/* * Copyright (c) 2009 The DragonFly Project. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The DragonFly Project * by Matthew Dillon and * Michael Neumann * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name of The DragonFly Project nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific, prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "hammer.h" #include #include #include static int hammer_setup_device(struct vnode **devvpp, const char *dev_path, int ronly); static void hammer_close_device(struct vnode **devvpp, int ronly); static int hammer_format_volume_header(struct hammer_mount *hmp, struct vnode *devvp, const char *vol_name, int vol_no, int vol_count, int64_t vol_size, int64_t boot_area_size, int64_t mem_area_size); static int hammer_clear_volume_header(struct vnode *devvp); struct bigblock_stat { uint64_t total_bigblocks; uint64_t total_free_bigblocks; uint64_t counter; }; static int hammer_format_freemap(hammer_transaction_t trans, hammer_volume_t volume, struct bigblock_stat *stat); static int hammer_free_freemap(hammer_transaction_t trans, hammer_volume_t volume, struct bigblock_stat *stat); int hammer_ioc_volume_add(hammer_transaction_t trans, hammer_inode_t ip, struct hammer_ioc_volume *ioc) { struct hammer_mount *hmp = trans->hmp; struct mount *mp = hmp->mp; hammer_volume_t volume; int error; if (mp->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY) { kprintf("Cannot add volume to read-only HAMMER filesystem\n"); return (EINVAL); } if (hmp->nvolumes + 1 >= HAMMER_MAX_VOLUMES) { kprintf("Max number of HAMMER volumes exceeded\n"); return (EINVAL); } if (hammer_lock_ex_try(&hmp->volume_lock) != 0) { kprintf("Another volume operation is in progress!\n"); return (EAGAIN); } /* * Find an unused volume number. */ int free_vol_no = 0; while (free_vol_no < HAMMER_MAX_VOLUMES && RB_LOOKUP(hammer_vol_rb_tree, &hmp->rb_vols_root, free_vol_no)) { ++free_vol_no; } if (free_vol_no >= HAMMER_MAX_VOLUMES) { kprintf("Max number of HAMMER volumes exceeded\n"); hammer_unlock(&hmp->volume_lock); return (EINVAL); } struct vnode *devvp = NULL; error = hammer_setup_device(&devvp, ioc->device_name, 0); if (error) goto end; KKASSERT(devvp); error = hammer_format_volume_header( hmp, devvp, hmp->rootvol->ondisk->vol_name, free_vol_no, hmp->nvolumes+1, ioc->vol_size, ioc->boot_area_size, ioc->mem_area_size); hammer_close_device(&devvp, 0); if (error) goto end; error = hammer_install_volume(hmp, ioc->device_name, NULL); if (error) goto end; hammer_sync_lock_sh(trans); hammer_lock_ex(&hmp->blkmap_lock); ++hmp->nvolumes; /* * Set each volumes new value of the vol_count field. */ for (int vol_no = 0; vol_no < HAMMER_MAX_VOLUMES; ++vol_no) { volume = hammer_get_volume(hmp, vol_no, &error); if (volume == NULL && error == ENOENT) { /* * Skip unused volume numbers */ error = 0; continue; } KKASSERT(volume != NULL && error == 0); hammer_modify_volume_field(trans, volume, vol_count); volume->ondisk->vol_count = hmp->nvolumes; hammer_modify_volume_done(volume); /* * Only changes to the header of the root volume * are automatically flushed to disk. For all * other volumes that we modify we do it here. */ if (volume != trans->rootvol && volume->io.modified) { hammer_crc_set_volume(volume->ondisk); hammer_io_flush(&volume->io, 0); } hammer_rel_volume(volume, 0); } volume = hammer_get_volume(hmp, free_vol_no, &error); KKASSERT(volume != NULL && error == 0); struct bigblock_stat stat; error = hammer_format_freemap(trans, volume, &stat); KKASSERT(error == 0); /* * Increase the total number of bigblocks */ hammer_modify_volume_field(trans, trans->rootvol, vol0_stat_bigblocks); trans->rootvol->ondisk->vol0_stat_bigblocks += stat.total_bigblocks; hammer_modify_volume_done(trans->rootvol); /* * Increase the number of free bigblocks * (including the copy in hmp) */ hammer_modify_volume_field(trans, trans->rootvol, vol0_stat_freebigblocks); trans->rootvol->ondisk->vol0_stat_freebigblocks += stat.total_free_bigblocks; hmp->copy_stat_freebigblocks = trans->rootvol->ondisk->vol0_stat_freebigblocks; hammer_modify_volume_done(trans->rootvol); hammer_rel_volume(volume, 0); hammer_unlock(&hmp->blkmap_lock); hammer_sync_unlock(trans); KKASSERT(error == 0); end: hammer_unlock(&hmp->volume_lock); if (error) kprintf("An error occurred: %d\n", error); return (error); } /* * Remove a volume. */ int hammer_ioc_volume_del(hammer_transaction_t trans, hammer_inode_t ip, struct hammer_ioc_volume *ioc) { struct hammer_mount *hmp = trans->hmp; struct mount *mp = hmp->mp; hammer_volume_t volume; int error = 0; if (mp->mnt_flag & MNT_RDONLY) { kprintf("Cannot del volume from read-only HAMMER filesystem\n"); return (EINVAL); } if (hammer_lock_ex_try(&hmp->volume_lock) != 0) { kprintf("Another volume operation is in progress!\n"); return (EAGAIN); } volume = NULL; /* * find volume by volname */ for (int vol_no = 0; vol_no < HAMMER_MAX_VOLUMES; ++vol_no) { volume = hammer_get_volume(hmp, vol_no, &error); if (volume == NULL && error == ENOENT) { /* * Skip unused volume numbers */ error = 0; continue; } KKASSERT(volume != NULL && error == 0); if (strcmp(volume->vol_name, ioc->device_name) == 0) { break; } hammer_rel_volume(volume, 0); volume = NULL; } if (volume == NULL) { kprintf("Couldn't find volume\n"); error = EINVAL; goto end; } if (volume == trans->rootvol) { kprintf("Cannot remove root-volume\n"); hammer_rel_volume(volume, 0); error = EINVAL; goto end; } /* * */ hmp->volume_to_remove = volume->vol_no; struct hammer_ioc_reblock reblock; bzero(&reblock, sizeof(reblock)); reblock.key_beg.localization = HAMMER_MIN_LOCALIZATION; reblock.key_beg.obj_id = HAMMER_MIN_OBJID; reblock.key_end.localization = HAMMER_MAX_LOCALIZATION; reblock.key_end.obj_id = HAMMER_MAX_OBJID; reblock.head.flags = HAMMER_IOC_DO_FLAGS; reblock.free_level = 0; error = hammer_ioc_reblock(trans, ip, &reblock); if (reblock.head.flags & HAMMER_IOC_HEAD_INTR) { error = EINTR; } if (error) { if (error == EINTR) { kprintf("reblock was interrupted\n"); } else { kprintf("reblock failed: %d\n", error); } hmp->volume_to_remove = -1; hammer_rel_volume(volume, 0); goto end; } /* * Sync filesystem */ int count = 0; while (hammer_flusher_haswork(hmp)) { hammer_flusher_sync(hmp); ++count; if (count >= 5) { if (count == 5) kprintf("HAMMER: flushing."); else kprintf("."); tsleep(&count, 0, "hmrufl", hz); } if (count == 30) { kprintf("giving up"); break; } } kprintf("\n"); hammer_sync_lock_sh(trans); hammer_lock_ex(&hmp->blkmap_lock); /* * We use stat later to update rootvol's bigblock stats */ struct bigblock_stat stat; error = hammer_free_freemap(trans, volume, &stat); if (error) { kprintf("Failed to free volume. Volume not empty!\n"); hmp->volume_to_remove = -1; hammer_rel_volume(volume, 0); hammer_unlock(&hmp->blkmap_lock); hammer_sync_unlock(trans); goto end; } hmp->volume_to_remove = -1; hammer_rel_volume(volume, 0); /* * Unload buffers */ RB_SCAN(hammer_buf_rb_tree, &hmp->rb_bufs_root, NULL, hammer_unload_buffer, volume); error = hammer_unload_volume(volume, NULL); if (error == -1) { kprintf("Failed to unload volume\n"); hammer_unlock(&hmp->blkmap_lock); hammer_sync_unlock(trans); goto end; } volume = NULL; --hmp->nvolumes; /* * Set each volume's new value of the vol_count field. */ for (int vol_no = 0; vol_no < HAMMER_MAX_VOLUMES; ++vol_no) { volume = hammer_get_volume(hmp, vol_no, &error); if (volume == NULL && error == ENOENT) { /* * Skip unused volume numbers */ error = 0; continue; } KKASSERT(volume != NULL && error == 0); hammer_modify_volume_field(trans, volume, vol_count); volume->ondisk->vol_count = hmp->nvolumes; hammer_modify_volume_done(volume); /* * Only changes to the header of the root volume * are automatically flushed to disk. For all * other volumes that we modify we do it here. */ if (volume != trans->rootvol && volume->io.modified) { hammer_crc_set_volume(volume->ondisk); hammer_io_flush(&volume->io, 0); } hammer_rel_volume(volume, 0); } /* * Update the total number of bigblocks */ hammer_modify_volume_field(trans, trans->rootvol, vol0_stat_bigblocks); trans->rootvol->ondisk->vol0_stat_bigblocks -= stat.total_bigblocks; hammer_modify_volume_done(trans->rootvol); /* * Update the number of free bigblocks * (including the copy in hmp) */ hammer_modify_volume_field(trans, trans->rootvol, vol0_stat_freebigblocks); trans->rootvol->ondisk->vol0_stat_freebigblocks -= stat.total_free_bigblocks; hmp->copy_stat_freebigblocks = trans->rootvol->ondisk->vol0_stat_freebigblocks; hammer_modify_volume_done(trans->rootvol); hammer_unlock(&hmp->blkmap_lock); hammer_sync_unlock(trans); /* * Erase the volume header of the removed device. * * This is to not accidentally mount the volume again. */ struct vnode *devvp = NULL; error = hammer_setup_device(&devvp, ioc->device_name, 0); if (error) { kprintf("Failed to open device: %s\n", ioc->device_name); goto end; } KKASSERT(devvp); error = hammer_clear_volume_header(devvp); if (error) { kprintf("Failed to clear volume header of device: %s\n", ioc->device_name); goto end; } hammer_close_device(&devvp, 0); KKASSERT(error == 0); end: hammer_unlock(&hmp->volume_lock); return (error); } /* * Iterate over all usable L1 entries of the volume and * the corresponding L2 entries. */ static int hammer_iterate_l1l2_entries(hammer_transaction_t trans, hammer_volume_t volume, int (*callback)(hammer_transaction_t, hammer_volume_t, hammer_buffer_t*, struct hammer_blockmap_layer1*, struct hammer_blockmap_layer2*, hammer_off_t, hammer_off_t, void*), void *data) { struct hammer_mount *hmp = trans->hmp; hammer_blockmap_t freemap = &hmp->blockmap[HAMMER_ZONE_FREEMAP_INDEX]; hammer_buffer_t buffer = NULL; int error = 0; hammer_off_t phys_off; hammer_off_t block_off; hammer_off_t layer1_off; hammer_off_t layer2_off; hammer_off_t aligned_buf_end_off; struct hammer_blockmap_layer1 *layer1; struct hammer_blockmap_layer2 *layer2; /* * Calculate the usable size of the volume, which * must be aligned at a bigblock (8 MB) boundary. */ aligned_buf_end_off = (HAMMER_ENCODE_RAW_BUFFER(volume->ondisk->vol_no, (volume->ondisk->vol_buf_end - volume->ondisk->vol_buf_beg) & ~HAMMER_LARGEBLOCK_MASK64)); /* * Iterate the volume's address space in chunks of 4 TB, where each * chunk consists of at least one physically available 8 MB bigblock. * * For each chunk we need one L1 entry and one L2 bigblock. * We use the first bigblock of each chunk as L2 block. */ for (phys_off = HAMMER_ENCODE_RAW_BUFFER(volume->ondisk->vol_no, 0); phys_off < aligned_buf_end_off; phys_off += HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_LAYER2) { for (block_off = 0; block_off < HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_LAYER2; block_off += HAMMER_LARGEBLOCK_SIZE) { layer2_off = phys_off + HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_LAYER2_OFFSET(block_off); layer2 = hammer_bread(hmp, layer2_off, &error, &buffer); if (error) goto end; error = callback(trans, volume, &buffer, NULL, layer2, phys_off, block_off, data); if (error) goto end; } layer1_off = freemap->phys_offset + HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_LAYER1_OFFSET(phys_off); layer1 = hammer_bread(hmp, layer1_off, &error, &buffer); if (error) goto end; error = callback(trans, volume, &buffer, layer1, NULL, phys_off, 0, data); if (error) goto end; } end: if (buffer) { hammer_rel_buffer(buffer, 0); buffer = NULL; } return error; } static int format_callback(hammer_transaction_t trans, hammer_volume_t volume, hammer_buffer_t *bufferp, struct hammer_blockmap_layer1 *layer1, struct hammer_blockmap_layer2 *layer2, hammer_off_t phys_off, hammer_off_t block_off, void *data) { struct bigblock_stat *stat = (struct bigblock_stat*)data; /* * Calculate the usable size of the volume, which must be aligned * at a bigblock (8 MB) boundary. */ hammer_off_t aligned_buf_end_off; aligned_buf_end_off = (HAMMER_ENCODE_RAW_BUFFER(volume->ondisk->vol_no, (volume->ondisk->vol_buf_end - volume->ondisk->vol_buf_beg) & ~HAMMER_LARGEBLOCK_MASK64)); if (layer1) { KKASSERT(layer1->phys_offset == HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_UNAVAIL); hammer_modify_buffer(trans, *bufferp, layer1, sizeof(*layer1)); bzero(layer1, sizeof(layer1)); layer1->phys_offset = phys_off; layer1->blocks_free = stat->counter; layer1->layer1_crc = crc32(layer1, HAMMER_LAYER1_CRCSIZE); hammer_modify_buffer_done(*bufferp); stat->total_free_bigblocks += stat->counter; stat->counter = 0; /* reset */ } else if (layer2) { hammer_modify_buffer(trans, *bufferp, layer2, sizeof(*layer2)); bzero(layer2, sizeof(*layer2)); if (block_off == 0) { /* * The first entry represents the L2 bigblock itself. */ layer2->zone = HAMMER_ZONE_FREEMAP_INDEX; layer2->append_off = HAMMER_LARGEBLOCK_SIZE; layer2->bytes_free = 0; ++stat->total_bigblocks; } else if (phys_off + block_off < aligned_buf_end_off) { /* * Available bigblock */ layer2->zone = 0; layer2->append_off = 0; layer2->bytes_free = HAMMER_LARGEBLOCK_SIZE; ++stat->total_bigblocks; ++stat->counter; } else { /* * Bigblock outside of physically available * space */ layer2->zone = HAMMER_ZONE_UNAVAIL_INDEX; layer2->append_off = HAMMER_LARGEBLOCK_SIZE; layer2->bytes_free = 0; } layer2->entry_crc = crc32(layer2, HAMMER_LAYER2_CRCSIZE); hammer_modify_buffer_done(*bufferp); } else { KKASSERT(0); } return 0; } static int hammer_format_freemap(hammer_transaction_t trans, hammer_volume_t volume, struct bigblock_stat *stat) { stat->total_bigblocks = 0; stat->total_free_bigblocks = 0; stat->counter = 0; return hammer_iterate_l1l2_entries(trans, volume, format_callback, stat); } static int free_callback(hammer_transaction_t trans, hammer_volume_t volume __unused, hammer_buffer_t *bufferp, struct hammer_blockmap_layer1 *layer1, struct hammer_blockmap_layer2 *layer2, hammer_off_t phys_off, hammer_off_t block_off __unused, void *data) { struct bigblock_stat *stat = (struct bigblock_stat*)data; /* * No modifications to ondisk structures */ int testonly = (stat == NULL); if (layer1) { if (layer1->phys_offset == HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_UNAVAIL) { /* * This layer1 entry is already free. */ return 0; } KKASSERT((int)HAMMER_VOL_DECODE(layer1->phys_offset) == trans->hmp->volume_to_remove); if (testonly) return 0; /* * Free the L1 entry */ hammer_modify_buffer(trans, *bufferp, layer1, sizeof(*layer1)); bzero(layer1, sizeof(layer1)); layer1->phys_offset = HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_UNAVAIL; layer1->layer1_crc = crc32(layer1, HAMMER_LAYER1_CRCSIZE); hammer_modify_buffer_done(*bufferp); return 0; } else if (layer2) { if (layer2->zone == HAMMER_ZONE_UNAVAIL_INDEX) { return 0; } if (layer2->zone == HAMMER_ZONE_FREEMAP_INDEX) { if (stat) { ++stat->total_bigblocks; } return 0; } if (layer2->append_off == 0 && layer2->bytes_free == HAMMER_LARGEBLOCK_SIZE) { if (stat) { ++stat->total_bigblocks; ++stat->total_free_bigblocks; } return 0; } /* * We found a layer2 entry that is not empty! */ return EBUSY; } else { KKASSERT(0); } return EINVAL; } static int hammer_free_freemap(hammer_transaction_t trans, hammer_volume_t volume, struct bigblock_stat *stat) { int error; stat->total_bigblocks = 0; stat->total_free_bigblocks = 0; stat->counter = 0; error = hammer_iterate_l1l2_entries(trans, volume, free_callback, NULL); if (error) return error; error = hammer_iterate_l1l2_entries(trans, volume, free_callback, stat); return error; } /************************************************************************ * MISC * ************************************************************************ */ static int hammer_setup_device(struct vnode **devvpp, const char *dev_path, int ronly) { int error; struct nlookupdata nd; /* * Get the device vnode */ if (*devvpp == NULL) { error = nlookup_init(&nd, dev_path, UIO_SYSSPACE, NLC_FOLLOW); if (error == 0) error = nlookup(&nd); if (error == 0) error = cache_vref(&nd.nl_nch, nd.nl_cred, devvpp); nlookup_done(&nd); } else { error = 0; } if (error == 0) { if (vn_isdisk(*devvpp, &error)) { error = vfs_mountedon(*devvpp); } } if (error == 0 && vcount(*devvpp) > 0) error = EBUSY; if (error == 0) { vn_lock(*devvpp, LK_EXCLUSIVE | LK_RETRY); error = vinvalbuf(*devvpp, V_SAVE, 0, 0); if (error == 0) { error = VOP_OPEN(*devvpp, (ronly ? FREAD : FREAD|FWRITE), FSCRED, NULL); } vn_unlock(*devvpp); } if (error && *devvpp) { vrele(*devvpp); *devvpp = NULL; } return (error); } static void hammer_close_device(struct vnode **devvpp, int ronly) { VOP_CLOSE(*devvpp, (ronly ? FREAD : FREAD|FWRITE)); if (*devvpp) { vinvalbuf(*devvpp, ronly ? 0 : V_SAVE, 0, 0); vrele(*devvpp); *devvpp = NULL; } } static int hammer_format_volume_header(struct hammer_mount *hmp, struct vnode *devvp, const char *vol_name, int vol_no, int vol_count, int64_t vol_size, int64_t boot_area_size, int64_t mem_area_size) { struct buf *bp = NULL; struct hammer_volume_ondisk *ondisk; int error; /* * Extract the volume number from the volume header and do various * sanity checks. */ KKASSERT(HAMMER_BUFSIZE >= sizeof(struct hammer_volume_ondisk)); error = bread(devvp, 0LL, HAMMER_BUFSIZE, &bp); if (error || bp->b_bcount < sizeof(struct hammer_volume_ondisk)) goto late_failure; ondisk = (struct hammer_volume_ondisk*) bp->b_data; /* * Note that we do NOT allow to use a device that contains * a valid HAMMER signature. It has to be cleaned up with dd * before. */ if (ondisk->vol_signature == HAMMER_FSBUF_VOLUME) { kprintf("hammer_volume_add: Formatting of valid HAMMER volume " "%s denied. Erase with dd!\n", vol_name); error = EFTYPE; goto late_failure; } bzero(ondisk, sizeof(struct hammer_volume_ondisk)); ksnprintf(ondisk->vol_name, sizeof(ondisk->vol_name), "%s", vol_name); ondisk->vol_fstype = hmp->rootvol->ondisk->vol_fstype; ondisk->vol_signature = HAMMER_FSBUF_VOLUME; ondisk->vol_fsid = hmp->fsid; ondisk->vol_rootvol = hmp->rootvol->vol_no; ondisk->vol_no = vol_no; ondisk->vol_count = vol_count; ondisk->vol_version = hmp->version; /* * Reserve space for (future) header junk, setup our poor-man's * bigblock allocator. */ int64_t vol_alloc = HAMMER_BUFSIZE * 16; ondisk->vol_bot_beg = vol_alloc; vol_alloc += boot_area_size; ondisk->vol_mem_beg = vol_alloc; vol_alloc += mem_area_size; /* * The remaining area is the zone 2 buffer allocation area. These * buffers */ ondisk->vol_buf_beg = vol_alloc; ondisk->vol_buf_end = vol_size & ~(int64_t)HAMMER_BUFMASK; if (ondisk->vol_buf_end < ondisk->vol_buf_beg) { kprintf("volume %d %s is too small to hold the volume header", ondisk->vol_no, ondisk->vol_name); error = EFTYPE; goto late_failure; } ondisk->vol_nblocks = (ondisk->vol_buf_end - ondisk->vol_buf_beg) / HAMMER_BUFSIZE; ondisk->vol_blocksize = HAMMER_BUFSIZE; /* * Write volume header to disk */ error = bwrite(bp); bp = NULL; late_failure: if (bp) brelse(bp); return (error); } /* * Invalidates the volume header. Used by volume-del. */ static int hammer_clear_volume_header(struct vnode *devvp) { struct buf *bp = NULL; struct hammer_volume_ondisk *ondisk; int error; KKASSERT(HAMMER_BUFSIZE >= sizeof(struct hammer_volume_ondisk)); error = bread(devvp, 0LL, HAMMER_BUFSIZE, &bp); if (error || bp->b_bcount < sizeof(struct hammer_volume_ondisk)) goto late_failure; ondisk = (struct hammer_volume_ondisk*) bp->b_data; bzero(ondisk, sizeof(struct hammer_volume_ondisk)); error = bwrite(bp); bp = NULL; late_failure: if (bp) brelse(bp); return (error); }