This is the SandBox, a page anyone can edit to learn how to use the wiki. t ------ sandbox External link to google: [GoOgLe]( AnOtHer TEST from the GIT repo .

p test with a testclass!

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TEst123. Test321. A pagespec test: [[!testpagespec pagespec="(!*/Discussion and !docs/*) and !(user(justin) or user(matthias) or user(swildner) or user(josepht) )" match="mascot and user(swildner)"]] Text!! CODEBLOCK: this is a code block, right here yo! > This is a blockquote with two paragraphs. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, > consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus. > Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus. > > Donec sit amet nisl. Aliquam semper ipsum sit amet velit. Suspendisse > id sem consectetuer libero luctus adipiscing.
       even ... HAHAHAHAHA
Here's some C code: [[!format c """ void main () { printf("hello, world!"); } """]] Also a diff: [[!format diff """ -bar +foo """]] Some markdown: [[!format mdwn """ # This is a markdown header ## This is another one """]] This a table attempt in this piece of junky ikiwiki format: test a | test b -------|-------- test c | test f ---- Here's a paragraph. Here's another one with *emphasised* text. # Header ## Subheader > This is a blockquote. > > This is the first level of quoting. > > > This is nested blockquote. > > Back to the first level. Numbered list 1. First item. 1. Another. 1. And another.. Bulleted list * *item* * item Here's a link: [vKernelTips]( [[ipfw3|/docs/ipfw3]] [[named absolute internal link|/docs/handbook/FTP]] [[named internal link|FTP]] [[docs/developer/GEMdrmKMS]] [[docs/developer/Manually_Build_X_and_Beyond]] [[docs/faq/FAQ-English]] [[sandbox/Testpage]] [[ikiwiki/WikiLink]] [[foo]] [[tmpswildner]] [[docs/howtos/swapcache]] [[posix_checklists]] [[i386_phaseout_discussion]] [[true-FDE|/docs/howtos/encrypt-boot]]
## Broken Links [[!brokenlinks]]
## Table test [[!table data=""" Customer |Amount Fulanito |134,34 Menganito|234,56 Menganito|234,56 """]] ## Orphan Pages and/or Files [[!orphans pages="* and !blog/*"]]