FILE 5.43 ========= This directory contains a selected set of files from file 5.41 Original source can be downloaded from: file = file-5.43.tar.gz date = 13 September 2022 size = 1162786 sha1 = 8cb1a01257e9d9b15bb58dae409e1cb6710c5947 A list of the omitted files and directories can be found in README.DELETED. This is used in lib/libmagic and usr.bin/file. When upgrading, remember to update config.h in lib/libmagic/libmagic. NOTE: Not all current header files are present in older versions of DFly, which may present bootstrapping issues when building from sources. The generated config.h may not be able to be used as-is. See conditionals around (for example) HAVE_BYTESWAP_H, which themselves may also require to be included.