/*- * Copyright (c) 1996 * Keith Bostic. All rights reserved. * * See the LICENSE file for redistribution information. */ #include "config.h" #ifndef lint static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)ip_main.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 10/13/96"; #endif /* not lint */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../common/common.h" #include "ip.h" static void ip_func_std __P((GS *)); static IP_PRIVATE *ip_init __P((GS *, char *)); static void perr __P((char *, char *)); /* * main -- * This is the main loop for the vi-as-library editor. */ int ip_main(argc, argv, gp, ip_arg) int argc; char *argv[], *ip_arg; GS *gp; { EVENT ev; IP_PRIVATE *ipp; IP_BUF ipb; int rval; /* Create and partially initialize the IP structure. */ if ((ipp = ip_init(gp, ip_arg)) == NULL) return (1); /* Add the terminal type to the global structure. */ if ((OG_D_STR(gp, GO_TERM) = OG_STR(gp, GO_TERM) = strdup("ip_curses")) == NULL) perr(gp->progname, NULL); /* * Figure out how big the screen is -- read events until we get * the rows and columns. */ do { if (ip_event(NULL, &ev, 0, 0)) return (1); } while (ev.e_event != E_EOF && ev.e_event != E_ERR && ev.e_event != E_QUIT && ev.e_event != E_WRESIZE && ev.e_event != E_SIGHUP && ev.e_event != E_SIGTERM); if (ev.e_event != E_WRESIZE) return (1); /* Run ex/vi. */ rval = editor(gp, argc, argv); /* Clean up the screen. */ (void)ip_quit(gp); /* Free the global and IP private areas. */ #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(PURIFY) || defined(LIBRARY) free(ipp); free(gp); #endif return (rval); } /* * ip_init -- * Create and partially initialize the GS structure. */ static IP_PRIVATE * ip_init(gp, ip_arg) GS *gp; char *ip_arg; { IP_PRIVATE *ipp; char *ep; /* Allocate the IP private structure. */ CALLOC_NOMSG(NULL, ipp, IP_PRIVATE *, 1, sizeof(IP_PRIVATE)); if (ipp == NULL) perr(gp->progname, NULL); gp->ip_private = ipp; /* * Crack ip_arg -- it's of the form #.#, where the first number is the * file descriptor from the screen, the second is the file descriptor * to the screen. */ if (!isdigit(ip_arg[0])) goto usage; ipp->i_fd = strtol(ip_arg, &ep, 10); if (ep[0] != '.' || !isdigit(ep[1])) goto usage; ipp->o_fd = strtol(++ep, &ep, 10); if (ep[0] != '\0') { usage: ip_usage(); return (NULL); } /* Initialize the list of ip functions. */ ip_func_std(gp); return (ipp); } /* * ip_func_std -- * Initialize the standard ip functions. */ static void ip_func_std(gp) GS *gp; { gp->scr_addstr = ip_addstr; gp->scr_attr = ip_attr; gp->scr_baud = ip_baud; gp->scr_bell = ip_bell; gp->scr_busy = ip_busy; gp->scr_clrtoeol = ip_clrtoeol; gp->scr_cursor = ip_cursor; gp->scr_deleteln = ip_deleteln; gp->scr_event = ip_event; gp->scr_ex_adjust = ip_ex_adjust; gp->scr_fmap = ip_fmap; gp->scr_insertln = ip_insertln; gp->scr_keyval = ip_keyval; gp->scr_move = ip_move; gp->scr_msg = NULL; gp->scr_optchange = ip_optchange; gp->scr_refresh = ip_refresh; gp->scr_rename = ip_rename; gp->scr_screen = ip_screen; gp->scr_suspend = ip_suspend; gp->scr_usage = ip_usage; } /* * perr -- * Print system error. */ static void perr(name, msg) char *name, *msg; { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s:", name); if (msg != NULL) (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s:", msg); (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); }