$DragonFly: src/bin/cpdup/Attic/README,v 1.1 2006/09/16 18:24:37 dillon Exp $ README FILE FOR CPDUP The manual page for cpdup is "cpdup.1". This file describes various porting issues. Most BSDs should just be able to compile cpdup using the Makefile. Linux: This script should suffice when compiling under linux. For some reason that I cannot fathom, linux defaults to using a 32 bit off_t. It makes no sense at all to me why they would want to do this, BSDs went to a 64 bit default off_t over 15 years ago. In anycase, fixing it requires a few -D options. #!/bin/csh # cd cpdup rm -f md5.c rm -f *.o cc -c -D__unused= -D_GNU_SOURCE -D__USE_FILE_OFFSET64 -DNOMD5 *.c cc -D__unused= -D_GNU_SOURCE -D__USE_FILE_OFFSET64 -DNOMD5 *.o -o ~/bin/cpdup