/* * Copyright (C) 2004 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Internet Software Consortium. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* $Id: validator.c,v 2004/04/15 02:16:28 marka Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define VALIDATOR_MAGIC ISC_MAGIC('V', 'a', 'l', '?') #define VALID_VALIDATOR(v) ISC_MAGIC_VALID(v, VALIDATOR_MAGIC) #define VALATTR_SHUTDOWN 0x01 #define VALATTR_FOUNDNONEXISTENCE 0x02 #define VALATTR_TRIEDVERIFY 0x04 #define SHUTDOWN(v) (((v)->attributes & VALATTR_SHUTDOWN) != 0) static void nullkeyvalidated(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event); static inline isc_boolean_t containsnullkey(dns_validator_t *val, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); static inline isc_result_t get_dst_key(dns_validator_t *val, dns_rdata_sig_t *siginfo, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset); static inline isc_result_t validate(dns_validator_t *val, isc_boolean_t resume); static inline isc_result_t nxtvalidate(dns_validator_t *val, isc_boolean_t resume); static inline isc_result_t proveunsecure(dns_validator_t *val, isc_boolean_t resume); static void validator_log(dns_validator_t *val, int level, const char *fmt, ...) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(3, 4); static void validator_done(dns_validator_t *val, isc_result_t result) { isc_task_t *task; if (val->event == NULL) return; /* * Caller must be holding the lock. */ val->event->result = result; task = val->event->ev_sender; val->event->ev_sender = val; val->event->ev_type = DNS_EVENT_VALIDATORDONE; val->event->ev_action = val->action; val->event->ev_arg = val->arg; isc_task_sendanddetach(&task, (isc_event_t **)&val->event); } static void auth_nonpending(dns_message_t *message) { isc_result_t result; dns_name_t *name; dns_rdataset_t *rdataset; for (result = dns_message_firstname(message, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY); result == ISC_R_SUCCESS; result = dns_message_nextname(message, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY)) { name = NULL; dns_message_currentname(message, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY, &name); for (rdataset = ISC_LIST_HEAD(name->list); rdataset != NULL; rdataset = ISC_LIST_NEXT(rdataset, link)) { if (rdataset->trust == dns_trust_pending) rdataset->trust = dns_trust_authauthority; } } } static void fetch_callback_validator(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event) { dns_fetchevent_t *devent; dns_validator_t *val; dns_rdataset_t *rdataset; isc_result_t result; isc_result_t eresult; UNUSED(task); INSIST(event->ev_type == DNS_EVENT_FETCHDONE); devent = (dns_fetchevent_t *)event; val = devent->ev_arg; rdataset = &val->frdataset; eresult = devent->result; isc_event_free(&event); dns_resolver_destroyfetch(&val->fetch); if (SHUTDOWN(val)) { dns_validator_destroy(&val); return; } if (val->event == NULL) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "fetch_callback_validator: event == NULL"); return; } validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "in fetch_callback_validator"); LOCK(&val->lock); if (eresult == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "keyset with trust %d", rdataset->trust); /* * Only extract the dst key if the keyset is secure. */ if (rdataset->trust >= dns_trust_secure) { result = get_dst_key(val, val->siginfo, rdataset); if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) val->keyset = &val->frdataset; } result = validate(val, ISC_TRUE); if (result != DNS_R_WAIT) { validator_done(val, result); goto out; } } else { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "fetch_callback_validator: got %s", dns_result_totext(eresult)); validator_done(val, DNS_R_NOVALIDKEY); } out: UNLOCK(&val->lock); /* * Free stuff from the event. */ if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->frdataset) && val->keyset != &val->frdataset) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->frdataset); if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->fsigrdataset)) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->fsigrdataset); } static void fetch_callback_nullkey(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event) { dns_fetchevent_t *devent; dns_validator_t *val; dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, *sigrdataset; isc_result_t result; isc_result_t eresult; UNUSED(task); INSIST(event->ev_type == DNS_EVENT_FETCHDONE); devent = (dns_fetchevent_t *)event; val = devent->ev_arg; rdataset = &val->frdataset; sigrdataset = &val->fsigrdataset; eresult = devent->result; dns_resolver_destroyfetch(&val->fetch); if (SHUTDOWN(val)) { dns_validator_destroy(&val); isc_event_free(&event); return; } if (val->event == NULL) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "fetch_callback_nullkey: event == NULL"); isc_event_free(&event); return; } validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "in fetch_callback_nullkey"); LOCK(&val->lock); if (eresult == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { if (!containsnullkey(val, rdataset)) { /* * No null key. */ validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "found a keyset, no null key"); result = proveunsecure(val, ISC_TRUE); if (result != DNS_R_WAIT) validator_done(val, result); else { /* * Don't free rdataset & sigrdataset, since * they'll be freed in nullkeyvalidated. */ isc_event_free(&event); UNLOCK(&val->lock); return; } } else { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "found a keyset with a null key"); if (rdataset->trust >= dns_trust_secure) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "insecurity proof succeeded"); val->event->rdataset->trust = dns_trust_answer; validator_done(val, ISC_R_SUCCESS); } else if (!dns_rdataset_isassociated(sigrdataset)) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "insecurity proof failed"); validator_done(val, DNS_R_NOTINSECURE); } else { dns_name_t *tname; tname = dns_fixedname_name(&devent->foundname); result = dns_validator_create(val->view, tname, dns_rdatatype_key, rdataset, sigrdataset, NULL, 0, val->task, nullkeyvalidated, val, &val->keyvalidator); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) validator_done(val, result); /* * Don't free rdataset & sigrdataset, since * they'll be freed in nullkeyvalidated. */ isc_event_free(&event); UNLOCK(&val->lock); return; } } } else if (eresult == DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN || eresult == DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET || eresult == DNS_R_NXDOMAIN || eresult == DNS_R_NXRRSET) { /* * No keys. */ validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "no keys found"); result = proveunsecure(val, ISC_TRUE); if (result != DNS_R_WAIT) validator_done(val, result); } else { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "fetch_callback_nullkey: got %s", dns_result_totext(eresult)); validator_done(val, DNS_R_NOVALIDKEY); } UNLOCK(&val->lock); /* * Free stuff from the event. */ if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->frdataset)) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->frdataset); if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->fsigrdataset)) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->fsigrdataset); isc_event_free(&event); } static void keyvalidated(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event) { dns_validatorevent_t *devent; dns_validator_t *val; isc_result_t result; isc_result_t eresult; UNUSED(task); INSIST(event->ev_type == DNS_EVENT_VALIDATORDONE); devent = (dns_validatorevent_t *)event; val = devent->ev_arg; eresult = devent->result; isc_event_free(&event); if (SHUTDOWN(val)) { dns_validator_destroy(&val); return; } if (val->event == NULL) return; validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "in keyvalidated"); LOCK(&val->lock); if (eresult == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "keyset with trust %d", val->frdataset.trust); /* * Only extract the dst key if the keyset is secure. */ if (val->frdataset.trust >= dns_trust_secure) (void) get_dst_key(val, val->siginfo, &val->frdataset); result = validate(val, ISC_TRUE); if (result != DNS_R_WAIT) { validator_done(val, result); goto out; } } else { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "keyvalidated: got %s", dns_result_totext(eresult)); validator_done(val, eresult); } out: UNLOCK(&val->lock); dns_validator_destroy(&val->keyvalidator); /* * Free stuff from the event. */ if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->frdataset)) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->frdataset); if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->fsigrdataset)) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->fsigrdataset); } static isc_boolean_t nxtprovesnonexistence(dns_validator_t *val, dns_name_t *nxtname, dns_rdataset_t *nxtset, dns_rdataset_t *signxtset) { int order; dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT; isc_boolean_t isnxdomain; isc_result_t result; INSIST(DNS_MESSAGE_VALID(val->event->message)); if (val->event->message->rcode == dns_rcode_nxdomain) isnxdomain = ISC_TRUE; else isnxdomain = ISC_FALSE; result = dns_rdataset_first(nxtset); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "failure processing NXT set"); return (ISC_FALSE); } dns_rdataset_current(nxtset, &rdata); validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "looking for relevant nxt"); order = dns_name_compare(val->event->name, nxtname); if (order == 0) { /* * The names are the same. Look for the type present bit. */ if (isnxdomain) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "NXT record seen at nonexistent name"); return (ISC_FALSE); } if (val->event->type >= 128) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "invalid type %d", val->event->type); return (ISC_FALSE); } if (dns_nxt_typepresent(&rdata, val->event->type)) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "type should not be present"); return (ISC_FALSE); } validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "nxt bitmask ok"); } else if (order > 0) { dns_rdata_nxt_t nxt; /* * The NXT owner name is less than the nonexistent name. */ if (!isnxdomain) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "missing NXT record at name"); return (ISC_FALSE); } if (dns_name_issubdomain(val->event->name, nxtname) && dns_nxt_typepresent(&rdata, dns_rdatatype_ns) && !dns_nxt_typepresent(&rdata, dns_rdatatype_soa)) { /* * This NXT record is from somewhere higher in * the DNS, and at the parent of a delegation. * It can not be legitimately used here. */ validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "ignoring parent nxt"); return (ISC_FALSE); } result = dns_rdata_tostruct(&rdata, &nxt, NULL); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (ISC_FALSE); dns_rdata_reset(&rdata); order = dns_name_compare(val->event->name, &nxt.next); if (order >= 0) { /* * The NXT next name is less than the nonexistent * name. This is only ok if the next name is the zone * name. */ dns_rdata_sig_t siginfo; result = dns_rdataset_first(signxtset); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "failure processing SIG NXT set"); dns_rdata_freestruct(&nxt); return (ISC_FALSE); } dns_rdataset_current(signxtset, &rdata); result = dns_rdata_tostruct(&rdata, &siginfo, NULL); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "failure processing SIG NXT set"); dns_rdata_freestruct(&nxt); return (ISC_FALSE); } if (!dns_name_equal(&siginfo.signer, &nxt.next)) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "next name is not greater"); dns_rdata_freestruct(&nxt); return (ISC_FALSE); } validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "nxt points to zone apex, ok"); } dns_rdata_freestruct(&nxt); validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "nxt range ok"); } else { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "nxt owner name is not less"); /* * The NXT owner name is greater than the supposedly * nonexistent name. This NXT is irrelevant. */ return (ISC_FALSE); } return (ISC_TRUE); } static void authvalidated(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event) { dns_validatorevent_t *devent; dns_validator_t *val; dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, *sigrdataset; isc_result_t result; isc_result_t eresult; UNUSED(task); INSIST(event->ev_type == DNS_EVENT_VALIDATORDONE); devent = (dns_validatorevent_t *)event; rdataset = devent->rdataset; sigrdataset = devent->sigrdataset; val = devent->ev_arg; eresult = devent->result; dns_validator_destroy(&val->authvalidator); if (SHUTDOWN(val)) { dns_validator_destroy(&val); return; } if (val->event == NULL) return; validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "in authvalidated"); LOCK(&val->lock); if (eresult != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "authvalidated: got %s", dns_result_totext(eresult)); result = nxtvalidate(val, ISC_TRUE); if (result != DNS_R_WAIT) validator_done(val, result); } else { if (rdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_nxt && nxtprovesnonexistence(val, devent->name, rdataset, sigrdataset)) val->attributes |= VALATTR_FOUNDNONEXISTENCE; result = nxtvalidate(val, ISC_TRUE); if (result != DNS_R_WAIT) validator_done(val, result); } UNLOCK(&val->lock); /* * Free stuff from the event. */ isc_event_free(&event); } static void negauthvalidated(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event) { dns_validatorevent_t *devent; dns_validator_t *val; isc_result_t eresult; UNUSED(task); INSIST(event->ev_type == DNS_EVENT_VALIDATORDONE); devent = (dns_validatorevent_t *)event; val = devent->ev_arg; eresult = devent->result; isc_event_free(&event); dns_validator_destroy(&val->authvalidator); if (SHUTDOWN(val)) { dns_validator_destroy(&val); return; } if (val->event == NULL) return; validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "in negauthvalidated"); LOCK(&val->lock); if (eresult == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { val->attributes |= VALATTR_FOUNDNONEXISTENCE; validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "nonexistence proof found"); auth_nonpending(val->event->message); validator_done(val, ISC_R_SUCCESS); } else { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "negauthvalidated: got %s", dns_result_totext(eresult)); validator_done(val, eresult); } UNLOCK(&val->lock); /* * Free stuff from the event. */ if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->frdataset)) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->frdataset); } static void nullkeyvalidated(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event) { dns_validatorevent_t *devent; dns_validator_t *val; isc_result_t result; isc_result_t eresult; UNUSED(task); INSIST(event->ev_type == DNS_EVENT_VALIDATORDONE); devent = (dns_validatorevent_t *)event; val = devent->ev_arg; eresult = devent->result; dns_name_free(devent->name, val->view->mctx); isc_mem_put(val->view->mctx, devent->name, sizeof(dns_name_t)); dns_validator_destroy(&val->keyvalidator); isc_event_free(&event); if (SHUTDOWN(val)) { dns_validator_destroy(&val); return; } if (val->event == NULL) return; validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "in nullkeyvalidated"); LOCK(&val->lock); if (eresult == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "proved that name is in an unsecure domain"); validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "marking as answer"); val->event->rdataset->trust = dns_trust_answer; validator_done(val, ISC_R_SUCCESS); } else { result = proveunsecure(val, ISC_TRUE); if (result != DNS_R_WAIT) validator_done(val, result); } UNLOCK(&val->lock); /* * Free stuff from the event. */ if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->frdataset)) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->frdataset); if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->fsigrdataset)) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->fsigrdataset); } /* * Try to find a null zone key among those in 'rdataset'. If found, build * a dst_key_t for it and point val->key at it. */ static inline isc_boolean_t containsnullkey(dns_validator_t *val, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset) { isc_result_t result; dst_key_t *key = NULL; isc_buffer_t b; dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT; isc_boolean_t found = ISC_FALSE; result = dns_rdataset_first(rdataset); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (ISC_FALSE); while (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS && !found) { dns_rdataset_current(rdataset, &rdata); isc_buffer_init(&b, rdata.data, rdata.length); isc_buffer_add(&b, rdata.length); key = NULL; /* * The key name is unimportant, so we can avoid any name/text * conversion. */ result = dst_key_fromdns(dns_rootname, rdata.rdclass, &b, val->view->mctx, &key); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) continue; if (dst_key_isnullkey(key)) found = ISC_TRUE; dst_key_free(&key); dns_rdata_reset(&rdata); result = dns_rdataset_next(rdataset); } return (found); } /* * Try to find a key that could have signed 'siginfo' among those * in 'rdataset'. If found, build a dst_key_t for it and point * val->key at it. * * If val->key is non-NULL, this returns the next matching key. */ static inline isc_result_t get_dst_key(dns_validator_t *val, dns_rdata_sig_t *siginfo, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset) { isc_result_t result; isc_buffer_t b; dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT; dst_key_t *oldkey = val->key; isc_boolean_t foundold; if (oldkey == NULL) foundold = ISC_TRUE; else { foundold = ISC_FALSE; val->key = NULL; } result = dns_rdataset_first(rdataset); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto failure; do { dns_rdataset_current(rdataset, &rdata); isc_buffer_init(&b, rdata.data, rdata.length); isc_buffer_add(&b, rdata.length); INSIST(val->key == NULL); result = dst_key_fromdns(&siginfo->signer, rdata.rdclass, &b, val->view->mctx, &val->key); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto failure; if (siginfo->algorithm == (dns_secalg_t)dst_key_alg(val->key) && siginfo->keyid == (dns_keytag_t)dst_key_id(val->key) && dst_key_iszonekey(val->key)) { if (foundold) /* * This is the key we're looking for. */ return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); else if (dst_key_compare(oldkey, val->key) == ISC_TRUE) { foundold = ISC_TRUE; dst_key_free(&oldkey); } } dst_key_free(&val->key); dns_rdata_reset(&rdata); result = dns_rdataset_next(rdataset); } while (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS); if (result == ISC_R_NOMORE) result = ISC_R_NOTFOUND; failure: if (oldkey != NULL) dst_key_free(&oldkey); return (result); } static inline isc_result_t get_key(dns_validator_t *val, dns_rdata_sig_t *siginfo) { isc_result_t result; dns_validatorevent_t *event; unsigned int nbits, nlabels; int order; dns_namereln_t namereln; event = val->event; /* * Is the key name appropriate for this signature? * This previously checked for self-signed keys. Now, if the key * is self signed with a preconfigured key, it's ok. */ namereln = dns_name_fullcompare(event->name, &siginfo->signer, &order, &nlabels, &nbits); if (namereln != dns_namereln_subdomain && namereln != dns_namereln_equal) { /* * The key name is not at the same level * as 'rdataset', nor is it closer to the * DNS root. */ return (DNS_R_CONTINUE); } /* * Is the key used for the signature a security root? */ INSIST(val->keynode == NULL); val->keytable = val->view->secroots; result = dns_keytable_findkeynode(val->view->secroots, &siginfo->signer, siginfo->algorithm, siginfo->keyid, &val->keynode); if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { /* * The key is a security root. */ val->key = dns_keynode_key(val->keynode); return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } /* * A key set may not be self-signed unless the signing key is a * security root. We don't want a KEY RR to authenticate * itself, so we ignore the signature if it was not made by * an ancestor of the KEY or a preconfigured key. */ if (event->rdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_key && namereln == dns_namereln_equal) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "keyset was self-signed but not preconfigured"); return (DNS_R_CONTINUE); } /* * Do we know about this key? */ if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->frdataset)) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->frdataset); if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->fsigrdataset)) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->fsigrdataset); result = dns_view_simplefind(val->view, &siginfo->signer, dns_rdatatype_key, 0, DNS_DBFIND_PENDINGOK, ISC_FALSE, &val->frdataset, &val->fsigrdataset); if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { /* * We have an rrset for the given keyname. */ val->keyset = &val->frdataset; if (val->frdataset.trust == dns_trust_pending && dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->fsigrdataset)) { /* * We know the key but haven't validated it yet. */ result = dns_validator_create(val->view, &siginfo->signer, dns_rdatatype_key, &val->frdataset, &val->fsigrdataset, NULL, 0, val->task, keyvalidated, val, &val->keyvalidator); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); return (DNS_R_WAIT); } else if (val->frdataset.trust == dns_trust_pending) { /* * Having a pending key with no signature means that * something is broken. */ result = DNS_R_CONTINUE; } else if (val->frdataset.trust < dns_trust_secure) { /* * The key is legitimately insecure. There's no * point in even attempting verification. */ val->key = NULL; result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; } else { /* * See if we've got the key used in the signature. */ validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "keyset with trust %d", val->frdataset.trust); result = get_dst_key(val, siginfo, val->keyset); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { /* * Either the key we're looking for is not * in the rrset, or something bad happened. * Give up. */ result = DNS_R_CONTINUE; } } } else if (result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND) { /* * We don't know anything about this key. */ val->fetch = NULL; result = dns_resolver_createfetch(val->view->resolver, &siginfo->signer, dns_rdatatype_key, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, val->event->ev_sender, fetch_callback_validator, val, &val->frdataset, &val->fsigrdataset, &val->fetch); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); return (DNS_R_WAIT); } else if (result == DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN || result == DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET || result == DNS_R_NXDOMAIN || result == DNS_R_NXRRSET) { /* * This key doesn't exist. */ result = DNS_R_CONTINUE; } if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->frdataset) && val->keyset != &val->frdataset) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->frdataset); if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->fsigrdataset)) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->fsigrdataset); return (result); } /* * If the rdataset being validated is a key set, is each key a security root? */ static isc_boolean_t issecurityroot(dns_validator_t *val) { dns_name_t *name; dns_rdataset_t *rdataset; isc_mem_t *mctx; dns_keytable_t *secroots; dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT; isc_result_t result; dns_keynode_t *keynode, *nextnode; dst_key_t *key, *secrootkey; isc_boolean_t match = ISC_FALSE; name = val->event->name; rdataset = val->event->rdataset; mctx = val->view->mctx; secroots = val->view->secroots; for (result = dns_rdataset_first(rdataset); result == ISC_R_SUCCESS; result = dns_rdataset_next(rdataset)) { dns_rdataset_current(rdataset, &rdata); key = NULL; result = dns_dnssec_keyfromrdata(name, &rdata, mctx, &key); dns_rdata_reset(&rdata); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) continue; keynode = NULL; result = dns_keytable_findkeynode( secroots, name, (dns_secalg_t)dst_key_alg(key), dst_key_id(key), &keynode); match = ISC_FALSE; while (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { secrootkey = dns_keynode_key(keynode); if (dst_key_compare(key, secrootkey)) { match = ISC_TRUE; dns_keytable_detachkeynode(secroots, &keynode); break; } nextnode = NULL; result = dns_keytable_findnextkeynode(secroots, keynode, &nextnode); dns_keytable_detachkeynode(secroots, &keynode); } dst_key_free(&key); if (!match) return (ISC_FALSE); } return (match); } /* * Attempts positive response validation. * * Returns: * ISC_R_SUCCESS Validation completed successfully * DNS_R_WAIT Validation has started but is waiting * for an event. * Other return codes are possible and all indicate failure. */ static inline isc_result_t validate(dns_validator_t *val, isc_boolean_t resume) { isc_result_t result; dns_validatorevent_t *event; dns_rdata_t rdata = DNS_RDATA_INIT; /* * Caller must be holding the validator lock. */ event = val->event; /* * If this is a security root, it's ok. */ if (!resume) { dns_fixedname_t fsecroot; dns_name_t *secroot; dns_fixedname_init(&fsecroot); secroot = dns_fixedname_name(&fsecroot); result = dns_keytable_finddeepestmatch(val->view->secroots, val->event->name, secroot); if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS && val->event->type == dns_rdatatype_key && dns_name_equal(val->event->name, secroot) && issecurityroot(val)) { val->event->rdataset->trust = dns_trust_secure; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } } if (resume) { /* * We already have a sigrdataset. */ result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "resuming validate"); } else { result = dns_rdataset_first(event->sigrdataset); } for (; result == ISC_R_SUCCESS; result = dns_rdataset_next(event->sigrdataset)) { dns_rdata_reset(&rdata); dns_rdataset_current(event->sigrdataset, &rdata); if (val->siginfo != NULL) isc_mem_put(val->view->mctx, val->siginfo, sizeof *val->siginfo); val->siginfo = isc_mem_get(val->view->mctx, sizeof *val->siginfo); if (val->siginfo == NULL) return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); dns_rdata_tostruct(&rdata, val->siginfo, NULL); /* * At this point we could check that the signature algorithm * was known and "sufficiently good". For now, any algorithm * is acceptable. */ if (!resume) { result = get_key(val, val->siginfo); if (result == DNS_R_CONTINUE) continue; /* Try the next SIG RR. */ if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); } if (val->key == NULL) { event->rdataset->trust = dns_trust_answer; event->sigrdataset->trust = dns_trust_answer; validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "marking as answer"); return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } do { val->attributes |= VALATTR_TRIEDVERIFY; result = dns_dnssec_verify(event->name, event->rdataset, val->key, ISC_FALSE, val->view->mctx, &rdata); validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "verify rdataset: %s", isc_result_totext(result)); if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) break; if (val->keynode != NULL) { dns_keynode_t *nextnode = NULL; result = dns_keytable_findnextkeynode( val->keytable, val->keynode, &nextnode); dns_keytable_detachkeynode(val->keytable, &val->keynode); val->keynode = nextnode; if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { val->key = NULL; break; } val->key = dns_keynode_key(val->keynode); } else { if (get_dst_key(val, val->siginfo, val->keyset) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) break; } } while (1); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "failed to verify rdataset"); else { isc_uint32_t ttl; isc_stdtime_t now; isc_stdtime_get(&now); ttl = ISC_MIN(event->rdataset->ttl, val->siginfo->timeexpire - now); if (val->keyset != NULL) ttl = ISC_MIN(ttl, val->keyset->ttl); event->rdataset->ttl = ttl; event->sigrdataset->ttl = ttl; } if (val->keynode != NULL) dns_keytable_detachkeynode(val->keytable, &val->keynode); else { if (val->key != NULL) dst_key_free(&val->key); if (val->keyset != NULL) { dns_rdataset_disassociate(val->keyset); val->keyset = NULL; } } val->key = NULL; if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { event->rdataset->trust = dns_trust_secure; event->sigrdataset->trust = dns_trust_secure; validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "marking as secure"); return (result); } else { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "verify failure: %s", isc_result_totext(result)); resume = ISC_FALSE; } } if (result != ISC_R_NOMORE) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "failed to iterate signatures: %s", isc_result_totext(result)); return (result); } validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_INFO, "no valid signature found"); return (DNS_R_NOVALIDSIG); } static inline isc_result_t nxtvalidate(dns_validator_t *val, isc_boolean_t resume) { dns_name_t *name; dns_message_t *message = val->event->message; isc_result_t result; if (!resume) { result = dns_message_firstname(message, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) validator_done(val, ISC_R_NOTFOUND); } else { result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "resuming nxtvalidate"); } for (; result == ISC_R_SUCCESS; result = dns_message_nextname(message, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY)) { dns_rdataset_t *rdataset = NULL, *sigrdataset = NULL; name = NULL; dns_message_currentname(message, DNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY, &name); if (resume) { rdataset = ISC_LIST_NEXT(val->currentset, link); val->currentset = NULL; resume = ISC_FALSE; } else rdataset = ISC_LIST_HEAD(name->list); for (; rdataset != NULL; rdataset = ISC_LIST_NEXT(rdataset, link)) { if (rdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_sig) continue; for (sigrdataset = ISC_LIST_HEAD(name->list); sigrdataset != NULL; sigrdataset = ISC_LIST_NEXT(sigrdataset, link)) { if (sigrdataset->type == dns_rdatatype_sig && sigrdataset->covers == rdataset->type) break; } if (sigrdataset == NULL) continue; val->seensig = ISC_TRUE; /* * If a signed zone is missing the zone key, bad * things could happen. A query for data in the zone * would lead to a query for the zone key, which * would return a negative answer, which would contain * an SOA and an NXT signed by the missing key, which * would trigger another query for the KEY (since the * first one is still in progress), and go into an * infinite loop. Avoid that. */ if (val->event->type == dns_rdatatype_key && dns_name_equal(name, val->event->name)) { dns_rdata_t nxt = DNS_RDATA_INIT; if (rdataset->type != dns_rdatatype_nxt) continue; result = dns_rdataset_first(rdataset); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); dns_rdataset_current(rdataset, &nxt); if (dns_nxt_typepresent(&nxt, dns_rdatatype_soa)) continue; } val->authvalidator = NULL; val->currentset = rdataset; result = dns_validator_create(val->view, name, rdataset->type, rdataset, sigrdataset, NULL, 0, val->task, authvalidated, val, &val->authvalidator); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); return (DNS_R_WAIT); } } if (result == ISC_R_NOMORE) result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) validator_done(val, result); if ((val->attributes & VALATTR_FOUNDNONEXISTENCE) == 0) { if (!val->seensig) { result = dns_validator_create(val->view, name, dns_rdatatype_soa, &val->frdataset, NULL, NULL, 0, val->task, negauthvalidated, val, &val->authvalidator); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); return (DNS_R_WAIT); } validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "nonexistence proof not found"); return (DNS_R_NOVALIDNXT); } else { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "nonexistence proof found"); return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } } static inline isc_result_t proveunsecure(dns_validator_t *val, isc_boolean_t resume) { isc_result_t result; dns_fixedname_t secroot, tfname; dns_name_t *tname; dns_fixedname_init(&secroot); dns_fixedname_init(&tfname); result = dns_keytable_finddeepestmatch(val->view->secroots, val->event->name, dns_fixedname_name(&secroot)); /* * If the name is not under a security root, it must be insecure. */ if (result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND) return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); else if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); /* * If this is a security root, it's ok. */ if (val->event->type == dns_rdatatype_key && dns_name_equal(val->event->name, dns_fixedname_name(&secroot)) && issecurityroot(val)) { val->event->rdataset->trust = dns_trust_secure; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); } if (!resume) val->labels = dns_name_depth(dns_fixedname_name(&secroot)) + 1; else { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "resuming proveunsecure"); val->labels++; } for (; val->labels <= dns_name_depth(val->event->name); val->labels++) { char namebuf[1024]; if (val->labels == dns_name_depth(val->event->name)) { if (val->event->type == dns_rdatatype_key) break; tname = val->event->name; } else { tname = dns_fixedname_name(&tfname); result = dns_name_splitatdepth(val->event->name, val->labels, NULL, tname); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); } dns_name_format(tname, namebuf, sizeof(namebuf)); validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "looking for null keyset at '%s'", namebuf); if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->frdataset)) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->frdataset); if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->fsigrdataset)) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->fsigrdataset); result = dns_view_simplefind(val->view, tname, dns_rdatatype_key, 0, DNS_DBFIND_PENDINGOK, ISC_FALSE, &val->frdataset, &val->fsigrdataset); if (result == ISC_R_SUCCESS) { dns_name_t *fname = NULL; if (!dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->fsigrdataset)) { result = DNS_R_NOTINSECURE; goto out; } validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "found keyset, looking for null key"); if (!containsnullkey(val, &val->frdataset)) continue; if (val->frdataset.trust >= dns_trust_secure) { validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "insecurity proof succeeded"); val->event->rdataset->trust = dns_trust_answer; result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; goto out; } fname = isc_mem_get(val->view->mctx, sizeof *fname); if (fname == NULL) return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); dns_name_init(fname, NULL); result = dns_name_dup(tname, val->view->mctx, fname); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { isc_mem_put(val->view->mctx, fname, sizeof *fname); result = ISC_R_NOMEMORY; goto out; } result = dns_validator_create(val->view, fname, dns_rdatatype_key, &val->frdataset, &val->fsigrdataset, NULL, 0, val->task, nullkeyvalidated, val, &val->keyvalidator); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto out; return (DNS_R_WAIT); } else if (result == ISC_R_NOTFOUND) { val->fetch = NULL; result = dns_resolver_createfetch(val->view->resolver, tname, dns_rdatatype_key, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, val->event->ev_sender, fetch_callback_nullkey, val, &val->frdataset, &val->fsigrdataset, &val->fetch); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto out; return (DNS_R_WAIT); } else if (result == DNS_R_NCACHENXDOMAIN || result == DNS_R_NCACHENXRRSET || result == DNS_R_NXDOMAIN || result == DNS_R_NXRRSET) { continue; } else goto out; } validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "insecurity proof failed"); return (DNS_R_NOTINSECURE); /* Didn't find a null key */ out: if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->frdataset)) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->frdataset); if (dns_rdataset_isassociated(&val->fsigrdataset)) dns_rdataset_disassociate(&val->fsigrdataset); return (result); } static void validator_start(isc_task_t *task, isc_event_t *event) { dns_validator_t *val; dns_validatorevent_t *vevent; isc_result_t result = ISC_R_FAILURE; UNUSED(task); REQUIRE(event->ev_type == DNS_EVENT_VALIDATORSTART); vevent = (dns_validatorevent_t *)event; val = vevent->validator; /* If the validator has been cancelled, val->event == NULL */ if (val->event == NULL) return; validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "starting"); LOCK(&val->lock); if (val->event->rdataset != NULL && val->event->sigrdataset != NULL) { isc_result_t saved_result; /* * This looks like a simple validation. We say "looks like" * because we don't know if wildcards are involved yet so it * could still get complicated. */ validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "attempting positive response validation"); result = validate(val, ISC_FALSE); if (result == DNS_R_NOVALIDSIG && (val->attributes & VALATTR_TRIEDVERIFY) == 0) { saved_result = result; validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "falling back to insecurity proof"); result = proveunsecure(val, ISC_FALSE); if (result == DNS_R_NOTINSECURE) result = saved_result; } } else if (val->event->rdataset != NULL) { /* * This is either an unsecure subdomain or a response from * a broken server. */ validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "attempting insecurity proof"); result = proveunsecure(val, ISC_FALSE); } else if (val->event->rdataset == NULL && val->event->sigrdataset == NULL) { /* * This is a nonexistence validation. */ validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "attempting negative response validation"); result = nxtvalidate(val, ISC_FALSE); } else { /* * This shouldn't happen. */ INSIST(0); } if (result != DNS_R_WAIT) validator_done(val, result); UNLOCK(&val->lock); } isc_result_t dns_validator_create(dns_view_t *view, dns_name_t *name, dns_rdatatype_t type, dns_rdataset_t *rdataset, dns_rdataset_t *sigrdataset, dns_message_t *message, unsigned int options, isc_task_t *task, isc_taskaction_t action, void *arg, dns_validator_t **validatorp) { isc_result_t result; dns_validator_t *val; isc_task_t *tclone; dns_validatorevent_t *event; REQUIRE(name != NULL); REQUIRE(type != 0); REQUIRE(rdataset != NULL || (rdataset == NULL && sigrdataset == NULL && message != NULL)); REQUIRE(options == 0); REQUIRE(validatorp != NULL && *validatorp == NULL); tclone = NULL; result = ISC_R_FAILURE; val = isc_mem_get(view->mctx, sizeof *val); if (val == NULL) return (ISC_R_NOMEMORY); val->view = NULL; dns_view_weakattach(view, &val->view); event = (dns_validatorevent_t *) isc_event_allocate(view->mctx, task, DNS_EVENT_VALIDATORSTART, validator_start, NULL, sizeof (dns_validatorevent_t)); if (event == NULL) { result = ISC_R_NOMEMORY; goto cleanup_val; } isc_task_attach(task, &tclone); event->validator = val; event->result = ISC_R_FAILURE; event->name = name; event->type = type; event->rdataset = rdataset; event->sigrdataset = sigrdataset; event->message = message; result = isc_mutex_init(&val->lock); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto cleanup_event; val->event = event; val->options = options; val->attributes = 0; val->fetch = NULL; val->keyvalidator = NULL; val->authvalidator = NULL; val->keynode = NULL; val->key = NULL; val->siginfo = NULL; val->task = task; val->action = action; val->arg = arg; val->labels = 0; val->currentset = NULL; val->keyset = NULL; val->seensig = ISC_FALSE; dns_rdataset_init(&val->frdataset); dns_rdataset_init(&val->fsigrdataset); ISC_LINK_INIT(val, link); val->magic = VALIDATOR_MAGIC; isc_task_send(task, ISC_EVENT_PTR(&event)); *validatorp = val; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); cleanup_event: isc_task_detach(&tclone); isc_event_free((isc_event_t **)&val->event); cleanup_val: dns_view_weakdetach(&val->view); isc_mem_put(view->mctx, val, sizeof *val); return (result); } void dns_validator_cancel(dns_validator_t *validator) { REQUIRE(VALID_VALIDATOR(validator)); LOCK(&validator->lock); validator_log(validator, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "dns_validator_cancel"); if (validator->event != NULL) { validator_done(validator, ISC_R_CANCELED); if (validator->fetch != NULL) dns_resolver_cancelfetch(validator->fetch); if (validator->keyvalidator != NULL) dns_validator_cancel(validator->keyvalidator); if (validator->authvalidator != NULL) dns_validator_cancel(validator->authvalidator); } UNLOCK(&validator->lock); } static void destroy(dns_validator_t *val) { isc_mem_t *mctx; REQUIRE(SHUTDOWN(val)); REQUIRE(val->event == NULL); REQUIRE(val->fetch == NULL); if (val->keynode != NULL) dns_keytable_detachkeynode(val->keytable, &val->keynode); else if (val->key != NULL) dst_key_free(&val->key); if (val->keyvalidator != NULL) dns_validator_destroy(&val->keyvalidator); if (val->authvalidator != NULL) dns_validator_destroy(&val->authvalidator); mctx = val->view->mctx; if (val->siginfo != NULL) isc_mem_put(mctx, val->siginfo, sizeof *val->siginfo); DESTROYLOCK(&val->lock); dns_view_weakdetach(&val->view); val->magic = 0; isc_mem_put(mctx, val, sizeof *val); } void dns_validator_destroy(dns_validator_t **validatorp) { dns_validator_t *val; isc_boolean_t want_destroy = ISC_FALSE; REQUIRE(validatorp != NULL); val = *validatorp; REQUIRE(VALID_VALIDATOR(val)); LOCK(&val->lock); REQUIRE(val->event == NULL); validator_log(val, ISC_LOG_DEBUG(3), "dns_validator_destroy"); val->attributes |= VALATTR_SHUTDOWN; if (val->fetch == NULL && val->keyvalidator == NULL && val->authvalidator == NULL) want_destroy = ISC_TRUE; UNLOCK(&val->lock); if (want_destroy) destroy(val); *validatorp = NULL; } static void validator_logv(dns_validator_t *val, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, const char *fmt, va_list ap) ISC_FORMAT_PRINTF(5, 0); static void validator_logv(dns_validator_t *val, isc_logcategory_t *category, isc_logmodule_t *module, int level, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { char msgbuf[2048]; vsnprintf(msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf), fmt, ap); if (val->event != NULL && val->event->name != NULL) { char namebuf[1024]; char typebuf[256]; isc_buffer_t b; isc_region_t r; dns_name_format(val->event->name, namebuf, sizeof(namebuf)); isc_buffer_init(&b, (unsigned char *)typebuf, sizeof(typebuf)); if (dns_rdatatype_totext(val->event->type, &b) != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { isc_buffer_clear(&b); isc_buffer_putstr(&b, ""); } isc_buffer_usedregion(&b, &r); isc_log_write(dns_lctx, category, module, level, "validating %s %.*s: %s", namebuf, (int)r.length, (char *)r.base, msgbuf); } else { isc_log_write(dns_lctx, category, module, level, "validator @%p: %s", val, msgbuf); } } static void validator_log(dns_validator_t *val, int level, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; if (! isc_log_wouldlog(dns_lctx, level)) return; va_start(ap, fmt); validator_logv(val, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_DNSSEC, DNS_LOGMODULE_VALIDATOR, level, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); }