From: Gregory Neil Shapiro Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 01:37:48 +0000 (+0000) Subject: Import sendmail 8.14.2 X-Git-Tag: v2.0.1~1926^2 X-Git-Url: Import sendmail 8.14.2 --- diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/CACerts b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/CACerts index c708677e90..b74fb7f191 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/CACerts +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/CACerts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# $Id: CACerts,v 8.1 2004/03/01 22:05:47 ca Exp $ +# $Id: CACerts,v 8.3 2007/06/11 22:04:46 ca Exp $ # This file contains some CA certificates that are used to sign the # certificates of mail servers of members of the sendmail consortium # who may reply to questions etc sent to @@ -73,73 +73,6 @@ iTMZxC4pWjmnDueb0kzHuX1qPrQAg4bTFij9rVVlYE4UAkbT -----END CERTIFICATE----- -Certificate: - Data: - Version: 3 (0x2) - Serial Number: 0 (0x0) - Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption - Issuer: C=US, ST=California, L=Emeryville,, CN=Certificate Authority/ - Validity - Not Before: Jan 1 04:39:54 2002 GMT - Not After : Dec 31 04:39:54 2006 GMT - Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=Emeryville,, CN=Certificate Authority/ - Subject Public Key Info: - Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption - RSA Public Key: (1024 bit) - Modulus (1024 bit): - 00:aa:dd:a2:fe:3b:fa:2f:5c:3d:f1:e1:d4:1d:55: - 04:27:6b:01:62:00:d7:02:cb:74:47:69:84:d7:c6: - c5:71:55:79:35:3a:a8:ce:de:48:23:53:80:3c:cd: - 54:2e:e9:fe:b1:76:5a:be:cb:fd:2d:dc:a3:36:c5: - c7:1e:4e:ef:76:f0:55:8f:a0:a5:f8:07:c5:52:1d: - a2:42:81:4d:8a:c8:42:3f:f3:01:80:f9:46:35:a6: - bc:c0:9b:9f:33:8b:49:9b:1d:87:8f:19:48:15:21: - 23:57:df:6e:4d:03:ed:ae:9f:0b:91:b7:a9:47:66: - f1:0d:1b:1c:5d:b4:57:60:c7 - Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) - X509v3 extensions: - X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: - A0:6D:E0:06:AF:61:94:B4:C6:84:15:B4:8B:74:22:67:4A:43:60:CA - X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: - keyid:A0:6D:E0:06:AF:61:94:B4:C6:84:15:B4:8B:74:22:67:4A:43:60:CA - DirName:/C=US/ST=California/L=Emeryville/ Authority/ - serial:00 - - X509v3 Basic Constraints: - CA:TRUE - Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption - 87:27:d2:2a:3a:dc:04:cd:ef:e8:7b:1c:34:47:2e:13:34:a5: - 08:f9:4d:df:d8:e1:6d:e6:9a:db:38:ee:20:6d:4a:ae:6f:1e: - bc:71:61:a4:b4:d6:40:24:ee:65:ca:e9:81:5a:ef:ee:62:57: - 70:05:46:91:6b:d0:c6:a6:e9:38:65:ae:ea:50:b3:5c:27:c4: - 7a:bd:95:8c:cb:45:ef:fc:fc:99:e5:6a:61:c3:44:77:d8:1f: - d6:b4:17:44:15:9a:bc:26:5b:ec:4e:29:5d:fd:cf:61:f3:be: - 91:a4:3b:51:e6:73:5b:17:82:9d:5a:56:2c:63:c2:f1:d6:a2: - 4c:5a ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIDoTCCAwqgAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADCBmDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMx -EzARBgNVBAgTCkNhbGlmb3JuaWExEzARBgNVBAcTCkVtZXJ5dmlsbGUxFTATBgNV -BAoTDGdzaGFwaXJvLm5ldDEeMBwGA1UEAxMVQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgQXV0aG9yaXR5 -MSgwJgYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhljZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZXNAZ3NoYXBpcm8ubmV0MB4XDTAy -MDEwMTA0Mzk1NFoXDTA2MTIzMTA0Mzk1NFowgZgxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRMwEQYD -VQQIEwpDYWxpZm9ybmlhMRMwEQYDVQQHEwpFbWVyeXZpbGxlMRUwEwYDVQQKEwxn -c2hhcGlyby5uZXQxHjAcBgNVBAMTFUNlcnRpZmljYXRlIEF1dGhvcml0eTEoMCYG -CSqGSIb3DQEJARYZY2VydGlmaWNhdGVzQGdzaGFwaXJvLm5ldDCBnzANBgkqhkiG -9w0BAQEFAAOBjQAwgYkCgYEAqt2i/jv6L1w98eHUHVUEJ2sBYgDXAst0R2mE18bF -cVV5NTqozt5II1OAPM1ULun+sXZavsv9LdyjNsXHHk7vdvBVj6Cl+AfFUh2iQoFN -ishCP/MBgPlGNaa8wJufM4tJmx2HjxlIFSEjV99uTQPtrp8LkbepR2bxDRscXbRX -YMcCAwEAAaOB+DCB9TAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUoG3gBq9hlLTGhBW0i3QiZ0pDYMowgcUG -A1UdIwSBvTCBuoAUoG3gBq9hlLTGhBW0i3QiZ0pDYMqhgZ6kgZswgZgxCzAJBgNV -BAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIEwpDYWxpZm9ybmlhMRMwEQYDVQQHEwpFbWVyeXZpbGxl -MRUwEwYDVQQKEwxnc2hhcGlyby5uZXQxHjAcBgNVBAMTFUNlcnRpZmljYXRlIEF1 -dGhvcml0eTEoMCYGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYZY2VydGlmaWNhdGVzQGdzaGFwaXJvLm5l -dIIBADAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA4GBAIcn0io63ATN7+h7 -HDRHLhM0pQj5Td/Y4W3mmts47iBtSq5vHrxxYaS01kAk7mXK6YFa7+5iV3AFRpFr -0Mam6ThlrupQs1wnxHq9lYzLRe/8/JnlamHDRHfYH9a0F0QVmrwmW+xOKV39z2Hz -vpGkO1Hmc1sXgp1aVixjwvHWokxa ------END CERTIFICATE----- - - Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) @@ -210,93 +143,94 @@ xBJlUbs98fcltM0L9lt6YSWtBgoBVdxxBSkNc+kwUb7T4bKJ/A8o9wZ1lhs0deAH Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) - Serial Number: 0 (0x0) + Serial Number: + fa:7c:2c:80:29:3f:c2:64 Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption - Issuer: C=US, ST=California, L=Berkeley, O=Endmail Org, OU=MTA, CN=Claus Assmann CA RSA 2003/ + Issuer: C=US, ST=California, L=Berkeley, O=Endmail Org, OU=MTA, CN=Claus Assmann CA RSA 2007/ Validity - Not Before: Aug 7 15:56:45 2003 GMT - Not After : Aug 6 15:56:45 2006 GMT - Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=Berkeley, O=Endmail Org, OU=MTA, CN=Claus Assmann CA RSA 2003/ + Not Before: May 4 02:07:56 2007 GMT + Not After : May 3 02:07:56 2010 GMT + Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=Berkeley, O=Endmail Org, OU=MTA, CN=Claus Assmann CA RSA 2007/ Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (2048 bit) Modulus (2048 bit): - 00:aa:37:0f:09:a9:1c:e3:1a:0c:fe:bd:6c:37:a4: - cf:87:db:af:6b:b4:19:d4:11:db:c6:56:ca:39:80: - c6:a4:38:b0:bc:ac:7e:be:71:30:86:2c:dc:fa:b5: - fd:58:23:a0:c1:ad:11:53:85:ca:fb:e6:d8:7e:28: - eb:84:3b:cd:a3:fa:28:a5:cb:c7:b2:54:99:3e:40: - 2a:27:43:4b:0c:26:4b:af:97:3d:92:82:d9:eb:2c: - 7f:77:fd:b8:cd:7e:1e:04:81:17:3c:e2:44:68:ce: - 88:66:02:90:24:35:24:c4:4c:ad:77:04:1a:3a:d5: - 59:28:28:03:da:03:9d:f4:2e:52:6e:b5:36:96:4b: - 14:f8:fc:8e:c6:d3:9b:e2:80:90:8b:71:d7:d0:5c: - 43:b2:49:f1:5a:26:f3:5d:9e:3b:01:98:db:e3:ed: - 5e:8d:dd:cf:aa:68:9d:0b:c9:e2:4e:fc:16:44:72: - 93:07:62:18:05:c1:47:81:3c:3d:e4:e4:22:da:2c: - d6:4a:44:52:06:7a:83:b5:e9:52:38:97:2f:75:a6: - 5c:6f:87:8a:8d:83:f4:d0:04:a5:34:18:5e:a1:06: - 16:b3:54:ce:64:47:ca:70:56:a3:6f:b9:7f:af:91: - 76:78:70:b4:ab:ae:8e:d5:22:26:57:b1:ba:e7:4b: - 18:21 + 00:b0:28:91:31:af:82:ce:72:ef:36:ab:7d:e9:b1: + f5:77:66:38:4b:38:1f:5f:3d:12:d3:c8:fd:9a:f4: + d4:f6:b8:90:f9:26:5f:29:f7:43:f9:34:ec:65:62: + 01:bb:64:f1:5d:ea:75:04:3d:92:65:60:a2:06:62: + fa:88:ca:d8:20:50:c8:1e:38:53:b5:18:dd:b7:bd: + c7:08:35:4c:d9:dc:c6:97:56:37:b6:65:33:74:5a: + b2:c3:85:08:2b:b7:26:70:ff:38:02:1a:67:6a:d0: + 49:18:10:4b:f8:db:af:06:9c:b1:a8:82:a1:b1:75: + d2:52:9b:53:0c:ca:a7:e3:15:38:79:6d:a1:f5:ef: + 7c:8b:fd:bd:04:78:f9:e8:1e:b9:92:ea:74:d7:45: + 1e:4c:c8:bd:f4:5c:fc:1a:7f:e7:31:c6:ab:cb:78: + c7:4d:2f:b5:72:10:35:27:4a:1a:fa:53:19:f8:a7: + 59:63:eb:e9:15:ab:dc:71:69:8c:42:1c:96:4e:89: + 80:66:c9:9e:21:d5:3d:08:19:74:a5:f5:07:a0:ae: + de:79:af:fd:42:c2:79:7e:8c:f8:39:22:3b:c3:c4: + 58:3b:d0:0d:e6:a9:11:b6:a2:cd:2e:e5:16:66:fd: + 7e:65:33:94:b0:36:80:27:f5:80:76:a9:e5:df:f2: + cf:ef Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: - 3A:12:03:DB:0F:9E:28:45:A6:34:8D:38:AB:BA:47:8C:2A:A0:E4:2E + B2:49:6B:52:45:EE:90:36:D2:79:47:03:33:D9:A0:BA:80:50:DA:1C X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: - keyid:3A:12:03:DB:0F:9E:28:45:A6:34:8D:38:AB:BA:47:8C:2A:A0:E4:2E - DirName:/C=US/ST=California/L=Berkeley/O=Endmail Org/OU=MTA/CN=Claus Assmann CA RSA 2003/ - serial:00 + keyid:B2:49:6B:52:45:EE:90:36:D2:79:47:03:33:D9:A0:BA:80:50:DA:1C + DirName:/C=US/ST=California/L=Berkeley/O=Endmail Org/OU=MTA/CN=Claus Assmann CA RSA 2007/ + serial:FA:7C:2C:80:29:3F:C2:64 X509v3 Basic Constraints: - CA:TRUE + CA:TRUE X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: - + X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name: - + Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption - 96:83:b6:54:93:df:38:d0:48:a7:a1:c8:08:c9:0f:e9:80:05: - e3:7e:c3:61:51:88:7b:7a:bb:24:b0:69:a3:22:e4:98:38:da: - c8:c3:eb:52:70:63:e2:66:f2:59:ef:56:be:aa:7c:87:6e:94: - 85:d4:71:ba:35:f7:ee:d0:6e:52:1d:1f:e4:fd:2f:e2:70:31: - 5d:b7:8b:13:cc:70:10:21:fa:34:29:8f:8d:d8:4a:c7:0f:b2: - 36:e7:1e:1e:46:d1:11:84:80:7c:bb:24:c4:63:be:2a:24:53: - 74:0c:89:e0:6a:f4:08:63:bf:54:d3:0a:d9:fc:fe:6c:de:4f: - 97:61:08:a0:10:92:eb:af:06:ec:50:86:c4:cc:6b:31:32:60: - 25:7a:09:47:f8:42:7a:a2:d5:90:fa:48:be:bf:0a:e1:03:b8: - 56:24:b9:12:e9:ba:09:30:47:be:a5:8e:a2:92:a4:dc:a6:a7: - c6:29:39:65:6e:64:4a:1b:b2:c3:07:29:f5:c0:7e:78:e0:22: - 9b:98:d4:87:91:ca:e1:66:9d:2f:70:f1:4c:a5:8e:2e:68:52: - b3:bd:95:76:56:40:0e:46:47:e4:b3:ec:aa:3c:e8:86:96:5a: - ed:fa:c9:10:95:53:04:13:71:01:91:ce:cd:3a:51:c6:30:e9: - 48:49:64:a3 + 98:98:7c:d3:d0:5b:72:47:15:e6:22:68:bb:78:0e:78:66:e9: + 56:16:d8:bc:9d:5a:dc:27:29:fb:91:2d:6a:21:35:18:56:b4: + 4f:2a:09:c0:08:6f:9a:59:2b:2e:72:9a:fb:50:ba:c7:a9:91: + a0:f9:6c:be:cf:78:42:43:02:70:53:97:ba:6a:e3:da:17:e8: + 1f:c7:3a:5b:e7:bc:eb:e5:24:4c:f5:cf:61:34:1e:20:ed:17: + 63:ef:81:d3:9e:25:fe:cc:05:19:cc:8a:82:c9:4c:3a:b5:6b: + 49:51:76:46:02:aa:60:bb:c4:b9:61:48:33:da:79:8d:46:a3: + 06:20:98:f3:b2:db:3b:ad:c9:1d:0e:97:3d:b7:14:19:d3:7d: + 04:8b:6a:81:e0:11:5b:e1:35:a3:ff:2f:11:86:1c:31:85:7a: + fd:3f:36:ef:99:25:46:2e:b0:cb:43:45:4a:ec:be:d3:3f:a4: + 77:9b:79:cc:ce:92:63:a5:d9:ed:db:a0:9d:5d:7c:d7:80:f6: + c9:41:fb:02:96:8e:fd:f3:da:05:9d:81:a7:25:da:26:35:3b: + a9:0c:8c:f5:a7:5d:48:ec:87:c7:7a:60:51:76:f2:de:9b:14: + 2b:55:8a:43:df:99:19:f3:eb:e7:03:e6:a7:a2:a2:28:dd:d5: + 07:6a:3f:f7 -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIFFzCCA/+gAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQFADCBpTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMx -EzARBgNVBAgTCkNhbGlmb3JuaWExETAPBgNVBAcTCEJlcmtlbGV5MRQwEgYDVQQK -EwtFbmRtYWlsIE9yZzEMMAoGA1UECxMDTVRBMSIwIAYDVQQDExlDbGF1cyBBc3Nt -YW5uIENBIFJTQSAyMDAzMSYwJAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhdjYStjYS1yc2EyMDAzQGVz -bXRwLm9yZzAeFw0wMzA4MDcxNTU2NDVaFw0wNjA4MDYxNTU2NDVaMIGlMQswCQYD +MIIFJzCCBA+gAwIBAgIJAPp8LIApP8JkMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAMIGlMQswCQYD VQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UECBMKQ2FsaWZvcm5pYTERMA8GA1UEBxMIQmVya2VsZXkx FDASBgNVBAoTC0VuZG1haWwgT3JnMQwwCgYDVQQLEwNNVEExIjAgBgNVBAMTGUNs -YXVzIEFzc21hbm4gQ0EgUlNBIDIwMDMxJjAkBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWF2NhK2NhLXJz -YTIwMDNAZXNtdHAub3JnMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA -qjcPCakc4xoM/r1sN6TPh9uva7QZ1BHbxlbKOYDGpDiwvKx+vnEwhizc+rX9WCOg -wa0RU4XK++bYfijrhDvNo/oopcvHslSZPkAqJ0NLDCZLr5c9koLZ6yx/d/24zX4e -BIEXPOJEaM6IZgKQJDUkxEytdwQaOtVZKCgD2gOd9C5SbrU2lksU+PyOxtOb4oCQ -i3HX0FxDsknxWibzXZ47AZjb4+1ejd3PqmidC8niTvwWRHKTB2IYBcFHgTw95OQi -2izWSkRSBnqDtelSOJcvdaZcb4eKjYP00ASlNBheoQYWs1TOZEfKcFajb7l/r5F2 -eHC0q66O1SImV7G650sYIQIDAQABo4IBTjCCAUowHQYDVR0OBBYEFDoSA9sPnihF -pjSNOKu6R4wqoOQuMIHSBgNVHSMEgcowgceAFDoSA9sPnihFpjSNOKu6R4wqoOQu -oYGrpIGoMIGlMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzETMBEGA1UECBMKQ2FsaWZvcm5pYTERMA8G -A1UEBxMIQmVya2VsZXkxFDASBgNVBAoTC0VuZG1haWwgT3JnMQwwCgYDVQQLEwNN -VEExIjAgBgNVBAMTGUNsYXVzIEFzc21hbm4gQ0EgUlNBIDIwMDMxJjAkBgkqhkiG -9w0BCQEWF2NhK2NhLXJzYTIwMDNAZXNtdHAub3JnggEAMAwGA1UdEwQFMAMBAf8w -IgYDVR0RBBswGYEXY2ErY2EtcnNhMjAwM0Blc210cC5vcmcwIgYDVR0SBBswGYEX -Y2ErY2EtcnNhMjAwM0Blc210cC5vcmcwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQADggEBAJaDtlST -3zjQSKehyAjJD+mABeN+w2FRiHt6uySwaaMi5Jg42sjD61JwY+Jm8lnvVr6qfIdu -lIXUcbo19+7QblIdH+T9L+JwMV23ixPMcBAh+jQpj43YSscPsjbnHh5G0RGEgHy7 -JMRjviokU3QMieBq9Ahjv1TTCtn8/mzeT5dhCKAQkuuvBuxQhsTMazEyYCV6CUf4 -Qnqi1ZD6SL6/CuEDuFYkuRLpugkwR76ljqKSpNymp8YpOWVuZEobssMHKfXAfnjg -IpuY1IeRyuFmnS9w8Uylji5oUrO9lXZWQA5GR+Sz7Ko86IaWWu36yRCVUwQTcQGR -zs06UcYw6UhJZKM= +YXVzIEFzc21hbm4gQ0EgUlNBIDIwMDcxJjAkBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWF2NhK2NhLXJz +YTIwMDdAZXNtdHAub3JnMB4XDTA3MDUwNDAyMDc1NloXDTEwMDUwMzAyMDc1Nlow +gaUxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIEwpDYWxpZm9ybmlhMREwDwYDVQQHEwhC +ZXJrZWxleTEUMBIGA1UEChMLRW5kbWFpbCBPcmcxDDAKBgNVBAsTA01UQTEiMCAG +A1UEAxMZQ2xhdXMgQXNzbWFubiBDQSBSU0EgMjAwNzEmMCQGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYX +Y2ErY2EtcnNhMjAwN0Blc210cC5vcmcwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAw +ggEKAoIBAQCwKJExr4LOcu82q33psfV3ZjhLOB9fPRLTyP2a9NT2uJD5Jl8p90P5 +NOxlYgG7ZPFd6nUEPZJlYKIGYvqIytggUMgeOFO1GN23vccINUzZ3MaXVje2ZTN0 +WrLDhQgrtyZw/zgCGmdq0EkYEEv4268GnLGogqGxddJSm1MMyqfjFTh5baH173yL +/b0EePnoHrmS6nTXRR5MyL30XPwaf+cxxqvLeMdNL7VyEDUnShr6Uxn4p1lj6+kV +q9xxaYxCHJZOiYBmyZ4h1T0IGXSl9Qegrt55r/1Cwnl+jPg5IjvDxFg70A3mqRG2 +os0u5RZm/X5lM5SwNoAn9YB2qeXf8s/vAgMBAAGjggFWMIIBUjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQU +sklrUkXukDbSeUcDM9mguoBQ2hwwgdoGA1UdIwSB0jCBz4AUsklrUkXukDbSeUcD +M9mguoBQ2hyhgaukgagwgaUxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIEwpDYWxpZm9y +bmlhMREwDwYDVQQHEwhCZXJrZWxleTEUMBIGA1UEChMLRW5kbWFpbCBPcmcxDDAK +BgNVBAsTA01UQTEiMCAGA1UEAxMZQ2xhdXMgQXNzbWFubiBDQSBSU0EgMjAwNzEm +MCQGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYXY2ErY2EtcnNhMjAwN0Blc210cC5vcmeCCQD6fCyAKT/C +ZDAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MCIGA1UdEQQbMBmBF2NhK2NhLXJzYTIwMDdAZXNtdHAu +b3JnMCIGA1UdEgQbMBmBF2NhK2NhLXJzYTIwMDdAZXNtdHAub3JnMA0GCSqGSIb3 +DQEBBAUAA4IBAQCYmHzT0FtyRxXmImi7eA54ZulWFti8nVrcJyn7kS1qITUYVrRP +KgnACG+aWSsucpr7ULrHqZGg+Wy+z3hCQwJwU5e6auPaF+gfxzpb57zr5SRM9c9h +NB4g7Rdj74HTniX+zAUZzIqCyUw6tWtJUXZGAqpgu8S5YUgz2nmNRqMGIJjzsts7 +rckdDpc9txQZ030Ei2qB4BFb4TWj/y8RhhwxhXr9PzbvmSVGLrDLQ0VK7L7TP6R3 +m3nMzpJjpdnt26CdXXzXgPbJQfsClo7989oFnYGnJdomNTupDIz1p11I7IfHemBR +dvLemxQrVYpD35kZ8+vnA+anoqIo3dUHaj/3 -----END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/INSTALL b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/INSTALL index 19a60c69d1..4337389fa6 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/INSTALL +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/INSTALL @@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ sendmail/SECURITY for more installation information. 2. Create any necessary site configuration build files, as noted in devtools/Site/README. -3. In the sendmail/ directory, run "sh Build" (see sendmail/README for +3. In the sendmail/ directory, run "sh ./Build" (see sendmail/README for details). 4. Change to the cf/cf/ directory (that's not a typo): Copy whichever .mc file best matches your environment to Next, tailor it as explained in cf/README. Then run - "sh Build". + "sh ./Build". 5. Back up your current /etc/mail/ and the sendmail binary (whose location varies from operating system to operating system, but is usually @@ -26,21 +26,21 @@ sendmail/SECURITY for more installation information. 6. Install as /etc/mail/ and as /etc/mail/ This can be done in the cf/cf by using - "sh Build install-cf". + "sh ./Build install-cf". Please read sendmail/SECURITY before continuing; you have to create a new user smmsp and a new group smmsp for the default installation. Then install the sendmail binary built in step 3 by cd-ing back to - sendmail/ and running "sh Build install". + sendmail/ and running "sh ./Build install". 7. For each of the associated sendmail utilities (makemap, mailstats, etc.), read the README in the utility's directory if it exists. When - you are ready to install it, back up your installed version and type "sh - Build install". + you are ready to install it, back up your installed version and type + "sh ./Build install". 8. If you are upgrading from an older version of sendmail and are using any database maps, be sure to rebuild them with the new version of makemap, in case you are now using a different (and thereby incompatible) version of Berkeley DB. -$Revision: 8.15 $, Last updated $Date: 2002/05/28 18:09:25 $ +$Revision: 8.16 $, Last updated $Date: 2007/10/03 21:00:28 $ diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/RELEASE_NOTES b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/RELEASE_NOTES index 64ddbccfea..8a0b51c344 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/RELEASE_NOTES +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/RELEASE_NOTES @@ -1,11 +1,76 @@ SENDMAIL RELEASE NOTES - $Id: RELEASE_NOTES,v 8.1888 2007/04/03 23:28:40 ca Exp $ + $Id: RELEASE_NOTES,v 8.1909 2007/10/31 16:04:13 ca Exp $ This listing shows the version of the sendmail binary, the version of the sendmail configuration files, the date of release, and a summary of the changes in that release. +8.14.2/8.14.2 2007/11/01 + If a message was queued and it contained 8 bit characters in + a From: or To: header, then those characters could be + "mistaken" for internal control characters during a queue + run and trigger various consistency checks. Problem + noted by Neil Rickert of Northern Illinois University. + If MaxMimeHeaderLength is set to a value greater than 0 (which + it is by default) then even if the Linelimit parameter + is 0, sendmail corrupted in the non-transfer-encoding + case every MAXLINE-1 characters. Patch from John Gardiner + Myers of Proofpoint. + Setting the suboption DeliveryMode for DaemonPortOptions did not + work in earlier 8.14 versions. + Note: DeliveryMode=interactive is silently converted to + background if a milter can reject or delete a recipient. + Prior to 8.14 this happened only if milter could delete + recipients. + ClientRate should trigger when the limit was exceeded (as + documented), not when it was reached. Patch from + John Beck of Sun Microsystems. + Force a queue run for -qGqueuegroup even if no runners are + specified (R=0) and forking (F=f) is requested. + When multiple results are requested for a DNS map lookup + (-z and -Z), return only those that are relevant for + the query (not also those in the "additional section".) + If the message transfer time to sendmail (when acting as server) + exceeds Timeout.queuewarn or Timeout.queuereturn and + the message is refused (by a milter), sendmail previously + created a delivery status notification (DSN). Patch + from Doug Heath of The Hertz Corporation. + A code change in Cyrus-SASL 2.1.22 for sasl_decode64() requires + the MTA to deal with some input (i.e., "=") itself. + Problem noted by Eliot Lear. + sendmail counted a delivery as successful if PIPELINING is + compiled in but not offered by the server and the + delivery failed temporarily. Patch from Werner Wiethege. + If getting the result of an LDAP query times out then close the + map so it will be reopened on the next lookup. This + should help "failover" configurations that specify more + than one LDAP server. + If check_compat returns $#discard then a "savemail panic" could + be triggered under some circumstances (e.g., requiring + a system which does not have the compile time flag + HASFLOCK set). Based on patch by Motonori Nakamura + of National Institute of Informatics, Japan. + If a milter rejected a recipient, the count for nrcpts= in the + logfile entry might have been wrong. Problem found by + Petra Humann of TU Dresden. + If a milter invoked smfi_chgfrom() where ESMTP arguments are not + NULL, the message body was lost. Patch from Motonori + Nakamura of National Institute of Informatics, Japan. + sendmail(8) had a bogus space in -qGname. Patch from Peng Haitao. + CONTRIB: buildvirtuser: Preserve ownership and permissions when + replacing files. + CONTRIB: buildvirtuser: Skip dot-files (e.g., .cvsignore) when + reading the /etc/mail/virtusers/ directory. + CONTRIB: buildvirtuser: Emit warnings instead of exiting where + appropriate. + LIBMILTER: Fix ABI backwards compatibility so milters compiled + against an older shared library can use an + 8.14 shared library. + LIBMILTER: smfi_version() did not properly extract the patchlevel + from the version number, however, the returned value was + correct for the current libmilter version. + 8.14.1/8.14.1 2007/04/03 Even though a milter rejects a recipient the MTA will still keep it in its list of recipients and deliver to it if the diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ index 5e3f9858de..a894b91069 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ ##### ##### SENDMAIL CONFIGURATION FILE ##### -##### built by on Tue Apr 3 16:32:55 PDT 2007 -##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.1/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.1/cf/cf +##### built by on Wed Oct 31 09:24:27 PDT 2007 +##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.2/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.2/cf/cf ##### using ../ as configuration include directory ##### ###################################################################### @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ -##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.730 2007/02/01 18:50:03 ca Exp $ ##### +##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.732 2007/04/20 00:53:30 ca Exp $ ##### # level 10 config file format V10/Berkeley @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ DnMAILER-DAEMON CPREDIRECT # Configuration version number -DZ8.14.1 +DZ8.14.2 ############### diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ index 5a211c6f8f..be3d11069f 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ ##### ##### SENDMAIL CONFIGURATION FILE ##### -##### built by on Tue Apr 3 16:32:55 PDT 2007 -##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.1/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.1/cf/cf +##### built by on Wed Oct 31 09:24:27 PDT 2007 +##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.2/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.2/cf/cf ##### using ../ as configuration include directory ##### ###################################################################### @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ -##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.730 2007/02/01 18:50:03 ca Exp $ ##### +##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.732 2007/04/20 00:53:30 ca Exp $ ##### # level 10 config file format V10/Berkeley @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ DnMAILER-DAEMON CPREDIRECT # Configuration version number -DZ8.14.1 +DZ8.14.2 ############### diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ index 8a7b1a92f1..bd9f7aea70 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ ##### ##### SENDMAIL CONFIGURATION FILE ##### -##### built by on Tue Apr 3 16:32:55 PDT 2007 -##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.1/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.1/cf/cf +##### built by on Wed Oct 31 09:24:27 PDT 2007 +##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.2/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.2/cf/cf ##### using ../ as configuration include directory ##### ###################################################################### @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ -##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.730 2007/02/01 18:50:03 ca Exp $ ##### +##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.732 2007/04/20 00:53:30 ca Exp $ ##### # level 10 config file format V10/Berkeley @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ DnMAILER-DAEMON CPREDIRECT # Configuration version number -DZ8.14.1 +DZ8.14.2 ############### diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ index 67a42590e5..b3220d23a0 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ ##### ##### SENDMAIL CONFIGURATION FILE ##### -##### built by on Tue Apr 3 16:32:55 PDT 2007 -##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.1/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.1/cf/cf +##### built by on Wed Oct 31 09:24:27 PDT 2007 +##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.2/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.2/cf/cf ##### using ../ as configuration include directory ##### ###################################################################### @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ -##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.730 2007/02/01 18:50:03 ca Exp $ ##### +##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.732 2007/04/20 00:53:30 ca Exp $ ##### # level 10 config file format V10/Berkeley @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ DnMAILER-DAEMON CPREDIRECT # Configuration version number -DZ8.14.1 +DZ8.14.2 ############### diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ index abc69c62b8..72f640803c 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ ##### ##### SENDMAIL CONFIGURATION FILE ##### -##### built by on Tue Apr 3 16:32:55 PDT 2007 -##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.1/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.1/cf/cf +##### built by on Wed Oct 31 09:24:27 PDT 2007 +##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.2/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.2/cf/cf ##### using ../ as configuration include directory ##### ###################################################################### @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ -##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.730 2007/02/01 18:50:03 ca Exp $ ##### +##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.732 2007/04/20 00:53:30 ca Exp $ ##### # level 10 config file format V10/Berkeley @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ DnMAILER-DAEMON CPREDIRECT # Configuration version number -DZ8.14.1 +DZ8.14.2 ############### diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ index fe49850061..86b119858c 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ ##### ##### SENDMAIL CONFIGURATION FILE ##### -##### built by on Tue Apr 3 16:32:55 PDT 2007 -##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.1/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.1/cf/cf +##### built by on Wed Oct 31 09:24:27 PDT 2007 +##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.2/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.2/cf/cf ##### using ../ as configuration include directory ##### ###################################################################### @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ -##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.730 2007/02/01 18:50:03 ca Exp $ ##### +##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.732 2007/04/20 00:53:30 ca Exp $ ##### # level 10 config file format V10/Berkeley @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ DnMAILER-DAEMON CPREDIRECT # Configuration version number -DZ8.14.1 +DZ8.14.2 ############### diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ index b7cf061110..f64af8858a 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ ##### ##### SENDMAIL CONFIGURATION FILE ##### -##### built by on Tue Apr 3 16:32:55 PDT 2007 -##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.1/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.1/cf/cf +##### built by on Wed Oct 31 09:24:27 PDT 2007 +##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.2/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.2/cf/cf ##### using ../ as configuration include directory ##### ###################################################################### @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ -##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.730 2007/02/01 18:50:03 ca Exp $ ##### +##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.732 2007/04/20 00:53:30 ca Exp $ ##### # level 10 config file format V10/Berkeley @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ DnMAILER-DAEMON CPREDIRECT # Configuration version number -DZ8.14.1 +DZ8.14.2 ############### diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ index 7ae2202db0..6278ba96df 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ ##### ##### SENDMAIL CONFIGURATION FILE ##### -##### built by on Tue Apr 3 16:32:55 PDT 2007 -##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.1/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.1/cf/cf +##### built by on Wed Oct 31 09:24:27 PDT 2007 +##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.2/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.2/cf/cf ##### using ../ as configuration include directory ##### ###################################################################### @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ -##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.730 2007/02/01 18:50:03 ca Exp $ ##### +##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.732 2007/04/20 00:53:30 ca Exp $ ##### # level 10 config file format V10/Berkeley @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ DnMAILER-DAEMON CPREDIRECT # Configuration version number -DZ8.14.1 +DZ8.14.2 ############### diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ index 7e96d1acaf..d098c3146f 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ ##### ##### SENDMAIL CONFIGURATION FILE ##### -##### built by on Tue Apr 3 16:32:55 PDT 2007 -##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.1/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.1/cf/cf +##### built by on Wed Oct 31 09:24:27 PDT 2007 +##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.2/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.2/cf/cf ##### using ../ as configuration include directory ##### ###################################################################### @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ -##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.730 2007/02/01 18:50:03 ca Exp $ ##### +##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.732 2007/04/20 00:53:30 ca Exp $ ##### # level 10 config file format V10/Berkeley @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ DnMAILER-DAEMON CPREDIRECT # Configuration version number -DZ8.14.1 +DZ8.14.2 ############### diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ index c980ee5343..b6dc7f7100 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ ##### ##### SENDMAIL CONFIGURATION FILE ##### -##### built by on Tue Apr 3 16:32:55 PDT 2007 -##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.1/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.1/cf/cf +##### built by on Wed Oct 31 09:24:27 PDT 2007 +##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.2/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.2/cf/cf ##### using ../ as configuration include directory ##### ###################################################################### @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ -##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.730 2007/02/01 18:50:03 ca Exp $ ##### +##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.732 2007/04/20 00:53:30 ca Exp $ ##### # level 10 config file format V10/Berkeley @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ DnMAILER-DAEMON CPREDIRECT # Configuration version number -DZ8.14.1 +DZ8.14.2 ############### diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ index b70e79d652..22a574cdcb 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/cf/ @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ ##### ##### SENDMAIL CONFIGURATION FILE ##### -##### built by on Tue Apr 3 16:32:55 PDT 2007 -##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.1/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.1/cf/cf +##### built by on Wed Oct 31 09:24:27 PDT 2007 +##### in /extra/home/ca/sm-8.14.2/OpenSource/sendmail-8.14.2/cf/cf ##### using ../ as configuration include directory ##### ###################################################################### @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ ##### $Id: no_default_msa.m4,v 8.2 2001/02/14 05:03:22 gshapiro Exp $ ##### -##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.730 2007/02/01 18:50:03 ca Exp $ ##### +##### $Id: proto.m4,v 8.732 2007/04/20 00:53:30 ca Exp $ ##### # level 10 config file format V10/Berkeley @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ D{MTAHost}[] # Configuration version number -DZ8.14.1/Submit +DZ8.14.2/Submit ############### diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/feature/ldap_routing.m4 b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/feature/ldap_routing.m4 index ad7f142aaf..a474f17fbe 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/feature/ldap_routing.m4 +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/feature/ldap_routing.m4 @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ divert(-1) # -# Copyright (c) 1999-2002, 2004 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. +# Copyright (c) 1999-2002, 2004, 2007 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. # All rights reserved. # # By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ divert(-1) # divert(0) -VERSIONID(`$Id: ldap_routing.m4,v 8.14 2004/02/18 02:45:11 gshapiro Exp $') +VERSIONID(`$Id: ldap_routing.m4,v 8.15 2007/05/01 17:38:25 ca Exp $') divert(-1) # Check first two arguments. If they aren't set, may need to warn in proto.m4 diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/m4/proto.m4 b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/m4/proto.m4 index d7f7f0811b..6ef2f1cd01 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/m4/proto.m4 +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/m4/proto.m4 @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ divert(-1) # divert(0) -VERSIONID(`$Id: proto.m4,v 8.730 2007/02/01 18:50:03 ca Exp $') +VERSIONID(`$Id: proto.m4,v 8.732 2007/04/20 00:53:30 ca Exp $') # level CF_LEVEL config file format V`'CF_LEVEL/ifdef(`VENDOR_NAME', `VENDOR_NAME', `Berkeley') @@ -2962,9 +2962,9 @@ ifdef(`_ATMPF_', `dnl tempfail? R<$* _ATMPF_> $#error $@ 4.3.0 $: "451 Temporary system failure. Please try again later."', `dnl') dnl use the generic routine (for now) R<0> $@ OK no limit -R<$+> $: <$1> $| $(arith l $@ $&{client_rate} $@ $1 $) +R<$+> $: <$1> $| $(arith l $@ $1 $@ $&{client_rate} $) dnl log this? Connection rate $&{client_rate} exceeds limit $1. -R<$+> $| FALSE $#error $@ 4.3.2 $: _RATE_CONTROL_REPLY Connection rate limit exceeded. +R<$+> $| TRUE $#error $@ 4.3.2 $: _RATE_CONTROL_REPLY Connection rate limit exceeded. ')') ifdef(`_CONN_CONTROL_',`dnl @@ -2984,9 +2984,9 @@ ifdef(`_ATMPF_', `dnl tempfail? R<$* _ATMPF_> $#error $@ 4.3.0 $: "451 Temporary system failure. Please try again later."', `dnl') dnl use the generic routine (for now) R<0> $@ OK no limit -R<$+> $: <$1> $| $(arith l $@ $&{client_connections} $@ $1 $) +R<$+> $: <$1> $| $(arith l $@ $1 $@ $&{client_connections} $) dnl log this: Open connections $&{client_connections} exceeds limit $1. -R<$+> $| FALSE $#error $@ 4.3.2 $: _CONN_CONTROL_REPLY Too many open connections. +R<$+> $| TRUE $#error $@ 4.3.2 $: _CONN_CONTROL_REPLY Too many open connections. ')') undivert(9)dnl LOCAL_RULESETS diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/m4/version.m4 b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/m4/version.m4 index b81bdcce94..9b34f1a4a9 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/m4/version.m4 +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/cf/m4/version.m4 @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ divert(-1) # the sendmail distribution. # # -VERSIONID(`$Id: version.m4,v 8.178 2007/04/03 21:21:18 ca Exp $') +VERSIONID(`$Id: version.m4,v 8.186 2007/10/31 16:04:13 ca Exp $') # divert(0) # Configuration version number -DZ8.14.1`'ifdef(`confCF_VERSION', `/confCF_VERSION') +DZ8.14.2`'ifdef(`confCF_VERSION', `/confCF_VERSION') diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/contrib/buildvirtuser b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/contrib/buildvirtuser index abed167bbb..a35a6e71e9 100755 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/contrib/buildvirtuser +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/contrib/buildvirtuser @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #!/usr/bin/perl -w -# Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Gregory Neil Shapiro. All Rights Reserved. +# Copyright (c) 1999-2004, 2007 Gregory Neil Shapiro. All Rights Reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. -# $Id: buildvirtuser,v 1.6 2003/03/15 23:30:09 gshapiro Exp $ +# $Id: buildvirtuser,v 1.8 2007/10/08 18:44:15 gshapiro Exp $ =head1 NAME @@ -70,30 +70,21 @@ to take affect. =head1 EXAMPLES -Here are some example files from the /etc/mail/virtusers/ directory: +Here is an example file from the /etc/mail/virtusers/ directory: -=head2 /etc/mail/virtusers/ +=head2 /etc/mail/virtusers/ # Services - MAILER-DAEMON gshapiro+bounce.$ - postmaster gshapiro+$LHS.$ - webmaster gshapiro+$LHS.$ + MAILER-DAEMON gshapiro+bounce.$ + postmaster gshapiro+$LHS.$ + webmaster gshapiro+$LHS.$ # Defaults error:nouser No such user # Users - gshapiro gshapiro+$ - bob - -=head2 /etc/mail/virtusers/ - - # Defaults - gshapiro+$ - - # Users - john - nancy + gshapiro gshapiro+$ + zoe =head1 AUTHOR @@ -102,6 +93,7 @@ Gregory Neil Shapiro EFE =cut use strict; +use File::stat; use Getopt::Std; my $makemap = "/usr/sbin/makemap"; @@ -117,6 +109,18 @@ my $newest = 0; my ($lhs, $domain, $key, $value); my $opts = {}; +sub preserve_perms ($$) +{ + my $old = shift; + my $new = shift; + my $st; + + $st = stat($old); + return if (!defined($st)); + chmod($st->mode, $new) || warn "Could not chmod($st->mode, $new): $!\n"; + chown($st->uid, $st->gid, $new) || warn "Could not chmod($st->uid, $st->gid, $new): $!\n"; +} + getopts('ft', $opts) || die "Usage: $0 [-f] [-t]\n"; if ($opts->{t}) @@ -131,9 +135,12 @@ closedir(VIRTS) || die "Could not close directory $virts: $!\n"; foreach $domain (@virts) { + next if ($domain =~ m/^\./); open(DOMAIN, "$virts/$domain") || die "Could not open file $virts/$domain: $!\n"; my $line = 0; - my $mtime = (stat(DOMAIN))[9] || 0; + my $mtime = 0; + my $st = stat("$virts/$domain"); + $mtime = $st->mtime if (defined($st)); if ($mtime > $newest) { $newest = $mtime; @@ -160,7 +167,7 @@ LINE: while () } else { - die "Bogus line $line in $virts/$domain\n"; + warn "Bogus line $line in $virts/$domain\n"; } # Variable subsitution @@ -172,7 +179,9 @@ LINE: while () close(DOMAIN) || die "Could not close $virts/$domain: $!\n"; } -my $virtmtime = (stat($virt))[9] || 0; +my $virtmtime = 0; +my $st = stat($virt); +$virtmtime = $st->mtime if (defined($st)); if ($opts->{f} || $virtmtime < $newest) { print STDOUT "Rebuilding $virt\n"; @@ -191,14 +200,17 @@ if ($opts->{f} || $virtmtime < $newest) print MAKEMAP "$key\t\t$virt{$key}\n"; } close(MAKEMAP) || die "Could not close makemap ($?): $!\n"; + preserve_perms($virt, $newvirt); rename($newvirt, $virt) || die "Could not rename $newvirt to $virt: $!\n"; open(VIRTHOST, ">$newvirthosts") || die "Could not open file $newvirthosts: $!\n"; foreach $domain (sort @virts) { + next if ($domain =~ m/^\./); print VIRTHOST "$domain\n"; } close(VIRTHOST) || die "Could not close $newvirthosts: $!\n"; + preserve_perms($virthosts, $newvirthosts); rename($newvirthosts, $virthosts) || die "Could not rename $newvirthosts to $virthosts: $!\n"; } exit 0; diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/devtools/README b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/devtools/README index cafcbf9949..414d153241 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/devtools/README +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/devtools/README @@ -379,8 +379,6 @@ This builds manpages from source using *roff. bldSOURCES - This should be defined to a space separated list of man source files. -bldINSTALLABLE - This should be set if the library should be installed in -confLIBDIR. library ------- @@ -390,5 +388,7 @@ This builds a static library from C sources. bldSOURCES - This should be defined to a space separated list of C source files that make up the library. +bldINSTALLABLE - This should be set if the library should be installed in +confLIBDIR. -$Revision: 8.97 $, Last updated $Date: 2006/10/06 20:51:04 $ +$Revision: 8.98 $, Last updated $Date: 2007/05/18 16:26:09 $ diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/doc/op/ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/doc/op/ index c3a6d56eca..74c2d6679a 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/doc/op/ +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/doc/op/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ .\" the sendmail distribution. .\" .\" -.\" $Id:,v 8.739 2007/03/22 17:56:01 ca Exp $ +.\" $Id:,v 8.741 2007/06/22 23:08:59 ca Exp $ .\" .\" eqn | pic | troff -me .\" @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Sendmail, Inc. .de Ve Version \\$2 .. -.Ve $Revision: 8.739 $ +.Ve $Revision: 8.741 $ .rm Ve .sp For Sendmail Version 8.14 @@ -6939,6 +6939,10 @@ The .b \-v command line flag sets this to .b i . +Note: for internal reasons, +``i'' does not work +if a milter is enabled which can reject or delete recipients. +In that case the mode will be changed to ``b''. .ip DialDelay=\fIsleeptime\fP [no short name] Dial-on-demand network connections can see timeouts @@ -8932,7 +8936,8 @@ The server responds with a status indicator and the result (if any): ' ' .)b -The status indicator is one of the following upper case words: +The status indicator specifies the result of the lookup operation itself +and is one of the following upper case words: .(b .ta 9n OK the key was found, result contains the looked up value @@ -8944,13 +8949,19 @@ PERM a permanent failure occured In case of errors (status TEMP, TIMEOUT or PERM) the result field may contain an explanatory message. +However, the explanatory message is not used any further by +.i sendmail . Example replies: .(b 31:OK, .)b -in case of a successful lookup, or: +.(b +56:OK error:550 5.7.1 User does not accept mail from sender, +.)b + +in case of successful lookups, or: .(b 8:NOTFOUND, .)b @@ -8960,7 +8971,7 @@ in case the key was not found, or: 55:TEMP this text explains that we had a temporary failure, .)b -in case of a failure. +in case of a temporary map lookup failure. The socket map uses the same syntax as milters (see Section "X \*- Mail Filter (Milter) Definitions") @@ -11424,7 +11435,7 @@ replace it with a blank sheet for double-sided output. .\".sz 10 .\"Eric Allman .\".sp -.\"Version $Revision: 8.739 $ +.\"Version $Revision: 8.741 $ .\".ce 0 .bp 3 .ce diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/doc/op/ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/doc/op/ index 519c716fb2..f1ed022df6 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/doc/op/ +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/doc/op/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ %!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%Creator: groff version 1.19.2 -%%CreationDate: Tue Apr 3 16:32:49 2007 +%%CreationDate: Wed Oct 31 09:24:22 2007 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Bold %%+ font Times-Roman %%+ font Times-Italic @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ BP (TION AND OPERA)-1.14 E(TION GUIDE)-1.14 E/F3 10/Times-Roman@0 SF (Eric Allman)263.42 196.2 Q(Claus Assmann)256.75 208.2 Q(Gre)244.75 220.2 Q(gory Neil Shapiro)-.15 E(Sendmail, Inc.)258.975 232.2 Q -1.11 -(Ve)260.225 256.2 S(rsion 8.739)1.11 E -.15(Fo)234.465 280.2 S 2.5(rS) +(Ve)260.225 256.2 S(rsion 8.741)1.11 E -.15(Fo)234.465 280.2 S 2.5(rS) .15 G(endmail V)-2.5 E(ersion 8.14)-1.11 E/F4 10/Times-Italic@0 SF (Sendmail)97 324.6 Q/F5 8/Times-Roman@0 SF(TM)-5 I F3 .1 (implements a general purpose internetw)2.6 5 N .1(ork mail routing f) @@ -5810,621 +5810,622 @@ E 3.211('i)-.74 G 3.211(fn)-3.211 G 3.211(oo)-3.211 G .711 (rg)-3.212 G(u-).18 E .094(ment \(i.e., `)174 467.6 R(`Od')-.74 E 2.594 ('i)-.74 G 2.594(se)-2.594 G(qui)-2.594 E -.25(va)-.25 G .094(lent to `) .25 F(`Odi')-.74 E 2.594('\). The)-.74 F F02.594 E F1 .094 -(command line \215ag sets this to)2.594 F F0(i)2.594 E F1(.)A -(DialDelay=)102 483.8 Q F2(sleeptime)A F1 .798 -([no short name] Dial-on-demand netw)174 495.8 R .798 +(command line \215ag sets this to)2.594 F F0(i)2.594 E F1(.)A 1.526 +(Note: for internal reasons, `)174 479.6 R(`i')-.74 E 4.026('d)-.74 G +1.526(oes not w)-4.026 F 1.527(ork if a milter is enabled which can)-.1 +F(reject or delete recipients.)174 491.6 Q +(In that case the mode will be changed to `)5 E(`b')-.74 E('.)-.74 E +(DialDelay=)102 507.8 Q F2(sleeptime)A F1 .799 +([no short name] Dial-on-demand netw)174 519.8 R .798 (ork connections can see timeouts if a con-)-.1 F .665 -(nection is opened before the call is set up.)174 507.8 R .665 -(If this is set to an interv)5.665 F .665(al and a con-)-.25 F .742 -(nection times out on the \214rst connection being attempted)174 519.8 R -F2(sendmail)3.243 E F1 .743(will sleep for)3.243 F .31 -(this amount of time and try ag)174 531.8 R 2.81(ain. This)-.05 F .31 +(nection is opened before the call is set up.)174 531.8 R .665 +(If this is set to an interv)5.665 F .665(al and a con-)-.25 F .743 +(nection times out on the \214rst connection being attempted)174 543.8 R +F2(sendmail)3.242 E F1 .742(will sleep for)3.242 F .31 +(this amount of time and try ag)174 555.8 R 2.81(ain. This)-.05 F .31 (should gi)2.81 F .61 -.15(ve y)-.25 H .31(our system time to establish) -.15 F 1.542(the connection to your service pro)174 543.8 R(vider)-.15 E -6.543(.U)-.55 G 1.543(nits def)-6.543 F 1.543 -(ault to seconds, so \231DialDe-)-.1 F 1.799(lay=5\232 uses a \214v)174 -555.8 R 4.299(es)-.15 G 1.799(econd delay)-4.299 F 6.799(.D)-.65 G(ef) --6.799 E 1.798(aults to zero \(no retry\).)-.1 F 1.798(This delay only) -6.798 F(applies to mailers which ha)174 567.8 Q .3 -.15(ve t)-.2 H -(he Z \215ag set.).15 E(DirectSubmissionModi\214ers=)102 584 Q F2 -(modi\214er)A(s)-.1 E F1(De\214nes)174 596 Q F0(${daemon_\215ags})5.083 -E F1 2.583(for direct \(command line\) submissions.)5.083 F 2.584 -(If not set,)7.584 F F0(${daemon_\215ags})174 608 Q F1 1.417 -(is either "CC f" if the option)3.917 F F03.916 E F1 1.416 -(is used or "c u" otherwise.)3.916 F +.15 F 1.543(the connection to your service pro)174 567.8 R(vider)-.15 E +6.543(.U)-.55 G 1.543(nits def)-6.543 F 1.542 +(ault to seconds, so \231DialDe-)-.1 F 1.798(lay=5\232 uses a \214v)174 +579.8 R 4.298(es)-.15 G 1.798(econd delay)-4.298 F 6.798(.D)-.65 G(ef) +-6.798 E 1.799(aults to zero \(no retry\).)-.1 F 1.799(This delay only) +6.799 F(applies to mailers which ha)174 591.8 Q .3 -.15(ve t)-.2 H +(he Z \215ag set.).15 E(DirectSubmissionModi\214ers=)102 608 Q F2 +(modi\214er)A(s)-.1 E F1(De\214nes)174 620 Q F0(${daemon_\215ags})5.084 +E F1 2.583(for direct \(command line\) submissions.)5.084 F 2.583 +(If not set,)7.583 F F0(${daemon_\215ags})174 632 Q F1 1.416 +(is either "CC f" if the option)3.916 F F03.916 E F1 1.417 +(is used or "c u" otherwise.)3.917 F (Note that only the the "CC", "c", "f", and "u" \215ags are check)174 -620 Q(ed.)-.1 E(DontBlameSendmail=)102 636.2 Q F2(option,option,...)A F1 -.064([no short name] In order to a)174 648.2 R -.2(vo)-.2 G .065 -(id possible cracking attempts caused by w).2 F .065(orld- and)-.1 F -.255(group-writable \214les and directories,)174 660.2 R F2(sendmail) -2.755 E F1 .254(does paranoid checking when open-)2.754 F .297 -(ing most of its support \214les.)174 672.2 R .298 -(If for some reason you absolutely must run with, for)5.297 F .32 LW 76 -681.8 72 681.8 DL 80 681.8 76 681.8 DL 84 681.8 80 681.8 DL 88 681.8 84 -681.8 DL 92 681.8 88 681.8 DL 96 681.8 92 681.8 DL 100 681.8 96 681.8 DL -104 681.8 100 681.8 DL 108 681.8 104 681.8 DL 112 681.8 108 681.8 DL 116 -681.8 112 681.8 DL 120 681.8 116 681.8 DL 124 681.8 120 681.8 DL 128 -681.8 124 681.8 DL 132 681.8 128 681.8 DL 136 681.8 132 681.8 DL 140 -681.8 136 681.8 DL 144 681.8 140 681.8 DL 148 681.8 144 681.8 DL 152 -681.8 148 681.8 DL 156 681.8 152 681.8 DL 160 681.8 156 681.8 DL 164 -681.8 160 681.8 DL 168 681.8 164 681.8 DL 172 681.8 168 681.8 DL 176 -681.8 172 681.8 DL 180 681.8 176 681.8 DL 184 681.8 180 681.8 DL 188 -681.8 184 681.8 DL 192 681.8 188 681.8 DL 196 681.8 192 681.8 DL 200 -681.8 196 681.8 DL 204 681.8 200 681.8 DL 208 681.8 204 681.8 DL 212 -681.8 208 681.8 DL 216 681.8 212 681.8 DL/F4 5/Times-Roman@0 SF(19)93.6 -692.2 Q/F5 8/Times-Roman@0 SF(The old)3.2 I/F6 8/Times-Bold@0 SF(g)2 E -F5(option has been combined into the)2 E F6(DefaultUser)2 E F5(option.)2 -E 0 Cg EP +644 Q(ed.)-.1 E(DontBlameSendmail=)102 660.2 Q F2(option,option,...)A F1 +.065([no short name] In order to a)174 672.2 R -.2(vo)-.2 G .064 +(id possible cracking attempts caused by w).2 F .064(orld- and)-.1 F .32 +LW 76 681.8 72 681.8 DL 80 681.8 76 681.8 DL 84 681.8 80 681.8 DL 88 +681.8 84 681.8 DL 92 681.8 88 681.8 DL 96 681.8 92 681.8 DL 100 681.8 96 +681.8 DL 104 681.8 100 681.8 DL 108 681.8 104 681.8 DL 112 681.8 108 +681.8 DL 116 681.8 112 681.8 DL 120 681.8 116 681.8 DL 124 681.8 120 +681.8 DL 128 681.8 124 681.8 DL 132 681.8 128 681.8 DL 136 681.8 132 +681.8 DL 140 681.8 136 681.8 DL 144 681.8 140 681.8 DL 148 681.8 144 +681.8 DL 152 681.8 148 681.8 DL 156 681.8 152 681.8 DL 160 681.8 156 +681.8 DL 164 681.8 160 681.8 DL 168 681.8 164 681.8 DL 172 681.8 168 +681.8 DL 176 681.8 172 681.8 DL 180 681.8 176 681.8 DL 184 681.8 180 +681.8 DL 188 681.8 184 681.8 DL 192 681.8 188 681.8 DL 196 681.8 192 +681.8 DL 200 681.8 196 681.8 DL 204 681.8 200 681.8 DL 208 681.8 204 +681.8 DL 212 681.8 208 681.8 DL 216 681.8 212 681.8 DL/F4 5 +/Times-Roman@0 SF(19)93.6 692.2 Q/F5 8/Times-Roman@0 SF(The old)3.2 I/F6 +8/Times-Bold@0 SF(g)2 E F5(option has been combined into the)2 E F6 +(DefaultUser)2 E F5(option.)2 E 0 Cg EP %%Page: 66 62 %%BeginPageSetup BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF 193.36(SMM:08-66 Sendmail)72 60 R -(Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF -.15(ex) -174 96 S .177(ample, a group-writable).15 F/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF -(/etc)2.677 E F1(directory)2.677 E 2.677(,t)-.65 G .177(hen you will ha) --2.677 F .477 -.15(ve t)-.2 H 2.677(ot).15 G .177(urn of)-2.677 F 2.677 -(ft)-.25 G .176(his check-)-2.677 F .794 +(Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF .254 +(group-writable \214les and directories,)174 96 R/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 +SF(sendmail)2.754 E F1 .255(does paranoid checking when open-)2.754 F +.298(ing most of its support \214les.)174 108 R .297 +(If for some reason you absolutely must run with, for)5.297 F -.15(ex) +174 120 S .176(ample, a group-writable).15 F F2(/etc)2.677 E F1 +(directory)2.677 E 2.677(,t)-.65 G .177(hen you will ha)-2.677 F .477 +-.15(ve t)-.2 H 2.677(ot).15 G .177(urn of)-2.677 F 2.677(ft)-.25 G .177 +(his check-)-2.677 F .794 (ing \(at the cost of making your system more vulnerable to attack\).) -174 108 R .794(The possible)5.794 F(ar)174 120 Q 1.395(guments ha)-.18 F -1.695 -.15(ve b)-.2 H 1.395(een described earlier).15 F 6.395(.T)-.55 G -1.394(he details of these \215ags are described)-6.395 F(abo)174 132 Q +174 132 R .793(The possible)5.793 F(ar)174 144 Q 1.394(guments ha)-.18 F +1.694 -.15(ve b)-.2 H 1.394(een described earlier).15 F 6.394(.T)-.55 G +1.395(he details of these \215ags are described)-6.394 F(abo)174 156 Q -.15(ve)-.15 G(.).15 E F0(Use of this option is not r)5 E(ecommended.) --.18 E F1(DontExpandCnames)102 148.2 Q .559([no short name] The standar\ -ds say that all host addresses used in a mail message)174 160.2 R 1.408 -(must be fully canonical.)174 172.2 R -.15(Fo)6.407 G 3.907(re).15 G +-.18 E F1(DontExpandCnames)102 172.2 Q .559([no short name] The standar\ +ds say that all host addresses used in a mail message)174 184.2 R 1.407 +(must be fully canonical.)174 196.2 R -.15(Fo)6.407 G 3.907(re).15 G 1.407(xample, if your host is named \231Cruft.F)-4.057 F(oo.ORG\232)-.15 -E 1.462(and also has an alias of \231FTP)174 184.2 R(.F)-1.11 E 1.462 -(oo.ORG\232, the former name must be used at all)-.15 F 2.631 -(times. This)174 196.2 R .131 +E 1.462(and also has an alias of \231FTP)174 208.2 R(.F)-1.11 E 1.462 +(oo.ORG\232, the former name must be used at all)-.15 F 2.63 +(times. This)174 220.2 R .131 (is enforced during host name canoni\214cation \($[ ... $] lookups\).) -2.631 F .13(If this)5.13 F .661(option is set, the protocols are ignore\ -d and the \231wrong\232 thing is done.)174 208.2 R(Ho)5.662 E(we)-.25 E --.15(ve)-.25 G -.4(r,).15 G .872(the IETF is mo)174 220.2 R .872 +2.63 F .131(If this)5.131 F .662(option is set, the protocols are ignor\ +ed and the \231wrong\232 thing is done.)174 232.2 R(Ho)5.661 E(we)-.25 E +-.15(ve)-.25 G -.4(r,).15 G .871(the IETF is mo)174 244.2 R .871 (ving to)-.15 F -.1(wa)-.25 G .872 -(rd changing this standard, so the beha).1 F .871(vior may become)-.2 F -3.009(acceptable. Please)174 232.2 R .509(note that hosts do)3.009 F -.509(wnstream may still re)-.25 F .509(write the address to be)-.25 F -(the true canonical name ho)174 244.2 Q(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G -.55 -(r.).15 G 6.17(DontInitGroups [no)102 260.4 R .25(short name] If set,) +(rd changing this standard, so the beha).1 F .872(vior may become)-.2 F +3.01(acceptable. Please)174 256.2 R .509(note that hosts do)3.01 F .509 +(wnstream may still re)-.25 F .509(write the address to be)-.25 F +(the true canonical name ho)174 268.2 Q(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G -.55 +(r.).15 G 6.17(DontInitGroups [no)102 284.4 R .25(short name] If set,) 2.75 F F2(sendmail)2.75 E F1 .25(will a)2.75 F -.2(vo)-.2 G .25 (id using the initgroups\(3\) call.).2 F .25(If you are)5.25 F .583(run\ ning NIS, this causes a sequential scan of the groups.byname map, which\ - can)174 272.4 R .436(cause your NIS serv)174 284.4 R .436 -(er to be badly o)-.15 F -.15(ve)-.15 G .435(rloaded in a lar).15 F .435 -(ge domain.)-.18 F .435(The cost of this)5.435 F .697(is that the only \ + can)174 296.4 R .435(cause your NIS serv)174 308.4 R .435 +(er to be badly o)-.15 F -.15(ve)-.15 G .435(rloaded in a lar).15 F .436 +(ge domain.)-.18 F .436(The cost of this)5.436 F .697(is that the only \ group found for users will be their primary group \(the one in the)174 -296.4 R(passw)174 308.4 Q 1.189(ord \214le\), which will mak)-.1 F 3.689 +320.4 R(passw)174 332.4 Q 1.189(ord \214le\), which will mak)-.1 F 3.689 <658c>-.1 G 1.189(le access permissions some)-3.689 F 1.189 -(what more restric-)-.25 F(ti)174 320.4 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G 5(.H).15 G +(what more restric-)-.25 F(ti)174 344.4 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G 5(.H).15 G (as no ef)-5 E(fect on systems that don')-.25 E 2.5(th)-.18 G -2.25 -.2 -(av e)-2.5 H(group lists.)2.7 E(DontProbeInterf)102 336.6 Q(aces)-.1 E -1.712([no short name])174 348.6 R F2(Sendmail)4.212 E F1 1.713 -(normally \214nds the names of all interf)4.212 F 1.713(aces acti)-.1 F -2.013 -.15(ve o)-.25 H(n).15 E 1.103 -(your machine when it starts up and adds their name to the)174 360.6 R -F0($=w)3.602 E F1 1.102(class of kno)3.602 F(wn)-.25 E 1.835 -(host aliases.)174 372.6 R 1.835(If you ha)6.835 F 2.136 -.15(ve a l)-.2 -H(ar).15 E 1.836(ge number of virtual interf)-.18 F 1.836 -(aces or if your DNS)-.1 F(in)174 384.6 Q -.15(ve)-.4 G .959 -(rse lookups are slo).15 F 3.459(wt)-.25 G .959 -(his can be time consuming.)-3.459 F .958(This option turns of)5.958 F -3.458(ft)-.25 G(hat)-3.458 E 2.973(probing. Ho)174 396.6 R(we)-.25 E --.15(ve)-.25 G 1.273 -.4(r, y).15 H .474 -(ou will need to be certain to include all v).4 F .474 -(ariant names in the)-.25 F F0($=w)174 408.6 Q F1 1.868 -(class by some other mechanism.)4.369 F 1.868(If set to)6.868 F F0 -(loopback)4.368 E F1 4.368(,l)C 1.868(oopback interf)-4.368 F(aces)-.1 E -(\(e.g., lo0\) will not be probed.)174 420.6 Q -1.61 -(DontPruneRoutes [R])102 436.8 R(Normally)3.905 E(,)-.65 E F2(sendmail) +(av e)-2.5 H(group lists.)2.7 E(DontProbeInterf)102 360.6 Q(aces)-.1 E +1.713([no short name])174 372.6 R F2(Sendmail)4.213 E F1 1.712 +(normally \214nds the names of all interf)4.213 F 1.712(aces acti)-.1 F +2.012 -.15(ve o)-.25 H(n).15 E 1.103 +(your machine when it starts up and adds their name to the)174 384.6 R +F0($=w)3.603 E F1 1.103(class of kno)3.603 F(wn)-.25 E 1.836 +(host aliases.)174 396.6 R 1.836(If you ha)6.836 F 2.136 -.15(ve a l)-.2 +H(ar).15 E 1.836(ge number of virtual interf)-.18 F 1.835 +(aces or if your DNS)-.1 F(in)174 408.6 Q -.15(ve)-.4 G .958 +(rse lookups are slo).15 F 3.458(wt)-.25 G .958 +(his can be time consuming.)-3.458 F .959(This option turns of)5.959 F +3.459(ft)-.25 G(hat)-3.459 E 2.974(probing. Ho)174 420.6 R(we)-.25 E +-.15(ve)-.25 G 1.274 -.4(r, y).15 H .474 +(ou will need to be certain to include all v).4 F .473 +(ariant names in the)-.25 F F0($=w)174 432.6 Q F1 1.868 +(class by some other mechanism.)4.368 F 1.868(If set to)6.868 F F0 +(loopback)4.368 E F1 4.369(,l)C 1.869(oopback interf)-4.369 F(aces)-.1 E +(\(e.g., lo0\) will not be probed.)174 444.6 Q -1.61 +(DontPruneRoutes [R])102 460.8 R(Normally)3.905 E(,)-.65 E F2(sendmail) 3.905 E F1 1.405(tries to eliminate an)3.905 F 3.905(yu)-.15 G 1.405 -(nnecessary e)-3.905 F 1.405(xplicit routes when)-.15 F .155 +(nnecessary e)-3.905 F 1.405(xplicit routes when)-.15 F .154 (sending an error message \(as discussed in RFC 1123 \247 5.2.6\).)174 -448.8 R -.15(Fo)5.154 G 2.654(re).15 G .154(xample, when)-2.804 F -(sending an error message to)174 460.8 Q(<@kno)214 477 Q(wn1,@kno)-.25 E -(wn2,@kno)-.25 E(wn3:user@unkno)-.25 E(wn>)-.25 E F2(sendmail)174 493.2 +472.8 R -.15(Fo)5.155 G 2.655(re).15 G .155(xample, when)-2.805 F +(sending an error message to)174 484.8 Q(<@kno)214 501 Q(wn1,@kno)-.25 E +(wn2,@kno)-.25 E(wn3:user@unkno)-.25 E(wn>)-.25 E F2(sendmail)174 517.2 Q F1 1.155(will strip of)3.655 F 3.655(ft)-.25 G 1.155(he \231@kno) -3.655 F(wn1,@kno)-.25 E 1.155(wn2\232 in order to mak)-.25 F 3.655(et) --.1 G 1.155(he route as)-3.655 F .813(direct as possible.)174 505.2 R -(Ho)5.813 E(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.613 -.4(r, i).15 H 3.313(ft).4 G -(he)-3.313 E F0(R)3.313 E F1 .812 -(option is set, this will be disabled, and the)3.313 F .009 -(mail will be sent to the \214rst address in the route, e)174 517.2 R --.15(ve)-.25 G 2.51(ni).15 G 2.51(fl)-2.51 G .01(ater addresses are kno) --2.51 F(wn.)-.25 E(This may be useful if you are caught behind a \214re) -174 529.2 Q -.1(wa)-.25 G(ll.).1 E(DoubleBounceAddress=)102 545.4 Q F2 -(err)A(or)-.45 E(-addr)-.2 E(ess)-.37 E F1 .504([no short name] If an e\ -rror occurs when sending an error message, send the error)174 557.4 R -1.999(report \(termed a \231double bounce\232 because it is an error \ -\231bounce\232 that occurs)174 569.4 R .053(when trying to send another\ - error \231bounce\232\) to the indicated address.)174 581.4 R .053 -(The address)5.053 F .474(is macro e)174 593.4 R .474 -(xpanded at the time of deli)-.15 F -.15(ve)-.25 G(ry).15 E 5.474(.I) --.65 G 2.974(fn)-5.474 G .474(ot set, def)-2.974 F .475 -(aults to \231postmaster\232.)-.1 F(If)5.475 E -(set to an empty string, double bounces are dropped.)174 605.4 Q -(EightBitMode=)102 621.6 Q F2(action)A F1 1.956 -([8] Set handling of eight-bit data.)174 633.6 R 1.955(There are tw) -6.955 F 4.455(ok)-.1 G 1.955(inds of eight-bit data: that)-4.455 F 3.334 -(declared as such using the)174 645.6 R F0(BOD)5.834 E(Y=8BITMIME)-.4 E -F1 3.335(ESMTP declaration or the)5.835 F F0(\255B8BITMIME)174 657.6 Q +-.1 G 1.155(he route as)-3.655 F .812(direct as possible.)174 529.2 R +(Ho)5.812 E(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.612 -.4(r, i).15 H 3.312(ft).4 G +(he)-3.312 E F0(R)3.313 E F1 .813 +(option is set, this will be disabled, and the)3.313 F .01 +(mail will be sent to the \214rst address in the route, e)174 541.2 R +-.15(ve)-.25 G 2.509(ni).15 G 2.509(fl)-2.509 G .009 +(ater addresses are kno)-2.509 F(wn.)-.25 E +(This may be useful if you are caught behind a \214re)174 553.2 Q -.1 +(wa)-.25 G(ll.).1 E(DoubleBounceAddress=)102 569.4 Q F2(err)A(or)-.45 E +(-addr)-.2 E(ess)-.37 E F1 .504([no short name] If an error occurs when\ + sending an error message, send the error)174 581.4 R 1.999(report \(te\ +rmed a \231double bounce\232 because it is an error \231bounce\232 that\ + occurs)174 593.4 R .053(when trying to send another error \231bounce\ +\232\) to the indicated address.)174 605.4 R .054(The address)5.054 F +.475(is macro e)174 617.4 R .474(xpanded at the time of deli)-.15 F -.15 +(ve)-.25 G(ry).15 E 5.474(.I)-.65 G 2.974(fn)-5.474 G .474(ot set, def) +-2.974 F .474(aults to \231postmaster\232.)-.1 F(If)5.474 E +(set to an empty string, double bounces are dropped.)174 629.4 Q +(EightBitMode=)102 645.6 Q F2(action)A F1 1.955 +([8] Set handling of eight-bit data.)174 657.6 R 1.955(There are tw) +6.955 F 4.456(ok)-.1 G 1.956(inds of eight-bit data: that)-4.456 F 3.335 +(declared as such using the)174 669.6 R F0(BOD)5.834 E(Y=8BITMIME)-.4 E +F1 3.334(ESMTP declaration or the)5.834 F F0(\255B8BITMIME)174 681.6 Q F1 .948 (command line \215ag, and undeclared 8-bit data, that is, input that) -3.449 F 1.18(just happens to be eight bits.)174 669.6 R 1.18 -(There are three basic operations that can happen:)6.18 F .996 -(undeclared 8-bit data can be automatically con)174 681.6 R -.15(ve)-.4 -G .995(rted to 8BITMIME, undeclared).15 F .887 -(8-bit data can be passed as-is without con)174 693.6 R -.15(ve)-.4 G -.887(rsion to MIME \(`).15 F .887(`just send 8')-.74 F .887('\), and) --.74 F 1.794(declared 8-bit data can be con)174 705.6 R -.15(ve)-.4 G -1.794(rted to 7-bits for transmission to a non-8BIT).15 F(-)-.92 E -(MIME mailer)174 717.6 Q 5(.T)-.55 G(he possible)-5 E F2(action)2.5 E F1 -2.5(sa)C(re:)-2.5 E 0 Cg EP +3.448 F 1.18(just happens to be eight bits.)174 693.6 R 1.18 +(There are three basic operations that can happen:)6.18 F .995 +(undeclared 8-bit data can be automatically con)174 705.6 R -.15(ve)-.4 +G .996(rted to 8BITMIME, undeclared).15 F .887 +(8-bit data can be passed as-is without con)174 717.6 R -.15(ve)-.4 G +.887(rsion to MIME \(`).15 F .887(`just send 8')-.74 F .886('\), and) +-.74 F 0 Cg EP %%Page: 67 63 %%BeginPageSetup BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide)72 60 Q -(SMM:08-67)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 11.11(sR)219 96 S +(SMM:08-67)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 1.794 +(declared 8-bit data can be con)174 96 R -.15(ve)-.4 G 1.794 +(rted to 7-bits for transmission to a non-8BIT).15 F(-)-.92 E +(MIME mailer)174 108 Q 5(.T)-.55 G(he possible)-5 E/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 +SF(action)2.5 E F1 2.5(sa)C(re:)-2.5 E 11.11(sR)219 124.2 S (eject undeclared 8-bit data \(`)-11.11 E(`strict')-.74 E('\))-.74 E -7.22(mC)219 108 S(on)-7.22 E -.15(ve)-.4 G +7.22(mC)219 136.2 S(on)-7.22 E -.15(ve)-.4 G (rt undeclared 8-bit data to MIME \(`).15 E(`mime')-.74 E('\))-.74 E 10 -(pP)219 120 S(ass undeclared 8-bit data \(`)-10.15 E(`pass')-.74 E('\)) --.74 E 2.227(In all cases properly declared 8BITMIME data will be con) -174 136.2 R -.15(ve)-.4 G 2.228(rted to 7BIT as).15 F(needed.)174 148.2 -Q(ErrorHeader=)102 164.4 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(\214le-or)A(-messa) --.2 E -.1(ge)-.1 G F1 .486 -([E] Prepend error messages with the indicated message.)174 176.4 R .486 -(If it be)5.486 F .486(gins with a slash,)-.15 F .246(it is assumed to \ -be the pathname of a \214le containing a message \(this is the recom-) -174 188.4 R .86(mended setting\).)174 200.4 R .86 +(pP)219 148.2 S(ass undeclared 8-bit data \(`)-10.15 E(`pass')-.74 E +('\))-.74 E 2.228 +(In all cases properly declared 8BITMIME data will be con)174 164.4 R +-.15(ve)-.4 G 2.227(rted to 7BIT as).15 F(needed.)174 176.4 Q +(ErrorHeader=)102 192.6 Q F2(\214le-or)A(-messa)-.2 E -.1(ge)-.1 G F1 +.486([E] Prepend error messages with the indicated message.)174 204.6 R +.486(If it be)5.486 F .487(gins with a slash,)-.15 F .246(it is assumed\ + to be the pathname of a \214le containing a message \(this is the reco\ +m-)174 216.6 R .86(mended setting\).)174 228.6 R .86 (Otherwise, it is a literal message.)5.86 F .86 (The error \214le might contain)5.86 F 1.116(the name, email address, a\ -nd/or phone number of a local postmaster who could)174 212.4 R(pro)174 -224.4 Q .827(vide assistance to end users.)-.15 F .827 +nd/or phone number of a local postmaster who could)174 240.6 R(pro)174 +252.6 Q .826(vide assistance to end users.)-.15 F .827 (If the option is missing or null, or if it names a)5.827 F -(\214le which does not e)174 236.4 Q +(\214le which does not e)174 264.6 Q (xist or which is not readable, no message is printed.)-.15 E -(ErrorMode=)102 252.6 Q F2(x)A F1([e] Dispose of errors using mode)17.49 +(ErrorMode=)102 280.8 Q F2(x)A F1([e] Dispose of errors using mode)17.49 E F2(x)2.5 E F1 5(.T)C(he v)-5 E(alues for)-.25 E F2(x)2.5 E F1(are:)2.5 -E 15(pP)214 268.8 S(rint error messages \(def)-15 E(ault\))-.1 E 15(qN) -214 280.8 S 2.5(om)-15 G(essages, just gi)-2.5 E .3 -.15(ve ex)-.25 H -(it status).15 E 12.22(mM)214 292.8 S(ail back errors)-12.22 E 12.78(wW) -214 304.8 S(rite back errors \(mail if user not logged in\))-12.78 E -15.56(eM)214 316.8 S(ail back errors \(when applicable\) and gi)-15.56 E -.3 -.15(ve z)-.25 H(ero e).15 E(xit stat al)-.15 E -.1(wa)-.1 G(ys).1 E +E 15(pP)214 297 S(rint error messages \(def)-15 E(ault\))-.1 E 15(qN)214 +309 S 2.5(om)-15 G(essages, just gi)-2.5 E .3 -.15(ve ex)-.25 H +(it status).15 E 12.22(mM)214 321 S(ail back errors)-12.22 E 12.78(wW) +214 333 S(rite back errors \(mail if user not logged in\))-12.78 E 15.56 +(eM)214 345 S(ail back errors \(when applicable\) and gi)-15.56 E .3 +-.15(ve z)-.25 H(ero e).15 E(xit stat al)-.15 E -.1(wa)-.1 G(ys).1 E 1.314(Note that the last mode, \231e\232, is for Berknet error processi\ -ng and should not be)174 333 R 1.324(used in normal circumstances.)174 -345 R 1.323(Note, too, that mode \231q\232, only applies to errors)6.324 -F(recognized before sendmail forks for background deli)174 357 Q -.15 -(ve)-.25 G(ry).15 E(.)-.65 E -.15(Fa)102 373.2 S(llbackMXhost=).15 E F2 -(fallbac)A(khost)-.2 E F1 .796([V] If speci\214ed, the)174 385.2 R F2 -(fallbac)3.296 E(khost)-.2 E F1 .796(acts lik)3.296 F 3.296(eav)-.1 G -.797(ery lo)-3.446 F 3.297(wp)-.25 G .797(riority MX on e)-3.297 F -.15 -(ve)-.25 G .797(ry host.).15 F 1.538(MX records will be look)174 397.2 R -1.537(ed up for this host, unless the name is surrounded by)-.1 F .016 -(square brack)174 409.2 R 2.517(ets. This)-.1 F .017 -(is intended to be used by sites with poor netw)2.517 F .017 -(ork connecti)-.1 F(v-)-.25 E(ity)174 421.2 Q 6.706(.M)-.65 G 1.706 +ng and should not be)174 361.2 R 1.323(used in normal circumstances.)174 +373.2 R 1.323(Note, too, that mode \231q\232, only applies to errors) +6.323 F(recognized before sendmail forks for background deli)174 385.2 Q +-.15(ve)-.25 G(ry).15 E(.)-.65 E -.15(Fa)102 401.4 S(llbackMXhost=).15 E +F2(fallbac)A(khost)-.2 E F1 .797([V] If speci\214ed, the)174 413.4 R F2 +(fallbac)3.297 E(khost)-.2 E F1 .797(acts lik)3.297 F 3.296(eav)-.1 G +.796(ery lo)-3.446 F 3.296(wp)-.25 G .796(riority MX on e)-3.296 F -.15 +(ve)-.25 G .796(ry host.).15 F 1.537(MX records will be look)174 425.4 R +1.537(ed up for this host, unless the name is surrounded by)-.1 F .017 +(square brack)174 437.4 R 2.517(ets. This)-.1 F .017 +(is intended to be used by sites with poor netw)2.517 F .016 +(ork connecti)-.1 F(v-)-.25 E(ity)174 449.4 Q 6.706(.M)-.65 G 1.706 (essages which are undeli)-6.706 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.706 (rable due to temporary address f).15 F 1.706(ailures \(e.g.,)-.1 F -(DNS f)174 433.2 Q(ailure\) also go to the F)-.1 E(allbackMXhost.)-.15 E --.15(Fa)102 449.4 S(llBackSmartHost=).15 E F2(hostname)A F1 1.655 -(If speci\214ed, the)174 461.4 R F2 -.75(Fa)4.156 G(llBac).75 E -(kSmartHost)-.2 E F1 1.656(will be used in a last-ditch ef)4.156 F 1.656 -(fort for each)-.25 F 3.212(host. This)174 473.4 R .712 +(DNS f)174 461.4 Q(ailure\) also go to the F)-.1 E(allbackMXhost.)-.15 E +-.15(Fa)102 477.6 S(llBackSmartHost=).15 E F2(hostname)A F1 1.656 +(If speci\214ed, the)174 489.6 R F2 -.75(Fa)4.156 G(llBac).75 E +(kSmartHost)-.2 E F1 1.656(will be used in a last-ditch ef)4.156 F 1.655 +(fort for each)-.25 F 3.212(host. This)174 501.6 R .712 (is intended to be used by sites with "f)3.212 F(ak)-.1 E 3.212(ei)-.1 G -.712(nternal DNS", e.g., a com-)-3.212 F(pan)174 485.4 Q 3.19(yw)-.15 G +.712(nternal DNS", e.g., a com-)-3.212 F(pan)174 513.6 Q 3.19(yw)-.15 G .69(hose DNS accurately re\215ects the w)-3.19 F .69 (orld inside that compan)-.1 F(y')-.15 E 3.19(sd)-.55 G .69(omain b) --3.19 F(ut)-.2 E(not outside.)174 497.4 Q -.15(Fa)102 513.6 S 34.08 -(stSplit [no).15 F 1.572(short name] If set to a v)4.072 F 1.572 +-3.19 F(ut)-.2 E(not outside.)174 525.6 Q -.15(Fa)102 541.8 S 34.08 +(stSplit [no).15 F 1.572(short name] If set to a v)4.071 F 1.572 (alue greater than zero \(the def)-.25 F 1.572(ault is one\), it sup-) --.1 F .977(presses the MX lookups on addresses when the)174 525.6 R -3.477(ya)-.15 G .977(re initially sorted, i.e., for the)-3.477 F 1.031 -(\214rst deli)174 537.6 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.031(ry attempt.).15 F 1.031 +-.1 F .977(presses the MX lookups on addresses when the)174 553.8 R +3.477(ya)-.15 G .977(re initially sorted, i.e., for the)-3.477 F 1.03 +(\214rst deli)174 565.8 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.031(ry attempt.).15 F 1.031 (This usually results in f)6.031 F 1.031(aster en)-.1 F -.15(ve)-.4 G 1.031(lope splitting unless the).15 F .423(MX records are readily a)174 -549.6 R -.25(va)-.2 G .423(ilable in a local DNS cache.).25 F 2.023 -.8 -(To e)5.423 H .423(nforce initial sorting).8 F .338 -(based on MX records set)174 561.6 R F0 -.25(Fa)2.838 G(stSplit).25 E F1 +577.8 R -.25(va)-.2 G .423(ilable in a local DNS cache.).25 F 2.023 -.8 +(To e)5.423 H .423(nforce initial sorting).8 F .337 +(based on MX records set)174 589.8 R F0 -.25(Fa)2.838 G(stSplit).25 E F1 .338(to zero.)2.838 F .338(If the mail is submitted directly from)5.338 -F 1.078(the command line, then the v)174 573.6 R 1.079 +F 1.079(the command line, then the v)174 601.8 R 1.078 (alue also limits the number of processes to deli)-.25 F -.15(ve)-.25 G -(r).15 E .294(the en)174 585.6 R -.15(ve)-.4 G .294(lopes; if more en) -.15 F -.15(ve)-.4 G .294(lopes are created the).15 F 2.794(ya)-.15 G -.293(re only queued up and must be)-2.794 F(tak)174 597.6 Q .691 -(en care of by a queue run.)-.1 F .691(Since the def)5.691 F .692 +(r).15 E .293(the en)174 613.8 R -.15(ve)-.4 G .293(lopes; if more en) +.15 F -.15(ve)-.4 G .293(lopes are created the).15 F 2.794(ya)-.15 G +.294(re only queued up and must be)-2.794 F(tak)174 625.8 Q .692 +(en care of by a queue run.)-.1 F .691(Since the def)5.691 F .691 (ault submission method is via SMTP)-.1 F 1.284(\(either from a MU)174 -609.6 R 3.784(Ao)-.4 G 3.784(rv)-3.784 G 1.284(ia the MSP\), the v) +637.8 R 3.784(Ao)-.4 G 3.784(rv)-3.784 G 1.284(ia the MSP\), the v) -3.784 F 1.284(alue of)-.25 F F0 -.25(Fa)3.784 G(stSplit).25 E F1 1.284 (is seldom used to)3.784 F(limit the number of processes to deli)174 -621.6 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(rt).15 G(he en)-2.5 E -.15(ve)-.4 G(lopes.) -.15 E -.15(Fo)102 637.8 S 16.88(rkEachJob [Y]).15 F(If set, deli)2.5 E +649.8 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(rt).15 G(he en)-2.5 E -.15(ve)-.4 G(lopes.) +.15 E -.15(Fo)102 666 S 16.88(rkEachJob [Y]).15 F(If set, deli)2.5 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(re).15 G (ach job that is run from the queue in a separate process.)-2.5 E -.15 -(Fo)102 654 S(rw).15 E(ardP)-.1 E(ath=)-.15 E F2(path)A F1 1.511 -([J] Set the path for searching for users' .forw)174 666 R 1.512 -(ard \214les.)-.1 F 1.512(The def)6.512 F 1.512(ault is \231$z/.for)-.1 -F(-)-.2 E -.1(wa)174 678 S 5.8(rd\232. Some).1 F 3.299 -(sites that use the automounter may prefer to change this to)5.8 F -(\231/v)174 690 Q(ar/forw)-.25 E 1.696(ard/$u\232 to search a \214le wi\ -th the same name as the user in a system)-.1 F(directory)174 702 Q 5.488 -(.I)-.65 G 2.988(tc)-5.488 G .488 -(an also be set to a sequence of paths separated by colons;)-2.988 F F2 -(sendmail)2.987 E F1 4.217 -(stops at the \214rst \214le it can successfully and safely open.)174 -714 R -.15(Fo)9.218 G 6.718(re).15 G(xample,)-6.868 E 0 Cg EP +(Fo)102 682.2 S(rw).15 E(ardP)-.1 E(ath=)-.15 E F2(path)A F1 1.512 +([J] Set the path for searching for users' .forw)174 694.2 R 1.511 +(ard \214les.)-.1 F 1.511(The def)6.511 F 1.511(ault is \231$z/.for)-.1 +F(-)-.2 E -.1(wa)174 706.2 S 5.799(rd\232. Some).1 F 3.299 +(sites that use the automounter may prefer to change this to)5.799 F +(\231/v)174 718.2 Q(ar/forw)-.25 E 1.696(ard/$u\232 to search a \214le \ +with the same name as the user in a system)-.1 F 0 Cg EP %%Page: 68 64 %%BeginPageSetup BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF 193.36(SMM:08-68 Sendmail)72 60 R -(Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(\231/v) -174 96 Q(ar/forw)-.25 E(ard/$u:$z/.forw)-.1 E .682 -(ard\232 will search \214rst in /v)-.1 F(ar/forw)-.25 E(ard/)-.1 E/F2 10 -/Times-Italic@0 SF(username)A F1 .681(and then)3.181 F(in)174 108 Q F2 -(~username)2.5 E F1(/.forw)A(ard \(b)-.1 E +(Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF +(directory)174 96 Q 5.487(.I)-.65 G 2.987(tc)-5.487 G .488 +(an also be set to a sequence of paths separated by colons;)-2.987 F/F2 +10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sendmail)2.988 E F1 .831 +(stops at the \214rst \214le it can successfully and safely open.)174 +108 R -.15(Fo)5.83 G 3.33(re).15 G .83(xample, \231/v)-3.48 F(ar/for) +-.25 E(-)-.2 E -.1(wa)174 120 S(rd/$u:$z/.forw).1 E .276 +(ard\232 will search \214rst in /v)-.1 F(ar/forw)-.25 E(ard/)-.1 E F2 +(username)A F1 .277(and then in)2.777 F F2(~user)2.777 E(-)-.2 E(name) +174 132 Q F1(/.forw)A(ard \(b)-.1 E (ut only if the \214rst \214le does not e)-.2 E(xist\).)-.15 E -(HeloName=)102 124.2 Q F2(name)A F1([no short name] Set the name to be \ -used for HELO/EHLO \(instead of $j\).)1.38 E(HoldExpensi)102 140.4 Q -8.54 -.15(ve [)-.25 H 1.393(c] If an outgoing mailer is mark).15 F 1.393 -(ed as being e)-.1 F(xpensi)-.15 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.894(,d).15 G(on') --3.894 E 3.894(tc)-.18 G 1.394(onnect immedi-)-3.894 F(ately)174 152.4 Q -(.)-.65 E(HostsFile=)102 168.6 Q F2(path)A F1 .026([no short name] The \ -path to the hosts database, normally \231/etc/hosts\232.)10.24 F .025 -(This option)5.025 F 1.417(is only consulted when sendmail is canonifyi\ -ng addresses, and then only when)174 180.6 R .784 -(\231\214les\232 is in the \231hosts\232 service switch entry)174 192.6 -R 5.784(.I)-.65 G 3.283(np)-5.784 G(articular)-3.283 E 3.283(,t)-.4 G -.783(his \214le is)-3.283 F F2(ne)3.283 E(ver)-.15 E F1(used)3.283 E +(HeloName=)102 148.2 Q F2(name)A F1([no short name] Set the name to be \ +used for HELO/EHLO \(instead of $j\).)1.38 E(HoldExpensi)102 164.4 Q +8.54 -.15(ve [)-.25 H 1.394(c] If an outgoing mailer is mark).15 F 1.393 +(ed as being e)-.1 F(xpensi)-.15 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.893(,d).15 G(on') +-3.893 E 3.893(tc)-.18 G 1.393(onnect immedi-)-3.893 F(ately)174 176.4 Q +(.)-.65 E(HostsFile=)102 192.6 Q F2(path)A F1 .026([no short name] The \ +path to the hosts database, normally \231/etc/hosts\232.)10.24 F .026 +(This option)5.026 F 1.417(is only consulted when sendmail is canonifyi\ +ng addresses, and then only when)174 204.6 R .783 +(\231\214les\232 is in the \231hosts\232 service switch entry)174 216.6 +R 5.784(.I)-.65 G 3.284(np)-5.784 G(articular)-3.284 E 3.284(,t)-.4 G +.784(his \214le is)-3.284 F F2(ne)3.284 E(ver)-.15 E F1(used)3.284 E .202(when looking up host addresses; that is under the control of the s\ -ystem)174 204.6 R F2 -.1(ge)2.703 G(thostby-).1 E(name)174 216.6 Q F1 -(\(3\) routine.)A(HostStatusDirectory=)102 232.8 Q F2(path)A F1 .43 +ystem)174 228.6 R F2 -.1(ge)2.702 G(thostby-).1 E(name)174 240.6 Q F1 +(\(3\) routine.)A(HostStatusDirectory=)102 256.8 Q F2(path)A F1 .43 ([no short name] The location of the long term host status information.) -174 244.8 R .43(When set,)5.43 F 1.39 -(information about the status of hosts \(e.g., host do)174 256.8 R 1.39 -(wn or not accepting connec-)-.25 F .163 -(tions\) will be shared between all)174 268.8 R F2(sendmail)2.663 E F1 -.163(processes; normally)2.663 F 2.662(,t)-.65 G .162 -(his information is)-2.662 F .123(only held within a single queue run.) -174 280.8 R .123(This option requires a connection cache of at)5.123 F -.689(least 1 to function.)174 292.8 R .688(If the option be)5.688 F .688 +174 268.8 R .43(When set,)5.43 F 1.39 +(information about the status of hosts \(e.g., host do)174 280.8 R 1.39 +(wn or not accepting connec-)-.25 F .162 +(tions\) will be shared between all)174 292.8 R F2(sendmail)2.663 E F1 +.163(processes; normally)2.663 F 2.663(,t)-.65 G .163 +(his information is)-2.663 F .123(only held within a single queue run.) +174 304.8 R .123(This option requires a connection cache of at)5.123 F +.688(least 1 to function.)174 316.8 R .688(If the option be)5.688 F .688 (gins with a leading `/', it is an absolute path-)-.15 F .617 -(name; otherwise, it is relati)174 304.8 R .917 -.15(ve t)-.25 H 3.117 +(name; otherwise, it is relati)174 328.8 R .917 -.15(ve t)-.25 H 3.117 (ot).15 G .617(he mail queue directory)-3.117 F 5.617(.A)-.65 G .617 -(suggested v)-2.5 F .617(alue for)-.25 F .558(sites desiring persistent\ +(suggested v)-2.5 F .616(alue for)-.25 F .558(sites desiring persistent\ host status is \231.hoststat\232 \(i.e., a subdirectory of the queue) -174 316.8 R(directory\).)174 328.8 Q 24.51(IgnoreDots [i])102 345 R -1.171(Ignore dots in incoming messages.)3.671 F 1.172(This is al)6.171 F --.1(wa)-.1 G 1.172(ys disabled \(that is, dots are).1 F(al)174 357 Q -.1 +174 340.8 R(directory\).)174 352.8 Q 24.51(IgnoreDots [i])102 369 R +1.172(Ignore dots in incoming messages.)3.672 F 1.172(This is al)6.172 F +-.1(wa)-.1 G 1.171(ys disabled \(that is, dots are).1 F(al)174 381 Q -.1 (wa)-.1 G(ys accepted\) when reading SMTP mail.).1 E(InputMailFilters=) -102 373.2 Q F2(name)A(,name)-.1 E(,...)-.1 E F1 3.622(Ac)174 385.2 S +102 397.2 Q F2(name)A(,name)-.1 E(,...)-.1 E F1 3.621(Ac)174 409.2 S 1.122(omma separated list of \214lters which determines which \214lters\ - \(see the "X \212)-3.622 F 1.768 -(Mail Filter \(Milter\) De\214nitions" section\) and the in)174 397.2 R + \(see the "X \212)-3.621 F 1.768 +(Mail Filter \(Milter\) De\214nitions" section\) and the in)174 421.2 R -.2(vo)-.4 G 1.768(cation sequence are con-).2 F .367 -(tacted for incoming SMTP messages.)174 409.2 R .367 -(If none are set, no \214lters will be contacted.)5.367 F(LD)102 425.4 Q -(APDef)-.4 E(aultSpec=)-.1 E F2(spec)A F1 2.057 -([no short name] Sets a def)174 437.4 R 2.058 -(ault map speci\214cation for LD)-.1 F 2.058(AP maps.)-.4 F 2.058(The v) -7.058 F(alue)-.25 E .674(should only contain LD)174 449.4 R .674 +(tacted for incoming SMTP messages.)174 433.2 R .367 +(If none are set, no \214lters will be contacted.)5.367 F(LD)102 449.4 Q +(APDef)-.4 E(aultSpec=)-.1 E F2(spec)A F1 2.058 +([no short name] Sets a def)174 461.4 R 2.057 +(ault map speci\214cation for LD)-.1 F 2.057(AP maps.)-.4 F 2.057(The v) +7.057 F(alue)-.25 E .673(should only contain LD)174 473.4 R .674 (AP speci\214c settings such as \231-h host -p port -d bindDN\232.)-.4 F -.501(The settings will be used for all LD)174 461.4 R .501 -(AP maps unless the indi)-.4 F .501(vidual map speci\214ca-)-.25 F 1.5 -(tion o)174 473.4 R -.15(ve)-.15 G 1.5(rrides a setting.).15 F 1.5 +.501(The settings will be used for all LD)174 485.4 R .501 +(AP maps unless the indi)-.4 F .5(vidual map speci\214ca-)-.25 F 1.5 +(tion o)174 497.4 R -.15(ve)-.15 G 1.5(rrides a setting.).15 F 1.5 (This option should be set before an)6.5 F 4(yL)-.15 G -.4(DA)-4 G 4(Pm) -.4 G 1.5(aps are)-4 F(de\214ned.)174 485.4 Q(LogLe)102 501.6 Q -.15(ve) +.4 G 1.5(aps are)-4 F(de\214ned.)174 509.4 Q(LogLe)102 525.6 Q -.15(ve) -.25 G(l=).15 E F2(n)A F1([L] Set the log le)22.88 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5 (lt).15 G(o)-2.5 E F2(n)2.5 E F1 5(.D)C(ef)-5 E(aults to 9.)-.1 E(M)102 -517.8 Q F2 1.666(xv)C(alue)-1.666 E F1 .255([no long v)35.344 F .255 +541.8 Q F2 1.666(xv)C(alue)-1.666 E F1 .255([no long v)35.344 F .255 (ersion] Set the macro)-.15 F F2(x)2.755 E F1(to)2.755 E F2(value)2.755 E F1 5.255(.T)C .255(his is intended only for use from the)-5.255 F -(command line.)174 529.8 Q(The)5 E F02.5 E F1 -(\215ag is preferred.)2.5 E -1.04(MailboxDatabase [no)102 546 R 2.968 -(short name] T)5.468 F 2.967 +(command line.)174 553.8 Q(The)5 E F02.5 E F1 +(\215ag is preferred.)2.5 E -1.04(MailboxDatabase [no)102 570 R 2.967 +(short name] T)5.467 F 2.967 (ype of lookup to \214nd information about local mailbox)-.8 F(es,)-.15 -E(def)174 558 Q .145(aults to `)-.1 F(`pw')-.74 E 2.645('w)-.74 G .145 +E(def)174 582 Q .145(aults to `)-.1 F(`pw')-.74 E 2.645('w)-.74 G .145 (hich uses)-2.645 F F2 -.1(ge)2.645 G(tpwnam).1 E F1 5.145(.O)C .145 (ther types can be introduced by adding)-5.145 F -(them to the source code, see libsm/mbdb)174 570 Q(.c for details.)-.4 E -33.94(UseMSP [no)102 586.2 R .163 -(short name] Use as mail submission program, i.e., allo)2.664 F 2.663 -(wg)-.25 G .163(roup writable queue)-2.663 F .954(\214les if the group \ -is the same as that of a set-group-ID sendmail binary)174 598.2 R 5.954 -(.S)-.65 G .954(ee the)-5.954 F(\214le)174 610.2 Q F0(sendmail/SECURITY) +(them to the source code, see libsm/mbdb)174 594 Q(.c for details.)-.4 E +33.94(UseMSP [no)102 610.2 R .163 +(short name] Use as mail submission program, i.e., allo)2.663 F 2.664 +(wg)-.25 G .164(roup writable queue)-2.664 F .954(\214les if the group \ +is the same as that of a set-group-ID sendmail binary)174 622.2 R 5.954 +(.S)-.65 G .954(ee the)-5.954 F(\214le)174 634.2 Q F0(sendmail/SECURITY) 2.5 E F1(in the distrib)2.5 E(ution tarball.)-.2 E 11.17(MatchGECOS [G]) -102 626.4 R(Allo)3.334 E 3.334(wf)-.25 G .834 -(uzzy matching on the GECOS \214eld.)-3.334 F .833 -(If this \215ag is set, and the usual)5.833 F .867(user name lookups f) -174 638.4 R .867(ail \(that is, there is no alias with this name and a) --.1 F F2 -.1(ge)3.368 G(tpwnam).1 E F1 -.1(fa)174 650.4 S 1.155 +102 650.4 R(Allo)3.333 E 3.333(wf)-.25 G .833 +(uzzy matching on the GECOS \214eld.)-3.333 F .834 +(If this \215ag is set, and the usual)5.833 F .868(user name lookups f) +174 662.4 R .867(ail \(that is, there is no alias with this name and a) +-.1 F F2 -.1(ge)3.367 G(tpwnam).1 E F1 -.1(fa)174 674.4 S 1.155 (ils\), sequentially search the passw).1 F 1.155 (ord \214le for a matching entry in the GECOS)-.1 F 3.696(\214eld. This) -174 662.4 R 1.196(also requires that MA)3.696 F 1.196 +174 686.4 R 1.196(also requires that MA)3.696 F 1.196 (TCHGECOS be turned on during compilation.)-1.11 F -(This option is not recommended.)174 674.4 Q(MaxAliasRecursion=)102 -690.6 Q F2(N)A F1 -([no short name] The maximum depth of alias recursion \(def)174 702.6 Q -(ault: 10\).)-.1 E 0 Cg EP +(This option is not recommended.)174 698.4 Q 0 Cg EP %%Page: 69 65 %%BeginPageSetup BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide)72 60 Q -(SMM:08-69)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(MaxDaemonChildren=)102 96 Q -/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(N)A F1 .54([no short name] If set,)174 108 R F2 -(sendmail)3.039 E F1 .539(will refuse connections when it has more than) -3.039 F F2(N)3.039 E F1 .885 -(children processing incoming mail or automatic queue runs.)174 120 R -.886(This does not limit)5.886 F .813 -(the number of outgoing connections.)174 132 R .812(If the def)5.812 F -(ault)-.1 E F0(Deli)3.312 E -.1(ve)-.1 G(ryMode).1 E F1(\(background\)) -3.312 E 3.134(is used, then)174 144 R F2(sendmail)5.634 E F1 3.135 -(may create an almost unlimited number of children)5.634 F .294 -(\(depending on the number of transactions and the relati)174 156 R .594 --.15(ve exe)-.25 H .294(cution times of mail).15 F 1.235 -(receiption and mail deli)174 168 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.736(ry\). If).15 F -1.236(the limit should be enforced, then a)3.736 F F0(Deli)3.736 E -.1 -(ve)-.1 G(ry-).1 E(Mode)174 180 Q F1 1.484 -(other than background must be used.)3.984 F 1.483 +(SMM:08-69)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(MaxAliasRecursion=)102 96 Q +/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(N)A F1 +([no short name] The maximum depth of alias recursion \(def)174 108 Q +(ault: 10\).)-.1 E(MaxDaemonChildren=)102 124.2 Q F2(N)A F1 .539 +([no short name] If set,)174 136.2 R F2(sendmail)3.039 E F1 .539 +(will refuse connections when it has more than)3.039 F F2(N)3.04 E F1 +.886(children processing incoming mail or automatic queue runs.)174 +148.2 R .885(This does not limit)5.885 F .812 +(the number of outgoing connections.)174 160.2 R .812(If the def)5.812 F +(ault)-.1 E F0(Deli)3.313 E -.1(ve)-.1 G(ryMode).1 E F1(\(background\)) +3.313 E 3.135(is used, then)174 172.2 R F2(sendmail)5.635 E F1 3.134 +(may create an almost unlimited number of children)5.635 F .294 +(\(depending on the number of transactions and the relati)174 184.2 R +.594 -.15(ve exe)-.25 H .295(cution times of mail).15 F 1.236 +(receiption and mail deli)174 196.2 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.736(ry\). If).15 +F 1.236(the limit should be enforced, then a)3.736 F F0(Deli)3.735 E -.1 +(ve)-.1 G(ry-).1 E(Mode)174 208.2 Q F1 1.483 +(other than background must be used.)3.983 F 1.484 (If not set, there is no limit to the)6.483 F -(number of children -- that is, the system load a)174 192 Q -.15(ve)-.2 -G(rage controls this.).15 E(MaxHeadersLength=)102 208.2 Q F2(N)A F1 .17 -([no short name] The maximum length of the sum of all headers.)174 220.2 -R .17(This can be used)5.17 F(to pre)174 232.2 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G +(number of children -- that is, the system load a)174 220.2 Q -.15(ve) +-.2 G(rage controls this.).15 E(MaxHeadersLength=)102 236.4 Q F2(N)A F1 +.17([no short name] The maximum length of the sum of all headers.)174 +248.4 R .17(This can be used)5.17 F(to pre)174 260.4 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G (nt a denial of service attack.).15 E(The def)5 E(ault is no limit.)-.1 -E(MaxHopCount=)102 248.4 Q F2(N)A F1 1.238([h] The maximum hop count.) -174 260.4 R 1.238(Messages that ha)6.238 F 1.537 -.15(ve b)-.2 H 1.237 -(een processed more than).15 F F2(N)3.737 E F1 -(times are assumed to be in a loop and are rejected.)174 272.4 Q(Def)5 E -(aults to 25.)-.1 E(MaxMessageSize=)102 288.6 Q F2(N)A F1 2.562 -([no short name] Specify the maximum message size to be adv)174 300.6 R -2.563(ertised in the)-.15 F 1.023(ESMTP EHLO response.)174 312.6 R 1.023 -(Messages lar)6.023 F 1.022(ger than this will be rejected.)-.18 F 1.022 -(If set to a)6.022 F -.25(va)174 324.6 S .834 +E(MaxHopCount=)102 276.6 Q F2(N)A F1 1.237([h] The maximum hop count.) +174 288.6 R 1.237(Messages that ha)6.237 F 1.538 -.15(ve b)-.2 H 1.238 +(een processed more than).15 F F2(N)3.738 E F1 +(times are assumed to be in a loop and are rejected.)174 300.6 Q(Def)5 E +(aults to 25.)-.1 E(MaxMessageSize=)102 316.8 Q F2(N)A F1 2.563 +([no short name] Specify the maximum message size to be adv)174 328.8 R +2.562(ertised in the)-.15 F 1.022(ESMTP EHLO response.)174 340.8 R 1.022 +(Messages lar)6.022 F 1.022(ger than this will be rejected.)-.18 F 1.023 +(If set to a)6.023 F -.25(va)174 352.8 S .834 (lue greater than zero, that v).25 F .834 (alue will be listed in the SIZE response, otherwise)-.25 F(SIZE is adv) -174 336.6 Q(ertised in the ESMTP EHLO response without a parameter)-.15 -E(.)-.55 E(MaxMimeHeaderLength=)102 352.8 Q F2(N[/M])A F1 .343([no shor\ -t name] Sets the maximum length of certain MIME header \214eld v)174 -364.8 R .343(alues to)-.25 F F2(N)174 376.8 Q F1 3.618 -(characters. These)3.618 F 1.118 -(MIME header \214elds are determined by being a member of)3.618 F .895 -(class {checkMIMET)174 388.8 R -.15(ex)-.7 G .895 +174 364.8 Q(ertised in the ESMTP EHLO response without a parameter)-.15 +E(.)-.55 E(MaxMimeHeaderLength=)102 381 Q F2(N[/M])A F1 .343([no short \ +name] Sets the maximum length of certain MIME header \214eld v)174 393 R +.344(alues to)-.25 F F2(N)174 405 Q F1 3.619(characters. These)3.619 F +1.118(MIME header \214elds are determined by being a member of)3.619 F +.895(class {checkMIMET)174 417 R -.15(ex)-.7 G .895 (tHeaders}, which currently contains only the header Con-).15 F 2.559 -(tent-Description. F)174 400.8 R .059 -(or some of these headers which tak)-.15 F 2.559(ep)-.1 G .059 -(arameters, the maximum)-2.559 F .102 -(length of each parameter is set to)174 412.8 R F2(M)2.602 E F1 .102 -(if speci\214ed.)2.602 F(If)5.102 E F2(/M)2.602 E F1 .101 -(is not speci\214ed, one half of)2.602 F F2(N)174 424.8 Q F1 1.775 -(will be used.)4.275 F 1.775(By def)6.775 F 1.775(ault, these v)-.1 F -1.776(alues are 2048 and 1024, respecti)-.25 F -.15(ve)-.25 G(ly).15 E -6.776(.T)-.65 G(o)-7.576 E(allo)174 436.8 Q 2.5(wa)-.25 G .3 -.15(ny l) +(tent-Description. F)174 429 R .059(or some of these headers which tak) +-.15 F 2.559(ep)-.1 G .059(arameters, the maximum)-2.559 F .101 +(length of each parameter is set to)174 441 R F2(M)2.602 E F1 .102 +(if speci\214ed.)2.602 F(If)5.102 E F2(/M)2.602 E F1 .102 +(is not speci\214ed, one half of)2.602 F F2(N)174 453 Q F1 1.776 +(will be used.)4.276 F 1.776(By def)6.776 F 1.775(ault, these v)-.1 F +1.775(alues are 2048 and 1024, respecti)-.25 F -.15(ve)-.25 G(ly).15 E +6.775(.T)-.65 G(o)-7.575 E(allo)174 465 Q 2.5(wa)-.25 G .3 -.15(ny l) -2.5 H(ength, a v).15 E(alue of 0 can be speci\214ed.)-.25 E -(MaxNOOPCommands=)102 453 Q F2(N)A F1(Ov)174 465 Q 2.104(erride the def) --.15 F 2.104(ault of)-.1 F F0(MAXNOOPCOMMANDS)4.603 E F1 2.103 -(for the number of)4.603 F F2(useless)4.603 E F1 -(commands, see Section "Measures ag)174 477 Q -(ainst Denial of Service Attacks".)-.05 E(MaxQueueChildren=)102 493.2 Q +(MaxNOOPCommands=)102 481.2 Q F2(N)A F1(Ov)174 493.2 Q 2.103 +(erride the def)-.15 F 2.103(ault of)-.1 F F0(MAXNOOPCOMMANDS)4.603 E F1 +2.104(for the number of)4.603 F F2(useless)4.604 E F1 +(commands, see Section "Measures ag)174 505.2 Q +(ainst Denial of Service Attacks".)-.05 E(MaxQueueChildren=)102 521.4 Q F2(N)A F1 .304([no short name] When set, this limits the number of conc\ -urrent queue runner pro-)174 505.2 R .202(cesses to)174 517.2 R F2(N.) -2.702 E F1 .201 +urrent queue runner pro-)174 533.4 R .201(cesses to)174 545.4 R F2(N.) +2.701 E F1 .202 (This helps to control the amount of system resources used when pro-) -5.202 F 1.255(cessing the queue.)174 529.2 R 1.255 +5.201 F 1.255(cessing the queue.)174 557.4 R 1.255 (When there are multiple queue groups de\214ned and the total)6.255 F -1.2(number of queue runners for these queue groups w)174 541.2 R 1.2 -(ould e)-.1 F(xceed)-.15 E F2(MaxQueueChil-)3.7 E(dr)174 553.2 Q(en)-.37 -E F1 .472(then the queue groups will not all run concurrently)2.972 F +1.2(number of queue runners for these queue groups w)174 569.4 R 1.2 +(ould e)-.1 F(xceed)-.15 E F2(MaxQueueChil-)3.7 E(dr)174 581.4 Q(en)-.37 +E F1 .472(then the queue groups will not all run concurrently)2.973 F 2.972(.T)-.65 G .472(hat is, some portion of)-2.972 F .871 -(the queue groups will run concurrently such that)174 565.2 R F2 +(the queue groups will run concurrently such that)174 593.4 R F2 (MaxQueueChildr)3.371 E(en)-.37 E F1 .871(will not be)3.371 F -.15(ex) -174 577.2 S 1.892(ceeded, while the remaining queue groups will be run \ -later \(in round robin).15 F 1.3(order\). See also)174 589.2 R F2 +174 605.4 S 1.893(ceeded, while the remaining queue groups will be run \ +later \(in round robin).15 F 1.3(order\). See also)174 617.4 R F2 (MaxRunner)3.8 E(sP)-.1 E(erQueue)-.8 E F1 1.3(and the section)3.8 F F0 -1.3(Queue Gr)3.8 F 1.3(oup Declara-)-.18 F(tion)174 601.2 Q F1 5.756(.N) -C(otice:)-5.756 E F2(sendmail)3.256 E F1 .757(does not count indi)3.256 -F .757(vidual queue runners, b)-.25 F .757(ut only sets of)-.2 F 1.451 -(processes that act on a w)174 613.2 R 3.951(orkgroup. Hence)-.1 F 1.451 -(the actual number of queue runners)3.951 F 1.414(may be lo)174 625.2 R +1.3(Queue Gr)3.8 F 1.3(oup Declara-)-.18 F(tion)174 629.4 Q F1 5.757(.N) +C(otice:)-5.757 E F2(sendmail)3.257 E F1 .757(does not count indi)3.257 +F .757(vidual queue runners, b)-.25 F .756(ut only sets of)-.2 F 1.451 +(processes that act on a w)174 641.4 R 3.951(orkgroup. Hence)-.1 F 1.451 +(the actual number of queue runners)3.951 F 1.414(may be lo)174 653.4 R 1.414(wer than the limit imposed by)-.25 F F2(MaxQueueChildr)3.914 E(en) --.37 E F1 6.414(.T)C 1.414(his discrepanc)-6.414 F(y)-.15 E 1.424 -(can be lar)174 637.2 R 1.424(ge if some queue runners ha)-.18 F 1.724 --.15(ve t)-.2 H 3.924(ow).15 G 1.424(ait for a slo)-4.024 F 3.923(ws) --.25 G(erv)-3.923 E 1.423(er and if short)-.15 F(interv)174 649.2 Q -(als are used.)-.25 E(MaxQueueRunSize=)102 665.4 Q F2(N)A F1 .677([no s\ +-.37 E F1 6.414(.T)C 1.414(his discrepanc)-6.414 F(y)-.15 E 1.423 +(can be lar)174 665.4 R 1.424(ge if some queue runners ha)-.18 F 1.724 +-.15(ve t)-.2 H 3.924(ow).15 G 1.424(ait for a slo)-4.024 F 3.924(ws) +-.25 G(erv)-3.924 E 1.424(er and if short)-.15 F(interv)174 677.4 Q +(als are used.)-.25 E(MaxQueueRunSize=)102 693.6 Q F2(N)A F1 .677([no s\ hort name] The maximum number of jobs that will be processed in a singl\ -e)174 677.4 R .502(queue run.)174 689.4 R .501 -(If not set, there is no limit on the size.)5.502 F .501(If you ha)5.501 -F .801 -.15(ve ve)-.2 H .501(ry lar).15 F .501(ge queues)-.18 F .445 -(or a v)174 701.4 R .445(ery short queue run interv)-.15 F .445 -(al this could be unstable.)-.25 F(Ho)5.445 E(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G -1.245 -.4(r, s).15 H .445(ince the \214rst).4 F F2(N)174 713.4 Q F1 -1.115(jobs in queue directory order are run \(rather than the)3.615 F F2 -(N)3.615 E F1 1.115(highest priority jobs\))3.615 F .136 -(this should be set as high as possible to a)174 725.4 R -.2(vo)-.2 G -.136(id \231losing\232 jobs that happen to f).2 F .137(all late)-.1 F 0 -Cg EP +e)174 705.6 R .501(queue run.)174 717.6 R .501 +(If not set, there is no limit on the size.)5.501 F .501(If you ha)5.501 +F .802 -.15(ve ve)-.2 H .502(ry lar).15 F .502(ge queues)-.18 F 0 Cg EP %%Page: 70 66 %%BeginPageSetup BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF 193.36(SMM:08-70 Sendmail)72 60 R -(Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 2.326 -(in the queue directory)174 96 R 7.326(.N)-.65 G 2.326 -(ote: this option also restricts the number of entries)-7.326 F 1.442 -(printed by)174 108 R/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(mailq)3.942 E F1 6.443(.T) -C 1.443(hat is, if)-6.443 F F2(MaxQueueRunSize)3.943 E F1 1.443 -(is set to a v)3.943 F(alue)-.25 E F0(N)3.943 E F1(lar)3.943 E 1.443 -(ger than)-.18 F(zero, then only)174 120 Q F0(N)2.5 E F1 +(Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF .445 +(or a v)174 96 R .445(ery short queue run interv)-.15 F .445 +(al this could be unstable.)-.25 F(Ho)5.445 E(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G +1.245 -.4(r, s).15 H .445(ince the \214rst).4 F/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF +(N)174 108 Q F1 1.115 +(jobs in queue directory order are run \(rather than the)3.615 F F2(N) +3.615 E F1 1.115(highest priority jobs\))3.615 F .136 +(this should be set as high as possible to a)174 120 R -.2(vo)-.2 G .136 +(id \231losing\232 jobs that happen to f).2 F .136(all late)-.1 F 2.325 +(in the queue directory)174 132 R 7.326(.N)-.65 G 2.326 +(ote: this option also restricts the number of entries)-7.326 F 1.443 +(printed by)174 144 R F2(mailq)3.943 E F1 6.443(.T)C 1.443(hat is, if) +-6.443 F F2(MaxQueueRunSize)3.943 E F1 1.443(is set to a v)3.943 F(alue) +-.25 E F0(N)3.943 E F1(lar)3.942 E 1.442(ger than)-.18 F +(zero, then only)174 156 Q F0(N)2.5 E F1 (entries are printed per queue group.)2.5 E(MaxRecipientsPerMessage=)102 -136.2 Q F2(N)A F1 1.672([no short name] The maximum number of recipient\ -s that will be accepted per)174 148.2 R 1.458 -(message in an SMTP transaction.)174 160.2 R 1.458 -(Note: setting this too lo)6.458 F 3.959(wc)-.25 G 1.459 -(an interfere with)-3.959 F .049(sending mail from MU)174 172.2 R .049 -(As that use SMTP for initial submission.)-.4 F .048 -(If not set, there is)5.048 F -(no limit on the number of recipients per en)174 184.2 Q -.15(ve)-.4 G -(lope.).15 E(MaxRunnersPerQueue=)102 200.4 Q F2(N)A F1 2.003 -([no short name] This sets the def)174 212.4 R 2.004 -(ault maximum number of queue runners for)-.1 F 1.162(queue groups.)174 -224.4 R 1.162(Up to)6.162 F F2(N)3.662 E F1 1.161(queue runners will w) -3.662 F 1.161(ork in parallel on a queue group')-.1 F(s)-.55 E 3.465 -(messages. This)174 236.4 R .965 -(is useful where the processing of a message in the queue might)3.465 F +172.2 Q F2(N)A F1 1.672([no short name] The maximum number of recipient\ +s that will be accepted per)174 184.2 R 1.459 +(message in an SMTP transaction.)174 196.2 R 1.458 +(Note: setting this too lo)6.458 F 3.958(wc)-.25 G 1.458 +(an interfere with)-3.958 F .048(sending mail from MU)174 208.2 R .048 +(As that use SMTP for initial submission.)-.4 F .049 +(If not set, there is)5.049 F +(no limit on the number of recipients per en)174 220.2 Q -.15(ve)-.4 G +(lope.).15 E(MaxRunnersPerQueue=)102 236.4 Q F2(N)A F1 2.004 +([no short name] This sets the def)174 248.4 R 2.003 +(ault maximum number of queue runners for)-.1 F 1.161(queue groups.)174 +260.4 R 1.161(Up to)6.161 F F2(N)3.661 E F1 1.161(queue runners will w) +3.661 F 1.162(ork in parallel on a queue group')-.1 F(s)-.55 E 3.466 +(messages. This)174 272.4 R .965 +(is useful where the processing of a message in the queue might)3.466 F .945(delay the processing of subsequent messages. Such a delay may be t\ -he result of)174 248.4 R .116(non-erroneous situations such as a lo)174 -260.4 R 2.616(wb)-.25 G .116(andwidth connection.)-2.616 F .116 -(May be o)5.116 F -.15(ve)-.15 G(rridden).15 E .645 -(on a per queue group basis by setting the)174 272.4 R F2(Runner)3.144 E -(s)-.1 E F1 .644(option; see the section)3.144 F F0(Queue)3.144 E(Gr)174 -284.4 Q(oup Declaration)-.18 E F1 5(.T)C(he def)-5 E -(ault is 1 when not set.)-.1 E(MeT)102 300.6 Q 40.86(oo [m])-.8 F .367 -(Send to me too, e)2.866 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.867(ni).15 G 2.867(fIa) +he result of)174 284.4 R .116(non-erroneous situations such as a lo)174 +296.4 R 2.616(wb)-.25 G .116(andwidth connection.)-2.616 F .116 +(May be o)5.116 F -.15(ve)-.15 G(rridden).15 E .644 +(on a per queue group basis by setting the)174 308.4 R F2(Runner)3.144 E +(s)-.1 E F1 .645(option; see the section)3.144 F F0(Queue)3.145 E(Gr)174 +320.4 Q(oup Declaration)-.18 E F1 5(.T)C(he def)-5 E +(ault is 1 when not set.)-.1 E(MeT)102 336.6 Q 40.86(oo [m])-.8 F .367 +(Send to me too, e)2.867 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.867(ni).15 G 2.867(fIa) -2.867 G 2.867(mi)-2.867 G 2.867(na)-2.867 G 2.867(na)-2.867 G .367 -(lias e)-2.867 F 2.867(xpansion. This)-.15 F .367(option is deprecated) -2.867 F(and will be remo)174 312.6 Q -.15(ve)-.15 G 2.5(df).15 G -(rom a future v)-2.5 E(ersion.)-.15 E 44.5(Milter [no)102 328.8 R .778 -(short name] This option has se)3.278 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .777 -(ral sub\(sub\)options.).15 F .777(The names of the sub-)5.777 F 1.134 -(options are separated by dots.)174 340.8 R 1.135(At the \214rst le) -6.134 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.635(lt).15 G 1.135(he follo)-3.635 F 1.135 -(wing options are a)-.25 F -.25(va)-.2 G(il-).25 E(able:)174 352.8 Q -(LogLe)214 369 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G 15(lL).15 G(og le)-15 E -.15(ve)-.25 G +(lias e)-2.867 F 2.867(xpansion. This)-.15 F .366(option is deprecated) +2.867 F(and will be remo)174 348.6 Q -.15(ve)-.15 G 2.5(df).15 G +(rom a future v)-2.5 E(ersion.)-.15 E 44.5(Milter [no)102 364.8 R .777 +(short name] This option has se)3.277 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .778 +(ral sub\(sub\)options.).15 F .778(The names of the sub-)5.778 F 1.135 +(options are separated by dots.)174 376.8 R 1.135(At the \214rst le) +6.135 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.634(lt).15 G 1.134(he follo)-3.634 F 1.134 +(wing options are a)-.25 F -.25(va)-.2 G(il-).25 E(able:)174 388.8 Q +(LogLe)214 405 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G 15(lL).15 G(og le)-15 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(lf).15 G(or input mail \214lter actions, def)-2.5 E(aults to LogLe) --.1 E -.15(ve)-.25 G(l.).15 E 22.1(macros Speci\214es)214 381 R -(list of macro to transmit to \214lters.)2.5 E(See list belo)267.48 393 -Q -.65(w.)-.25 G 2.459(The `)174 409.2 R(`macros')-.74 E 4.959('o)-.74 G -2.458(ption has the follo)-4.959 F 2.458 +-.1 E -.15(ve)-.25 G(l.).15 E 22.1(macros Speci\214es)214 417 R +(list of macro to transmit to \214lters.)2.5 E(See list belo)267.48 429 +Q -.65(w.)-.25 G 2.458(The `)174 445.2 R(`macros')-.74 E 4.958('o)-.74 G +2.458(ption has the follo)-4.958 F 2.458 (wing suboptions which specify the list of)-.25 F -(macro to transmit to milters after a certain e)174 421.2 Q -.15(ve)-.25 -G(nt occurred.).15 E 14.88(connect After)214 437.4 R -(session connection start)2.5 E 28.76(helo After)214 449.4 R -(EHLO/HELO command)2.5 E(en)214 461.4 Q 12.5(vfrom After)-.4 F -(MAIL From command)2.5 E(en)214 473.4 Q 16.39(vrcpt After)-.4 F(RCPT T) -2.5 E 2.5(oc)-.8 G(ommand)-2.5 E 29.32(data After)214 485.4 R -.4(DA)2.5 -G 1.86 -.93(TA c)-.71 H(ommand.).93 E 31.54(eoh After)214 497.4 R -.4 +(macro to transmit to milters after a certain e)174 457.2 Q -.15(ve)-.25 +G(nt occurred.).15 E 14.88(connect After)214 473.4 R +(session connection start)2.5 E 28.76(helo After)214 485.4 R +(EHLO/HELO command)2.5 E(en)214 497.4 Q 12.5(vfrom After)-.4 F +(MAIL From command)2.5 E(en)214 509.4 Q 16.39(vrcpt After)-.4 F(RCPT T) +2.5 E 2.5(oc)-.8 G(ommand)-2.5 E 29.32(data After)214 521.4 R -.4(DA)2.5 +G 1.86 -.93(TA c)-.71 H(ommand.).93 E 31.54(eoh After)214 533.4 R -.4 (DA)2.5 G 1.86 -.93(TA c)-.71 H(ommand and header).93 E 28.76(eom After) -214 509.4 R -.4(DA)2.5 G 1.86 -.93(TA c)-.71 H(ommand and terminating `) -.93 E(`.)-.74 E -.74('')-.7 G(By def)174 525.6 Q +214 545.4 R -.4(DA)2.5 G 1.86 -.93(TA c)-.71 H(ommand and terminating `) +.93 E(`.)-.74 E -.74('')-.7 G(By def)174 561.6 Q (ault the lists of macros are empty)-.1 E 5(.E)-.65 G(xample:)-5 E 2.5 -(OM)214 541.8 S(ilter)-2.5 E(.LogLe)-.55 E -.15(ve)-.25 G(l=12).15 E 2.5 -(OM)214 553.8 S(ilter)-2.5 E(.macros.connect=j, _, {daemon_name})-.55 E -(MinFreeBlocks=)102 574.2 Q F2(N)A F1 1.538([b] Insist on at least)174 -586.2 R F2(N)4.038 E F1 1.539 +(OM)214 577.8 S(ilter)-2.5 E(.LogLe)-.55 E -.15(ve)-.25 G(l=12).15 E 2.5 +(OM)214 589.8 S(ilter)-2.5 E(.macros.connect=j, _, {daemon_name})-.55 E +(MinFreeBlocks=)102 610.2 Q F2(N)A F1 1.539([b] Insist on at least)174 +622.2 R F2(N)4.039 E F1 1.538 (blocks free on the \214lesystem that holds the queue \214les)4.039 F -.846(before accepting email via SMTP)174 598.2 R 5.846(.I)-1.11 G 3.346 +.845(before accepting email via SMTP)174 634.2 R 5.846(.I)-1.11 G 3.346 (ft)-5.846 G .846(here is insuf)-3.346 F .846(\214cient space)-.25 F F2 -(sendmail)3.346 E F1(gi)3.345 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.345(sa).15 G -(452 response to the MAIL command.)174 610.2 Q(This in)5 E +(sendmail)3.346 E F1(gi)3.346 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.346(sa).15 G +(452 response to the MAIL command.)174 646.2 Q(This in)5 E (vites the sender to try ag)-.4 E(ain later)-.05 E(.)-.55 E -(MinQueueAge=)102 626.4 Q F2 -.1(age)C F1 .886([no short name] Don')174 -638.4 R 3.386(tp)-.18 G .886(rocess an)-3.386 F 3.386(yq)-.15 G .886 -(ueued jobs that ha)-3.386 F 1.187 -.15(ve b)-.2 H .887 -(een in the queue less).15 F 1.9(than the indicated time interv)174 -650.4 R 4.399(al. This)-.25 F 1.899(is intended to allo)4.399 F 4.399 -(wy)-.25 G 1.899(ou to get respon-)-4.399 F(si)174 662.4 Q -.15(ve)-.25 -G .665(ness by processing the queue f).15 F .665 +(MinQueueAge=)102 662.4 Q F2 -.1(age)C F1 .887([no short name] Don')174 +674.4 R 3.387(tp)-.18 G .887(rocess an)-3.387 F 3.387(yq)-.15 G .886 +(ueued jobs that ha)-3.387 F 1.186 -.15(ve b)-.2 H .886 +(een in the queue less).15 F 1.899(than the indicated time interv)174 +686.4 R 4.399(al. This)-.25 F 1.899(is intended to allo)4.399 F 4.399 +(wy)-.25 G 1.9(ou to get respon-)-4.399 F(si)174 698.4 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G +.665(ness by processing the queue f).15 F .665 (airly frequently without thrashing your system)-.1 F -(by trying jobs too often.)174 674.4 Q(The def)5 E -(ault units are minutes.)-.1 E(MustQuoteChars=)102 690.6 Q F2(s)A F1 -1.253([no short name] Sets the list of characters that must be quoted i\ -f used in a full)174 702.6 R 1.217 -(name that is in the phrase part of a `)174 714.6 R 1.217 -(`phrase
')-.74 F 3.717('s)-.74 G 3.717(yntax. The)-3.717 F -(def)3.718 E 1.218(ault is)-.1 F 0 Cg EP +(by trying jobs too often.)174 710.4 Q(The def)5 E +(ault units are minutes.)-.1 E 0 Cg EP %%Page: 71 67 %%BeginPageSetup BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide)72 60 Q -(SMM:08-71)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF -.74(``)174 96 S.74 E --.74('')-.7 G 5(.T).74 G(he characters `)-5 E(`@,;:\\\(\)[]')-.74 E 2.5 -('a)-.74 G(re al)-2.5 E -.1(wa)-.1 G(ys added to this list.).1 E 7.85 -(NiceQueueRun [no)102 112.2 R 2.156 -(short name] The priority of queue runners \(nice\(3\)\).)4.656 F 2.156 -(This v)7.156 F 2.155(alue must be)-.25 F(greater or equal zero.)174 -124.2 Q(NoRecipientAction)102 140.4 Q .554 -([no short name] The action to tak)174 152.4 R 3.055(ew)-.1 G .555 -(hen you recei)-3.055 F .855 -.15(ve a m)-.25 H .555 +(SMM:08-71)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(MustQuoteChars=)102 96 Q/F2 +10/Times-Italic@0 SF(s)A F1 1.252([no short name] Sets the list of char\ +acters that must be quoted if used in a full)174 108 R 1.217 +(name that is in the phrase part of a `)174 120 R 1.217 +(`phrase
')-.74 F 3.717('s)-.74 G 3.717(yntax. The)-3.717 F +(def)3.717 E 1.217(ault is)-.1 F -.74(``)174 132 S.74 E -.74('') +-.7 G 5(.T).74 G(he characters `)-5 E(`@,;:\\\(\)[]')-.74 E 2.5('a)-.74 +G(re al)-2.5 E -.1(wa)-.1 G(ys added to this list.).1 E 7.85 +(NiceQueueRun [no)102 148.2 R 2.156 +(short name] The priority of queue runners \(nice\(3\)\).)4.655 F 2.156 +(This v)7.156 F 2.156(alue must be)-.25 F(greater or equal zero.)174 +160.2 Q(NoRecipientAction)102 176.4 Q .555 +([no short name] The action to tak)174 188.4 R 3.055(ew)-.1 G .555 +(hen you recei)-3.055 F .855 -.15(ve a m)-.25 H .554 (essage that has no v).15 F(alid)-.25 E .625(recipient headers \(T)174 -164.4 R .625(o:, Cc:, Bcc:, or Apparently-T)-.8 F .625 -(o: \212 the last included for back)-.8 F .108(compatibility with old) -174 176.4 R/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sendmail)2.608 E F1 2.608(s\). It)B -.108(can be)2.608 F F0(None)2.608 E F1 .109 -(to pass the message on unmod-)2.609 F .297 -(i\214ed, which violates the protocol,)174 188.4 R F0(Add-T)2.796 E(o) --.92 E F1 .296(to add a T)2.796 F .296(o: header with an)-.8 F 2.796(yr) --.15 G(ecipients)-2.796 E 1.638(it can \214nd in the en)174 200.4 R -.15 +200.4 R .625(o:, Cc:, Bcc:, or Apparently-T)-.8 F .625 +(o: \212 the last included for back)-.8 F .109(compatibility with old) +174 212.4 R F2(sendmail)2.609 E F1 2.609(s\). It)B .109(can be)2.609 F +F0(None)2.608 E F1 .108(to pass the message on unmod-)2.608 F .296 +(i\214ed, which violates the protocol,)174 224.4 R F0(Add-T)2.796 E(o) +-.92 E F1 .296(to add a T)2.796 F .296(o: header with an)-.8 F 2.797(yr) +-.15 G(ecipients)-2.797 E 1.638(it can \214nd in the en)174 236.4 R -.15 (ve)-.4 G 1.638(lope \(which might e).15 F 1.638 -(xpose Bcc: recipients\),)-.15 F F0(Add-A)4.139 E(ppar)-.25 E(-)-.37 E -(ently-T)174 212.4 Q(o)-.92 E F1 .338(to add an Apparently-T)2.838 F -.337(o: header \(this is only for back-compatibility and)-.8 F .841 -(is of)174 224.4 R .841(\214cially deprecated\),)-.25 F F0(Add-T)3.341 E -(o-Undisclosed)-.92 E F1 .841(to add a header \231T)3.341 F .842 -(o: undisclosed-)-.8 F .398(recipients:;\232 to mak)174 236.4 R 2.898 -(et)-.1 G .397(he header le)-2.898 F -.05(ga)-.15 G 2.897(lw).05 G .397 -(ithout disclosing an)-2.897 F .397(ything, or)-.15 F F0(Add-Bcc)2.897 E -F1(to)2.897 E(add an empty Bcc: header)174 248.4 Q(.)-.55 E 1.18 -(OldStyleHeaders [o])102 264.6 R 1.713(Assume that the headers may be i\ -n old format, i.e., spaces delimit names.)4.213 F 1.069 -(This actually turns on an adapti)174 276.6 R 1.368 -.15(ve a)-.25 H -1.068(lgorithm: if an).15 F 3.568(yr)-.15 G 1.068 -(ecipient address contains a)-3.568 F 1.681 -(comma, parenthesis, or angle brack)174 288.6 R 1.681 -(et, it will be assumed that commas already)-.1 F -.15(ex)174 300.6 S +(xpose Bcc: recipients\),)-.15 F F0(Add-A)4.138 E(ppar)-.25 E(-)-.37 E +(ently-T)174 248.4 Q(o)-.92 E F1 .337(to add an Apparently-T)2.837 F +.337(o: header \(this is only for back-compatibility and)-.8 F .842 +(is of)174 260.4 R .841(\214cially deprecated\),)-.25 F F0(Add-T)3.341 E +(o-Undisclosed)-.92 E F1 .841(to add a header \231T)3.341 F .841 +(o: undisclosed-)-.8 F .397(recipients:;\232 to mak)174 272.4 R 2.897 +(et)-.1 G .397(he header le)-2.897 F -.05(ga)-.15 G 2.897(lw).05 G .397 +(ithout disclosing an)-2.897 F .398(ything, or)-.15 F F0(Add-Bcc)2.898 E +F1(to)2.898 E(add an empty Bcc: header)174 284.4 Q(.)-.55 E 1.18 +(OldStyleHeaders [o])102 300.6 R 1.713(Assume that the headers may be i\ +n old format, i.e., spaces delimit names.)4.214 F 1.068 +(This actually turns on an adapti)174 312.6 R 1.368 -.15(ve a)-.25 H +1.068(lgorithm: if an).15 F 3.569(yr)-.15 G 1.069 +(ecipient address contains a)-3.569 F 1.681 +(comma, parenthesis, or angle brack)174 324.6 R 1.681 +(et, it will be assumed that commas already)-.1 F -.15(ex)174 336.6 S 2.825(ist. If).15 F .325 (this \215ag is not on, only commas delimit names.)2.825 F .325 (Headers are al)5.325 F -.1(wa)-.1 G .325(ys out-).1 F -(put with commas between the names.)174 312.6 Q(Def)5 E(aults to of)-.1 -E(f.)-.25 E(OperatorChars=)102 328.8 Q F2 -.15(ch)C(arlist).15 E F1 +(put with commas between the names.)174 348.6 Q(Def)5 E(aults to of)-.1 +E(f.)-.25 E(OperatorChars=)102 364.8 Q F2 -.15(ch)C(arlist).15 E F1 1.438([$o macro] The list of characters that are considered to be \231o\ -perators\232, that is,)174 340.8 R .82(characters that delimit tok)174 -352.8 R 3.32(ens. All)-.1 F .82(operator characters are tok)3.32 F .82 +perators\232, that is,)174 376.8 R .82(characters that delimit tok)174 +388.8 R 3.32(ens. All)-.1 F .82(operator characters are tok)3.32 F .82 (ens by themselv)-.1 F(es;)-.15 E .078 -(sequences of non-operator characters are also tok)174 364.8 R 2.578 -(ens. White)-.1 F .078(space characters sep-)2.578 F .27(arate tok)174 -376.8 R .27(ens b)-.1 F .269(ut are not tok)-.2 F .269(ens themselv)-.1 -F .269(es \212 for e)-.15 F .269(xample, \231)-.15 F .269 -(AAA.BBB\232 has three)-.8 F(tok)174 388.8 Q .433(ens, b)-.1 F .433 +(sequences of non-operator characters are also tok)174 400.8 R 2.578 +(ens. White)-.1 F .078(space characters sep-)2.578 F .269(arate tok)174 +412.8 R .269(ens b)-.1 F .269(ut are not tok)-.2 F .269(ens themselv)-.1 +F .269(es \212 for e)-.15 F .269(xample, \231)-.15 F .27 +(AAA.BBB\232 has three)-.8 F(tok)174 424.8 Q .433(ens, b)-.1 F .433 (ut \231)-.2 F .433(AAA BBB\232 has tw)-.8 F 2.933(o. If)-.1 F .433 (not set, OperatorChars def)2.933 F .433(aults to \231.)-.1 F 1.666 -(:@[])1.666 G<9a3b>-1.666 E(additionally)174 400.8 Q 3.566(,t)-.65 G -1.066(he characters \231\()-3.566 F 1.666(\)<>,;)1.666 G 3.566<9a61> --1.666 G 1.066(re al)-3.566 F -.1(wa)-.1 G 1.065(ys operators.).1 F -1.065(Note that Operator)6.065 F(-)-.2 E -(Chars must be set in the con\214guration \214le before an)174 412.8 Q -2.5(yr)-.15 G(ulesets.)-2.5 E(PidFile=)102 429 Q F2(\214lename)A F1 1.3 +(:@[])1.666 G<9a3b>-1.666 E(additionally)174 436.8 Q 3.565(,t)-.65 G +1.065(he characters \231\()-3.565 F 1.666(\)<>,;)1.666 G 3.565<9a61> +-1.666 G 1.066(re al)-3.565 F -.1(wa)-.1 G 1.066(ys operators.).1 F +1.066(Note that Operator)6.066 F(-)-.2 E +(Chars must be set in the con\214guration \214le before an)174 448.8 Q +2.5(yr)-.15 G(ulesets.)-2.5 E(PidFile=)102 465 Q F2(\214lename)A F1 1.3 ([no short name] Filename of the pid \214le.)3.58 F(\(def)6.3 E 1.3 -(ault is _P)-.1 F -1.11(AT)-.92 G(H_SENDMAILPID\).)1.11 E(The)174 441 Q -F2(\214lename)2.832 E F1 .332(is macro-e)2.832 F .332 -(xpanded before it is opened, and unlink)-.15 F .331(ed when)-.1 F F2 -(sendmail)2.831 E F1 -.15(ex)174 453 S(its.).15 E(PostmasterCop)102 -469.2 Q(y=)-.1 E F2(postmaster)A F1 .003 +(ault is _P)-.1 F -1.11(AT)-.92 G(H_SENDMAILPID\).)1.11 E(The)174 477 Q +F2(\214lename)2.831 E F1 .332(is macro-e)2.831 F .332 +(xpanded before it is opened, and unlink)-.15 F .332(ed when)-.1 F F2 +(sendmail)2.832 E F1 -.15(ex)174 489 S(its.).15 E(PostmasterCop)102 +505.2 Q(y=)-.1 E F2(postmaster)A F1 .003 ([P] If set, copies of error messages will be sent to the named)174 -481.2 R F2(postmaster)2.504 E F1 5.004(.O)C .004(nly the)-5.004 F .687 -(header of the f)174 493.2 R .687(ailed message is sent.)-.1 F .687 +517.2 R F2(postmaster)2.503 E F1 5.003(.O)C .003(nly the)-5.003 F .687 +(header of the f)174 529.2 R .687(ailed message is sent.)-.1 F .687 (Errors resulting from messages with a ne)5.687 F(g-)-.15 E(ati)174 -505.2 Q 1.83 -.15(ve p)-.25 H 1.53(recedence will not be sent.).15 F +541.2 Q 1.831 -.15(ve p)-.25 H 1.531(recedence will not be sent.).15 F 1.531(Since most errors are user problems, this is)6.531 F .453 -(probably not a good idea on lar)174 517.2 R .453(ge sites, and ar)-.18 +(probably not a good idea on lar)174 553.2 R .453(ge sites, and ar)-.18 F .453(guably contains all sorts of pri)-.18 F -.25(va)-.25 G -.15(cy) -.25 G .1(violations, b)174 529.2 R .101 -(ut it seems to be popular with certain operating systems v)-.2 F 2.601 -(endors. The)-.15 F 1.919(address is macro e)174 541.2 R 1.918 -(xpanded at the time of deli)-.15 F -.15(ve)-.25 G(ry).15 E 6.918(.D) --.65 G(ef)-6.918 E 1.918(aults to no postmaster)-.1 F(copies.)174 553.2 -Q(Pri)102 569.4 Q -.25(va)-.25 G -.15(cy).25 G(Options=).15 E F2 -(opt,opt,...)1.666 E F1 1.191([p] Set the pri)174 581.4 R -.25(va)-.25 G --.15(cy).25 G F2(opt)3.841 E F1 3.691(ions. `)B(`Pri)-.74 E -.25(va)-.25 -G -.15(cy).25 G 2.671 -.74('' i).15 H 3.692(sr).74 G 1.192 -(eally a misnomer; man)-3.692 F 3.692(yo)-.15 G 3.692(ft)-3.692 G 1.192 -(hese are)-3.692 F .929(just a w)174 593.4 R .928 +.25 G .101(violations, b)174 565.2 R .101 +(ut it seems to be popular with certain operating systems v)-.2 F 2.6 +(endors. The)-.15 F 1.918(address is macro e)174 577.2 R 1.918 +(xpanded at the time of deli)-.15 F -.15(ve)-.25 G(ry).15 E 6.919(.D) +-.65 G(ef)-6.919 E 1.919(aults to no postmaster)-.1 F(copies.)174 589.2 +Q(Pri)102 605.4 Q -.25(va)-.25 G -.15(cy).25 G(Options=).15 E F2 +(opt,opt,...)1.666 E F1 1.192([p] Set the pri)174 617.4 R -.25(va)-.25 G +-.15(cy).25 G F2(opt)3.842 E F1 3.692(ions. `)B(`Pri)-.74 E -.25(va)-.25 +G -.15(cy).25 G 2.672 -.74('' i).15 H 3.692(sr).74 G 1.191 +(eally a misnomer; man)-3.692 F 3.691(yo)-.15 G 3.691(ft)-3.691 G 1.191 +(hese are)-3.691 F .928(just a w)174 629.4 R .928 (ay of insisting on stricter adherence to the SMTP protocol.)-.1 F(The) -5.928 E F2(opt)3.428 E F1(ions)A(can be selected from:)174 605.4 Q 0 Cg +5.929 E F2(opt)3.429 E F1(ions)A(can be selected from:)174 641.4 Q 0 Cg EP %%Page: 72 68 %%BeginPageSetup @@ -6456,18 +6457,18 @@ G 53.02(yD).1 G(isallo)-53.02 E 2.5(we)-.25 G -.8 E(and log w)297.87 278 Q(arnings)-.1 E 12.5(noactualrecipient Don') 214 290 R 2.5(tp)-.18 G(ut X-Actual-Recipient lines in DSNs)-2.5 E (which re)297.87 302 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G -(al the actual account that addresses map to.).15 E 2.976(The \231goa) +(al the actual account that addresses map to.).15 E 2.977(The \231goa) 174 318.2 R -.1(wa)-.15 G 2.976(y\232 pseudo-\215ag sets all \215ags e) -.1 F 2.977(xcept \231noreceipts\232, \231restrictmailq\232,)-.15 F 4.558 +.1 F 2.976(xcept \231noreceipts\232, \231restrictmailq\232,)-.15 F 4.557 (\231restrictqrun\232, \231restricte)174 330.2 R 4.557 (xpand\232, \231noetrn\232, and \231nobodyreturn\232.)-.15 F 4.557 (If mailq is)9.557 F 1.842(restricted, only people in the same group as\ - the queue directory can print the)174 342.2 R 2.545(queue. If)174 354.2 -R .044(queue runs are restricted, only root and the o)2.545 F .044 + the queue directory can print the)174 342.2 R 2.544(queue. If)174 354.2 +R .044(queue runs are restricted, only root and the o)2.544 F .045 (wner of the queue directory)-.25 F 1.299(can run the queue.)174 366.2 R 1.299(The \231restricte)6.299 F 1.299(xpand\232 pseudo-\215ag instructs) -.15 F/F3 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sendmail)3.799 E F1 1.299(to drop)3.799 F -(pri)174 378.2 Q(vile)-.25 E 1.608(ges when the)-.15 F F04.108 E +(pri)174 378.2 Q(vile)-.25 E 1.607(ges when the)-.15 F F04.108 E (v)-.15 E F1 1.608(option is gi)4.108 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 4.108(nb).15 G 4.108(yu)-4.108 G 1.608(sers who are neither root nor the)-4.108 F -.35 (Tr)174 390.2 S 1.33(ustedUser so users cannot read pri).35 F -.25(va) @@ -6476,43 +6477,43 @@ F(It)6.33 E .634(will add the \231NonRootSafeAddr\232 to the \231DontBl\ ameSendmail\232 option to pre)174 402.2 R -.15(ve)-.25 G(nt).15 E .436 (misleading unsafe address w)174 414.2 R 2.936(arnings. It)-.1 F .436 (also o)2.936 F -.15(ve)-.15 G .436(rrides the).15 F F02.936 E F1 -(\(v)2.936 E .436(erbose\) command)-.15 F 1.293(line option to pre)174 +(\(v)2.936 E .436(erbose\) command)-.15 F 1.292(line option to pre)174 426.2 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.292(nt information leakage.).15 F 1.292 -(Authentication W)6.292 F 1.292(arnings add w)-.8 F(arn-)-.1 E .183 +(Authentication W)6.292 F 1.293(arnings add w)-.8 F(arn-)-.1 E .184 (ings about v)174 438.2 R .183 (arious conditions that may indicate attempts to spoof the mail system,) -.25 F(such as using a non-standard queue directory)174 450.2 Q(.)-.65 E -(ProcessT)102 466.4 Q(itlePre\214x=)-.35 E F3(string)A F1 1.196 -([no short name] Pre\214x the process title sho)174 478.4 R 1.195 -(wn on 'ps' listings with)-.25 F F3(string)3.695 E F1 6.195(.T)C(he) --6.195 E F3(string)174 490.4 Q F1(will be macro processed.)2.5 E -(QueueDirectory=)102 506.6 Q F3(dir)A F1 .583 +(ProcessT)102 466.4 Q(itlePre\214x=)-.35 E F3(string)A F1 1.195 +([no short name] Pre\214x the process title sho)174 478.4 R 1.196 +(wn on 'ps' listings with)-.25 F F3(string)3.696 E F1 6.196(.T)C(he) +-6.196 E F3(string)174 490.4 Q F1(will be macro processed.)2.5 E +(QueueDirectory=)102 506.6 Q F3(dir)A F1 .584 ([Q] The QueueDirectory option serv)174 518.6 R .584(es tw)-.15 F 3.084 -(op)-.1 G 3.084(urposes. First,)-3.084 F .584(it speci\214es the direc-) -3.084 F .483(tory or set of directories that comprise the def)174 530.6 -R .482(ault queue group.)-.1 F .482(Second, it speci-)5.482 F .104(\214\ +(op)-.1 G 3.084(urposes. First,)-3.084 F .583(it speci\214es the direc-) +3.083 F .482(tory or set of directories that comprise the def)174 530.6 +R .482(ault queue group.)-.1 F .483(Second, it speci-)5.483 F .104(\214\ es the directory D which is the ancestor of all queue directories, and \ which send-)174 542.6 R .721(mail uses as its current w)174 554.6 R .721 (orking directory)-.1 F 5.721(.W)-.65 G .721 -(hen sendmail dumps core, it lea)-5.721 F -.15(ve)-.2 G(s).15 E 2.872 -(its core \214les in D.)174 566.6 R 2.873(There are tw)7.872 F 5.373(oc) --.1 G 5.373(ases. If)-5.373 F F3(dir)5.373 E F1 2.873 -(ends with an asterisk \(e)5.373 F(g,)-.15 E F3(/var/spool/mqueue/qd*) +(hen sendmail dumps core, it lea)-5.721 F -.15(ve)-.2 G(s).15 E 2.873 +(its core \214les in D.)174 566.6 R 2.873(There are tw)7.873 F 5.373(oc) +-.1 G 5.373(ases. If)-5.373 F F3(dir)5.373 E F1 2.872 +(ends with an asterisk \(e)5.372 F(g,)-.15 E F3(/var/spool/mqueue/qd*) 174 578.6 Q F1 .253 (\), then all of the directories or symbolic links to directories)B(be) -174 590.6 Q .432(ginning with `qd' in)-.15 F F3(/var/spool/mqueue)2.932 -E F1 .433(will be used as queue directories of the)2.932 F(def)174 602.6 -Q .276(ault queue group, and)-.1 F F3(/var/spool/mqueue)2.776 E F1 .275 -(will be used as the w)2.776 F .275(orking directory)-.1 F 2.82 +174 590.6 Q .433(ginning with `qd' in)-.15 F F3(/var/spool/mqueue)2.933 +E F1 .432(will be used as queue directories of the)2.933 F(def)174 602.6 +Q .275(ault queue group, and)-.1 F F3(/var/spool/mqueue)2.775 E F1 .276 +(will be used as the w)2.775 F .276(orking directory)-.1 F 2.82 (D. Otherwise,)174 614.6 R F3(dir)2.82 E F1 .32 (must name a directory \(usually)2.82 F F3(/var/spool/mqueue)2.82 E F1 .32(\): the def)B(ault)-.1 E .545 (queue group consists of the single queue directory)174 626.6 R F3(dir) 3.045 E F1 3.045(,a)C .545(nd the w)-3.045 F .545(orking directory)-.1 F -2.5(Di)174 638.6 S 2.5(ss)-2.5 G(et to)-2.5 E F3(dir)2.5 E F1 5.001(.T)C -2.501(od)-5.801 G .001 +2.501(Di)174 638.6 S 2.501(ss)-2.501 G .001(et to)-2.501 F F3(dir)2.501 +E F1 5.001(.T)C 2.501(od)-5.801 G .001 (e\214ne additional groups of queue directories, use the con\214gura-) --2.501 F .746(tion \214le `Q' command.)174 650.6 R .746 +-2.501 F .745(tion \214le `Q' command.)174 650.6 R .746 (Do not change the queue directory structure while send-)5.746 F (mail is running.)174 662.6 Q .32 LW 76 678.8 72 678.8 DL 80 678.8 76 678.8 DL 84 678.8 80 678.8 DL 88 678.8 84 678.8 DL 92 678.8 88 678.8 DL @@ -6536,35 +6537,35 @@ BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide)72 60 Q (SMM:08-73)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(QueueF)102 96 Q(actor=)-.15 E -/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(factor)A F1 .613([q] Use)174 108 R F2(factor) -3.113 E F1 .613 +/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(factor)A F1 .614([q] Use)174 108 R F2(factor) +3.114 E F1 .613 (as the multiplier in the map function to decide when to just queue) -3.113 F .415(up jobs rather than run them.)174 120 R .415(This v)5.415 F +3.114 F .415(up jobs rather than run them.)174 120 R .415(This v)5.415 F .415(alue is di)-.25 F .415(vided by the dif)-.25 F .415 -(ference between the)-.25 F 1.003(current load a)174 132 R -.15(ve)-.2 G -1.003(rage and the load a).15 F -.15(ve)-.2 G 1.004(rage limit \().15 F -F0(QueueLA)A F1 1.004(option\) to determine)3.504 F +(ference between the)-.25 F 1.004(current load a)174 132 R -.15(ve)-.2 G +1.004(rage and the load a).15 F -.15(ve)-.2 G 1.004(rage limit \().15 F +F0(QueueLA)A F1 1.003(option\) to determine)3.503 F (the maximum message priority that will be sent.)174 144 Q(Def)5 E -(aults to 600000.)-.1 E(QueueLA=)102 160.2 Q F2(LA)A F1 1.087 +(aults to 600000.)-.1 E(QueueLA=)102 160.2 Q F2(LA)A F1 1.086 ([x] When the system load a)15.26 F -.15(ve)-.2 G 1.087(rage e).15 F -(xceeds)-.15 E F2(LA)3.587 E F1 1.086(and the)3.587 F F0(QueueF)3.586 E -(actor)-.25 E F1(\()3.586 E F0(q)A F1 3.586(\)o)C(ption)-3.586 E(di)174 +(xceeds)-.15 E F2(LA)3.587 E F1 1.087(and the)3.587 F F0(QueueF)3.587 E +(actor)-.25 E F1(\()3.587 E F0(q)A F1 3.587(\)o)C(ption)-3.587 E(di)174 172.2 Q 1.465(vided by the dif)-.25 F 1.465 (ference in the current load a)-.25 F -.15(ve)-.2 G 1.465(rage and the) .15 F F0(QueueLA)3.965 E F1(option)3.965 E .769(plus one is less than t\ he priority of the message, just queue messages \(i.e., don')174 184.2 R -(t)-.18 E .247(try to send them\).)174 196.2 R(Def)5.247 E .247 +(t)-.18 E .248(try to send them\).)174 196.2 R(Def)5.247 E .247 (aults to 8 multiplied by the number of processors online on)-.1 F (the system \(if that can be determined\).)174 208.2 Q(QueueFileMode=) -102 224.4 Q F2(mode)A F1 .962([no short name] Def)174 236.4 R .962 -(ault permissions for queue \214les \(octal\).)-.1 F .961 -(If not set, sendmail)5.961 F .212(uses 0600 unless its real and ef)174 -248.4 R(fecti)-.25 E .513 -.15(ve u)-.25 H .213(id are dif).15 F .213 +102 224.4 Q F2(mode)A F1 .961([no short name] Def)174 236.4 R .962 +(ault permissions for queue \214les \(octal\).)-.1 F .962 +(If not set, sendmail)5.962 F .213(uses 0600 unless its real and ef)174 +248.4 R(fecti)-.25 E .513 -.15(ve u)-.25 H .213(id are dif).15 F .212 (ferent in which case it uses 0644.)-.25 F(QueueSortOrder=)102 264.6 Q -F2(algorithm)A F1 .097([no short name] Sets the)174 276.6 R F2 -(algorithm)2.597 E F1 .096(used for sorting the queue.)2.597 F .096 -(Only the \214rst char)5.096 F(-)-.2 E 1.021(acter of the v)174 288.6 R -1.021(alue is used.)-.25 F(Le)6.021 E -.05(ga)-.15 G 3.521(lv).05 G +F2(algorithm)A F1 .096([no short name] Sets the)174 276.6 R F2 +(algorithm)2.596 E F1 .096(used for sorting the queue.)2.596 F .097 +(Only the \214rst char)5.097 F(-)-.2 E 1.022(acter of the v)174 288.6 R +1.022(alue is used.)-.25 F(Le)6.021 E -.05(ga)-.15 G 3.521(lv).05 G 1.021(alues are \231host\232 \(to order by the name of the)-3.771 F 1.73 (\214rst host name of the \214rst recipient\), \231\214lename\232 \(to \ order by the name of the)174 300.6 R .283(queue \214le name\), \231time\ @@ -6572,14 +6573,14 @@ order by the name of the)174 300.6 R .283(queue \214le name\), \231time\ 174 312.6 R .906(order randomly\), \231modi\214cation\232 \(to order by\ the modi\214cation time of the qf \214le)174 324.6 R 1.349(\(older ent\ ries \214rst\)\), \231none\232 \(to not order\), and \231priority\232 \ -\(to order by message)174 336.6 R 2.528(priority\). Host)174 348.6 R -.028(ordering mak)2.528 F .028(es better use of the connection cache, b) --.1 F .027(ut may tend to)-.2 F .322(process lo)174 360.6 R 2.822(wp) --.25 G .322(riority messages that go to a single host o)-2.822 F -.15 -(ve)-.15 G 2.823(rh).15 G .323(igh priority messages)-2.823 F 1.825 -(that go to se)174 372.6 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.825 -(ral hosts; it probably shouldn').15 F 4.325(tb)-.18 G 4.324(eu)-4.325 G -1.824(sed on slo)-4.324 F 4.324(wn)-.25 G(etw)-4.324 E 1.824(ork links.) +\(to order by message)174 336.6 R 2.527(priority\). Host)174 348.6 R +.027(ordering mak)2.527 F .028(es better use of the connection cache, b) +-.1 F .028(ut may tend to)-.2 F .323(process lo)174 360.6 R 2.823(wp) +-.25 G .322(riority messages that go to a single host o)-2.823 F -.15 +(ve)-.15 G 2.822(rh).15 G .322(igh priority messages)-2.822 F 1.824 +(that go to se)174 372.6 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.824 +(ral hosts; it probably shouldn').15 F 4.325(tb)-.18 G 4.325(eu)-4.325 G +1.825(sed on slo)-4.325 F 4.325(wn)-.25 G(etw)-4.325 E 1.825(ork links.) -.1 F .614(Filename and modi\214cation time ordering sa)174 384.6 R -.15 (ve)-.2 G 3.114(st).15 G .614(he o)-3.114 F -.15(ve)-.15 G .614 (rhead of reading all of the).15 F .671 @@ -6587,67 +6588,67 @@ ries \214rst\)\), \231none\232 \(to not order\), and \231priority\232 \ (Creation \(submission\) time ordering)5.671 F 1.854(is almost al)174 408.6 R -.1(wa)-.1 G 1.854(ys a bad idea, since it allo).1 F 1.854 (ws lar)-.25 F 1.854(ge, b)-.18 F 1.854(ulk mail to go out before)-.2 F -(smaller)174 420.6 Q 3.714(,p)-.4 G 1.214(ersonal mail, b)-3.714 F 1.214 -(ut may ha)-.2 F 1.513 -.15(ve a)-.2 H 1.213 -(pplicability on some hosts with v).15 F 1.213(ery f)-.15 F(ast)-.1 E -2.631(connections. Random)174 432.6 R .131(is useful if se)2.631 F -.15 -(ve)-.25 G .132(ral queue runners are started by hand which).15 F .39 +(smaller)174 420.6 Q 3.713(,p)-.4 G 1.213(ersonal mail, b)-3.713 F 1.213 +(ut may ha)-.2 F 1.513 -.15(ve a)-.2 H 1.214 +(pplicability on some hosts with v).15 F 1.214(ery f)-.15 F(ast)-.1 E +2.632(connections. Random)174 432.6 R .132(is useful if se)2.632 F -.15 +(ve)-.25 G .131(ral queue runners are started by hand which).15 F .389 (try to drain the same queue since odds are the)174 444.6 R 2.889(yw) --.15 G .389(ill be w)-2.889 F .389(orking on dif)-.1 F .389 -(ferent parts)-.25 F(of the queue at the same time.)174 456.6 Q +-.15 G .39(ill be w)-2.889 F .39(orking on dif)-.1 F .39(ferent parts) +-.25 F(of the queue at the same time.)174 456.6 Q (Priority ordering is the def)5 E(ault.)-.1 E(QueueT)102 472.8 Q -(imeout=)-.35 E F2(timeout)A F1 .355([T] A synon)174 484.8 R .355 -(ym for \231T)-.15 F 2.855(imeout.queuereturn\232. Use)-.35 F .356 +(imeout=)-.35 E F2(timeout)A F1 .356([T] A synon)174 484.8 R .356 +(ym for \231T)-.15 F 2.856(imeout.queuereturn\232. Use)-.35 F .355 (that form instead of the \231Queue-)2.855 F -.35(Ti)174 496.8 S (meout\232 form.).35 E 32.83(RandFile [no)102 513 R 1.036(short name] N\ -ame of \214le containing random data or the name of the UNIX)3.537 F -(sock)174 525 Q 1.63(et if EGD is used.)-.1 F 4.131(A\()6.631 G 1.631 -(required\) pre\214x "e)-4.131 F 1.631 +ame of \214le containing random data or the name of the UNIX)3.536 F +(sock)174 525 Q 1.631(et if EGD is used.)-.1 F 4.131(A\()6.631 G 1.631 +(required\) pre\214x "e)-4.131 F 1.63 (gd:" or "\214le:" speci\214es the type.)-.15 F(ST)174 537 Q(AR)-.93 E 1.561 (TTLS requires this \214lename if the compile \215ag HASURANDOMDEV is) -.6 F(not set \(see sendmail/README\).)174 549 Q(Resolv)102 565.2 Q -(erOptions=)-.15 E F2(options)A F1 .127([I] Set resolv)174 577.2 R .127 +(erOptions=)-.15 E F2(options)A F1 .128([I] Set resolv)174 577.2 R .127 (er options.)-.15 F -1.11(Va)5.127 G .127(lues can be set using)1.11 F F0(+)2.627 E F2<8d61>A(g)-.1 E F1 .127(and cleared using)2.627 F F0 -2.628 E F2<8d61>A(g)-.1 E F1 2.628(;t)C(he)-2.628 E F2<8d61>174 589.2 Q -(g)-.1 E F1 5.014(sc)C 2.514(an be \231deb)-5.014 F 2.513 -(ug\232, \231aaonly\232, \231use)-.2 F 2.513 +2.627 E F2<8d61>A(g)-.1 E F1 2.627(;t)C(he)-2.627 E F2<8d61>174 589.2 Q +(g)-.1 E F1 5.013(sc)C 2.513(an be \231deb)-5.013 F 2.513 +(ug\232, \231aaonly\232, \231use)-.2 F 2.514 (vc\232, \231primary\232, \231igntc\232, \231recurse\232, \231def-)-.25 -F 2.688 +F 2.689 (names\232, \231stayopen\232, \231use_inet6\232, or \231dnsrch\232.)174 -601.2 R 2.689(The string \231HasW)7.689 F(ildcardMX\232)-.4 E .283 -(\(without a)174 613.2 R F0(+)2.783 E F1(or)2.783 E F02.783 E F1 -2.783(\)c)C .283(an be speci\214ed to turn of)-2.783 F 2.782(fm)-.25 G -.282(atching ag)-2.782 F .282(ainst MX records when)-.05 F .89 +601.2 R 2.688(The string \231HasW)7.688 F(ildcardMX\232)-.4 E .282 +(\(without a)174 613.2 R F0(+)2.782 E F1(or)2.782 E F02.782 E F1 +2.782(\)c)C .283(an be speci\214ed to turn of)-2.782 F 2.783(fm)-.25 G +.283(atching ag)-2.783 F .283(ainst MX records when)-.05 F .89 (doing name canoni\214cations.)174 625.2 R .89(The string \231W)5.89 F (orkAroundBrok)-.8 E .89(enAAAA\232 \(without a)-.1 F F0(+)174 637.2 Q -F1(or)3.473 E F03.473 E F1 3.473(\)c)C .972(an be speci\214ed to w) --3.473 F .972(ork around some brok)-.1 F .972(en nameserv)-.1 F .972 +F1(or)3.472 E F03.472 E F1 3.472(\)c)C .972(an be speci\214ed to w) +-3.472 F .972(ork around some brok)-.1 F .973(en nameserv)-.1 F .973 (ers which return)-.15 F(SER)174 649.2 Q(VF)-.8 E 1.001 (AIL \(a temporary f)-.74 F 1.001(ailure\) on T_AAAA \(IPv6\) lookups.) -.1 F 1.001(Notice: it might)6.001 F (be necessary to apply the same \(or similar\) options to)174 661.2 Q F2 ( E F1(too.)2.5 E -1.04(RequiresDirfsync [no)102 677.4 R -2.782(short name] This option can be used to o)5.283 F -.15(ve)-.15 G -2.782(rride the compile time \215ag).15 F F0(REQ)174 689.4 Q -(UIRES_DIR_FSYNC)-.1 E F1 .871(at runtime by setting it to)3.371 F/F3 9 -/Times-Roman@0 SF -.09(fa)3.372 G(lse).09 E F1 5.872(.I)C 3.372(ft) --5.872 G .872(he compile time)-3.372 F .018 -(\215ag is not set, the option is ignored.)174 701.4 R .017 -(The \215ag turns on support for \214le systems that)5.018 F .209 -(require to call)174 713.4 R F2(fsync\(\))2.709 E F1 .209 -(for a directory if the meta-data in it has been changed.)2.709 F(This) -5.21 E .075(should be turned on at least for older v)174 725.4 R .074 +2.782(short name] This option can be used to o)5.282 F -.15(ve)-.15 G +2.783(rride the compile time \215ag).15 F F0(REQ)174 689.4 Q +(UIRES_DIR_FSYNC)-.1 E F1 .872(at runtime by setting it to)3.372 F/F3 9 +/Times-Roman@0 SF -.09(fa)3.372 G(lse).09 E F1 5.871(.I)C 3.371(ft) +-5.871 G .871(he compile time)-3.371 F .017 +(\215ag is not set, the option is ignored.)174 701.4 R .018 +(The \215ag turns on support for \214le systems that)5.017 F .21 +(require to call)174 713.4 R F2(fsync\(\))2.71 E F1 .209 +(for a directory if the meta-data in it has been changed.)2.71 F(This) +5.209 E .074(should be turned on at least for older v)174 725.4 R .075 (ersions of ReiserFS; it is enabled by def)-.15 F(ault)-.1 E 0 Cg EP %%Page: 74 70 %%BeginPageSetup BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF 193.36(SMM:08-74 Sendmail)72 60 R -(Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 1.45 +(Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 1.451 (for Linux.)174 96 R 1.451 -(According to some information this \215ag is not needed an)6.45 F 1.451 +(According to some information this \215ag is not needed an)6.451 F 1.45 (ymore for)-.15 F -.1(ke)174 108 S(rnel 2.4.16 and ne).1 E(wer)-.25 E(.) -.55 E 10.61(RrtImpliesDsn [R])102 124.2 R 1.52 (If this option is set, a \231Return-Receipt-T)4.02 F 1.52 @@ -6655,85 +6656,85 @@ BP (DSN, which is sent to the en)174 136.2 R -.15(ve)-.4 G 1.02 (lope sender as required by RFC 1891, not to the).15 F(address gi)174 148.2 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(ni).15 G 2.5(nt)-2.5 G(he header)-2.5 E(.) --.55 E(RunAsUser=)102 164.4 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(user)A F1 3.753 -([no short name] The)2.48 F F2(user)6.253 E F1 3.752 -(parameter may be a user name \(look)6.252 F 3.752(ed up in)-.1 F F2 -(/etc/passwd)174 176.4 Q F1 3.045(\)o)C -5.544 3.045(ra n)-3.045 H .546 -(umeric user id; either form can ha)-3.045 F .846 -.15(ve \231)-.2 H -.546(:group\232 attached \(where).15 F .966 -(group can be numeric or symbolic\).)174 188.4 R .965 -(If set to a non-zero \(non-root\) v)5.965 F(alue,)-.25 E F2(send-)3.465 -E(mail)174 202.4 Q F1 .483 -(will change to this user id shortly after startup)2.983 F/F3 7 -/Times-Roman@0 SF(21)-4 I F1 5.484(.T)4 K .484(his a)-5.484 F -.2(vo)-.2 -G .484(ids a certain class).2 F 1.844(of security problems.)174 214.4 R +-.55 E(RunAsUser=)102 164.4 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(user)A F1 3.752 +([no short name] The)2.48 F F2(user)6.252 E F1 3.752 +(parameter may be a user name \(look)6.252 F 3.753(ed up in)-.1 F F2 +(/etc/passwd)174 176.4 Q F1 3.046(\)o)C 3.046(ran)-3.046 G .546 +(umeric user id; either form can ha)-3.046 F .846 -.15(ve \231)-.2 H +.545(:group\232 attached \(where).15 F .965 +(group can be numeric or symbolic\).)174 188.4 R .966 +(If set to a non-zero \(non-root\) v)5.965 F(alue,)-.25 E F2(send-)3.466 +E(mail)174 202.4 Q F1 .484 +(will change to this user id shortly after startup)2.984 F/F3 7 +/Times-Roman@0 SF(21)-4 I F1 5.483(.T)4 K .483(his a)-5.483 F -.2(vo)-.2 +G .483(ids a certain class).2 F 1.844(of security problems.)174 214.4 R (Ho)6.844 E(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.644 -.4(r, t).15 H 1.844 (his means that all \231.forw).4 F 1.844(ard\232 and \231:include:\232) -.1 F 1.428(\214les must be readable by the indicated)174 226.4 R F2 (user)3.928 E F1 1.428(and all \214les to be written must be)3.928 F -.043(writable by)174 238.4 R F2(user)2.543 E F1 .042 -(Also, all \214le and program deli)2.543 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .042 -(ries will be mark).15 F .042(ed unsafe unless)-.1 F 2.101(the option) -174 250.4 R F0(DontBlameSendmail=NonRootSafeAddr)4.601 E F1 2.101 -(is set, in which case the)4.601 F(deli)174 262.4 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G .778 -(ry will be done as).15 F F2(user)3.278 E F1 5.778(.I)C 3.277(ti)-5.778 -G 3.277(sa)-3.277 G .777(lso incompatible with the)-3.277 F F0 -(SafeFileEn)3.277 E(vir)-.4 E(on-)-.18 E(ment)174 274.4 Q F1 2.62 -(option. In)2.62 F .12(other w)2.62 F .121 +.042(writable by)174 238.4 R F2(user)2.542 E F1 .042 +(Also, all \214le and program deli)2.542 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .043 +(ries will be mark).15 F .043(ed unsafe unless)-.1 F 2.102(the option) +174 250.4 R F0(DontBlameSendmail=NonRootSafeAddr)4.602 E F1 2.101 +(is set, in which case the)4.601 F(deli)174 262.4 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G .777 +(ry will be done as).15 F F2(user)3.277 E F1 5.777(.I)C 3.278(ti)-5.777 +G 3.278(sa)-3.278 G .778(lso incompatible with the)-3.278 F F0 +(SafeFileEn)3.278 E(vir)-.4 E(on-)-.18 E(ment)174 274.4 Q F1 2.621 +(option. In)2.621 F .121(other w)2.621 F .121 (ords, it may not actually add much to security on an a)-.1 F -.15(ve) --.2 G -.2(r-).15 G .593(age system, and may in f)174 286.4 R .592 -(act detract from security \(because other \214le permissions)-.1 F -1.579(must be loosened\).)174 298.4 R(Ho)6.579 E(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 -G 2.379 -.4(r, i).15 H 4.079(ts).4 G 1.579(hould be useful on \214re) --4.079 F -.1(wa)-.25 G 1.58(lls and other places).1 F(where users don') +-.2 G -.2(r-).15 G .592(age system, and may in f)174 286.4 R .593 +(act detract from security \(because other \214le permissions)-.1 F 1.58 +(must be loosened\).)174 298.4 R(Ho)6.579 E(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G +2.379 -.4(r, i).15 H 4.079(ts).4 G 1.579(hould be useful on \214re) +-4.079 F -.1(wa)-.25 G 1.579(lls and other places).1 F(where users don') 174 310.4 Q 2.5(th)-.18 G -2.25 -.2(av e)-2.5 H (accounts and the aliases \214le is well constrained.)2.7 E(RecipientF) -102 326.6 Q(actor=)-.15 E F2(fact)A F1 .638([y] The indicated)174 338.6 +102 326.6 Q(actor=)-.15 E F2(fact)A F1 .637([y] The indicated)174 338.6 R F2(fact)3.137 E F1 .637(or is added to the priority \(thus)B F2 -(lowering)3.137 E F1 .637(the priority of the)3.137 F .23 +(lowering)3.137 E F1 .638(the priority of the)3.137 F .231 (job\) for each recipient, i.e., this v)174 350.6 R .231 -(alue penalizes jobs with lar)-.25 F .231(ge numbers of recipi-)-.18 F +(alue penalizes jobs with lar)-.25 F .23(ge numbers of recipi-)-.18 F 2.5(ents. Def)174 362.6 R(aults to 30000.)-.1 E(RefuseLA=)102 378.8 Q F2 (LA)A F1 1.012([X] When the system load a)13.59 F -.15(ve)-.2 G 1.012 -(rage e).15 F(xceeds)-.15 E F2(LA)3.512 E F1 3.512(,r)C 1.011 -(efuse incoming SMTP connec-)-3.512 F 2.658(tions. Def)174 390.8 R .158 +(rage e).15 F(xceeds)-.15 E F2(LA)3.512 E F1 3.512(,r)C 1.012 +(efuse incoming SMTP connec-)-3.512 F 2.659(tions. Def)174 390.8 R .158 (aults to 12 multiplied by the number of processors online on the syste\ m)-.1 F(\(if that can be determined\).)174 402.8 Q(RejectLogInterv)102 -419 Q(al=)-.25 E F2(timeout)A F1 1.628([no short name] Log interv)174 +419 Q(al=)-.25 E F2(timeout)A F1 1.627([no short name] Log interv)174 431 R 1.627(al when refusing connections for this long \(def)-.25 F (ault:)-.1 E(3h\).)174 443 Q(RetryF)102 459.2 Q(actor=)-.15 E F2(fact)A -F1 .771([Z] The)3.74 F F2(fact)3.271 E F1 .771 -(or is added to the priority e)B -.15(ve)-.25 G .772 -(ry time a job is processed.).15 F .772(Thus, each)5.772 F .994(time a \ +F1 .772([Z] The)3.74 F F2(fact)3.272 E F1 .772 +(or is added to the priority e)B -.15(ve)-.25 G .771 +(ry time a job is processed.).15 F .771(Thus, each)5.771 F .994(time a \ job is processed, its priority will be decreased by the indicated v)174 -471.2 R 3.493(alue. In)-.25 F 1.107(most en)174 483.2 R 1.107 +471.2 R 3.494(alue. In)-.25 F 1.108(most en)174 483.2 R 1.108 (vironments this should be positi)-.4 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.608(,s).15 G -1.108(ince hosts that are do)-3.608 F 1.108(wn are all too)-.25 F +1.108(ince hosts that are do)-3.608 F 1.107(wn are all too)-.25 F (often do)174 495.2 Q(wn for a long time.)-.25 E(Def)5 E (aults to 90000.)-.1 E(SafeFileEn)102 511.4 Q(vironment=)-.4 E F2(dir)A -F1 .022([no short name] If this option is set,)174 523.4 R F2(sendmail) +F1 .021([no short name] If this option is set,)174 523.4 R F2(sendmail) 2.521 E F1 .021(will do a)2.521 F F2 -.15(ch)2.521 G -.45(ro).15 G(ot) -.45 E F1 .021(\(2\) call into the indi-)B(cated)174 535.4 Q F2(dir)2.832 +.45 E F1 .022(\(2\) call into the indi-)B(cated)174 535.4 Q F2(dir)2.833 E F1 .333(ectory before doing an)B 2.833<798c>-.15 G .333(le writes.) -2.833 F .333(If the \214le name speci\214ed by the user)5.333 F(be)174 -547.4 Q .588(gins with)-.15 F F2(dir)3.088 E F1 3.087(,t)C .587 -(hat partial path name will be stripped of)-3.087 F 3.087(fb)-.25 G .587 -(efore writing, so \(for)-3.087 F -.15(ex)174 559.4 S 2.224 -(ample\) if the SafeFileEn).15 F 2.224(vironment v)-.4 F 2.225 +547.4 Q .587(gins with)-.15 F F2(dir)3.087 E F1 3.087(,t)C .587 +(hat partial path name will be stripped of)-3.087 F 3.087(fb)-.25 G .588 +(efore writing, so \(for)-3.087 F -.15(ex)174 559.4 S 2.225 +(ample\) if the SafeFileEn).15 F 2.225(vironment v)-.4 F 2.224 (ariable is set to \231/safe\232 then aliases of)-.25 F 1.557(\231/safe\ /logs/\214le\232 and \231/logs/\214le\232 actually indicate the same \ -\214le.)174 571.4 R(Additionally)6.556 E 4.056(,i)-.65 G(f)-4.056 E +\214le.)174 571.4 R(Additionally)6.557 E 4.057(,i)-.65 G(f)-4.057 E (this option is set,)174 583.4 Q F2(sendmail)2.5 E F1(refuses to deli) 2.5 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(rt).15 G 2.5(os)-2.5 G(ymbolic links.)-2.5 E -(Sa)102 599.6 Q -.15(ve)-.2 G 10.41(FromLine [f]).15 F(Sa)4.492 E 2.292 --.15(ve U)-.2 H 1.992 -(NIX-style \231From\232 lines at the front of headers.).15 F 1.993 -(Normally the)6.993 F 4.493(ya)-.15 G(re)-4.493 E +(Sa)102 599.6 Q -.15(ve)-.2 G 10.41(FromLine [f]).15 F(Sa)4.493 E 2.293 +-.15(ve U)-.2 H 1.993 +(NIX-style \231From\232 lines at the front of headers.).15 F 1.992 +(Normally the)6.992 F 4.492(ya)-.15 G(re)-4.492 E (assumed redundant and discarded.)174 611.6 Q .62(SendMimeErrors [j])102 627.8 R .373(If set, send error messages in MIME format \(see RFC 2045 \ -and RFC 1344 for)2.874 F 2.914(details\). If)174 639.8 R(disabled,)2.914 -E F2(sendmail)2.914 E F1 .415(will not return the DSN k)2.914 F -.15(ey) --.1 G -.1(wo).15 G .415(rd in response to an).1 F 1.731 +and RFC 1344 for)2.873 F 2.915(details\). If)174 639.8 R(disabled,)2.915 +E F2(sendmail)2.915 E F1 .415(will not return the DSN k)2.915 F -.15(ey) +-.1 G -.1(wo).15 G .414(rd in response to an).1 F 1.731 (EHLO and will not do Deli)174 651.8 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.731 (ry Status Noti\214cation processing as described in).15 F(RFC 1891.)174 663.8 Q .32 LW 76 678.8 72 678.8 DL 80 678.8 76 678.8 DL 84 678.8 80 @@ -6759,96 +6760,96 @@ BP /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide)72 60 Q (SMM:08-75)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(Serv)102 96 Q 10.77 (erCertFile [no)-.15 F .581 -(short name] File containing the certi\214cate of the serv)3.08 F(er) --.15 E 3.081(,i)-.4 G .581(.e., this certi\214cate is)-3.081 F +(short name] File containing the certi\214cate of the serv)3.081 F(er) +-.15 E 3.081(,i)-.4 G .58(.e., this certi\214cate is)-3.081 F (used when sendmail acts as serv)174 108 Q(er \(used for ST)-.15 E(AR) -.93 E(TTLS\).)-.6 E(Serv)102 124.2 Q(erK)-.15 E -.15(ey)-.25 G 11.73 -(File [no).15 F .543(short name] File containing the pri)3.043 F -.25 -(va)-.25 G .542(te k).25 F .842 -.15(ey b)-.1 H .542 -(elonging to the serv).15 F .542(er certi\214cate)-.15 F(\(used for ST) +(File [no).15 F .542(short name] File containing the pri)3.042 F -.25 +(va)-.25 G .543(te k).25 F .843 -.15(ey b)-.1 H .543 +(elonging to the serv).15 F .543(er certi\214cate)-.15 F(\(used for ST) 174 136.2 Q(AR)-.93 E(TTLS\).)-.6 E(ServiceSwitchFile=)102 152.4 Q/F2 10 -/Times-Italic@0 SF(\214lename)A F1 1.532([no short name] If your host o\ +/Times-Italic@0 SF(\214lename)A F1 1.533([no short name] If your host o\ perating system has a service switch abstraction)174 164.4 R .003(\(e.g\ ., /etc/nsswitch.conf on Solaris or /etc/svc.conf on Ultrix and DEC OSF\ /1\) that)174 176.4 R .814 (service will be consulted and this option is ignored.)174 188.4 R .814 -(Otherwise, this is the name)5.814 F 1.083(of a \214le that pro)174 +(Otherwise, this is the name)5.814 F 1.082(of a \214le that pro)174 200.4 R 1.082 (vides the list of methods used to implement particular services.)-.15 F 1.069(The syntax is a series of lines, each of which is a sequence of w) -174 212.4 R 3.57(ords. The)-.1 F(\214rst)3.57 E -.1(wo)174 224.4 S 1.364 -(rd is the service name, and follo).1 F 1.363(wing w)-.25 F 1.363 -(ords are service types.)-.1 F 1.363(The services)6.363 F(that)174 236.4 +174 212.4 R 3.569(ords. The)-.1 F(\214rst)3.569 E -.1(wo)174 224.4 S +1.363(rd is the service name, and follo).1 F 1.363(wing w)-.25 F 1.364 +(ords are service types.)-.1 F 1.364(The services)6.364 F(that)174 236.4 Q F2(sendmail)4.11 E F1 1.61 (consults directly are \231aliases\232 and \231hosts.)4.11 F 6.61<9a53> --.7 G 1.61(ervice types can be)-6.61 F 1.755(\231dns\232, \231nis\232, \ +-.7 G 1.61(ervice types can be)-6.61 F 1.754(\231dns\232, \231nis\232, \ \231nisplus\232, or \231\214les\232 \(with the ca)174 248.4 R -.15(ve) --.2 G 1.754(at that the appropriate support).15 F .791 +-.2 G 1.755(at that the appropriate support).15 F .791 (must be compiled in before the service can be referenced\).)174 260.4 R -.791(If ServiceSwitchFile)5.791 F .925(is not speci\214ed, it def)174 +.79(If ServiceSwitchFile)5.791 F .925(is not speci\214ed, it def)174 272.4 R .925(aults to /etc/mail/service.switch.)-.1 F .925 (If that \214le does not e)5.925 F(xist,)-.15 E(the def)174 284.4 Q (ault switch is:)-.1 E 54.71(aliases \214les)214 300.6 R 60.81 (hosts dns)214 312.6 R(nis \214les)2.5 E(The def)174 328.8 Q (ault \214le is \231/etc/mail/service.switch\232.)-.1 E(Se)102 345 Q --.15(ve)-.25 G 12.12(nBitInput [7]).15 F .321(Strip input to se)2.821 F --.15(ve)-.25 G 2.821(nb).15 G .322 -(its for compatibility with old systems.)-2.821 F .322(This shouldn') -5.322 F 2.822(tb)-.18 G(e)-2.822 E(necessary)174 357 Q(.)-.65 E -(SharedMemoryK)102 373.2 Q -.15(ey)-.25 G .745([no short name] K)174 -385.2 R 1.045 -.15(ey t)-.25 H 3.245(ou).15 G .745 -(se for shared memory se)-3.245 F .744 -(gment; if not set \(or 0\), shared)-.15 F 1.159 -(memory will not be used.)174 397.2 R 1.159(If set to -1)6.159 F F2 -(sendmail)3.659 E F1 1.16(can select a k)3.659 F 1.46 -.15(ey i)-.1 H -1.16(tself pro).15 F(vided)-.15 E .658(that also)174 409.2 R F0(Shar) +-.15(ve)-.25 G 12.12(nBitInput [7]).15 F .322(Strip input to se)2.822 F +-.15(ve)-.25 G 2.822(nb).15 G .321 +(its for compatibility with old systems.)-2.822 F .321(This shouldn') +5.321 F 2.821(tb)-.18 G(e)-2.821 E(necessary)174 357 Q(.)-.65 E +(SharedMemoryK)102 373.2 Q -.15(ey)-.25 G .744([no short name] K)174 +385.2 R 1.044 -.15(ey t)-.25 H 3.244(ou).15 G .745 +(se for shared memory se)-3.244 F .745 +(gment; if not set \(or 0\), shared)-.15 F 1.16 +(memory will not be used.)174 397.2 R 1.159(If set to -1)6.16 F F2 +(sendmail)3.659 E F1 1.159(can select a k)3.659 F 1.459 -.15(ey i)-.1 H +1.159(tself pro).15 F(vided)-.15 E .658(that also)174 409.2 R F0(Shar) 3.158 E(edMemoryK)-.18 E(eyFile)-.25 E F1 .658(is set.)3.158 F .658 -(Requires support for shared memory to)5.658 F 1.412(be compiled into) -174 421.2 R F2(sendmail)3.912 E F1 6.412(.I)C 3.912(ft)-6.412 G 1.412 -(his option is set,)-3.912 F F2(sendmail)3.912 E F1 1.413 -(can share some data)3.913 F .308(between dif)174 433.2 R .308 -(ferent instances.)-.25 F -.15(Fo)5.308 G 2.808(re).15 G .307 -(xample, the number of entries in a queue direc-)-2.958 F .032 +(Requires support for shared memory to)5.658 F 1.413(be compiled into) +174 421.2 R F2(sendmail)3.913 E F1 6.413(.I)C 3.912(ft)-6.413 G 1.412 +(his option is set,)-3.912 F F2(sendmail)3.912 E F1 1.412 +(can share some data)3.912 F .307(between dif)174 433.2 R .307 +(ferent instances.)-.25 F -.15(Fo)5.307 G 2.807(re).15 G .308 +(xample, the number of entries in a queue direc-)-2.957 F .033 (tory or the a)174 445.2 R -.25(va)-.2 G .032 (ilable space in a \214le system.).25 F .032(This allo)5.032 F .032 -(ws for more ef)-.25 F .033(\214cient program)-.25 F -.15(exe)174 457.2 +(ws for more ef)-.25 F .032(\214cient program)-.25 F -.15(exe)174 457.2 S .09(cution, since only one process needs to update the data instead o\ f each indi).15 F(vid-)-.25 E(ual process g)174 469.2 Q (athering the data each time it is required.)-.05 E(SharedMemoryK)102 -485.4 Q -.15(ey)-.25 G(File).15 E .086([no short name] If)174 497.4 R F0 -(Shar)2.586 E(edMemoryK)-.18 E(ey)-.25 E F1 .087 +485.4 Q -.15(ey)-.25 G(File).15 E .087([no short name] If)174 497.4 R F0 +(Shar)2.587 E(edMemoryK)-.18 E(ey)-.25 E F1 .086 (is set to -1 then the automatically selected)2.587 F(shared memory k) 174 509.4 Q .3 -.15(ey w)-.1 H(ill be stored in the speci\214ed \214le.) -.15 E(SingleLineFromHeader)102 525.6 Q .959 -([no short name] If set, From: lines that ha)174 537.6 R 1.258 -.15 -(ve e)-.2 H .958(mbedded ne).15 F .958(wlines are unwrapped)-.25 F .242 +.15 E(SingleLineFromHeader)102 525.6 Q .958 +([no short name] If set, From: lines that ha)174 537.6 R 1.259 -.15 +(ve e)-.2 H .959(mbedded ne).15 F .959(wlines are unwrapped)-.25 F .243 (onto one line.)174 549.6 R .243 (This is to get around a botch in Lotus Notes that apparently cannot) -5.242 F(understand le)174 561.6 Q -.05(ga)-.15 G +5.243 F(understand le)174 561.6 Q -.05(ga)-.15 G (lly wrapped RFC 822 headers.).05 E(SingleThreadDeli)102 577.8 Q -.15 -(ve)-.25 G(ry).15 E .334 +(ve)-.25 G(ry).15 E .333 ([no short name] If set, a client machine will ne)174 589.8 R -.15(ve) --.25 G 2.833(rt).15 G .333(ry to open tw)-2.833 F 2.833(oS)-.1 G .333 -(MTP connec-)-2.833 F 1.711(tions to a single serv)174 601.8 R 1.712 -(er machine at the same time, e)-.15 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 4.212(ni).15 G -4.212(nd)-4.212 G(if)-4.212 E 1.712(ferent processes.)-.25 F .953 +-.25 G 2.833(rt).15 G .334(ry to open tw)-2.833 F 2.834(oS)-.1 G .334 +(MTP connec-)-2.834 F 1.712(tions to a single serv)174 601.8 R 1.712 +(er machine at the same time, e)-.15 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 4.211(ni).15 G +4.211(nd)-4.211 G(if)-4.211 E 1.711(ferent processes.)-.25 F .952 (That is, if another)174 613.8 R F2(sendmail)3.452 E F1 .952 -(is already talking to some host a ne)3.452 F(w)-.25 E F2(sendmail)3.452 -E F1(will)3.452 E 2.387(not open another connection.)174 625.8 R 2.387 -(This property is of mix)7.387 F 2.388(ed v)-.15 F 2.388 +(is already talking to some host a ne)3.452 F(w)-.25 E F2(sendmail)3.453 +E F1(will)3.453 E 2.388(not open another connection.)174 625.8 R 2.387 +(This property is of mix)7.387 F 2.387(ed v)-.15 F 2.387 (alue; although this)-.25 F .386(reduces the load on the other machine,\ - it can cause mail to be delayed \(for e)174 637.8 R(xam-)-.15 E .718 -(ple, if one)174 649.8 R F2(sendmail)3.218 E F1 .718(is deli)3.218 F --.15(ve)-.25 G .718(ring a huge message, other).15 F F2(sendmail)3.219 E -F1 3.219(sw)C(on')-3.319 E 3.219(tb)-.18 G 3.219(ea)-3.219 G(ble)-3.219 -E 1.543(to send e)174 661.8 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 4.043(ns).15 G 1.543 -(mall messages\).)-4.043 F 1.542 -(Also, it requires another \214le descriptor \(for the)6.543 F .996 -(lock \214le\) per connection, so you may ha)174 673.8 R 1.297 -.15 -(ve t)-.2 H 3.497(or).15 G .997(educe the)-3.497 F F0 -(ConnectionCacheSize)3.497 E F1 .235(option to a)174 685.8 R -.2(vo)-.2 -G .235(id running out of per).2 F .234(-process \214le descriptors.)-.2 -F .234(Requires the)5.234 F F0(HostSta-)2.734 E(tusDir)174 697.8 Q + it can cause mail to be delayed \(for e)174 637.8 R(xam-)-.15 E .719 +(ple, if one)174 649.8 R F2(sendmail)3.219 E F1 .719(is deli)3.219 F +-.15(ve)-.25 G .718(ring a huge message, other).15 F F2(sendmail)3.218 E +F1 3.218(sw)C(on')-3.318 E 3.218(tb)-.18 G 3.218(ea)-3.218 G(ble)-3.218 +E 1.542(to send e)174 661.8 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 4.042(ns).15 G 1.542 +(mall messages\).)-4.042 F 1.543 +(Also, it requires another \214le descriptor \(for the)6.542 F .997 +(lock \214le\) per connection, so you may ha)174 673.8 R 1.296 -.15 +(ve t)-.2 H 3.496(or).15 G .996(educe the)-3.496 F F0 +(ConnectionCacheSize)3.496 E F1 .234(option to a)174 685.8 R -.2(vo)-.2 +G .234(id running out of per).2 F .235(-process \214le descriptors.)-.2 +F .235(Requires the)5.235 F F0(HostSta-)2.735 E(tusDir)174 697.8 Q (ectory)-.18 E F1(option.)2.5 E 0 Cg EP %%Page: 76 72 %%BeginPageSetup @@ -6857,60 +6858,60 @@ BP /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF 193.36(SMM:08-76 Sendmail)72 60 R (Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF (SmtpGreetingMessage=)102 96 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(messa)A -.1(ge) --.1 G F1 .344([$e macro] The message printed when the SMTP serv)174 108 -R .345(er starts up.)-.15 F(Def)5.345 E .345(aults to \231$j)-.1 F +-.1 G F1 .345([$e macro] The message printed when the SMTP serv)174 108 +R .344(er starts up.)-.15 F(Def)5.344 E .344(aults to \231$j)-.1 F (Sendmail $v ready at $b\232.)174 120 Q 22.28(SoftBounce If)102 136.2 R .092(set, issue temporary errors \(4xy\) instead of permanent errors \(\ -5xy\).)2.593 F .092(This can be)5.092 F .126 +5xy\).)2.592 F .093(This can be)5.093 F .127 (useful during testing of a ne)174 148.2 R 2.627(wc)-.25 G .127 -(on\214guration to a)-2.627 F -.2(vo)-.2 G .127 +(on\214guration to a)-2.627 F -.2(vo)-.2 G .126 (id erroneous bouncing of mails.).2 F(StatusFile=)102 164.4 Q F2(\214le) -A F1 .524([S] Log summary statistics in the named)14.13 F F2(\214le) -3.024 E F1 5.524(.I)C 3.023(fn)-5.524 G 3.023<6f8c>-3.023 G .523 -(le name is speci\214ed, "statis-)-3.023 F .547(tics" is used.)174 176.4 -R .547(If not set, no summary statistics are sa)5.547 F -.15(ve)-.2 G -3.048(d. This).15 F .548(\214le does not gro)3.048 F(w)-.25 E(in size.) +A F1 .523([S] Log summary statistics in the named)14.13 F F2(\214le) +3.024 E F1 5.524(.I)C 3.024(fn)-5.524 G 3.024<6f8c>-3.024 G .524 +(le name is speci\214ed, "statis-)-3.024 F .548(tics" is used.)174 176.4 +R .547(If not set, no summary statistics are sa)5.548 F -.15(ve)-.2 G +3.047(d. This).15 F .547(\214le does not gro)3.047 F(w)-.25 E(in size.) 174 188.4 Q(It can be printed using the)5 E F2(mailstats)2.5 E F1 (\(8\) program.)A 28.4(SuperSafe [s])102 204.6 R .364 (This option can be set to T)2.864 F .364(rue, F)-.35 F .364 (alse, Interacti)-.15 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.864(,o).15 G 2.864(rP)-2.864 G (ostMilter)-2.864 E 5.364(.I)-.55 G 2.864(fs)-5.364 G .364(et to T) --2.864 F(rue,)-.35 E F2(sendmail)174 216.6 Q F1 .116(will be super)2.616 -F .116(-safe when running things, i.e., al)-.2 F -.1(wa)-.1 G .117 -(ys instantiate the queue).1 F .118(\214le, e)174 228.6 R -.15(ve)-.25 G -2.618(ni).15 G 2.618(fy)-2.618 G .118 -(ou are going to attempt immediate deli)-2.618 F -.15(ve)-.25 G(ry).15 E -(.)-.65 E F2(Sendmail)5.117 E F1(al)2.617 E -.1(wa)-.1 G .117 -(ys instan-).1 F .087(tiates the queue \214le before returning control \ -to the client under an)174 240.6 R 2.588(yc)-.15 G(ircumstances.)-2.588 -E 1.3(This should really)174 252.6 R F2(always)3.8 E F1 1.299 +-2.864 F(rue,)-.35 E F2(sendmail)174 216.6 Q F1 .117(will be super)2.617 +F .116(-safe when running things, i.e., al)-.2 F -.1(wa)-.1 G .116 +(ys instantiate the queue).1 F .117(\214le, e)174 228.6 R -.15(ve)-.25 G +2.617(ni).15 G 2.617(fy)-2.617 G .117 +(ou are going to attempt immediate deli)-2.617 F -.15(ve)-.25 G(ry).15 E +(.)-.65 E F2(Sendmail)5.118 E F1(al)2.618 E -.1(wa)-.1 G .118 +(ys instan-).1 F .088(tiates the queue \214le before returning control \ +to the client under an)174 240.6 R 2.587(yc)-.15 G(ircumstances.)-2.587 +E 1.299(This should really)174 252.6 R F2(always)3.799 E F1 1.299 (be set to T)3.799 F 3.799(rue. The)-.35 F(Interacti)3.799 E 1.599 -.15 -(ve v)-.25 H 1.299(alue has been intro-)-.1 F .221 -(duced in 8.12 and can be used together with)174 264.6 R F0(Deli)2.722 E --.1(ve)-.1 G(ryMode=i).1 E F1 5.222(.I)C 2.722(ts)-5.222 G .222 -(kips some syn-)-2.722 F 1.533(chronization calls which are ef)174 276.6 +(ve v)-.25 H 1.3(alue has been intro-)-.1 F .222 +(duced in 8.12 and can be used together with)174 264.6 R F0(Deli)2.721 E +-.1(ve)-.1 G(ryMode=i).1 E F1 5.221(.I)C 2.721(ts)-5.221 G .221 +(kips some syn-)-2.721 F 1.532(chronization calls which are ef)174 276.6 R(fecti)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.533(ly doubled in the code e).15 F -.15 -(xe)-.15 G 1.532(cution path for).15 F .335(this mode.)174 288.6 R .336 -(If set to PostMilter)5.335 F(,)-.4 E F2(sendmail)2.836 E F1 .336 +(xe)-.15 G 1.533(cution path for).15 F .336(this mode.)174 288.6 R .336 +(If set to PostMilter)5.336 F(,)-.4 E F2(sendmail)2.836 E F1 .336 (defers synchronizing the queue \214le until)2.836 F(an)174 300.6 Q -3.788(ym)-.15 G 1.288(ilters ha)-3.788 F 1.588 -.15(ve s)-.2 H 1.287 -(ignaled acceptance of the message.).15 F 1.287 -(PostMilter is useful only)6.287 F(when)174 312.6 Q F2(sendmail)3.821 E -F1 1.321(is running as an SMTP serv)3.821 F 1.322 +3.787(ym)-.15 G 1.287(ilters ha)-3.787 F 1.587 -.15(ve s)-.2 H 1.287 +(ignaled acceptance of the message.).15 F 1.288 +(PostMilter is useful only)6.287 F(when)174 312.6 Q F2(sendmail)3.822 E +F1 1.322(is running as an SMTP serv)3.822 F 1.321 (er; in all other situations it acts the)-.15 F(same as T)174 324.6 Q (rue.)-.35 E 6.16(TLSSrvOptions [no)102 340.8 R .238 -(short name] List of options for SMTP ST)2.738 F(AR)-.93 E .237 -(TTLS for the serv)-.6 F .237(er consisting of)-.15 F .18 +(short name] List of options for SMTP ST)2.737 F(AR)-.93 E .238 +(TTLS for the serv)-.6 F .238(er consisting of)-.15 F .18 (single characters with interv)174 352.8 R .18 (ening white space or commas.)-.15 F .18(The \215ag `)5.18 F(`V')-.74 E -2.68('d)-.74 G(isables)-2.68 E .511(client v)174 364.8 R .511(eri\214ca\ -tion, and hence it is not possible to use a client certi\214cate for re\ -lay-)-.15 F 2.5(ing. Currently)174 376.8 R(there are no other \215ags a) +2.68('d)-.74 G(isables)-2.68 E .51(client v)174 364.8 R .511(eri\214cat\ +ion, and hence it is not possible to use a client certi\214cate for rel\ +ay-)-.15 F 2.5(ing. Currently)174 376.8 R(there are no other \215ags a) 2.5 E -.25(va)-.2 G(ilable.).25 E -.7(Te)102 393 S(mpFileMode=).7 E F2 -(mode)A F1 .061 +(mode)A F1 .062 ([F] The \214le mode for transcript \214les, \214les to which)174 405 R -F2(sendmail)2.562 E F1(deli)2.562 E -.15(ve)-.25 G .062(rs directly).15 -F 2.562<2c8c>-.65 G(les)-2.562 E .61(in the)174 417 R F0(HostStatusDir) +F2(sendmail)2.561 E F1(deli)2.561 E -.15(ve)-.25 G .061(rs directly).15 +F 2.561<2c8c>-.65 G(les)-2.561 E .61(in the)174 417 R F0(HostStatusDir) 3.11 E(ectory)-.18 E F1 3.11(,a)C(nd)-3.11 E F0(StatusFile)3.11 E F1 5.61(.I)C 3.11(ti)-5.61 G 3.11(si)-3.11 G .61 (nterpreted in octal by def)-3.11 F(ault.)-.1 E(Def)174 429 Q @@ -6921,36 +6922,36 @@ F2(timeout)1.666 E F1 .417 469.2 Q -.35(Ti)102 485.4 S(meZoneSpec=).35 E F2(tzinfo)A F1 .218 ([t] Set the local time zone info to)174 497.4 R F2(tzinfo)2.718 E F1 2.718<8a66>2.718 G .218(or e)-2.718 F .218(xample, \231PST8PDT\232.)-.15 -F(Actually)5.217 E 2.717(,i)-.65 G(f)-2.717 E 1.345 +F(Actually)5.218 E 2.718(,i)-.65 G(f)-2.718 E 1.346 (this is not set, the TZ en)174 509.4 R 1.346(vironment v)-.4 F 1.346 -(ariable is cleared \(so the system def)-.25 F 1.346(ault is)-.1 F .209 +(ariable is cleared \(so the system def)-.25 F 1.345(ault is)-.1 F .208 (used\); if set b)174 521.4 R .208(ut null, the user')-.2 F 2.708(sT) -.55 G 2.708(Zv)-2.708 G .208 (ariable is used, and if set and non-null the TZ)-2.958 F -.25(va)174 533.4 S(riable is set to this v).25 E(alue.)-.25 E -.35(Tr)102 549.6 S -(ustedUser=).35 E F2(user)A F1 3.752([no short name] The).06 F F2(user) -6.252 E F1 3.752(parameter may be a user name \(look)6.252 F 3.753 -(ed up in)-.1 F F2(/etc/passwd)174 561.6 Q F1 2.743(\)o)C 2.743(ran) --2.743 G .243(umeric user id.)-2.743 F -.35(Tr)5.242 G .242 -(usted user for \214le o).35 F .242(wnership and starting the)-.25 F -3.779(daemon. If)174 573.6 R 1.279 +(ustedUser=).35 E F2(user)A F1 3.753([no short name] The).06 F F2(user) +6.253 E F1 3.752(parameter may be a user name \(look)6.252 F 3.752 +(ed up in)-.1 F F2(/etc/passwd)174 561.6 Q F1 2.742(\)o)C 2.742(ran) +-2.742 G .242(umeric user id.)-2.742 F -.35(Tr)5.242 G .242 +(usted user for \214le o).35 F .243(wnership and starting the)-.25 F +3.78(daemon. If)174 573.6 R 1.279 (set, generated alias databases and the control sock)3.779 F 1.279 (et \(if con\214gured\))-.1 F(will automatically be o)174 585.6 Q (wned by this user)-.25 E(.)-.55 E -.35(Tr)102 601.8 S 5.96 (yNullMXList [w]).35 F .114 -(If this system is the \231best\232 \(that is, lo)2.614 F .114 -(west preference\) MX for a gi)-.25 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.613(nh).15 G .113 -(ost, its)-2.613 F 1.168(con\214guration rules should normally detect t\ -his situation and treat that condition)174 613.8 R .258 +(If this system is the \231best\232 \(that is, lo)2.613 F .114 +(west preference\) MX for a gi)-.25 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.614(nh).15 G .114 +(ost, its)-2.614 F 1.168(con\214guration rules should normally detect t\ +his situation and treat that condition)174 613.8 R .257 (specially by forw)174 625.8 R .258 (arding the mail to a UUCP feed, treating it as local, or whate)-.1 F -.15(ve)-.25 G -.55(r.).15 G(Ho)174 637.8 Q(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G -1.685 -.4(r, i).15 H 3.385(ns).4 G .886 -(ome cases \(such as Internet \214re)-3.385 F -.1(wa)-.25 G .886 -(lls\) you may w).1 F .886(ant to try to con-)-.1 F .07 +1.686 -.4(r, i).15 H 3.386(ns).4 G .886 +(ome cases \(such as Internet \214re)-3.386 F -.1(wa)-.25 G .886 +(lls\) you may w).1 F .885(ant to try to con-)-.1 F .07 (nect directly to that host as though it had no MX records at all.)174 649.8 R .07(Setting this option)5.07 F(causes)174 661.8 Q F2(sendmail) -3.013 E F1 .514(to try this.)3.013 F .514(The do)5.514 F .514 +3.014 E F1 .514(to try this.)3.014 F .514(The do)5.514 F .514 (wnside is that errors in your con\214guration are)-.25 F(lik)174 673.8 Q 2.116(ely to be diagnosed as \231host unkno)-.1 F 2.116 (wn\232 or \231message timed out\232 instead of)-.25 F @@ -6963,100 +6964,100 @@ F1 .236(must add a UNIX-style From_)2.736 F 0 Cg EP BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide)72 60 Q -(SMM:08-77)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 1.325 +(SMM:08-77)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 1.324 (line \(that is, a line be)174 96 R 1.325 -(ginning \231Fromuser\232\).)-.15 F(Def)6.324 E 1.324 -(aults to \231From $g)-.1 F($d\232.)6.324 E(Don')174 108 Q 2.645(tc)-.18 -G .146(hange this unless your system uses a dif)-2.645 F .146 +(ginning \231Fromuser\232\).)-.15 F(Def)6.325 E 1.325 +(aults to \231From $g)-.1 F($d\232.)6.325 E(Don')174 108 Q 2.646(tc)-.18 +G .146(hange this unless your system uses a dif)-2.646 F .146 (ferent UNIX mailbox format \(v)-.25 F(ery)-.15 E(unlik)174 120 Q -(ely\).)-.1 E(UnsafeGroupWrites)102 136.2 Q .086 +(ely\).)-.1 E(UnsafeGroupWrites)102 136.2 Q .085 ([no short name] If set \(def)174 148.2 R .085 -(ault\), :include: and .forw)-.1 F .085 -(ard \214les that are group writable)-.1 F .654 +(ault\), :include: and .forw)-.1 F .086 +(ard \214les that are group writable)-.1 F .655 (are considered \231unsafe\232, that is, the)174 160.2 R 3.155(yc)-.15 G -.655(annot reference programs or write directly)-3.155 F .537 -(to \214les.)174 172.2 R -.8(Wo)5.537 G .537 +.654(annot reference programs or write directly)-3.155 F .536 +(to \214les.)174 172.2 R -.8(Wo)5.536 G .536 (rld writable :include: and .forw).8 F .537(ard \214les are al)-.1 F -.1 -(wa)-.1 G .536(ys unsafe.).1 F .536(Note: use)5.536 F F0 +(wa)-.1 G .537(ys unsafe.).1 F .537(Note: use)5.537 F F0 (DontBlameSendmail)174 184.2 Q F1(instead; this option is deprecated.) 2.5 E(UseErrorsT)102 200.4 Q 21.15(o[)-.8 G .826 (l] If there is an \231Errors-T)-21.15 F .826(o:\232 header)-.8 F 3.326 -(,s)-.4 G .826(end error messages to the addresses listed)-3.326 F 3.135 -(there. The)174 212.4 R 3.135(yn)-.15 G .635(ormally go to the en)-3.135 -F -.15(ve)-.4 G .635(lope sender).15 F 5.635(.U)-.55 G .634 -(se of this option causes)-5.635 F/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(send-)3.134 E +(,s)-.4 G .826(end error messages to the addresses listed)-3.326 F 3.134 +(there. The)174 212.4 R 3.134(yn)-.15 G .634(ormally go to the en)-3.134 +F -.15(ve)-.4 G .635(lope sender).15 F 5.635(.U)-.55 G .635 +(se of this option causes)-5.635 F/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(send-)3.135 E (mail)174 224.4 Q F1(to violate RFC 1123.)2.5 E (This option is disrecommended and deprecated.)5 E(UserDatabaseSpec=)102 240.6 Q F2(udbspec)A F1([U] The user database speci\214cation.)174 252.6 -Q -1.11(Ve)102 268.8 S 37.29(rbose [v])1.11 F .56(Run in v)3.06 F .561 +Q -1.11(Ve)102 268.8 S 37.29(rbose [v])1.11 F .561(Run in v)3.061 F .561 (erbose mode.)-.15 F .561(If this is set,)5.561 F F2(sendmail)3.061 E F1 -.561(adjusts options)3.061 F F0(HoldExpensi)3.061 E -.1(ve)-.1 G F1 -(\(old)174 280.8 Q F0(c)2.636 E F1 2.636(\)a)C(nd)-2.636 E F0(Deli)2.636 -E -.1(ve)-.1 G(ryMode).1 E F1(\(old)2.636 E F0(d)2.636 E F1 2.635(\)s)C -2.635(ot)-2.635 G .135(hat all mail is deli)-2.635 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .135 +.56(adjusts options)3.061 F F0(HoldExpensi)3.06 E -.1(ve)-.1 G F1(\(old) +174 280.8 Q F0(c)2.635 E F1 2.635(\)a)C(nd)-2.635 E F0(Deli)2.635 E -.1 +(ve)-.1 G(ryMode).1 E F1(\(old)2.635 E F0(d)2.635 E F1 2.635(\)s)C 2.635 +(ot)-2.635 G .135(hat all mail is deli)-2.635 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .136 (red completely in a sin-).15 F 1.244 (gle job so that you can see the entire deli)174 292.8 R -.15(ve)-.25 G -1.244(ry process.).15 F(Option)6.244 E F0 -1(Ve)3.744 G(rbose)1 E F1 -(should)3.744 E F2(ne)174 304.8 Q(ver)-.15 E F1 1.269(be set in the con\ -\214guration \214le; it is intended for command line use only)3.77 F(.) +1.244(ry process.).15 F(Option)6.244 E F0 -1(Ve)3.743 G(rbose)1 E F1 +(should)3.743 E F2(ne)174 304.8 Q(ver)-.15 E F1 1.269(be set in the con\ +\214guration \214le; it is intended for command line use only)3.769 F(.) -.65 E .435(Note that the use of option)174 316.8 R F0 -1(Ve)2.935 G (rbose)1 E F1 .435(can cause authentication information to leak,)2.935 F .015(if you use a sendmail client to authenticate to a serv)174 328.8 R (er)-.15 E 5.015(.I)-.55 G 2.515(ft)-5.015 G .015 -(he authentication mech-)-2.515 F .935(anism uses plain te)174 340.8 R +(he authentication mech-)-2.515 F .936(anism uses plain te)174 340.8 R .936(xt passw)-.15 F .936 -(ords \(as with LOGIN or PLAIN\), then the passw)-.1 F(ord)-.1 E 1.418 -(could be compromised.)174 352.8 R 3.017 -.8(To a)6.418 H -.2(vo).6 G -1.417(id this, do not install sendmail set-user).2 F 1.417(-ID root,)-.2 +(ords \(as with LOGIN or PLAIN\), then the passw)-.1 F(ord)-.1 E 1.417 +(could be compromised.)174 352.8 R 3.017 -.8(To a)6.417 H -.2(vo).6 G +1.417(id this, do not install sendmail set-user).2 F 1.418(-ID root,)-.2 F(and disable the)174 364.8 Q F0(VERB)2.5 E F1 (SMTP command with a suitable)2.5 E F0(Pri)2.5 E -.1(va)-.1 G(cyOptions) .1 E F1(setting.)2.5 E(XscriptFileBuf)102 381 Q(ferSize=)-.25 E F2(thr)A -(eshold)-.37 E F1 1.1([no short name] Set the)174 393 R F2(thr)3.601 E +(eshold)-.37 E F1 1.101([no short name] Set the)174 393 R F2(thr)3.601 E (eshold)-.37 E F1 3.601(,i)C 3.601(nb)-3.601 G 1.101 (ytes, before a memory-based queue tran-)-3.601 F (script \214le becomes disk-based.)174 405 Q(The def)5 E -(ault is 4096 bytes.)-.1 E .109(All options can be speci\214ed on the c\ -ommand line using the \255O or \255o \215ag, b)102 421.2 R .108 -(ut most will cause)-.2 F F2(send-)2.608 E(mail)102 433.2 Q F1 .663 -(to relinquish its set-user)3.163 F .663(-ID permissions.)-.2 F .664 -(The options that will not cause this are Se)5.663 F -.15(ve)-.25 G +(ault is 4096 bytes.)-.1 E .108(All options can be speci\214ed on the c\ +ommand line using the \255O or \255o \215ag, b)102 421.2 R .109 +(ut most will cause)-.2 F F2(send-)2.609 E(mail)102 433.2 Q F1 .664 +(to relinquish its set-user)3.164 F .664(-ID permissions.)-.2 F .663 +(The options that will not cause this are Se)5.664 F -.15(ve)-.25 G (nBitIn-).15 E 1.319 (put [7], EightBitMode [8], MinFreeBlocks [b], CheckpointInterv)102 445.2 R 1.319(al [C], Deli)-.25 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.319 -(ryMode [d], Error).15 F(-)-.2 E .042 +(ryMode [d], Error).15 F(-)-.2 E .043 (Mode [e], IgnoreDots [i], SendMimeErrors [j], LogLe)102 457.2 R -.15 -(ve)-.25 G 2.543(l[).15 G .043(L], MeT)-2.543 F .043 +(ve)-.25 G 2.542(l[).15 G .042(L], MeT)-2.542 F .042 (oo [m], OldStyleHeaders [o], Pri-)-.8 F -.25(va)102 469.2 S -.15(cy).25 -G .303(Options [p], SuperSafe [s], V).15 F .302 -(erbose [v], QueueSortOrder)-1.11 F 2.802(,M)-.4 G .302(inQueueAge, Def) --2.802 F .302(aultCharSet, Dial)-.1 F(Delay)102 481.2 Q 7.312(,N)-.65 G +G .302(Options [p], SuperSafe [s], V).15 F .302 +(erbose [v], QueueSortOrder)-1.11 F 2.802(,M)-.4 G .303(inQueueAge, Def) +-2.802 F .303(aultCharSet, Dial)-.1 F(Delay)102 481.2 Q 7.312(,N)-.65 G 4.812(oRecipientAction, ColonOkInAddr)-7.312 F 7.312(,M)-.4 G 4.812 (axQueueRunSize, SingleLineFromHeader)-7.312 F 7.312(,a)-.4 G(nd)-7.312 -E(Allo)102 493.2 Q 3.921(wBogusHELO. Actually)-.25 F 3.921(,P)-.65 G(ri) --3.921 E -.25(va)-.25 G -.15(cy).25 G 1.421(Options [p] gi).15 F -.15 -(ve)-.25 G 3.921(no).15 G 3.921(nt)-3.921 G 1.421 -(he command line are added to those)-3.921 F 1.697 -(already speci\214ed in the)102 505.2 R F2( E F1 1.697 -(\214le, i.e., the)4.197 F 4.197(yc)-.15 G(an')-4.197 E 4.197(tb)-.18 G -4.197(er)-4.197 G 4.198(eset. Also,)-4.197 F 4.198(M\()4.198 G 1.698 -(de\214ne macro\) when)-4.198 F +E(Allo)102 493.2 Q 3.92(wBogusHELO. Actually)-.25 F 3.92(,P)-.65 G(ri) +-3.92 E -.25(va)-.25 G -.15(cy).25 G 1.421(Options [p] gi).15 F -.15(ve) +-.25 G 3.921(no).15 G 3.921(nt)-3.921 G 1.421 +(he command line are added to those)-3.921 F 1.698 +(already speci\214ed in the)102 505.2 R F2( E F1 1.697 +(\214le, i.e., the)4.198 F 4.197(yc)-.15 G(an')-4.197 E 4.197(tb)-.18 G +4.197(er)-4.197 G 4.197(eset. Also,)-4.197 F 4.197(M\()4.197 G 1.697 +(de\214ne macro\) when)-4.197 F (de\214ning the r or s macros is also considered \231safe\232.)102 517.2 Q F0 2.5(5.7. P)87 541.2 R 2.5<8a50>2.5 G -.18(re)-2.5 G (cedence De\214nitions).18 E F1 -1.11(Va)127 557.4 S .164 (lues for the \231Precedence:\232 \214eld may be de\214ned using the) -1.11 F F0(P)2.664 E F1 .164(control line.)2.664 F .163 -(The syntax of this)5.163 F(\214eld is:)102 569.4 Q F0(P)142 585.6 Q F2 -(name)A F0(=)A F2(num)A F1 .383(When the)102 601.8 R F2(name)2.883 E F1 +1.11 F F0(P)2.664 E F1 .164(control line.)2.664 F .164 +(The syntax of this)5.164 F(\214eld is:)102 569.4 Q F0(P)142 585.6 Q F2 +(name)A F0(=)A F2(num)A F1 .384(When the)102 601.8 R F2(name)2.884 E F1 .384 (is found in a \231Precedence:\232 \214eld, the message class is set to) -2.883 F F2(num)2.884 E F1 5.384(.H)C .384(igher numbers)-5.384 F .85 +2.884 F F2(num)2.883 E F1 5.383(.H)C .383(igher numbers)-5.383 F .85 (mean higher precedence.)102 613.8 R .85(Numbers less than zero ha)5.85 F 1.15 -.15(ve t)-.2 H .85(he special property that if an error occurs) .15 F 1.551(during processing the body of the message will not be retur\ -ned; this is e)102 625.8 R 1.552(xpected to be used for)-.15 F<9962>102 -637.8 Q .462(ulk\232 mail such as through mailing lists.)-.2 F .461 +ned; this is e)102 625.8 R 1.551(xpected to be used for)-.15 F<9962>102 +637.8 Q .461(ulk\232 mail such as through mailing lists.)-.2 F .461 (The def)5.461 F .461(ault precedence is zero.)-.1 F -.15(Fo)5.461 G -2.961(re).15 G .461(xample, our list of)-3.111 F(precedences is:)102 +2.962(re).15 G .462(xample, our list of)-3.112 F(precedences is:)102 649.8 Q(P\214rst-class=0)142 666 Q(Pspecial-deli)142 678 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G(ry=100).15 E(Plist=\25530)142 690 Q(Pb)142 702 Q(ulk=\25560)-.2 E (Pjunk=\255100)142 714 Q 0 Cg EP @@ -7065,30 +7066,30 @@ G(ry=100).15 E(Plist=\25530)142 690 Q(Pb)142 702 Q(ulk=\25560)-.2 E BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF 193.36(SMM:08-78 Sendmail)72 60 R -(Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 1.058 +(Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 1.059 (People writing mailing list e)102 96 R 1.058 -(xploders are encouraged to use \231Precedence: list\232.)-.15 F 1.059 -(Older v)6.059 F 1.059(ersions of)-.15 F/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF +(xploders are encouraged to use \231Precedence: list\232.)-.15 F 1.058 +(Older v)6.058 F 1.058(ersions of)-.15 F/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF (sendmail)102 108 Q F1 1.19(\(which discarded all error returns for ne) 3.69 F -.05(ga)-.15 G(ti).05 E 1.49 -.15(ve p)-.25 H 1.19 (recedences\) didn').15 F 3.69(tr)-.18 G 1.19(ecognize this name,)-3.69 -F(gi)102 120 Q .598(ving it a def)-.25 F .598(ault precedence of zero.) +F(gi)102 120 Q .599(ving it a def)-.25 F .598(ault precedence of zero.) -.1 F .598(This allo)5.598 F .598 (ws list maintainers to see error returns on both old)-.25 F(and ne)102 132 Q 2.5(wv)-.25 G(ersions of)-2.65 E F2(sendmail)2.5 E F1(.)A F0 2.5 (5.8. V)87 156 R 2.5<8a43>2.5 G(on\214guration V)-2.5 E(ersion Le)-1 E --.1(ve)-.15 G(l).1 E F1 3.182 -.8(To p)127 172.2 T(ro).8 E 1.582 +-.1(ve)-.15 G(l).1 E F1 3.181 -.8(To p)127 172.2 T(ro).8 E 1.581 (vide compatibility with old con\214guration \214les, the)-.15 F F0(V) -4.081 E F1 1.581(line has been added to de\214ne)4.081 F 1.11(some v)102 +4.081 E F1 1.582(line has been added to de\214ne)4.082 F 1.11(some v)102 184.2 R 1.11(ery basic semantics of the con\214guration \214le.)-.15 F -1.11(These are not intended to be long term sup-)6.11 F .034 +1.11(These are not intended to be long term sup-)6.11 F .033 (ports; rather)102 196.2 R 2.533(,t)-.4 G(he)-2.533 E 2.533(yd)-.15 G .033(escribe compatibility features which will probably be remo)-2.533 F --.15(ve)-.15 G 2.533(di).15 G 2.533(nf)-2.533 G .033(uture releases.) --2.533 F F0(N.B.:)127 212.4 Q F1 .196(these v)2.696 F(ersion)-.15 E F2 -(le)2.696 E(vels)-.15 E F1(ha)2.696 E .496 -.15(ve n)-.2 H .196 -(othing to do with the v).15 F(ersion)-.15 E F2(number)2.696 E F1 .197 -(on the \214les.)2.696 F -.15(Fo)5.197 G 2.697(re).15 G(xam-)-2.847 E +-.15(ve)-.15 G 2.533(di).15 G 2.533(nf)-2.533 G .034(uture releases.) +-2.533 F F0(N.B.:)127 212.4 Q F1 .197(these v)2.697 F(ersion)-.15 E F2 +(le)2.697 E(vels)-.15 E F1(ha)2.697 E .496 -.15(ve n)-.2 H .196 +(othing to do with the v).15 F(ersion)-.15 E F2(number)2.696 E F1 .196 +(on the \214les.)2.696 F -.15(Fo)5.196 G 2.696(re).15 G(xam-)-2.846 E (ple, as of this writing v)102 224.4 Q (ersion 10 con\214g \214les \(speci\214cally)-.15 E 2.5(,8)-.65 G (.10\) used v)-2.5 E(ersion le)-.15 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(l9c).15 G @@ -7096,20 +7097,20 @@ F(gi)102 120 Q .598(ving it a def)-.25 F .598(ault precedence of zero.) (\231Old\232 con\214guration \214les are de\214ned as v)127 240.6 R 1.102(ersion le)-.15 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.602(lo).15 G 3.602(ne. V)-3.602 F 1.102(ersion le)-1.11 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.602(lt).15 G 1.302 -.1 -(wo \214)-3.602 H 1.102(les mak).1 F 3.602(et)-.1 G(he)-3.602 E(follo) +(wo \214)-3.602 H 1.103(les mak).1 F 3.603(et)-.1 G(he)-3.603 E(follo) 102 252.6 Q(wing changes:)-.25 E 12.5(\(1\) Host)107 268.8 R .727(name \ canoni\214cation \($[ ... $]\) appends a dot if the name is recognized;\ - this gi)3.226 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.227(st).15 G(he)-3.227 E 1.975 + this gi)3.227 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.226(st).15 G(he)-3.226 E 1.974 (con\214g \214le a w)133.66 280.8 R 1.974(ay of \214nding out if an)-.1 -F 1.974(ything matched.)-.15 F(\(Actually)6.974 E 4.474(,t)-.65 G 1.974 -(his just initializes the)-4.474 F .738 +F 1.974(ything matched.)-.15 F(\(Actually)6.974 E 4.475(,t)-.65 G 1.975 +(his just initializes the)-4.475 F .739 (\231host\232 map with the \231\255a.)133.66 292.8 R 5.739<9a8d>-.7 G -.739(ag \212 you can reset it to an)-5.739 F .739 +.739(ag \212 you can reset it to an)-5.739 F .738 (ything you prefer by declaring the)-.15 F(map e)133.66 304.8 Q -(xplicitly)-.15 E(.\))-.65 E 12.5(\(2\) Def)107 321 R .385 +(xplicitly)-.15 E(.\))-.65 E 12.5(\(2\) Def)107 321 R .384 (ault host name e)-.1 F .385 -(xtension is consistent throughout processing; v)-.15 F .384(ersion le) --.15 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.884(lo).15 G .384(ne con\214gu-)-2.884 F .83 +(xtension is consistent throughout processing; v)-.15 F .385(ersion le) +-.15 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.885(lo).15 G .385(ne con\214gu-)-2.885 F .83 (rations turned of)133.66 333 R 3.33(fd)-.25 G .83(omain e)-3.33 F .83 (xtension \(that is, adding the local domain name\) during certain)-.15 F .4(points in processing.)133.66 345 R -1.11(Ve)5.4 G .4(rsion le)1.11 @@ -7119,45 +7120,45 @@ F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.9(lt).15 G .6 -.1(wo c)-2.9 H .4 (\(3\) Local)107 373.2 R .072 (names that are not aliases are passed through a ne)2.572 F 2.572(wd) -.25 G .072(istinguished ruleset \214v)-2.572 F .072(e; this can)-.15 F -.14(be used to append a local relay)133.66 385.2 R 5.139(.T)-.65 G .139 -(his beha)-5.139 F .139(vior can be pre)-.2 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .139 +.139(be used to append a local relay)133.66 385.2 R 5.139(.T)-.65 G .139 +(his beha)-5.139 F .139(vior can be pre)-.2 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .14 (nted by resolving the local name).15 F .993(with an initial `@'.)133.66 397.2 R .993(That is, something that resolv)5.993 F .993 -(es to a local mailer and a user name of)-.15 F .602 +(es to a local mailer and a user name of)-.15 F .601 (\231vikki\232 will be passed through ruleset \214v)133.66 409.2 R .601 -(e, b)-.15 F .601(ut a user name of \231@vikki\232 will ha)-.2 F .901 --.15(ve t)-.2 H .601(he `@').15 F .919 +(e, b)-.15 F .601(ut a user name of \231@vikki\232 will ha)-.2 F .902 +-.15(ve t)-.2 H .602(he `@').15 F .92 (stripped, will not be passed through ruleset \214v)133.66 421.2 R .919 -(e, b)-.15 F .92(ut will otherwise be treated the same as)-.2 F .63 -(the prior e)133.66 433.2 R 3.13(xample. The)-.15 F -.15(ex)3.13 G .629 -(pectation is that this might be used to implement a polic).15 F 3.129 -(yw)-.15 G(here)-3.129 E .734(mail sent to \231vikki\232 w)133.66 445.2 -R .734(as handled by a central hub, b)-.1 F .734 +(e, b)-.15 F .919(ut will otherwise be treated the same as)-.2 F .629 +(the prior e)133.66 433.2 R 3.129(xample. The)-.15 F -.15(ex)3.129 G +.629(pectation is that this might be used to implement a polic).15 F +3.13(yw)-.15 G(here)-3.13 E .734(mail sent to \231vikki\232 w)133.66 +445.2 R .734(as handled by a central hub, b)-.1 F .734 (ut mail sent to \231vikki@localhost\232 w)-.2 F(as)-.1 E(deli)133.66 457.2 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G(red directly).15 E(.)-.65 E -1.11(Ve)127 473.4 S -1.383(rsion le)1.11 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.883(lt).15 G 1.383 -(hree \214les allo)-3.883 F 3.882(w#i)-.25 G 1.382 -(nitiated comments on all lines.)-3.882 F 1.382 -(Exceptions are backslash)6.382 F(escaped # marks and the $# syntax.)102 -485.4 Q -1.11(Ve)127 501.6 S 1.207(rsion le)1.11 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.707 -(lf).15 G 1.207(our con\214gurations are completely equi)-3.707 F -.25 -(va)-.25 G 1.208(lent to le).25 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.708(lt).15 G 1.208 -(hree for historical rea-)-3.708 F(sons.)102 513.6 Q -1.11(Ve)127 529.8 +1.382(rsion le)1.11 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.882(lt).15 G 1.382 +(hree \214les allo)-3.882 F 3.882(w#i)-.25 G 1.382 +(nitiated comments on all lines.)-3.882 F 1.383 +(Exceptions are backslash)6.383 F(escaped # marks and the $# syntax.)102 +485.4 Q -1.11(Ve)127 501.6 S 1.208(rsion le)1.11 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.708 +(lf).15 G 1.208(our con\214gurations are completely equi)-3.708 F -.25 +(va)-.25 G 1.207(lent to le).25 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.707(lt).15 G 1.207 +(hree for historical rea-)-3.707 F(sons.)102 513.6 Q -1.11(Ve)127 529.8 S 1.234(rsion le)1.11 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.734<6c8c>.15 G 1.534 -.15(ve c) -3.734 H 1.234(on\214guration \214les change the def).15 F 1.234 (ault de\214nition of)-.1 F F0($w)3.734 E F1 1.234 (to be just the \214rst)3.734 F(component of the hostname.)102 541.8 Q --1.11(Ve)127 558 S 1.588(rsion le)1.11 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 4.088(ls).15 G -1.588(ix con\214guration \214les change man)-4.088 F 4.088(yo)-.15 G -4.089(ft)-4.088 G 1.589(he local processing options \(such as)-4.089 F -.481(aliasing and matching the be)102 570 R .481(ginning of the address\ - for `|' characters\) to be mailer \215ags; this allo)-.15 F(ws)-.25 E -1.344(\214ne-grained control o)102 582 R -.15(ve)-.15 G 3.844(rt).15 G -1.344(he special local processing.)-3.844 F(Le)6.345 E -.15(ve)-.25 G -3.845(ls).15 G 1.345(ix con\214guration \214les may also use)-3.845 F -1.222(long option names.)102 594 R(The)6.222 E F0(ColonOkInAddr)3.722 E -F1 1.222(option \(to allo)3.722 F 3.721(wc)-.25 G 1.221 -(olons in the local-part of addresses\))-3.721 F(def)102 606 Q(aults)-.1 +-1.11(Ve)127 558 S 1.589(rsion le)1.11 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 4.089(ls).15 G +1.589(ix con\214guration \214les change man)-4.089 F 4.088(yo)-.15 G +4.088(ft)-4.088 G 1.588(he local processing options \(such as)-4.088 F +.48(aliasing and matching the be)102 570 R .481(ginning of the address \ +for `|' characters\) to be mailer \215ags; this allo)-.15 F(ws)-.25 E +1.345(\214ne-grained control o)102 582 R -.15(ve)-.15 G 3.845(rt).15 G +1.345(he special local processing.)-3.845 F(Le)6.345 E -.15(ve)-.25 G +3.845(ls).15 G 1.344(ix con\214guration \214les may also use)-3.845 F +1.221(long option names.)102 594 R(The)6.221 E F0(ColonOkInAddr)3.721 E +F1 1.221(option \(to allo)3.721 F 3.722(wc)-.25 G 1.222 +(olons in the local-part of addresses\))-3.722 F(def)102 606 Q(aults)-.1 E F0(on)3.44 E F1 .94(for lo)3.44 F .94(wer numbered con\214guration \ \214les; the con\214guration \214le requires some additional)-.25 F (intelligence to properly handle the RFC 822 group construct.)102 618 Q @@ -7165,19 +7166,19 @@ E F0(on)3.44 E F1 .94(for lo)3.44 F .94(wer numbered con\214guration \ -2.15 -.25(ev e)-4.47 H 4.47(nc).25 G 1.97 (on\214guration \214les used ne)-4.47 F 4.47(wo)-.25 G 1.97 (ption names to replace old macros \()-4.47 F F0($e)A F1(became)102 -646.2 Q F0(SmtpGr)5.547 E(eetingMessage)-.18 E F1(,)A F0($l)5.547 E F1 -(became)5.547 E F0(UnixFr)5.547 E(omLine)-.18 E F1 5.548(,a)C(nd)-5.548 -E F0($o)5.548 E F1(became)5.548 E F0(OperatorChars)5.548 E F1(.)A .087 -(Also, prior to v)102 658.2 R .087(ersion se)-.15 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .087 -(n, the).15 F F0(F=q)2.587 E F1 .087 -(\215ag \(use 250 instead of 252 return v)2.587 F .086(alue for)-.25 F -/F3 9/Times-Roman@0 SF .086(SMTP VRFY)2.586 F F1(com-)2.586 E(mands\) w) +646.2 Q F0(SmtpGr)5.548 E(eetingMessage)-.18 E F1(,)A F0($l)5.548 E F1 +(became)5.548 E F0(UnixFr)5.548 E(omLine)-.18 E F1 5.547(,a)C(nd)-5.547 +E F0($o)5.547 E F1(became)5.547 E F0(OperatorChars)5.547 E F1(.)A .086 +(Also, prior to v)102 658.2 R .086(ersion se)-.15 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .086 +(n, the).15 F F0(F=q)2.586 E F1 .087 +(\215ag \(use 250 instead of 252 return v)2.586 F .087(alue for)-.25 F +/F3 9/Times-Roman@0 SF .087(SMTP VRFY)2.587 F F1(com-)2.587 E(mands\) w) 102 670.2 Q(as assumed.)-.1 E -1.11(Ve)127 686.4 S(rsion le)1.11 E -.15 (ve)-.25 G 2.5(le).15 G(ight con\214guration \214les allo)-2.5 E(w)-.25 E F0($#)2.5 E F1(on the left hand side of ruleset lines.)2.5 E -1.11(Ve) -127 702.6 S .422(rsion le)1.11 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.922(ln).15 G .423 -(ine con\214guration \214les allo)-2.922 F 2.923(wp)-.25 G .423 -(arentheses in rulesets, i.e. the)-2.923 F 2.923(ya)-.15 G .423 +127 702.6 S .423(rsion le)1.11 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.923(ln).15 G .423 +(ine con\214guration \214les allo)-2.923 F 2.923(wp)-.25 G .423 +(arentheses in rulesets, i.e. the)-2.923 F 2.923(ya)-.15 G .422 (re not treated as)-2.923 F(comments and hence remo)102 714.6 Q -.15(ve) -.15 G(d.).15 E 0 Cg EP %%Page: 79 75 @@ -7188,43 +7189,43 @@ BP (SMM:08-79)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF -1.11(Ve)127 96 S(rsion le) 1.11 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(lt).15 G(en con\214guration \214les allo)-2.5 E 2.5(wq)-.25 G(ueue group de\214nitions.)-2.5 E(The)127 112.2 Q F0(V) -2.678 E F1 .178(line may ha)2.678 F .478 -.15(ve a)-.2 H 2.677(no).15 G -(ptional)-2.677 E F0(/)2.677 E/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(vendor)A F1 .177 +2.677 E F1 .177(line may ha)2.677 F .477 -.15(ve a)-.2 H 2.677(no).15 G +(ptional)-2.677 E F0(/)2.677 E/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(vendor)A F1 .178 (to indicate that this con\214guration \214le uses modi\214ca-)2.677 F -.866(tions speci\214c to a particular v)102 126.2 R(endor)-.15 E/F3 7 +.865(tions speci\214c to a particular v)102 126.2 R(endor)-.15 E/F3 7 /Times-Roman@0 SF(22)-4 I F1 5.866(.Y)4 K .866(ou may use \231/Berk) --6.966 F(ele)-.1 E .865(y\232 to emphasize that this con\214gura-)-.15 F +-6.966 F(ele)-.1 E .866(y\232 to emphasize that this con\214gura-)-.15 F (tion \214le uses the Berk)102 138.2 Q(ele)-.1 E 2.5(yd)-.15 G (ialect of)-2.5 E F2(sendmail)2.5 E F1(.)A F0 2.5(5.9. K)87 162.2 R 2.5 <8a4b>2.5 G(ey File Declaration)-2.75 E F1 (Special maps can be de\214ned using the line:)127 178.4 Q (Kmapname mapclass ar)142 194.6 Q(guments)-.18 E(The)102 210.8 Q F2 -(mapname)2.75 E F1 .251 -(is the handle by which this map is referenced in the re)2.75 F .251 -(writing rules.)-.25 F(The)5.251 E F2(mapclass)2.751 E F1(is)2.751 E -1.889(the name of a type of map; these are compiled in to)102 222.8 R F2 -(sendmail)4.389 E F1 6.888(.T)C(he)-6.888 E F2(ar)4.388 E(guments)-.37 E -F1 1.888(are interpreted)4.388 F .79(depending on the class; typically) -102 234.8 R 3.29(,t)-.65 G .791(here w)-3.29 F .791(ould be a single ar) --.1 F .791(gument naming the \214le containing the)-.18 F(map.)102 246.8 -Q(Maps are referenced using the syntax:)127 263 Q($\()142 279.2 Q F2 -(map k)2.5 E -.3(ey)-.1 G F1($@)2.8 E F2(ar)2.5 E(guments)-.37 E F1($:) -2.5 E F2(default)2.5 E F1($\))2.5 E .641(where either or both of the)102 -295.4 R F2(ar)3.141 E(guments)-.37 E F1(or)3.141 E F2(default)3.141 E F1 -.64(portion may be omitted.)3.141 F(The)5.64 E F2 .64($@ ar)3.14 F -(guments)-.37 E F1(may)3.14 E 1.276(appear more than once.)102 307.4 R -1.276(The indicated)6.276 F F2 -.1(ke)3.776 G(y)-.2 E F1(and)3.776 E F2 -(ar)3.776 E(guments)-.37 E F1 1.277 -(are passed to the appropriate mapping)3.777 F 3.253(function. If)102 +(mapname)2.751 E F1 .251 +(is the handle by which this map is referenced in the re)2.751 F .25 +(writing rules.)-.25 F(The)5.25 E F2(mapclass)2.75 E F1(is)2.75 E 1.889 +(the name of a type of map; these are compiled in to)102 222.8 R F2 +(sendmail)4.389 E F1 6.889(.T)C(he)-6.889 E F2(ar)4.389 E(guments)-.37 E +F1 1.889(are interpreted)4.389 F .791(depending on the class; typically) +102 234.8 R 3.291(,t)-.65 G .791(here w)-3.291 F .791 +(ould be a single ar)-.1 F .79(gument naming the \214le containing the) +-.18 F(map.)102 246.8 Q(Maps are referenced using the syntax:)127 263 Q +($\()142 279.2 Q F2(map k)2.5 E -.3(ey)-.1 G F1($@)2.8 E F2(ar)2.5 E +(guments)-.37 E F1($:)2.5 E F2(default)2.5 E F1($\))2.5 E .64 +(where either or both of the)102 295.4 R F2(ar)3.14 E(guments)-.37 E F1 +(or)3.141 E F2(default)3.141 E F1 .641(portion may be omitted.)3.141 F +(The)5.641 E F2 .641($@ ar)3.141 F(guments)-.37 E F1(may)3.141 E 1.277 +(appear more than once.)102 307.4 R 1.277(The indicated)6.277 F F2 -.1 +(ke)3.777 G(y)-.2 E F1(and)3.776 E F2(ar)3.776 E(guments)-.37 E F1 1.276 +(are passed to the appropriate mapping)3.776 F 3.253(function. If)102 319.4 R .753(it returns a v)3.253 F .753(alue, it replaces the input.) -.25 F .753(If it does not return a v)5.753 F .753(alue and the)-.25 F F2(default)3.253 E F1(is)3.253 E(speci\214ed, the)102 331.4 Q F2 (default)2.5 E F1(replaces the input.)2.5 E -(Otherwise, the input is unchanged.)5 E(The)127 347.6 Q F2(ar)4.063 E -(guments)-.37 E F1 1.563(are passed to the map for arbitrary use.)4.063 -F 1.564(Most map classes can interpolate)6.564 F .883(these ar)102 359.6 -R .883(guments into their v)-.18 F .883(alues using the syntax \231%) --.25 F F2(n)A F1 3.382<9a28>C(where)-3.382 E F2(n)3.382 E F1 .882 +(Otherwise, the input is unchanged.)5 E(The)127 347.6 Q F2(ar)4.064 E +(guments)-.37 E F1 1.564(are passed to the map for arbitrary use.)4.064 +F 1.563(Most map classes can interpolate)6.563 F .882(these ar)102 359.6 +R .882(guments into their v)-.18 F .882(alues using the syntax \231%) +-.25 F F2(n)A F1 3.382<9a28>C(where)-3.382 E F2(n)3.382 E F1 .883 (is a digit\) to indicate the corre-)3.382 F(sponding)102 371.6 Q F2(ar) 2.5 E(gument)-.37 E F1 5(.A)C -.18(rg)-5 G (ument \231%0\232 indicates the database k).18 E -.15(ey)-.1 G 5(.F)-.5 @@ -7244,14 +7245,14 @@ Q F2(hostname)A F1($])A(There are man)127 557.6 Q 2.5(yd)-.15 G (e\214ned classes.)-2.5 E 51.72(dbm Database)102 573.8 R 1.623 (lookups using the ndbm\(3\) library)4.123 F(.)-.65 E F2(Sendmail)6.623 E F1 1.623(must be compiled with)4.123 F F0(NDBM)174 585.8 Q F1 -(de\214ned.)2.5 E 49.51(btree Database)102 602 R .678 -(lookups using the btree interf)3.178 F .677(ace to the Berk)-.1 F(ele) --.1 E 3.177(yD)-.15 G 3.177(Bl)-3.177 G(ibrary)-3.177 E(.)-.65 E F2 -(Sendmail)5.677 E F1(must be compiled with)174 614 Q F0(NEWDB)2.5 E F1 +(de\214ned.)2.5 E 49.51(btree Database)102 602 R .677 +(lookups using the btree interf)3.177 F .677(ace to the Berk)-.1 F(ele) +-.1 E 3.178(yD)-.15 G 3.178(Bl)-3.178 G(ibrary)-3.178 E(.)-.65 E F2 +(Sendmail)5.678 E F1(must be compiled with)174 614 Q F0(NEWDB)2.5 E F1 (de\214ned.)2.5 E 51.17(hash Database)102 630.2 R .828 -(lookups using the hash interf)3.328 F .828(ace to the Berk)-.1 F(ele) --.1 E 3.328(yD)-.15 G 3.329(Bl)-3.328 G(ibrary)-3.329 E(.)-.65 E F2 -(Sendmail)5.829 E F1(must be compiled with)174 642.2 Q F0(NEWDB)2.5 E F1 +(lookups using the hash interf)3.329 F .828(ace to the Berk)-.1 F(ele) +-.1 E 3.328(yD)-.15 G 3.328(Bl)-3.328 G(ibrary)-3.328 E(.)-.65 E F2 +(Sendmail)5.828 E F1(must be compiled with)174 642.2 Q F0(NEWDB)2.5 E F1 (de\214ned.)2.5 E 57.83(nis NIS)102 658.4 R(lookups.)2.5 E F2(Sendmail)5 E F1(must be compiled with)2.5 E F0(NIS)2.5 E F1(de\214ned.)2.5 E .32 LW 76 669.2 72 669.2 DL 80 669.2 76 669.2 DL 84 669.2 80 669.2 DL 88 669.2 @@ -7288,32 +7289,32 @@ BP (alue columns respecti)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G(ly).15 E(.)-.65 E 43.39 (hesiod Hesiod)102 136.2 R(lookups.)2.5 E F2(Sendmail)5 E F1 (must be compiled with)2.5 E F0(HESIOD)2.5 E F1(de\214ned.)2.5 E 52.28 -(ldap LD)102 152.4 R 1.784(AP X500 directory lookups.)-.4 F F2(Sendmail) -6.783 E F1 1.783(must be compiled with)4.283 F F0(LD)4.283 E(APMAP)-.35 -E F1 2.965(de\214ned. The)174 164.4 R .465 -(map supports most of the standard ar)2.965 F .466 +(ldap LD)102 152.4 R 1.783(AP X500 directory lookups.)-.4 F F2(Sendmail) +6.783 E F1 1.784(must be compiled with)4.283 F F0(LD)4.284 E(APMAP)-.35 +E F1 2.966(de\214ned. The)174 164.4 R .466 +(map supports most of the standard ar)2.966 F .465 (guments and most of the com-)-.18 F .3(mand line ar)174 176.4 R .3 (guments of the)-.18 F F2(ldapsear)2.8 E -.15(ch)-.37 G F1 2.8 (program. Note)2.95 F .3(that, by def)2.8 F .3(ault, if a single)-.1 F -.628(query matches multiple v)174 188.4 R .628 -(alues, only the \214rst v)-.25 F .629(alue will be returned unless the) --.25 F F03.129 E F1(\(v)174 200.4 Q .249 +.629(query matches multiple v)174 188.4 R .629 +(alues, only the \214rst v)-.25 F .628(alue will be returned unless the) +-.25 F F03.128 E F1(\(v)174 200.4 Q .248 (alue separator\) map \215ag is set.)-.25 F .249(Also, the)5.249 F F0 -2.749 E F1 .248(map \215ag will treat a multiple v)2.749 F(alue) +2.749 E F1 .249(map \215ag will treat a multiple v)2.749 F(alue) -.25 E(return as if there were no matches.)174 212.4 Q 41.17 (netinfo NeXT)102 228.6 R(NetInfo lookups.)2.5 E F2(Sendmail)5 E F1 (must be compiled with)2.5 E F0(NETINFO)2.5 E F1(de\214ned.)2.5 E(te)102 -244.8 Q 54.65(xt T)-.15 F -.15(ex)-.7 G 2.917<748c>.15 G .417 -(le lookups.)-2.917 F .417(The format of the te)5.417 F .418 -(xt \214le is de\214ned by the)-.15 F F02.918 E F1(\(k)2.918 E -.718 -.15(ey \214)-.1 H .418(eld num-).15 F(ber\),)174 256.8 Q F0 +244.8 Q 54.65(xt T)-.15 F -.15(ex)-.7 G 2.918<748c>.15 G .418 +(le lookups.)-2.918 F .418(The format of the te)5.418 F .417 +(xt \214le is de\214ned by the)-.15 F F02.917 E F1(\(k)2.917 E +.717 -.15(ey \214)-.1 H .417(eld num-).15 F(ber\),)174 256.8 Q F0 2.5 E F1(\(v)2.5 E(alue \214eld number\), and)-.25 E F02.5 E F1 (\(\214eld delimiter\) \215ags.)2.5 E 59.5(ph PH)102 273 R 1.394 (query map.)3.894 F(Contrib)6.394 E 1.394 (uted and supported by Mark Roth, F -.15(Fo)6.394 G (r).15 E .017(more information, consult the web site \231http://www-de) 174 285 R -.65(v.)-.25 G(\232.).65 E 55.61 -(nsd nsd)102 301.2 R 1.599(map for IRIX 6.5 and later)4.1 F 6.599(.C) +(nsd nsd)102 301.2 R 1.599(map for IRIX 6.5 and later)4.099 F 6.599(.C) -.55 G(ontrib)-6.599 E 1.599(uted and supported by Bob Mende of)-.2 F (SGI, 313.2 Q 53.39(stab Internal)102 329.4 R (symbol table lookups.)2.5 E(Used internally for aliasing.)5 E 38.38 @@ -7321,41 +7322,41 @@ E F1 2.965(de\214ned. The)174 164.4 R .465 (should be called \231alias\232 \212 this is used to get the def)3.046 F .546(ault lookups for alias)-.1 F(\214les, and is the def)174 357.6 Q (ault if no class is speci\214ed for alias \214les.)-.1 E 52.84 -(user Looks)102 373.8 R .477(up users using)2.977 F F2 -.1(ge)2.977 G -(tpwnam).1 E F1 2.977(\(3\). The)B F02.977 E F1 .476 +(user Looks)102 373.8 R .476(up users using)2.976 F F2 -.1(ge)2.976 G +(tpwnam).1 E F1 2.976(\(3\). The)B F02.976 E F1 .477 (\215ag can be used to specify the name)2.976 F .142(of the \214eld to \ return \(although this is normally used only to check the e)174 385.8 R .142(xistence of)-.15 F 2.5(au)174 397.8 S(ser\).)-2.5 E 52.83 (host Canoni\214es)102 414 R .2(host domain names.)2.7 F(Gi)5.2 E -.15 (ve)-.25 G 2.7(nah).15 G .2(ost name it calls the name serv)-2.7 F .2 (er to \214nd)-.15 F(the canonical name for that host.)174 426 Q 40.61 -(bestmx Returns)102 442.2 R 2.478(the best MX record for a host name gi) -4.978 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 4.979(na).15 G 4.979(st)-4.979 G 2.479(he k) --4.979 F -.15(ey)-.1 G 7.479(.T)-.5 G 2.479(he current)-7.479 F .722 +(bestmx Returns)102 442.2 R 2.479(the best MX record for a host name gi) +4.979 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 4.978(na).15 G 4.978(st)-4.978 G 2.478(he k) +-4.978 F -.15(ey)-.1 G 7.478(.T)-.5 G 2.478(he current)-7.478 F .721 (machine is al)174 454.2 R -.1(wa)-.1 G .721 (ys preferred \212 that is, if the current machine is one of the hosts) -.1 F .218(listed as a lo)174 466.2 R .219 +.1 F .219(listed as a lo)174 466.2 R .218 (west-preference MX record, then it will be guaranteed to be returned.) -.25 F .961(This can be used to \214nd out if this machine is the tar) -174 478.2 R .961(get for an MX record, and)-.18 F .313 +174 478.2 R .962(get for an MX record, and)-.18 F .313 (mail can be accepted on that basis.)174 490.2 R .313(If the)5.313 F F0 2.813 E F1 .313(\215ag is gi)2.813 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .313 (n, then all MX names are).15 F(returned, separated by the gi)174 502.2 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(nd).15 G(elimiter)-2.5 E(.)-.55 E 55.61(dns This) 102 518.4 R 2.248 (map requires the option -R to specify the DNS resource record type to) -4.748 F 1.229(lookup. The follo)174 530.4 R 1.229 +4.747 F 1.229(lookup. The follo)174 530.4 R 1.229 (wing types are supported: A, AAAA, AFSDB, CN)-.25 F 1.229(AME, MX,)-.35 -F .662(NS, PTR, SR)174 542.4 R 3.242 -1.29(V, a)-.8 H .662(nd TXT)1.29 F -5.662(.A)-.74 G .661(map lookup will return only one record.)-2.5 F .661 -(Hence for)5.661 F .558(some types, e.g., MX records, the return v)174 +F .661(NS, PTR, SR)174 542.4 R 3.241 -1.29(V, a)-.8 H .661(nd TXT)1.29 F +5.661(.A)-.74 G .662(map lookup will return only one record.)-2.5 F .662 +(Hence for)5.662 F .558(some types, e.g., MX records, the return v)174 554.4 R .558(alue might be a random element of the)-.25 F (list due to randomizing in the DNS resolv)174 566.4 Q(er)-.15 E(.)-.55 -E 32.85(sequence The)102 582.6 R(ar)3.35 E .849(guments on the `K' line\ - are a list of maps; the resulting map searches the)-.18 F(ar)174 594.6 -Q .438 +E 32.85(sequence The)102 582.6 R(ar)3.349 E .849(guments on the `K' lin\ +e are a list of maps; the resulting map searches the)-.18 F(ar)174 594.6 +Q .439 (gument maps in order until it \214nds a match for the indicated k)-.18 -F -.15(ey)-.1 G 5.439(.F)-.5 G .439(or e)-5.589 F(xample,)-.15 E +F -.15(ey)-.1 G 5.438(.F)-.5 G .438(or e)-5.588 F(xample,)-.15 E (if the k)174 606.6 Q .3 -.15(ey d)-.1 H(e\214nition is:).15 E (Kmap1 ...)214 622.8 Q(Kmap2 ...)214 634.8 Q(Kseqmap sequence map1 map2) 214 646.8 Q .968(then a lookup ag)174 663 R .968 @@ -7365,12 +7366,12 @@ F -.15(ey)-.1 G 5.439(.F)-.5 G .439(or e)-5.589 F(xample,)-.15 E (sed for map2.)-2.5 E 43.94(syslog the)102 691.2 R -.1(ke)2.5 G 2.5(yi) -.05 G 2.5(sl)-2.5 G(ogged via)-2.5 E F2(syslo)2.5 E(gd)-.1 E F1 2.5 (\(8\). The)1.666 F(lookup returns the empty string.)2.5 E 43.39 -(switch Much)102 707.4 R(lik)2.8 E 2.8(et)-.1 G .3 -(he \231sequence\232 map e)-2.8 F .301 -(xcept that the order of maps is determined by the)-.15 F 1.691 -(service switch.)174 719.4 R 1.691(The ar)6.691 F 1.691 -(gument is the name of the service to be look)-.18 F 1.69(ed up; the)-.1 -F 0 Cg EP +(switch Much)102 707.4 R(lik)2.801 E 2.801(et)-.1 G .301 +(he \231sequence\232 map e)-2.801 F .301 +(xcept that the order of maps is determined by the)-.15 F 1.69 +(service switch.)174 719.4 R 1.69(The ar)6.69 F 1.691 +(gument is the name of the service to be look)-.18 F 1.691(ed up; the) +-.1 F 0 Cg EP %%Page: 81 77 %%BeginPageSetup BP @@ -7378,21 +7379,21 @@ BP /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide)72 60 Q (SMM:08-81)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF -.25(va)174 96 S .637 (lues from the service switch are appended to the map name to create ne) -.25 F 3.138(wm)-.25 G(ap)-3.138 E 2.5(names. F)174 108 R(or e)-.15 E +.25 F 3.137(wm)-.25 G(ap)-3.137 E 2.5(names. F)174 108 R(or e)-.15 E (xample, consider the k)-.15 E .3 -.15(ey d)-.1 H(e\214nition:).15 E (Kali switch aliases)214 124.2 Q (together with the service switch entry:)174 140.4 Q 78.84(aliases nis) 214 156.6 R(\214les)2.5 E 1.633(This causes a query ag)174 172.8 R 1.633 (ainst the map \231ali\232 to search maps named \231ali.nis\232 and)-.05 F(\231ali.\214les\232 in that order)174 184.8 Q(.)-.55 E 37.84 -(dequote Strip)102 201 R .96(double quotes \("\) from a name.)3.46 F -.961(It does not strip backslashes, and will not)5.961 F .173 -(strip quotes if the resulting string w)174 213 R .172 +(dequote Strip)102 201 R .961(double quotes \("\) from a name.)3.461 F +.96(It does not strip backslashes, and will not)5.961 F .172 +(strip quotes if the resulting string w)174 213 R .173 (ould contain unscannable syntax \(that is, basic)-.1 F .386(errors lik) 174 225 R 2.886(eu)-.1 G .386(nbalanced angle brack)-2.886 F .386 -(ets; more sophisticated errors such as unkno)-.1 F(wn)-.25 E .252 -(hosts are not check)174 237 R 2.752(ed\). The)-.1 F .251 -(intent is for use when trying to accept mail from sys-)2.752 F +(ets; more sophisticated errors such as unkno)-.1 F(wn)-.25 E .251 +(hosts are not check)174 237 R 2.751(ed\). The)-.1 F .251 +(intent is for use when trying to accept mail from sys-)2.751 F (tems such as DECnet that routinely quote odd syntax such as)174 249 Q ("49ers::ubell")214 265.2 Q 2.5(At)174 281.4 S (ypical usage is probably something lik)-2.5 E(e:)-.1 E @@ -7404,20 +7405,20 @@ E(xpected results; for e)-.15 E(xample,)-.15 E -.15(ve q)-.2 H 1.31(uotes stripped, b).15 F 1.31 (ut the result is probably not what you had in mind.)-.2 F -.15(Fo)174 418.2 S(rtunately these cases are rare.).15 E(re)102 434.4 Q(ge)-.15 E -50.09(xT)-.15 G .489(he map de\214nition on the)-50.09 F F0(K)2.989 E F1 -.489(line contains a re)2.989 F .488(gular e)-.15 F 2.988(xpression. An) --.15 F 2.988(yk)-.15 G .788 -.15(ey i)-3.088 H .488(nput is).15 F 1.454 +50.09(xT)-.15 G .488(he map de\214nition on the)-50.09 F F0(K)2.988 E F1 +.489(line contains a re)2.988 F .489(gular e)-.15 F 2.989(xpression. An) +-.15 F 2.989(yk)-.15 G .789 -.15(ey i)-3.089 H .489(nput is).15 F 1.454 (compared to that e)174 446.4 R 1.454(xpression using the POSIX re)-.15 -F 1.454(gular e)-.15 F 1.454(xpressions routines re)-.15 F(g-)-.15 E -.291(comp\(\), re)174 458.4 R .291(gerr\(\), and re)-.15 F(ge)-.15 E --.15(xe)-.15 G 2.791(c\(\). Refer).15 F .291 -(to the documentation for those routines for)2.791 F .355 -(more information about the re)174 470.4 R .355(gular e)-.15 F .355 -(xpression matching.)-.15 F .356(No re)5.356 F .356(writing of the k) --.25 F -.15(ey)-.1 G .075(is done if the)174 482.4 R F02.575 E F1 -.075(\215ag is used.)2.575 F -.4(Wi)5.075 G .075(thout it, the k).4 F -.374 -.15(ey i)-.1 H 2.574(sd).15 G .074(iscarded or if)-2.574 F F0 -2.574 E F1 .074(if used, it is)2.574 F .905 +F 1.454(gular e)-.15 F 1.454(xpressions routines re)-.15 F(g-)-.15 E .29 +(comp\(\), re)174 458.4 R .291(gerr\(\), and re)-.15 F(ge)-.15 E -.15 +(xe)-.15 G 2.791(c\(\). Refer).15 F .291 +(to the documentation for those routines for)2.791 F .356 +(more information about the re)174 470.4 R .356(gular e)-.15 F .355 +(xpression matching.)-.15 F .355(No re)5.355 F .355(writing of the k) +-.25 F -.15(ey)-.1 G .074(is done if the)174 482.4 R F02.574 E F1 +.074(\215ag is used.)2.574 F -.4(Wi)5.074 G .074(thout it, the k).4 F +.375 -.15(ey i)-.1 H 2.575(sd).15 G .075(iscarded or if)-2.575 F F0 +2.575 E F1 .075(if used, it is)2.575 F .905 (substituted by the substring matches, delimited by)174 494.4 R F0($|) 3.405 E F1 .905(or the string speci\214ed with)3.405 F(the the)174 506.4 Q F02.5 E F1 2.5(\215ag. The)2.5 F(\215ags a)2.5 E -.25(va)-.2 G @@ -7429,17 +7430,17 @@ Q F02.5 E F1 2.5(\215ag. The)2.5 F(\215ags a)2.5 E -.25(va)-.2 G 2.5 E -.15(ey)-.1 G 6.39(-m match)214 594.6 R(only)2.5 E 2.5(,d)-.65 G 2.5(on)-2.5 G(ot replace/discard v)-2.5 E(alue)-.25 E 6.95(-D perform) 214 606.6 R(no lookup in deferred deli)2.5 E -.15(ve)-.25 G(ry mode.).15 -E(The)174 622.8 Q F02.551 E F1 .051(\215ag can include an optiona\ -l parameter which can be used to select the sub-)2.551 F +E(The)174 622.8 Q F02.55 E F1 .051(\215ag can include an optional\ + parameter which can be used to select the sub-)2.55 F (strings in the result of the lookup.)174 634.8 Q -.15(Fo)5 G 2.5(re).15 -G(xample,)-2.65 E(-s1,3,4)214 651 Q .696(Notes: to match a)174 667.2 R +G(xample,)-2.65 E(-s1,3,4)214 651 Q .697(Notes: to match a)174 667.2 R F0($)3.197 E F1 .697(in a string, \\$$ must be used.)3.197 F .697 -(If the pattern contains spaces,)5.697 F(the)174 679.2 Q 4.425(ym)-.15 G -1.924(ust be replaced with the blank substitution character)-4.425 F -4.424(,u)-.4 G 1.924(nless it is space)-4.424 F(itself.)174 691.2 Q -35.62(program The)102 707.4 R(ar)2.544 E .044(guments on the)-.18 F F0 -(K)2.544 E F1 .045(line are the pathname to a program and an)2.544 F -2.545(yi)-.15 G .045(nitial param-)-2.545 F 2.538(eters to be passed.) +(If the pattern contains spaces,)5.697 F(the)174 679.2 Q 4.424(ym)-.15 G +1.924(ust be replaced with the blank substitution character)-4.424 F +4.424(,u)-.4 G 1.925(nless it is space)-4.424 F(itself.)174 691.2 Q +35.62(program The)102 707.4 R(ar)2.545 E .045(guments on the)-.18 F F0 +(K)2.545 E F1 .045(line are the pathname to a program and an)2.545 F +2.544(yi)-.15 G .044(nitial param-)-2.544 F 2.538(eters to be passed.) 174 719.4 R 2.538(When the map is called, the k)7.538 F 2.838 -.15(ey i) -.1 H 5.038(sa).15 G 2.538(dded to the initial)-5.038 F 0 Cg EP %%Page: 82 78 @@ -7450,16 +7451,16 @@ BP (Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF .386 (parameters and the program is in)174 96 R -.2(vo)-.4 G -.1(ke).2 G 2.886(da).1 G 2.886(st)-2.886 G .386(he def)-2.886 F .386 -(ault user/group id.)-.1 F .387(The \214rst line)5.386 F .27 +(ault user/group id.)-.1 F .386(The \214rst line)5.386 F .269 (of standard output is returned as the v)174 108 R .269 -(alue of the lookup.)-.25 F .269(This has man)5.269 F 2.769(yp)-.15 G -(otential)-2.769 E 1.975(security problems, and has terrible performanc\ -e; it should be used only when)174 120 R(absolutely necessary)174 132 Q +(alue of the lookup.)-.25 F .27(This has man)5.27 F 2.77(yp)-.15 G +(otential)-2.77 E 1.975(security problems, and has terrible performance\ +; it should be used only when)174 120 R(absolutely necessary)174 132 Q (.)-.65 E 44.51(macro Set)102 148.2 R .32(or clear a macro v)2.82 F 2.82 (alue. T)-.25 F 2.82(os)-.8 G .32(et a macro, pass the v)-2.82 F .32 -(alue as the \214rst ar)-.25 F .32(gument in)-.18 F .938 -(the map lookup.)174 160.2 R 2.538 -.8(To c)5.938 H .939 -(lear a macro, do not pass an ar).8 F .939(gument in the map lookup.) +(alue as the \214rst ar)-.25 F .32(gument in)-.18 F .939 +(the map lookup.)174 160.2 R 2.539 -.8(To c)5.939 H .939 +(lear a macro, do not pass an ar).8 F .938(gument in the map lookup.) -.18 F(The map al)174 172.2 Q -.1(wa)-.1 G(ys returns the empty string.) .1 E(Example of typical usage include:)5 E(Kstorage macro)214 188.4 Q (...)214 212.4 Q 2.5(#s)214 236.4 S @@ -7468,379 +7469,387 @@ e; it should be used only when)174 120 R(absolutely necessary)174 132 Q (et macro ${MyMacro} to an empty string)-2.5 E .83(R$* $:)214 272.4 R ($\(storage {MyMacro} $@ $\) $1)2.5 E 2.5(#c)214 284.4 S (lear macro ${MyMacro})-2.5 E .19(R$\255 $:)214 296.4 R -($\(storage {MyMacro} $\) $1)2.5 E 51.17(arith Perform)102 316.8 R .494 -(simple arithmetic operations.)2.994 F .494(The operation is gi)5.494 F --.15(ve)-.25 G 2.993(na).15 G 2.993(sk)-2.993 G -.15(ey)-3.093 G 2.993 -(,c)-.5 G .493(urrently +,)-2.993 F .245(-, *, /, %, |, & \(bitwise OR,\ +($\(storage {MyMacro} $\) $1)2.5 E 51.17(arith Perform)102 316.8 R .493 +(simple arithmetic operations.)2.993 F .494(The operation is gi)5.493 F +-.15(ve)-.25 G 2.994(na).15 G 2.994(sk)-2.994 G -.15(ey)-3.094 G 2.994 +(,c)-.5 G .494(urrently +,)-2.994 F .245(-, *, /, %, |, & \(bitwise OR,\ AND\), l \(for less than\), =, and r \(for random\) are sup-)174 328.8 R 3.21(ported. The)174 340.8 R(tw)3.21 E 3.21(oo)-.1 G .71 (perands are gi)-3.21 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.21(na).15 G 3.21(sa)-3.21 G -.18(rg)-3.21 G 3.21(uments. The).18 F .71(lookup returns the result) 3.21 F 1.374(of the computation, i.e.,)174 352.8 R/F2 9/Times-Roman@0 SF (TR)3.874 E(UE)-.36 E F1(or)3.874 E F2 -.666(FA)3.874 G(LSE).666 E F1 -1.374(for comparisons, inte)3.874 F 1.374(ger v)-.15 F 1.374 -(alues other)-.25 F(-)-.2 E 3.212(wise. The)174 364.8 R 3.212(ro)3.212 G -.712(perator returns a pseudo-random number whose v)-3.212 F .711 +1.374(for comparisons, inte)3.874 F 1.374(ger v)-.15 F 1.373 +(alues other)-.25 F(-)-.2 E 3.211(wise. The)174 364.8 R 3.212(ro)3.211 G +.712(perator returns a pseudo-random number whose v)-3.212 F .712 (alue lies between)-.25 F .538(the \214rst and second operand \(which r\ -equires that the \214rst operand is smaller than)174 376.8 R 2.134 +equires that the \214rst operand is smaller than)174 376.8 R 2.133 (the second\).)174 388.8 R 2.133 -(All options which are possible for maps are ignored.)7.134 F 4.633(As) -7.133 G(imple)-4.633 E -.15(ex)174 400.8 S(ample is:).15 E(Kcomp arith) +(All options which are possible for maps are ignored.)7.133 F 4.634(As) +7.134 G(imple)-4.634 E -.15(ex)174 400.8 S(ample is:).15 E(Kcomp arith) 214 417 Q(...)214 441 Q(Scheck_etrn)214 465 Q .83(R$* $:)214 477 R ($\(comp l $@ $&{load_a)2.5 E(vg} $@ 7 $\) $1)-.2 E(RF)214 489 Q -(ALSE$# error ...)-.74 E(sock)102 509.4 Q 44.05(et The)-.1 F(sock)3.231 +(ALSE$# error ...)-.74 E(sock)102 509.4 Q 44.05(et The)-.1 F(sock)3.232 E .732(et map uses a simple request/reply protocol o)-.1 F -.15(ve)-.15 -G 3.232(rT).15 G .732(CP or UNIX domain)-3.232 F(sock)174 521.4 Q .753 +G 3.231(rT).15 G .731(CP or UNIX domain)-3.231 F(sock)174 521.4 Q .753 (ets to query an e)-.1 F .753(xternal serv)-.15 F(er)-.15 E 5.753(.B) -.55 G .753(oth requests and replies are te)-5.753 F .753(xt based and) -.15 F(encoded as netstrings, i.e., a string "hello there" becomes:)174 533.4 Q(11:hello there,)214 549.6 Q (Note: neither requests nor replies end with CRLF)174 565.8 Q(.)-.8 E .301(The request consists of the database map name and the lookup k)174 -589.8 R .601 -.15(ey s)-.1 H .301(eparated by a).15 F(space character:) -174 601.8 Q( ' ' ).15 E(The serv) -174 658.2 Q(er responds with a status indicator and the result \(if an) --.15 E(y\):)-.15 E( ' ' )214 686.4 Q -(The status indicator is one of the follo)174 714.6 Q(wing upper case w) --.25 E(ords:)-.1 E 0 Cg EP +589.8 R .6 -.15(ey s)-.1 H .3(eparated by a).15 F(space character:)174 +601.8 Q( ' ' ).15 E(The serv)174 +658.2 Q(er responds with a status indicator and the result \(if an)-.15 +E(y\):)-.15 E( ' ' )214 686.4 Q .161(The status indicat\ +or speci\214es the result of the lookup operation itself and is one of) +174 714.6 R 0 Cg EP %%Page: 83 79 %%BeginPageSetup BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide)72 60 Q -(SMM:08-83)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 28.06(OK the)214 96 R -.1(ke) +(SMM:08-83)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(the follo)174 96 Q +(wing upper case w)-.25 E(ords:)-.1 E 28.06(OK the)214 112.2 R -.1(ke) 2.5 G 2.5(yw)-.05 G(as found, result contains the look)-2.6 E(ed up v) --.1 E(alue)-.25 E(NO)214 108 Q(TFOUNDthe k)-.4 E .3 -.15(ey w)-.1 H -(as not found, the result is empty).05 E 15.83(TEMP a)214 120 R -(temporary f)2.5 E(ailure occured)-.1 E -2.49(TIMEOUT a)214 132 R -(timeout occured on the serv)2.5 E(er side)-.15 E 15.27(PERM a)214 144 R -(permanent f)2.5 E(ailure occured)-.1 E .26 -(In case of errors \(status TEMP)174 172.2 R 2.76(,T)-1.11 G .26 -(IMEOUT or PERM\) the result \214eld may contain)-2.76 F(an e)174 184.2 -Q(xplanatory message.)-.15 E(Example replies:)174 208.2 Q(31:OK resolv) -214 224.4 Q(ed.address@e)-.15 E(,)-.15 E -(in case of a successful lookup, or:)174 252.6 Q(8:NO)214 268.8 Q -(TFOUND,)-.4 E(in case the k)174 297 Q .3 -.15(ey w)-.1 H -(as not found, or:).05 E(55:TEMP this te)214 313.2 Q(xt e)-.15 E -(xplains that we had a temporary f)-.15 E(ailure,)-.1 E(in case of a f) -174 341.4 Q(ailure.)-.1 E 1.186(The sock)174 365.4 R 1.186(et map uses \ -the same syntax as milters \(see Section "X \212 Mail Filter)-.1 F +-.1 E(alue)-.25 E(NO)214 124.2 Q(TFOUNDthe k)-.4 E .3 -.15(ey w)-.1 H +(as not found, the result is empty).05 E 15.83(TEMP a)214 136.2 R +(temporary f)2.5 E(ailure occured)-.1 E -2.49(TIMEOUT a)214 148.2 R +(timeout occured on the serv)2.5 E(er side)-.15 E 15.27(PERM a)214 160.2 +R(permanent f)2.5 E(ailure occured)-.1 E .26 +(In case of errors \(status TEMP)174 188.4 R 2.76(,T)-1.11 G .26 +(IMEOUT or PERM\) the result \214eld may contain)-2.76 F .818(an e)174 +200.4 R .818(xplanatory message.)-.15 F(Ho)5.818 E(we)-.25 E -.15(ve) +-.25 G 1.618 -.4(r, t).15 H .818(he e).4 F .818 +(xplanatory message is not used an)-.15 F 3.319(yf)-.15 G(ur)-3.319 E(-) +-.2 E(ther by)174 212.4 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sendmail)2.5 E F1(.)A +(Example replies:)174 236.4 Q(31:OK resolv)214 252.6 Q(ed.address@e)-.15 +E(,)-.15 E +(56:OK error:550 5.7.1 User does not accept mail from sender)214 285 Q +(,)-.4 E(in case of successful lookups, or:)174 313.2 Q(8:NO)214 329.4 Q +(TFOUND,)-.4 E(in case the k)174 357.6 Q .3 -.15(ey w)-.1 H +(as not found, or:).05 E(55:TEMP this te)214 373.8 Q(xt e)-.15 E +(xplains that we had a temporary f)-.15 E(ailure,)-.1 E +(in case of a temporary map lookup f)174 402 Q(ailure.)-.1 E 1.187 +(The sock)174 426 R 1.186(et map uses the same syntax as milters \(see \ +Section "X \212 Mail Filter)-.1 F (\(Milter\) De\214nitions"\) to specify the remote endpoint, e.g.,)174 -377.4 Q(Ksock)214 393.6 Q(et mySock)-.1 E(etMap inet:12345@ -E .493(If multiple sock)174 421.8 R .492 -(et maps de\214ne the same remote endpoint, the)-.1 F 2.992(yw)-.15 G -.492(ill share a single)-2.992 F(connection to this endpoint.)174 433.8 -Q .488(Most of these accept as ar)127 450 R .488 +438 Q(Ksock)214 454.2 Q(et mySock)-.1 E(etMap inet:12345@ E +.492(If multiple sock)174 482.4 R .492 +(et maps de\214ne the same remote endpoint, the)-.1 F 2.993(yw)-.15 G +.493(ill share a single)-2.993 F(connection to this endpoint.)174 494.4 +Q .488(Most of these accept as ar)127 510.6 R .488 (guments the same optional \215ags and a \214lename \(or a mapname for) -.18 F .31(NIS; the \214lename is the root of the database path, so tha\ -t \231.db\232 or some other e)102 462 R .31(xtension appropriate)-.15 F +t \231.db\232 or some other e)102 522.6 R .31(xtension appropriate)-.15 +F (for the database type will be added to get the actual database name\).) -102 474 Q(Kno)5 E(wn \215ags are:)-.25 E 58.86(\255o Indicates)102 490.2 -R 1.148(that this map is optional \212 that is, if it cannot be opened,\ - no error is)3.647 F(produced, and)174 502.2 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF -(sendmail)2.5 E F1(will beha)2.5 E .3 -.15(ve a)-.2 H 2.5(si).15 G 2.5 -(ft)-2.5 G(he map e)-2.5 E(xisted b)-.15 E(ut w)-.2 E(as empty)-.1 E(.) --.65 E(\255N, \255O)102 518.4 Q .697(If neither)41.28 F F03.197 E -F1(or)3.197 E F03.197 E F1 .697(are speci\214ed,)3.197 F F2 -(sendmail)3.197 E F1 .697(uses an adapti)3.197 F .997 -.15(ve a)-.25 H -.697(lgorithm to decide).15 F .108 -(whether or not to look for null bytes on the end of k)174 530.4 R -.15 -(ey)-.1 G 2.608(s. It).15 F .108(starts by trying both; if)2.608 F .82 -(it \214nds an)174 542.4 R 3.32(yk)-.15 G 1.12 -.15(ey w)-3.42 H .82 -(ith a null byte it ne).15 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.319(rt).15 G .819(ries ag) --3.319 F .819(ain without a null byte and vice)-.05 F -.15(ve)174 554.4 -S 2.827(rsa. If).15 F F02.827 E F1 .327(is speci\214ed it ne)2.827 -F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.828(rt).15 G .328(ries without a null byte and if) --2.828 F F02.828 E F1 .328(is speci\214ed it)2.828 F(ne)174 566.4 -Q -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.886(rt).15 G .386(ries with a null byte.)-2.886 F -.386(Setting one of these can speed matches b)5.386 F .386(ut are ne)-.2 -F -.15(ve)-.25 G(r).15 E(necessary)174 578.4 Q 5.545(.I)-.65 G 3.045(fb) --5.545 G(oth)-3.045 E F03.045 E F1(and)3.045 E F03.045 E F1 -.545(are speci\214ed,)3.045 F F2(sendmail)3.045 E F1 .546(will ne)3.046 -F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.046(rt).15 G .546(ry an)-3.046 F 3.046(ym)-.15 G -(atches)-3.046 E(at all \212 that is, e)174 590.4 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G -(rything will appear to f).15 E(ail.)-.1 E102 606.6 Q F2(x)A F1 -1.357(Append the string)57.48 F F2(x)3.857 E F1 1.357 -(on successful matches.)3.857 F -.15(Fo)6.357 G 3.857(re).15 G 1.356 -(xample, the def)-4.007 F(ault)-.1 E F2(host)3.856 E F1(map)3.856 E -(appends a dot on successful matches.)174 618.6 Q102 634.8 Q F2(x) -A F1 .02(Append the string)55.81 F F2(x)2.52 E F1 .021(on temporary f) -2.52 F 2.521(ailures. F)-.1 F .021(or e)-.15 F(xample,)-.15 E F2(x)2.521 -E F1 -.1(wo)2.521 G .021(uld be appended if a).1 F .72 -(DNS lookup returned \231serv)174 646.8 R .72(er f)-.15 F .72 +102 534.6 Q(Kno)5 E(wn \215ags are:)-.25 E 58.86(\255o Indicates)102 +550.8 R 1.147(that this map is optional \212 that is, if it cannot be o\ +pened, no error is)3.648 F(produced, and)174 562.8 Q F2(sendmail)2.5 E +F1(will beha)2.5 E .3 -.15(ve a)-.2 H 2.5(si).15 G 2.5(ft)-2.5 G +(he map e)-2.5 E(xisted b)-.15 E(ut w)-.2 E(as empty)-.1 E(.)-.65 E +(\255N, \255O)102 579 Q .696(If neither)41.28 F F03.197 E F1(or) +3.197 E F03.197 E F1 .697(are speci\214ed,)3.197 F F2(sendmail) +3.197 E F1 .697(uses an adapti)3.197 F .997 -.15(ve a)-.25 H .697 +(lgorithm to decide).15 F .108 +(whether or not to look for null bytes on the end of k)174 591 R -.15 +(ey)-.1 G 2.608(s. It).15 F .107(starts by trying both; if)2.608 F .819 +(it \214nds an)174 603 R 3.319(yk)-.15 G 1.119 -.15(ey w)-3.419 H .819 +(ith a null byte it ne).15 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.319(rt).15 G .82(ries ag) +-3.319 F .82(ain without a null byte and vice)-.05 F -.15(ve)174 615 S +2.828(rsa. If).15 F F02.828 E F1 .328(is speci\214ed it ne)2.828 F +-.15(ve)-.25 G 2.828(rt).15 G .328(ries without a null byte and if) +-2.828 F F02.827 E F1 .327(is speci\214ed it)2.827 F(ne)174 627 Q +-.15(ve)-.25 G 2.886(rt).15 G .386(ries with a null byte.)-2.886 F .386 +(Setting one of these can speed matches b)5.386 F .386(ut are ne)-.2 F +-.15(ve)-.25 G(r).15 E(necessary)174 639 Q 5.546(.I)-.65 G 3.046(fb) +-5.546 G(oth)-3.046 E F03.046 E F1(and)3.046 E F03.046 E F1 +.545(are speci\214ed,)3.045 F F2(sendmail)3.045 E F1 .545(will ne)3.045 +F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.045(rt).15 G .545(ry an)-3.045 F 3.045(ym)-.15 G +(atches)-3.045 E(at all \212 that is, e)174 651 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G +(rything will appear to f).15 E(ail.)-.1 E102 667.2 Q F2(x)A F1 +1.356(Append the string)57.48 F F2(x)3.856 E F1 1.357 +(on successful matches.)3.856 F -.15(Fo)6.357 G 3.857(re).15 G 1.357 +(xample, the def)-4.007 F(ault)-.1 E F2(host)3.857 E F1(map)3.857 E +(appends a dot on successful matches.)174 679.2 Q102 695.4 Q F2(x) +A F1 .021(Append the string)55.81 F F2(x)2.521 E F1 .021(on temporary f) +2.521 F 2.521(ailures. F)-.1 F .021(or e)-.15 F(xample,)-.15 E F2(x) +2.521 E F1 -.1(wo)2.521 G .02(uld be appended if a).1 F .72 +(DNS lookup returned \231serv)174 707.4 R .72(er f)-.15 F .72 (ailed\232 or an NIS lookup could not locate a serv)-.1 F(er)-.15 E(.) --.55 E(See also the)174 658.8 Q F02.5 E F1(\215ag.)2.5 E 60.53 -(\255f Do)102 675 R(not fold upper to lo)2.5 E -(wer case before looking up the k)-.25 E -.15(ey)-.1 G(.)-.5 E 56.08 -(\255m Match)102 691.2 R .399(only \(without replacing the v)2.899 F -2.899(alue\). If)-.25 F .399(you only care about the e)2.899 F .4 -(xistence of)-.15 F 7.307(ak)174 703.2 S 5.107 -.15(ey a)-7.407 H 4.807 -(nd not the v).15 F 4.807 -(alue \(as you might when searching the NIS map)-.25 F 1.947 -(\231hosts.byname\232 for e)174 715.2 R 1.947(xample\), this \215ag pre) --.15 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.947(nts the map from substituting the).15 F 0 Cg -EP +-.55 E(See also the)174 719.4 Q F02.5 E F1(\215ag.)2.5 E 0 Cg EP %%Page: 84 80 %%BeginPageSetup BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF 193.36(SMM:08-84 Sendmail)72 60 R -(Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF -.25(va) -174 96 S 2.85(lue. Ho).25 F(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.15 -.4(r, T).15 H -.35(he \255a ar).4 F .349 -(gument is still appended on a match, and the def)-.18 F .349(ault is) --.1 F(still tak)174 108 Q(en if the match f)-.1 E(ails.)-.1 E102 -124.2 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF -.1(ke)C(ycol)-.2 E F1 .519(The k)36.22 -F .819 -.15(ey c)-.1 H .519(olumn name \(for NIS+\) or number \(for te) -.15 F .519(xt lookups\).)-.15 F -.15(Fo)5.52 G 3.02(rL).15 G -.4(DA) --3.02 G 3.02(Pm).4 G(aps)-3.02 E .973(this is an LD)174 136.2 R .973(AP\ - \214lter string in which %s is replaced with the literal contents of) --.4 F .248(the lookup k)174 148.2 R .548 -.15(ey a)-.1 H .248 -(nd %0 is replaced with the LD).15 F .249 -(AP escaped contents of the lookup)-.4 F -.1(ke)174 160.2 S 4.176(ya) +(Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 60.53 +(\255f Do)102 96 R(not fold upper to lo)2.5 E +(wer case before looking up the k)-.25 E -.15(ey)-.1 G(.)-.5 E 56.08 +(\255m Match)102 112.2 R .4(only \(without replacing the v)2.9 F 2.899 +(alue\). If)-.25 F .399(you only care about the e)2.899 F .399 +(xistence of)-.15 F 7.306(ak)174 124.2 S 5.107 -.15(ey a)-7.406 H 4.807 +(nd not the v).15 F 4.807 +(alue \(as you might when searching the NIS map)-.25 F 1.947 +(\231hosts.byname\232 for e)174 136.2 R 1.947(xample\), this \215ag pre) +-.15 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.947(nts the map from substituting the).15 F -.25 +(va)174 148.2 S 2.849(lue. Ho).25 F(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.149 -.4 +(r, T).15 H .349(he \255a ar).4 F .349 +(gument is still appended on a match, and the def)-.18 F .35(ault is)-.1 +F(still tak)174 160.2 Q(en if the match f)-.1 E(ails.)-.1 E102 +176.4 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF -.1(ke)C(ycol)-.2 E F1 .52(The k)36.22 F +.82 -.15(ey c)-.1 H .519(olumn name \(for NIS+\) or number \(for te).15 +F .519(xt lookups\).)-.15 F -.15(Fo)5.519 G 3.019(rL).15 G -.4(DA)-3.019 +G 3.019(Pm).4 G(aps)-3.019 E .972(this is an LD)174 188.4 R .973(AP \ +\214lter string in which %s is replaced with the literal contents of)-.4 +F .249(the lookup k)174 200.4 R .549 -.15(ey a)-.1 H .249 +(nd %0 is replaced with the LD).15 F .248 +(AP escaped contents of the lookup)-.4 F -.1(ke)174 212.4 S 4.176(ya) -.05 G 1.676(ccording to RFC 2254.)-4.176 F 1.676(If the \215ag)6.676 F -F04.176 E F1 1.676(is used, then %1 through %9 are)4.176 F .886 -(replaced with the LD)174 172.2 R .887(AP escaped contents of the ar)-.4 -F .887(guments speci\214ed in the map)-.18 F(lookup.)174 184.2 Q -102 200.4 Q F2(valcol)A F1 1.929(The v)36.92 F 1.928 -(alue column name \(for NIS+\) or number \(for te)-.25 F 1.928 -(xt lookups\).)-.15 F -.15(Fo)6.928 G 4.428(rL).15 G -.4(DA)-4.428 G(P) -.4 E .467(maps this is the name of one or more attrib)174 212.4 R .467 -(utes to be returned; multiple attrib)-.2 F(utes)-.2 E 1.217 -(can be separated by commas.)174 224.4 R 1.216 +F04.176 E F1 1.676(is used, then %1 through %9 are)4.176 F .887 +(replaced with the LD)174 224.4 R .887(AP escaped contents of the ar)-.4 +F .886(guments speci\214ed in the map)-.18 F(lookup.)174 236.4 Q +102 252.6 Q F2(valcol)A F1 1.928(The v)36.92 F 1.928 +(alue column name \(for NIS+\) or number \(for te)-.25 F 1.929 +(xt lookups\).)-.15 F -.15(Fo)6.929 G 4.429(rL).15 G -.4(DA)-4.429 G(P) +.4 E .467(maps this is the name of one or more attrib)174 264.6 R .467 +(utes to be returned; multiple attrib)-.2 F(utes)-.2 E 1.216 +(can be separated by commas.)174 276.6 R 1.216 (If not speci\214ed, all attrib)6.216 F 1.216(utes found in the match) --.2 F 1.327(will be returned.)174 236.4 R 1.328(The attrib)6.328 F 1.328 +-.2 F 1.328(will be returned.)174 288.6 R 1.328(The attrib)6.328 F 1.328 (utes listed can also include a type and one or more)-.2 F -(objectClass v)174 248.4 Q(alues for matching as described in the LD) --.25 E(AP section.)-.4 E102 264.6 Q F2(delim)A F1 .219 -(The column delimiter \(for te)39.7 F .219(xt lookups\).)-.15 F .218 -(It can be a single character or one of the)5.219 F 1.825 -(special strings \231)174 276.6 R 1.825(\\n\232 or \231)1.666 F 1.826 -(\\t\232 to indicate ne)1.666 F 1.826(wline or tab respecti)-.25 F -.15 -(ve)-.25 G(ly).15 E 6.826(.I)-.65 G 4.326(fo)-6.826 G(mitted)-4.326 E -(entirely)174 288.6 Q 3.567(,t)-.65 G 1.067(he column separator is an) --3.567 F 3.567(ys)-.15 G 1.067(equence of white space.)-3.567 F -.15(Fo) -6.066 G 3.566(rL).15 G -.4(DA)-3.566 G 3.566(Pm).4 G(aps)-3.566 E 2.061 -(this is the separator character to combine multiple v)174 300.6 R 2.062 -(alues into a single return)-.25 F 3.711(string. If)174 312.6 R 1.211 -(not set, the LD)3.711 F 1.211 -(AP lookup will only return the \214rst match found.)-.4 F -.15(Fo)6.21 +(objectClass v)174 300.6 Q(alues for matching as described in the LD) +-.25 E(AP section.)-.4 E102 316.8 Q F2(delim)A F1 .218 +(The column delimiter \(for te)39.7 F .218(xt lookups\).)-.15 F .219 +(It can be a single character or one of the)5.219 F 1.826 +(special strings \231)174 328.8 R 1.826(\\n\232 or \231)1.666 F 1.826 +(\\t\232 to indicate ne)1.666 F 1.825(wline or tab respecti)-.25 F -.15 +(ve)-.25 G(ly).15 E 6.825(.I)-.65 G 4.325(fo)-6.825 G(mitted)-4.325 E +(entirely)174 340.8 Q 3.566(,t)-.65 G 1.066(he column separator is an) +-3.566 F 3.567(ys)-.15 G 1.067(equence of white space.)-3.567 F -.15(Fo) +6.067 G 3.567(rL).15 G -.4(DA)-3.567 G 3.567(Pm).4 G(aps)-3.567 E 2.062 +(this is the separator character to combine multiple v)174 352.8 R 2.061 +(alues into a single return)-.25 F 3.71(string. If)174 364.8 R 1.21 +(not set, the LD)3.71 F 1.211 +(AP lookup will only return the \214rst match found.)-.4 F -.15(Fo)6.211 G(r).15 E .101(DNS maps this is the separator character at which the re\ -sult of a query is cut of)174 324.6 R 2.601(fi)-.25 G(f)-2.601 E -(is too long.)174 336.6 Q 61.08(\255t Normally)102 352.8 R 2.727(,w)-.65 -G .227(hen a map attempts to do a lookup and the serv)-2.727 F .226 -(er f)-.15 F .226(ails \(e.g.,)-.1 F F2(sendmail)2.726 E F1(couldn')174 -364.8 Q 2.776(tc)-.18 G .276(ontact an)-2.776 F 2.776(yn)-.15 G .276 -(ame serv)-2.776 F .276(er; this is)-.15 F F2(not)2.776 E F1 .276 +sult of a query is cut of)174 376.8 R 2.6(fi)-.25 G(f)-2.6 E +(is too long.)174 388.8 Q 61.08(\255t Normally)102 405 R 2.726(,w)-.65 G +.226(hen a map attempts to do a lookup and the serv)-2.726 F .227(er f) +-.15 F .227(ails \(e.g.,)-.1 F F2(sendmail)2.727 E F1(couldn')174 417 Q +2.776(tc)-.18 G .276(ontact an)-2.776 F 2.776(yn)-.15 G .276(ame serv) +-2.776 F .276(er; this is)-.15 F F2(not)2.776 E F1 .276 (the same as an entry not being found)2.776 F .251(in the map\), the me\ -ssage being processed is queued for future processing.)174 376.8 R(The) -5.25 E F02.75 E F1 2.039(\215ag turns of)174 388.8 R 4.539(ft)-.25 +ssage being processed is queued for future processing.)174 429 R(The) +5.251 E F02.751 E F1 2.04(\215ag turns of)174 441 R 4.539(ft)-.25 G 2.039(his beha)-4.539 F(vior)-.2 E 4.539(,l)-.4 G 2.039 (etting the temporary f)-4.539 F 2.039(ailure \(serv)-.1 F 2.039(er do) --.15 F 2.04(wn\) act as)-.25 F .676(though it were a permanent f)174 -400.8 R .675(ailure \(entry not found\).)-.1 F .675 -(It is particularly useful for)5.675 F .772 -(DNS lookups, where someone else')174 412.8 R 3.272(sm)-.55 G .772 -(iscon\214gured name serv)-3.272 F .772(er can cause prob-)-.15 F 1.646 -(lems on your machine.)174 424.8 R(Ho)6.646 E(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G -2.446 -.4(r, c).15 H 1.645(are must be tak).4 F 1.645 -(en to ensure that you don')-.1 F(t)-.18 E .262(bounce mail that w)174 -436.8 R .262(ould be resolv)-.1 F .262(ed correctly if you tried ag)-.15 -F 2.763(ain. A)-.05 F .263(common strat-)2.763 F -.15(eg)174 448.8 S 2.5 -(yi).15 G 2.5(st)-2.5 G 2.5(of)-2.5 G(orw)-2.5 E -(ard such mail to another)-.1 E 2.5(,p)-.4 G -(ossibly better connected, mail serv)-2.5 E(er)-.15 E(.)-.55 E 56.64 -(\255D Perform)102 465 R .833(no lookup in deferred deli)3.333 F -.15 -(ve)-.25 G .833(ry mode.).15 F .833(This \215ag is set by def)5.833 F -.832(ault for the)-.1 F F2(host)174 477 Q F1(map.)2.5 E102 493.2 Q -F2(spacesub)A F1 1.537(The character to use to replace space characters\ - after a successful map lookup)24.14 F(\(esp. useful for re)174 505.2 Q -(ge)-.15 E 2.5(xa)-.15 G(nd syslog maps\).)-2.5 E102 521.4 Q F2 -(spacesub)A F1 -.15(Fo)25.81 G 3.101(rt).15 G .601(he dequote map only) --3.101 F 3.101(,t)-.65 G .601 +-.15 F 2.039(wn\) act as)-.25 F .675(though it were a permanent f)174 +453 R .675(ailure \(entry not found\).)-.1 F .676 +(It is particularly useful for)5.676 F .772 +(DNS lookups, where someone else')174 465 R 3.272(sm)-.55 G .772 +(iscon\214gured name serv)-3.272 F .772(er can cause prob-)-.15 F 1.645 +(lems on your machine.)174 477 R(Ho)6.645 E(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G +2.445 -.4(r, c).15 H 1.645(are must be tak).4 F 1.646 +(en to ensure that you don')-.1 F(t)-.18 E .263(bounce mail that w)174 +489 R .263(ould be resolv)-.1 F .262(ed correctly if you tried ag)-.15 F +2.762(ain. A)-.05 F .262(common strat-)2.762 F -.15(eg)174 501 S 2.5(yi) +.15 G 2.5(st)-2.5 G 2.5(of)-2.5 G(orw)-2.5 E(ard such mail to another) +-.1 E 2.5(,p)-.4 G(ossibly better connected, mail serv)-2.5 E(er)-.15 E +(.)-.55 E 56.64(\255D Perform)102 517.2 R .833 +(no lookup in deferred deli)3.332 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .833(ry mode.).15 F +.833(This \215ag is set by def)5.833 F .833(ault for the)-.1 F F2(host) +174 529.2 Q F1(map.)2.5 E102 545.4 Q F2(spacesub)A F1 1.538(The c\ +haracter to use to replace space characters after a successful map look\ +up)24.14 F(\(esp. useful for re)174 557.4 Q(ge)-.15 E 2.5(xa)-.15 G +(nd syslog maps\).)-2.5 E102 573.6 Q F2(spacesub)A F1 -.15(Fo) +25.81 G 3.1(rt).15 G .6(he dequote map only)-3.1 F 3.101(,t)-.65 G .601 (he character to use to replace space characters after a)-3.101 F -(successful dequote.)174 533.4 Q 58.86(\255q Don')102 549.6 R 2.5(td) +(successful dequote.)174 585.6 Q 58.86(\255q Don')102 601.8 R 2.5(td) -.18 G(equote the k)-2.5 E .3 -.15(ey b)-.1 H(efore lookup.).15 E -102 565.8 Q F2(le)A(vel)-.15 E F1 -.15(Fo)41.52 G 2.5(rt).15 G +102 618 Q F2(le)A(vel)-.15 E F1 -.15(Fo)41.52 G 2.5(rt).15 G (he syslog map only)-2.5 E 2.5(,i)-.65 G 2.5(ts)-2.5 G (peci\214es the le)-2.5 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(lt).15 G 2.5(ou)-2.5 G -(se for the syslog call.)-2.5 E 56.64(\255A When)102 582 R(reb)3 E .5 +(se for the syslog call.)-2.5 E 56.64(\255A When)102 634.2 R(reb)3 E .5 (uilding an alias \214le, the)-.2 F F03 E F1 .5 (\215ag causes duplicate entries in the te)3 F .5(xt v)-.15 F(er)-.15 E -(-)-.2 E(sion to be mer)174 594 Q 2.5(ged. F)-.18 F(or e)-.15 E +(-)-.2 E(sion to be mer)174 646.2 Q 2.5(ged. F)-.18 F(or e)-.15 E (xample, tw)-.15 E 2.5(oe)-.1 G(ntries:)-2.5 E 27.49(list: user1,)214 -610.2 R(user2)2.5 E 27.49(list: user3)214 622.2 R -.1(wo)174 638.4 S +662.4 R(user2)2.5 E 27.49(list: user3)214 674.4 R -.1(wo)174 690.6 S (uld be treated as though it were the single entry).1 E 27.49 -(list: user1,)214 654.6 R(user2, user3)2.5 E(in the presence of the)174 -670.8 Q F02.5 E F1(\215ag.)2.5 E(Some additional \215ags are a)127 -687 Q -.25(va)-.2 G(ilable for the host and dns maps:).25 E 58.86 -(\255d delay:)102 703.2 R(specify the resolv)2.5 E(er')-.15 E 2.5(sr) --.55 G(etransmission time interv)-2.5 E(al \(in seconds\).)-.25 E 0 Cg -EP +(list: user1,)214 706.8 R(user2, user3)2.5 E(in the presence of the)174 +723 Q F02.5 E F1(\215ag.)2.5 E 0 Cg EP %%Page: 85 81 %%BeginPageSetup BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide)72 60 Q -(SMM:08-85)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 60.53(\255r retry:)102 96 R +(SMM:08-85)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF +(Some additional \215ags are a)127 96 Q -.25(va)-.2 G +(ilable for the host and dns maps:).25 E 58.86(\255d delay:)102 112.2 R +(specify the resolv)2.5 E(er')-.15 E 2.5(sr)-.55 G +(etransmission time interv)-2.5 E(al \(in seconds\).)-.25 E 60.53 +(\255r retry:)102 128.4 R (specify the number of times to retransmit a resolv)2.5 E(er query)-.15 -E(.)-.65 E(The dns map has another \215ag:)127 112.2 Q 57.19 -(\255B basedomain:)102 128.4 R(specify a domain that is al)2.5 E -.1(wa) --.1 G(ys appended to queries.).1 E(The follo)127 144.6 Q +E(.)-.65 E(The dns map has another \215ag:)127 144.6 Q 57.19 +(\255B basedomain:)102 160.8 R(specify a domain that is al)2.5 E -.1(wa) +-.1 G(ys appended to queries.).1 E(The follo)127 177 Q (wing additional \215ags are present in the ldap map only:)-.25 E 57.19 -(\255R Do)102 160.8 R .025(not auto chase referrals.)2.525 F .025 +(\255R Do)102 193.2 R .025(not auto chase referrals.)2.525 F .025 (sendmail must be compiled with)5.025 F F0(\255DLD)2.525 E(AP_REFER-) --.35 E(RALS)174 172.8 Q F1(to use this \215ag.)2.5 E 58.86(\255n Retrie) -102 189 R .3 -.15(ve a)-.25 H(ttrib).15 E(ute names only)-.2 E(.)-.65 E -102 205.2 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sep)A F1(Retrie)45.81 E .3 +-.35 E(RALS)174 205.2 Q F1(to use this \215ag.)2.5 E 58.86(\255n Retrie) +102 221.4 R .3 -.15(ve a)-.25 H(ttrib).15 E(ute names only)-.2 E(.)-.65 +E102 237.6 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sep)A F1(Retrie)45.81 E .3 -.15(ve b)-.25 H(oth attrib).15 E(utes name and v)-.2 E -(alue\(s\), separated by)-.25 E F2(sep)2.5 E F1(.)A102 221.4 Q F2 +(alue\(s\), separated by)-.25 E F2(sep)2.5 E F1(.)A102 253.8 Q F2 (der)A(ef)-.37 E F1(Set the alias dereference option to one of ne)42.85 E -.15(ve)-.25 G .8 -.4(r, a).15 H -.1(lwa).4 G(ys, search, or \214nd.) -.1 E102 237.6 Q F2(scope)A F1 +.1 E102 270 Q F2(scope)A F1 (Set search scope to one of base, one \(one le)39.7 E -.15(ve)-.25 G -(l\), or sub \(subtree\).).15 E102 253.8 Q F2(host)A F1(LD)44.69 E +(l\), or sub \(subtree\).).15 E102 286.2 Q F2(host)A F1(LD)44.69 E 2.095(AP serv)-.4 F 2.095(er hostname.)-.15 F 2.095(Some LD)7.095 F 2.095(AP libraries allo)-.4 F 4.595(wy)-.25 G 2.095 -(ou to specify multiple,)-4.595 F .467 -(space-separated hosts for redundanc)174 265.8 R 4.267 -.65(y. I)-.15 H -2.967(na).65 G .466(ddition, each of the hosts listed can be)-2.967 F -(follo)174 277.8 Q(wed by a colon and a port number to o)-.25 E -.15(ve) --.15 G(rride the def).15 E(ault LD)-.1 E(AP port.)-.4 E102 294 Q -F2(port)A F1(LD)44.69 E(AP service port.)-.4 E102 310.2 Q F2(LD) -2.5 E(APURI)-.35 E F1 1.102(Use the speci\214ed LD)15.33 F 1.103 +(ou to specify multiple,)-4.595 F .466 +(space-separated hosts for redundanc)174 298.2 R 4.266 -.65(y. I)-.15 H +2.967(na).65 G .467(ddition, each of the hosts listed can be)-2.967 F +(follo)174 310.2 Q(wed by a colon and a port number to o)-.25 E -.15(ve) +-.15 G(rride the def).15 E(ault LD)-.1 E(AP port.)-.4 E102 326.4 Q +F2(port)A F1(LD)44.69 E(AP service port.)-.4 E102 342.6 Q F2(LD) +2.5 E(APURI)-.35 E F1 1.103(Use the speci\214ed LD)15.33 F 1.102 (AP URI instead of specifying the hostname and port sepa-)-.4 F -(rately with the the)174 322.2 Q F02.5 E F1(and)2.5 E F02.5 +(rately with the the)174 354.6 Q F02.5 E F1(and)2.5 E F02.5 E F1(options sho)2.5 E(wn abo)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.15 G 5(.F).15 G(or e) --5.15 E(xample,)-.15 E(-h serv)214 338.4 Q(er)-.15 E(.e)-.55 E -( -p 389 -b dc=e)-.15 E(xample,dc=com)-.15 E(is equi)174 354.6 -Q -.25(va)-.25 G(lent to).25 E(-H ldap://serv)214 370.8 Q(er)-.15 E(.e) --.55 E( -b dc=e)-.15 E(xample,dc=com)-.15 E .757 -(If the LD)174 387 R .757(AP library supports it, the LD)-.4 F .757 +-5.15 E(xample,)-.15 E(-h serv)214 370.8 Q(er)-.15 E(.e)-.55 E +( -p 389 -b dc=e)-.15 E(xample,dc=com)-.15 E(is equi)174 387 Q +-.25(va)-.25 G(lent to).25 E(-H ldap://serv)214 403.2 Q(er)-.15 E(.e) +-.55 E( -b dc=e)-.15 E(xample,dc=com)-.15 E .756 +(If the LD)174 419.4 R .757(AP library supports it, the LD)-.4 F .757 (AP URI format ho)-.4 F(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.257(rc).15 G .757 -(an also request)-3.257 F(LD)174 399 Q(AP o)-.4 E -.15(ve)-.15 G 2.5(rS) -.15 G(SL by using)-2.5 E F0(ldaps://)2.5 E F1(instead of)2.5 E F0 -(ldap://)2.5 E F1 5(.F)C(or e)-5.15 E(xample:)-.15 E 2.5(OL)214 415.2 S +(an also request)-3.257 F(LD)174 431.4 Q(AP o)-.4 E -.15(ve)-.15 G 2.5 +(rS).15 G(SL by using)-2.5 E F0(ldaps://)2.5 E F1(instead of)2.5 E F0 +(ldap://)2.5 E F1 5(.F)C(or e)-5.15 E(xample:)-.15 E 2.5(OL)214 447.6 S -.4(DA)-2.5 G(PDef).4 E(aultSpec=-H ldaps://ldap.e)-.1 E -( -b dc=e)-.15 E(xample,dc=com)-.15 E(Similarly)174 431.4 Q -3.22(,i)-.65 G 3.22(ft)-3.22 G .72(he LD)-3.22 F .721 +( -b dc=e)-.15 E(xample,dc=com)-.15 E(Similarly)174 463.8 Q +3.221(,i)-.65 G 3.221(ft)-3.221 G .721(he LD)-3.221 F .721 (AP library supports it, It can also be used to specify a UNIX)-.4 F -(domain sock)174 443.4 Q(et using)-.1 E F0(ldapi://)2.5 E F1(:)A 2.5(OL) -214 459.6 S -.4(DA)-2.5 G(PDef).4 E(aultSpec=-H ldapi://sock)-.1 E -(et\214le -b dc=e)-.1 E(xample,dc=com)-.15 E102 480 Q F2(base)A F1 -(LD)43.03 E(AP search base.)-.4 E102 496.2 Q F2(timelimit)A F1 --.35(Ti)28.02 G(me limit for LD).35 E(AP queries.)-.4 E102 512.4 Q +(domain sock)174 475.8 Q(et using)-.1 E F0(ldapi://)2.5 E F1(:)A 2.5(OL) +214 492 S -.4(DA)-2.5 G(PDef).4 E(aultSpec=-H ldapi://sock)-.1 E +(et\214le -b dc=e)-.1 E(xample,dc=com)-.15 E102 512.4 Q F2(base)A +F1(LD)43.03 E(AP search base.)-.4 E102 528.6 Q F2(timelimit)A F1 +-.35(Ti)28.02 G(me limit for LD).35 E(AP queries.)-.4 E102 544.8 Q F2(sizelimit)A F1(Size \(number of matches\) limit for LD)26.91 E -(AP or DNS queries.)-.4 E102 528.6 Q F2(distinguished_name)A F1 -(The distinguished name to use to login to the LD)174 540.6 Q(AP serv) --.4 E(er)-.15 E(.)-.55 E102 556.8 Q F2(method)A F1 5.988 +(AP or DNS queries.)-.4 E102 561 Q F2(distinguished_name)A F1 +(The distinguished name to use to login to the LD)174 573 Q(AP serv)-.4 +E(er)-.15 E(.)-.55 E102 589.2 Q F2(method)A F1 5.987 (The method to authenticate to the LD)28.03 F 5.987(AP serv)-.4 F(er) --.15 E 10.987(.S)-.55 G 5.987(hould be one of)-10.987 F F0(LD)174 568.8 +-.15 E 10.987(.S)-.55 G 5.988(hould be one of)-10.987 F F0(LD)174 601.2 Q(AP_A)-.35 E(UTH_NONE)-.5 E F1(,)A F0(LD)2.5 E(AP_A)-.35 E(UTH_SIMPLE) -.5 E F1 2.5(,o)C(r)-2.5 E F0(LD)2.5 E(AP_A)-.35 E(UTH_KRBV4)-.5 E F1(.) -A102 585 Q F2(passwor)A(d\214le)-.37 E F1 .342 +A102 617.4 Q F2(passwor)A(d\214le)-.37 E F1 .342 (The \214le containing the secret k)10.61 F .642 -.15(ey f)-.1 H .342 -(or the).15 F F0(LD)2.843 E(AP_A)-.35 E(UTH_SIMPLE)-.5 E F1 -(authentication)2.843 E(method or the name of the K)174 597 Q +(or the).15 F F0(LD)2.842 E(AP_A)-.35 E(UTH_SIMPLE)-.5 E F1 +(authentication)2.842 E(method or the name of the K)174 629.4 Q (erberos tick)-.25 E(et \214le for)-.1 E F0(LD)2.5 E(AP_A)-.35 E -(UTH_KRBV4)-.5 E F1(.)A 58.86(\2551 F)102 613.2 R .458(orce LD)-.15 F -.458(AP searches to only succeed if a single match is found.)-.4 F .457 +(UTH_KRBV4)-.5 E F1(.)A 58.86(\2551 F)102 645.6 R .457(orce LD)-.15 F +.458(AP searches to only succeed if a single match is found.)-.4 F .458 (If multiple v)5.458 F(al-)-.25 E -(ues are found, the search is treated as if no match w)174 625.2 Q -(as found.)-.1 E102 641.4 Q F2(ver)A(sion)-.1 E F1 1.479 +(ues are found, the search is treated as if no match w)174 657.6 Q +(as found.)-.1 E102 673.8 Q F2(ver)A(sion)-.1 E F1 1.48 (Set the LD)29.8 F 1.479(AP API/protocol v)-.4 F 1.479(ersion to use.) -.15 F 1.479(The def)6.479 F 1.479(ault depends on the LD)-.1 F(AP)-.4 E -1.37(client libraries in use.)174 653.4 R -.15(Fo)6.37 G 3.87(re).15 G +1.37(client libraries in use.)174 685.8 R -.15(Fo)6.37 G 3.87(re).15 G (xample,)-4.02 E F0 1.37(\255w 3)3.87 F F1 1.37(will cause)3.87 F F2 (sendmail)3.87 E F1 1.37(to use LD)3.87 F(APv3)-.4 E -(when communicating with the LD)174 665.4 Q(AP serv)-.4 E(er)-.15 E(.) --.55 E 56.64(\255K T)102 681.6 R .587(reat the LD)-.35 F .587 -(AP search k)-.4 F .888 -.15(ey a)-.1 H 3.088(sm).15 G(ulti-ar)-3.088 E -.588(gument and replace %1 through %9 in the)-.18 F -.1(ke)174 693.6 S -2.504(yw)-.05 G .003(ith the LD)-2.504 F .003 -(AP escaped contents of the lookup ar)-.4 F .003 -(guments speci\214ed in the map)-.18 F(lookup.)174 705.6 Q 0 Cg EP +(when communicating with the LD)174 697.8 Q(AP serv)-.4 E(er)-.15 E(.) +-.55 E 0 Cg EP %%Page: 86 82 %%BeginPageSetup BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF 193.36(SMM:08-86 Sendmail)72 60 R -(Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(The)127 -96 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(dbm)2.989 E F1 .489 -(map appends the strings \231.pag\232 and \231.dir\232 to the gi)2.989 F --.15(ve)-.25 G 2.99<6e8c>.15 G .49(lename; the)-2.99 F F2(hash)2.99 E F1 -(and)2.99 E F2(btr)2.99 E(ee)-.37 E F1(maps append \231.db\232.)102 108 -Q -.15(Fo)5 G 2.5(re).15 G(xample, the map speci\214cation)-2.65 E -.15 -(Ku)142 124.2 S(ucp dbm \255o \255N /etc/mail/uucpmap).15 E .21(speci\ -\214es an optional map named \231uucp\232 of class \231dbm\232; it al) -102 140.4 R -.1(wa)-.1 G .21(ys has null bytes at the end of e).1 F -.15 -(ve)-.25 G(ry).15 E -(string, and the data is located in /etc/mail/uucpmap.{dir)102 152.4 Q -(,pag}.)-.4 E 1.094(The program)127 168.6 R F2(mak)3.594 E(emap)-.1 E F1 +(Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 56.64 +(\255K T)102 96 R .588(reat the LD)-.35 F .588(AP search k)-.4 F .888 +-.15(ey a)-.1 H 3.088(sm).15 G(ulti-ar)-3.088 E .587 +(gument and replace %1 through %9 in the)-.18 F -.1(ke)174 108 S 2.503 +(yw)-.05 G .003(ith the LD)-2.503 F .003 +(AP escaped contents of the lookup ar)-.4 F .003 +(guments speci\214ed in the map)-.18 F(lookup.)174 120 Q(The)127 136.2 Q +/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(dbm)2.99 E F1 .489 +(map appends the strings \231.pag\232 and \231.dir\232 to the gi)2.99 F +-.15(ve)-.25 G 2.989<6e8c>.15 G .489(lename; the)-2.989 F F2(hash)2.989 +E F1(and)2.989 E F2(btr)2.989 E(ee)-.37 E F1(maps append \231.db\232.) +102 148.2 Q -.15(Fo)5 G 2.5(re).15 G(xample, the map speci\214cation) +-2.65 E -.15(Ku)142 164.4 S(ucp dbm \255o \255N /etc/mail/uucpmap).15 E +.21(speci\214es an optional map named \231uucp\232 of class \231dbm\232\ +; it al)102 180.6 R -.1(wa)-.1 G .21(ys has null bytes at the end of e) +.1 F -.15(ve)-.25 G(ry).15 E +(string, and the data is located in /etc/mail/uucpmap.{dir)102 192.6 Q +(,pag}.)-.4 E 1.095(The program)127 208.8 R F2(mak)3.595 E(emap)-.1 E F1 1.094(\(8\) can be used to b)B 1.094(uild an)-.2 F 3.594(yo)-.15 G 3.594 -(ft)-3.594 G 1.095(he three database-oriented maps.)-3.594 F(It)6.095 E -(tak)102 180.6 Q(es the follo)-.1 E(wing \215ags:)-.25 E 60.53(\255f Do) -102 196.8 R(not fold upper to lo)2.5 E(wer case in the map.)-.25 E 56.64 -(\255N Include)102 213 R(null bytes in k)2.5 E -.15(ey)-.1 G(s.).15 E -58.86(\255o Append)102 229.2 R(to an e)2.5 E(xisting \(old\) \214le.) --.15 E 60.53(\255r Allo)102 245.4 R 3.669(wr)-.25 G 1.169 -(eplacement of e)-3.669 F 1.168(xisting k)-.15 F -.15(ey)-.1 G 1.168 +(ft)-3.594 G 1.094(he three database-oriented maps.)-3.594 F(It)6.094 E +(tak)102 220.8 Q(es the follo)-.1 E(wing \215ags:)-.25 E 60.53(\255f Do) +102 237 R(not fold upper to lo)2.5 E(wer case in the map.)-.25 E 56.64 +(\255N Include)102 253.2 R(null bytes in k)2.5 E -.15(ey)-.1 G(s.).15 E +58.86(\255o Append)102 269.4 R(to an e)2.5 E(xisting \(old\) \214le.) +-.15 E 60.53(\255r Allo)102 285.6 R 3.668(wr)-.25 G 1.168 +(eplacement of e)-3.668 F 1.168(xisting k)-.15 F -.15(ey)-.1 G 1.168 (s; normally).15 F 3.668(,r)-.65 G 1.168(e-inserting an e)-3.668 F 1.168 -(xisting k)-.15 F 1.468 -.15(ey i)-.1 H 3.668(sa).15 G(n)-3.668 E(error) -174 257.4 Q(.)-.55 E 58.86(\255v Print)102 273.6 R(what is happening.) -2.5 E(The)102 289.8 Q F2(sendmail)3.605 E F1 1.105(daemon does not ha) -3.605 F 1.405 -.15(ve t)-.2 H 3.605(ob).15 G 3.605(er)-3.605 G 1.106 -(estarted to read the ne)-3.605 F 3.606(wm)-.25 G 1.106 -(aps as long as you change)-3.606 F -(them in place; \214le locking is used so that the maps w)102 301.8 Q -(on')-.1 E 2.5(tb)-.18 G 2.5(er)-2.5 G(ead while the)-2.5 E 2.5(ya)-.15 -G(re being updated.)-2.5 E(Ne)127 318 Q 2.5(wc)-.25 G +(xisting k)-.15 F 1.469 -.15(ey i)-.1 H 3.669(sa).15 G(n)-3.669 E(error) +174 297.6 Q(.)-.55 E 58.86(\255v Print)102 313.8 R(what is happening.) +2.5 E(The)102 330 Q F2(sendmail)3.606 E F1 1.106(daemon does not ha) +3.606 F 1.406 -.15(ve t)-.2 H 3.606(ob).15 G 3.606(er)-3.606 G 1.106 +(estarted to read the ne)-3.606 F 3.605(wm)-.25 G 1.105 +(aps as long as you change)-3.605 F +(them in place; \214le locking is used so that the maps w)102 342 Q(on') +-.1 E 2.5(tb)-.18 G 2.5(er)-2.5 G(ead while the)-2.5 E 2.5(ya)-.15 G +(re being updated.)-2.5 E(Ne)127 358.2 Q 2.5(wc)-.25 G (lasses can be added in the routine)-2.5 E F0(setupmaps)2.5 E F1 -(in \214le)2.5 E F0(conf)2.5 E(.c)-.15 E F1(.)A F0 2.5(5.10. Q)87 342 R -2.5<8a51>2.5 G(ueue Gr)-2.5 E(oup Declaration)-.18 E F1 .71 -(In addition to the option)127 358.2 R F2(QueueDir)3.21 E(ectory)-.37 E +(in \214le)2.5 E F0(conf)2.5 E(.c)-.15 E F1(.)A F0 2.5(5.10. Q)87 382.2 +R 2.5<8a51>2.5 G(ueue Gr)-2.5 E(oup Declaration)-.18 E F1 .71 +(In addition to the option)127 398.4 R F2(QueueDir)3.21 E(ectory)-.37 E (,)-.55 E F1 .71(queue groups can be declared that de\214ne a \(group) -3.21 F(of\) queue directories under a common name.)102 370.2 Q -(The syntax is as follo)5 E(ws:)-.25 E F0(Q)142 386.4 Q F2(name)A F1({,) -2.5 E F2(\214eld)2.5 E F1(=)A F2(value)A F1(}+)1.666 E(where)102 402.6 Q -F2(name)3.275 E F1 .775(is the symbolic name of the queue group under w\ -hich it can be referenced in v)3.275 F(arious)-.25 E .218 -(places and the \231\214eld=v)102 414.6 R .218 +3.21 F(of\) queue directories under a common name.)102 410.4 Q +(The syntax is as follo)5 E(ws:)-.25 E F0(Q)142 426.6 Q F2(name)A F1({,) +2.5 E F2(\214eld)2.5 E F1(=)A F2(value)A F1(}+)1.666 E(where)102 442.8 Q +F2(name)3.276 E F1 .775(is the symbolic name of the queue group under w\ +hich it can be referenced in v)3.276 F(arious)-.25 E .217 +(places and the \231\214eld=v)102 454.8 R .217 (alue\232 pairs de\214ne attrib)-.25 F .217(utes of the queue group.)-.2 -F .217(The name must only consist)5.217 F(of alphanumeric characters.) -102 426.6 Q(Fields are:)5 E 47.83(Flags Flags)102 442.8 R -(for this queue group.)2.5 E 50.62(Nice The)102 459 R .901 -(nice\(2\) increment for the queue group.)3.401 F .902(This v)5.902 F -.902(alue must be greater or equal)-.25 F(zero.)174 471 Q(Interv)102 -487.2 Q 38.65(al The)-.25 F(time between tw)2.5 E 2.5(oq)-.1 G -(ueue runs.)-2.5 E -.15(Pa)102 503.4 S 51.87(th The).15 F +F .218(The name must only consist)5.218 F(of alphanumeric characters.) +102 466.8 Q(Fields are:)5 E 47.83(Flags Flags)102 483 R +(for this queue group.)2.5 E 50.62(Nice The)102 499.2 R .902 +(nice\(2\) increment for the queue group.)3.402 F .901(This v)5.902 F +.901(alue must be greater or equal)-.25 F(zero.)174 511.2 Q(Interv)102 +527.4 Q 38.65(al The)-.25 F(time between tw)2.5 E 2.5(oq)-.1 G +(ueue runs.)-2.5 E -.15(Pa)102 543.6 S 51.87(th The).15 F (queue directory of the group \(required\).)2.5 E 36.17(Runners The)102 -519.6 R .074(number of parallel runners processing the queue.)2.574 F -.073(Note that)5.074 F F0(F=f)2.573 E F1 .073(must be set if)2.573 F -(this v)174 531.6 Q(alue is greater than one.)-.25 E 51.72(Jobs The)102 -547.8 R(maximum number of jobs \(messages deli)2.5 E -.15(ve)-.25 G -(red\) per queue run.).15 E 30.62(recipients The)102 564 R .382 -(maximum number of recipients per en)2.881 F -.15(ve)-.4 G 2.882 +559.8 R .073(number of parallel runners processing the queue.)2.573 F +.074(Note that)5.074 F F0(F=f)2.574 E F1 .074(must be set if)2.574 F +(this v)174 571.8 Q(alue is greater than one.)-.25 E 51.72(Jobs The)102 +588 R(maximum number of jobs \(messages deli)2.5 E -.15(ve)-.25 G +(red\) per queue run.).15 E 30.62(recipients The)102 604.2 R .382 +(maximum number of recipients per en)2.882 F -.15(ve)-.4 G 2.882 (lope. En).15 F -.15(ve)-.4 G .382(lopes with more than this).15 F .109 -(number of recipients will be split into multiple en)174 576 R -.15(ve) --.4 G .109(lopes in the same queue direc-).15 F(tory)174 588 Q 5(.T)-.65 -G(he def)-5 E(ault v)-.1 E(alue 0 means no limit.)-.25 E -(Only the \214rst character of the \214eld name is check)102 604.2 Q -(ed.)-.1 E .075(By def)127 620.4 R .075(ault, a queue group named)-.1 F -F2(mqueue)2.575 E F1 .075(is de\214ned that uses the v)2.575 F .076 -(alue of the)-.25 F F2(QueueDir)2.576 E(ectory)-.37 E F1 .269 -(option as path.)102 632.4 R .268(Notice: all paths that are used for q\ -ueue groups must be subdirectories of)5.268 F F2(QueueDi-)2.768 E -.37 -(re)102 644.4 S(ctory).37 E F1 6.486(.S)C 1.486(ince the)-6.486 F 3.986 -(yc)-.15 G 1.487(an be symbolic links, this isn')-3.986 F 3.987(tar)-.18 -G 1.487(eal restriction, If)-3.987 F F2(QueueDir)3.987 E(ectory)-.37 E -F1 1.487(uses a)3.987 F .747(wildcard, then the directory one le)102 -656.4 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.247(lu).15 G 3.247(pi)-3.247 G 3.247(sc)-3.247 -G .747(onsidered the `)-3.247 F(`base')-.74 E 3.246('d)-.74 G .746 -(irectory which all other queue)-3.246 F .085(directories must share.) -102 668.4 R .085(Please mak)5.085 F 2.585(es)-.1 G .086 -(ure that the queue directories do not o)-2.585 F -.15(ve)-.15 G .086 -(rlap, e.g., do not spec-).15 F(ify)102 680.4 Q 0 Cg EP +(number of recipients will be split into multiple en)174 616.2 R -.15 +(ve)-.4 G .11(lopes in the same queue direc-).15 F(tory)174 628.2 Q 5 +(.T)-.65 G(he def)-5 E(ault v)-.1 E(alue 0 means no limit.)-.25 E +(Only the \214rst character of the \214eld name is check)102 644.4 Q +(ed.)-.1 E .076(By def)127 660.6 R .076(ault, a queue group named)-.1 F +F2(mqueue)2.575 E F1 .075(is de\214ned that uses the v)2.575 F .075 +(alue of the)-.25 F F2(QueueDir)2.575 E(ectory)-.37 E F1 .268 +(option as path.)102 672.6 R .268(Notice: all paths that are used for q\ +ueue groups must be subdirectories of)5.268 F F2(QueueDi-)2.769 E -.37 +(re)102 684.6 S(ctory).37 E F1 6.487(.S)C 1.487(ince the)-6.487 F 3.987 +(yc)-.15 G 1.487(an be symbolic links, this isn')-3.987 F 3.987(tar)-.18 +G 1.486(eal restriction, If)-3.987 F F2(QueueDir)3.986 E(ectory)-.37 E +F1 1.486(uses a)3.986 F .746(wildcard, then the directory one le)102 +696.6 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.247(lu).15 G 3.247(pi)-3.247 G 3.247(sc)-3.247 +G .747(onsidered the `)-3.247 F(`base')-.74 E 3.247('d)-.74 G .747 +(irectory which all other queue)-3.247 F .086(directories must share.) +102 708.6 R .086(Please mak)5.086 F 2.586(es)-.1 G .086 +(ure that the queue directories do not o)-2.586 F -.15(ve)-.15 G .085 +(rlap, e.g., do not spec-).15 F(ify)102 720.6 Q 0 Cg EP %%Page: 87 83 %%BeginPageSetup BP @@ -7855,41 +7864,41 @@ BP .15 G 2.5(OQ)142 152.4 S(ueueDirectory=/v)-2.5 E(ar/spool/mqueue/main*) -.25 E(Qone, P=/v)142 164.4 Q(ar/spool/mqueue/dir)-.25 E(Qtw)142 176.4 Q (o, P=/v)-.1 E(ar/spool/mqueue/other*)-.25 E(is a v)102 192.6 Q -(alid queue group speci\214cation.)-.25 E .236(Options listed in the `) +(alid queue group speci\214cation.)-.25 E .235(Options listed in the `) 127 208.8 R(`Flags')-.74 E 2.736<278c>-.74 G .236 (eld can be used to modify the beha)-2.736 F .236 -(vior of a queue group.)-.2 F(The)5.235 E -.74(``)102 220.8 S .55(f').74 -G 2.604<278d>-1.29 G .105 -(ag must be set if multiple queue runners are supposed to w)-2.604 F -.105(ork on the entries in a queue group.)-.1 F(Otherwise)102 232.8 Q/F2 +(vior of a queue group.)-.2 F(The)5.236 E -.74(``)102 220.8 S .55(f').74 +G 2.605<278d>-1.29 G .105 +(ag must be set if multiple queue runners are supposed to w)-2.605 F +.104(ork on the entries in a queue group.)-.1 F(Otherwise)102 232.8 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sendmail)2.5 E F1(will w)2.5 E -(ork on the entries strictly sequentially)-.1 E(.)-.65 E .512(The `)127 -249 R(`Interv)-.74 E(al')-.25 E 3.012<278c>-.74 G .512 -(eld sets the time between queue runs.)-3.012 F .511 -(If no queue group speci\214c interv)5.511 F .511(al is)-.25 F +(ork on the entries strictly sequentially)-.1 E(.)-.65 E .511(The `)127 +249 R(`Interv)-.74 E(al')-.25 E 3.011<278c>-.74 G .511 +(eld sets the time between queue runs.)-3.011 F .512 +(If no queue group speci\214c interv)5.511 F .512(al is)-.25 F (set, then the parameter of the)102 261 Q F0(-q)2.5 E F1 -(option from the command line is used.)2.5 E 7.656 -.8(To c)127 277.2 T -6.056(ontrol the o).8 F -.15(ve)-.15 G 6.056 -(rall number of concurrently acti).15 F 6.357 -.15(ve q)-.25 H 6.057 +(option from the command line is used.)2.5 E 7.657 -.8(To c)127 277.2 T +6.057(ontrol the o).8 F -.15(ve)-.15 G 6.056 +(rall number of concurrently acti).15 F 6.356 -.15(ve q)-.25 H 6.056 (ueue runners the option).15 F F0(MaxQueueChildr)102 289.2 Q(en)-.18 E -F1 .056(can be set.)2.556 F .055 +F1 .055(can be set.)2.555 F .055 (This limits the number of processes used for running the queues to) -5.056 F F0(MaxQueueChildr)102 301.2 Q(en)-.18 E F1 3.629(,t)C 1.129 -(hough at an)-3.629 F 3.629(yo)-.15 G 1.129(ne time fe)-3.629 F 1.129 -(wer processes may be acti)-.25 F 1.43 -.15(ve a)-.25 H 3.63(sar).15 G -1.13(esult of queue)-3.63 F +5.055 F F0(MaxQueueChildr)102 301.2 Q(en)-.18 E F1 3.63(,t)C 1.13 +(hough at an)-3.63 F 3.63(yo)-.15 G 1.13(ne time fe)-3.63 F 1.129 +(wer processes may be acti)-.25 F 1.429 -.15(ve a)-.25 H 3.629(sar).15 G +1.129(esult of queue)-3.629 F (options, completed queue runs, system load, etc.)102 313.2 Q .602 (The maximum number of queue runners for an indi)127 329.4 R .602 (vidual queue group can be controlled via)-.25 F(the)102 341.4 Q F0 -(Runners)2.584 E F1 2.584(option. If)2.584 F .084(set to 0, entries in \ -the queue will not be processed, which is useful to `)2.584 F(`quar)-.74 -E(-)-.2 E(antine')102 353.4 Q 4.516('q)-.74 G 2.016(ueue \214les.)-4.516 +(Runners)2.585 E F1 2.585(option. If)2.585 F .084(set to 0, entries in \ +the queue will not be processed, which is useful to `)2.585 F(`quar)-.74 +E(-)-.2 E(antine')102 353.4 Q 4.515('q)-.74 G 2.015(ueue \214les.)-4.515 F 2.016 (The number of runners per queue group may also be set with the option) -7.016 F F0(MaxRunnersP)102 365.4 Q(erQueue)-.2 E F1 3.208(,w)C .708 -(hich applies to queue groups that ha)-3.208 F 1.009 -.15(ve n)-.2 H -3.209(oi).15 G(ndi)-3.209 E .709(vidual limit.)-.25 F .709(That is, the) -5.709 F(def)102 377.4 Q(ault v)-.1 E(alue for)-.25 E F0(Runners)2.5 E F1 +7.015 F F0(MaxRunnersP)102 365.4 Q(erQueue)-.2 E F1 3.209(,w)C .709 +(hich applies to queue groups that ha)-3.209 F 1.008 -.15(ve n)-.2 H +3.208(oi).15 G(ndi)-3.208 E .708(vidual limit.)-.25 F .708(That is, the) +5.708 F(def)102 377.4 Q(ault v)-.1 E(alue for)-.25 E F0(Runners)2.5 E F1 (is)2.5 E F0(MaxRunnersP)2.5 E(erQueue)-.2 E F1(if set, otherwise 1.)2.5 E 1.087 (The \214eld Jobs describes the maximum number of jobs \(messages deli) @@ -7897,30 +7906,30 @@ E 1.087 (which is the queue group speci\214c v)102 405.6 Q(alue of)-.25 E F0 (MaxQueueRunSize)2.5 E F1(.)A .175(Notice: queue groups should be decla\ red after all queue related options ha)127 421.8 R .475 -.15(ve b)-.2 H -.175(een set because).15 F .315(queue groups tak)102 433.8 R 2.814(et) +.175(een set because).15 F .314(queue groups tak)102 433.8 R 2.814(et) -.1 G .314(heir def)-2.814 F .314(aults from those options.)-.1 F .314 -(If an option is set after a queue group declara-)5.314 F .187 +(If an option is set after a queue group declara-)5.314 F .188 (tion, the v)102 445.8 R .187 (alues of options in the queue group are set to the def)-.25 F .187 -(aults of)-.1 F F2(sendmail)2.688 E F1 .188(unless e)2.688 F .188 -(xplicitly set)-.15 F(in the declaration.)102 457.8 Q 1.973(Each en)127 +(aults of)-.1 F F2(sendmail)2.687 E F1 .187(unless e)2.687 F .187 +(xplicitly set)-.15 F(in the declaration.)102 457.8 Q 1.972(Each en)127 474 R -.15(ve)-.4 G 1.972(lope is assigned to a queue group based on th\ e algorithm described in section).15 F -.74(``)102 486 S (Queue Groups and Queue Directories').74 E('.)-.74 E F0 2.5(5.11. X)87 510 R 2.5<8a4d>2.5 G(ail Filter \(Milter\) De\214nitions)-2.5 E F1(The) -127 526.2 Q F2(sendmail)3.936 E F1 1.437 +127 526.2 Q F2(sendmail)3.937 E F1 1.437 (Mail Filter API \(Milter\) is designed to allo)3.937 F 3.937(wt)-.25 G -1.437(hird-party programs access to)-3.937 F .178(mail messages as the) -102 538.2 R 2.678(ya)-.15 G .177 +1.437(hird-party programs access to)-3.937 F .177(mail messages as the) +102 538.2 R 2.677(ya)-.15 G .177 (re being processed in order to \214lter meta-information and content.) --2.678 F(The)5.177 E 2.677(ya)-.15 G(re)-2.677 E +-2.677 F(The)5.178 E 2.678(ya)-.15 G(re)-2.678 E (declared in the con\214guration \214le as:)102 550.2 Q F0(X)142 566.4 Q F2(name)A F1({,)2.5 E F2(\214eld)2.5 E F1(=)A F2(value)A F1(}*)1.666 E (where)102 582.6 Q F2(name)4.688 E F1 2.188(is the name of the \214lter\ \(used internally only\) and the \231\214eld=name\232 pairs de\214ne) -4.688 F(attrib)102 594.6 Q .492(utes of the \214lter)-.2 F 5.492(.A)-.55 -G .491(lso see the documentation for the)-5.492 F F0(InputMailFilters) -2.991 E F1 .491(option for more infor)2.991 F(-)-.2 E(mation.)102 606.6 +4.688 F(attrib)102 594.6 Q .491(utes of the \214lter)-.2 F 5.491(.A)-.55 +G .491(lso see the documentation for the)-5.491 F F0(InputMailFilters) +2.992 E F1 .492(option for more infor)2.992 F(-)-.2 E(mation.)102 606.6 Q(Fields are:)127 622.8 Q(Sock)142 639 Q 42.38(et The)-.1 F(sock)2.5 E (et speci\214cation)-.1 E 47.83(Flags Special)142 651 R (\215ags for this \214lter)2.5 E -.35(Ti)142 663 S 32.07(meouts T).35 F @@ -7937,10 +7946,10 @@ BP /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF 193.36(SMM:08-88 Sendmail)72 60 R (Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E(S=inet6:)142 96 Q/F1 10 /Times-Italic@0 SF(port)2.5 E F0(@)2.5 E F1(host)2.5 E F0(S=local:)142 -116.4 Q F1(path)2.5 E/F2 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 1.791(The \214rst tw)102 +116.4 Q F1(path)2.5 E/F2 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 1.792(The \214rst tw)102 132.6 R 4.291(od)-.1 G 1.791(escribe an IPv4 or IPv6 sock)-4.291 F 1.791 (et listening on a certain)-.1 F F1(port)4.291 E F2 1.791(at a gi)4.291 -F -.15(ve)-.25 G(n).15 E F1(host)4.291 E F2 1.792(or IP)4.291 F 2.5 +F -.15(ve)-.25 G(n).15 E F1(host)4.291 E F2 1.791(or IP)4.291 F 2.5 (address. The)102 144.6 R(\214nal form describes a named sock)2.5 E (et on the \214lesystem at the gi)-.1 E -.15(ve)-.25 G(n).15 E F1(path) 2.5 E F2(.)A(The follo)127 160.8 Q @@ -7962,23 +7971,23 @@ Q F0(T=)2.5 E F2(equate:)2.5 E 13.33(CT)102 253.8 S 102 302.4 S -.15(ve)-13.89 G 1.186 (rall timeout between sending end-of-message to \214lter and w).15 F 1.186(aiting for the \214nal ackno)-.1 F(wl-)-.25 E(edgment.)122 314.4 Q -1.403(Note the separator between each timeout \214eld is a)127 330.6 R -F0(';')3.902 E F2 6.402(.T)C 1.402(he def)-6.402 F 1.402(ault v)-.1 F -1.402(alues \(if not set\) are:)-.25 F F0(T=C:5m;S:10s;R:10s;E:5m)102 +1.402(Note the separator between each timeout \214eld is a)127 330.6 R +F0(';')3.903 E F2 6.403(.T)C 1.403(he def)-6.403 F 1.403(ault v)-.1 F +1.403(alues \(if not set\) are:)-.25 F F0(T=C:5m;S:10s;R:10s;E:5m)102 342.6 Q F2(where)2.5 E F0(s)2.5 E F2(is seconds and)2.5 E F0(m)2.5 E F2 (is minutes.)2.5 E(Examples:)127 358.8 Q(X\214lter1, S=local:/v)142 375 Q(ar/run/f1.sock, F=R)-.25 E(X\214lter2, S=inet6:999@localhost, F=T)142 387 Q 2.5(,T)-.74 G(=S:1s;R:1s;E:5m)-2.5 E (X\214lter3, S=inet:3333@localhost, T=C:2m)142 399 Q F0 2.5(5.12. The)87 -427.2 R(User Database)2.5 E F2 .478 +427.2 R(User Database)2.5 E F2 .479 (The user database is deprecated in f)127 443.4 R -.2(avo)-.1 G 2.978 -(ro).2 G 2.978(f`)-2.978 G(`virtusertable')-3.718 E 2.979('a)-.74 G .479 -(nd `)-2.979 F(`genericstable')-.74 E 2.979('a)-.74 G 2.979(se)-2.979 G -(xplained)-3.129 E 1.03(in the \214le)102 455.4 R F0(cf/README)3.53 E F2 -6.03(.I)C 3.53(fy)-6.03 G 1.03(ou ha)-3.53 F 1.329 -.15(ve a ve)-.2 H -1.029(rsion of).15 F F1(sendmail)3.529 E F2 1.029 -(with the user database package com-)3.529 F(piled in, the handling of \ -sender and recipient addresses is modi\214ed.)102 467.4 Q +(ro).2 G 2.978(f`)-2.978 G(`virtusertable')-3.718 E 2.978('a)-.74 G .478 +(nd `)-2.978 F(`genericstable')-.74 E 2.978('a)-.74 G 2.978(se)-2.978 G +(xplained)-3.128 E 1.029(in the \214le)102 455.4 R F0(cf/README)3.529 E +F2 6.029(.I)C 3.529(fy)-6.029 G 1.029(ou ha)-3.529 F 1.329 -.15(ve a ve) +-.2 H 1.029(rsion of).15 F F1(sendmail)3.529 E F2 1.03 +(with the user database package com-)3.53 F(piled in, the handling of s\ +ender and recipient addresses is modi\214ed.)102 467.4 Q (The location of this database is controlled with the)127 483.6 Q F0 (UserDatabaseSpec)2.5 E F2(option.)2.5 E F0 2.5(5.12.1. Structur)102 507.6 R 2.5(eo)-.18 G 2.5(ft)-2.5 G(he user database)-2.5 E F2 @@ -7986,28 +7995,28 @@ sender and recipient addresses is modi\214ed.)102 467.4 Q (User records are stored with the k)5 E -.15(ey)-.1 G(:).15 E F1(user) 157 540 Q(-name)-.2 E F0(:)A F1(\214eld-name)A F2 .128(The sorted datab\ ase format ensures that user records are clustered together)117 556.2 R -5.129(.M)-.55 G .129(eta-information is)-5.129 F(al)117 568.2 Q -.1(wa) +5.128(.M)-.55 G .128(eta-information is)-5.128 F(al)117 568.2 Q -.1(wa) -.1 G(ys stored with a leading colon.).1 E (Field names de\214ne both the syntax and semantics of the v)142 584.4 Q 2.5(alue. De\214ned)-.25 F(\214elds include:)2.5 E 33.39(maildrop The) -117 600.6 R(deli)4.873 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.373(ry address for this user) -.15 F 7.373(.T)-.55 G 2.372(here may be multiple v)-7.373 F 2.372 +117 600.6 R(deli)4.872 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.372(ry address for this user) +.15 F 7.372(.T)-.55 G 2.373(here may be multiple v)-7.372 F 2.373 (alues of this)-.25 F 2.675(record. In)189 612.6 R(particular)2.675 E 2.675(,m)-.4 G .175(ailing lists will ha)-2.675 F .475 -.15(ve o)-.2 H (ne).15 E F1(maildr)2.675 E(op)-.45 E F2 .175(record for each user)2.675 -F(on the list.)189 624.6 Q 30.06(mailname The)117 640.8 R 1.027 -(outgoing mailname for this user)3.527 F 6.026(.F)-.55 G 1.026 +F(on the list.)189 624.6 Q 30.06(mailname The)117 640.8 R 1.026 +(outgoing mailname for this user)3.526 F 6.026(.F)-.55 G 1.027 (or each outgoing name, there should)-6.176 F .08(be an appropriate)189 652.8 R F1(maildr)2.58 E(op)-.45 E F2 .08(record for that name to allo) 2.58 F 2.58(wr)-.25 G .08(eturn mail.)-2.58 F .08(See also)5.08 F F1 (:default:mailname)189 664.8 Q F2(.)A 25.62(mailsender Changes)117 681 R -(an)3.448 E 3.448(ym)-.15 G .948(ail sent to this address to ha)-3.448 F -1.247 -.15(ve t)-.2 H .947(he indicated en).15 F -.15(ve)-.4 G .947 +(an)3.447 E 3.447(ym)-.15 G .947(ail sent to this address to ha)-3.447 F +1.248 -.15(ve t)-.2 H .948(he indicated en).15 F -.15(ve)-.4 G .948 (lope sender).15 F(.)-.55 E .498(This is intended for mailing lists, an\ -d will normally be the name of an appro-)189 693 R .755 -(priate -request address.)189 705 R .755(It is v)5.755 F .755 -(ery similar to the o)-.15 F(wner)-.25 E(-)-.2 E F1(list)A F2 .754 -(syntax in the alias)3.254 F(\214le.)189 717 Q 0 Cg EP +d will normally be the name of an appro-)189 693 R .754 +(priate -request address.)189 705 R .754(It is v)5.754 F .755 +(ery similar to the o)-.15 F(wner)-.25 E(-)-.2 E F1(list)A F2 .755 +(syntax in the alias)3.255 F(\214le.)189 717 Q 0 Cg EP %%Page: 89 85 %%BeginPageSetup BP @@ -8023,69 +8032,69 @@ BP 160.8 R(home address for this user)2.5 E(.)-.55 E 19.51(home-phone The) 117 177 R(home phone number for this user)2.5 E(.)-.55 E(home-f)117 193.2 Q 31.28(ax The)-.1 F(home F)2.5 E(AX number for this user)-.74 E -(.)-.55 E 41.73(project A)117 209.4 R .855 -(\(short\) description of the project this person is af)3.355 F .856 -(\214liated with.)-.25 F .856(In the Uni-)5.856 F -.15(ve)189 221.4 S +(.)-.55 E 41.73(project A)117 209.4 R .856 +(\(short\) description of the project this person is af)3.356 F .855 +(\214liated with.)-.25 F .855(In the Uni-)5.855 F -.15(ve)189 221.4 S (rsity this is often just the name of their graduate advisor).15 E(.) -.55 E 52.28(plan A)117 237.6 R (pointer to a \214le from which plan information can be g)2.5 E -(athered.)-.05 E .925(As of this writing, only a fe)142 253.8 R 3.424 -(wo)-.25 G 3.424(ft)-3.424 G .924 +(athered.)-.05 E .924(As of this writing, only a fe)142 253.8 R 3.424 +(wo)-.25 G 3.424(ft)-3.424 G .925 (hese \214elds are actually being used by)-3.424 F/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 -SF(sendmail)3.424 E F1(:)A F2(mail-)3.424 E(dr)117 265.8 Q(op)-.45 E F1 +SF(sendmail)3.425 E F1(:)A F2(mail-)3.425 E(dr)117 265.8 Q(op)-.45 E F1 (and)2.5 E F2(mailname)2.5 E F1 5(.A)C F2(\214ng)-2.5 E(er)-.1 E F1 (program that uses the other \214elds is planned.)2.5 E F0 2.5 -(5.12.2. User)102 289.8 R(database semantics)2.5 E F1 .995(When the re) +(5.12.2. User)102 289.8 R(database semantics)2.5 E F1 .996(When the re) 142 306 R .995(writing rules submit an address to the local mailer)-.25 -F 3.496(,t)-.4 G .996(he user name is passed)-3.496 F .781 -(through the alias \214le.)117 318 R .78(If no alias is found \(or if t\ -he alias points back to the same address\), the)5.781 F 1.777 +F 3.495(,t)-.4 G .995(he user name is passed)-3.495 F .78 +(through the alias \214le.)117 318 R .781(If no alias is found \(or if \ +the alias points back to the same address\), the)5.78 F 1.778 (name \(with \231:maildrop\232 appended\) is then used as a k)117 330 R -2.078 -.15(ey i)-.1 H 4.278(nt).15 G 1.778(he user database.)-4.278 F -1.778(If no match)6.778 F +2.077 -.15(ey i)-.1 H 4.277(nt).15 G 1.777(he user database.)-4.277 F +1.777(If no match)6.777 F (occurs \(or if the maildrop points at the same address\), forw)117 342 -Q(arding is tried.)-.1 E .551(If the \214rst tok)142 358.2 R .55(en of \ +Q(arding is tried.)-.1 E .55(If the \214rst tok)142 358.2 R .551(en of \ the user name returned by ruleset 0 is an \231@\232 sign, the user data\ -base)-.1 F .625(lookup is skipped.)117 370.2 R .625 -(The intent is that the user database will act as a set of def)5.625 F -.626(aults for a cluster)-.1 F 1.533 +base)-.1 F .626(lookup is skipped.)117 370.2 R .625 +(The intent is that the user database will act as a set of def)5.626 F +.625(aults for a cluster)-.1 F 1.533 (\(in our case, the Computer Science Di)117 382.2 R 1.533 (vision\); mail sent to a speci\214c machine should ignore)-.25 F (these def)117 394.2 Q(aults.)-.1 E .351 (When mail is sent, the name of the sending user is look)142 410.4 R -.351(ed up in the database.)-.1 F .352(If that user)5.351 F .041 +.351(ed up in the database.)-.1 F .351(If that user)5.351 F .04 (has a \231mailname\232 record, the v)117 422.4 R .041 -(alue of that record is used as their outgoing name.)-.25 F -.15(Fo)5.04 -G 2.54(re).15 G .04(xample, I)-2.69 F(might ha)117 434.4 Q .3 -.15 -(ve a r)-.2 H(ecord:).15 E 12.29(eric:mailname Eric.Allman@CS.Berk)157 -450.6 R(ele)-.1 E -.65(y.)-.15 G(EDU).65 E(This w)117 466.8 Q -(ould cause my outgoing mail to be sent as Eric.Allman.)-.1 E .519 +(alue of that record is used as their outgoing name.)-.25 F -.15(Fo) +5.041 G 2.541(re).15 G .041(xample, I)-2.691 F(might ha)117 434.4 Q .3 +-.15(ve a r)-.2 H(ecord:).15 E 12.29(eric:mailname Eric.Allman@CS.Berk) +157 450.6 R(ele)-.1 E -.65(y.)-.15 G(EDU).65 E(This w)117 466.8 Q +(ould cause my outgoing mail to be sent as Eric.Allman.)-.1 E .52 (If a \231maildrop\232 is found for the user)142 483 R 3.019(,b)-.4 G -.52(ut no corresponding \231mailname\232 record e)-3.219 F .52 -(xists, the)-.15 F 1.128(record \231:def)117 495 R 1.128 +.519(ut no corresponding \231mailname\232 record e)-3.219 F .519 +(xists, the)-.15 F 1.127(record \231:def)117 495 R 1.127 (ault:mailname\232 is consulted.)-.1 F 1.127 -(If present, this is the name of a host to o)6.128 F -.15(ve)-.15 G -1.127(rride the).15 F .625(local host.)117 507 R -.15(Fo)5.625 G 3.125 +(If present, this is the name of a host to o)6.127 F -.15(ve)-.15 G +1.128(rride the).15 F .625(local host.)117 507 R -.15(Fo)5.625 G 3.125 (re).15 G .625(xample, in our case we w)-3.275 F .625 (ould set it to \231CS.Berk)-.1 F(ele)-.1 E -.65(y.)-.15 G 3.125 (EDU\232. The).65 F(ef)3.125 E .625(fect is that)-.25 F(an)117 519 Q -.882(yone kno)-.15 F .882(wn in the database gets their outgoing mail s\ +.881(yone kno)-.15 F .882(wn in the database gets their outgoing mail s\ tamped as \231user@CS.Berk)-.25 F(ele)-.1 E -.65(y.)-.15 G(EDU\232,).65 E -.2(bu)117 531 S 2.5(tp).2 G (eople not listed in the database use the local hostname.)-2.5 E F0 2.5 (5.12.3. Cr)102 557 R(eating the database)-.18 E/F3 7/Times-Bold@0 SF (23)-4 I F1 .375(The user database is b)142 573.2 R .375(uilt from a te) -.2 F .375(xt \214le using the)-.15 F F2(mak)2.875 E(emap)-.1 E F1 .375 -(utility \(in the distrib)2.875 F .375(ution in)-.2 F 1.038(the mak)117 -585.2 R 1.038(emap subdirectory\).)-.1 F 1.038(The te)6.038 F 1.039 +(utility \(in the distrib)2.875 F .375(ution in)-.2 F 1.039(the mak)117 +585.2 R 1.039(emap subdirectory\).)-.1 F 1.039(The te)6.039 F 1.038 (xt \214le is a series of lines corresponding to userdb records;)-.15 F -1.589(each line has a k)117 597.2 R 1.889 -.15(ey a)-.1 H 1.589(nd a v) +1.588(each line has a k)117 597.2 R 1.889 -.15(ey a)-.1 H 1.589(nd a v) .15 F 1.589(alue separated by white space.)-.25 F 1.589(The k)6.589 F -1.889 -.15(ey i)-.1 H 4.089(sa).15 G -.1(lwa)-4.089 G 1.588 +1.889 -.15(ey i)-.1 H 4.089(sa).15 G -.1(lwa)-4.089 G 1.589 (ys in the format).1 F(described abo)117 609.2 Q .3 -.15(ve \212 f)-.15 H(or e).15 E(xample:)-.15 E(eric:maildrop)157 625.4 Q 3.984 (This \214le is normally installed in a system directory; for e)117 -641.6 R 3.985(xample, it might be called)-.15 F F2(/etc/mail/user)117 +641.6 R 3.984(xample, it might be called)-.15 F F2(/etc/mail/user)117 653.6 Q(db)-.37 E F1 5(.T)C 2.5(om)-5.8 G(ak)-2.5 E 2.5(et)-.1 G (he database v)-2.5 E(ersion of the map, run the program:)-.15 E .32 LW 76 669.2 72 669.2 DL 80 669.2 76 669.2 DL 84 669.2 80 669.2 DL 88 669.2 @@ -8100,10 +8109,10 @@ DL 104 669.2 100 669.2 DL 108 669.2 104 669.2 DL 112 669.2 108 669.2 DL 669.2 184 669.2 DL 192 669.2 188 669.2 DL 196 669.2 192 669.2 DL 200 669.2 196 669.2 DL 204 669.2 200 669.2 DL 208 669.2 204 669.2 DL 212 669.2 208 669.2 DL 216 669.2 212 669.2 DL/F4 5/Times-Roman@0 SF(23)93.6 -679.6 Q/F5 8/Times-Roman@0 SF .472(These instructions are kno)3.2 J .472 -(wn to be incomplete.)-.2 F .473(Other features are a)4.472 F -.2(va) --.16 G .473(ilable which pro).2 F .473(vide similar functionality)-.12 F -2.473(,e)-.52 G .473(.g., virtual)-2.473 F +679.6 Q/F5 8/Times-Roman@0 SF .473(These instructions are kno)3.2 J .473 +(wn to be incomplete.)-.2 F .472(Other features are a)4.473 F -.2(va) +-.16 G .472(ilable which pro).2 F .472(vide similar functionality)-.12 F +2.472(,e)-.52 G .472(.g., virtual)-2.472 F (hosting and mapping local addresses into a generic form as e)72 692.4 Q (xplained in cf/README.)-.12 E 0 Cg EP %%Page: 90 86 @@ -8120,41 +8129,41 @@ G 2.577(re).15 G .077 (de\214ne\(\222confUSERDB_SPEC\264, /etc/mail/userdb\))157 140.4 Q F0 2.5(6. O)72 168.6 R(THER CONFIGURA)-.4 E(TION)-.95 E F1 .907 (There are some con\214guration changes that can be made by recompiling) -112 184.8 R/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sendmail)3.407 E F1 5.907(.T)C .907 +112 184.8 R/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sendmail)3.407 E F1 5.907(.T)C .906 (his section)-5.907 F 1.139(describes what changes can be made and what\ has to be modi\214ed to mak)87 196.8 R 3.639(et)-.1 G 3.639(hem. In) --3.639 F 1.138(most cases this)3.639 F +-3.639 F 1.139(most cases this)3.639 F (should be unnecessary unless you are porting)87 208.8 Q F2(sendmail)2.5 E F1(to a ne)2.5 E 2.5(we)-.25 G -.4(nv)-2.5 G(ironment.).4 E F0 2.5 (6.1. P)87 232.8 R(arameters in de)-.1 E(vtools/OS/$oscf)-.15 E F1 .92 (These parameters are intended to describe the compilation en)127 249 R .92(vironment, not site polic)-.4 F 2.22 -.65(y, a)-.15 H(nd).65 E .739 (should normally be de\214ned in the operating system con\214guration \ -\214le.)102 261 R F0 .739(This section needs a com-)5.739 F(plete r)102 -273 Q(ewrite.)-.18 E F1 39.5(NDBM If)102 289.2 R .664(set, the ne)3.164 -F 3.164(wv)-.25 G .664(ersion of the DBM library that allo)-3.314 F .665 -(ws multiple databases will be)-.25 F 2.543(used. If)174 301.2 R .042 -(neither NDBM nor NEWDB are set, a much less ef)2.543 F .042 +\214le.)102 261 R F0 .74(This section needs a com-)5.739 F(plete r)102 +273 Q(ewrite.)-.18 E F1 39.5(NDBM If)102 289.2 R .665(set, the ne)3.165 +F 3.165(wv)-.25 G .664(ersion of the DBM library that allo)-3.315 F .664 +(ws multiple databases will be)-.25 F 2.542(used. If)174 301.2 R .042 +(neither NDBM nor NEWDB are set, a much less ef)2.542 F .043 (\214cient method of alias)-.25 F(lookup is used.)174 313.2 Q 32.84 -(NEWDB If)102 329.4 R .141(set, use the ne)2.641 F 2.642(wd)-.25 G .142 -(atabase package from Berk)-2.642 F(ele)-.1 E 2.642(y\()-.15 G .142 -(from 4.4BSD\).)-2.642 F .142(This package)5.142 F .267 +(NEWDB If)102 329.4 R .142(set, use the ne)2.642 F 2.642(wd)-.25 G .142 +(atabase package from Berk)-2.642 F(ele)-.1 E 2.641(y\()-.15 G .141 +(from 4.4BSD\).)-2.641 F .141(This package)5.141 F .266 (is substantially f)174 341.4 R .267(aster than DBM or NDBM.)-.1 F .267 (If NEWDB and NDBM are both set,)5.267 F F2(sendmail)174 353.4 Q F1 (will read DBM \214les, b)2.5 E(ut will create and use NEWDB \214les.) --.2 E 53.39(NIS Include)102 369.6 R .119(support for NIS.)2.619 F .119 +-.2 E 53.39(NIS Include)102 369.6 R .12(support for NIS.)2.62 F .119 (If set together with)5.119 F F2(both)2.619 E F1 .119(NEWDB and NDBM,) -2.619 F F2(sendmail)2.62 E F1 .947(will create both DBM and NEWDB \214l\ -es if and only if an alias \214le includes the)174 381.6 R 3.409 +2.619 F F2(sendmail)2.619 E F1 .947(will create both DBM and NEWDB \214\ +les if and only if an alias \214le includes the)174 381.6 R 3.409 (substring \231/yp/\232 in the name.)174 393.6 R 3.409 (This is intended for compatibility with Sun)8.409 F(Microsystems')174 405.6 Q F2(mkalias)2.5 E F1(program used on YP masters.)2.5 E 28.94 (NISPLUS Compile)102 421.8 R(in support for NIS+.)2.5 E 26.73 (NETINFO Compile)102 438 R(in support for NetInfo \(NeXT stations\).)2.5 -E(LD)102 454.2 Q 22.12(APMAP Compile)-.4 F 1.226(in support for LD)3.726 -F 1.226(AP X500 queries.)-.4 F 1.225(Requires libldap and liblber from) -6.225 F 2.798(the Umich LD)174 466.2 R 2.798 -(AP 3.2 or 3.3 release or equi)-.4 F -.25(va)-.25 G 2.799 +E(LD)102 454.2 Q 22.12(APMAP Compile)-.4 F 1.225(in support for LD)3.725 +F 1.225(AP X500 queries.)-.4 F 1.226(Requires libldap and liblber from) +6.226 F 2.799(the Umich LD)174 466.2 R 2.798 +(AP 3.2 or 3.3 release or equi)-.4 F -.25(va)-.25 G 2.798 (lent libraries for other LD).25 F(AP)-.4 E(libraries such as OpenLD)174 478.2 Q(AP)-.4 E(.)-1.11 E 32.84(HESIOD Compile)102 494.4 R (in support for Hesiod.)2.5 E 22.83(MAP_NSD Compile)102 510.6 R @@ -8166,8 +8175,8 @@ E F2( E F1(\214le.)2.5 E 30.05(PH_MAP Compile)102 559.2 R (in support for SASL, a required component for SMTP Authentication)3.974 F(support.)174 587.4 Q(ST)102 603.6 Q(AR)-.93 E 21.58(TTLS Compile)-.6 F (in support for ST)2.5 E(AR)-.93 E(TTLS.)-.6 E 48.95(EGD Compile)102 -619.8 R .067(in support for the "Entrop)2.567 F 2.567(yG)-.1 G .067 -(athering Daemon" to pro)-2.567 F .068(vide better random)-.15 F +619.8 R .068(in support for the "Entrop)2.568 F 2.567(yG)-.1 G .067 +(athering Daemon" to pro)-2.567 F .067(vide better random)-.15 F (data for TLS.)174 631.8 Q -1.63(TCPWRAPPERS Compile)102 648 R (in support for TCP Wrappers.)2.5 E(_P)102 664.2 Q -1.11(AT)-.92 G (H_SENDMAILCF)1.11 E(The pathname of the \214le.)174 676.2 Q @@ -8182,26 +8191,26 @@ BP (Compile in support for shared memory)174 108 Q 2.5(,s)-.65 G (ee section about "/v)-2.5 E(ar/spool/mqueue".)-.25 E(MIL)102 124.2 Q 33.2(TER Compile)-.92 F(in support for contacting e)2.5 E -(xternal mail \214lters b)-.15 E(uilt with the Milter API.)-.2 E 1.44 +(xternal mail \214lters b)-.15 E(uilt with the Milter API.)-.2 E 1.439 (There are also se)127 140.4 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.439 -(ral compilation \215ags to indicate the en).15 F 1.439 +(ral compilation \215ags to indicate the en).15 F 1.44 (vironment such as \231_AIX3\232 and)-.4 F 2.5(\231_SCO_unix_\232. See) 102 152.4 R (the sendmail/README \214le for the latest scoop on these \215ags.)2.5 E F0 2.5(6.2. P)87 176.4 R(arameters in sendmail/conf)-.1 E(.h)-.15 E F1 --.15(Pa)127 192.6 S .895 -(rameters and compilation options are de\214ned in conf.h.).15 F .896 -(Most of these need not normally)5.895 F .193(be tweak)102 204.6 R .192 +-.15(Pa)127 192.6 S .896 +(rameters and compilation options are de\214ned in conf.h.).15 F .895 +(Most of these need not normally)5.895 F .192(be tweak)102 204.6 R .192 (ed; common parameters are all in F(Ho)5.192 E(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G .992 -.4(r, t).15 H .192(he sizes of certain primiti).4 -F .492 -.15(ve ve)-.25 H(c-).15 E +F .493 -.15(ve ve)-.25 H(c-).15 E (tors, etc., are included in this \214le.)102 216.6 Q(The numbers follo) 5 E(wing the parameters are their def)-.25 E(ault v)-.1 E(alue.)-.25 E 1.247(This document is not the best source of information for compilati\ on \215ags in conf.h \212 see)127 232.8 R (sendmail/README or sendmail/conf.h itself.)102 244.8 Q(MAXLINE [2048]) -102 261 Q 2.069(The maximum line length of an)11.14 F 4.568(yi)-.15 G -2.068(nput line.)-4.568 F 2.068(If message lines e)7.068 F 2.068 +102 261 Q 2.068(The maximum line length of an)11.14 F 4.568(yi)-.15 G +2.068(nput line.)-4.568 F 2.069(If message lines e)7.068 F 2.069 (xceed this)-.15 F .575(length the)188.4 273 R 3.075(yw)-.15 G .575 (ill still be processed correctly; ho)-3.075 F(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.375 -.4(r, h).15 H .575(eader lines, con\214gura-).4 F @@ -8210,39 +8219,39 @@ on \215ags in conf.h \212 see)127 232.8 R 9.82 E 2.5(yn)-.15 G(ame, such as a host or a user name.)-2.5 E (MAXPV [256])102 317.4 Q .25(The maximum number of parameters to an) 26.13 F 2.75(ym)-.15 G(ailer)-2.75 E 5.25(.T)-.55 G .25 -(his limits the number of)-5.25 F .375 -(recipients that may be passed in one transaction.)188.4 329.4 R .376 -(It can be set to an)5.376 F 2.876(ya)-.15 G(rbitrary)-2.876 E .876 -(number abo)188.4 341.4 R 1.176 -.15(ve a)-.15 H .876(bout 10, since).15 +(his limits the number of)-5.25 F .376 +(recipients that may be passed in one transaction.)188.4 329.4 R .375 +(It can be set to an)5.376 F 2.875(ya)-.15 G(rbitrary)-2.875 E .875 +(number abo)188.4 341.4 R 1.175 -.15(ve a)-.15 H .876(bout 10, since).15 F/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sendmail)3.376 E F1 .876(will break up a deli) -3.376 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .875(ry into smaller).15 F .886 -(batches as needed.)188.4 353.4 R 3.386(Ah)5.886 G .887 -(igher number may reduce load on your system, ho)-3.386 F(w-)-.25 E +3.376 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .876(ry into smaller).15 F .887 +(batches as needed.)188.4 353.4 R 3.387(Ah)5.887 G .887 +(igher number may reduce load on your system, ho)-3.387 F(w-)-.25 E -2.15 -.25(ev e)188.4 365.4 T -.55(r.).25 G(MAXQ)102 381.6 Q(UEUEGR)-.1 E(OUPS [50])-.4 E(The maximum number of queue groups.)188.4 393.6 Q (MAXA)102 409.8 Q -.18(TO)-1.11 G 2.5(M[).18 G 3.26(1000] The)-2.5 F -.064(maximum number of atoms \(tok)2.564 F .063 -(ens\) in a single address.)-.1 F -.15(Fo)5.063 G 2.563(re).15 G .063 -(xample, the)-2.713 F(address \231eric@CS.Berk)188.4 421.8 Q(ele)-.1 E +.063(maximum number of atoms \(tok)2.563 F .063 +(ens\) in a single address.)-.1 F -.15(Fo)5.064 G 2.564(re).15 G .064 +(xample, the)-2.714 F(address \231eric@CS.Berk)188.4 421.8 Q(ele)-.1 E -.65(y.)-.15 G(EDU\232 is se).65 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(na).15 G(toms.) -2.5 E(MAXMAILERS [25])102 438 Q .122(The maximum number of mailers tha\ t may be de\214ned in the con\214guration \214le.).02 F(This v)188.4 450 Q(alue is de\214ned in include/sendmail/sendmail.h.)-.25 E(MAXR)102 -466.2 Q(WSETS [200])-.55 E .432(The maximum number of re).01 F .432 -(writing sets that may be de\214ned.)-.25 F .431(The \214rst half of) -5.431 F .034(these are reserv)188.4 478.2 R .034 -(ed for numeric speci\214cation \(e.g., `)-.15 F(`S92')-.74 E .035 -('\), while the upper half)-.74 F .492(are reserv)188.4 490.2 R .492 +466.2 Q(WSETS [200])-.55 E .431(The maximum number of re).01 F .432 +(writing sets that may be de\214ned.)-.25 F .432(The \214rst half of) +5.432 F .035(these are reserv)188.4 478.2 R .035 +(ed for numeric speci\214cation \(e.g., `)-.15 F(`S92')-.74 E .034 +('\), while the upper half)-.74 F .491(are reserv)188.4 490.2 R .491 (ed for auto-numbering \(e.g., `)-.15 F(`Sfoo')-.74 E 2.992('\). Thus,) --.74 F .492(with a v)2.992 F .491(alue of 200 an)-.25 F +-.74 F .492(with a v)2.992 F .492(alue of 200 an)-.25 F (attempt to use `)188.4 502.2 Q(`S99')-.74 E 2.5('w)-.74 G (ill succeed, b)-2.5 E(ut `)-.2 E(`S100')-.74 E 2.5('w)-.74 G(ill f)-2.5 -E(ail.)-.1 E(MAXPRIORITIES [25])102 518.4 Q 2.481 +E(ail.)-.1 E(MAXPRIORITIES [25])102 518.4 Q 2.482 (The maximum number of v)188.4 530.4 R 2.482 (alues for the \231Precedence:\232 \214eld that may be)-.25 F (de\214ned \(using the)188.4 542.4 Q F0(P)2.5 E F1 (line in\).)2.5 E(MAXUSERENVIR)102 558.6 Q(ON [100])-.4 E -.399(The maximum number of items in the user en)188.4 570.6 R .399 +.399(The maximum number of items in the user en)188.4 570.6 R .4 (vironment that will be passed to)-.4 F(subordinate mailers.)188.4 582.6 Q(MAXMXHOSTS [100])102 598.8 Q (The maximum number of MX records we will accept for an)188.4 610.8 Q @@ -8267,25 +8276,25 @@ ssage or Multipart documents; this does not limit the number of compo-) 1.353(ets sendmail will open for accepting connec-)-.1 F(tions on dif) 188.4 148.2 Q(ferent ports.)-.25 E(MAXMA)102 164.4 Q(CN)-.4 E (AMELEN [25])-.35 E(The maximum length of a macro name.)188.4 176.4 Q -2.851(An)102 192.6 S .351(umber of other compilation options e)-2.851 F -2.851(xist. These)-.15 F .35 +2.85(An)102 192.6 S .35(umber of other compilation options e)-2.85 F +2.851(xist. These)-.15 F .351 (specify whether or not speci\214c code should be)2.851 F(compiled in.) 102 204.6 Q(Ones mark)5 E(ed with \207 are 0/1 v)-.1 E(alued.)-.25 E 36.69(NETINET\207 If)102 220.8 R .829 -(set, support for Internet protocol netw)3.329 F .829 -(orking is compiled in.)-.1 F(Pre)5.829 E .83(vious v)-.25 F(er)-.15 E -(-)-.2 E .178(sions of)188.4 232.8 R/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sendmail) -2.678 E F1 .178(referred to this as)2.678 F/F3 9/Times-Roman@0 SF -.36 -(DA)2.678 G(EMON).36 E F1 2.677(;t)C .177(his old usage is no)-2.677 F -2.677(wi)-.25 G(ncorrect.)-2.677 E(Def)188.4 244.8 Q 1.87 +(set, support for Internet protocol netw)3.33 F .829 +(orking is compiled in.)-.1 F(Pre)5.829 E .829(vious v)-.25 F(er)-.15 E +(-)-.2 E .177(sions of)188.4 232.8 R/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sendmail) +2.677 E F1 .177(referred to this as)2.677 F/F3 9/Times-Roman@0 SF -.36 +(DA)2.678 G(EMON).36 E F1 2.678(;t)C .178(his old usage is no)-2.678 F +2.678(wi)-.25 G(ncorrect.)-2.678 E(Def)188.4 244.8 Q 1.87 (aults on; turn it of)-.1 F 4.37(fi)-.25 G 4.37(nt)-4.37 G 1.87(he Mak) -4.37 F 1.87(e\214le if your system doesn')-.1 F 4.37(ts)-.18 G 1.87 (upport the)-4.37 F(Internet protocols.)188.4 256.8 Q 31.69 (NETINET6\207 If)102 273 R 2.26(set, support for IPv6 netw)4.76 F 2.26 (orking is compiled in.)-.1 F 2.26(It must be separately)7.26 F (enabled by adding)188.4 285 Q F0(DaemonP)2.5 E(ortOptions)-.2 E F1 -(settings.)2.5 E 43.35(NETISO\207 If)102 301.2 R .142 -(set, support for ISO protocol netw)2.642 F .143 +(settings.)2.5 E 43.35(NETISO\207 If)102 301.2 R .143 +(set, support for ISO protocol netw)2.643 F .142 (orking is compiled in \(it may be appropri-)-.1 F (ate to #de\214ne this in the Mak)188.4 313.2 Q (e\214le instead of conf.h\).)-.1 E 34.47(NETUNIX\207 If)102 329.4 R .39 @@ -8295,25 +8304,25 @@ E 63.35(LOG If)102 357.6 R .5(set, the)3 F F2(syslo)3 E(g)-.1 E F1 .5 (routine in use at some sites is used.)3 F .5(This mak)5.5 F .5 (es an informa-)-.1 F .504 (tional log record for each message processed, and mak)188.4 369.6 R -.504(es a higher priority log)-.1 F .052 +.504(es a higher priority log)-.1 F .053 (record for internal system errors.)188.4 381.6 R F0(STR)5.052 E(ONGL) --.3 E 2.552(YR)-.92 G(ECOMMENDED)-2.552 E F1 2.553<8a69>2.552 G 2.553 -(fy)-2.553 G(ou)-2.553 E -.1(wa)188.4 393.6 S(nt no logging, turn it of) +-.3 E 2.552(YR)-.92 G(ECOMMENDED)-2.552 E F1 2.552<8a69>2.552 G 2.552 +(fy)-2.552 G(ou)-2.552 E -.1(wa)188.4 393.6 S(nt no logging, turn it of) .1 E 2.5(fi)-.25 G 2.5(nt)-2.5 G(he con\214guration \214le.)-2.5 E(MA) 102 409.8 Q 11.12(TCHGECOS\207 Compile)-1.11 F 3.555 (in the code to do `)6.055 F 3.555(`fuzzy matching')-.74 F 6.055('o)-.74 G 6.055(nt)-6.055 G 3.555(he GECOS \214eld in)-6.055 F 2.5 (/etc/passwd. This)188.4 421.8 R(also requires that the)2.5 E F0 (MatchGECOS)2.5 E F1(option be turned on.)2.5 E -.35(NA)102 438 S 13.15 -(MED_BIND\207 Compile).35 F .412(in code to use the Berk)2.912 F(ele)-.1 -E 2.913(yI)-.15 G .413(nternet Name Domain \(BIND\) serv)-2.913 F .413 +(MED_BIND\207 Compile).35 F .413(in code to use the Berk)2.913 F(ele)-.1 +E 2.912(yI)-.15 G .412(nternet Name Domain \(BIND\) serv)-2.912 F .412 (er to)-.15 F(resolv)188.4 450 Q 2.5(eT)-.15 G(CP/IP host names.)-2.5 E -(NO)102 466.2 Q 38.76(TUNIX If)-.4 F .248(you are using a non-UNIX mail\ - format, you can set this \215ag to turn of)2.748 F 2.747(fs)-.25 G(pe-) --2.747 E(cial processing of UNIX-style \231From \232 lines.)188.4 478.2 -Q 39.45(USERDB\207 Include)102 494.4 R(the)3.448 E F0(experimental)3.448 +(NO)102 466.2 Q 38.76(TUNIX If)-.4 F .247(you are using a non-UNIX mail\ + format, you can set this \215ag to turn of)2.747 F 2.748(fs)-.25 G(pe-) +-2.748 E(cial processing of UNIX-style \231From \232 lines.)188.4 478.2 +Q 39.45(USERDB\207 Include)102 494.4 R(the)3.449 E F0(experimental)3.449 E F1(Berk)3.449 E(ele)-.1 E 3.449(yu)-.15 G .949 -(ser information database package.)-3.449 F(This)5.949 E .27(adds a ne) +(ser information database package.)-3.449 F(This)5.948 E .27(adds a ne) 188.4 506.4 R 2.77(wl)-.25 G -2.15 -.25(ev e)-2.77 H 2.77(lo).25 G 2.77 (fl)-2.77 G .27(ocal name e)-2.77 F .27 (xpansion between aliasing and forw)-.15 F 2.77(arding. It)-.1 F @@ -8321,31 +8330,31 @@ E F1(Berk)3.449 E(ele)-.1 E 3.449(yu)-.15 G .949 (This may change in future releases.)5 E(The follo)102 534.6 Q (wing options are normally turned on in per)-.25 E (-operating-system clauses in conf.h.)-.2 E(IDENTPR)102 550.8 Q -1.88 --.4(OT O)-.4 H 19.61<8743>.4 G .375 -(ompile in the IDENT protocol as de\214ned in RFC 1413.)-19.61 F .376 -(This def)5.376 F .376(aults on for)-.1 F 1.053(all systems e)188.4 +-.4(OT O)-.4 H 19.61<8743>.4 G .376 +(ompile in the IDENT protocol as de\214ned in RFC 1413.)-19.61 F .375 +(This def)5.375 F .375(aults on for)-.1 F 1.053(all systems e)188.4 562.8 R 1.053(xcept Ultrix, which apparently has the interesting \231fe\ ature\232 that)-.15 F .83(when it recei)188.4 574.8 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.33(sa\231).15 G .83 (host unreachable\232 message it closes all open connections)-3.33 F -1.922(to that host.)188.4 586.8 R 1.922(Since some \214re)6.922 F -.1 -(wa)-.25 G 1.922(ll g).1 F(ate)-.05 E -.1(wa)-.25 G 1.921 +1.921(to that host.)188.4 586.8 R 1.921(Since some \214re)6.921 F -.1 +(wa)-.25 G 1.922(ll g).1 F(ate)-.05 E -.1(wa)-.25 G 1.922 (ys send this error code when you).1 F 2.055(access an unauthorized por\ t \(such as 113, used by IDENT\), Ultrix cannot)188.4 598.8 R(recei) 188.4 610.8 Q .3 -.15(ve e)-.25 H(mail from such hosts.).15 E 39.45 (SYSTEM5 Set)102 627 R (all of the compilation parameters appropriate for System V)2.5 E(.) --1.29 E 26.12(HASFLOCK\207 Use)102 643.2 R(Berk)2.845 E(ele)-.1 E -(y-style)-.15 E F0(\215ock)2.845 E F1 .345(instead of System V)2.845 F -F0(lockf)2.845 E F1 .344(to do \214le locking.)2.845 F .344(Due to)5.344 +-1.29 E 26.12(HASFLOCK\207 Use)102 643.2 R(Berk)2.844 E(ele)-.1 E +(y-style)-.15 E F0(\215ock)2.844 E F1 .344(instead of System V)2.844 F +F0(lockf)2.845 E F1 .345(to do \214le locking.)2.845 F .345(Due to)5.345 F .184(the highly unusual semantics of locks across forks in)188.4 655.2 -R F0(lockf)2.684 E F1 2.684(,t)C .185(his should al)-2.684 F -.1(wa)-.1 +R F0(lockf)2.684 E F1 2.684(,t)C .184(his should al)-2.684 F -.1(wa)-.1 G(ys).1 E(be used if at all possible.)188.4 667.2 Q(HASINITGR)102 683.4 -Q 4.86(OUPS Set)-.4 F 1.284(this if your system has the)3.784 F F2 -(initgr)3.784 E(oups\(\))-.45 E F1 1.284(call \(if you ha)3.784 F 1.583 --.15(ve m)-.2 H 1.283(ultiple group).15 F 4.416(support\). This)188.4 -695.4 R 1.916(is the def)4.416 F 1.916(ault if SYSTEM5 is)-.1 F F2(not) -4.416 E F1 1.917(de\214ned or if you are on)4.417 F(HPUX.)188.4 707.4 Q +Q 4.86(OUPS Set)-.4 F 1.284(this if your system has the)3.783 F F2 +(initgr)3.784 E(oups\(\))-.45 E F1 1.284(call \(if you ha)3.784 F 1.584 +-.15(ve m)-.2 H 1.284(ultiple group).15 F 4.417(support\). This)188.4 +695.4 R 1.917(is the def)4.417 F 1.917(ault if SYSTEM5 is)-.1 F F2(not) +4.416 E F1 1.916(de\214ned or if you are on)4.416 F(HPUX.)188.4 707.4 Q 0 Cg EP %%Page: 93 89 %%BeginPageSetup @@ -8353,8 +8362,8 @@ BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide)72 60 Q (SMM:08-93)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(HASUN)102 96 Q 27.59(AME Set) --.35 F 1.149(this if you ha)3.649 F 1.448 -.15(ve t)-.2 H(he).15 E/F2 10 -/Times-Italic@0 SF(uname)3.648 E F1 1.148 +-.35 F 1.148(this if you ha)3.648 F 1.448 -.15(ve t)-.2 H(he).15 E/F2 10 +/Times-Italic@0 SF(uname)3.648 E F1 1.149 (\(2\) system call \(or corresponding library rou-)B 2.5(tine\). Set) 188.4 108 R(by def)2.5 E(ault if SYSTEM5 is set.)-.1 E(HASGETDT)102 124.2 Q(ABLESIZE)-.93 E(Set this if you ha)188.4 136.2 Q .3 -.15(ve t) @@ -8365,52 +8374,52 @@ BP ossibly reuse the same pid in the same second of)188.4 180.6 R(time.) 188.4 192.6 Q 37.22(SFS_TYPE The)102 208.8 R .517 (mechanism that can be used to get \214le system capacity information.) -3.017 F(The)5.516 E -.25(va)188.4 220.8 S .214 -(lues can be one of SFS_UST).25 F 2.435 -1.11(AT \()-.93 H .215 +3.016 F(The)5.517 E -.25(va)188.4 220.8 S .215 +(lues can be one of SFS_UST).25 F 2.435 -1.11(AT \()-.93 H .214 (use the ustat\(2\) syscall\), SFS_4ARGS \(use)1.11 F .415(the four ar) 188.4 232.8 R .415(gument statfs\(2\) syscall\), SFS_VFS \(use the tw) -.18 F 2.915(oa)-.1 G -.18(rg)-2.915 G .415(ument statfs\(2\)).18 F .716 (syscall including \), SFS_MOUNT \(use the tw)188.4 244.8 R -3.217(oa)-.1 G -.18(rg)-3.217 G .717(ument statfs\(2\)).18 F 4.32 +3.216(oa)-.1 G -.18(rg)-3.216 G .716(ument statfs\(2\)).18 F 4.32 (syscall including \), SFS_ST)188.4 256.8 R -1.11(AT)-.93 G 4.32(FS \(use the tw)1.11 F 6.82(oa)-.1 G -.18(rg)-6.82 G(ument).18 E -1.108(statfs\(2\) syscall including \), SFS_ST)188.4 268.8 -R -1.11(AT)-.93 G 1.109(VFS \(use the tw)1.11 F 3.609(oa)-.1 G -.18(rg) --3.609 G(u-).18 E 1.511(ment statfs\(2\) syscall including \), or SFS_NONE \(no w)188.4 280.8 R 1.511(ay to)-.1 F +1.109(statfs\(2\) syscall including \), SFS_ST)188.4 268.8 +R -1.11(AT)-.93 G 1.109(VFS \(use the tw)1.11 F 3.608(oa)-.1 G -.18(rg) +-3.608 G(u-).18 E 1.511(ment statfs\(2\) syscall including \), or SFS_NONE \(no w)188.4 280.8 R 1.512(ay to)-.1 F (get this information\).)188.4 292.8 Q 40.57(LA_TYPE The)102 309 R (load a)2.5 E -.15(ve)-.2 G(rage type.).15 E(Details are described belo) -5 E -.65(w.)-.25 G .342(The are se)102 325.2 R -.15(ve)-.25 G .342 +5 E -.65(w.)-.25 G .343(The are se)102 325.2 R -.15(ve)-.25 G .342 (ral b).15 F .342(uilt-in w)-.2 F .342(ays of computing the load a)-.1 F --.15(ve)-.2 G(rage.).15 E F2(Sendmail)5.342 E F1 .343 -(tries to auto-con\214gure them)2.842 F .267 +-.15(ve)-.2 G(rage.).15 E F2(Sendmail)5.342 E F1 .342 +(tries to auto-con\214gure them)2.842 F .266 (based on imperfect guesses; you can select one using the)102 337.2 R F2 -(cc)2.766 E F1(option)2.766 E F0(\255DLA_TYPE=)2.766 E F2(type)A F1 -2.766(,w)C(here)-2.766 E F2(type)2.766 E F1(is:)102 349.2 Q 48.91 -(LA_INT The)102 365.4 R -.1(ke)3.452 G .952(rnel stores the load a).1 F +(cc)2.767 E F1(option)2.767 E F0(\255DLA_TYPE=)2.767 E F2(type)A F1 +2.767(,w)C(here)-2.767 E F2(type)2.767 E F1(is:)102 349.2 Q 48.91 +(LA_INT The)102 365.4 R -.1(ke)3.453 G .952(rnel stores the load a).1 F -.15(ve)-.2 G .952(rage in the k).15 F .952 (ernel as an array of long inte)-.1 F(gers.)-.15 E(The actual v)188.4 377.4 Q(alues are scaled by a f)-.25 E(actor FSCALE \(def)-.1 E -(ault 256\).)-.1 E(LA_SHOR)102 393.6 Q 35.89(TT)-.6 G .794(he k)-35.89 F -.794(ernel stores the load a)-.1 F -.15(ve)-.2 G .794(rage in the k).15 -F .793(ernel as an array of short inte)-.1 F(gers.)-.15 E(The actual v) +(ault 256\).)-.1 E(LA_SHOR)102 393.6 Q 35.89(TT)-.6 G .793(he k)-35.89 F +.793(ernel stores the load a)-.1 F -.15(ve)-.2 G .794(rage in the k).15 +F .794(ernel as an array of short inte)-.1 F(gers.)-.15 E(The actual v) 188.4 405.6 Q(alues are scaled by a f)-.25 E(actor FSCALE \(def)-.1 E -(ault 256\).)-.1 E(LA_FLO)102 421.8 Q 37.03 -1.11(AT T)-.35 H .088(he k) -1.11 F .088(ernel stores the load a)-.1 F -.15(ve)-.2 G .089 -(rage in the k).15 F .089(ernel as an array of double precision)-.1 F +(ault 256\).)-.1 E(LA_FLO)102 421.8 Q 37.03 -1.11(AT T)-.35 H .089(he k) +1.11 F .089(ernel stores the load a)-.1 F -.15(ve)-.2 G .089 +(rage in the k).15 F .088(ernel as an array of double precision)-.1 F (\215oats.)188.4 433.8 Q(LA_MA)102 450 Q 35.97(CH Use)-.4 F(MA)2.5 E (CH-style load a)-.4 E -.15(ve)-.2 G(rages.).15 E 39.45(LA_SUBR Call)102 466.2 R(the)2.5 E F2 -.1(ge)2.5 G(tloadavg).1 E F1 (routine to get the load a)2.5 E -.15(ve)-.2 G (rage as an array of doubles.).15 E(LA_ZER)102 482.4 Q 42.36(OA)-.4 G -.1(lwa)-42.36 G(ys return zero as the load a).1 E -.15(ve)-.2 G 2.5 -(rage. This).15 F(is the f)2.5 E(allback case.)-.1 E .494(If type)102 -498.6 R/F3 9/Times-Roman@0 SF(LA_INT)2.994 E F1(,)A F3(LA_SHOR)2.994 E -(T)-.54 E F1 2.994(,o)C(r)-2.994 E F3(LA_FLO)2.993 E -.999(AT)-.315 G F1 -.493(is speci\214ed, you may also need to specify)3.992 F F3(_P)2.993 E --.999(AT)-.828 G(H_UNIX).999 E F1 .948 +(rage. This).15 F(is the f)2.5 E(allback case.)-.1 E .493(If type)102 +498.6 R/F3 9/Times-Roman@0 SF(LA_INT)2.993 E F1(,)A F3(LA_SHOR)2.993 E +(T)-.54 E F1 2.993(,o)C(r)-2.993 E F3(LA_FLO)2.993 E -.999(AT)-.315 G F1 +.493(is speci\214ed, you may also need to specify)3.992 F F3(_P)2.994 E +-.999(AT)-.828 G(H_UNIX).999 E F1 .949 (\(the path to your system binary\) and)102 510.6 R F3(LA_A)3.448 E -(VENR)-1.215 E(UN)-.36 E F1 .949(\(the name of the v)3.448 F .949 +(VENR)-1.215 E(UN)-.36 E F1 .948(\(the name of the v)3.448 F .948 (ariable containing the load)-.25 F -2.25 -.2(av e)102 522.6 T (rage in the k).2 E(ernel; usually \231_a)-.1 E -.15(ve)-.2 G (nrun\232 or \231a).15 E -.15(ve)-.2 G(nrun\232\).).15 E F0 2.5 @@ -8418,55 +8427,55 @@ F .793(ernel as an array of short inte)-.1 F(gers.)-.15 E(The actual v) (The follo)127 562.8 Q(wing changes can be made in conf.c.)-.25 E F0 2.5 (6.3.1. Built-in)102 586.8 R(Header Semantics)2.5 E F1 1.248 (Not all header semantics are de\214ned in the con\214guration \214le.) -142 603 R 1.247(Header lines that should)6.247 F .305(only be included \ +142 603 R 1.248(Header lines that should)6.248 F .305(only be included \ by certain mailers \(as well as other more obscure semantics\) must be \ -speci\214ed)117 615 R .047(in the)117 627 R F2(HdrInfo)2.547 E F1 .047 -(table in)2.547 F F2(conf)2.547 E(.c)-.15 E F1 5.047(.T)C .046 -(his table contains the header name \(which should be in all lo)-5.047 F +speci\214ed)117 615 R .046(in the)117 627 R F2(HdrInfo)2.546 E F1 .046 +(table in)2.546 F F2(conf)2.546 E(.c)-.15 E F1 5.046(.T)C .047 +(his table contains the header name \(which should be in all lo)-5.046 F (wer)-.25 E(case\) and a set of header control \215ags \(described belo) 117 639 Q(w\), The \215ags are:)-.25 E(H_A)117 655.2 Q 30.97 (CHECK Normally)-.4 F .007 -(when the check is made to see if a header line is compatible with)2.507 -F 2.941(am)203.4 667.2 S(ailer)-2.941 E(,)-.4 E F2(sendmail)2.941 E F1 -.441(will not delete an e)2.941 F .441(xisting line.)-.15 F .44 -(If this \215ag is set,)5.441 F F2(send-)2.94 E(mail)203.4 679.2 Q F1 +(when the check is made to see if a header line is compatible with)2.508 +F 2.94(am)203.4 667.2 S(ailer)-2.94 E(,)-.4 E F2(sendmail)2.94 E F1 .441 +(will not delete an e)2.94 F .441(xisting line.)-.15 F .441 +(If this \215ag is set,)5.441 F F2(send-)2.941 E(mail)203.4 679.2 Q F1 .152(will delete e)2.652 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.652(ne).15 G .152 (xisting header lines.)-2.802 F .152 (That is, if this bit is set and the)5.152 F 1.425(mailer does not ha) 203.4 691.2 R 1.725 -.15(ve \215)-.2 H 1.425 (ag bits set that intersect with the required mailer).15 F 2.204 (\215ags in the header de\214nition in, the header line is) -203.4 703.2 R F2(always)4.704 E F1(deleted.)203.4 715.2 Q 0 Cg EP +203.4 703.2 R F2(always)4.703 E F1(deleted.)203.4 715.2 Q 0 Cg EP %%Page: 94 90 %%BeginPageSetup BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF 193.36(SMM:08-94 Sendmail)72 60 R (Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 51.13 -(H_EOH If)117 96 R .206(this header \214eld is set, treat it lik)2.706 F +(H_EOH If)117 96 R .206(this header \214eld is set, treat it lik)2.705 F 2.706(eab)-.1 G .206(lank line, i.e., it will signal the end)-2.706 F (of the header and the be)203.4 108 Q(ginning of the message te)-.15 E -(xt.)-.15 E 39.45(H_FORCE Add)117 124.2 R 2.038(this header entry e) -4.538 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 4.538(ni).15 G 4.538(fo)-4.538 G 2.038(ne e) --4.538 F 2.039(xisted in the message before.)-.15 F 2.039(If a)7.039 F -2.189(header entry does not ha)203.4 136.2 R 2.488 -.15(ve t)-.2 H 2.188 -(his bit set,).15 F/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sendmail)4.688 E F1 2.188 -(will not add another)4.688 F .62 +(xt.)-.15 E 39.45(H_FORCE Add)117 124.2 R 2.039(this header entry e) +4.539 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 4.539(ni).15 G 4.539(fo)-4.539 G 2.038(ne e) +-4.539 F 2.038(xisted in the message before.)-.15 F 2.038(If a)7.038 F +2.188(header entry does not ha)203.4 136.2 R 2.488 -.15(ve t)-.2 H 2.188 +(his bit set,).15 F/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sendmail)4.688 E F1 2.189 +(will not add another)4.689 F .62 (header line if a header line of this name already e)203.4 148.2 R 3.12 (xisted. This)-.15 F -.1(wo)3.12 G .62(uld nor).1 F(-)-.2 E (mally be used to stamp the message by e)203.4 160.2 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G -(ryone who handled it.).15 E(H_TRA)117 176.4 Q 39.3(CE If)-.4 F 1.044 -(set, this is a timestamp \(trace\) \214eld.)3.544 F 1.043 -(If the number of trace \214elds in a)6.043 F .705(message e)203.4 188.4 +(ryone who handled it.).15 E(H_TRA)117 176.4 Q 39.3(CE If)-.4 F 1.043 +(set, this is a timestamp \(trace\) \214eld.)3.543 F 1.044 +(If the number of trace \214elds in a)6.043 F .706(message e)203.4 188.4 R .705(xceeds a preset amount the message is returned on the assump-) -.15 F(tion that it has an aliasing loop.)203.4 200.4 Q 46.67(H_RCPT If) -117 216.6 R .332(set, this \214eld contains recipient addresses.)2.833 F -.332(This is used by the)5.332 F F02.832 E F1 .332(\215ag to)2.832 +117 216.6 R .332(set, this \214eld contains recipient addresses.)2.832 F +.332(This is used by the)5.332 F F02.832 E F1 .333(\215ag to)2.833 F 1.349(determine who to send to when it is collecting recipients from \ the mes-)203.4 228.6 R(sage.)203.4 240.6 Q(H_FR)117 256.8 Q 43.74 (OM This)-.4 F 1.673 -(\215ag indicates that this \214eld speci\214es a sender)4.174 F 6.673 -(.T)-.55 G 1.673(he order of these)-6.673 F .898(\214elds in the)203.4 +(\215ag indicates that this \214eld speci\214es a sender)4.173 F 6.674 +(.T)-.55 G 1.674(he order of these)-6.674 F .898(\214elds in the)203.4 268.8 R F2(HdrInfo)3.398 E F1 .898(table speci\214es)3.398 F F2 (sendmail)3.398 E F1 1.998 -.55('s p)D .898(reference for which \214eld) .55 F(to return error messages to.)203.4 280.8 Q(H_ERR)117 297 Q(ORST) @@ -8496,68 +8505,68 @@ F(/* trace \214elds */)189.5 582 Q("recei)177 594 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G 72.13 87.1(NULL, 0,)177 654 R(};)157 666 Q 2.435 (This structure indicates that the \231T)117 682.2 R 2.435 (o:\232, \231Resent-T)-.8 F 2.435 -(o:\232, and \231Cc:\232 \214elds all specify recipient)-.8 F 3.161 -(addresses. An)117 694.2 R 3.161<7999>-.15 G .662(Full-Name:\232 \214el\ +(o:\232, and \231Cc:\232 \214elds all specify recipient)-.8 F 3.162 +(addresses. An)117 694.2 R 3.162<7999>-.15 G .661(Full-Name:\232 \214el\ d will be deleted unless the required mailer \215ag \(indicated in) --3.161 F .246(the con\214guration \214le\) is speci\214ed.)117 706.2 R -.245(The \231Message:\232 and \231T)5.246 F -.15(ex)-.7 G .245 +-3.162 F .245(the con\214guration \214le\) is speci\214ed.)117 706.2 R +.245(The \231Message:\232 and \231T)5.245 F -.15(ex)-.7 G .246 (t:\232 \214elds will terminate the header;).15 F 1.936 (these are used by random dissenters around the netw)117 718.2 R 1.936 (ork w)-.1 F 4.436(orld. The)-.1 F(\231Recei)4.436 E -.15(ve)-.25 G -1.937(d:\232 \214eld will).15 F 0 Cg EP +1.936(d:\232 \214eld will).15 F 0 Cg EP %%Page: 95 91 %%BeginPageSetup BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide)72 60 Q (SMM:08-95)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(al)117 96 Q -.1(wa)-.1 G -(ys be added, and can be used to trace messages.).1 E .446 -(There are a number of important points here.)142 112.2 R .445 -(First, header \214elds are not added automati-)5.446 F .656 -(cally just because the)117 124.2 R 3.156(ya)-.15 G .656(re in the) --3.156 F/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(HdrInfo)3.157 E F1 .657(structure; the) -3.157 F 3.157(ym)-.15 G .657(ust be speci\214ed in the con\214guration) --3.157 F .728(\214le in order to be added to the message.)117 136.2 R -(An)5.727 E 3.227(yh)-.15 G .727 -(eader \214elds mentioned in the con\214guration \214le)-3.227 F -.2(bu) +(ys be added, and can be used to trace messages.).1 E .445 +(There are a number of important points here.)142 112.2 R .446 +(First, header \214elds are not added automati-)5.446 F .657 +(cally just because the)117 124.2 R 3.157(ya)-.15 G .657(re in the) +-3.157 F/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(HdrInfo)3.157 E F1 .657(structure; the) +3.157 F 3.157(ym)-.15 G .656(ust be speci\214ed in the con\214guration) +-3.157 F .727(\214le in order to be added to the message.)117 136.2 R +(An)5.728 E 3.228(yh)-.15 G .728 +(eader \214elds mentioned in the con\214guration \214le)-3.228 F -.2(bu) 117 148.2 S 3.24(tn).2 G .74(ot mentioned in the)-3.24 F F2(HdrInfo)3.24 E F1 .74(structure ha)3.24 F 1.04 -.15(ve d)-.2 H(ef).15 E .74 (ault processing performed; that is, the)-.1 F 3.24(ya)-.15 G(re)-3.24 E -1.375(added unless the)117 160.2 R 3.875(yw)-.15 G 1.375 -(ere in the message already)-3.875 F 6.375(.S)-.65 G 1.374(econd, the) --6.375 F F2(HdrInfo)3.874 E F1 1.374(structure only speci\214es)3.874 F +1.374(added unless the)117 160.2 R 3.874(yw)-.15 G 1.374 +(ere in the message already)-3.874 F 6.375(.S)-.65 G 1.375(econd, the) +-6.375 F F2(HdrInfo)3.875 E F1 1.375(structure only speci\214es)3.875 F .324(cliched processing; certain headers are processed specially by ad \ -hoc code re)117 172.2 R -.05(ga)-.15 G .325(rdless of the sta-).05 F -.481(tus speci\214ed in)117 184.2 R F2(HdrInfo)2.981 E F1 5.481(.F)C -.481(or e)-5.631 F .481 +hoc code re)117 172.2 R -.05(ga)-.15 G .324(rdless of the sta-).05 F .48 +(tus speci\214ed in)117 184.2 R F2(HdrInfo)2.98 E F1 5.48(.F)C .481 +(or e)-5.63 F .481 (xample, the \231Sender:\232 and \231From:\232 \214elds are al)-.15 F --.1(wa)-.1 G .48(ys scanned on).1 F(ARP)117 198.2 Q .751 +-.1(wa)-.1 G .481(ys scanned on).1 F(ARP)117 198.2 Q .75 (ANET mail to determine the sender)-.92 F/F3 7/Times-Roman@0 SF(24)-4 I -F1 3.251(;t)4 K .75 +F1 3.251(;t)4 K .751 (his is used to perform the \231return to sender\232 func-)-3.251 F -2.976(tion. The)117 210.2 R .476(\231From:\232 and \231Full-Name:\232 \ -\214elds are used to determine the full name of the sender if)2.976 F +2.977(tion. The)117 210.2 R .476(\231From:\232 and \231Full-Name:\232 \ +\214elds are used to determine the full name of the sender if)2.977 F (possible; this is stored in the macro)117 222.2 Q F0($x)2.5 E F1 (and used in a number of w)2.5 E(ays.)-.1 E F0 2.5(6.3.2. Restricting) -102 246.2 R(Use of Email)2.5 E F1 .15 +102 246.2 R(Use of Email)2.5 E F1 .149 (If it is necessary to restrict mail through a relay)142 262.4 R 2.649 -(,t)-.65 G(he)-2.649 E F2 -.15(ch)2.649 G(ec).15 E(kcompat)-.2 E F1 .149 -(routine can be modi\214ed.)2.649 F .163(This routine is called for e) -117 274.4 R -.15(ve)-.25 G .163(ry recipient address.).15 F .163 +(,t)-.65 G(he)-2.649 E F2 -.15(ch)2.65 G(ec).15 E(kcompat)-.2 E F1 .15 +(routine can be modi\214ed.)2.65 F .163(This routine is called for e)117 +274.4 R -.15(ve)-.25 G .163(ry recipient address.).15 F .163 (It returns an e)5.163 F .163(xit status indicating the status of)-.15 F .895(the message.)117 286.4 R .895(The status)5.895 F/F4 9/Times-Roman@0 SF(EX_OK)3.395 E F1 .895(accepts the address,)3.395 F F4(EX_TEMPF)3.395 -E(AIL)-.666 E F1 .895(queues the message for a)3.395 F .263(later try) -117 298.4 R 2.763(,a)-.65 G .263(nd other v)-2.763 F .264 +E(AIL)-.666 E F1 .895(queues the message for a)3.395 F .264(later try) +117 298.4 R 2.764(,a)-.65 G .264(nd other v)-2.764 F .264 (alues \(commonly)-.25 F F4(EX_UN)2.764 E -1.215(AVA)-.315 G(ILABLE) -1.215 E F1 2.764(\)r)C .264(eject the message.)-2.764 F .264 -(It is up to)5.264 F F2 -.15(ch)2.764 G(ec).15 E(k-)-.2 E(compat)117 -310.4 Q F1 .43(to print an error message \(using)2.93 F F2(usr)2.929 E -(err)-.37 E F1 2.929(\)i)C 2.929(ft)-2.929 G .429 -(he message is rejected.)-2.929 F -.15(Fo)5.429 G 2.929(re).15 G -(xample,)-3.079 E F2 -.15(ch)2.929 G(ec).15 E(k-)-.2 E(compat)117 322.4 -Q F1(could read:)2.5 E F4(int)157 337.4 Q(checkcompat\(to, e\))157 348.2 -Q(re)175 359 Q(gister ADDRESS *to;)-.135 E(re)175 369.8 Q +1.215 E F1 2.764(\)r)C .264(eject the message.)-2.764 F .263 +(It is up to)5.264 F F2 -.15(ch)2.763 G(ec).15 E(k-)-.2 E(compat)117 +310.4 Q F1 .429(to print an error message \(using)2.929 F F2(usr)2.929 E +(err)-.37 E F1 2.929(\)i)C 2.929(ft)-2.929 G .43 +(he message is rejected.)-2.929 F -.15(Fo)5.43 G 2.93(re).15 G(xample,) +-3.08 E F2 -.15(ch)2.93 G(ec).15 E(k-)-.2 E(compat)117 322.4 Q F1 +(could read:)2.5 E F4(int)157 337.4 Q(checkcompat\(to, e\))157 348.2 Q +(re)175 359 Q(gister ADDRESS *to;)-.135 E(re)175 369.8 Q (gister ENVELOPE *e;)-.135 E({)157 380.6 Q(re)175 391.4 Q(gister ST) -.135 E(AB *s;)-.837 E 2.25(s=s)175 413 S(tab\("pri)-2.25 E -.225(va) -.225 G(te", ST_MAILER, ST_FIND\);).225 E @@ -8571,17 +8580,17 @@ Q(re)175 359 Q(gister ADDRESS *to;)-.135 E(re)175 369.8 Q (ge for non-local deli)-.162 E -.135(ve)-.225 G(ry"\);).135 E (e\255>e_\215ags |= EF_NORETURN;)193 521 Q(return \(EX_UN)193 531.8 Q -1.215(AVA)-.315 G(ILABLE\);)1.215 E(})175 542.6 Q(return \(EX_OK\);)175 -553.4 Q(})157 564.2 Q F1 .969(This w)117 580.4 R .969 +553.4 Q(})157 564.2 Q F1 .97(This w)117 580.4 R .969 (ould reject messages greater than 50000 bytes unless the)-.1 F 3.469 -(yw)-.15 G .97(ere local.)-3.469 F(The)5.97 E F2(EF_NORE-)3.47 E(TURN) -117 592.4 Q F1 .652(\215ag can be set in)3.152 F F2(e)3.152 E/F5 10 -/Symbol SFA F2(e_\215a)A(gs)-.1 E F1 .651 +(yw)-.15 G .969(ere local.)-3.469 F(The)5.969 E F2(EF_NORE-)3.469 E +(TURN)117 592.4 Q F1 .651(\215ag can be set in)3.151 F F2(e)3.151 E/F5 +10/Symbol SFA F2(e_\215a)A(gs)-.1 E F1 .652 (to suppress the return of the actual body of the message in)3.152 F -.655(the error return.)117 604.4 R .655(The actual use of this routine \ -is highly dependent on the implementation, and)5.655 F +.656(the error return.)117 604.4 R .655(The actual use of this routine \ +is highly dependent on the implementation, and)5.656 F (use should be limited.)117 616.4 Q F0 2.5(6.3.3. New)102 640.4 R -(Database Map Classes)2.5 E F1(Ne)142 656.6 Q 2.876(wk)-.25 G .676 -.15 -(ey m)-2.976 H .375(aps can be added by creating a class initialization\ +(Database Map Classes)2.5 E F1(Ne)142 656.6 Q 2.875(wk)-.25 G .675 -.15 +(ey m)-2.975 H .375(aps can be added by creating a class initialization\ function and a lookup func-).15 F 2.5(tion. These)117 668.6 R (are then added to the routine)2.5 E F2(setupmaps.)2.5 E .32 LW 76 678.2 72 678.2 DL 80 678.2 76 678.2 DL 84 678.2 80 678.2 DL 88 678.2 84 678.2 @@ -8596,10 +8605,10 @@ DL 92 678.2 88 678.2 DL 96 678.2 92 678.2 DL 100 678.2 96 678.2 DL 104 678.2 184 678.2 DL 192 678.2 188 678.2 DL 196 678.2 192 678.2 DL 200 678.2 196 678.2 DL 204 678.2 200 678.2 DL 208 678.2 204 678.2 DL 212 678.2 208 678.2 DL 216 678.2 212 678.2 DL/F6 5/Times-Roman@0 SF(24)93.6 -688.6 Q/F7 8/Times-Roman@0 SF(Actually)3.2 I 2.631(,t)-.52 G .631 +688.6 Q/F7 8/Times-Roman@0 SF(Actually)3.2 I 2.632(,t)-.52 G .632 (his is no longer true in SMTP; this information is contained in the en) --2.631 F -.12(ve)-.32 G 2.632(lope. The).12 F .632(older ARP)2.632 F -.632(ANET protocols did)-.736 F(not completely distinguish en)72 701.4 Q +-2.632 F -.12(ve)-.32 G 2.631(lope. The).12 F .631(older ARP)2.631 F +.631(ANET protocols did)-.736 F(not completely distinguish en)72 701.4 Q -.12(ve)-.32 G(lope from header).12 E(.)-.44 E 0 Cg EP %%Page: 96 92 %%BeginPageSetup @@ -8609,66 +8618,66 @@ BP (Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF (The initialization function is called as)142 96 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(xxx)157 112.2 Q F1(_map_init\(MAP *map, char *ar)A(gs\))-.18 E(The) -117 128.4 Q F2(map)3.279 E F1 .779(is an internal data structure.)3.279 -F(The)5.779 E F2(ar)3.279 E(gs)-.37 E F1 .78 -(is a pointer to the portion of the con\214guration)3.279 F .397 +117 128.4 Q F2(map)3.28 E F1 .78(is an internal data structure.)3.28 F +(The)5.78 E F2(ar)3.279 E(gs)-.37 E F1 .779 +(is a pointer to the portion of the con\214guration)3.279 F .396 (\214le line follo)117 140.4 R .396 -(wing the map class name; \215ags and \214lenames can be e)-.25 F .396 -(xtracted from this line.)-.15 F(The)5.396 E +(wing the map class name; \215ags and \214lenames can be e)-.25 F .397 +(xtracted from this line.)-.15 F(The)5.397 E (initialization function must return)117 152.4 Q/F3 9/Times-Roman@0 SF (true)2.5 E F1(if it successfully opened the map,)2.5 E F3 -.09(fa)2.5 G (lse).09 E F1(otherwise.)2.5 E(The lookup function is called as)142 168.6 Q F2(xxx)157 184.8 Q F1(_map_lookup\(MAP *map, char b)A (uf[], char **a)-.2 E 1.3 -.65(v, i)-.2 H(nt *statp\)).65 E(The)117 201 -Q F2(map)2.772 E F1 .272(de\214nes the map internally)2.772 F 5.273(.T) +Q F2(map)2.773 E F1 .273(de\214nes the map internally)2.773 F 5.273(.T) -.65 G(he)-5.273 E F2 -.2(bu)2.773 G(f).2 E F1 .273(has the input k) -2.773 F -.15(ey)-.1 G 5.273(.T)-.5 G .273 +2.773 F -.15(ey)-.1 G 5.273(.T)-.5 G .272 (his may be \(and often is\) used)-5.273 F(destructi)117 213 Q -.15(ve) --.25 G(ly).15 E 5.152(.T)-.65 G(he)-5.152 E F2(av)2.652 E F1 .151 -(is a list of ar)2.652 F .151(guments passed in from the re)-.18 F .151 -(write line.)-.25 F .151(The lookup function)5.151 F .322 +-.25 G(ly).15 E 5.151(.T)-.65 G(he)-5.151 E F2(av)2.651 E F1 .151 +(is a list of ar)2.651 F .151(guments passed in from the re)-.18 F .152 +(write line.)-.25 F .152(The lookup function)5.152 F .322 (should return a pointer to the ne)117 225 R 2.822(wv)-.25 G 2.822 (alue. If)-3.072 F .322(the map lookup f)2.822 F(ails,)-.1 E F2(*statp) -2.822 E F1 .322(should be set to an e)2.822 F(xit)-.15 E .302 -(status code; in particular)117 237 R 2.802(,i)-.4 G 2.802(ts)-2.802 G -.302(hould be set to)-2.802 F F3(EX_TEMPF)2.802 E(AIL)-.666 E F1 .302 -(if reco)2.802 F -.15(ve)-.15 G .301(ry is to be attempted by the).15 F +2.822 E F1 .322(should be set to an e)2.822 F(xit)-.15 E .301 +(status code; in particular)117 237 R 2.801(,i)-.4 G 2.801(ts)-2.801 G +.302(hould be set to)-2.801 F F3(EX_TEMPF)2.802 E(AIL)-.666 E F1 .302 +(if reco)2.802 F -.15(ve)-.15 G .302(ry is to be attempted by the).15 F (higher le)117 249 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(lc).15 G(ode.)-2.5 E F0 2.5 -(6.3.4. Queueing)102 273 R(Function)2.5 E F1 .782(The routine)142 289.2 -R F2(shouldqueue)3.282 E F1 .783 +(6.3.4. Queueing)102 273 R(Function)2.5 E F1 .783(The routine)142 289.2 +R F2(shouldqueue)3.283 E F1 .783 (is called to decide if a message should be queued or processed)3.283 F -(immediately)117 301.2 Q 6.619(.T)-.65 G 1.618 +(immediately)117 301.2 Q 6.618(.T)-.65 G 1.618 (ypically this compares the message priority to the current load a) --7.419 F -.15(ve)-.2 G 4.118(rage. The).15 F(def)117 313.2 Q +-7.418 F -.15(ve)-.2 G 4.119(rage. The).15 F(def)117 313.2 Q (ault de\214nition is:)-.1 E(bool)157 329.4 Q(shouldqueue\(pri, ctime\)) 157 341.4 Q(long pri;)175 353.4 Q(time_t ctime;)175 365.4 Q({)157 377.4 Q(if \(CurrentLA < QueueLA\))175 389.4 Q(return f)193 401.4 Q(alse;)-.1 E(return \(pri > \(QueueF)175 413.4 Q -(actor / \(CurrentLA \255 QueueLA + 1\)\)\);)-.15 E(})157 425.4 Q 2.062 +(actor / \(CurrentLA \255 QueueLA + 1\)\)\);)-.15 E(})157 425.4 Q 2.063 (If the current load a)117 441.6 R -.15(ve)-.2 G 2.062(rage \(global v) .15 F(ariable)-.25 E F2(Curr)4.562 E(entLA)-.37 E F1 4.562(,w)C 2.062 -(hich is set before this function is)-4.562 F 1.058 +(hich is set before this function is)-4.562 F 1.057 (called\) is less than the lo)117 453.6 R 3.558(wt)-.25 G 1.058 (hreshold load a)-3.558 F -.15(ve)-.2 G 1.058(rage \(option).15 F F0(x) -3.557 E F1 3.557(,v)C(ariable)-3.807 E F2(QueueLA)3.557 E F1(\),)A F2 -(shouldqueue)3.557 E F1(returns)117 465.6 Q F3 -.09(fa)3.248 G(lse).09 E -F1 .748(immediately \(that is, it should)3.248 F F2(not)3.248 E F1 3.249 -(queue\). If)3.249 F .749(the current load a)3.249 F -.15(ve)-.2 G .749 -(rage e).15 F .749(xceeds the)-.15 F 1.419(high threshold load a)117 -477.6 R -.15(ve)-.2 G 1.419(rage \(option).15 F F0(X)3.919 E F1 3.919 -(,v)C(ariable)-4.169 E F2(RefuseLA)3.919 E F1(\),)A F2(shouldqueue)3.918 -E F1(returns)3.918 E F3(true)3.918 E F1(immedi-)3.918 E(ately)117 489.6 -Q 7.125(.O)-.65 G 2.125 -(therwise, it computes the function based on the message priority)-7.125 -F 4.626(,t)-.65 G 2.126(he queue f)-4.626 F(actor)-.1 E(\(option)117 +3.558 E F1 3.558(,v)C(ariable)-3.808 E F2(QueueLA)3.558 E F1(\),)A F2 +(shouldqueue)3.558 E F1(returns)117 465.6 Q F3 -.09(fa)3.249 G(lse).09 E +F1 .749(immediately \(that is, it should)3.249 F F2(not)3.249 E F1 3.248 +(queue\). If)3.249 F .748(the current load a)3.248 F -.15(ve)-.2 G .748 +(rage e).15 F .748(xceeds the)-.15 F 1.418(high threshold load a)117 +477.6 R -.15(ve)-.2 G 1.418(rage \(option).15 F F0(X)3.919 E F1 3.919 +(,v)C(ariable)-4.169 E F2(RefuseLA)3.919 E F1(\),)A F2(shouldqueue)3.919 +E F1(returns)3.919 E F3(true)3.919 E F1(immedi-)3.919 E(ately)117 489.6 +Q 7.126(.O)-.65 G 2.125 +(therwise, it computes the function based on the message priority)-7.126 +F 4.625(,t)-.65 G 2.125(he queue f)-4.625 F(actor)-.1 E(\(option)117 501.6 Q F0(q)2.5 E F1 2.5(,g)C(lobal v)-2.5 E(ariable)-.25 E F2(QueueF) 2.5 E(actor)-.75 E F1(\), and the current and threshold load a)A -.15 -(ve)-.2 G(rages.).15 E 1.067(An implementation wishing to tak)142 517.8 -R 3.567(et)-.1 G 1.066 -(he actual age of the message into account can also)-3.567 F 1.41 +(ve)-.2 G(rages.).15 E 1.066(An implementation wishing to tak)142 517.8 +R 3.566(et)-.1 G 1.067 +(he actual age of the message into account can also)-3.566 F 1.41 (use the)117 529.8 R F2(ctime)3.91 E F1(parameter)3.91 E 3.91(,w)-.4 G 1.41(hich is the time that the message w)-3.91 F 1.41 -(as \214rst submitted to)-.1 F F2(sendmail)3.91 E F1(.)A .929 +(as \214rst submitted to)-.1 F F2(sendmail)3.91 E F1(.)A .928 (Note that the)117 541.8 R F2(pri)3.428 E F1 .928(parameter is already \ weighted by the number of times the message has been)3.428 F .395 (tried \(although this tends to lo)117 553.8 R .395 @@ -8677,10 +8686,10 @@ weighted by the number of times the message has been)3.428 F .395 2.674 G .174 (uld be used as an \231escape clause\232 to ensure that messages are e) .1 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .174(ntually processed.).15 F F0 2.5 -(6.3.5. Refusing)102 589.8 R(Incoming SMTP Connections)2.5 E F1 2.062 -(The function)142 606 R F2 -.37(re)4.562 G(fuseconnections).37 E F1 -(returns)4.562 E F3(true)4.562 E F1 2.063 -(if incoming SMTP connections should be)4.562 F 3.564(refused. The)117 +(6.3.5. Refusing)102 589.8 R(Incoming SMTP Connections)2.5 E F1 2.063 +(The function)142 606 R F2 -.37(re)4.563 G(fuseconnections).37 E F1 +(returns)4.563 E F3(true)4.563 E F1 2.062 +(if incoming SMTP connections should be)4.563 F 3.563(refused. The)117 618 R 1.063(current implementation is based e)3.563 F(xclusi)-.15 E -.15 (ve)-.25 G 1.063(ly on the current load a).15 F -.15(ve)-.2 G 1.063 (rage and the).15 F(refuse load a)117 630 Q -.15(ve)-.2 G @@ -8696,57 +8705,57 @@ BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide)72 60 Q (SMM:08-97)195.86 E 2.5(6.3.6. Load)102 96 R -.6 -1(Av e)2.5 H -(rage Computation)1 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF .243(The routine)142 112.2 +(rage Computation)1 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF .244(The routine)142 112.2 R/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF -.1(ge)2.743 G(tla).1 E F1 .243 (returns the current load a)2.743 F -.15(ve)-.2 G .243 -(rage \(as a rounded inte).15 F 2.743(ger\). The)-.15 F(distrib)2.744 E -(ution)-.2 E 1.157(includes se)117 124.2 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.157 +(rage \(as a rounded inte).15 F 2.743(ger\). The)-.15 F(distrib)2.743 E +(ution)-.2 E 1.156(includes se)117 124.2 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.157 (ral possible implementations.).15 F 1.157(If you are porting to a ne) 6.157 F 3.657(we)-.25 G -.4(nv)-3.657 G 1.157(ironment you may).4 F (need to add some ne)117 138.2 Q 2.5(wt)-.25 G(weaks.)-2.5 E/F3 7 /Times-Roman@0 SF(25)-4 I F0 2.5(6.4. Con\214guration)87 162.2 R -(in sendmail/daemon.c)2.5 E F1 .127(The \214le)127 178.4 R F2 -(sendmail/daemon.c)2.627 E F1 .128 +(in sendmail/daemon.c)2.5 E F1 .128(The \214le)127 178.4 R F2 +(sendmail/daemon.c)2.628 E F1 .128 (contains a number of routines that are dependent on the local net-) 2.628 F -.1(wo)102 190.4 S(rking en).1 E 2.5(vironment. The)-.4 F -.15 (ve)2.5 G(rsion supplied assumes you ha).15 E .3 -.15(ve B)-.2 H (SD style sock).15 E(ets.)-.1 E 2.16(In pre)127 206.6 R 2.16 (vious releases, we recommended that you modify the routine)-.25 F F2 -(maphostname)4.66 E F1 2.16(if you)4.66 F -.1(wa)102 218.6 S 1.918 +(maphostname)4.66 E F1 2.16(if you)4.66 F -.1(wa)102 218.6 S 1.919 (nted to generalize).1 F F0($[)4.418 E F1(...)4.418 E F0($])4.418 E F1 4.418(lookups. W)4.418 F 4.418(en)-.8 G 2.418 -.25(ow r)-4.418 H 1.918 -(ecommend that you create a ne).25 F 4.419(wk)-.25 G -.15(ey)-4.519 G -1.919(ed map).15 F(instead.)102 230.6 Q F0 2.5(6.5. LD)87 254.6 R(AP) +(ecommend that you create a ne).25 F 4.418(wk)-.25 G -.15(ey)-4.518 G +1.918(ed map).15 F(instead.)102 230.6 Q F0 2.5(6.5. LD)87 254.6 R(AP) -.35 E F1(In this section we assume that)127 270.8 Q F2(sendmail)2.5 E F1(has been compiled with support for LD)2.5 E(AP)-.4 E(.)-1.11 E F0 2.5 -(6.5.1. LD)102 294.8 R(AP Recursion)-.35 E F1(LD)142 311 Q .35 +(6.5.1. LD)102 294.8 R(AP Recursion)-.35 E F1(LD)142 311 Q .349 (AP Recursion allo)-.4 F .349(ws you to add types to the search attrib) --.25 F .349(utes on an LD)-.2 F .349(AP map speci-)-.4 F 2.5 +-.25 F .35(utes on an LD)-.2 F .35(AP map speci-)-.4 F 2.5 (\214cation. The)117 323 R(syntax is:)2.5 E117 339.2 Q F2 -.37(AT) 2.5 G(TRIB).37 E(UTE)-.1 E F1([:)A F2(TYPE)A F1([:)A F2(OBJECTCLASS)A F1 ([|)A F2(OBJECTCLASS)A F1(|...]]])A(The ne)142 355.4 Q(w)-.25 E F2(TYPE) -2.5 E F1 2.5(sa)C(re:)-2.5 E 26.17(NORMAL This)117 371.6 R(attrib)3.578 -E 1.078(ute type speci\214es the attrib)-.2 F 1.079 -(ute to add to the results string.)-.2 F 1.079(This is)6.079 F(the def) -189 383.6 Q(ault.)-.1 E 55.06(DN An)117 399.8 R 2.822(ym)-.15 G .322 -(atches for this attrib)-2.822 F .322(ute are e)-.2 F .321 -(xpected to ha)-.15 F .621 -.15(ve a v)-.2 H .321 +2.5 E F1 2.5(sa)C(re:)-2.5 E 26.17(NORMAL This)117 371.6 R(attrib)3.579 +E 1.079(ute type speci\214es the attrib)-.2 F 1.078 +(ute to add to the results string.)-.2 F 1.078(This is)6.078 F(the def) +189 383.6 Q(ault.)-.1 E 55.06(DN An)117 399.8 R 2.821(ym)-.15 G .321 +(atches for this attrib)-2.821 F .321(ute are e)-.2 F .321 +(xpected to ha)-.15 F .622 -.15(ve a v)-.2 H .322 (alue of a fully quali\214ed)-.1 F 1.521(distinguished name.)189 411.8 R F2(sendmail)6.521 E F1 1.521(will lookup that DN and apply the attrib) 4.021 F(utes)-.2 E(requested to the returned DN record.)189 423.8 Q(FIL) -117 440 Q 36.53(TER An)-.92 F 2.653(ym)-.15 G .153 -(atches for this attrib)-2.653 F .153(ute are e)-.2 F .153 +117 440 Q 36.53(TER An)-.92 F 2.652(ym)-.15 G .153 +(atches for this attrib)-2.652 F .153(ute are e)-.2 F .153 (xpected to ha)-.15 F .453 -.15(ve a v)-.2 H .153(alue of an LD)-.1 F -.152(AP search)-.4 F(\214lter)189 452 Q(.)-.55 E F2(sendmail)5.697 E F1 -.698(will perform a lookup with the same parameters as the origi-)3.197 +.153(AP search)-.4 F(\214lter)189 452 Q(.)-.55 E F2(sendmail)5.698 E F1 +.697(will perform a lookup with the same parameters as the origi-)3.198 F(nal search b)189 464 Q (ut replaces the search \214lter with the one speci\214ed here.)-.2 E 49.5(URL An)117 480.2 R 2.87(ym)-.15 G .37(atches for this attrib)-2.87 F .37(ute are e)-.2 F .37(xpected to ha)-.15 F .67 -.15(ve a v)-.2 H .37 (alue of an LD)-.1 F .37(AP URL.)-.4 F F2(sendmail)189 492.2 Q F1 1.947 -(will perform a lookup of that URL and use the results from the)4.446 F -(attrib)189 504.2 Q .39(utes named in that URL.)-.2 F .389(Note ho)5.389 -F(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.889(rt).15 G .389 +(will perform a lookup of that URL and use the results from the)4.447 F +(attrib)189 504.2 Q .389(utes named in that URL.)-.2 F .389(Note ho) +5.389 F(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.889(rt).15 G .389 (hat the search is done using the)-2.889 F 2.622(current LD)189 516.2 R 2.622(AP connection, re)-.4 F -.05(ga)-.15 G 2.622 (rdless of what is speci\214ed as the scheme,).05 F(LD)189 528.2 Q @@ -8756,17 +8765,17 @@ F(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.889(rt).15 G .389 -.2 E -.15(ve)-.15 G(.).15 E .91(The optional)142 560.6 R F2 (OBJECTCLASS)3.41 E F1 .91 (\(| separated\) list contains the objectClass v)3.41 F .91 -(alues for which)-.25 F 1.398(that attrib)117 572.6 R 1.398 -(ute applies.)-.2 F 1.399(If the list is gi)6.398 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.399 +(alues for which)-.25 F 1.399(that attrib)117 572.6 R 1.399 +(ute applies.)-.2 F 1.399(If the list is gi)6.399 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.399 (n, the attrib).15 F 1.399(ute named will only be used if the LD)-.2 F (AP)-.4 E 1.111(record being returned is a member of that object class.) -117 584.6 R 1.111(Note that if these ne)6.111 F 3.611(wv)-.25 G 1.111 -(alue attrib)-3.861 F(ute)-.2 E F2(TYPE)117 596.6 Q F1 2.936(sa)C .436(\ +117 584.6 R 1.111(Note that if these ne)6.111 F 3.612(wv)-.25 G 1.112 +(alue attrib)-3.862 F(ute)-.2 E F2(TYPE)117 596.6 Q F1 2.937(sa)C .436(\ re used in an AliasFile option setting, it will need to be double quote\ -d to pre)-2.936 F -.15(ve)-.25 G(nt).15 E F2(send-)2.937 E(mail)117 -608.6 Q F1(from misparsing the colons.)2.5 E .258(Note that LD)142 624.8 +d to pre)-2.937 F -.15(ve)-.25 G(nt).15 E F2(send-)2.936 E(mail)117 +608.6 Q F1(from misparsing the colons.)2.5 E .257(Note that LD)142 624.8 R .257(AP recursion attrib)-.4 F .257 -(utes which do not ultimately point to an LD)-.2 F .257(AP record are) +(utes which do not ultimately point to an LD)-.2 F .258(AP record are) -.4 F(not considered an error)117 636.8 Q(.)-.55 E .32 LW 76 678.8 72 678.8 DL 80 678.8 76 678.8 DL 84 678.8 80 678.8 DL 88 678.8 84 678.8 DL 92 678.8 88 678.8 DL 96 678.8 92 678.8 DL 100 678.8 96 678.8 DL 104 @@ -8801,51 +8810,51 @@ E(-v sendmailMT)194.5 200.4 Q(AAliasV)-.93 E(alue,mail:NORMAL:inetOr) (sendmailMT)202 224.4 Q(AAliasSearch:FIL)-.93 E(TER:sendmailMT)-.92 E (AAliasObject,)-.93 E(sendmailMT)202 236.4 Q(AAliasURL:URL:sendmailMT) -.93 E(AAliasObject)-.93 E(That de\214nition speci\214es that:)157 256.8 -Q 5<8341>137 273 S .952 -.15(ny v)-5 H .652(alue in a)-.1 F/F2 9 -/Times-Roman@0 SF(sendmailMT)3.152 E(AAliasV)-.837 E(alue)-.999 E F1 -(attrib)3.152 E .651(ute will be added to the result string re)-.2 F +Q 5<8341>137 273 S .951 -.15(ny v)-5 H .651(alue in a)-.1 F/F2 9 +/Times-Roman@0 SF(sendmailMT)3.151 E(AAliasV)-.837 E(alue)-.999 E F1 +(attrib)3.151 E .652(ute will be added to the result string re)-.2 F -.05(ga)-.15 G(rd-).05 E(less of object class.)145.5 285 Q 5<8354>137 -297 S(he)-5 E F2(mail)2.551 E F1(attrib)2.551 E .051 -(ute will be added to the result string if the LD)-.2 F .052 +297 S(he)-5 E F2(mail)2.552 E F1(attrib)2.552 E .052 +(ute will be added to the result string if the LD)-.2 F .051 (AP record is a member of the)-.4 F F2(inetOr)145.5 309 Q(gPerson)-.162 -E F1(object class.)2.5 E 5<8354>137 321 S(he)-5 E F2(uniqueMember)4.597 +E F1(object class.)2.5 E 5<8354>137 321 S(he)-5 E F2(uniqueMember)4.596 E F1(attrib)4.597 E 2.097(ute is a recursi)-.2 F 2.397 -.15(ve a)-.25 H -(ttrib).15 E 2.097(ute, used only in)-.2 F F2(groupOfUniqueNames)4.596 E -F1 .549(records, and should contain an LD)145.5 333 R .549 -(AP DN pointing to another LD)-.4 F .55(AP record.)-.4 F .55(The desire) -5.55 F(here is to return the)145.5 345 Q F2(mail)2.5 E F1(attrib)2.5 E -(ute from those DNs.)-.2 E 5<8354>137 357 S(he)-5 E F2(sendmailMT)4.374 -E(AAliasSearch)-.837 E F1(attrib)4.374 E 1.874(ute and)-.2 F F2 -(sendmailMT)4.374 E(AAliasURL)-.837 E F1 1.873(are both used only if) -4.374 F 2.083(referenced in a)145.5 369 R F2(sendmailMT)4.584 E -(AAliasObject)-.837 E F1 7.084(.T)C(he)-7.084 E 4.584(ya)-.15 G 2.084 -(re both recursi)-4.584 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 4.584(,t).15 G 2.084 -(he \214rst for a ne)-4.584 F(w)-.25 E(LD)145.5 381 Q +(ttrib).15 E 2.097(ute, used only in)-.2 F F2(groupOfUniqueNames)4.597 E +F1 .55(records, and should contain an LD)145.5 333 R .549 +(AP DN pointing to another LD)-.4 F .549(AP record.)-.4 F .549 +(The desire)5.549 F(here is to return the)145.5 345 Q F2(mail)2.5 E F1 +(attrib)2.5 E(ute from those DNs.)-.2 E 5<8354>137 357 S(he)-5 E F2 +(sendmailMT)4.373 E(AAliasSearch)-.837 E F1(attrib)4.373 E 1.873 +(ute and)-.2 F F2(sendmailMT)4.374 E(AAliasURL)-.837 E F1 1.874 +(are both used only if)4.374 F 2.084(referenced in a)145.5 369 R F2 +(sendmailMT)4.584 E(AAliasObject)-.837 E F1 7.084(.T)C(he)-7.084 E 4.584 +(ya)-.15 G 2.084(re both recursi)-4.584 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 4.584(,t).15 G +2.084(he \214rst for a ne)-4.584 F(w)-.25 E(LD)145.5 381 Q (AP search string and the latter for an LD)-.4 E(AP URL.)-.4 E F0 2.5 (6.6. ST)87 405 R(AR)-.9 E(TTLS)-.4 E F1 .47 (In this section we assume that)127 421.2 R/F3 10/Times-Italic@0 SF (sendmail)2.97 E F1 .47(has been compiled with support for ST)2.97 F(AR) --.93 E 2.97(TTLS. T)-.6 F(o)-.8 E .608 +-.93 E 2.97(TTLS. T)-.6 F(o)-.8 E .609 (properly understand the use of ST)102 433.2 R(AR)-.93 E .609(TTLS in) -.6 F F3(sendmail)3.109 E F1 3.109(,i)C 3.109(ti)-3.109 G 3.109(sn) --3.109 G .609(ecessary to understand at least some)-3.109 F 1.856 +-3.109 G .608(ecessary to understand at least some)-3.109 F 1.855 (basics about X.509 certi\214cates and public k)102 445.2 R 2.155 -.15 -(ey c)-.1 H(ryptograph).15 E 5.655 -.65(y. T)-.05 H 1.855 +(ey c)-.1 H(ryptograph).15 E 5.655 -.65(y. T)-.05 H 1.856 (his information can be found in).65 F (books about SSL/TLS or on WWW sites, e.g., \231http://www)102 457.2 Q (.OpenSSL.or)-.65 E(g/\232.)-.18 E F0 2.5(6.6.1. Certi\214cates)102 481.2 R -.25(fo)2.5 G 2.5(rS).25 G -.9(TA)-2.5 G -.4(RT).9 G(TLS).4 E F1 -.437(When acting as a serv)142 497.4 R(er)-.15 E(,)-.4 E F3(sendmail) -2.937 E F1 .438(requires X.509 certi\214cates to support ST)2.937 F(AR) --.93 E .438(TTLS: one)-.6 F 1.45(as certi\214cate for the serv)117 509.4 +.438(When acting as a serv)142 497.4 R(er)-.15 E(,)-.4 E F3(sendmail) +2.938 E F1 .437(requires X.509 certi\214cates to support ST)2.938 F(AR) +-.93 E .437(TTLS: one)-.6 F 1.45(as certi\214cate for the serv)117 509.4 R 1.45(er \(Serv)-.15 F 1.45(erCertFile and corresponding pri)-.15 F -.25(va)-.25 G 1.45(te Serv).25 F(erK)-.15 E -.15(ey)-.25 G 1.45 -(File\) at least).15 F .244(one root CA \(CA)117 521.4 R .245(CertFile\ +(File\) at least).15 F .245(one root CA \(CA)117 521.4 R .244(CertFile\ \), i.e., a certi\214cate that is used to sign other certi\214cates, an\ -d a path to a)-.4 F .899(directory which contains other CAs \(CA)117 -533.4 R(CertP)-.4 E 3.398(ath\). The)-.15 F .898 -(\214le speci\214ed via CA)3.398 F .898(CertFile can con-)-.4 F .918 -(tain se)117 545.4 R -.15(ve)-.25 G .918(ral certi\214cates of CAs.).15 +d a path to a)-.4 F .898(directory which contains other CAs \(CA)117 +533.4 R(CertP)-.4 E 3.398(ath\). The)-.15 F .899 +(\214le speci\214ed via CA)3.398 F .899(CertFile can con-)-.4 F .919 +(tain se)117 545.4 R -.15(ve)-.25 G .919(ral certi\214cates of CAs.).15 F .919 (The DNs of these certi\214cates are sent to the client during the)5.919 F .925(TLS handshak)117 557.4 R 3.425(e\()-.1 G .925 @@ -8857,12 +8866,12 @@ F .925(TLS handshak)117 557.4 R 3.425(e\()-.1 G .925 (error:14094417:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:)157 585.6 Q (sslv3 alert ille)157 597.6 Q -.05(ga)-.15 G 2.5(lp).05 G (arameter:s3_pkt.c:964:SSL alert number 47)-2.5 E -1.1(Yo)117 613.8 S -3.073(us)1.1 G .574(hould probably put only the CA cert into that \214l\ -e that signed your o)-3.073 F .574(wn cert\(s\), or at least)-.25 F .543 +3.074(us)1.1 G .574(hould probably put only the CA cert into that \214l\ +e that signed your o)-3.074 F .574(wn cert\(s\), or at least)-.25 F .542 (only those you trust.)117 625.8 R .543(The CA)5.543 F(CertP)-.4 E .543 (ath directory must contain the hashes of each CA certi\214cate)-.15 F -1.584(as \214lenames \(or as links to them\).)117 637.8 R 1.585 -(Symbolic links can be generated with the follo)6.585 F 1.585(wing tw) +1.585(as \214lenames \(or as links to them\).)117 637.8 R 1.584 +(Symbolic links can be generated with the follo)6.585 F 1.584(wing tw) -.25 F(o)-.1 E(\(Bourne\) shell commands:)117 649.8 Q (C=FileName_of_CA_Certi\214cate)157 666 Q (ln -s $C `openssl x509 -noout -hash < $C`.0)157 678 Q .202(An X.509 ce\ @@ -8871,22 +8880,22 @@ CertFile and corre-)117 694.2 R .931(sponding pri)117 706.2 R -.25(va) -.25 G .931(te ClientK).25 F -.15(ey)-.25 G .931(File\), ho).15 F(we) -.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G -.4(r,).15 G F3(sendmail)3.831 E F1 .931(will al) 3.431 F -.1(wa)-.1 G .931(ys use ST).1 F(AR)-.93 E .931(TTLS when of)-.6 -F(fered)-.25 E .068(by a serv)117 718.2 R(er)-.15 E 5.068(.T)-.55 G .068 -(he client and serv)-5.068 F .067(er certi\214cates can be identical.) --.15 F .067(Certi\214cates can be obtained from)5.067 F 0 Cg EP +F(fered)-.25 E .067(by a serv)117 718.2 R(er)-.15 E 5.067(.T)-.55 G .067 +(he client and serv)-5.067 F .067(er certi\214cates can be identical.) +-.15 F .068(Certi\214cates can be obtained from)5.068 F 0 Cg EP %%Page: 99 95 %%BeginPageSetup BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide)72 60 Q -(SMM:08-99)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 2.847(ac)117 96 S .348 -(erti\214cate authority or created with the help of OpenSSL.)-2.847 F -.348(The required format for certi\214cates)5.348 F 4.584(and pri)117 -108 R -.25(va)-.25 G 4.584(te k).25 F -.15(ey)-.1 G 7.084(si).15 G 7.084 +(SMM:08-99)195.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 2.848(ac)117 96 S .348 +(erti\214cate authority or created with the help of OpenSSL.)-2.848 F +.348(The required format for certi\214cates)5.348 F 4.583(and pri)117 +108 R -.25(va)-.25 G 4.583(te k).25 F -.15(ey)-.1 G 7.084(si).15 G 7.084 (sP)-7.084 G 7.084(EM. T)-7.084 F 7.084(oa)-.8 G(llo)-7.084 E 7.084(wf) -.25 G 4.584(or automatic startup of sendmail, pri)-7.084 F -.25(va)-.25 -G 4.583(te k).25 F -.15(ey)-.1 G(s).15 E(\(Serv)117 120 Q(erK)-.15 E --.15(ey)-.25 G .249(File, ClientK).15 F -.15(ey)-.25 G .249 +G 4.584(te k).25 F -.15(ey)-.1 G(s).15 E(\(Serv)117 120 Q(erK)-.15 E +-.15(ey)-.25 G .25(File, ClientK).15 F -.15(ey)-.25 G .249 (File\) must be stored unencrypted.).15 F .249(The k)5.249 F -.15(ey)-.1 G 2.749(sa).15 G .249(re only protected by the)-2.749 F (permissions of the \214le system.)117 132 Q(Ne)5 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5 @@ -8895,53 +8904,53 @@ G 2.749(sa).15 G .249(re only protected by the)-2.749 F 2.5(6.6.2. PRNG)102 156 R -.25(fo)2.5 G 2.5(rS).25 G -.9(TA)-2.5 G -.4 (RT).9 G(TLS).4 E F1(ST)142 172.2 Q(AR)-.93 E .504(TTLS requires a stro\ ng pseudo random number generator \(PRNG\) to operate prop-)-.6 F(erly) -117 184.2 Q 5.055(.D)-.65 G .056 -(epending on the TLS library you use, it may be required to e)-5.055 F -.056(xplicitly initialize the PRNG)-.15 F 1.155(with random data.)117 +117 184.2 Q 5.056(.D)-.65 G .056 +(epending on the TLS library you use, it may be required to e)-5.056 F +.055(xplicitly initialize the PRNG)-.15 F 1.154(with random data.)117 196.2 R 1.154(OpenSSL mak)6.154 F 1.154(es use of)-.1 F F0(/de)3.654 E -(v/urandom\(4\))-.15 E F1 1.154(if a)3.654 F -.25(va)-.2 G 1.154 -(ilable \(this corresponds to).25 F 1.442 -(the compile \215ag HASURANDOMDEV\).)117 208.2 R 1.443 -(On systems which lack this support, a random \214le)6.442 F .224 +(v/urandom\(4\))-.15 E F1 1.154(if a)3.654 F -.25(va)-.2 G 1.155 +(ilable \(this corresponds to).25 F 1.443 +(the compile \215ag HASURANDOMDEV\).)117 208.2 R 1.442 +(On systems which lack this support, a random \214le)6.443 F .223 (must be speci\214ed in the)117 220.2 R/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF ( E F1 .223(\214le using the option RandFile.)2.723 F -.223(It is)5.223 F F0(str)2.723 E(ongly)-.18 E F1 .223(advised to use) -2.723 F .872(the "Entrop)117 232.2 R 3.372(yG)-.1 G .872 -(athering Daemon" EGD from Brian W)-3.372 F .873 -(arner on those systems to pro)-.8 F .873(vide useful)-.15 F 1.414 -(random data.)117 244.2 R 1.414(In this case,)6.414 F F2(sendmail)3.914 -E F1 1.413(must be compiled with the \215ag EGD, and the RandFile)3.913 -F .731(option must point to the EGD sock)117 256.2 R 3.231(et. If)-.1 F -(neither)3.231 E F0(/de)3.232 E(v/urandom\(4\))-.15 E F1 .732 -(nor EGD are a)3.232 F -.25(va)-.2 G .732(ilable, you).25 F(ha)117 268.2 -Q .474 -.15(ve t)-.2 H 2.674(om).15 G(ak)-2.674 E 2.674(es)-.1 G .174 +.223(It is)5.223 F F0(str)2.723 E(ongly)-.18 E F1 .224(advised to use) +2.723 F .873(the "Entrop)117 232.2 R 3.373(yG)-.1 G .872 +(athering Daemon" EGD from Brian W)-3.373 F .872 +(arner on those systems to pro)-.8 F .872(vide useful)-.15 F 1.413 +(random data.)117 244.2 R 1.413(In this case,)6.413 F F2(sendmail)3.913 +E F1 1.414(must be compiled with the \215ag EGD, and the RandFile)3.913 +F .732(option must point to the EGD sock)117 256.2 R 3.231(et. If)-.1 F +(neither)3.231 E F0(/de)3.231 E(v/urandom\(4\))-.15 E F1 .731 +(nor EGD are a)3.231 F -.25(va)-.2 G .731(ilable, you).25 F(ha)117 268.2 +Q .473 -.15(ve t)-.2 H 2.673(om).15 G(ak)-2.673 E 2.674(es)-.1 G .174 (ure that useful random data is a)-2.674 F -.25(va)-.2 G .174 -(ilable all the time in RandFile.).25 F .173(If the \214le hasn')5.174 F +(ilable all the time in RandFile.).25 F .174(If the \214le hasn')5.174 F (t)-.18 E .39(been modi\214ed in the last 10 minutes before it is suppo\ sed to be used by)117 280.2 R F2(sendmail)2.89 E F1 .39(the content is) 2.89 F(considered obsolete.)117 292.2 Q (One method for generating this \214le is:)5 E (openssl rand -out /etc/mail/rand\214le -rand)157 308.4 Q F2 -(/path/to/\214le:...)2.5 E F1(256)A .321 -(See the OpenSSL documentation for more information.)117 324.6 R .32 -(In this case, the PRNG for TLS is only)5.321 F .956 +(/path/to/\214le:...)2.5 E F1(256)A .32 +(See the OpenSSL documentation for more information.)117 324.6 R .321 +(In this case, the PRNG for TLS is only)5.321 F .957 (seeded with other random data if the)117 336.6 R F0(DontBlameSendmail) -3.456 E F1(option)3.457 E F0(Insuf\214cientEntr)3.457 E(opy)-.18 E F1 -.957(is set.)3.457 F(This is most lik)117 348.6 Q(ely not suf)-.1 E +3.456 E F1(option)3.456 E F0(Insuf\214cientEntr)3.456 E(opy)-.18 E F1 +.956(is set.)3.456 F(This is most lik)117 348.6 Q(ely not suf)-.1 E (\214cient for certain actions, e.g., generation of \(temporary\) k)-.25 E -.15(ey)-.1 G(s.).15 E .051(Please see the OpenSSL documentation or o\ ther sources for further information about cer)142 364.8 R(-)-.2 E 1.064 (ti\214cates, their creation and their usage, the importance of a good \ PRNG, and other aspects of)117 376.8 R(TLS.)117 388.8 Q F0 2.5 (6.7. Encoding)87 412.8 R(of ST)2.5 E(AR)-.9 E(TTLS and A)-.4 E(UTH r) --.5 E(elated Macr)-.18 E(os)-.18 E F1 .693(Macros that contain ST)127 -429 R(AR)-.93 E .693(TTLS and A)-.6 F .692 +-.5 E(elated Macr)-.18 E(os)-.18 E F1 .692(Macros that contain ST)127 +429 R(AR)-.93 E .692(TTLS and A)-.6 F .693 (UTH related data which comes from outside sources,)-.55 F .809(e.g., a\ ll macros containing information from certi\214cates, are encoded to a) -102 441 R -.2(vo)-.2 G .81(id problems with non-).2 F .193 -(printable or special characters.)102 453 R .193 -(The latter are '\\', '<', '>', '\(', '\)', '"', '+', and ' '.)5.193 F -.192(All of these char)5.192 F(-)-.2 E(acters are replaced by their v) +102 441 R -.2(vo)-.2 G .809(id problems with non-).2 F .192 +(printable or special characters.)102 453 R .192 +(The latter are '\\', '<', '>', '\(', '\)', '"', '+', and ' '.)5.192 F +.193(All of these char)5.193 F(-)-.2 E(acters are replaced by their v) 102 465 Q(alue in he)-.25 E(xadecimal with a leading '+'.)-.15 E -.15 (Fo)5 G 2.5(re).15 G(xample:)-2.65 E(/C=US/ST=California/O=endmail.or) 142 481.2 Q(g/OU=pri)-.18 E -.25(va)-.25 G(te/CN=Darth Mail \(Cert\)/) @@ -8949,31 +8958,31 @@ ll macros containing information from certi\214cates, are encoded to a) 102 509.4 Q(/C=US/ST=California/O=endmail.or)142 525.6 Q(g/OU=pri)-.18 E -.25(va)-.25 G(te/).25 E (CN=Darth+20Mail+20+28Cert+29/Email=darth+2Bcert@endmail.or)142 537.6 Q -(g)-.18 E .515(\(line breaks ha)102 553.8 R .815 -.15(ve b)-.2 H .515 -(een inserted for readability\).).15 F .516 -(The macros which are subject to this encoding are)5.515 F 6.828({cert_\ +(g)-.18 E .516(\(line breaks ha)102 553.8 R .816 -.15(ve b)-.2 H .516 +(een inserted for readability\).).15 F .515 +(The macros which are subject to this encoding are)5.515 F 6.827({cert_\ subject}, {cert_issuer}, {cn_subject}, {cn_issuer}, as well as {auth_au\ then} and)102 565.8 R({auth_author}.)102 577.8 Q F0 2.5(7. A)72 601.8 R -(CKNO)-.55 E(WLEDGEMENTS)-.5 E F1(I')112 618 Q 2.036 -.15(ve w)-.5 H +(CKNO)-.55 E(WLEDGEMENTS)-.5 E F1(I')112 618 Q 2.037 -.15(ve w)-.5 H (ork).05 E 1.737(ed on)-.1 F F2(sendmail)4.237 E F1 1.737(for man)4.237 F 4.237(yy)-.15 G 1.737(ears, and man)-4.237 F 4.237(ye)-.15 G(mplo) -4.237 E 1.737(yers ha)-.1 F 2.037 -.15(ve b)-.2 H 1.737 -(een remarkably patient).15 F .404(about letting me w)87 630 R .404 -(ork on a lar)-.1 F .404(ge project that w)-.18 F .403 -(as not part of my of)-.1 F .403(\214cial job)-.25 F 5.403(.T)-.4 G .403 -(his includes time on the)-5.403 F .281(INGRES Project at the Uni)87 642 +(een remarkably patient).15 F .403(about letting me w)87 630 R .403 +(ork on a lar)-.1 F .403(ge project that w)-.18 F .404 +(as not part of my of)-.1 F .404(\214cial job)-.25 F 5.404(.T)-.4 G .404 +(his includes time on the)-5.404 F .282(INGRES Project at the Uni)87 642 R -.15(ve)-.25 G .282(rsity of California at Berk).15 F(ele)-.1 E 1.582 --.65(y, a)-.15 H 2.782(tB).65 G .282(ritton Lee, and ag)-2.782 F .282 +-.65(y, a)-.15 H 2.782(tB).65 G .282(ritton Lee, and ag)-2.782 F .281 (ain on the Mammoth)-.05 F(and T)87 654 Q(itan Projects at Berk)-.35 E -(ele)-.1 E -.65(y.)-.15 G .79(Much of the second w)112 670.2 R -2.25 -.2 -(av e)-.1 H .789(of impro)3.49 F -.15(ve)-.15 G .789 -(ments resulting in v).15 F .789(ersion 8.1 should be credited to Bryan) +(ele)-.1 E -.65(y.)-.15 G .789(Much of the second w)112 670.2 R -2.25 +-.2(av e)-.1 H .789(of impro)3.489 F -.15(ve)-.15 G .789 +(ments resulting in v).15 F .79(ersion 8.1 should be credited to Bryan) -.15 F .545(Costales of the International Computer Science Institute.)87 682.2 R .545(As he passed me drafts of his book on)5.545 F F2(send-) 3.045 E(mail)87 694.2 Q F1 2.5(Iw)2.5 G(as inspired to start w)-2.6 E (orking on things ag)-.1 E 2.5(ain. Bryan)-.05 F -.1(wa)2.5 G 2.5(sa).1 G(lso a)-2.5 E -.25(va)-.2 G(ilable to bounce ideas of).25 E 2.5(fo)-.25 -G(f.)-2.5 E(Gre)112 710.4 Q .168(gory Neil Shapiro of W)-.15 F .168(orc\ +G(f.)-2.5 E(Gre)112 710.4 Q .167(gory Neil Shapiro of W)-.15 F .168(orc\ ester Polytechnic Institute has become instrumental in all phases of)-.8 F F2(sendmail)87 722.4 Q F1 .34(support and de)2.84 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .34 (lopment, and w).15 F .34(as lar)-.1 F .34 @@ -8985,14 +8994,14 @@ BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF 188.36(SMM:08-100 Sendmail)72 60 R (Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(door)87 -96 Q(.)-.55 E(Man)112 112.2 Q 2.857 -.65(y, m)-.15 H(an).65 E 4.057(yp) --.15 G 1.557(eople contrib)-4.057 F 1.556 +96 Q(.)-.55 E(Man)112 112.2 Q 2.856 -.65(y, m)-.15 H(an).65 E 4.056(yp) +-.15 G 1.556(eople contrib)-4.056 F 1.556 (uted chunks of code and ideas to)-.2 F/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF -(sendmail)4.056 E F1 6.556(.I)C 4.056(th)-6.556 G 1.556(as pro)-4.056 F --.15(ve)-.15 G 4.056(nt).15 G 4.056(ob)-4.056 G 4.056(ea)-4.056 G .405 -(group netw)87 124.2 R .405(ork ef)-.1 F 2.905(fort. V)-.25 F .405 -(ersion 8 in particular w)-1.11 F .405(as a group project.)-.1 F .406 -(The follo)5.406 F .406(wing people and or)-.25 F -.05(ga)-.18 G(niza-) +(sendmail)4.056 E F1 6.556(.I)C 4.056(th)-6.556 G 1.557(as pro)-4.056 F +-.15(ve)-.15 G 4.057(nt).15 G 4.057(ob)-4.057 G 4.057(ea)-4.057 G .406 +(group netw)87 124.2 R .406(ork ef)-.1 F 2.906(fort. V)-.25 F .406 +(ersion 8 in particular w)-1.11 F .405(as a group project.)-.1 F .405 +(The follo)5.405 F .405(wing people and or)-.25 F -.05(ga)-.18 G(niza-) .05 E(tions made notable contrib)87 136.2 Q(utions:)-.2 E(Claus Assmann) 127 152.4 Q(John Beck, He)127 164.4 Q(wlett-P)-.25 E (ackard & Sun Microsystems)-.15 E -.25(Ke)127 176.4 S @@ -9028,24 +9037,24 @@ E(Eric Schnoebelen, Con)127 428.4 Q .3 -.15(vex C)-.4 H(omputer Corp.) -.4 G(ni)-2.5 E -.15(ve)-.25 G(rsity of Maryland).15 E(Christophe W)127 464.4 Q(olfhugel, P)-.8 E(asteur Institute & Herv)-.15 E 2.5(eS)-.15 G (chauer Consultants \(P)-2.5 E(aris\))-.15 E(, Inc.)127 476.4 -Q 3.22(Ia)87 492.6 S .72(pologize for an)-3.22 F .72(yone I ha)-.15 F -1.019 -.15(ve o)-.2 H .719(mitted, misspelled, misattrib).15 F .719 -(uted, or otherwise missed.)-.2 F .719(At this point, I)5.719 F 1.092 +Q 3.219(Ia)87 492.6 S .719(pologize for an)-3.219 F .719(yone I ha)-.15 +F 1.019 -.15(ve o)-.2 H .719(mitted, misspelled, misattrib).15 F .719 +(uted, or otherwise missed.)-.2 F .72(At this point, I)5.72 F 1.093 (suspect that at least a hundred people ha)87 504.6 R 1.393 -.15(ve c) --.2 H(ontrib).15 E 1.093(uted code, and man)-.2 F 3.593(ym)-.15 G 1.093 -(ore ha)-3.593 F 1.393 -.15(ve c)-.2 H(ontrib).15 E 1.093(uted ideas,) --.2 F 1.534(comments, and encouragement.)87 516.6 R(I')6.534 E 1.834 --.15(ve t)-.5 H 1.534(ried to list them in the RELEASE_NO).15 F 1.533 +-.2 H(ontrib).15 E 1.093(uted code, and man)-.2 F 3.592(ym)-.15 G 1.092 +(ore ha)-3.592 F 1.392 -.15(ve c)-.2 H(ontrib).15 E 1.092(uted ideas,) +-.2 F 1.533(comments, and encouragement.)87 516.6 R(I')6.534 E 1.834 +-.15(ve t)-.5 H 1.534(ried to list them in the RELEASE_NO).15 F 1.534 (TES in the distrib)-.4 F(ution)-.2 E(directory)87 528.6 Q 5(.I)-.65 G -(appreciate their contrib)-2.5 E(ution as well.)-.2 E .742 -(Special thanks are reserv)112 544.8 R .742(ed for Michael Corrig)-.15 F -.743(an and Christophe W)-.05 F .743(olfhugel, who besides being)-.8 F +(appreciate their contrib)-2.5 E(ution as well.)-.2 E .743 +(Special thanks are reserv)112 544.8 R .743(ed for Michael Corrig)-.15 F +.742(an and Christophe W)-.05 F .742(olfhugel, who besides being)-.8 F -.1(wo)87 556.8 S 2.1(nderful guinea pigs and contrib).1 F 2.1(utors ha) -.2 F 2.4 -.15(ve a)-.2 H 2.1(lso consented to be added to the `).15 F -(`sendmail@Send-)-.74 E(mail.ORG')87 568.8 Q 3.61('l)-.74 G 1.11 -(ist and, by answering the b)-3.61 F 1.111 -(ulk of the questions sent to that list, ha)-.2 F 1.411 -.15(ve f)-.2 H -1.111(reed me up to do).15 F(other w)87 580.8 Q(ork.)-.1 E 0 Cg EP +(`sendmail@Send-)-.74 E(mail.ORG')87 568.8 Q 3.611('l)-.74 G 1.111 +(ist and, by answering the b)-3.611 F 1.111 +(ulk of the questions sent to that list, ha)-.2 F 1.41 -.15(ve f)-.2 H +1.11(reed me up to do).15 F(other w)87 580.8 Q(ork.)-.1 E 0 Cg EP %%Page: 101 97 %%BeginPageSetup BP @@ -9054,13 +9063,13 @@ BP 224.832 141.6 Q(GS)-.66 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(Ar)97 201 Q (guments must be presented with \215ags before addresses.)-.18 E (The \215ags are:)5 E72 217.2 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(x)A F1 -.049(Select an alternati)54.7 F .349 -.15(ve .)-.25 H .049 +.048(Select an alternati)54.7 F .348 -.15(ve .)-.25 H .048 (cf \214le which is either).15 F F2( E F1(for)2.549 E -/F3 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(\255Am)2.549 E F1(or)2.548 E F2( E -F1(for)2.548 E F3(\255Ac)2.548 E F1 5.048(.B)C(y)-5.048 E(def)144 229.2 +/F3 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(\255Am)2.549 E F1(or)2.549 E F2( E +F1(for)2.549 E F3(\255Ac)2.549 E F1 5.049(.B)C(y)-5.049 E(def)144 229.2 Q .024(ault the .cf \214le is chosen based on the operation mode.)-.1 F -.15(Fo)5.024 G(r).15 E F3(-bm)2.524 E F1(\(def)2.524 E(ault\),)-.1 E F3 -(-bs)2.524 E F1 2.524(,a)C(nd)-2.524 E F3(-t)2.525 E F1(it)2.525 E(is) +(-bs)2.524 E F1 2.524(,a)C(nd)-2.524 E F3(-t)2.524 E F1(it)2.524 E(is) 144 241.2 Q F2( E F1(if it e)2.5 E (xists, for all others it is)-.15 E F2( E F1(.)A72 257.4 Q F2(x)A F1(Set operation mode to)56.92 E F2(x)2.5 E F1 5(.O)C @@ -9081,51 +9090,51 @@ G 2.5(rt).15 G(he mail queue \(requires shared memory\))-2.5 E 15(hP)184 405.6 S(ur)-12.78 E(ge e)-.18 E (xpired entries from the persistent host status database)-.15 E72 426 Q F2(type)A F1(Indicate body type.)43.03 E72 442.2 Q F2 -(\214le)A F1 .947(Use a dif)47.47 F .946(ferent con\214guration \214le.) +(\214le)A F1 .946(Use a dif)47.47 F .946(ferent con\214guration \214le.) -.25 F F2(Sendmail)5.946 E F1 .946(runs as the in)3.446 F -.2(vo)-.4 G .946(king user \(rather than root\)).2 F (when this \215ag is speci\214ed.)144 454.2 Q72 470.4 Q F2(lo)2.5 E(g\214le)-.1 E F1(Send deb)31.74 E(ugging output to the indicated)-.2 E F2(lo)2.5 E(g\214le)-.1 E F1(instead of stdout.)2.5 E72 486.6 Q F2 (le)A(vel)-.15 E F1(Set deb)42.63 E(ugging le)-.2 E -.15(ve)-.25 G(l.) -.15 E72 502.8 Q F2(addr)2.5 E F1 .627(The en)41.64 F -.15(ve)-.4 G -.627(lope sender address is set to).15 F F2(addr)3.127 E F1 5.627(.T)C -.628(his address may also be used in the From:)-5.627 F .153 +.15 E72 502.8 Q F2(addr)2.5 E F1 .628(The en)41.64 F -.15(ve)-.4 G +.628(lope sender address is set to).15 F F2(addr)3.128 E F1 5.628(.T)C +.627(his address may also be used in the From:)-5.628 F .152 (header if that header is missing during initial submission.)144 514.8 R -.152(The en)5.152 F -.15(ve)-.4 G .152(lope sender address is).15 F +.153(The en)5.152 F -.15(ve)-.4 G .153(lope sender address is).15 F 1.263(used as the recipient for deli)144 526.8 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.263 (ry status noti\214cations and may also appear in a Return-).15 F -.15 (Pa)144 538.8 S(th: header).15 E(.)-.55 E72 555 Q F2(name)2.5 E F1 (Sets the full name of this user to)36.64 E F2(name)2.5 E F1(.)A 56.64 (\255G When)72 571.2 R 1.176 -(accepting messages via the command line, indicate that the)3.677 F -3.676(ya)-.15 G 1.176(re for relay \(g)-3.676 F(ate-)-.05 E -.1(wa)144 -583.2 S 2.215(y\) submission.).1 F 2.216 -(sendmail may complain about syntactically in)7.215 F -.25(va)-.4 G -2.216(lid messages, e.g.,).25 F .037(unquali\214ed host names, rather t\ -han \214xing them when this \215ag is set.)144 595.2 R .037 -(sendmail will not do)5.037 F(an)144 607.2 Q 2.5(yc)-.15 G +(accepting messages via the command line, indicate that the)3.676 F +3.676(ya)-.15 G 1.177(re for relay \(g)-3.676 F(ate-)-.05 E -.1(wa)144 +583.2 S 2.216(y\) submission.).1 F 2.216 +(sendmail may complain about syntactically in)7.216 F -.25(va)-.4 G +2.215(lid messages, e.g.,).25 F .037(unquali\214ed host names, rather t\ +han \214xing them when this \215ag is set.)144 595.2 R .038 +(sendmail will not do)5.038 F(an)144 607.2 Q 2.5(yc)-.15 G (anonicalization in this mode.)-2.5 E72 623.4 Q F2(cnt)2.5 E F1 -.725(Sets the \231hop count\232 to)46.64 F F2(cnt)3.225 E F1 5.725(.T)C -.726(his represents the number of times this message has been)-5.725 F +.726(Sets the \231hop count\232 to)46.64 F F2(cnt)3.226 E F1 5.725(.T)C +.725(his represents the number of times this message has been)-5.725 F .02(processed by)144 635.4 R F2(sendmail)2.52 E F1 .02(\(to the e)2.52 F .02(xtent that it is supported by the underlying netw)-.15 F(orks\).)-.1 E F2(Cnt)5.02 E F1 1.521(is incremented during processing, and if it re\ -aches MAXHOP \(currently 25\))144 647.4 R F2(sendmail)4.021 E F1(thro) -144 659.4 Q(ws a)-.25 E -.1(wa)-.15 G 2.5(yt).1 G -(he message with an error)-2.5 E(.)-.55 E .32 LW 76 680.4 72 680.4 DL 80 -680.4 76 680.4 DL 84 680.4 80 680.4 DL 88 680.4 84 680.4 DL 92 680.4 88 -680.4 DL 96 680.4 92 680.4 DL 100 680.4 96 680.4 DL 104 680.4 100 680.4 -DL 108 680.4 104 680.4 DL 112 680.4 108 680.4 DL 116 680.4 112 680.4 DL -120 680.4 116 680.4 DL 124 680.4 120 680.4 DL 128 680.4 124 680.4 DL 132 -680.4 128 680.4 DL 136 680.4 132 680.4 DL 140 680.4 136 680.4 DL 144 -680.4 140 680.4 DL 148 680.4 144 680.4 DL 152 680.4 148 680.4 DL 156 -680.4 152 680.4 DL 160 680.4 156 680.4 DL 164 680.4 160 680.4 DL 168 -680.4 164 680.4 DL 172 680.4 168 680.4 DL 176 680.4 172 680.4 DL 180 -680.4 176 680.4 DL 184 680.4 180 680.4 DL 188 680.4 184 680.4 DL 192 -680.4 188 680.4 DL 196 680.4 192 680.4 DL 200 680.4 196 680.4 DL 204 -680.4 200 680.4 DL 208 680.4 204 680.4 DL 212 680.4 208 680.4 DL 216 -680.4 212 680.4 DL/F4 8/Times-Roman@0 SF(\207Deprecated.)93.6 692.4 Q F3 +aches MAXHOP \(currently 25\))144 647.4 R F2(sendmail)4.02 E F1(thro)144 +659.4 Q(ws a)-.25 E -.1(wa)-.15 G 2.5(yt).1 G(he message with an error) +-2.5 E(.)-.55 E .32 LW 76 680.4 72 680.4 DL 80 680.4 76 680.4 DL 84 +680.4 80 680.4 DL 88 680.4 84 680.4 DL 92 680.4 88 680.4 DL 96 680.4 92 +680.4 DL 100 680.4 96 680.4 DL 104 680.4 100 680.4 DL 108 680.4 104 +680.4 DL 112 680.4 108 680.4 DL 116 680.4 112 680.4 DL 120 680.4 116 +680.4 DL 124 680.4 120 680.4 DL 128 680.4 124 680.4 DL 132 680.4 128 +680.4 DL 136 680.4 132 680.4 DL 140 680.4 136 680.4 DL 144 680.4 140 +680.4 DL 148 680.4 144 680.4 DL 152 680.4 148 680.4 DL 156 680.4 152 +680.4 DL 160 680.4 156 680.4 DL 164 680.4 160 680.4 DL 168 680.4 164 +680.4 DL 172 680.4 168 680.4 DL 176 680.4 172 680.4 DL 180 680.4 176 +680.4 DL 184 680.4 180 680.4 DL 188 680.4 184 680.4 DL 192 680.4 188 +680.4 DL 196 680.4 192 680.4 DL 200 680.4 196 680.4 DL 204 680.4 200 +680.4 DL 208 680.4 204 680.4 DL 212 680.4 208 680.4 DL 216 680.4 212 +680.4 DL/F4 8/Times-Roman@0 SF(\207Deprecated.)93.6 692.4 Q F3 (Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide)72 756 Q(SMM:08-101)190.86 E 0 Cg EP %%Page: 102 98 @@ -9134,17 +9143,17 @@ BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF 188.36(SMM:08-102 Sendmail)72 60 R (Installation and Operation Guide)2.5 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF72 -96 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(ta)2.5 E(g)-.1 E F1 1.483 -(Sets the identi\214er used for syslog.)45.07 F 1.482 +96 Q/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(ta)2.5 E(g)-.1 E F1 1.482 +(Sets the identi\214er used for syslog.)45.07 F 1.483 (Note that this identi\214er is set as early as possible.)6.483 F(Ho)144 -108 Q(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G -.4(r,).15 G F2(sendmail)2.915 E F1 .015 -(may be used if problems arise before the command line ar)2.515 F .016 +108 Q(we)-.25 E -.15(ve)-.25 G -.4(r,).15 G F2(sendmail)2.916 E F1 .015 +(may be used if problems arise before the command line ar)2.516 F .015 (guments are)-.18 F(processed.)144 120 Q 58.86(\255n Don')72 136.2 R 2.5 (td)-.18 G 2.5(oa)-2.5 G(liasing or forw)-2.5 E(arding.)-.1 E72 -152.4 Q F2(noti\214cations)2.5 E F1 -.8(Ta)7.19 G 3.128(ga).8 G .628 -(ll addresses being sent as w)-3.128 F .628(anting the indicated)-.1 F -F2(noti\214cations)3.128 E F1 3.127(,w)C .627(hich consists of the) --3.127 F -.1(wo)144 164.4 S .474 +152.4 Q F2(noti\214cations)2.5 E F1 -.8(Ta)7.19 G 3.127(ga).8 G .627 +(ll addresses being sent as w)-3.127 F .628(anting the indicated)-.1 F +F2(noti\214cations)3.128 E F1 3.128(,w)C .628(hich consists of the) +-3.128 F -.1(wo)144 164.4 S .474 (rd \231NEVER\232 or a comma-separated list of \231SUCCESS\232, \231F).1 F .474(AILURE\232, and \231DELA)-.74 F<599a>-1.05 E .86 (for successful deli)144 176.4 R -.15(ve)-.25 G(ry).15 E 3.36(,f)-.65 G @@ -9154,67 +9163,67 @@ E(Y\232.)-1.05 E72 204.6 Q F2(addr)2.5 E F1(An obsolete form of) 41.64 E F02.5 E F1(.)A72 220.8 Q F2 1.666(xv)C(alue)-1.666 E F1(Set option)33.594 E F2(x)2.5 E F1(to the speci\214ed)2.5 E F2(value) 2.5 E F1 5(.T)C(hese options are described in Section 5.6.)-5 E72 -237 Q F2(option)A F0(=)A F2(value)A F1(Set)6.22 E F2(option)5.173 E F1 -2.674(to the speci\214ed)5.173 F F2(value)5.174 E F1 2.674 -(\(for long form option names\).)5.174 F 2.674(These options are)7.674 F +237 Q F2(option)A F0(=)A F2(value)A F1(Set)6.22 E F2(option)5.174 E F1 +2.674(to the speci\214ed)5.174 F F2(value)5.174 E F1 2.674 +(\(for long form option names\).)5.174 F 2.673(These options are)7.674 F (described in Section 5.6.)144 249 Q72 265.2 Q F2 1.666(xv)C(alue) -1.666 E F1(Set macro)29.704 E F2(x)2.5 E F1(to the speci\214ed)2.5 E F2 -(value)2.5 E F1(.)A72 281.4 Q F2(pr)A(otocol)-.45 E F1 .401 +(value)2.5 E F1(.)A72 281.4 Q F2(pr)A(otocol)-.45 E F1 .4 (Set the sending protocol.)27.92 F .401 -(Programs are encouraged to set this.)5.401 F .4 -(The protocol \214eld can be)5.401 F .114(in the form)144 293.4 R F2(pr) -2.614 E(otocol)-.45 E F0(:)A F2(host)A F1 .114 -(to set both the sending protocol and sending host.)2.614 F -.15(Fo) -5.115 G 2.615(re).15 G(xample,)-2.765 E 2.147(\231\255pUUCP:uunet\232 s\ +(Programs are encouraged to set this.)5.4 F .401 +(The protocol \214eld can be)5.401 F .115(in the form)144 293.4 R F2(pr) +2.615 E(otocol)-.45 E F0(:)A F2(host)A F1 .114 +(to set both the sending protocol and sending host.)2.615 F -.15(Fo) +5.114 G 2.614(re).15 G(xample,)-2.764 E 2.147(\231\255pUUCP:uunet\232 s\ ets the sending protocol to UUCP and the sending host to uunet.)144 -305.4 R .973(\(Some e)144 317.4 R .974 +305.4 R .974(\(Some e)144 317.4 R .974 (xisting programs use \255oM to set the r and s macros; this is equi) --.15 F -.25(va)-.25 G .974(lent to using).25 F(\255p.\))144 329.4 Q -72 345.6 Q F2(time)A F1 -.35(Tr)44.14 G 2.776(yt).35 G 2.776(op) --2.776 G .276(rocess the queued up mail.)-2.776 F .276 -(If the time is gi)5.276 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .275(n, a).15 F F2(sendmail) -2.775 E F1 .275(will start one or more)2.775 F .011 +-.15 F -.25(va)-.25 G .973(lent to using).25 F(\255p.\))144 329.4 Q +72 345.6 Q F2(time)A F1 -.35(Tr)44.14 G 2.775(yt).35 G 2.775(op) +-2.775 G .275(rocess the queued up mail.)-2.775 F .276 +(If the time is gi)5.275 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .276(n, a).15 F F2(sendmail) +2.776 E F1 .276(will start one or more)2.776 F .011 (processes to run through the queue\(s\) at the speci\214ed time interv) -144 357.6 R .011(al to deli)-.25 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.511(rq).15 G .011 -(ueued mail;)-2.511 F .906(otherwise, it only runs once.)144 369.6 R -.906(Each of these processes acts on a w)5.906 F 3.405(orkgroup. These) --.1 F(pro-)3.405 E .959(cesses are also kno)144 381.6 R .959(wn as w) --.25 F .959(orkgroup processes or WGP')-.1 F 3.459(sf)-.55 G .959 -(or short.)-3.459 F .96(Each w)5.96 F .96(orkgroup is)-.1 F .523 +144 357.6 R .01(al to deli)-.25 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.51(rq).15 G .01 +(ueued mail;)-2.51 F .905(otherwise, it only runs once.)144 369.6 R .906 +(Each of these processes acts on a w)5.906 F 3.406(orkgroup. These)-.1 F +(pro-)3.406 E .96(cesses are also kno)144 381.6 R .959(wn as w)-.25 F +.959(orkgroup processes or WGP')-.1 F 3.459(sf)-.55 G .959(or short.) +-3.459 F .959(Each w)5.959 F .959(orkgroup is)-.1 F .522 (responsible for controlling the processing of one or more queues; w)144 -393.6 R .522(orkgroups help man-)-.1 F 1.268 +393.6 R .523(orkgroups help man-)-.1 F 1.268 (age the use of system resources by sendmail.)144 405.6 R 1.268(Each w) -6.268 F 1.268(orkgroup may ha)-.1 F 1.568 -.15(ve o)-.2 H 1.268 +6.268 F 1.268(orkgroup may ha)-.1 F 1.568 -.15(ve o)-.2 H 1.267 (ne or more).15 F .357 (children concurrently processing queues depending on the setting of)144 -417.6 R F2(MaxQueueChildr)2.856 E(en)-.37 E F1(.)A(\255qp)72 433.8 Q F2 -(time)A F1 1.174(Similar to \255q with a time ar)39.14 F 1.175 -(gument, e)-.18 F 1.175 +417.6 R F2(MaxQueueChildr)2.857 E(en)-.37 E F1(.)A(\255qp)72 433.8 Q F2 +(time)A F1 1.175(Similar to \255q with a time ar)39.14 F 1.175 +(gument, e)-.18 F 1.174 (xcept that instead of periodically starting WGP')-.15 F(s)-.55 E .7 (sendmail starts persistent WGP')144 445.8 R 3.2(st)-.55 G .7 (hat alternate between processing queues and sleeping.)-3.2 F 1.123 (The sleep time is speci\214ed by the time ar)144 457.8 R 1.123 -(gument; it def)-.18 F 1.123(aults to 1 second, e)-.1 F 1.124 -(xcept that a)-.15 F 1.294(WGP al)144 469.8 R -.1(wa)-.1 G 1.293 +(gument; it def)-.18 F 1.123(aults to 1 second, e)-.1 F 1.123 +(xcept that a)-.15 F 1.293(WGP al)144 469.8 R -.1(wa)-.1 G 1.293 (ys sleeps at least 5 seconds if their queues were empty in the pre).1 F -1.293(vious run.)-.25 F .138 +1.294(vious run.)-.25 F .139 (Persistent processes are managed by a queue control process \(QCP\).) -144 481.8 R .139(The QCP is the par)5.139 F(-)-.2 E .18 +144 481.8 R .138(The QCP is the par)5.138 F(-)-.2 E .179 (ent process of the WGP')144 493.8 R 2.679(s. T)-.55 F .179 (ypically the QCP will be the sendmail daemon \(when started)-.8 F .424 (with \255bd or \255bD\) or a special process \(named Queue control\) \ -\(when started without \255bd)144 505.8 R .72(or \255bD\).)144 517.8 R -.72(If a persistent WGP ceases to be acti)5.72 F 1.019 -.15(ve f)-.25 H -.719(or some reason another WGP will be).15 F .862 +\(when started without \255bd)144 505.8 R .719(or \255bD\).)144 517.8 R +.719(If a persistent WGP ceases to be acti)5.719 F 1.019 -.15(ve f)-.25 +H .72(or some reason another WGP will be).15 F .862 (started by the QCP for the same w)144 529.8 R .862 -(orkgroup in most cases. When a persistent WGP has)-.1 F 1.008 -(core dumped, the deb)144 541.8 R 1.008(ug \215ag)-.2 F F2(no_per)3.508 -E(sistent_r)-.1 E(estart)-.37 E F1 1.007 -(is set or the speci\214c persistent WGP)3.508 F .676 +(orkgroup in most cases. When a persistent WGP has)-.1 F 1.007 +(core dumped, the deb)144 541.8 R 1.007(ug \215ag)-.2 F F2(no_per)3.507 +E(sistent_r)-.1 E(estart)-.37 E F1 1.008 +(is set or the speci\214c persistent WGP)3.507 F .677 (has been restarted too man)144 553.8 R 3.176(yt)-.15 G .676 -(imes already then the WGP will not be started ag)-3.176 F .677 -(ain and a)-.05 F .876(message will be logged to this ef)144 565.8 R -3.375(fect. T)-.25 F 3.375(os)-.8 G .875 +(imes already then the WGP will not be started ag)-3.176 F .676 +(ain and a)-.05 F .875(message will be logged to this ef)144 565.8 R +3.375(fect. T)-.25 F 3.375(os)-.8 G .876 (top \(SIGTERM\) or restart \(SIGHUP\) persis-)-3.375 F .116(tent WGP') 144 577.8 R 2.616(st)-.55 G .116 (he appropriate signal should be sent to the QCP)-2.616 F 2.616(.T)-1.11 @@ -9222,25 +9231,25 @@ G .116(he QCP will propag)-2.616 F .116(ate the)-.05 F (signal to all of the WGP')144 589.8 Q 2.5(sa)-.55 G (nd if appropriate restart the persistent WGP')-2.5 E(s.)-.55 E72 606 Q F2(Gname)A F1(Run the jobs in the queue group)32.48 E F2(name)2.5 -E F1(once.)2.5 E(\255q[!])72 622.2 Q F2(Xstring)A F1 .313 +E F1(once.)2.5 E(\255q[!])72 622.2 Q F2(Xstring)A F1 .312 (Run the queue once, limiting the jobs to those matching)21.92 F F2 -(Xstring)2.812 E F1 5.312(.T)C .312(he k)-5.312 F .612 -.15(ey l)-.1 H -(etter).15 E F2(X)2.812 E F1 .312(can be)2.812 F F0(I)144 634.2 Q F1 -1.347(to limit based on queue identi\214er)3.847 F(,)-.4 E F0(R)3.847 E +(Xstring)2.813 E F1 5.313(.T)C .313(he k)-5.313 F .613 -.15(ey l)-.1 H +(etter).15 E F2(X)2.813 E F1 .313(can be)2.813 F F0(I)144 634.2 Q F1 +1.347(to limit based on queue identi\214er)3.848 F(,)-.4 E F0(R)3.847 E F1 1.347(to limit based on recipient,)3.847 F F0(S)3.847 E F1 1.347 -(to limit based on)3.847 F(sender)144 646.2 Q 4.758(,o)-.4 G(r)-4.758 E -F0(Q)4.758 E F1 2.258 -(to limit based on quarantine reason for quarantined jobs.)4.758 F 4.757 -(Ap)7.257 G(articular)-4.757 E .062 +(to limit based on)3.847 F(sender)144 646.2 Q 4.757(,o)-.4 G(r)-4.757 E +F0(Q)4.757 E F1 2.258 +(to limit based on quarantine reason for quarantined jobs.)4.757 F 4.758 +(Ap)7.258 G(articular)-4.758 E .062 (queued job is accepted if one of the corresponding attrib)144 658.2 R -.063(utes contains the indicated)-.2 F F2(string)2.563 E F1(.)A .779 +.062(utes contains the indicated)-.2 F F2(string)2.562 E F1(.)A .778 (The optional ! character ne)144 670.2 R -.05(ga)-.15 G .778 -(tes the condition tested.).05 F(Multiple)5.778 E F2(\255qX)3.278 E F1 -.778(\215ags are permitted,)3.278 F .622(with items with the same k)144 +(tes the condition tested.).05 F(Multiple)5.778 E F2(\255qX)3.279 E F1 +.779(\215ags are permitted,)3.279 F .622(with items with the same k)144 682.2 R .922 -.15(ey l)-.1 H .622(etter \231or'ed\232 together).15 F -3.122(,a)-.4 G .622(nd items with dif)-3.122 F .623(ferent k)-.25 F .923 +3.122(,a)-.4 G .622(nd items with dif)-3.122 F .622(ferent k)-.25 F .922 -.15(ey l)-.1 H(etters).15 E(\231and'ed\232 together)144 694.2 Q(.)-.55 -E 23.88(\255Q[reason] Quarantine)72 710.4 R 4.689(an)4.69 G 2.189 +E 23.88(\255Q[reason] Quarantine)72 710.4 R 4.689(an)4.689 G 2.189 (ormal queue items with the gi)-4.689 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 4.689(nr).15 G 2.189(eason or unquarantine quarantined)-4.689 F 1.797 (queue items if no reason is gi)144 722.4 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 4.297 @@ -9256,33 +9265,33 @@ BP 2.5 E -.15(ve)-.15 G(.).15 E(\255R ret)72 112.2 Q 1.687 (What information you w)46.64 F 1.687 (ant returned if the message bounces;)-.1 F F2 -.37(re)4.187 G(t).37 E -F1 1.687(can be \231HDRS\232 for)4.187 F .877 -(headers only or \231FULL\232 for headers plus body)144 124.2 R 5.877 -(.T)-.65 G .878(his is a request only; the other end is)-5.877 F 1.309 -(not required to honor the parameter)144 136.2 R 6.309(.I)-.55 G 3.808 -<6699>-6.309 G 1.308(HDRS\232 is speci\214ed local bounces also return) +F1 1.687(can be \231HDRS\232 for)4.187 F .878 +(headers only or \231FULL\232 for headers plus body)144 124.2 R 5.878 +(.T)-.65 G .877(his is a request only; the other end is)-5.878 F 1.308 +(not required to honor the parameter)144 136.2 R 6.308(.I)-.55 G 3.808 +<6699>-6.308 G 1.309(HDRS\232 is speci\214ed local bounces also return) -3.808 F(only the headers.)144 148.2 Q 61.08(\255t Read)72 164.4 R .752 (the header for \231T)3.252 F .752 (o:\232, \231Cc:\232, and \231Bcc:\232 lines, and send to e)-.8 F -.15 -(ve)-.25 G .752(ryone listed in those).15 F 2.54(lists. The)144 176.4 R -.039(\231Bcc:\232 line will be deleted before sending.)2.54 F(An)5.039 E -2.539(ya)-.15 G .039(ddresses in the ar)-2.539 F .039(gument v)-.18 F +(ve)-.25 G .752(ryone listed in those).15 F 2.539(lists. The)144 176.4 R +.039(\231Bcc:\232 line will be deleted before sending.)2.539 F(An)5.039 +E 2.539(ya)-.15 G .04(ddresses in the ar)-2.539 F .04(gument v)-.18 F (ec-)-.15 E(tor will be deleted from the send list.)144 188.4 Q -(\255V en)72 204.6 Q 32.32(vid The)-.4 F(indicated)3.179 E F2(en)3.179 E -(vid)-.4 E F1 .679(is passed with the en)3.179 F -.15(ve)-.4 G .68 +(\255V en)72 204.6 Q 32.32(vid The)-.4 F(indicated)3.18 E F2(en)3.18 E +(vid)-.4 E F1 .68(is passed with the en)3.18 F -.15(ve)-.4 G .679 (lope of the message and returned if the mes-).15 F(sage bounces.)144 -216.6 Q72 232.8 Q F2(lo)2.5 E(g\214le)-.1 E F1 .725(Log all traf) -31.74 F .725(\214c in and out of)-.25 F F2(sendmail)3.225 E F1 .725 -(in the indicated)3.225 F F2(lo)3.224 E(g\214le)-.1 E F1 .724(for deb) -3.224 F .724(ugging mailer prob-)-.2 F 2.5(lems. This)144 244.8 R +216.6 Q72 232.8 Q F2(lo)2.5 E(g\214le)-.1 E F1 .724(Log all traf) +31.74 F .724(\214c in and out of)-.25 F F2(sendmail)3.225 E F1 .725 +(in the indicated)3.225 F F2(lo)3.225 E(g\214le)-.1 E F1 .725(for deb) +3.225 F .725(ugging mailer prob-)-.2 F 2.5(lems. This)144 244.8 R (produces a lot of data v)2.5 E -(ery quickly and should be used sparingly)-.15 E(.)-.65 E .637 +(ery quickly and should be used sparingly)-.15 E(.)-.65 E .638 (There are a number of options that may be speci\214ed as primiti)97 261 -R .938 -.15(ve \215)-.25 H 3.138(ags. These).15 F .638 -(are the e, i, m, and v)3.138 F 3.785(options. Also,)72 273 R 1.285 -(the f option may be speci\214ed as the)3.785 F F03.784 E F1 3.784 -(\215ag. The)3.784 F 1.284 -(DSN related options \231\255N\232, \231\255R\232, and)3.784 F +R .937 -.15(ve \215)-.25 H 3.137(ags. These).15 F .637 +(are the e, i, m, and v)3.137 F 3.784(options. Also,)72 273 R 1.284 +(the f option may be speci\214ed as the)3.784 F F03.784 E F1 3.785 +(\215ag. The)3.785 F 1.285 +(DSN related options \231\255N\232, \231\255R\232, and)3.785 F <99ad569a206861>72 285 Q .3 -.15(ve n)-.2 H 2.5(oe).15 G -.25(ff)-2.5 G (ects on).25 E F2(sendmail)2.5 E F1(running as daemon.)2.5 E 0 Cg EP %%Page: 104 100 @@ -9290,18 +9299,18 @@ R .938 -.15(ve \215)-.25 H 3.138(ags. These).15 F .638 BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 12/Times-Bold@0 SF 3(APPENDIX B)250.002 98.4 R -.12(QU)220.29 141.6 -S(EUE FILE FORMA).12 E(TS)-1.14 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF .101 +S(EUE FILE FORMA).12 E(TS)-1.14 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF .102 (This appendix describes the format of the queue \214les.)97 201 R .102 -(These \214les li)5.102 F .402 -.15(ve i)-.25 H 2.602(naq).15 G .102 -(ueue directory)-2.602 F 5.102(.T)-.65 G .102(he indi-)-5.102 F .331 +(These \214les li)5.102 F .402 -.15(ve i)-.25 H 2.602(na).15 G .101 +(queue directory)-.001 F 5.101(.T)-.65 G .101(he indi-)-5.101 F .331 (vidual qf, hf, Qf, df, and xf \214les may be stored in separate)72 213 R/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(qf/)2.831 E F1(,)A F2(df/)2.831 E F1 2.831(,a) C(nd)-2.831 E F2(xf/)2.831 E F1 .331(subdirectories if the)2.831 F 2.831 -(ya)-.15 G .33(re present)-2.831 F(in the queue directory)72 225 Q(.) --.65 E .923(All queue \214les ha)97 241.2 R 1.223 -.15(ve t)-.2 H .923 -(he name).15 F F2(ttYMDhmsNNppppp)3.423 E F1(where)3.424 E F2 -(YMDhmsNNppppp)3.424 E F1 .924(is the)3.424 F F2(id)3.424 E F1 .924 -(for this mes-)3.424 F(sage and the)72 253.2 Q F2(tt)2.5 E F1 +(ya)-.15 G .331(re present)-2.831 F(in the queue directory)72 225 Q(.) +-.65 E .924(All queue \214les ha)97 241.2 R 1.224 -.15(ve t)-.2 H .924 +(he name).15 F F2(ttYMDhmsNNppppp)3.424 E F1(where)3.424 E F2 +(YMDhmsNNppppp)3.424 E F1 .923(is the)3.423 F F2(id)3.423 E F1 .923 +(for this mes-)3.423 F(sage and the)72 253.2 Q F2(tt)2.5 E F1 (is a type.)2.5 E(The indi)5 E(vidual letters in the)-.25 E F2(id)2.5 E F1(are:)2.5 E 28.78(YE)72 269.4 S(ncoded year)-28.78 E 27.11(ME)72 285.6 S(ncoded month)-27.11 E 28.78(DE)72 301.8 S(ncoded day)-28.78 E 31(hE)72 @@ -9311,49 +9320,48 @@ E -.15(ve)-.4 G(lope number).15 E 8.5(ppppp At)72 382.8 R(least \214v) 2.5 E 2.5(ed)-.15 G(ecimal digits of the process ID)-2.5 E .477 (All \214les with the same id collecti)97 399 R -.15(ve)-.25 G .477 (ly de\214ne one message.).15 F .477(Due to the use of memory-b)5.477 F -(uf)-.2 E .476(fered \214les,)-.25 F(some of these \214les may ne)72 411 +(uf)-.2 E .477(fered \214les,)-.25 F(some of these \214les may ne)72 411 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(ra).15 G(ppear on disk.)-2.5 E(The types are:)97 427.2 Q 25.17(qf The)72 443.4 R(queue control \214le.)2.5 E (This \214le contains the information necessary to process the job)5 E (.)-.4 E 25.17(hf The)72 459.6 R(same as a queue control \214le, b)2.5 E (ut for a quarantined queue job)-.2 E(.)-.4 E 25.17(df The)72 475.8 R -.451(data \214le.)2.951 F .452(The message body \(e)5.451 F .452 -(xcluding the header\) is k)-.15 F .452(ept in this \214le.)-.1 F .452 -(Sometimes the df \214le)5.452 F .183(is not stored in the same directo\ +.452(data \214le.)2.952 F .452(The message body \(e)5.452 F .452 +(xcluding the header\) is k)-.15 F .452(ept in this \214le.)-.1 F .451 +(Sometimes the df \214le)5.451 F .183(is not stored in the same directo\ ry as the qf \214le; in this case, the qf \214le contains a `d' record \ which)108 487.8 R (names the queue directory that contains the df \214le.)108 499.8 Q -27.39(tf A)72 516 R .045(temporary \214le.)2.545 F .045 -(This is an image of the)5.045 F/F3 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(qf)2.546 E F1 -.046(\214le when it is being reb)2.546 F 2.546(uilt. It)-.2 F .046 -(should be renamed to a)2.546 F F3(qf)108 528 Q F1(\214le v)2.5 E -(ery quickly)-.15 E(.)-.65 E 25.17(xf A)72 544.2 R .567 -(transcript \214le, e)3.067 F .567 -(xisting during the life of a session sho)-.15 F .566(wing e)-.25 F -.15 -(ve)-.25 G .566(rything that happens during that).15 F 3.121 +27.39(tf A)72 516 R .046(temporary \214le.)2.546 F .046 +(This is an image of the)5.046 F/F3 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(qf)2.546 E F1 +.046(\214le when it is being reb)2.546 F 2.545(uilt. It)-.2 F .045 +(should be renamed to a)2.545 F F3(qf)108 528 Q F1(\214le v)2.5 E +(ery quickly)-.15 E(.)-.65 E 25.17(xf A)72 544.2 R .566 +(transcript \214le, e)3.066 F .567 +(xisting during the life of a session sho)-.15 F .567(wing e)-.25 F -.15 +(ve)-.25 G .567(rything that happens during that).15 F 3.122 (session. Sometimes)108 556.2 R .622(the xf \214le must be generated be\ -fore a queue group has been selected; in this)3.121 F +fore a queue group has been selected; in this)3.122 F (case, the xf \214le will be stored in a directory of the def)108 568.2 -Q(ault queue group.)-.1 E 22.95(Qf A)72 584.4 R -.74(``)3.279 G(lost') -.74 E 3.279('q)-.74 G .779(ueue control \214le.)-3.279 F F2(sendmail) +Q(ault queue group.)-.1 E 22.95(Qf A)72 584.4 R -.74(``)3.278 G(lost') +.74 E 3.278('q)-.74 G .778(ueue control \214le.)-3.278 F F2(sendmail) 5.778 E F1 .778(renames a)3.278 F F3(qf)3.278 E F1 .778(\214le to)3.278 -F F3(Qf)3.278 E F1 .778(if there is a se)3.278 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .778 +F F3(Qf)3.278 E F1 .779(if there is a se)3.278 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .779 (re \(con\214guration\)).15 F .256(problem that cannot be solv)108 596.4 R .256(ed without human interv)-.15 F 2.756(ention. Search)-.15 F .256 -(the log\214le for the queue \214le id)2.756 F .053 +(the log\214le for the queue \214le id)2.756 F .052 (to \214gure out what happened.)108 608.4 R .052(After you resolv)5.052 -F .052(ed the problem, you can rename the)-.15 F F3(Qf)2.552 E F1 .052 -(\214le to)2.552 F F3(qf)2.552 E F1(and)2.552 E(send it ag)108 620.4 Q -(ain.)-.05 E .74 +F .052(ed the problem, you can rename the)-.15 F F3(Qf)2.552 E F1 .053 +(\214le to)2.553 F F3(qf)2.553 E F1(and)2.553 E(send it ag)108 620.4 Q +(ain.)-.05 E .741 (The queue control \214le is structured as a series of lines each be)97 -636.6 R .741(ginning with a code letter)-.15 F 5.741(.T)-.55 G .741 -(he lines)-5.741 F(are as follo)72 648.6 Q(ws:)-.25 E 28.78(VT)72 664.8 -S .82(he v)-28.78 F .82 -(ersion number of the queue \214le format, used to allo)-.15 F 3.319(wn) --.25 G -.25(ew)-3.319 G F2(sendmail)3.569 E F1 .819 -(binaries to read queue)3.319 F .003(\214les created by older v)108 -676.8 R 2.504(ersions. Def)-.15 F .004(aults to v)-.1 F .004 -(ersion zero.)-.15 F .004 +636.6 R .74(ginning with a code letter)-.15 F 5.74(.T)-.55 G .74 +(he lines)-5.74 F(are as follo)72 648.6 Q(ws:)-.25 E 28.78(VT)72 664.8 S +.819(he v)-28.78 F .819 +(ersion number of the queue \214le format, used to allo)-.15 F 3.32(wn) +-.25 G -.25(ew)-3.32 G F2(sendmail)3.57 E F1 .82(binaries to read queue) +3.32 F .004(\214les created by older v)108 676.8 R 2.504(ersions. Def) +-.15 F .004(aults to v)-.1 F .004(ersion zero.)-.15 F .004 (Must be the \214rst line of the \214le if present.)5.004 F -.15(Fo)108 688.8 S 2.5(r8).15 G(.12 the v)-2.5 E(ersion number is 6.)-.15 E 28.78 (AT)72 705 S 1.175(he information gi)-28.78 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 3.675(nb) @@ -9367,10 +9375,10 @@ S .82(he v)-28.78 F .82 BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide)72 60 Q -(SMM:08-105)190.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 28.78(HA)72 96 S .329 -(header de\214nition.)-25.951 F .329(There may be an)5.329 F 2.829(yn) --.15 G .329(umber of these lines.)-2.829 F .33 -(The order is important: the)5.33 F 2.83(yr)-.15 G(epre-)-2.83 E .046 +(SMM:08-105)190.86 E/F1 10/Times-Roman@0 SF 28.78(HA)72 96 S .33 +(header de\214nition.)-25.95 F .33(There may be an)5.33 F 2.829(yn)-.15 +G .329(umber of these lines.)-2.829 F .329(The order is important: the) +5.329 F 2.829(yr)-.15 G(epre-)-2.829 E .046 (sent the order in the \214nal message.)108 108 R .046 (These use the same syntax as header de\214nitions in the con\214gu-) 5.046 F(ration \214le.)108 120 Q 29.33(CT)72 136.2 S .575 @@ -9379,56 +9387,56 @@ BP (Recipient addresses follo)5.575 F .575(wing this)-.25 F 2.814 (line will be \215agged so that deli)108 148.2 R -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.814 (ries will be run as the).15 F/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(localuser)5.314 E -F1 2.814(\(a user name from the)5.314 F .561(/etc/passwd \214le\);)108 -160.2 R F2(aliasname)3.061 E F1 .561(is the name of the alias that e) -3.061 F .562(xpanded to this address \(used for print-)-.15 F +F1 2.814(\(a user name from the)5.314 F .562(/etc/passwd \214le\);)108 +160.2 R F2(aliasname)3.062 E F1 .561(is the name of the alias that e) +3.062 F .561(xpanded to this address \(used for print-)-.15 F (ing messages\).)108 172.2 Q 31(qT)72 188.4 S (he quarantine reason for quarantined queue items.)-31 E 28.78(QT)72 -204.6 S .798(he `)-28.78 F .798(`original recipient')-.74 F .798 +204.6 S .797(he `)-28.78 F .797(`original recipient')-.74 F .798 (', speci\214ed by the ORCPT= \214eld in an ESMTP transaction.)-.74 F -.797(Used e)5.797 F(xclu-)-.15 E(si)108 216.6 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G +.798(Used e)5.798 F(xclu-)-.15 E(si)108 216.6 Q -.15(ve)-.25 G (ly for Deli).15 E -.15(ve)-.25 G(ry Status Noti\214cations.).15 E (It applies only to the follo)5 E(wing `R' line.)-.25 E 32.67(rT)72 -232.8 S .782(he `)-32.67 F .782(`\214nal recipient')-.74 F 3.282('u)-.74 +232.8 S .783(he `)-32.67 F .783(`\214nal recipient')-.74 F 3.282('u)-.74 G .782(sed for Deli)-3.282 F -.15(ve)-.25 G .782 (ry Status Noti\214cations.).15 F .782(It applies only to the follo) -5.782 F .783(wing `R')-.25 F(line.)108 244.8 Q 29.33(RA)72 261 S .705 +5.782 F .782(wing `R')-.25 F(line.)108 244.8 Q 29.33(RA)72 261 S .705 (recipient address.)-26.125 F .705 (This will normally be completely aliased, b)5.705 F .705 -(ut is actually realiased when the)-.2 F .492(job is processed.)108 273 -R .492(There will be one line for each recipient.)5.492 F -1.11(Ve)5.492 -G .493(rsion 1 qf \214les also include a lead-)1.11 F .689(ing colon-te\ +(ut is actually realiased when the)-.2 F .493(job is processed.)108 273 +R .492(There will be one line for each recipient.)5.493 F -1.11(Ve)5.492 +G .492(rsion 1 qf \214les also include a lead-)1.11 F .689(ing colon-te\ rminated list of \215ags, which can be `S' to return a message on succe\ -ssful \214nal deli)108 285 R(v-)-.25 E(ery)108 297 Q 3.327(,`)-.65 G -.828(F' to return a message on f)-3.327 F .828 +ssful \214nal deli)108 285 R(v-)-.25 E(ery)108 297 Q 3.328(,`)-.65 G +.828(F' to return a message on f)-3.328 F .828 (ailure, `D' to return a message if the message is delayed, `B' to)-.1 F -.941(indicate that the body should be returned, `N' to suppress returni\ -ng the body)108 309 R 3.44(,a)-.65 G .94(nd `P' to declare)-3.44 F +.94(indicate that the body should be returned, `N' to suppress returnin\ +g the body)108 309 R 3.441(,a)-.65 G .941(nd `P' to declare)-3.441 F (this as a `)108 321 Q(`primary')-.74 E 2.5('\()-.74 G (command line or SMTP-session\) address.)-2.5 E 30.44(ST)72 337.2 S (he sender address.)-30.44 E(There may only be one of these lines.)5 E 29.89(TT)72 353.4 S(he job creation time.)-29.89 E (This is used to compute when to time out the job)5 E(.)-.4 E 30.44(PT) -72 369.6 S .113(he current message priority)-30.44 F 5.113(.T)-.65 G -.113(his is used to order the queue.)-5.113 F .114 -(Higher numbers mean lo)5.114 F .114(wer priori-)-.25 F 3.677(ties. The) +72 369.6 S .114(he current message priority)-30.44 F 5.114(.T)-.65 G +.113(his is used to order the queue.)-5.114 F .113 +(Higher numbers mean lo)5.113 F .113(wer priori-)-.25 F 3.676(ties. The) 108 381.6 R 1.176(priority changes as the message sits in the queue.) -3.677 F 1.176(The initial priority depends on the)6.176 F +3.676 F 1.177(The initial priority depends on the)6.176 F (message class and the size of the message.)108 393.6 Q 27.11(MA)72 -409.8 S 2.703(message. This)-24.407 F .203(line is printed by the)2.703 -F F2(mailq)2.703 E F1 .204 +409.8 S 2.704(message. This)-24.406 F .204(line is printed by the)2.704 +F F2(mailq)2.704 E F1 .203 (command, and is generally used to store status infor)2.704 F(-)-.2 E 2.5(mation. It)108 421.8 R(can contain an)2.5 E 2.5(yt)-.15 G -.15(ex) --2.5 G(t.).15 E 30.44(FF)72 438 S .044 +-2.5 G(t.).15 E 30.44(FF)72 438 S .043 (lag bits, represented as one letter per \215ag.)-30.44 F .043 -(De\214ned \215ag bits are)5.043 F F0(r)2.543 E F1 .043 -(indicating that this is a response)2.543 F .142(message and)108 450 R -F0(w)2.642 E F1 .142(indicating that a w)2.642 F .143 +(De\214ned \215ag bits are)5.043 F F0(r)2.543 E F1 .044 +(indicating that this is a response)2.544 F .143(message and)108 450 R +F0(w)2.643 E F1 .143(indicating that a w)2.643 F .142 (arning message has been sent announcing that the mail has been)-.1 F -2.514(delayed. Other)108 462 R .014(\215ag bits are:)2.514 F F0(8)2.514 -E F1 2.514(:t)C .013(he body contains 8bit data,)-2.514 F F0(b)2.513 E -F1 2.513(:aB)C .013(cc: header should be remo)-2.513 F -.15(ve)-.15 G -(d,).15 E F0(d)2.513 E F1(:)A .551 +2.513(delayed. Other)108 462 R .013(\215ag bits are:)2.513 F F0(8)2.513 +E F1 2.513(:t)C .013(he body contains 8bit data,)-2.513 F F0(b)2.513 E +F1 -5.012 2.513(:a B)D .014(cc: header should be remo)-2.513 F -.15(ve) +-.15 G(d,).15 E F0(d)2.514 E F1(:)A .552 (the mail has RET parameters \(see RFC 1894\),)108 474 R F0(n)3.052 E F1 3.052(:t)C .552(he body of the message should not be returned)-3.052 F (in case of an error)108 486 Q(,)-.4 E F0(s)2.5 E F1 2.5(:t)C(he en)-2.5 @@ -9440,24 +9448,24 @@ E -.15(ve)-.4 G(lope has been split.).15 E 28.78(NT)72 502.2 S (he df \214le is in a dif)-3.15 F .65(ferent directory than the qf \214\ le, then a `d' record is present, specifying the)-.25 F (directory in which the df \214le resides.)108 546.6 Q 32.67(IT)72 562.8 -S .724(he i-number of the data \214le; this can be used to reco)-32.67 F --.15(ve)-.15 G 3.225(ry).15 G .725 -(our mail queue after a disastrous disk)-3.225 F(crash.)108 574.8 Q 31 +S .725(he i-number of the data \214le; this can be used to reco)-32.67 F +-.15(ve)-.15 G 3.224(ry).15 G .724 +(our mail queue after a disastrous disk)-3.224 F(crash.)108 574.8 Q 31 ($A)72 591 S(macro de\214nition.)-28.5 E(The v)5 E (alues of certain macros are passed through to the queue run phase.)-.25 -E 29.33(BT)72 607.2 S .925(he body type.)-29.33 F .925 -(The remainder of the line is a te)5.925 F .925 -(xt string de\214ning the body type.)-.15 F .924(If this \214eld is) -5.924 F .009(missing, the body type is assumed to be \231unde\214ned\ -\232 and no special processing is attempted.)108 619.2 R(Le)5.009 E -.05 +E 29.33(BT)72 607.2 S .924(he body type.)-29.33 F .925 +(The remainder of the line is a te)5.924 F .925 +(xt string de\214ning the body type.)-.15 F .925(If this \214eld is) +5.925 F .009(missing, the body type is assumed to be \231unde\214ned\ +\232 and no special processing is attempted.)108 619.2 R(Le)5.008 E -.05 (ga)-.15 G(l).05 E -.25(va)108 631.2 S (lues are \2317BIT\232 and \2318BITMIME\232.).25 E 29.89(ZT)72 647.4 S (he original en)-29.89 E -.15(ve)-.4 G (lope id \(from the ESMTP transaction\).).15 E -.15(Fo)5 G 2.5(rD).15 G (eli)-2.5 E -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.5(rS).15 G(tatus Noti\214cations only)-2.5 -E(.)-.65 E 4.073(As an e)97 663.6 R 4.073(xample, the follo)-.15 F 4.072 +E(.)-.65 E 4.072(As an e)97 663.6 R 4.072(xample, the follo)-.15 F 4.073 (wing is a queue \214le sent to \231eric@mammoth.Berk)-.25 F(ele)-.1 E --.65(y.)-.15 G 4.072(EDU\232 and).65 F 0 Cg EP +-.65(y.)-.15 G 4.073(EDU\232 and).65 F 0 Cg EP %%Page: 106 102 %%BeginPageSetup BP @@ -9489,7 +9497,7 @@ E -.65(y.)-.15 G(EDU \(5.108/2.7\)).65 E (H??Message-id: < 378.2 Q(>)-.55 E (H??T)112 390.2 Q(o: sendmail@v)-.8 E(angogh.CS.Berk)-.25 E(ele)-.1 E -.65(y.)-.15 G(EDU).65 E(H??Subject: this is an e)112 402.2 Q -(xample message)-.15 E .658(This sho)72 418.4 R .658(ws the person who \ +(xample message)-.15 E .657(This sho)72 418.4 R .658(ws the person who \ sent the message, the submission time \(in seconds since January 1, 197\ 0\), the)-.25 F(message priority)72 430.4 Q 2.5(,t)-.65 G (he message class, the recipients, and the headers for the message.)-2.5 @@ -9505,11 +9513,11 @@ E .32 LW 76 678.8 72 678.8 DL 80 678.8 76 678.8 DL 84 678.8 80 678.8 DL 678.8 DL 188 678.8 184 678.8 DL 192 678.8 188 678.8 DL 196 678.8 192 678.8 DL 200 678.8 196 678.8 DL 204 678.8 200 678.8 DL 208 678.8 204 678.8 DL 212 678.8 208 678.8 DL 216 678.8 212 678.8 DL/F3 5 -/Times-Roman@0 SF(1)93.6 689.2 Q/F4 8/Times-Roman@0 SF .718(This e)3.2 J -.718(xample is contri)-.12 F -.12(ve)-.2 G 2.718(da).12 G .718 -(nd probably inaccurate for your en)-2.718 F 2.719(vironment. Glance) --.32 F -.12(ove)2.719 G 2.719(ri).12 G 2.719(tt)-2.719 G 2.719(og)-2.719 -G .719(et an idea; nothing can replace)-2.719 F(looking at what your o) +/Times-Roman@0 SF(1)93.6 689.2 Q/F4 8/Times-Roman@0 SF .719(This e)3.2 J +.719(xample is contri)-.12 F -.12(ve)-.2 G 2.719(da).12 G .719 +(nd probably inaccurate for your en)-2.719 F 2.719(vironment. Glance) +-.32 F -.12(ove)2.718 G 2.718(ri).12 G 2.718(tt)-2.718 G 2.718(og)-2.718 +G .718(et an idea; nothing can replace)-2.718 F(looking at what your o) 72 702 Q(wn system generates.)-.2 E 0 Cg EP %%Page: 107 103 %%BeginPageSetup @@ -9517,36 +9525,37 @@ BP %%EndPageSetup /F0 12/Times-Bold@0 SF 3(APPENDIX C)249.672 98.4 R(SUMMAR)198.282 141.6 Q 3(YO)-.42 G 3(FS)-3 G(UPPOR)-3 E 3(TF)-.48 G(ILES)-3 E/F1 10 -/Times-Roman@0 SF 1.519(This is a summary of the support \214les that)97 -201 R/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sendmail)4.019 E F1 1.52 -(creates or generates.)4.019 F(Man)6.52 E 4.02(yo)-.15 G 4.02(ft)-4.02 G -1.52(hese can be)-4.02 F(changed by editing the \214le; che\ -ck there to \214nd the actual pathnames.)72 213 Q(/usr/sbin/sendmail)72 -229.2 Q(The binary of)144 241.2 Q F2(sendmail)2.5 E F1(.)A(/usr/bin/ne) -72 257.4 Q -.1(wa)-.25 G(liases).1 E 3.735(Al)144 269.4 S 1.235 -(ink to /usr/sbin/sendmail; causes the alias database to be reb)-3.735 F -3.734(uilt. Running)-.2 F 1.234(this pro-)3.734 F +/Times-Roman@0 SF 1.52(This is a summary of the support \214les that)97 +201 R/F2 10/Times-Italic@0 SF(sendmail)4.019 E F1 1.519 +(creates or generates.)4.019 F(Man)6.519 E 4.019(yo)-.15 G 4.019(ft) +-4.019 G 1.519(hese can be)-4.019 F(changed by editing the \ +\214le; check there to \214nd the actual pathnames.)72 213 Q +(/usr/sbin/sendmail)72 229.2 Q(The binary of)144 241.2 Q F2(sendmail)2.5 +E F1(.)A(/usr/bin/ne)72 257.4 Q -.1(wa)-.25 G(liases).1 E 3.734(Al)144 +269.4 S 1.235 +(ink to /usr/sbin/sendmail; causes the alias database to be reb)-3.734 F +3.735(uilt. Running)-.2 F 1.235(this pro-)3.735 F (gram is completely equi)144 281.4 Q -.25(va)-.25 G(lent to gi).25 E (ving)-.25 E F2(sendmail)2.5 E F1(the)2.5 E/F3 10/Times-Bold@0 SF (\255bi)2.5 E F1(\215ag.)2.5 E 13.38(/usr/bin/mailq Prints)72 297.6 R -3.702(al)3.702 G 1.202(isting of the mail queue.)-3.702 F 1.203 -(This program is equi)6.202 F -.25(va)-.25 G 1.203(lent to using the).25 -F F3(\255bp)3.703 E F1 1.203(\215ag to)3.703 F F2(sendmail)144 309.6 Q +3.703(al)3.703 G 1.203(isting of the mail queue.)-3.703 F 1.202 +(This program is equi)6.203 F -.25(va)-.25 G 1.202(lent to using the).25 +F F3(\255bp)3.702 E F1 1.202(\215ag to)3.702 F F2(sendmail)144 309.6 Q F1(.)A(/etc/mail/ 325.8 Q (The con\214guration \214le, in te)144 337.8 Q(xtual form.)-.15 E 1.72 (/etc/mail/help\214le The)72 354 R(SMTP help \214le.)2.5 E (/etc/mail/statistics)72 370.2 Q 2.5(As)144 382.2 S (tatistics \214le; need not be present.)-2.5 E(/etc/mail/ 398.4 Q .318(Created in daemon mode; it contains the process id of the \ -current SMTP daemon.)144 410.4 R .318(If you)5.318 F 1.047 -(use this in scripts; use `)144 422.4 R 1.047(`head \2551')-.74 F 3.548 -('t)-.74 G 3.548(og)-3.548 G 1.048 -(et just the \214rst line; the second line contains the)-3.548 F .68 +current SMTP daemon.)144 410.4 R .318(If you)5.318 F 1.048 +(use this in scripts; use `)144 422.4 R 1.048(`head \2551')-.74 F 3.548 +('t)-.74 G 3.548(og)-3.548 G 1.047 +(et just the \214rst line; the second line contains the)-3.548 F .679 (command line used to in)144 434.4 R -.2(vo)-.4 G .879 -.1(ke t).2 H -.679(he daemon, and later v).1 F .679(ersions of)-.15 F F2(sendmail) -3.179 E F1 .679(may add more)3.179 F(information to subsequent lines.) -144 446.4 Q 5.06(/etc/mail/aliases The)72 462.6 R(te)2.5 E(xtual v)-.15 -E(ersion of the alias \214le.)-.15 E(/etc/mail/aliases.db)72 478.8 Q +.679(he daemon, and later v).1 F .679(ersions of)-.15 F F2(sendmail)3.18 +E F1 .68(may add more)3.18 F(information to subsequent lines.)144 446.4 +Q 5.06(/etc/mail/aliases The)72 462.6 R(te)2.5 E(xtual v)-.15 E +(ersion of the alias \214le.)-.15 E(/etc/mail/aliases.db)72 478.8 Q (The alias \214le in)144 490.8 Q F2(hash)2.5 E F1(\(3\) format.)1.666 E (/etc/mail/aliases.{pag,dir})72 507 Q(The alias \214le in)144 519 Q F2 (ndbm)2.5 E F1(\(3\) format.)1.666 E(/v)72 535.2 Q(ar/spool/mqueue)-.25 diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/editmap/editmap.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/editmap/editmap.c index 138ee30e4a..18c352c9be 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/editmap/editmap.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/editmap/editmap.c @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ SM_UNUSED(static char copyright[]) = #endif /* ! lint */ #ifndef lint -SM_UNUSED(static char id[]) = "@(#)$Id: editmap.c,v 1.24 2004/08/03 18:40:10 ca Exp $"; +SM_UNUSED(static char id[]) = "@(#)$Id: editmap.c,v 1.25 2007/05/11 18:50:35 ca Exp $"; #endif /* ! lint */ @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ uid_t RealUid; gid_t RealGid; char *RealUserName; uid_t RunAsUid; -uid_t RunAsGid; +gid_t RunAsGid; char *RunAsUserName; int Verbose = 2; bool DontInitGroups = false; diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/include/sm/conf.h b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/include/sm/conf.h index 4f05f33cce..13b3b50caf 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/include/sm/conf.h +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/include/sm/conf.h @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ * the sendmail distribution. * * - * $Id: conf.h,v 1.132 2007/03/21 23:56:18 ca Exp $ + * $Id: conf.h,v 1.134 2007/09/24 23:05:37 ca Exp $ */ /* @@ -458,6 +458,9 @@ typedef int pid_t; # if SOLARIS >= 21000 || (SOLARIS < 10000 && SOLARIS >= 210) # define HASUNSETENV 1 /* unsetenv() added in S10 */ # endif /* SOLARIS >= 21000 || (SOLARIS < 10000 && SOLARIS >= 210) */ +# if SOLARIS >= 21100 || (SOLARIS < 10000 && SOLARIS >= 211) +# define GETLDAPALIASBYNAME_VERSION 2 /* changed in S11 */ +# endif /* SOLARIS >= 21100 || (SOLARIS < 10000 && SOLARIS >= 211) */ # ifndef HASGETUSERSHELL # define HASGETUSERSHELL 0 /* getusershell(3) causes core dumps pre-2.7 */ # endif /* ! HASGETUSERSHELL */ diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/include/sm/ldap.h b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/include/sm/ldap.h index 63292f1f58..fc9a325fee 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/include/sm/ldap.h +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/include/sm/ldap.h @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, 2005, 2006 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. + * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, 2005-2007 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. * All rights reserved. * * By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set * forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of * the sendmail distribution. * - * $Id: ldap.h,v 1.32 2006/08/30 22:56:58 ca Exp $ + * $Id: ldap.h,v 1.33 2007/10/10 00:06:44 ca Exp $ */ #ifndef SM_LDAP_H @@ -91,6 +91,10 @@ struct sm_ldap_struct /* ldapmap_lookup options */ char ldap_attrsep; +# if _FFR_LDAP_NETWORK_TIMEOUT + struct timeval ldap_networktmo; +# endif /* _FFR_LDAP_NETWORK_TIMEOUT */ + /* Linked list of maps sharing the same LDAP binding */ void *ldap_next; }; diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/include/sm/tailq.h b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/include/sm/tailq.h index cfb09be8d0..c8eeec4383 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/include/sm/tailq.h +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/include/sm/tailq.h @@ -36,8 +36,12 @@ #define SM_TAILQ_H_ /* + * $Id: tailq.h,v 1.2 2007/06/29 23:09:57 ca Exp $ + * * This file is a modified copy of queue.h from a BSD system: * we only need tail queues here. + * We do not use queue.h directly because there is a conflict with + * some versions of that file on some OSs. * * A tail queue is headed by a pair of pointers, one to the head of the * list and the other to the tail of the list. The elements are doubly diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/docs/xxfi_unknown.html b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/docs/xxfi_unknown.html index b1cd38a129..0455dfdfde 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/docs/xxfi_unknown.html +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/docs/xxfi_unknown.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ xxfi_unknown


@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ that is either unknown or not implemented by the MTA. Return valueDescription SMFIS_TEMPFAIL - Reject this message with a temporary error. + Reject this command with a temporary error. SMFIS_REJECT - Reject this message. + Reject this command. diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/engine.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/engine.c index d7a5a41037..a024312151 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/engine.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/engine.c @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ */ #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: engine.c,v 8.157 2007/03/26 18:10:04 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: engine.c,v 8.159 2007/04/23 22:22:50 ca Exp $") #include "libmilter.h" diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/listener.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/listener.c index 62d5eed2bd..6e68ae55d4 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/listener.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/listener.c @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ */ #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: listener.c,v 8.122 2006/11/02 17:54:44 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: listener.c,v 8.124 2007/04/23 22:22:50 ca Exp $") /* ** listener.c -- threaded network listener diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/main.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/main.c index c8d98c4150..faff4f8363 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/main.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/main.c @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ */ #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: main.c,v 8.81 2006/11/02 18:31:43 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: main.c,v 8.83 2007/04/23 22:22:50 ca Exp $") #define _DEFINE 1 #include "libmilter.h" diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/monitor.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/monitor.c index 3d23f0c27e..366cf7544d 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/monitor.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/monitor.c @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ * */ +#include +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: monitor.c,v 8.7 2007/04/23 16:26:28 ca Exp $") #include "libmilter.h" #if _FFR_THREAD_MONITOR diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/smfi.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/smfi.c index 856c4a9641..138623e179 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/smfi.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libmilter/smfi.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. + * Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. * All rights reserved. * * By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ */ #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: smfi.c,v 8.82 2007/01/20 06:37:19 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: smfi.c,v 8.83 2007/04/23 16:44:39 ca Exp $") #include #include "libmilter.h" @@ -884,6 +884,6 @@ smfi_version(major, minor, patchlevel) if (minor != NULL) *minor = SM_LM_VRS_MINOR(SMFI_VERSION); if (patchlevel != NULL) - *patchlevel = SM_LM_VRS_MINOR(SMFI_VERSION); + *patchlevel = SM_LM_VRS_PLVL(SMFI_VERSION); return MI_SUCCESS; } diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libsm/ldap.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libsm/ldap.c index 83b7644515..252e547537 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libsm/ldap.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libsm/ldap.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. + * Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. * All rights reserved. * * By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ #define LDAP_DEPRECATED 1 #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: ldap.c,v 1.78 2006/08/30 22:56:59 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: ldap.c,v 1.80 2007/10/12 00:19:44 ca Exp $") #if LDAPMAP # include @@ -1103,26 +1103,25 @@ sm_ldap_results(lmap, msgid, flags, delim, rpool, result, if (save_errno != LDAP_SUCCESS) { statp = EX_TEMPFAIL; - if (ret != 0) + switch (save_errno) { - switch (save_errno) - { #ifdef LDAP_SERVER_DOWN - case LDAP_SERVER_DOWN: + case LDAP_SERVER_DOWN: #endif /* LDAP_SERVER_DOWN */ - case LDAP_TIMEOUT: - case LDAP_UNAVAILABLE: + case LDAP_TIMEOUT: + case ETIMEDOUT: + case LDAP_UNAVAILABLE: - /* - ** server disappeared, - ** try reopen on next search - */ + /* + ** server disappeared, + ** try reopen on next search + */ - statp = EX_RESTART; - break; - } - save_errno += E_LDAPBASE; + statp = EX_RESTART; + break; } + if (ret != 0) + save_errno += E_LDAPBASE; SM_LDAP_ERROR_CLEANUP(); errno = save_errno; return statp; @@ -1272,6 +1271,7 @@ sm_ldap_results(lmap, msgid, flags, delim, rpool, result, case LDAP_SERVER_DOWN: #endif /* LDAP_SERVER_DOWN */ case LDAP_TIMEOUT: + case ETIMEDOUT: case LDAP_UNAVAILABLE: /* @@ -1370,6 +1370,9 @@ sm_ldap_setopts(ld, lmap) ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, LDAP_OPT_OFF); ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_SIZELIMIT, &lmap->ldap_sizelimit); ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT, &lmap->ldap_timelimit); +# if _FFR_LDAP_NETWORK_TIMEOUT && defined(LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT) + ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, &lmap->ldap_networktmo); +# endif /* _FFR_LDAP_NETWORK_TIMEOUT && defined(LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT) */ # ifdef LDAP_OPT_RESTART ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_RESTART, LDAP_OPT_ON); # endif /* LDAP_OPT_RESTART */ diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libsm/mpeix.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libsm/mpeix.c index 6d9fedcdf6..163dfbac67 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libsm/mpeix.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/libsm/mpeix.c @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ */ #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: mpeix.c,v 1.6 2002/05/24 20:50:14 gshapiro Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: mpeix.c,v 1.7 2007/05/11 18:51:22 gshapiro Exp $") #ifdef MPE /* @@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ sendmail_mpe_emuluid() ** emulated egid if present, else true egid. */ -static uid_t sendmail_mpe_egid = -1; +static gid_t sendmail_mpe_egid = -1; #undef getegid gid_t diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/makemap/makemap.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/makemap/makemap.c index 344d5b9720..730274848a 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/makemap/makemap.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/makemap/makemap.c @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ SM_IDSTR(copyright, Copyright (c) 1992, 1993\n\ The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.\n") -SM_IDSTR(id, "@(#)$Id: makemap.c,v 8.177 2004/08/03 23:57:24 ca Exp $") +SM_IDSTR(id, "@(#)$Id: makemap.c,v 8.178 2007/05/11 18:45:39 ca Exp $") #include @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ uid_t RealUid; gid_t RealGid; char *RealUserName; uid_t RunAsUid; -uid_t RunAsGid; +gid_t RunAsGid; char *RunAsUserName; int Verbose = 2; bool DontInitGroups = false; diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/praliases/praliases.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/praliases/praliases.c index 720fa6d277..984981ff77 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/praliases/praliases.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/praliases/praliases.c @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ SM_IDSTR(copyright, Copyright (c) 1988, 1993\n\ The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.\n") -SM_IDSTR(id, "@(#)$Id: praliases.c,v 8.93 2001/09/11 04:05:07 gshapiro Exp $") +SM_IDSTR(id, "@(#)$Id: praliases.c,v 8.94 2007/05/11 18:50:36 ca Exp $") #include #include @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ uid_t RealUid; gid_t RealGid; char *RealUserName; uid_t RunAsUid; -uid_t RunAsGid; +gid_t RunAsGid; char *RunAsUserName; int Verbose = 2; bool DontInitGroups = false; diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/Makefile.m4 b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/Makefile.m4 index 10c1122267..b2bfa1a8d2 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/Makefile.m4 +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/Makefile.m4 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -dnl $Id: Makefile.m4,v 8.107 2007/01/09 00:04:09 ca Exp $ +dnl $Id: Makefile.m4,v 8.112 2007/10/17 21:29:43 ca Exp $ include(confBUILDTOOLSDIR`/M4/switch.m4') define(`confREQUIRE_LIBSM', `true') diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/conf.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/conf.c index a681575ef3..0cbb88e34d 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/conf.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/conf.c @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: conf.c,v 8.1128 2007/04/03 21:32:29 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: conf.c,v 8.1136 2007/10/10 00:06:45 ca Exp $") #include #include @@ -5316,17 +5316,8 @@ sm_syslog(level, id, fmt, va_alist) save_errno = errno; if (id == NULL) - { id = "NOQUEUE"; - idlen = strlen(id) + SyslogPrefixLen; - } - else if (strcmp(id, NOQID) == 0) - { - id = ""; - idlen = SyslogPrefixLen; - } - else - idlen = strlen(id) + SyslogPrefixLen; + idlen = strlen(id) + SyslogPrefixLen; buf = buf0; bufsize = sizeof(buf0); @@ -6024,6 +6015,10 @@ char *OsCompileOptions[] = char *FFRCompileOptions[] = { +#if _FFR_ADDR_TYPE_MODES + /* more info in {addr_type}, requires m4 changes! */ + "_FFR_ADDR_TYPE_MODES", +#endif /* _FFR_ADDR_TYPE_MODES */ #if _FFR_ALLOW_SASLINFO /* DefaultAuthInfo can be specified by user. */ /* DefaultAuthInfo doesn't really work in 8.13 anymore. */ @@ -6094,6 +6089,10 @@ char *FFRCompileOptions[] = "_FFR_DPO_CS", #endif /* _FFR_DPO_CS */ +#if _FFR_DPRINTF_MAP + /* dprintf map for logging */ + "_FFR_DPRINTF_MAP", +#endif /* _FFR_DPRINTF_MAP */ #if _FFR_DROP_TRUSTUSER_WARNING /* ** Don't issue this warning: @@ -6222,6 +6221,10 @@ char *FFRCompileOptions[] = /* Old mime7to8 code, the new is broken for at least one example. */ "_FFR_MIME7TO8_OLD", #endif /* _FFR_MAX_SLEEP_TIME */ +#if _FFR_MORE_MACROS + /* allow more long macro names ("unprintable" characters). */ + "_FFR_MORE_MACROS", +#endif /* _FFR_MORE_MACROS */ #if _FFR_MSG_ACCEPT /* allow to override "Message accepted for delivery" */ "_FFR_MSG_ACCEPT", @@ -6235,6 +6238,10 @@ char *FFRCompileOptions[] = /* Disable PIPELINING, delay client if used. */ "_FFR_NO_PIPE", #endif /* _FFR_NO_PIPE */ +#if _FFR_LDAP_NETWORK_TIMEOUT + /* set LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT if available (-c) */ + "_FFR_LDAP_NETWORK_TIMEOUT", +#endif /* _FFR_LDAP_NETWORK_TIMEOUT */ #if _FFR_LOG_NTRIES /* log ntries=, from Nik Clayton of FreeBSD */ "_FFR_LOG_NTRIES", @@ -6280,6 +6287,18 @@ char *FFRCompileOptions[] = /* Random shuffle for queue sorting. */ "_FFR_RHS", #endif /* _FFR_RHS */ +#if _FFR_RUNPQG + /* + ** allow -qGqueue_group -qp to work, i.e., + ** restrict a persistent queue runner to a queue group. + */ + + "_FFR_RUNPQG", +#endif /* _FFR_RUNPQG */ +#if _FFR_SESSID + /* session id (for logging) */ + "_FFR_SESSID", +#endif /* _FFR_SESSID */ #if _FFR_SHM_STATUS /* Donated code (unused). */ "_FFR_SHM_STATUS", diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/deliver.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/deliver.c index 01d5258071..ed60e47a3c 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/deliver.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/deliver.c @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ #include #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: deliver.c,v 8.1012 2007/03/29 21:20:15 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: deliver.c,v 8.1015 2007/10/17 21:35:30 ca Exp $") #if HASSETUSERCONTEXT # include @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ sendall(e, mode) time_t now; if (tTd(13, 29)) - sm_dprintf("No deliveries: auto-queuing\n"); + sm_dprintf("No deliveries: auto-queueing\n"); mode = SM_QUEUE; now = curtime(); @@ -3293,6 +3293,8 @@ do_transfer: ok = (*e->e_puthdr)(mci, e->e_header, e, M87F_OUTER); if (ok) ok = (*e->e_putbody)(mci, e, NULL); + if (ok && bitset(MCIF_INLONGLINE, mci->mci_flags)) + ok = putline("", mci); /* ** Ignore an I/O error that was caused by EPIPE. @@ -3404,6 +3406,7 @@ do_transfer: /* No recipients in list and no missing responses? */ if (tobuf[0] == '\0' # if PIPELINING + && bitset(MCIF_PIPELINED, mci->mci_flags) && mci->mci_nextaddr == NULL # endif /* PIPELINING */ ) diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/envelope.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/envelope.c index a607a15304..20b0ba22b0 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/envelope.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/envelope.c @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: envelope.c,v 8.302 2006/11/10 23:12:52 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: envelope.c,v 8.304 2007/04/18 17:15:49 ca Exp $") /* ** CLRSESSENVELOPE -- clear session oriented data in an envelope @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ newenvelope(e, parent, rpool) register ENVELOPE *parent; SM_RPOOL_T *rpool; { - int sendmode; + int sendmode, dm; /* ** This code used to read: @@ -86,8 +86,16 @@ newenvelope(e, parent, rpool) ** This meant macvalue() could go into an infinite loop. */ + dm = DM_NOTSET; if (parent != NULL) + { + char *str; + sendmode = parent->e_sendmode; + str = macvalue(macid("{deliveryMode}"), parent); + if (str != NULL) + dm = (int) str[0]; + } else sendmode = DM_NOTSET; @@ -105,9 +113,18 @@ newenvelope(e, parent, rpool) e->e_parent = parent; assign_queueid(e); e->e_ctime = curtime(); +#if _FFR_SESSID + e->e_sessid = e->e_id; +#endif /* _FFR_SESSID */ if (parent != NULL) { e->e_msgpriority = parent->e_msgsize; +#if _FFR_SESSID + if (parent->e_sessid != NULL) + e->e_sessid = sm_rpool_strdup_x(rpool, + parent->e_sessid); +#endif /* _FFR_SESSID */ + if (parent->e_quarmsg == NULL) { e->e_quarmsg = NULL; @@ -128,6 +145,8 @@ newenvelope(e, parent, rpool) (void) sm_io_flush(CurEnv->e_xfp, SM_TIME_DEFAULT); if (sendmode != DM_NOTSET) e->e_sendmode = sendmode; + if (dm != DM_NOTSET) + set_delivery_mode(dm, e); return e; } diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/headers.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/headers.c index bb78d22a18..8e70fed761 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/headers.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/headers.c @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ #include #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: headers.c,v 8.310 2007/02/07 22:44:35 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: headers.c,v 8.312 2007/06/19 18:52:11 ca Exp $") static HDR *allocheader __P((char *, char *, int, SM_RPOOL_T *, bool)); static size_t fix_mime_header __P((HDR *, ENVELOPE *)); @@ -1865,7 +1865,8 @@ putheader(mci, hdr, e, flags) if (bitset(H_FROM, h->h_flags)) oldstyle = false; - commaize(h, p, oldstyle, mci, e); + commaize(h, p, oldstyle, mci, e, + PXLF_HEADER | PXLF_STRIPMQUOTE); } else { @@ -1977,6 +1978,7 @@ put_vanilla_header(h, v, mci) ** oldstyle -- true if this is an old style header. ** mci -- the connection information. ** e -- the envelope containing the message. +** putflags -- flags for putxline() ** ** Returns: ** true iff header field was written successfully @@ -1986,17 +1988,17 @@ put_vanilla_header(h, v, mci) */ bool -commaize(h, p, oldstyle, mci, e) +commaize(h, p, oldstyle, mci, e, putflags) register HDR *h; register char *p; bool oldstyle; register MCI *mci; register ENVELOPE *e; + int putflags; { register char *obp; int opos, omax, spaces; bool firstone = true; - int putflags = PXLF_HEADER | PXLF_STRIPMQUOTE; char **res; char obuf[MAXLINE + 3]; diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/macro.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/macro.c index 8f0642fc27..cdde4d2499 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/macro.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/macro.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 1998-2001, 2003, 2006 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. + * Copyright (c) 1998-2001, 2003, 2006, 2007 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1983, 1995-1997 Eric P. Allman. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: macro.c,v 8.102 2006/12/21 23:06:10 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: macro.c,v 8.107 2007/08/06 22:29:02 ca Exp $") #include #if MAXMACROID != (BITMAPBITS - 1) @@ -21,8 +21,67 @@ SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: macro.c,v 8.102 2006/12/21 23:06:10 ca Exp $") #endif /* MAXMACROID != (BITMAPBITS - 1) */ static char *MacroName[MAXMACROID + 1]; /* macro id to name table */ -int NextMacroId = 0240; /* codes for long named macros */ + +/* +** Codes for long named macros. +** See also macname(): + * if not ASCII printable, look up the name * + if (n <= 0x20 || n > 0x7f) +** First use 1 to NEXTMACROID_L, then use NEXTMACROID_H to MAXMACROID. +*/ + +#define NEXTMACROID_L 037 +#define NEXTMACROID_H 0240 + +#if _FFR_MORE_MACROS +/* table for next id in non-printable ASCII range: disallow some value */ +static int NextMIdTable[] = +{ + /* 0 nul */ 1, + /* 1 soh */ 2, + /* 2 stx */ 3, + /* 3 etx */ 4, + /* 4 eot */ 5, + /* 5 enq */ 6, + /* 6 ack */ 7, + /* 7 bel */ 8, + /* 8 bs */ 14, + /* 9 ht */ -1, + /* 10 nl */ -1, + /* 11 vt */ -1, + /* 12 np */ -1, + /* 13 cr */ -1, + /* 14 so */ 15, + /* 15 si */ 16, + /* 16 dle */ 17, + /* 17 dc1 */ 18, + /* 18 dc2 */ 19, + /* 19 dc3 */ 20, + /* 20 dc4 */ 21, + /* 21 nak */ 22, + /* 22 syn */ 23, + /* 23 etb */ 24, + /* 24 can */ 25, + /* 25 em */ 26, + /* 26 sub */ 27, + /* 27 esc */ 28, + /* 28 fs */ 29, + /* 29 gs */ 30, + /* 30 rs */ 31, + /* 31 us */ 32, + /* 32 sp */ -1, +}; + +#define NEXTMACROID(mid) ( \ + (mid < NEXTMACROID_L) ? (NextMIdTable[mid]) : \ + ((mid < NEXTMACROID_H) ? NEXTMACROID_H : (mid + 1))) + +int NextMacroId = 1; /* codes for long named macros */ /* see sendmail.h: Special characters in rewriting rules. */ +#else /* _FFR_MORE_MACROS */ +int NextMacroId = 0240; /* codes for long named macros */ +#define NEXTMACROID(mid) ((mid) + 1) +#endif /* _FFR_MORE_MACROS */ /* @@ -603,7 +662,7 @@ macid_parse(p, ep) syserr("Macro/class name ({%s}) too long (%d chars max)", mbuf, (int) (sizeof(mbuf) - 1)); } - else if (mbuf[1] == '\0') + else if (mbuf[1] == '\0' && mbuf[0] >= 0x20) { /* ${x} == $x */ mid = bitidx(mbuf[0]); @@ -627,7 +686,8 @@ macid_parse(p, ep) else { MacroName[NextMacroId] = s->s_name; - s->s_macro = mid = NextMacroId++; + s->s_macro = mid = NextMacroId; + NextMacroId = NEXTMACROID(NextMacroId); } } p++; diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/main.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/main.c index c11de46ed0..8680add40b 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/main.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/main.c @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ SM_UNUSED(static char copyright[]) = The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.\n"; #endif /* ! lint */ -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: main.c,v 8.962 2006/12/19 19:47:37 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: main.c,v 8.963 2007/06/29 20:07:37 ca Exp $") #if NETINET || NETINET6 @@ -2362,7 +2362,33 @@ main(argc, argv, envp) if (QueueIntvl > 0) { - (void) runqueue(true, false, queuepersistent, true); +#if _FFR_RUNPQG + if (qgrp != NOQGRP) + { + int rwgflags = RWG_NONE; + + /* + ** To run a specific queue group mark it to + ** be run, select the work group it's in and + ** increment the work counter. + */ + + for (i = 0; i < NumQueue && Queue[i] != NULL; + i++) + Queue[i]->qg_nextrun = (time_t) -1; + Queue[qgrp]->qg_nextrun = 0; + if (Verbose) + rwgflags |= RWG_VERBOSE; + if (queuepersistent) + rwgflags |= RWG_PERSISTENT; + rwgflags |= RWG_FORCE; + (void) run_work_group(Queue[qgrp]->qg_wgrp, + rwgflags); + } + else +#endif /* _FFR_RUNPQG */ + (void) runqueue(true, false, queuepersistent, + true); /* ** If queuepersistent but not in daemon mode then diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/map.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/map.c index 510b7c9a44..4248fd90f5 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/map.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/map.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. + * Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1992, 1995-1997 Eric P. Allman. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: map.c,v 8.696 2007/04/03 21:33:14 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: map.c,v 8.699 2007/10/10 00:06:45 ca Exp $") #if LDAPMAP # include @@ -3567,10 +3567,17 @@ ldapmap_lookup(map, name, av, statp) if (VendorCode == VENDOR_SUN && strcmp(map->map_mname, "aliases.ldap") == 0) { - char answer[MAXNAME + 1]; int rc; +#if defined(GETLDAPALIASBYNAME_VERSION) && (GETLDAPALIASBYNAME_VERSION >= 2) + extern char *__getldapaliasbyname(); + char *answer; + + answer = __getldapaliasbyname(name, &rc); +#else + char answer[MAXNAME + 1]; rc = __getldapaliasbyname(name, answer, sizeof(answer)); +#endif if (rc != 0) { if (tTd(38, 20)) @@ -3587,6 +3594,9 @@ ldapmap_lookup(map, name, av, statp) result = map_rewrite(map, name, strlen(name), NULL); else result = map_rewrite(map, answer, strlen(answer), av); +#if defined(GETLDAPALIASBYNAME_VERSION) && (GETLDAPALIASBYNAME_VERSION >= 2) + free(answer); +#endif return result; } #endif /* defined(SUN_EXTENSIONS) && defined(SUN_SIMPLIFIED_LDAP) && ... */ @@ -3965,17 +3975,16 @@ ldapmap_parseargs(map, args) break; switch (*++p) { - case 'N': - map->map_mflags |= MF_INCLNULL; - map->map_mflags &= ~MF_TRY0NULL; + case 'A': + map->map_mflags |= MF_APPEND; break; - case 'O': - map->map_mflags &= ~MF_TRY1NULL; + case 'a': + map->map_app = ++p; break; - case 'o': - map->map_mflags |= MF_OPTIONAL; + case 'D': + map->map_mflags |= MF_DEFER; break; case 'f': @@ -3986,16 +3995,25 @@ ldapmap_parseargs(map, args) map->map_mflags |= MF_MATCHONLY; break; - case 'A': - map->map_mflags |= MF_APPEND; + case 'N': + map->map_mflags |= MF_INCLNULL; + map->map_mflags &= ~MF_TRY0NULL; + break; + + case 'O': + map->map_mflags &= ~MF_TRY1NULL; + break; + + case 'o': + map->map_mflags |= MF_OPTIONAL; break; case 'q': map->map_mflags |= MF_KEEPQUOTES; break; - case 'a': - map->map_app = ++p; + case 'S': + map->map_spacesub = *++p; break; case 'T': @@ -4006,14 +4024,6 @@ ldapmap_parseargs(map, args) map->map_mflags |= MF_NODEFER; break; - case 'S': - map->map_spacesub = *++p; - break; - - case 'D': - map->map_mflags |= MF_DEFER; - break; - case 'z': if (*++p != '\\') map->map_coldelim = *p; @@ -4036,25 +4046,68 @@ ldapmap_parseargs(map, args) break; /* Start of ldapmap specific args */ - case 'V': - if (*++p != '\\') - lmap->ldap_attrsep = *p; - else - { - switch (*++p) - { - case 'n': - lmap->ldap_attrsep = '\n'; - break; + case '1': + map->map_mflags |= MF_SINGLEMATCH; + break; - case 't': - lmap->ldap_attrsep = '\t'; - break; +# if _FFR_LDAP_SINGLEDN + case '2': + map->map_mflags |= MF_SINGLEDN; + break; +# endif /* _FFR_LDAP_SINGLEDN */ - default: - lmap->ldap_attrsep = '\\'; - } + case 'b': /* search base */ + while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) + continue; + lmap->ldap_base = p; + break; + +# if _FFR_LDAP_NETWORK_TIMEOUT + case 'c': /* network (connect) timeout */ + while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) + continue; + lmap->ldap_networktmo.tv_sec = atoi(p); + break; +# endif /* _FFR_LDAP_NETWORK_TIMEOUT */ + + case 'd': /* Dn to bind to server as */ + while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) + continue; + lmap->ldap_binddn = p; + break; + + case 'H': /* Use LDAP URI */ +# if !USE_LDAP_INIT + syserr("Must compile with -DUSE_LDAP_INIT to use LDAP URIs (-H) in map %s", + map->map_mname); + return false; +# else /* !USE_LDAP_INIT */ + if (lmap->ldap_host != NULL) + { + syserr("Can not specify both an LDAP host and an LDAP URI in map %s", + map->map_mname); + return false; } + while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) + continue; + lmap->ldap_uri = p; + break; +# endif /* !USE_LDAP_INIT */ + + case 'h': /* ldap host */ + while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) + continue; + if (lmap->ldap_uri != NULL) + { + syserr("Can not specify both an LDAP host and an LDAP URI in map %s", + map->map_mname); + return false; + } + lmap->ldap_host = p; + break; + + case 'K': + lmap->ldap_multi_args = true; break; case 'k': /* search field */ @@ -4063,22 +4116,69 @@ ldapmap_parseargs(map, args) lmap->ldap_filter = p; break; - case 'v': /* attr to return */ + case 'l': /* time limit */ while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) continue; - lmap->ldap_attr[0] = p; - lmap->ldap_attr[1] = NULL; + lmap->ldap_timelimit = atoi(p); + lmap->ldap_timeout.tv_sec = lmap->ldap_timelimit; break; - case '1': - map->map_mflags |= MF_SINGLEMATCH; + case 'M': /* Method for binding */ + while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) + continue; + + if (sm_strncasecmp(p, "LDAP_AUTH_", 10) == 0) + p += 10; + + for (lam = LDAPAuthMethods; + lam != NULL && lam->lam_name != NULL; lam++) + { + if (sm_strncasecmp(p, lam->lam_name, + strlen(lam->lam_name)) == 0) + break; + } + if (lam->lam_name != NULL) + lmap->ldap_method = lam->lam_code; + else + { + /* bad config line */ + if (!bitset(MCF_OPTFILE, + map->map_class->map_cflags)) + { + char *ptr; + + if ((ptr = strchr(p, ' ')) != NULL) + *ptr = '\0'; + syserr("Method for binding must be [none|simple|krbv4] (not %s) in map %s", + p, map->map_mname); + if (ptr != NULL) + *ptr = ' '; + return false; + } + } break; -# if _FFR_LDAP_SINGLEDN - case '2': - map->map_mflags |= MF_SINGLEDN; + case 'n': /* retrieve attribute names only */ + lmap->ldap_attrsonly = LDAPMAP_TRUE; + break; + + /* + ** This is a string that is dependent on the + ** method used defined by 'M'. + */ + + case 'P': /* Secret password for binding */ + while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) + continue; + lmap->ldap_secret = p; + secretread = false; + break; + + case 'p': /* ldap port */ + while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) + continue; + lmap->ldap_port = atoi(p); break; -# endif /* _FFR_LDAP_SINGLEDN */ /* args stolen from ldapsearch.c */ case 'R': /* don't auto chase referrals */ @@ -4089,10 +4189,6 @@ ldapmap_parseargs(map, args) # endif /* LDAP_REFERRALS */ break; - case 'n': /* retrieve attribute names only */ - lmap->ldap_attrsonly = LDAPMAP_TRUE; - break; - case 'r': /* alias dereferencing */ while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) continue; @@ -4163,114 +4259,33 @@ ldapmap_parseargs(map, args) } break; - case 'h': /* ldap host */ - while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) - continue; - if (lmap->ldap_uri != NULL) - { - syserr("Can not specify both an LDAP host and an LDAP URI in map %s", - map->map_mname); - return false; - } - lmap->ldap_host = p; - break; - - case 'b': /* search base */ - while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) - continue; - lmap->ldap_base = p; - break; - - case 'p': /* ldap port */ - while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) - continue; - lmap->ldap_port = atoi(p); - break; - - case 'l': /* time limit */ - while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) - continue; - lmap->ldap_timelimit = atoi(p); - lmap->ldap_timeout.tv_sec = lmap->ldap_timelimit; - break; - - case 'Z': - while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) - continue; - lmap->ldap_sizelimit = atoi(p); - break; - - case 'd': /* Dn to bind to server as */ - while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) - continue; - lmap->ldap_binddn = p; - break; - - case 'M': /* Method for binding */ - while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) - continue; - - if (sm_strncasecmp(p, "LDAP_AUTH_", 10) == 0) - p += 10; - - for (lam = LDAPAuthMethods; - lam != NULL && lam->lam_name != NULL; lam++) - { - if (sm_strncasecmp(p, lam->lam_name, - strlen(lam->lam_name)) == 0) - break; - } - if (lam->lam_name != NULL) - lmap->ldap_method = lam->lam_code; + case 'V': + if (*++p != '\\') + lmap->ldap_attrsep = *p; else { - /* bad config line */ - if (!bitset(MCF_OPTFILE, - map->map_class->map_cflags)) + switch (*++p) { - char *ptr; + case 'n': + lmap->ldap_attrsep = '\n'; + break; - if ((ptr = strchr(p, ' ')) != NULL) - *ptr = '\0'; - syserr("Method for binding must be [none|simple|krbv4] (not %s) in map %s", - p, map->map_mname); - if (ptr != NULL) - *ptr = ' '; - return false; + case 't': + lmap->ldap_attrsep = '\t'; + break; + + default: + lmap->ldap_attrsep = '\\'; } } - break; - /* - ** This is a string that is dependent on the - ** method used defined above. - */ - - case 'P': /* Secret password for binding */ - while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) - continue; - lmap->ldap_secret = p; - secretread = false; - break; - - case 'H': /* Use LDAP URI */ -# if !USE_LDAP_INIT - syserr("Must compile with -DUSE_LDAP_INIT to use LDAP URIs (-H) in map %s", - map->map_mname); - return false; -# else /* !USE_LDAP_INIT */ - if (lmap->ldap_host != NULL) - { - syserr("Can not specify both an LDAP host and an LDAP URI in map %s", - map->map_mname); - return false; - } + case 'v': /* attr to return */ while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) continue; - lmap->ldap_uri = p; + lmap->ldap_attr[0] = p; + lmap->ldap_attr[1] = NULL; break; -# endif /* !USE_LDAP_INIT */ case 'w': /* -w should be for passwd, -P should be for version */ @@ -4297,8 +4312,10 @@ ldapmap_parseargs(map, args) # endif /* LDAP_VERSION_MIN */ break; - case 'K': - lmap->ldap_multi_args = true; + case 'Z': + while (isascii(*++p) && isspace(*p)) + continue; + lmap->ldap_sizelimit = atoi(p); break; default: diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/milter.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/milter.c index 67d5eaefde..816c7bf7d4 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/milter.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/milter.c @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: milter.c,v 8.267 2007/02/27 22:21:12 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: milter.c,v 8.269 2007/06/06 17:26:12 ca Exp $") #if MILTER # include @@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ static void milter_quit_filter __P((struct milter *, ENVELOPE *)); static void milter_abort_filter __P((struct milter *, ENVELOPE *)); static void milter_send_macros __P((struct milter *, char **, int, ENVELOPE *)); -static int milter_negotiate __P((struct milter *, ENVELOPE *)); +static int milter_negotiate __P((struct milter *, ENVELOPE *, + milters_T *)); static void milter_per_connection_check __P((ENVELOPE *)); static char *milter_headers __P((struct milter *, ENVELOPE *, char *)); static void milter_addheader __P((struct milter *, char *, ssize_t, @@ -1790,41 +1791,6 @@ milter_reset_df(e) return 0; } -/* -** MILTER_CAN_DELRCPTS -- can any milter filters delete recipients? -** -** Parameters: -** none -** -** Returns: -** true if any filter deletes recipients, false otherwise -*/ - -bool -milter_can_delrcpts() -{ - bool can = false; - int i; - - if (tTd(64, 10)) - sm_dprintf("milter_can_delrcpts:"); - - for (i = 0; InputFilters[i] != NULL; i++) - { - struct milter *m = InputFilters[i]; - - if (bitset(SMFIF_DELRCPT, m->mf_fflags)) - { - can = true; - break; - } - } - if (tTd(64, 10)) - sm_dprintf("%s\n", can ? "true" : "false"); - - return can; -} - /* ** MILTER_QUIT_FILTER -- close down a single filter ** @@ -2406,15 +2372,17 @@ milter_getsymlist(m, buf, rlen, offset) ** Parameters: ** m -- milter filter structure. ** e -- current envelope. +** milters -- milters structure. ** ** Returns: ** 0 on success, -1 otherwise */ static int -milter_negotiate(m, e) +milter_negotiate(m, e, milters) struct milter *m; ENVELOPE *e; + milters_T *milters; { char rcmd; mi_int32 fvers, fflags, pflags; @@ -2583,6 +2551,12 @@ milter_negotiate(m, e) milter_getsymlist(m, response, rlen, MILTER_OPTLEN); } + if (bitset(SMFIF_DELRCPT, m->mf_fflags)) + milters->mis_flags |= MIS_FL_DEL_RCPT; + if (!bitset(SMFIP_NORCPT, m->mf_pflags) && + !bitset(SMFIP_NR_RCPT, m->mf_pflags)) + milters->mis_flags |= MIS_FL_REJ_RCPT; + if (tTd(64, 5)) sm_dprintf("milter_negotiate(%s): received: version %u, fflags 0x%x, pflags 0x%x\n", m->mf_name, m->mf_fvers, m->mf_fflags, m->mf_pflags); @@ -3784,6 +3758,7 @@ milter_replbody(response, rlen, newfilter, e) ** Parameters: ** e -- current envelope. ** state -- return state from response. +** milters -- milters structure. ** ** Returns: ** true iff at least one filter is active @@ -3791,15 +3766,17 @@ milter_replbody(response, rlen, newfilter, e) /* ARGSUSED */ bool -milter_init(e, state) +milter_init(e, state, milters) ENVELOPE *e; char *state; + milters_T *milters; { int i; if (tTd(64, 10)) sm_dprintf("milter_init\n"); + memset(milters, '\0', sizeof(*milters)); *state = SMFIR_CONTINUE; if (InputFilters[0] == NULL) { @@ -3821,7 +3798,7 @@ milter_init(e, state) } if (m->mf_sock < 0 || - milter_negotiate(m, e) < 0 || + milter_negotiate(m, e, milters) < 0 || m->mf_state == SMFS_ERROR) { if (tTd(64, 5)) diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/mime.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/mime.c index 48540a00b6..af71d7982e 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/mime.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/mime.c @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ #include #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: mime.c,v 8.146 2006/08/16 16:52:11 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: mime.c,v 8.147 2007/09/26 23:29:11 ca Exp $") /* ** MIME support. @@ -525,10 +525,14 @@ mime8to7(mci, header, e, boundaries, flags, level) while (sm_io_fgets(e->e_dfp, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, buf, sizeof(buf)) != NULL) { - bt = mimeboundary(buf, boundaries); - if (bt != MBT_NOTSEP) - break; - if (!putline(buf, mci)) + if (!bitset(MCIF_INLONGLINE, mci->mci_flags)) + { + bt = mimeboundary(buf, boundaries); + if (bt != MBT_NOTSEP) + break; + } + if (!putxline(buf, strlen(buf), mci, + PXLF_MAPFROM|PXLF_NOADDEOL)) goto writeerr; } if (sm_io_eof(e->e_dfp)) diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/parseaddr.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/parseaddr.c index 9a14ec991a..eca60f984c 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/parseaddr.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/parseaddr.c @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: parseaddr.c,v 8.400 2006/12/21 00:24:06 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: parseaddr.c,v 8.401 2007/09/27 23:33:59 ca Exp $") #include #include "map.h" @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ parseaddr(addr, a, flags, delim, delimptr, e, isrcpt) if (e->e_sendmode == SM_DEFER) msg = "Deferring message until queue run"; if (tTd(20, 1)) - sm_dprintf("parseaddr: queuing message\n"); + sm_dprintf("parseaddr: queueing message\n"); message(msg); if (e->e_message == NULL && e->e_sendmode != SM_DEFER) e->e_message = sm_rpool_strdup_x(e->e_rpool, msg); diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/queue.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/queue.c index e0919d5df8..e80a0357b9 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/queue.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/queue.c @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ #include #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: queue.c,v 8.972 2007/03/29 22:55:17 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: queue.c,v 8.975 2007/06/18 20:08:40 ca Exp $") #include @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ queueup(e, announce, msync) break; if (LogLevel > 0 && (i % 32) == 0) sm_syslog(LOG_ALERT, e->e_id, - "queueup: cannot create %s, uid=%d: %s", + "queueup: cannot create %s, euid=%d: %s", tf, (int) geteuid(), sm_errstring(errno)); } @@ -845,8 +845,8 @@ queueup(e, announce, msync) if (bitset(H_FROM, h->h_flags)) oldstyle = false; - - commaize(h, h->h_value, oldstyle, &mcibuf, e); + commaize(h, h->h_value, oldstyle, &mcibuf, e, + PXLF_HEADER); TrafficLogFile = savetrace; } @@ -2147,6 +2147,14 @@ run_work_group(wgrp, flags) maxrunners = Queue[qgrp]->qg_maxqrun; + /* + ** If no runners are configured for this group but + ** the queue is "forced" then lets use 1 runner. + */ + + if (maxrunners == 0 && bitset(RWG_FORCE, flags)) + maxrunners = 1; + /* No need to have more runners then there are jobs */ if (maxrunners > njobs) maxrunners = njobs; diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/readcf.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/readcf.c index bd57d80209..0d0849b18d 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/readcf.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/readcf.c @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ #include #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: readcf.c,v 8.663 2006/10/05 20:58:59 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: readcf.c,v 8.664 2007/07/10 17:01:22 ca Exp $") #if NETINET || NETINET6 # include @@ -2245,6 +2245,10 @@ static struct optioninfo # define O_EIGHT_BIT_ADDR_OK 0xdf { "EightBitAddrOK", O_EIGHT_BIT_ADDR_OK, OI_NONE }, #endif /* _FFR_EIGHT_BIT_ADDR_OK */ +#if _FFR_ADDR_TYPE_MODES +# define O_ADDR_TYPE_MODES 0xe0 + { "AddrTypeModes", O_ADDR_TYPE_MODES, OI_NONE }, +#endif /* _FFR_ADDR_TYPE_MODES */ { NULL, '\0', OI_NONE } }; @@ -3807,6 +3811,12 @@ setoption(opt, val, safe, sticky, e) break; #endif /* _FFR_EIGHT_BIT_ADDR_OK */ +#if _FFR_ADDR_TYPE_MODES + case O_ADDR_TYPE_MODES: + AddrTypeModes = atobool(val); + break; +#endif /* _FFR_ADDR_TYPE_MODES */ + default: if (tTd(37, 1)) { diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/recipient.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/recipient.c index ea30adcd02..40646325bf 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/recipient.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/recipient.c @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: recipient.c,v 8.348 2007/03/19 21:33:09 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: recipient.c,v 8.349 2007/07/10 17:01:22 ca Exp $") static void includetimeout __P((int)); static ADDRESS *self_reference __P((ADDRESS *)); @@ -377,6 +377,12 @@ removefromlist(list, sendq, e) { (void) sm_strlcpy(bufp, denlstring(list, false, true), i); +#if _FFR_ADDR_TYPE_MODES + if (AddrTypeModes) + macdefine(&e->e_macro, A_PERM, macid("{addr_type}"), + "e r d"); + else +#endif /* _FFR_ADDR_TYPE_MODES */ macdefine(&e->e_macro, A_PERM, macid("{addr_type}"), "e r"); for (p = bufp; *p != '\0'; ) { diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sendmail.0 b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sendmail.0 index 4c2cf5daf8..060ed242f6 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sendmail.0 +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sendmail.0 @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN --qqf Process saved messages in the queue once and do not fork(), but run in the foreground. - --qqG name + --qqG_n_a_m_e Process jobs in queue group called _n_a_m_e only. --qq[_!]I_s_u_b_s_t_r @@ -462,4 +462,4 @@ HHIISSTTOORRYY - $Date: 2003/12/01 17:02:41 $ SENDMAIL(8) + $Date: 2007/08/02 05:42:33 $ SENDMAIL(8) diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sendmail.8 b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sendmail.8 index 2d0284abe5..27b44d62ea 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sendmail.8 +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sendmail.8 @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ .\" the sendmail distribution. .\" .\" -.\" $Id: sendmail.8,v 8.57 2003/12/01 17:02:41 ca Exp $ +.\" $Id: sendmail.8,v 8.58 2007/08/02 05:42:33 ca Exp $ .\" -.TH SENDMAIL 8 "$Date: 2003/12/01 17:02:41 $" +.TH SENDMAIL 8 "$Date: 2007/08/02 05:42:33 $" .SH NAME sendmail \- an electronic mail transport agent @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ empty in the previous queue run. Process saved messages in the queue once and do not fork(), but run in the foreground. .TP -\fB\-q\fRG name +\fB\-q\fRG\fIname\fR Process jobs in queue group called .I name only. diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sendmail.h b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sendmail.h index 51f2426dbf..82ab6a9d93 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sendmail.h +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sendmail.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. + * Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1983, 1995-1997 Eric P. Allman. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ #ifdef _DEFINE # ifndef lint -SM_UNUSED(static char SmailId[]) = "@(#)$Id: sendmail.h,v 8.1042 2007/02/27 22:21:13 ca Exp $"; +SM_UNUSED(static char SmailId[]) = "@(#)$Id: sendmail.h,v 8.1052 2007/10/05 23:06:30 ca Exp $"; # endif /* ! lint */ #endif /* _DEFINE */ @@ -324,7 +324,8 @@ typedef struct address ADDRESS; (s) == QS_RETRY) #define QS_IS_ATTEMPTED(s) ((s) == QS_QUEUEUP || \ (s) == QS_RETRY || \ - (s) == QS_SENT) + (s) == QS_SENT || \ + (s) == QS_DISCARDED) #define QS_IS_DEAD(s) ((s) >= QS_DONTSEND) @@ -728,6 +729,7 @@ MCI #if _FFR_IGNORE_EXT_ON_HELO # define MCIF_HELO 0x00800000 /* we used HELO: ignore extensions */ #endif /* _FFR_IGNORE_EXT_ON_HELO */ +#define MCIF_INLONGLINE 0x01000000 /* in the middle of a long line */ #define MCIF_ONLY_EHLO 0x10000000 /* use only EHLO in smtpinit */ /* states */ @@ -824,7 +826,7 @@ extern struct hdrinfo HdrInfo[]; /* functions */ extern void addheader __P((char *, char *, int, ENVELOPE *, bool)); extern unsigned long chompheader __P((char *, int, HDR **, ENVELOPE *)); -extern bool commaize __P((HDR *, char *, bool, MCI *, ENVELOPE *)); +extern bool commaize __P((HDR *, char *, bool, MCI *, ENVELOPE *, int)); extern HDR *copyheader __P((HDR *, SM_RPOOL_T *)); extern void eatheader __P((ENVELOPE *, bool, bool)); extern char *hvalue __P((char *, HDR *)); @@ -894,6 +896,9 @@ struct envelope char *e_bodytype; /* type of message body */ SM_FILE_T *e_dfp; /* data file */ char *e_id; /* code for this entry in queue */ +#if _FFR_SESSID + char *e_sessid; /* session ID for this envelope */ +#endif /* _FFR_SESSID */ int e_qgrp; /* queue group (index into queues) */ int e_qdir; /* index into queue directories */ int e_dfqgrp; /* data file queue group index */ @@ -1725,6 +1730,17 @@ struct milter #endif /* _FFR_MILTER_CHECK */ }; +struct milters +{ + mi_int32 mis_flags; /* filter flags */ +}; +typedef struct milters milters_T; + +#define MIS_FL_NONE 0x00000000 /* no requirements... */ +#define MIS_FL_DEL_RCPT 0x00000001 /* can delete rcpt */ +#define MIS_FL_REJ_RCPT 0x00000002 /* can reject rcpt */ + + /* MTA flags */ # define SMF_REJECT 'R' /* Reject connection on filter fail */ # define SMF_TEMPFAIL 'T' /* tempfail connection on failure */ @@ -2082,10 +2098,7 @@ extern unsigned char tTdvect[100]; /* trace vector */ ** The "no queue id" queue id for sm_syslog */ -#define NOQID "*~*" - -/* use id or NOQID (to avoid NOQUEUE in logfile) */ -#define E_ID(id) ((id) == NULL ? NOQID : (id)) +#define NOQID "" #define CURHOSTNAME (CurHostName == NULL ? "local" : CurHostName) @@ -2161,6 +2174,9 @@ extern unsigned char tTdvect[100]; /* trace vector */ ** Global variables. */ +#if _FFR_ADDR_TYPE_MODES +EXTERN bool AddrTypeModes; /* addr_type: extra "mode" information */ +#endif /* _FFR_ADDR_TYPE_MODES */ EXTERN bool AllowBogusHELO; /* allow syntax errors on HELO command */ EXTERN bool CheckAliases; /* parse addresses during newaliases */ #if _FFR_QUEUE_RUN_PARANOIA @@ -2435,8 +2451,7 @@ extern int opencontrolsocket __P((void)); extern void milter_config __P((char *, struct milter **, int)); extern void milter_setup __P((char *)); extern void milter_set_option __P((char *, char *, bool)); -extern bool milter_can_delrcpts __P((void)); -extern bool milter_init __P((ENVELOPE *, char *)); +extern bool milter_init __P((ENVELOPE *, char *, milters_T *)); extern void milter_quit __P((ENVELOPE *)); extern void milter_abort __P((ENVELOPE *)); extern char *milter_connect __P((char *, SOCKADDR, ENVELOPE *, char *)); diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sm_resolve.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sm_resolve.c index d2cf96d57e..035a9e51ba 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sm_resolve.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/sm_resolve.c @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ # if NAMED_BIND # include "sm_resolve.h" -SM_RCSID("$Id: sm_resolve.c,v 8.34 2006/08/15 23:24:58 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("$Id: sm_resolve.c,v 8.35 2007/06/25 16:20:14 ca Exp $") static struct stot { @@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ parse_dns_reply(data, len) int len; { unsigned char *p; + ushort ans_cnt, ui; int status; size_t l; char host[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; @@ -196,11 +197,15 @@ parse_dns_reply(data, len) dns_free_data(r); return NULL; } + + ans_cnt = ntohs((ushort) r->dns_r_h.ancount); + p += status; GETSHORT(r->dns_r_q.dns_q_type, p); GETSHORT(r->dns_r_q.dns_q_class, p); rr = &r->dns_r_head; - while (p < data + len) + ui = 0; + while (p < data + len && ui < ans_cnt) { int type, class, ttl, size, txtlen; @@ -210,6 +215,7 @@ parse_dns_reply(data, len) dns_free_data(r); return NULL; } + ++ui; p += status; GETSHORT(type, p); GETSHORT(class, p); diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/srvrsmtp.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/srvrsmtp.c index 1f067b1d85..514a5e6310 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/srvrsmtp.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/srvrsmtp.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. + * Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1983, 1995-1997 Eric P. Allman. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ # include #endif /* MILTER */ -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: srvrsmtp.c,v 8.960 2007/02/07 20:18:47 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: srvrsmtp.c,v 8.967 2007/10/01 16:22:14 ca Exp $") #include #include @@ -349,14 +349,18 @@ static SM_DEBUG_T DebugLeakSmtp = SM_DEBUG_INITIALIZER("leak_smtp", typedef struct { - bool sm_gotmail; /* mail command received */ - unsigned int sm_nrcpts; /* number of successful RCPT commands */ - bool sm_discard; + bool sm_gotmail; /* mail command received */ + unsigned int sm_nrcpts; /* number of successful RCPT commands */ + bool sm_discard; #if MILTER - bool sm_milterize; - bool sm_milterlist; /* any filters in the list? */ + bool sm_milterize; + bool sm_milterlist; /* any filters in the list? */ + milters_T sm_milters; + + /* e_nrcpts from envelope before recipient() call */ + unsigned int sm_e_nrcpts_orig; #endif /* MILTER */ - char *sm_quarmsg; /* carry quarantining across messages */ + char *sm_quarmsg; /* carry quarantining across messages */ } SMTP_T; static bool smtp_data __P((SMTP_T *, ENVELOPE *)); @@ -907,7 +911,7 @@ smtp(nullserver, d_flags, e) char state; /* initialize mail filter connection */ - smtp.sm_milterlist = milter_init(e, &state); + smtp.sm_milterlist = milter_init(e, &state, &smtp.sm_milters); switch (state) { case SMFIR_REJECT: @@ -1285,7 +1289,7 @@ smtp(nullserver, d_flags, e) { authenticating = SASL_NOT_AUTH; - /* rfc 2254 4. */ + /* RFC 2554 4. */ message("501 5.0.0 AUTH aborted"); RESET_SASLCONN; continue; @@ -1304,7 +1308,7 @@ smtp(nullserver, d_flags, e) { authenticating = SASL_NOT_AUTH; - /* rfc 2254 4. */ + /* RFC 2554 4. */ message("501 5.5.4 cannot decode AUTH parameter %s", inp); # if SASL >= 20000 @@ -1658,7 +1662,21 @@ smtp(nullserver, d_flags, e) break; } - if (ismore) + /* + ** RFC 2554 4. + ** Unlike a zero-length client answer to a + ** 334 reply, a zero- length initial response + ** is sent as a single equals sign ("="). + */ + + if (ismore && *q == '=' && *(q + 1) == '\0') + { + /* will be free()d, don't use in=""; */ + in = xalloc(1); + *in = '\0'; + inlen = 0; + } + else if (ismore) { /* could this be shorter? XXX */ # if SASL >= 20000 @@ -2503,6 +2521,7 @@ smtp(nullserver, d_flags, e) (void) memset(&addr_st, '\0', sizeof(addr_st)); a = NULL; milter_rcpt_added = false; + smtp.sm_e_nrcpts_orig = e->e_nrcpts; #endif if (BadRcptThrottle > 0 && n_badrcpts >= BadRcptThrottle) @@ -2558,13 +2577,18 @@ smtp(nullserver, d_flags, e) #if MILTER /* ** Do not expand recipients at RCPT time (in the call - ** to recipient()). If they are expanded, it - ** is impossible for removefromlist() to figure - ** out the expanded members of the original - ** recipient and mark them as QS_DONTSEND. + ** to recipient()) if a milter can delete or reject + ** a RCPT. If they are expanded, it is impossible + ** for removefromlist() to figure out the expanded + ** members of the original recipient and mark them + ** as QS_DONTSEND. */ - e->e_flags |= EF_VRFYONLY; + if (!(smtp.sm_milterlist && smtp.sm_milterize && + !bitset(EF_DISCARD, e->e_flags)) && + (smtp.sm_milters.mis_flags & + (MIS_FL_DEL_RCPT|MIS_FL_REJ_RCPT)) != 0) + e->e_flags |= EF_VRFYONLY; milter_cmd_done = false; milter_cmd_safe = false; #endif /* MILTER */ @@ -2799,6 +2823,8 @@ smtp(nullserver, d_flags, e) { (void) removefromlist(addr, &e->e_sendqueue, e); milter_cmd_fail = false; + if (smtp.sm_e_nrcpts_orig < e->e_nrcpts) + e->e_nrcpts = smtp.sm_e_nrcpts_orig; } #endif /* MILTER */ } @@ -3557,8 +3583,19 @@ smtp_data(smtp, e) if (aborting) { + ADDRESS *q; + /* Log who the mail would have gone to */ logundelrcpts(e, e->e_message, 8, false); + + /* + ** If something above refused the message, we still haven't + ** accepted responsibility for it. Don't send DSNs. + */ + + for (q = e->e_sendqueue; q != NULL; q = q->q_next) + q->q_flags &= ~Q_PINGFLAGS; + flush_errors(true); buffer_errors(); goto abortmessage; @@ -4026,8 +4063,7 @@ reset_mail_esmtp_args(e) macdefine(&e->e_macro, A_PERM, macid("{dsn_envid}"), NULL); /* "ret" */ - e->e_flags &= EF_RET_PARAM; - e->e_flags &= EF_NO_BODY_RETN; + e->e_flags &= ~(EF_RET_PARAM|EF_NO_BODY_RETN); macdefine(&e->e_macro, A_TEMP, macid("{dsn_ret}"), NULL); #if SASL diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/usersmtp.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/usersmtp.c index 622bbb8319..724f10c90d 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/usersmtp.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/usersmtp.c @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: usersmtp.c,v 8.469 2006/12/13 20:11:15 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: usersmtp.c,v 8.470 2007/10/17 21:35:30 ca Exp $") #include @@ -2703,8 +2703,9 @@ smtpdata(m, mci, e, ctladdr, xstart) } /* terminate the message */ - if (sm_io_fprintf(mci->mci_out, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, ".%s", m->m_eol) == - SM_IO_EOF) + if (sm_io_fprintf(mci->mci_out, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, "%s.%s", + bitset(MCIF_INLONGLINE, mci->mci_flags) ? m->m_eol : "", + m->m_eol) == SM_IO_EOF) goto writeerr; if (TrafficLogFile != NULL) (void) sm_io_fprintf(TrafficLogFile, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/util.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/util.c index af781ef3d9..95d2f9a413 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/util.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/util.c @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* - * Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. + * Copyright (c) 1998-2007 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers. * All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1983, 1995-1997 Eric P. Allman. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: util.c,v 8.410 2006/12/18 18:36:44 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: util.c,v 8.413 2007/09/26 23:29:11 ca Exp $") #include #include @@ -1154,7 +1154,8 @@ putxline(l, len, mci, pxflags) /* output last part */ if (l[0] == '.' && slop == 0 && - bitnset(M_XDOT, mci->mci_mailer->m_flags)) + bitnset(M_XDOT, mci->mci_mailer->m_flags) && + !bitset(MCIF_INLONGLINE, mci->mci_flags)) { if (sm_io_putc(mci->mci_out, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, '.') == SM_IO_EOF) @@ -1169,7 +1170,8 @@ putxline(l, len, mci, pxflags) else if (l[0] == 'F' && slop == 0 && bitset(PXLF_MAPFROM, pxflags) && strncmp(l, "From ", 5) == 0 && - bitnset(M_ESCFROM, mci->mci_mailer->m_flags)) + bitnset(M_ESCFROM, mci->mci_mailer->m_flags) && + !bitset(MCIF_INLONGLINE, mci->mci_flags)) { if (sm_io_putc(mci->mci_out, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, '>') == SM_IO_EOF) @@ -1188,13 +1190,19 @@ putxline(l, len, mci, pxflags) if (TrafficLogFile != NULL) (void) sm_io_putc(TrafficLogFile, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, '\n'); - if ((!bitset(PXLF_NOADDEOL, pxflags) || !noeol) && - sm_io_fputs(mci->mci_out, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, - mci->mci_mailer->m_eol) == SM_IO_EOF) + if ((!bitset(PXLF_NOADDEOL, pxflags) || !noeol)) { - dead = true; - break; + mci->mci_flags &= ~MCIF_INLONGLINE; + if (sm_io_fputs(mci->mci_out, SM_TIME_DEFAULT, + mci->mci_mailer->m_eol) == SM_IO_EOF) + { + dead = true; + break; + } } + else + mci->mci_flags |= MCIF_INLONGLINE; + if (l < end && *l == '\n') { if (*++l != ' ' && *l != '\t' && *l != '\0' && @@ -2813,7 +2821,14 @@ count_open_connections(hostaddr) if (hostaddr == NULL) return 0; - n = 0; + + /* + ** Initialize to 1 instead of 0 because this code gets called + ** before proc_list_add() gets called, so we (the daemon child + ** for this connection) don't count ourselves. + */ + + n = 1; for (i = 0; i < ProcListSize; i++) { if (ProcListVec[i].proc_pid == NO_PID) diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/version.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/version.c index 6bdfd1199c..ee09fc93a2 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/version.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/sendmail/version.c @@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ #include -SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: version.c,v 8.191 2007/04/03 21:21:18 ca Exp $") +SM_RCSID("@(#)$Id: version.c,v 8.199 2007/10/31 16:04:12 ca Exp $") -char Version[] = "8.14.1"; +char Version[] = "8.14.2"; diff --git a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/vacation/vacation.c b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/vacation/vacation.c index 4f31dddce9..10712b8ed8 100644 --- a/contrib/sendmail-8.14/vacation/vacation.c +++ b/contrib/sendmail-8.14/vacation/vacation.c @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ SM_IDSTR(copyright, The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.\n\ Copyright (c) 1983 Eric P. Allman. All rights reserved.\n") -SM_IDSTR(id, "@(#)$Id: vacation.c,v 8.143 2006/12/19 19:00:43 ca Exp $") +SM_IDSTR(id, "@(#)$Id: vacation.c,v 8.144 2007/05/11 18:50:36 ca Exp $") #include @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ uid_t RealUid; gid_t RealGid; char *RealUserName; uid_t RunAsUid; -uid_t RunAsGid; +gid_t RunAsGid; char *RunAsUserName; int Verbose = 2; bool DontInitGroups = false;