DHCPCD ====== Original source can be downloaded from: https://github.com/rsmarples/dhcpcd/releases file = dhcpcd-dhcpcd-7.0.8.tar.gz date = 2018 August 20 size = 282415 sha1 = 2bc716dae8a9393240757a09c4356458bd584a05 The file README.DELETED contains a list of deleted files and directories. Use "git diff vendor/DHCPCD contrib/dhcpcd" to see local modifications. The program and hook scripts are installed by 'sbin/dhcpcd', and the configuration file is installed by 'etc/Makefile'. Upgrade notes ------------- 1. Generate 'src/dhcpcd-embedded.[ch]': $ cd src $ ./genembedc > dhcpcd-embedded.c $ ./genembedh > dhcpcd-embedded.h $ rm genembed[ch] dhcpcd-embedded.[ch].in dhcpcd-definitions.conf 2. Patch the following files: * src/if-bsd.c * src/if.c * src/ipv6.c 3. Update the 'config.h' and 'Makefile' at 'sbin/dhcpcd' accordingly.