.\" final startup file for troff . .\" this file is parsed after all macro sets have been read . .do if '\*[.T]'html' .do mso html-end.tmac . .\" if we are running the postscript device for html images then load www.tmac .do if r ps4html .do mso www.tmac . .\" for all other devices blank out these macros .do if !d HTML-IMAGE-INLINE .do ds HTML-IMAGE-INLINE .do if !d HTML-IMAGE .do ds HTML-IMAGE .do if !d HTML-IMAGE-RIGHT .do ds HTML-IMAGE-RIGHT .do if !d HTML-IMAGE-LEFT .do ds HTML-IMAGE-LEFT .do if !d HTML-IMAGE-END .do ds HTML-IMAGE-END .do if !d HTML-TAG .do ds HTML-TAG .do if !d HTML-TAG-NS .do ds HTML-TAG-NS .do if !d HTML-DO-IMAGE .do ds HTML-DO-IMAGE . .\" Don't let blank lines creep in here.