# # Command file for the GNU Debugger, for kernel debugging. # # This file can either be put in your home directory as ~/.gdbinit, # or selected at run time as: # # 'gdb -k -q -x /usr/share/misc/gdbinit ...' # set print union set history expansion on define pcomm printf "%10s\n",$arg0->td_comm end define lsvfs set $vfc = (struct vfsconf *)vfsconf_list.stqh_first printf "\nFilesystem Refs Flags\n" while ($vfc != 0) printf "%-10s %6d 0x%08x\n", $vfc->vfc_name, \ $vfc->vfc_refcount, $vfc->vfc_flags set $vfc = $vfc->vfc_next.stqe_next end end define lsmount set $mnt = (mountlist->tqh_first) while ($mnt != 0) print *$mnt set $mnt = $mnt->mnt_list->tqe_next end end define lsvfsops set $vfc = (struct vfsconf *)vfsconf_list.stqh_first while ($vfc != 0) printf "Filesystem: %s, Refs: %d, Flags: 0x%08x\n", \ $vfc->vfc_name, $vfc->vfc_refcount, $vfc->vfc_flags printf "VFS ops: \n" set print pretty print *$vfc->vfc_vfsops set print pretty off set $vfc = $vfc->vfc_next.stqe_next end end define kldstat set $kld = linker_files.tqh_first printf "\nId Refs Address Size Name\n" while ($kld != 0) printf "%2d %4d 0x%08x %-8x %s\n", \ $kld->id, $kld->refs, $kld->address, $kld->size, $kld->filename set $kld = $kld->link.tqe_next end end define psx set $cpu = 0 printf "\ncpu pid thread flags comm wchan wmesg\n" while ($cpu < ncpus) set $gd = &((struct privatespace *)&CPU_prvspace)[$cpu].mdglobaldata set $td = $gd->mi.gd_tdallq.tqh_first while ( $td != 0 ) if ( $td->td_proc != 0 ) set $pid = $td->td_proc->p_pid else set $pid = -1 end if ( $td->td_wmesg != 0 ) printf "%3d %5d %08x %08x %-18s %08x %s\n", \ $cpu, $pid, $td, $td->td_flags, $td->td_comm, $td->td_wchan, \ $td->td_wmesg else printf "%3d %5d %08x %08x %-18s %08x\n", \ $cpu, $pid, $td, $td->td_flags, $td->td_comm, $td->td_wchan end set $td = $td->td_allq.tqe_next end set $cpu = $cpu + 1 end end define running_threads set $icpu = 0 printf "\ncpu curthread wchan\n" while ($icpu < ncpus) set $ipvspace = (struct privatespace *)&CPU_prvspace set $gd = $ipvspace[$icpu].mdglobaldata.mi set $td = $gd.gd_curthread printf "%d %10s %08x\n", \ $gd.gd_cpuid, $td->td_comm, $td->td_wchan set $icpu = $icpu + 1 end end define psax set $proc = allproc->lh_first while $proc != 0 printf "%p%6d%10s\n",$proc,$proc->p_pid,$proc->p_comm set $proc = $proc->p_list.le_next end end define _infotok set $token = ($arg0) set $tokref = $token->t_ref if ($tokref != 0) printf "%-15s 0x%08x %10d 0x%08x 0x%08x\n", $token->t_desc, \ $token->t_flags, $token->t_collisions, $tokref->tr_owner, \ $tokref->tr_stallpc else printf "%-15s 0x%08x %10d not held\n", $token->t_desc, \ $token->t_flags, $token->t_collisions end end define infotok printf "\nToken flags collisions owner stallpc\n" _infotok ($arg0) end define lstok printf "\nToken flags collisions owner stallpc\n" _infotok &pmap_token _infotok &dev_token _infotok &vm_token _infotok &vmspace_token _infotok &kvm_token _infotok &proc_token _infotok &tty_token _infotok &vnode_token _infotok &vmobj_token end # Documentation, usable within GDB using the 'help' command. document lsvfs Output list of loaded file systems, refcount, similar to the lsvfs(1) utility. end document lsmount Iterate the current list of mount structures loaded from the memory core, there should be one per loaded VFS. end document lsvfsops Display the VFS operations vector for each file system found in the memory core, preceded by a summarised header. end document kldstat Output list of loaded kernel modules in kldstat(1) style. end document pcomm Print command name of the given thread pointer (first argument). end document psx Output a list of processes with wait-channel (wchan) informaiton. end document running_threads List the threads which are currently running and their CPU number. end document psax Output a list of processes. end document lstok Display all known global tokens and some information about them. end document infotok Takes one argument, a struct lwkt_token * (pointer) and prints some information about that token. end