Ravenports generated: 21 Sep 2022 04:00
[ravenports.git] / bucket_8B / spidermonkey
1 # Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit.
3 NAMEBASE=               spidermonkey
4 VERSION=                102.3.0
5 KEYWORDS=               lang
6 VARIANTS=               standard
7 SDESC[standard]=        Standalone JS interpreter from Mozilla 102-esr
8 HOMEPAGE=               https://spidermonkey.dev
9 CONTACT=                Michael_Reim[kraileth@elderlinux.org]
11 DOWNLOAD_GROUPS=        main
12 SITES[main]=            MOZILLA/firefox/releases/102.3.0esr/source
13 DISTFILE[1]=            firefox-102.3.0esr.source.tar.xz:main
14 DF_INDEX=               1
15 SPKGS[standard]=        single
18 OPTIONS_STANDARD=       none
20 BUILD_DEPENDS=          zip:single:standard
21                         rust:single:standard
22 BUILDRUN_DEPENDS=       icu:single:standard
23                         nspr:single:standard
25 USES=                   gmake perl pkgconfig python:build zlib readline
26                         clang:keepcc
28 DISTNAME=               firefox-102.3.0/js/src
30 LICENSE=                MPL:single
31 LICENSE_TERMS=          single:{{WRKDIR}}/TERMS
32 LICENSE_FILE=           MPL:stock
33 LICENSE_AWK=            TERMS:"^$$"
34 LICENSE_SOURCE=         TERMS:{{WRKSRC}}/js-config.h.in
35 LICENSE_SCHEME=         solo
37 FPC_EQUIVALENT=         lang/spidermonkey78
39 MUST_CONFIGURE=         yes
41 CONFIGURE_ARGS=         --prefix={{PREFIX}}
42                         --target={{CONFIGURE_TARGET}}
43                         --disable-debug
44                         --disable-debug-symbols
45                         --disable-jemalloc
46                         --enable-readline
47                         --enable-release
48                         --enable-shared-js
49                         --enable-tests
50                         --enable-optimize
51                         --enable-gczeal
52                         --with-intl-api
53                         --with-system-nspr
54                         --with-system-icu
55                         --with-system-zlib
57 PLIST_SUB=              MOZJS_MAJOR=102
58                         MOZJS_MINOR=3
60 VAR_OPSYS[linux]=       MAKEFILE_LINE=CONFIGURE_TARGET=x86_64-ravenadm-linux-gnu
62 post-install:
63         ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/js102
64         ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/libmozjs-102.so
66 pre-configure:
67         (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${CONFIGURE_ENV} \
68         M4=m4 AWK=awk AC_MACRODIR=${WRKSRC}/../../build/autoconf/ \
69         ${SH} ${WRKSRC}/../../build/autoconf/autoconf.sh \
70         --localdir=${WRKSRC}/../../js/src configure.in > configure)
71         ${CHMOD} 755 ${WRKSRC}/configure
73 [FILE:126:descriptions/desc.single]
74 SpiderMonkey is Mozilla's JavaScript engine written in C and C++. It is 
75 used in various Mozilla products, including Firefox.
78 [FILE:111:distinfo]
79 308e23b6dcf964e342cf95fd0c8a386127371b620a489ae26e537d728341b55a    478260896 firefox-102.3.0esr.source.tar.xz
82 [FILE:5960:manifests/plist.single]
83 bin/
84  js%%MOZJS_MAJOR%%
85  js%%MOZJS_MAJOR%%-config
86 include/mozjs-%%MOZJS_MAJOR%%/
87  BaseProfiler.h
88  BaseProfilingCategory.h
89  encoding_rs_mem.h
90  fdlibm.h
91  js-config.h
92  jsapi.h
93  jsfriendapi.h
94  jspubtd.h
95  jstypes.h
96  malloc_decls.h
97  mozjemalloc_types.h
98  mozmemory.h
99  mozmemory_wrap.h
100 include/mozjs-%%MOZJS_MAJOR%%/double-conversion/
101  double-conversion.h
102  double-to-string.h
103  string-to-double.h
104  utils.h
105 include/mozjs-%%MOZJS_MAJOR%%/js/
106  AllocPolicy.h
107  AllocationLogging.h
108  AllocationRecording.h
109  Array.h
110  ArrayBuffer.h
111  ArrayBufferMaybeShared.h
112  BigInt.h
113  BuildId.h
114  CallAndConstruct.h
115  CallArgs.h
116  CallNonGenericMethod.h
117  CharacterEncoding.h
118  Class.h
119  ComparisonOperators.h
120  CompilationAndEvaluation.h
121  CompileOptions.h
122  Context.h
123  ContextOptions.h
124  Conversions.h
125  Date.h
126  Debug.h
127  Equality.h
128  ErrorInterceptor.h
129  ErrorReport.h
130  Exception.h
131  ForOfIterator.h
132  GCAPI.h
133  GCAnnotations.h
134  GCHashTable.h
135  GCPolicyAPI.h
136  GCTypeMacros.h
137  GCVariant.h
138  GCVector.h
139  GlobalObject.h
140  HashTable.h
141  HeapAPI.h
142  HelperThreadAPI.h
143  Id.h
144  Initialization.h
145  Interrupt.h
146  JSON.h
147  LocaleSensitive.h
148  MapAndSet.h
149  MemoryCallbacks.h
150  MemoryFunctions.h
151  MemoryMetrics.h
152  Modules.h
153  Object.h
154  OffThreadScriptCompilation.h
155  Principals.h
156  Printf.h
157  ProfilingCategory.h
158  ProfilingCategoryList.h
159  ProfilingFrameIterator.h
160  ProfilingStack.h
161  Promise.h
162  PropertyAndElement.h
163  PropertyDescriptor.h
164  PropertySpec.h
165  ProtoKey.h
166  Proxy.h
167  Realm.h
168  RealmIterators.h
169  RealmOptions.h
170  RefCounted.h
171  RegExp.h
172  RegExpFlags.h
173  Result.h
174  RootingAPI.h
175  SavedFrameAPI.h
176  ScalarType.h
177  ScriptPrivate.h
178  SharedArrayBuffer.h
179  SliceBudget.h
180  SourceText.h
181  StableStringChars.h
182  Stack.h
183  Stream.h
184  StreamConsumer.h
185  String.h
186  StructuredClone.h
187  SweepingAPI.h
188  Symbol.h
189  TelemetryTimers.h
190  TraceKind.h
191  TraceLoggerAPI.h
192  TracingAPI.h
193  Transcoding.h
194  TypeDecls.h
195  UbiNode.h
196  UbiNodeBreadthFirst.h
197  UbiNodeCensus.h
198  UbiNodeDominatorTree.h
199  UbiNodePostOrder.h
200  UbiNodeShortestPaths.h
201  UbiNodeUtils.h
202  UniquePtr.h
203  Utility.h
204  Value.h
205  ValueArray.h
206  Vector.h
207  WaitCallbacks.h
208  Warnings.h
209  WasmFeatures.h
210  WasmModule.h
211  WeakMap.h
212  WeakMapPtr.h
213  Wrapper.h
214  WrapperCallbacks.h
215  Zone.h
216 include/mozjs-%%MOZJS_MAJOR%%/js/experimental/
217  CTypes.h
218  CodeCoverage.h
219  Intl.h
220  JSStencil.h
221  JitInfo.h
222  PCCountProfiling.h
223  SourceHook.h
224  TypedData.h
225 include/mozjs-%%MOZJS_MAJOR%%/js/friend/
226  DOMProxy.h
227  DumpFunctions.h
228  ErrorMessages.h
229  ErrorNumbers.msg
230  JSMEnvironment.h
231  PerformanceHint.h
232  StackLimits.h
233  UsageStatistics.h
234  WindowProxy.h
235  XrayJitInfo.h
236 include/mozjs-%%MOZJS_MAJOR%%/js/shadow/
237  Function.h
238  Object.h
239  Realm.h
240  Shape.h
241  String.h
242  Symbol.h
243  Zone.h
244 include/mozjs-%%MOZJS_MAJOR%%/mozilla/
245  Algorithm.h
246  Alignment.h
247  AllocPolicy.h
248  AlreadyAddRefed.h
249  Array.h
250  ArrayUtils.h
251  Assertions.h
252  AtomicBitfields.h
253  Atomics.h
254  Attributes.h
255  AutoProfilerLabel.h
256  AwakeTimeStamp.h
257  BaseAndGeckoProfilerDetail.h
258  BaseProfileJSONWriter.h
259  BaseProfilerCounts.h
260  BaseProfilerDetail.h
261  BaseProfilerLabels.h
262  BaseProfilerMarkerTypes.h
263  BaseProfilerMarkers.h
264  BaseProfilerMarkersDetail.h
265  BaseProfilerMarkersPrerequisites.h
266  BaseProfilerRAIIMacro.h
267  BaseProfilerState.h
268  BaseProfilerUtils.h
269  BinarySearch.h
270  BitSet.h
271  BlocksRingBuffer.h
272  BloomFilter.h
273  Buffer.h
274  BufferList.h
275  Casting.h
276  ChaosMode.h
277  Char16.h
278  CheckedInt.h
279  CompactPair.h
280  Compiler.h
281  Compression.h
282  DbgMacro.h
283  DebugOnly.h
284  Decimal.h
285  DefineEnum.h
286  DoubleConversion.h
287  DoublyLinkedList.h
288  EndianUtils.h
289  EnumSet.h
290  EnumTypeTraits.h
291  EnumeratedArray.h
292  EnumeratedRange.h
293  FStream.h
294  FastBernoulliTrial.h
295  FloatingPoint.h
296  FunctionRef.h
297  FunctionTypeTraits.h
298  Fuzzing.h
299  HashFunctions.h
300  HashTable.h
301  HelperMacros.h
302  InitializedOnce.h
303  IntegerPrintfMacros.h
304  IntegerRange.h
305  IntegerTypeTraits.h
306  JSONWriter.h
307  JsRust.h
308  Latin1.h
309  Likely.h
310  LinkedList.h
311  MacroArgs.h
312  MacroForEach.h
313  MathAlgorithms.h
314  Maybe.h
315  MaybeOneOf.h
316  MaybeStorageBase.h
317  MemoryChecking.h
318  MemoryReporting.h
319  MmapFaultHandler.h
320  ModuloBuffer.h
321  NonDereferenceable.h
322  NotNull.h
323  Opaque.h
324  OperatorNewExtensions.h
325  PairHash.h
326  Path.h
327  PlatformConditionVariable.h
328  PlatformMutex.h
329  PlatformRWLock.h
330  PodOperations.h
331  Poison.h
332  PowerOfTwo.h
333  Printf.h
334  ProfileBufferChunk.h
335  ProfileBufferChunkManager.h
336  ProfileBufferChunkManagerSingle.h
337  ProfileBufferChunkManagerWithLocalLimit.h
338  ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager.h
339  ProfileBufferEntryKinds.h
340  ProfileBufferEntrySerialization.h
341  ProfileBufferIndex.h
342  ProfileChunkedBuffer.h
343  ProfileChunkedBufferDetail.h
344  ProgressLogger.h
345  ProportionValue.h
346  RandomNum.h
347  Range.h
348  RangedArray.h
349  RangedPtr.h
350  ReentrancyGuard.h
351  RefCountType.h
352  RefCounted.h
353  RefPtr.h
354  Result.h
355  ResultExtensions.h
356  ResultVariant.h
357  ReverseIterator.h
358  RollingMean.h
359  SHA1.h
360  SPSCQueue.h
361  Saturate.h
362  ScopeExit.h
363  Scoped.h
364  SegmentedVector.h
365  SharedLibrary.h
366  SmallPointerArray.h
367  Span.h
368  SplayTree.h
369  Sprintf.h
370  StackWalk.h
371  StaticAnalysisFunctions.h
372  TaggedAnonymousMemory.h
373  Tainting.h
374  TemplateLib.h
375  TextUtils.h
376  ThreadLocal.h
377  ThreadSafeWeakPtr.h
378  ThreadSafety.h
379  TimeStamp.h
380  ToString.h
381  Tuple.h
382  TypeTraits.h
383  TypedEnumBits.h
384  Types.h
385  UniquePtr.h
386  UniquePtrExtensions.h
387  Unused.h
388  Uptime.h
389  Utf8.h
390  Variant.h
391  Vector.h
392  WeakPtr.h
393  WrappingOperations.h
394  XorShift128PlusRNG.h
395  cxxalloc.h
396  fallible.h
397  leb128iterator.h
398  mozalloc.h
399  mozalloc_abort.h
400  mozalloc_oom.h
401 include/mozjs-%%MOZJS_MAJOR%%/mozilla/glue/
402  Debug.h
403  WinUtils.h
404 include/mozjs-%%MOZJS_MAJOR%%/mozilla/intl/
405  Bidi.h
406  BidiClass.h
407  BidiEmbeddingLevel.h
408  Calendar.h
409  Collator.h
410  Currency.h
411  DateIntervalFormat.h
412  DateTimeFormat.h
413  DateTimePart.h
414  DateTimePatternGenerator.h
415  DisplayNames.h
416  FormatBuffer.h
417  ICU4CGlue.h
418  ICU4CLibrary.h
419  ICUError.h
420  IDNA.h
421  ListFormat.h
422  Locale.h
423  LocaleCanonicalizer.h
424  MeasureUnit.h
425  MeasureUnitGenerated.h
426  NumberFormat.h
427  NumberParser.h
428  NumberPart.h
429  NumberRangeFormat.h
430  NumberingSystem.h
431  PluralRules.h
432  RelativeTimeFormat.h
433  String.h
434  TimeZone.h
435  UnicodeProperties.h
436  UnicodeScriptCodes.h
437 lib/
438  libjs_static.ajs
439  libmozjs-%%MOZJS_MAJOR%%.so
440 lib/pkgconfig/mozjs-%%MOZJS_MAJOR%%.pc
443 [FILE:553:patches/patch-build_moz.configure_init.configure]
444 --- ../../build/moz.configure/init.configure.orig       2022-09-12 16:44:39 UTC
445 +++ ../../build/moz.configure/init.configure
446 @@ -485,8 +485,8 @@ def split_triplet(triplet, allow_msvc=Fa
447      if cpu.endswith("86") or (cpu.startswith("i") and "86" in cpu):
448          canonical_cpu = "x86"
449          endianness = "little"
450 -    elif cpu in ("x86_64", "ia64"):
451 -        canonical_cpu = cpu
452 +    elif cpu in ("x86_64", "ia64", "amd64"):
453 +        canonical_cpu = "x86_64"
454          endianness = "little"
455      elif cpu in ("s390", "s390x"):
456          canonical_cpu = cpu