AFSLOG(1) UNIX Reference Manual AFSLOG(1) NNAAMMEE aaffsslloogg - obtain AFS tokens SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS aaffsslloogg [--cc _c_e_l_l | ----cceellll==_c_e_l_l] [--pp _p_a_t_h | ----ffiillee==_p_a_t_h] [--kk _r_e_a_l_m | ----rreeaallmm==_r_e_a_l_m] [----nnoo--vv44] [----nnoo--vv55] [--uu | ----uunnlloogg] [--vv | ----vveerrbboossee] [----vveerrssiioonn] [--hh | ----hheellpp] [_c_e_l_l | _p_a_t_h _._._.] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN aaffsslloogg obtains AFS tokens for a number of cells. What cells to get tokens for can either be specified as an explicit list, as file paths to get to- kens for, or be left unspecified, in which case aaffsslloogg will use whatever magic krb_afslog(3) decides upon. Supported options: --cc _c_e_l_l_, ----cceellll==_c_e_l_l This specified one or more cell names to get tokens for. --pp _p_a_t_h, ----ffiillee==_p_a_t_h This specified one or more file paths for which tokens should be obtained. --kk _r_e_a_l_m, ----rreeaallmm==_r_e_a_l_m This is the Kerberos realm the AFS servers live in, this should normally not be specified. ----nnoo--vv44 This makes aaffsslloogg not try using Kerberos 4. ----nnoo--vv55 This makes aaffsslloogg not try using Kerberos 5. --uu, ----uunnlloogg Destroy tokens instead of obtaining new. If this is specified, all other options are ignored (except for ----hheellpp and ----vveerrssiioonn). --vv, ----vveerrbboossee Adds more verbosity for what is actually going on. Instead of using --cc and --pp, you may also pass a list of cells and file paths after any other options. These arguments are considered files if they are either the strings ``.'' or ``..'' or they contain a slash, or if there exists a file by that name. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS Assuming that there is no file called ``'' in the current di- rectory, and that _/_a_f_s_/_o_p_e_n_a_f_s_._o_r_g points to that cell, the follwing should be identical: $ afslog -c $ afslog $ afslog /afs/ SSEEEE AALLSSOO krb_afslog(3) HEIMDAL November 26, 2002 1