputimer = &dummy_cputimer; SLIST_HEAD(, cputimer) cputimerhead = SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(&cputimerhead); static int cputimer_intr_ps_reqs; static struct lwkt_serialize cputimer_intr_ps_slize = LWKT_SERIALIZE_INITIALIZER; /* * Generic cputimer API */ void cputimer_select(struct cputimer *timer, int pri) { sysclock_t oldclock; /* * Calculate helper fields */ cputimer_set_frequency(timer, timer->freq); /* * Install a new cputimer if its priority allows it. If timer is * passed as NULL we deinstall the current timer and revert to our * dummy. */ if (pri == 0) pri = timer->pri; if (timer == NULL || pri >= sys_cputimer->pri) { oldclock = sys_cputimer->count(); sys_cputimer->destruct(sys_cputimer); sys_cputimer = &dummy_cputimer; if (timer) { sys_cputimer = timer; timer->construct(timer, oldclock); cputimer_intr_config(timer); } } } /* * Register a timer. If the timer has already been registered, do nothing. */ void cputimer_register(struct cputimer *timer) { struct cputimer *scan; /* * Initialize dummy_cputimer if the slist is empty, it does not get * registered the normal way. */ if (SLIST_EMPTY(&cputimerhead)) SLIST_FIRST(&cputimerhead) = &dummy_cputimer; SLIST_FOREACH(scan, &cputimerhead, next) { if (scan == timer) return; } SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&cputimerhead, timer, next); } /* * Deregister a timer. If the timer has already been deregistered, do nothing. */ void cputimer_deregister(struct cputimer *timer) { struct cputimer *scan; struct cputimer *best; /* * Locate and remove the timer. If the timer is our currently active * timer, revert to the dummy timer. */ SLIST_FOREACH(scan, &cputimerhead, next) { if (timer == scan) { if (timer == sys_cputimer) cputimer_select(&dummy_cputimer, 0x7FFFFFFF); SLIST_REMOVE(&cputimerhead, timer, cputimer, next); break; } } /* * If sys_cputimer reverted to the dummy, select the best one */ if (sys_cputimer == &dummy_cputimer) { best = NULL; SLIST_FOREACH(scan, &cputimerhead, next) { if (best == NULL || scan->pri > best->pri) best = scan; } if (best) cputimer_select(best, 0x7FFFFFFF); } } /* * Calculate usec / tick and nsec / tick, scaled by (1 << 32). * * so e.g. a 3 mhz timer would be 3 usec / tick x (1 << 32), * or 3000 nsec / tick x (1 << 32) */ void cputimer_set_frequency(struct cputimer *timer, sysclock_t freq) { timer->freq = freq; timer->freq64_usec = (1000000LL << 32) / freq; timer->freq64_nsec = (1000000000LL << 32) / freq; if (timer == sys_cputimer) cputimer_intr_config(timer); } sysclock_t cputimer_default_fromhz(int freq) { return(sys_cputimer->freq / freq + 1); } sysclock_t cputimer_default_fromus(int us) { return((int64_t)sys_cputimer->freq * us / 1000000); } /* * Dummy counter implementation */ static sysclock_t dummy_cputimer_count(void) { return(++dummy_cputimer.base); } void cputimer_default_construct(struct cputimer *cputimer, sysclock_t oldclock) { cputimer->base = oldclock; } void cputimer_default_destruct(struct cputimer *cputimer) { } /************************************************************************ * SYSCTL SUPPORT * ************************************************************************ * * Note: the ability to change the systimer is not currently enabled * because it will mess up systimer calculations. You have to live * with what is configured at boot. */ static int sysctl_cputimer_reglist(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct cputimer *scan; int error = 0; int loop = 0; /* * Build a list of available timers */ SLIST_FOREACH(scan, &cputimerhead, next) { if (error == 0 && loop) error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, " ", 1); if (error == 0) error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, scan->name, strlen(scan->name)); ++loop; } return (error); } static int sysctl_cputimer_name(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { int error; error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, sys_cputimer->name, strlen(sys_cputimer->name)); return (error); } static int sysctl_cputimer_clock(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { sysclock_t clock; int error; clock = sys_cputimer->count(); error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &clock, sizeof(clock)); return (error); } static int sysctl_cputimer_freq(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { int error; error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &sys_cputimer->freq, sizeof(sys_cputimer->freq)); return (error); } SYSCTL_DECL(_kern_cputimer); SYSCTL_NODE(_kern, OID_AUTO, cputimer, CTLFLAG_RW, NULL, "cputimer"); SYSCTL_PROC(_kern_cputimer, OID_AUTO, select, CTLTYPE_STRING|CTLFLAG_RD, NULL, 0, sysctl_cputimer_reglist, "A", ""); SYSCTL_PROC(_kern_cputimer, OID_AUTO, name, CTLTYPE_STRING|CTLFLAG_RD, NULL, 0, sysctl_cputimer_name, "A", ""); SYSCTL_PROC(_kern_cputimer, OID_AUTO, clock, CTLTYPE_UINT|CTLFLAG_RD, NULL, 0, sysctl_cputimer_clock, "IU", ""); SYSCTL_PROC(_kern_cputimer, OID_AUTO, freq, CTLTYPE_INT|CTLFLAG_RD, NULL, 0, sysctl_cputimer_freq, "I", ""); static struct cputimer_intr *sys_cputimer_intr; static uint32_t cputimer_intr_caps; SLIST_HEAD(, cputimer_intr) cputimer_intr_head = SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(&cputimer_intr_head); void cputimer_intr_register(struct cputimer_intr *cti) { struct cputimer_intr *scan; SLIST_FOREACH(scan, &cputimer_intr_head, next) { if (scan == cti) return; } cti->config(cti, sys_cputimer); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&cputimer_intr_head, cti, next); } void cputimer_intr_deregister(struct cputimer_intr *cti) { KKASSERT(cti != sys_cputimer_intr); SLIST_REMOVE(&cputimer_intr_head, cti, cputimer_intr, next); } int cputimer_intr_select(struct cputimer_intr *cti, int prio) { KKASSERT(cti != NULL); if (prio == 0) prio = cti->prio; if (sys_cputimer_intr == NULL) { KKASSERT(cputimer_intr_caps == 0); sys_cputimer_intr = cti; return 0; } if ((cti->caps & cputimer_intr_caps) == cputimer_intr_caps) { if (prio > sys_cputimer_intr->prio) { sys_cputimer_intr = cti; return 0; } else { return EBUSY; } } else { return EOPNOTSUPP; } } void cputimer_intr_default_enable(struct cputimer_intr *cti __unused) { } void cputimer_intr_default_restart(struct cputimer_intr *cti) { cti->reload(cti, 0); } void cputimer_intr_default_config(struct cputimer_intr *cti __unused, const struct cputimer *timer __unused) { } void cputimer_intr_default_pmfixup(struct cputimer_intr *cti __unused) { } void cputimer_intr_default_initclock(struct cputimer_intr *cti __unused, boolean_t selected __unused) { } void cputimer_intr_enable(void) { struct cputimer_intr *cti; SLIST_FOREACH(cti, &cputimer_intr_head, next) cti->enable(cti); } void cputimer_intr_config(const struct cputimer *timer) { struct cputimer_intr *cti; SLIST_FOREACH(cti, &cputimer_intr_head, next) cti->config(cti, timer); } void cputimer_intr_pmfixup(void) { struct cputimer_intr *cti; SLIST_FOREACH(cti, &cputimer_intr_head, next) cti->pmfixup(cti); } void cputimer_intr_reload(sysclock_t reload) { struct cputimer_intr *cti = sys_cputimer_intr; cti->reload(cti, reload); } void cputimer_intr_restart(void) { struct cputimer_intr *cti = sys_cputimer_intr; cti->restart(cti); } int cputimer_intr_select_caps(uint32_t caps) { struct cputimer_intr *cti, *maybe; int error; maybe = NULL; SLIST_FOREACH(cti, &cputimer_intr_head, next) { if ((cti->caps & caps) == caps) { if (maybe == NULL) maybe = cti; else if (cti->prio > maybe->prio) maybe = cti; } } if (maybe == NULL) return ENOENT; if (sys_cputimer_intr == maybe) return 0; cputimer_intr_caps = caps; error = cputimer_intr_select(maybe, CPUTIMER_INTR_PRIO_MAX); KKASSERT(!error); return ERESTART; } static void cputimer_intr_initclocks(void) { struct cputimer_intr *cti, *ncti; /* * An interrupt cputimer may deregister itself, * so use SLIST_FOREACH_MUTABLE here. */ SLIST_FOREACH_MUTABLE(cti, &cputimer_intr_head, next, ncti) { boolean_t selected = FALSE; if (cti == sys_cputimer_intr) selected = TRUE; cti->initclock(cti, selected); } } /* NOTE: Must be SECOND to allow platform initialization to go first */ SYSINIT(cputimer_intr, SI_BOOT2_CLOCKREG, SI_ORDER_SECOND, cputimer_intr_initclocks, NULL); static int sysctl_cputimer_intr_reglist(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct cputimer_intr *scan; int error = 0; int loop = 0; /* * Build a list of available interrupt cputimers */ SLIST_FOREACH(scan, &cputimer_intr_head, next) { if (error == 0 && loop) error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, " ", 1); if (error == 0) error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, scan->name, strlen(scan->name)); ++loop; } return (error); } static int sysctl_cputimer_intr_freq(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { int error; error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &sys_cputimer_intr->freq, sizeof(sys_cputimer_intr->freq)); return (error); } static int sysctl_cputimer_intr_select(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS) { struct cputimer_intr *cti; char name[32]; int error; ksnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s", sys_cputimer_intr->name); error = sysctl_handle_string(oidp, name, sizeof(name), req); if (error != 0 || req->newptr == NULL) return error; SLIST_FOREACH(cti, &cputimer_intr_head, next) { if (strcmp(cti->name, name) == 0) break; } if (cti == NULL) return ENOENT; if (cti == sys_cputimer_intr) return 0; error = cputimer_intr_select(cti, CPUTIMER_INTR_PRIO_MAX); if (!error) cputimer_intr_restart(); return error; } SYSCTL_NODE(_kern_cputimer, OID_AUTO, intr, CTLFLAG_RW, NULL, "interrupt cputimer"); SYSCTL_PROC(_kern_cputimer_intr, OID_AUTO, reglist, CTLTYPE_STRING|CTLFLAG_RD, NULL, 0, sysctl_cputimer_intr_reglist, "A", ""); SYSCTL_PROC(_kern_cputimer_intr, OID_AUTO, freq, CTLTYPE_INT|CTLFLAG_RD, NULL, 0, sysctl_cputimer_intr_freq, "I", ""); SYSCTL_PROC(_kern_cputimer_intr, OID_AUTO, select, CTLTYPE_STRING|CTLFLAG_RW, NULL, 0, sysctl_cputimer_intr_select, "A", ""); int cputimer_intr_powersave_addreq(void) { int error = 0; lwkt_serialize_enter(&cputimer_intr_ps_slize); ++cputimer_intr_ps_reqs; if (cputimer_intr_ps_reqs == 1) { /* * Upon the first power saving request, switch to an one shot * timer, which would not stop in the any power saving state. */ error = cputimer_intr_select_caps(CPUTIMER_INTR_CAP_PS); if (error == ERESTART) { error = 0; if (bootverbose) kprintf("cputimer: first power save request, restart\n"); cputimer_intr_restart(); } else if (error) { kprintf("no suitable intr cputimer found\n"); --cputimer_intr_ps_reqs; } else if (bootverbose) { kprintf("cputimer: first power save request\n"); } } lwkt_serialize_exit(&cputimer_intr_ps_slize); return error; } void cputimer_intr_powersave_remreq(void) { lwkt_serialize_enter(&cputimer_intr_ps_slize); KASSERT(cputimer_intr_ps_reqs > 0, ("invalid # of powersave reqs %d", cputimer_intr_ps_reqs)); --cputimer_intr_ps_reqs; if (cputimer_intr_ps_reqs == 0) { int error; /* No one needs power saving, use a better one shot timer. */ error = cputimer_intr_select_caps(CPUTIMER_INTR_CAP_NONE); KKASSERT(!error || error == ERESTART); if (error == ERESTART) { if (bootverbose) kprintf("cputimer: no powser save request, restart\n"); cputimer_intr_restart(); } else if (bootverbose) { kprintf("cputimer: no power save request\n"); } } lwkt_serialize_exit(&cputimer_intr_ps_slize); } static __inline void cputimer_intr_pcpuhand(void) { struct cputimer_intr *cti = sys_cputimer_intr; if (cti->pcpuhand != NULL) cti->pcpuhand(cti); } static void pcpu_timer_process_oncpu(struct globaldata *gd, struct intrframe *frame) { sysclock_t count; cputimer_intr_pcpuhand(); gd->gd_timer_running = 0; count = sys_cputimer->count(); if (TAILQ_FIRST(&gd->gd_systimerq) != NULL) systimer_intr(&count, 0, frame); } void pcpu_timer_process(void) { pcpu_timer_process_oncpu(mycpu, NULL); } void pcpu_timer_process_frame(struct intrframe *frame) { pcpu_timer_process_oncpu(mycpu, frame); }