# The HAMMER Filesystem The HAMMER filesystem is a new addition to DragonFly. Being a brand-new filesystem we consider HAMMER to be in an early Beta state as of the 2.0 release, and production-ready as of the 2.2.1 release. All major features except the mirroring are quite well tested as-of the release. The mirroring was the last big-ticket item to go in prior to the 2.0 release and should be considered more in a late-alpha light. If you are interesting in porting HAMMER to another OS, please drop me (Matthew Dillon) a line at **dillon at backplane.com**. A DragonFly mailing list specifically for HAMMER porting exists; see links at end of document. I can't stress enough that HAMMER is designed for large storage media. The minimum I would be comfortable with would be around a 40G partition, though I often create smaller partitions for testing purposes. HAMMER can address up to 1-Exabyte of space and the use target is really designed for 500G and up. What does this mean for people who want to use HAMMER on a smaller partition? Well, there are two issues. First, the filesystem needs to reserve several hundred megabytes of media space to serve as buffer space for the reblocker. If you create a small filesystem the space efficiency is not going to be all that good. More importantly, HAMMER recovers space via pruning and reblocking cron jobs which early adopters must set up manually and are intended to run a few minutes every night to incrementally clean up the filesystem. You don't get instant gratification when you 'rm' something, so if the filesystem is too small normal use may run you out of space before the pruning and reblocking can catch up. If you remember only two things about this filesystem, the first should be the large-media nature of the filesystem's management functions, and the second should be the historical data retention. Most systems sync their mounts every 30-60 seconds. For HAMMER this means that you effectively get a snapshot every 30-60 seconds. The filesystem's fine-grained nature shows up when you use the hammer or undo commands to sift through the history, but the absolute best way to utilize the fine-grained nature of the filesystem is to create a cron job which creates a snapshot softlink at the desired interval, for example once an hour, using the hammer snapshot command. Creating an actual softlink via this command guarantees you a consistent view of the filesystem state. ## Documentation:
hammer(5) Hammer starter manual page
hammer(8) Hammer utility manual page
hammer.pdf Hammer major feature document
hammer@dragonflybsd.org (archive link) Hammer mailing list - see [[mailing list|mailinglists]] page
NYCBSDCon Slideshow from NYCBSDCon 11 Oct 2008