/* * Changes Copyright (C) 1995 by Andrey A. Chernov, Moscow * * Original Copyright: * * AUTHOR: Savio Lam (lam836@cs.cuhk.hk) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include "dialog.priv.h" static void redraw_field(WINDOW *dialog, int box_y, int box_x, int flen, int box_width, unsigned char instr[], int input_x, int scroll, chtype attr, chtype old_attr, int fexit, int attr_mask); /* * Line editor */ int line_edit(WINDOW* dialog, int box_y, int box_x, int flen, int box_width, chtype attr, int first, unsigned char *result, int attr_mask) { int i, key; chtype old_attr; static int input_x, scroll; static unsigned char instr[MAX_LEN+1]; unsigned char erase_char = erasechar(); unsigned char kill_char = killchar(); #ifdef notyet unsignec char werase_char = cur_term->Ottyb.c_cc[VWERASE]; #endif old_attr = getattrs(dialog); keypad(dialog, TRUE); if (first) { memset(instr, 0, sizeof(instr)); strcpy(instr, result); i = strlen(instr); /* input_x = i % box_width;*/ input_x = (i > box_width) ? box_width - 1 : i; /* scroll = i - input_x;*/ scroll = (i > box_width) ? i - box_width + 1: 0; } redraw_field(dialog, box_y, box_x, flen, box_width, instr, input_x, scroll, attr, old_attr, FALSE, attr_mask); for (;;) { wattrset(dialog, attr); wrefresh(dialog); key = wgetch(dialog); switch (key) { case ctrl('q'): goto ret; break; case KEY_F(1): display_helpfile(); break; case TAB: case KEY_BTAB: case KEY_UP: case KEY_DOWN: case ESC: case '\r': case '\n': for (i = strlen(instr) - 1; i >= scroll + input_x && instr[i] == ' '; i--) instr[i] = '\0'; if (key == '\r') key = '\n'; goto ret; case '\025': case '\030': kill_it: input_x = scroll = 0; /* fall through */ case '\013': case KEY_EOL: memset(instr + scroll + input_x, '\0', sizeof(instr) - scroll - input_x); redraw_field(dialog, box_y, box_x, flen, box_width, instr, input_x, scroll, attr, old_attr, FALSE, attr_mask); continue; case '\001': case KEY_HOME: input_x = scroll = 0; redraw_field(dialog, box_y, box_x, flen, box_width, instr, input_x, scroll, attr, old_attr, FALSE, attr_mask); continue; case '\005': case KEY_END: for (i = strlen(instr) - 1; i >= scroll + input_x && instr[i] == ' '; i--) instr[i] = '\0'; i++; input_x = i % box_width; scroll = i - input_x; redraw_field(dialog, box_y, box_x, flen, box_width, instr, input_x, scroll, attr, old_attr, FALSE, attr_mask); continue; case '\002': case KEY_LEFT: if (input_x || scroll) { if (!input_x) { int oldscroll = scroll; scroll = scroll < box_width-1 ? 0 : scroll-(box_width-1); input_x = oldscroll - 1 - scroll; redraw_field(dialog, box_y, box_x, flen, box_width, instr, input_x, scroll, attr, old_attr, FALSE, attr_mask); } else { input_x--; wmove(dialog, box_y, input_x + box_x); } } else beep(); continue; case '\006': case KEY_RIGHT: if ( scroll+input_x < MAX_LEN && (flen < 0 || scroll+input_x < flen) ) { if (!instr[scroll+input_x]) instr[scroll+input_x] = ' '; if (input_x == box_width-1) { scroll++; redraw_field(dialog, box_y, box_x, flen, box_width, instr, input_x, scroll, attr, old_attr, FALSE, attr_mask); } else { wmove(dialog, box_y, input_x + box_x); waddch(dialog, instr[scroll+input_x]); input_x++; } } else beep(); /* Alarm user about overflow */ continue; case '\b': case '\177': case KEY_BACKSPACE: erase_it: if (input_x || scroll) { i = strlen(instr); memmove(instr+scroll+input_x-1, instr+scroll+input_x, i-(scroll+input_x)+1); if (!input_x) { int oldscroll = scroll; scroll = scroll < box_width-1 ? 0 : scroll-(box_width-1); input_x = oldscroll - 1 - scroll; } else input_x--; redraw_field(dialog, box_y, box_x, flen, box_width, instr, input_x, scroll, attr, old_attr, FALSE, attr_mask); } else beep(); continue; case '\004': case KEY_DC: for (i = strlen(instr) - 1; i >= scroll + input_x && instr[i] == ' '; i--) instr[i] = '\0'; i++; if (i == 0) { beep(); continue; } memmove(instr+scroll+input_x, instr+scroll+input_x+1, i-(scroll+input_x)); redraw_field(dialog, box_y, box_x, flen, box_width, instr, input_x, scroll, attr, old_attr, FALSE, attr_mask); continue; default: if (CCEQ(key, erase_char)) goto erase_it; if (CCEQ(key, kill_char)) goto kill_it; if (key < 0x100 && isprint(key)) { for (i = strlen(instr) - 1; i >= scroll + input_x && instr[i] == ' '; i--) instr[i] = '\0'; i++; if (i < MAX_LEN && (flen < 0 || scroll+input_x < flen)) { if (flen < 0 || i < flen) memmove(instr+scroll+input_x+1, instr+scroll+input_x, i-(scroll+input_x)); instr[scroll+input_x] = key; if (input_x == box_width-1 && (flen < 0 || i < flen)) scroll++; else input_x++; redraw_field(dialog, box_y, box_x, flen, box_width, instr, input_x, scroll, attr, old_attr, FALSE, attr_mask); } else beep(); /* Alarm user about overflow */ continue; } } } ret: redraw_field(dialog, box_y, box_x, flen, box_width, instr, input_x, scroll, attr, old_attr, TRUE, attr_mask); wrefresh(dialog); strcpy(result, instr); return key; } static void redraw_field(WINDOW *dialog, int box_y, int box_x, int flen, int box_width, unsigned char instr[], int input_x, int scroll, chtype attr, chtype old_attr, int fexit, int attr_mask) { int i, fix_len; wattrset(dialog, fexit ? old_attr : attr); wmove(dialog, box_y, box_x); fix_len = flen >= 0 ? MIN(flen-scroll,box_width) : box_width; for (i = 0; i < fix_len; i++) waddch(dialog, instr[scroll+i] ? ((attr_mask & DITEM_NO_ECHO) ? '*' : instr[scroll+i]) : ' '); wattrset(dialog, old_attr); for ( ; i < box_width; i++) waddch(dialog, instr[scroll+i] ? ((attr_mask & DITEM_NO_ECHO) ? '*' : instr[scroll+i]) : ' '); wmove(dialog, box_y, input_x + box_x); }