/*- * Copyright (c) 2004 Joerg Sonnenberger * * Copyright (c) 1997 Michael Smith * Copyright (c) 1998 Jonathan Lemon * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Code for dealing with the PnP-BIOS in x86 PC systems. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * PnP BIOS interface; enumerate devices only known to the system * BIOS and save information about them for later use. */ struct pnp_sysdev { uint16_t size; uint8_t handle; uint32_t devid; uint8_t type[3]; uint16_t attrib; /* device-specific data comes here */ uint8_t devdata[0]; } __attribute__((__packed__)); #define PNPATTR_NODISABLE (1<<0) /* can't be disabled */ #define PNPATTR_NOCONFIG (1<<1) /* can't be configured */ #define PNPATTR_OUTPUT (1<<2) /* can be primary output */ #define PNPATTR_INPUT (1<<3) /* can be primary input */ #define PNPATTR_BOOTABLE (1<<4) /* can be booted from */ #define PNPATTR_DOCK (1<<5) /* is a docking station */ #define PNPATTR_REMOVEABLE (1<<6) /* device is removeable */ #define PNPATTR_CONFIG(a) (((a) >> 7) & 0x03) #define PNPATTR_CONFIG_STATIC 0x00 #define PNPATTR_CONFIG_DYNAMIC 0x01 #define PNPATTR_CONFIG_DYNONLY 0x03 /* We have to cluster arguments within a 64k range for the bios16 call */ struct pnp_sysdevargs { uint16_t next; uint16_t pad; struct pnp_sysdev node; }; /* * This function is called after the bus has assigned resource * locations for a logical device. */ static void pnpbios_set_config(void *arg, struct isa_config *config, int enable) { } /* * Quiz the PnP BIOS, build a list of PNP IDs and resource data. */ static int pnpbios_identify(driver_t *driver, device_t parent) { struct PnPBIOS_table *pt = PnPBIOStable; struct bios_args args; struct pnp_sysdev *pd; struct pnp_sysdevargs *pda; uint16_t ndevs, bigdev; int error, currdev; uint8_t *devnodebuf, tag; uint32_t *devid, *compid; int idx, left; device_t dev; /* * Umm, we aren't going to rescan the PnP BIOS to look for new additions. */ if (device_get_state(parent) == DS_ATTACHED) return (0); /* no PnP BIOS information */ if (pt == NULL) return (ENXIO); /* ACPI already active */ if (devclass_get_softc(devclass_find("ACPI"), 0) != NULL) return (ENXIO); bzero(&args, sizeof(args)); args.seg.code16.base = BIOS_PADDRTOVADDR(pt->pmentrybase); args.seg.code16.limit = 0xffff; /* XXX ? */ args.seg.data.base = BIOS_PADDRTOVADDR(pt->pmdataseg); args.seg.data.limit = 0xffff; args.entry = pt->pmentryoffset; if ((error = bios16(&args, PNP_COUNT_DEVNODES, &ndevs, &bigdev)) || (args.r.eax & 0xff)) kprintf("pnpbios: error %d/%x getting device count/size limit\n", error, args.r.eax); ndevs &= 0xff; /* clear high byte garbage */ if (bootverbose) kprintf("pnpbios: %d devices, largest %d bytes\n", ndevs, bigdev); devnodebuf = kmalloc(bigdev + (sizeof(struct pnp_sysdevargs) - sizeof(struct pnp_sysdev)), M_DEVBUF, M_INTWAIT); pda = (struct pnp_sysdevargs *)devnodebuf; pd = &pda->node; for (currdev = 0, left = ndevs; (currdev != 0xff) && (left > 0); left--) { bzero(pd, bigdev); pda->next = currdev; /* get current configuration */ if ((error = bios16(&args, PNP_GET_DEVNODE, &pda->next, &pda->node, 1))) { kprintf("pnpbios: error %d making BIOS16 call\n", error); break; } if (bootverbose) kprintf("pnp_get_devnode cd=%d nxt=%d size=%d handle=%d devid=%08x type=%02x%02x%02x, attrib=%04x\n", currdev, pda->next, pd->size, pd->handle, pd->devid, pd->type[0], pd->type[1], pd->type[2], pd->attrib); if ((error = (args.r.eax & 0xff))) { if (bootverbose) kprintf("pnpbios: %s 0x%x fetching node %d\n", error & 0x80 ? "error" : "warning", error, currdev); if (error & 0x80) break; } currdev = pda->next; if (pd->size < sizeof(struct pnp_sysdev)) { kprintf("pnpbios: bogus system node data, aborting scan\n"); break; } /* * Ignore PICs so that we don't have to worry about the PICs * claiming IRQs to prevent their use. The PIC drivers * already ensure that invalid IRQs are not used. */ if (!strcmp(pnp_eisaformat(pd->devid), "PNP0000")) /* ISA PIC */ continue; if (!strcmp(pnp_eisaformat(pd->devid), "PNP0003")) /* APIC */ continue; /* Add the device and parse its resources */ dev = BUS_ADD_CHILD(parent, parent, ISA_ORDER_PNP, NULL, -1); isa_set_vendorid(dev, pd->devid); isa_set_logicalid(dev, pd->devid); /* * It appears that some PnP BIOS doesn't allow us to re-enable * the embedded system device once it is disabled. We shall * mark all system device nodes as "cannot be disabled", regardless * of actual settings in the device attribute byte. XXX */ #if 0 isa_set_configattr(dev, ((pd->attrib & PNPATTR_NODISABLE) ? 0 : ISACFGATTR_CANDISABLE) | ((!(pd->attrib & PNPATTR_NOCONFIG) && PNPATTR_CONFIG(pd->attrib) != PNPATTR_CONFIG_STATIC) ? ISACFGATTR_DYNAMIC : 0)); #endif isa_set_configattr(dev, (!(pd->attrib & PNPATTR_NOCONFIG) && PNPATTR_CONFIG(pd->attrib) != PNPATTR_CONFIG_STATIC) ? ISACFGATTR_DYNAMIC : 0); ISA_SET_CONFIG_CALLBACK(parent, dev, pnpbios_set_config, 0); pnp_parse_resources(dev, &pd->devdata[0], pd->size - sizeof(struct pnp_sysdev), 0); if (!device_get_desc(dev)) device_set_desc_copy(dev, pnp_eisaformat(pd->devid)); /* Find device IDs */ devid = &pd->devid; compid = NULL; /* look for a compatible device ID too */ left = pd->size - sizeof(struct pnp_sysdev); idx = 0; while (idx < left) { tag = pd->devdata[idx++]; if (PNP_RES_TYPE(tag) == 0) { /* Small resource */ switch (PNP_SRES_NUM(tag)) { case PNP_TAG_COMPAT_DEVICE: compid = (uint32_t *)(pd->devdata + idx); if (bootverbose) kprintf("pnpbios: node %d compat ID 0x%08x\n", pd->handle, *compid); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case PNP_TAG_END: idx = left; break; default: idx += PNP_SRES_LEN(tag); break; } } else /* Large resource, skip it */ idx += *(uint16_t *)(pd->devdata + idx) + 2; } if (bootverbose) { kprintf("pnpbios: handle %d device ID %s (%08x)", pd->handle, pnp_eisaformat(*devid), *devid); if (compid != NULL) kprintf(" compat ID %s (%08x)", pnp_eisaformat(*compid), *compid); kprintf("\n"); } } return (0); } static device_method_t pnpbios_methods[] = { /* Device interface */ DEVMETHOD(device_identify, pnpbios_identify), DEVMETHOD_END }; static driver_t pnpbios_driver = { "pnpbios", pnpbios_methods, 1, /* no softc */ }; static devclass_t pnpbios_devclass; DRIVER_MODULE(pnpbios, isa, pnpbios_driver, pnpbios_devclass, NULL, NULL);