/* * ed.xmap.c: This module contains the procedures for maintaining * the extended-key map. * * An extended-key (Xkey) is a sequence of keystrokes * introduced with an sequence introducer and consisting * of an arbitrary number of characters. This module maintains * a map (the Xmap) to convert these extended-key sequences * into input strings (XK_STR), editor functions (XK_CMD), or * unix commands (XK_EXE). It contains the * following externally visible functions. * * int GetXkey(ch,val); * CStr *ch; * XmapVal *val; * * Looks up *ch in map and then reads characters until a * complete match is found or a mismatch occurs. Returns the * type of the match found (XK_STR, XK_CMD, or XK_EXE). * Returns NULL in val.str and XK_STR for no match. * The last character read is returned in *ch. * * void AddXkey(Xkey, val, ntype); * CStr *Xkey; * XmapVal *val; * int ntype; * * Adds Xkey to the Xmap and associates the value in val with it. * If Xkey is already is in Xmap, the new code is applied to the * existing Xkey. Ntype specifies if code is a command, an * out string or a unix command. * * int DeleteXkey(Xkey); * CStr *Xkey; * * Delete the Xkey and all longer Xkeys staring with Xkey, if * they exists. * * Warning: * If Xkey is a substring of some other Xkeys, then the longer * Xkeys are lost!! That is, if the Xkeys "abcd" and "abcef" * are in Xmap, adding the key "abc" will cause the first two * definitions to be lost. * * void ResetXmap(); * * Removes all entries from Xmap and resets the defaults. * * void PrintXkey(Xkey); * CStr *Xkey; * * Prints all extended keys prefixed by Xkey and their associated * commands. * * Restrictions: * ------------- * 1) It is not possible to have one Xkey that is a * substring of another. */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1980, 1991 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "sh.h" #include "ed.h" #include "ed.defns.h" #ifndef NULL #define NULL 0 #endif /* Internal Data types and declarations */ /* The Nodes of the Xmap. The Xmap is a linked list of these node * elements */ typedef struct Xmapnode { Char ch; /* single character of Xkey */ int type; XmapVal val; /* command code or pointer to string, if this * is a leaf */ struct Xmapnode *next; /* ptr to next char of this Xkey */ struct Xmapnode *sibling; /* ptr to another Xkey with same prefix */ } XmapNode; static XmapNode *Xmap = NULL; /* the current Xmap */ /* Some declarations of procedures */ static int TraverseMap (XmapNode *, CStr *, XmapVal *); static int TryNode (XmapNode *, CStr *, XmapVal *, int); static XmapNode *GetFreeNode (CStr *); static void PutFreeNode (XmapNode *); static int TryDeleteNode (XmapNode **, CStr *); static int Lookup (struct Strbuf *, const CStr *, const XmapNode *); static void Enumerate (struct Strbuf *, const XmapNode *); static void unparsech (struct Strbuf *, Char); XmapVal * XmapCmd(int cmd) { static XmapVal xm; xm.cmd = (KEYCMD) cmd; return &xm; } XmapVal * XmapStr(CStr *str) { static XmapVal xm; xm.str.len = str->len; xm.str.buf = str->buf; return &xm; } /* ResetXmap(): * Takes all nodes on Xmap and puts them on free list. Then * initializes Xmap with arrow keys */ void ResetXmap(void) { PutFreeNode(Xmap); Xmap = NULL; DefaultArrowKeys(); return; } /* GetXkey(): * Calls the recursive function with entry point Xmap */ int GetXkey(CStr *ch, XmapVal *val) { return (TraverseMap(Xmap, ch, val)); } /* TraverseMap(): * recursively traverses node in tree until match or mismatch is * found. May read in more characters. */ static int TraverseMap(XmapNode *ptr, CStr *ch, XmapVal *val) { Char tch; if (ptr->ch == *(ch->buf)) { /* match found */ if (ptr->next) { /* Xkey not complete so get next char */ if (GetNextChar(&tch) != 1) { /* if EOF or error */ val->cmd = F_SEND_EOF; return XK_CMD;/* PWP: Pretend we just read an end-of-file */ } *(ch->buf) = tch; return (TraverseMap(ptr->next, ch, val)); } else { *val = ptr->val; if (ptr->type != XK_CMD) *(ch->buf) = '\0'; return ptr->type; } } else { /* no match found here */ if (ptr->sibling) { /* try next sibling */ return (TraverseMap(ptr->sibling, ch, val)); } else { /* no next sibling -- mismatch */ val->str.buf = NULL; val->str.len = 0; return XK_STR; } } } void AddXkey(const CStr *Xkey, XmapVal *val, int ntype) { CStr cs; cs.buf = Xkey->buf; cs.len = Xkey->len; if (Xkey->len == 0) { xprintf("%s", CGETS(9, 1, "AddXkey: Null extended-key not allowed.\n")); return; } if (ntype == XK_CMD && val->cmd == F_XKEY) { xprintf("%s", CGETS(9, 2, "AddXkey: sequence-lead-in command not allowed\n")); return; } if (Xmap == NULL) /* tree is initially empty. Set up new node to match Xkey[0] */ Xmap = GetFreeNode(&cs); /* it is properly initialized */ /* Now recurse through Xmap */ (void) TryNode(Xmap, &cs, val, ntype); return; } static int TryNode(XmapNode *ptr, CStr *str, XmapVal *val, int ntype) { /* * Find a node that matches *string or allocate a new one */ if (ptr->ch != *(str->buf)) { XmapNode *xm; for (xm = ptr; xm->sibling != NULL; xm = xm->sibling) if (xm->sibling->ch == *(str->buf)) break; if (xm->sibling == NULL) xm->sibling = GetFreeNode(str); /* setup new node */ ptr = xm->sibling; } str->buf++; str->len--; if (str->len == 0) { size_t len; /* we're there */ if (ptr->next != NULL) { PutFreeNode(ptr->next); /* lose longer Xkeys with this prefix */ ptr->next = NULL; } switch (ptr->type) { case XK_STR: case XK_EXE: xfree(ptr->val.str.buf); ptr->val.str.len = 0; break; case XK_NOD: case XK_CMD: break; default: abort(); break; } switch (ptr->type = ntype) { case XK_CMD: ptr->val = *val; break; case XK_STR: case XK_EXE: ptr->val.str.len = val->str.len; len = (val->str.len + 1) * sizeof(*ptr->val.str.buf); ptr->val.str.buf = xmalloc(len); (void) memcpy(ptr->val.str.buf, val->str.buf, len); break; default: abort(); break; } } else { /* still more chars to go */ if (ptr->next == NULL) ptr->next = GetFreeNode(str); /* setup new node */ (void) TryNode(ptr->next, str, val, ntype); } return (0); } void ClearXkey(KEYCMD *map, const CStr *in) { unsigned char c = (unsigned char) *(in->buf); if ((map[c] == F_XKEY) && ((map == CcKeyMap && CcAltMap[c] != F_XKEY) || (map == CcAltMap && CcKeyMap[c] != F_XKEY))) (void) DeleteXkey(in); } int DeleteXkey(const CStr *Xkey) { CStr s; s = *Xkey; if (s.len == 0) { xprintf("%s", CGETS(9, 3, "DeleteXkey: Null extended-key not allowed.\n")); return (-1); } if (Xmap == NULL) return (0); (void) TryDeleteNode(&Xmap, &s); return (0); } /* Destroys str */ static int TryDeleteNode(XmapNode **inptr, CStr *str) { XmapNode *ptr; ptr = *inptr; /* * Find a node that matches *string or allocate a new one */ if (ptr->ch != *(str->buf)) { XmapNode *xm; for (xm = ptr; xm->sibling != NULL; xm = xm->sibling) if (xm->sibling->ch == *(str->buf)) break; if (xm->sibling == NULL) return (0); inptr = &xm->sibling; ptr = xm->sibling; } str->buf++; str->len--; if (str->len == 0) { /* we're there */ *inptr = ptr->sibling; ptr->sibling = NULL; PutFreeNode(ptr); return (1); } else if (ptr->next != NULL && TryDeleteNode(&ptr->next, str) == 1) { if (ptr->next != NULL) return (0); *inptr = ptr->sibling; ptr->sibling = NULL; PutFreeNode(ptr); return (1); } else { return (0); } } /* PutFreeNode(): * Puts a tree of nodes onto free list using free(3). */ static void PutFreeNode(XmapNode *ptr) { if (ptr == NULL) return; if (ptr->next != NULL) { PutFreeNode(ptr->next); ptr->next = NULL; } PutFreeNode(ptr->sibling); switch (ptr->type) { case XK_CMD: case XK_NOD: break; case XK_EXE: case XK_STR: xfree(ptr->val.str.buf); break; default: abort(); break; } xfree(ptr); } /* GetFreeNode(): * Returns pointer to an XmapNode for ch. */ static XmapNode * GetFreeNode(CStr *ch) { XmapNode *ptr; ptr = xmalloc(sizeof(XmapNode)); ptr->ch = ch->buf[0]; ptr->type = XK_NOD; ptr->val.str.buf = NULL; ptr->val.str.len = 0; ptr->next = NULL; ptr->sibling = NULL; return (ptr); } /* PrintXKey(): * Print the binding associated with Xkey key. * Print entire Xmap if null */ void PrintXkey(const CStr *key) { struct Strbuf buf = Strbuf_INIT; CStr cs; if (key) { cs.buf = key->buf; cs.len = key->len; } else { cs.buf = STRNULL; cs.len = 0; } /* do nothing if Xmap is empty and null key specified */ if (Xmap == NULL && cs.len == 0) return; Strbuf_append1(&buf, '"'); cleanup_push(&buf, Strbuf_cleanup); if (Lookup(&buf, &cs, Xmap) <= -1) /* key is not bound */ xprintf(CGETS(9, 4, "Unbound extended key \"%S\"\n"), cs.buf); cleanup_until(&buf); } /* Lookup(): * look for the string starting at node ptr. * Print if last node */ static int Lookup(struct Strbuf *buf, const CStr *str, const XmapNode *ptr) { if (ptr == NULL) return (-1); /* cannot have null ptr */ if (str->len == 0) { /* no more chars in string. Enumerate from here. */ Enumerate(buf, ptr); return (0); } else { /* If match put this char into buf. Recurse */ if (ptr->ch == *(str->buf)) { /* match found */ unparsech(buf, ptr->ch); if (ptr->next != NULL) { /* not yet at leaf */ CStr tstr; tstr.buf = str->buf + 1; tstr.len = str->len - 1; return (Lookup(buf, &tstr, ptr->next)); } else { /* next node is null so key should be complete */ if (str->len == 1) { Strbuf_append1(buf, '"'); Strbuf_terminate(buf); printOne(buf->s, &ptr->val, ptr->type); return (0); } else return (-1);/* mismatch -- string still has chars */ } } else { /* no match found try sibling */ if (ptr->sibling) return (Lookup(buf, str, ptr->sibling)); else return (-1); } } } static void Enumerate(struct Strbuf *buf, const XmapNode *ptr) { size_t old_len; if (ptr == NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG_EDIT xprintf(CGETS(9, 6, "Enumerate: BUG!! Null ptr passed\n!")); #endif return; } old_len = buf->len; unparsech(buf, ptr->ch); /* put this char at end of string */ if (ptr->next == NULL) { /* print this Xkey and function */ Strbuf_append1(buf, '"'); Strbuf_terminate(buf); printOne(buf->s, &ptr->val, ptr->type); } else Enumerate(buf, ptr->next); /* go to sibling if there is one */ if (ptr->sibling) { buf->len = old_len; Enumerate(buf, ptr->sibling); } } /* PrintOne(): * Print the specified key and its associated * function specified by val */ void printOne(const Char *key, const XmapVal *val, int ntype) { struct KeyFuncs *fp; static const char *fmt = "%s\n"; xprintf("%-15" TCSH_S "-> ", key); if (val != NULL) switch (ntype) { case XK_STR: case XK_EXE: { unsigned char *p; p = unparsestring(&val->str, ntype == XK_STR ? STRQQ : STRBB); cleanup_push(p, xfree); xprintf(fmt, p); cleanup_until(p); break; } case XK_CMD: for (fp = FuncNames; fp->name; fp++) if (val->cmd == fp->func) xprintf(fmt, fp->name); break; default: abort(); break; } else xprintf(fmt, CGETS(9, 7, "no input")); } static void unparsech(struct Strbuf *buf, Char ch) { if (ch == 0) { Strbuf_append1(buf, '^'); Strbuf_append1(buf, '@'); } else if (Iscntrl(ch)) { Strbuf_append1(buf, '^'); if (ch == CTL_ESC('\177')) Strbuf_append1(buf, '?'); else #ifdef IS_ASCII Strbuf_append1(buf, ch | 0100); #else Strbuf_append1(buf, _toebcdic[_toascii[ch]|0100]); #endif } else if (ch == '^') { Strbuf_append1(buf, '\\'); Strbuf_append1(buf, '^'); } else if (ch == '\\') { Strbuf_append1(buf, '\\'); Strbuf_append1(buf, '\\'); } else if (ch == ' ' || (Isprint(ch) && !Isspace(ch))) { Strbuf_append1(buf, ch); } else { Strbuf_append1(buf, '\\'); Strbuf_append1(buf, ((ch >> 6) & 7) + '0'); Strbuf_append1(buf, ((ch >> 3) & 7) + '0'); Strbuf_append1(buf, (ch & 7) + '0'); } } static Char parse_hex_range(const Char **cp, size_t l) { size_t ui = 0; Char r = 0, c; if (l > 8) abort(); for (; (c = (**cp & CHAR)) != '\0' && ui < l && Isxdigit(c); (*cp)++, ui++) { Char x = Isdigit(c) ? '0' : ((Isupper(c) ? 'A' : 'a') - 10); #ifndef IS_ASCII c = _toascii(c); #endif r <<= 4; r |= c - x; } (*cp)--; #ifndef IS_ASCII return _toebcdic[r & 0xff]; #else return r; #endif } /* * The e parameter is false when we are doing echo and true when we are * using it to parse other escaped strings. For echo, we don't print errors * and we don't unescape backslashes that we don't understand. Perhaps we * always not unescape backslashes we don't understand... */ eChar parseescape(const Char **ptr, int e) { const Char *p; Char c; p = *ptr; if ((p[1] & CHAR) == 0) { if (e) xprintf(CGETS(9, 8, "Something must follow: %c\n"), (char)*p); return CHAR_ERR; } if ((*p & CHAR) == '\\') { p++; switch (*p & CHAR) { case 'a': c = CTL_ESC('\007'); /* Bell */ break; case 'b': c = CTL_ESC('\010'); /* Backspace */ break; case 'c': p++; if ((*p & CHAR) == '\\') { p++; if ((*p & CHAR) != '\\') { *ptr = p; if (e) xprintf(/*CGETS(9, 9, */ "Invalid escape sequence: %s%c\n"/*)*/, "\\c\\", (char)*p); return CHAR_ERR; } c = (*p & CHAR) & 0237; } else if ((Isalpha(*p & CHAR) || strchr("@^_?\\|[{]}", *p & CHAR))) { /* XXX: Duplicate code from ^ below */ #ifdef IS_ASCII c = ((*p & CHAR) == '?') ? CTL_ESC('\177') : ((*p & CHAR) & 0237); #else c = ((*p & CHAR) == '?') ? CTL_ESC('\177') : _toebcdic[_toascii[*p & CHAR] & 0237]; if (adrof(STRwarnebcdic)) xprintf(/*CGETS(9, 9, no NLS-String yet!*/ "Warning: Control character %s%c may be interpreted differently in EBCDIC.\n", "\\c", *p & CHAR /*)*/); #endif } else { /* backward compat */ c = '\\'; p -= 2; } break; case 'e': c = CTL_ESC('\033'); /* Escape */ break; case 'f': c = CTL_ESC('\014'); /* Form Feed */ break; case 'n': c = CTL_ESC('\012'); /* New Line */ break; case 'r': c = CTL_ESC('\015'); /* Carriage Return */ break; case 't': c = CTL_ESC('\011'); /* Horizontal Tab */ break; case 'v': c = CTL_ESC('\013'); /* Vertical Tab */ break; case '\\': c = '\\'; break; case 'x': p++; if ((*p & CHAR) == '{' && Isxdigit(*(p + 1) & CHAR)) { /* \x{20ac} */ const Char *q = p - 2; p++; c = parse_hex_range(&p, 8); if ((p[1] & CHAR) != '}') { if (e) xprintf("%s", /* CGETS(9, 9, */ "Missing closing brace"); p = q; c = '\\'; break; } p++; } else if (Isxdigit(*p & CHAR)) { /* \x9f */ c = parse_hex_range(&p, 2); } else { /* backward compat */ c = '\\'; p -= 2; } break; case 'u': case 'U': { size_t limit = (*p & CHAR) == 'u' ? 4 : 8; p++; if (Isxdigit(*p & CHAR)) { /* \u20ac or \U000020ac */ c = parse_hex_range(&p, limit); } else { /* backward compat */ c = '\\'; p -= 2; } } break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': { int cnt, val; Char ch; for (cnt = 0, val = 0; cnt < 3; cnt++) { ch = *p++ & CHAR; if (ch < '0' || ch > '7') { p--; break; } val = (val << 3) | (ch - '0'); } if ((val & ~0xff) != 0) { if (e) xprintf("%s", CGETS(9, 9, "Octal constant does not fit in a char.\n")); *ptr = p; return CHAR_ERR; } #ifndef IS_ASCII if (CTL_ESC(val) != val && adrof(STRwarnebcdic)) xprintf(/*CGETS(9, 9, no NLS-String yet!*/ "Warning: Octal constant \\%3.3o is interpreted as " "EBCDIC value.\n", val/*)*/); #endif c = (Char) val; --p; } break; default: if (!e) --p; c = *p; break; } } else if ((*p & CHAR) == '^' && (Isalpha(p[1] & CHAR) || strchr("@^_?\\|[{]}", p[1] & CHAR))) { p++; #ifdef IS_ASCII c = ((*p & CHAR) == '?') ? CTL_ESC('\177') : ((*p & CHAR) & 0237); #else c = ((*p & CHAR) == '?') ? CTL_ESC('\177') : _toebcdic[_toascii[*p & CHAR] & 0237]; if (adrof(STRwarnebcdic)) xprintf(/*CGETS(9, 9, no NLS-String yet!*/ "Warning: Control character %s%c may be interpreted differently in EBCDIC.\n", "^", *p & CHAR /*)*/); #endif } else c = *p & CHAR; *ptr = p; return (c); } unsigned char * unparsestring(const CStr *str, const Char *sep) { unsigned char *buf, *b; Char p; int l; /* Worst-case is "\uuu" or result of wctomb() for each char from str */ buf = xmalloc((str->len + 1) * max(4, MB_LEN_MAX)); b = buf; if (sep[0]) #ifndef WINNT_NATIVE *b++ = sep[0]; #else /* WINNT_NATIVE */ *b++ = CHAR & sep[0]; #endif /* !WINNT_NATIVE */ for (l = 0; l < str->len; l++) { p = str->buf[l]; if (Iscntrl(p)) { *b++ = '^'; if (p == CTL_ESC('\177')) *b++ = '?'; else #ifdef IS_ASCII *b++ = (unsigned char) (p | 0100); #else *b++ = _toebcdic[_toascii[p]|0100]; #endif } else if (p == '^' || p == '\\') { *b++ = '\\'; *b++ = (unsigned char) p; } else if (p == ' ' || (Isprint(p) && !Isspace(p))) b += one_wctomb((char *)b, p); else { *b++ = '\\'; *b++ = ((p >> 6) & 7) + '0'; *b++ = ((p >> 3) & 7) + '0'; *b++ = (p & 7) + '0'; } } if (sep[0] && sep[1]) #ifndef WINNT_NATIVE *b++ = sep[1]; #else /* WINNT_NATIVE */ *b++ = CHAR & sep[1]; #endif /* !WINNT_NATIVE */ *b++ = 0; return buf; /* should check for overflow */ }