/* * Copyright (C) 2004 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Internet Software Consortium. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* $Id: validator.h,v 2004/03/09 06:11:24 marka Exp $ */ #ifndef DNS_VALIDATOR_H #define DNS_VALIDATOR_H 1 /***** ***** Module Info *****/ /* * DNS Validator * * XXX XXX * * MP: * The module ensures appropriate synchronization of data structures it * creates and manipulates. * * Reliability: * No anticipated impact. * * Resources: * * * Security: * No anticipated impact. * * Standards: * RFCs: 1034, 1035, 2181, 2535, * Drafts: */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for dns_rdata_sig_t */ #include /* * A dns_validatorevent_t is sent when a 'validation' completes. * * 'name', 'rdataset', 'sigrdataset', and 'message' are the values that were * supplied when dns_validator_create() was called. They are returned to the * caller so that they may be freed. */ typedef struct dns_validatorevent { ISC_EVENT_COMMON(struct dns_validatorevent); dns_validator_t * validator; isc_result_t result; dns_name_t * name; dns_rdatatype_t type; dns_rdataset_t * rdataset; dns_rdataset_t * sigrdataset; dns_message_t * message; } dns_validatorevent_t; /* * A validator object represents a validation in procgress. * * Clients are strongly discouraged from using this type directly, with * the exception of the 'link' field, which may be used directly for * whatever purpose the client desires. */ struct dns_validator { /* Unlocked. */ unsigned int magic; isc_mutex_t lock; dns_view_t * view; /* Locked by lock. */ unsigned int options; unsigned int attributes; dns_validatorevent_t * event; dns_fetch_t * fetch; dns_validator_t * keyvalidator; dns_validator_t * authvalidator; dns_keytable_t * keytable; dns_keynode_t * keynode; dst_key_t * key; dns_rdata_sig_t * siginfo; isc_task_t * task; isc_taskaction_t action; void * arg; unsigned int labels; dns_rdataset_t * currentset; isc_boolean_t seensig; dns_rdataset_t * keyset; dns_rdataset_t frdataset; dns_rdataset_t fsigrdataset; ISC_LINK(dns_validator_t) link; }; ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS isc_result_t dns_validator_create(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset, dns_message_t *message, unsigned int options, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_validator_t **validatorp); /* * Start a DNSSEC validation. * * This validates a response to the question given by * 'name' and 'type'. * * To validate a positive response, the response data is * given by 'rdataset' and 'sigrdataset'. If 'sigrdataset' * is NULL, the data is presumed insecure and an attempt * is made to prove its insecurity by finding the appropriate * null key. * * The complete response message may be given in 'message', * to make available any authority section NXTs that may be * needed for validation of a response resulting from a * wildcard expansion (though no such wildcard validation * is implemented yet). If the complete response message * is not available, 'message' is NULL. * * To validate a negative response, the complete negative response * message is given in 'message'. The 'rdataset', and * 'sigrdataset' arguments must be NULL, but the 'name' and 'type' * arguments must be provided. * * The validation is performed in the context of 'view'. * 'options' must be zero. * * When the validation finishes, a dns_validatorevent_t with * the given 'action' and 'arg' are sent to 'task'. * Its 'result' field will be ISC_R_SUCCESS iff the * response was successfully proven to be either secure or * part of a known insecure domain. */ void dns_validator_cancel(dns_validator_t *validator); /* * Cancel a DNSSEC validation in progress. * * Requires: * 'validator' points to a valid DNSSEC validator, which * may or may not already have completed. * * Ensures: * It the validator has not already sent its completion * event, it will send it with result code ISC_R_CANCELED. */ void dns_validator_destroy(dns_validator_t **validatorp); /* * Destroy a DNSSEC validator. * * Requires: * '*validatorp' points to a valid DNSSEC validator. * The validator must have completed and sent its completion * event. * * Ensures: * All resources used by the validator are freed. */ ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS #endif /* DNS_VALIDATOR_H */