Ravenports generated: 14 Jan 2024 06:27
[ravenports.git] / bucket_E9 / python-numpy
1 # Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit.
3 NAMEBASE=               python-numpy
4 VERSION=                1.26.3
5 KEYWORDS=               python
6 VARIANTS=               v11 v12
7 SDESC[v11]=             Array computing for Python (3.11)
8 SDESC[v12]=             Array computing for Python (3.12)
9 HOMEPAGE=               https://numpy.org
10 CONTACT=                Python_Automaton[python@ironwolf.systems]
12 DOWNLOAD_GROUPS=        main
13 SITES[main]=            PYPI/n/numpy
14 DISTFILE[1]=            numpy-1.26.3.tar.gz:main
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22 VOPTS[v12]=             PY311=OFF PY312=ON
24 BUILD_DEPENDS=          openblas:dev:standard
25 BUILDRUN_DEPENDS=       openblas:primary:standard
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33 LICENSE_SCHEME=         solo
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46                                         python-wheel:single:v11
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55 [PY312].BUILD_DEPENDS_ON=               python312:dev:standard
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57                                         python-meson-python:single:v12
58                                         python-wheel:single:v12
59                                         python-spin:single:v12
60                                         python-pip:single:v12
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62                                         VER=3.12
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66 do-build:
67         (cd ${WRKSRC} && pip install . --no-build-isolation )
69 do-configure:
70         # do nothing so meson.mk doesn't do anything
72 do-install:
73         whl=$$(find /root/.cache/pip/wheels -name "*.whl");\
74         pip install \
75                 --verbose \
76                 --no-index \
77                 --no-compile \
78                 --force-reinstall \
79                 --progress-bar off \
80                 --root=${STAGEDIR} \
81                 --root-user-action=ignore \
82                 --disable-pip-version-check \
83                 --no-deps $$whl
84         ${FIND} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib -name "*.so" | xargs ${STRIP_CMD}
86 [FILE:2903:descriptions/desc.single]
87 <h1 align="center">
88 [image]
89 </h1><br>
91 [Powered by NumFOCUS]
92 [PyPI Downloads]
93 [Conda Downloads]
94 [Stack Overflow]
95 [Nature Paper]
96 [OpenSSF Scorecard]
98 NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
100 - **Website:** https://www.numpy.org
101 - **Documentation:** https://numpy.org/doc
102 - **Mailing list:**
103 https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/numpy-discussion
104 - **Source code:** https://github.com/numpy/numpy
105 - **Contributing:** https://www.numpy.org/devdocs/dev/index.html
106 - **Bug reports:** https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues
107 - **Report a security vulnerability:** https://tidelift.com/docs/security
109 It provides:
111 - a powerful N-dimensional array object
112 - sophisticated (broadcasting) functions
113 - tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code
114 - useful linear algebra, Fourier transform, and random number capabilities
116 Testing:
118 NumPy requires `pytest` and `hypothesis`.  Tests can then be run after
119 installation with:
121     python -c "import numpy, sys; sys.exit(numpy.test() is False)"
123 Code of Conduct
124 ----------------------
126 NumPy is a community-driven open source project developed by a diverse
127 group of
128 [contributors]. The NumPy leadership has made a strong
129 commitment to creating an open, inclusive, and positive community. Please
130 read the
131 [NumPy Code of Conduct] for guidance on how to interact
132 with others in a way that makes our community thrive.
134 Call for Contributions
135 ----------------------
137 The NumPy project welcomes your expertise and enthusiasm!
139 Small improvements or fixes are always appreciated. If you are considering
140 larger contributions
141 to the source code, please contact us through the [mailing
142 list] first.
144 Writing code isn’t the only way to contribute to NumPy. You can also:
145 - review pull requests
146 - help us stay on top of new and old issues
147 - develop tutorials, presentations, and other educational materials
148 - maintain and improve [our website]
149 - develop graphic design for our brand assets and promotional materials
150 - translate website content
151 - help with outreach and onboard new contributors
152 - write grant proposals and help with other fundraising efforts
154 For more information about the ways you can contribute to NumPy, visit [our
155 website]. 
156 If you’re unsure where to start or how your skills fit in, reach out! You
157 can
158 ask on the mailing list or here, on GitHub, by opening a new issue or
159 leaving a
160 comment on a relevant issue that is already open.
162 Our preferred channels of communication are all public, but if you’d like
163 to
164 speak to us in private first, contact our community coordinators at
165 numpy-team@googlegroups.com or on Slack (write numpy-team@googlegroups.com
166 for
167 an invitation).
169 We also have a biweekly community call, details of which are announced on
170 the
171 mailing list. You are very welcome to join.
173 If you are new to contributing to open source, [this
174 guide] helps explain why, what,
175 and how to successfully get involved.
178 [FILE:98:distinfo]
179 697df43e2b6310ecc9d95f05d5ef20eacc09c7c4ecc9da3f235d39e71b7da1e4     15679696 numpy-1.26.3.tar.gz
182 [FILE:18540:manifests/plist.single]
183 %%ONLY311%%%%SITEPKGS%%/distutils/
184  __init__.py
185  __init__.pyi
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188  ccompiler.py
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197  intelccompiler.py
198  lib2def.py
199  line_endings.py
200  log.py
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202  misc_util.py
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204  msvccompiler.py
205  npy_pkg_config.py
206  numpy_distribution.py
207  pathccompiler.py
208  setup.py
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211 %%ONLY311%%%%SITEPKGS%%/distutils/__pycache__/conv_template.cpython-%%XY%%.pyc
212 %%ONLY311%%%%SITEPKGS%%/distutils/checks/
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218  cpu_avx2.c
219  cpu_avx512_clx.c
220  cpu_avx512_cnl.c
221  cpu_avx512_icl.c
222  cpu_avx512_knl.c
223  cpu_avx512_knm.c
224  cpu_avx512_skx.c
225  cpu_avx512_spr.c
226  cpu_avx512cd.c
227  cpu_avx512f.c
228  cpu_f16c.c
229  cpu_fma3.c
230  cpu_fma4.c
231  cpu_neon.c
232  cpu_neon_fp16.c
233  cpu_neon_vfpv4.c
234  cpu_popcnt.c
235  cpu_sse.c
236  cpu_sse2.c
237  cpu_sse3.c
238  cpu_sse41.c
239  cpu_sse42.c
240  cpu_ssse3.c
241  cpu_vsx.c
242  cpu_vsx2.c
243  cpu_vsx3.c
244  cpu_vsx4.c
245  cpu_vx.c
246  cpu_vxe.c
247  cpu_vxe2.c
248  cpu_xop.c
249  extra_avx512bw_mask.c
250  extra_avx512dq_mask.c
251  extra_avx512f_reduce.c
252  extra_vsx3_half_double.c
253  extra_vsx4_mma.c
254  extra_vsx_asm.c
255  test_flags.c
256 %%ONLY311%%%%SITEPKGS%%/distutils/command/
257  __init__.py
258  autodist.py
259  bdist_rpm.py
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262  build_ext.py
263  build_py.py
264  build_scripts.py
265  build_src.py
266  config.py
267  config_compiler.py
268  develop.py
269  egg_info.py
270  install.py
271  install_clib.py
272  install_data.py
273  install_headers.py
274  sdist.py
275 %%ONLY311%%%%SITEPKGS%%/distutils/fcompiler/
276  __init__.py
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280  environment.py
281  fujitsu.py
282  g95.py
283  gnu.py
284  hpux.py
285  ibm.py
286  intel.py
287  lahey.py
288  mips.py
289  nag.py
290  none.py
291  nv.py
292  pathf95.py
293  pg.py
294  sun.py
295  vast.py
296 %%ONLY311%%%%SITEPKGS%%/distutils/mingw/gfortran_vs2003_hack.c
297 %%ONLY311%%%%SITEPKGS%%/distutils/tests/
298  __init__.py
299  test_build_ext.py
300  test_ccompiler_opt.py
301  test_ccompiler_opt_conf.py
302  test_exec_command.py
303  test_fcompiler.py
304  test_fcompiler_gnu.py
305  test_fcompiler_intel.py
306  test_fcompiler_nagfor.py
307  test_from_template.py
308  test_log.py
309  test_mingw32ccompiler.py
310  test_misc_util.py
311  test_npy_pkg_config.py
312  test_shell_utils.py
313  test_system_info.py
314 %%SITEPKGS%%/
315  __config__.py
316  __init__.cython-30.pxd
317  __init__.pxd
318  __init__.py
319  __init__.pyi
320  _distributor_init.py
321  _globals.py
322  _pytesttester.py
323  _pytesttester.pyi
324  conftest.py
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326  ctypeslib.pyi
327  dtypes.py
328  dtypes.pyi
329  exceptions.py
330  exceptions.pyi
331  matlib.py
332  py.typed
333  version.py
334 %%SITEPKGS%%-%%EGGVER%%.dist-info/
336  LICENSE.txt
340  WHEEL
341  direct_url.json
342  entry_points.txt
343 %%SITEPKGS%%/_core/
344  __init__.py
345  __init__.pyi
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349  _multiarray_umath.py
350  multiarray.py
351  umath.py
352 %%SITEPKGS%%/_pyinstaller/
353  __init__.py
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355  pyinstaller-smoke.py
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357 %%SITEPKGS%%/_typing/
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371 %%SITEPKGS%%/_utils/
372  __init__.py
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374  _inspect.py
375  _pep440.py
376 %%SITEPKGS%%/array_api/
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379  _constants.py
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381  _data_type_functions.py
382  _dtypes.py
383  _elementwise_functions.py
384  _indexing_functions.py
385  _manipulation_functions.py
386  _searching_functions.py
387  _set_functions.py
388  _sorting_functions.py
389  _statistical_functions.py
390  _typing.py
391  _utility_functions.py
392  linalg.py
393  setup.py
394 %%SITEPKGS%%/array_api/tests/
395  __init__.py
396  test_array_object.py
397  test_creation_functions.py
398  test_data_type_functions.py
399  test_elementwise_functions.py
400  test_indexing_functions.py
401  test_manipulation_functions.py
402  test_set_functions.py
403  test_sorting_functions.py
404  test_validation.py
405 %%SITEPKGS%%/compat/
406  __init__.py
407  py3k.py
408  setup.py
409 %%SITEPKGS%%/compat/tests/
410  __init__.py
411  test_compat.py
412 %%SITEPKGS%%/core/
413  __init__.py
414  __init__.pyi
415  _add_newdocs.py
416  _add_newdocs_scalars.py
417  _asarray.py
418  _asarray.pyi
419  _dtype.py
420  _dtype_ctypes.py
421  _exceptions.py
422  _internal.py
423  _internal.pyi
424  _machar.py
425  _methods.py
426  _multiarray_tests.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
427  _multiarray_umath.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
428  _operand_flag_tests.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
429  _rational_tests.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
430  _simd.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
431  _string_helpers.py
432  _struct_ufunc_tests.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
433  _type_aliases.py
434  _type_aliases.pyi
435  _ufunc_config.py
436  _ufunc_config.pyi
437  _umath_tests.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
438  arrayprint.py
439  arrayprint.pyi
440  cversions.py
441  defchararray.py
442  defchararray.pyi
443  einsumfunc.py
444  einsumfunc.pyi
445  fromnumeric.py
446  fromnumeric.pyi
447  function_base.py
448  function_base.pyi
449  getlimits.py
450  getlimits.pyi
451  memmap.py
452  memmap.pyi
453  multiarray.py
454  multiarray.pyi
455  numeric.py
456  numeric.pyi
457  numerictypes.py
458  numerictypes.pyi
459  overrides.py
460  records.py
461  records.pyi
462  shape_base.py
463  shape_base.pyi
464  umath.py
465  umath_tests.py
466 %%SITEPKGS%%/core/include/numpy/
467  __multiarray_api.c
468  __multiarray_api.h
469  __ufunc_api.c
470  __ufunc_api.h
471  _dtype_api.h
472  _neighborhood_iterator_imp.h
473  _numpyconfig.h
474  arrayobject.h
475  arrayscalars.h
476  experimental_dtype_api.h
477  halffloat.h
478  ndarrayobject.h
479  ndarraytypes.h
480  noprefix.h
481  npy_1_7_deprecated_api.h
482  npy_3kcompat.h
483  npy_common.h
484  npy_cpu.h
485  npy_endian.h
486  npy_interrupt.h
487  npy_math.h
488  npy_no_deprecated_api.h
489  npy_os.h
490  numpyconfig.h
491  old_defines.h
492  ufuncobject.h
493  utils.h
494 %%SITEPKGS%%/core/include/numpy/random/
495  LICENSE.txt
496  bitgen.h
497  distributions.h
498  libdivide.h
499 %%SITEPKGS%%/core/lib/libnpymath.a
500 %%SITEPKGS%%/core/lib/npy-pkg-config/
501  mlib.ini
502  npymath.ini
503 %%SITEPKGS%%/core/tests/
504  __init__.py
505  _locales.py
506  test__exceptions.py
507  test_abc.py
508  test_api.py
509  test_argparse.py
510  test_array_coercion.py
511  test_array_interface.py
512  test_arraymethod.py
513  test_arrayprint.py
514  test_casting_floatingpoint_errors.py
515  test_casting_unittests.py
516  test_conversion_utils.py
517  test_cpu_dispatcher.py
518  test_cpu_features.py
519  test_custom_dtypes.py
520  test_cython.py
521  test_datetime.py
522  test_defchararray.py
523  test_deprecations.py
524  test_dlpack.py
525  test_dtype.py
526  test_einsum.py
527  test_errstate.py
528  test_extint128.py
529  test_function_base.py
530  test_getlimits.py
531  test_half.py
532  test_hashtable.py
533  test_indexerrors.py
534  test_indexing.py
535  test_item_selection.py
536  test_limited_api.py
537  test_longdouble.py
538  test_machar.py
539  test_mem_overlap.py
540  test_mem_policy.py
541  test_memmap.py
542  test_multiarray.py
543  test_nditer.py
544  test_nep50_promotions.py
545  test_numeric.py
546  test_numerictypes.py
547  test_numpy_2_0_compat.py
548  test_overrides.py
549  test_print.py
550  test_protocols.py
551  test_records.py
552  test_regression.py
553  test_scalar_ctors.py
554  test_scalar_methods.py
555  test_scalarbuffer.py
556  test_scalarinherit.py
557  test_scalarmath.py
558  test_scalarprint.py
559  test_shape_base.py
560  test_simd.py
561  test_simd_module.py
562  test_strings.py
563  test_ufunc.py
564  test_umath.py
565  test_umath_accuracy.py
566  test_umath_complex.py
567  test_unicode.py
568 %%SITEPKGS%%/core/tests/data/
569  astype_copy.pkl
570  generate_umath_validation_data.cpp
571  numpy_2_0_array.pkl
572  recarray_from_file.fits
573  umath-validation-set-README.txt
574  umath-validation-set-arccos.csv
575  umath-validation-set-arccosh.csv
576  umath-validation-set-arcsin.csv
577  umath-validation-set-arcsinh.csv
578  umath-validation-set-arctan.csv
579  umath-validation-set-arctanh.csv
580  umath-validation-set-cbrt.csv
581  umath-validation-set-cos.csv
582  umath-validation-set-cosh.csv
583  umath-validation-set-exp.csv
584  umath-validation-set-exp2.csv
585  umath-validation-set-expm1.csv
586  umath-validation-set-log.csv
587  umath-validation-set-log10.csv
588  umath-validation-set-log1p.csv
589  umath-validation-set-log2.csv
590  umath-validation-set-sin.csv
591  umath-validation-set-sinh.csv
592  umath-validation-set-tan.csv
593  umath-validation-set-tanh.csv
594 %%SITEPKGS%%/core/tests/examples/cython/
595  checks.pyx
596  meson.build
597  setup.py
598 %%SITEPKGS%%/core/tests/examples/limited_api/
599  limited_api.c
600  setup.py
601 %%SITEPKGS%%/doc/
602  __init__.py
603  constants.py
604  ufuncs.py
605 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/
606  __init__.py
607  __init__.pyi
608  __main__.py
609  __version__.py
610  _isocbind.py
611  _src_pyf.py
612  auxfuncs.py
613  capi_maps.py
614  cb_rules.py
615  cfuncs.py
616  cfuncs.py.orig
617  common_rules.py
618  crackfortran.py
619  diagnose.py
620  f2py2e.py
621  f90mod_rules.py
622  func2subr.py
623  rules.py
624  setup.cfg
625  setup.py
626  symbolic.py
627  use_rules.py
628 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/_backends/
629  __init__.py
630  _backend.py
631  _distutils.py
632  _meson.py
633  meson.build.template
634 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/src/
635  fortranobject.c
636  fortranobject.h
637 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/
638  __init__.py
639  test_abstract_interface.py
640  test_array_from_pyobj.py
641  test_assumed_shape.py
642  test_block_docstring.py
643  test_callback.py
644  test_character.py
645  test_common.py
646  test_compile_function.py
647  test_crackfortran.py
648  test_data.py
649  test_docs.py
650  test_f2cmap.py
651  test_f2py2e.py
652  test_isoc.py
653  test_kind.py
654  test_mixed.py
655  test_module_doc.py
656  test_parameter.py
657  test_pyf_src.py
658  test_quoted_character.py
659  test_regression.py
660  test_return_character.py
661  test_return_complex.py
662  test_return_integer.py
663  test_return_logical.py
664  test_return_real.py
665  test_semicolon_split.py
666  test_size.py
667  test_string.py
668  test_symbolic.py
669  test_value_attrspec.py
670  util.py
671 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/abstract_interface/
672  foo.f90
673  gh18403_mod.f90
674 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/array_from_pyobj/wrapmodule.c
675 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/assumed_shape/
676  .f2py_f2cmap
677  foo_free.f90
678  foo_mod.f90
679  foo_use.f90
680  precision.f90
681 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/block_docstring/foo.f
682 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/callback/
683  foo.f
684  gh17797.f90
685  gh18335.f90
686  gh25211.f
687  gh25211.pyf
688 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/cli/
689  gh_22819.pyf
690  hi77.f
691  hiworld.f90
692 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/common/
693  block.f
694  gh19161.f90
695 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/crackfortran/
696  accesstype.f90
697  data_common.f
698  data_multiplier.f
699  data_stmts.f90
700  data_with_comments.f
701  foo_deps.f90
702  gh15035.f
703  gh17859.f
704  gh22648.pyf
705  gh23533.f
706  gh23598.f90
707  gh23598Warn.f90
708  gh23879.f90
709  gh2848.f90
710  operators.f90
711  privatemod.f90
712  publicmod.f90
713  pubprivmod.f90
714  unicode_comment.f90
715 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/f2cmap/
716  .f2py_f2cmap
717  isoFortranEnvMap.f90
718 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/isocintrin/isoCtests.f90
719 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/kind/foo.f90
720 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/mixed/
721  foo.f
722  foo_fixed.f90
723  foo_free.f90
724 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/module_data/
725  mod.mod
726  module_data_docstring.f90
727 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/negative_bounds/issue_20853.f90
728 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/parameter/
729  constant_both.f90
730  constant_compound.f90
731  constant_integer.f90
732  constant_non_compound.f90
733  constant_real.f90
734 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/quoted_character/foo.f
735 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/regression/inout.f90
736 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/regression/gh25337/
737  data.f90
738  use_data.f90
739 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/return_character/
740  foo77.f
741  foo90.f90
742 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/return_complex/
743  foo77.f
744  foo90.f90
745 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/return_integer/
746  foo77.f
747  foo90.f90
748 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/return_logical/
749  foo77.f
750  foo90.f90
751 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/return_real/
752  foo77.f
753  foo90.f90
754 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/size/foo.f90
755 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/string/
756  char.f90
757  fixed_string.f90
758  gh24008.f
759  gh24662.f90
760  gh25286.f90
761  gh25286.pyf
762  gh25286_bc.pyf
763  scalar_string.f90
764  string.f
765 %%SITEPKGS%%/f2py/tests/src/value_attrspec/gh21665.f90
766 %%SITEPKGS%%/fft/
767  __init__.py
768  __init__.pyi
769  _pocketfft.py
770  _pocketfft.pyi
771  _pocketfft_internal.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
772  helper.py
773  helper.pyi
774 %%SITEPKGS%%/fft/tests/
775  __init__.py
776  test_helper.py
777  test_pocketfft.py
778 %%SITEPKGS%%/lib/
779  __init__.py
780  __init__.pyi
781  _datasource.py
782  _iotools.py
783  _version.py
784  _version.pyi
785  arraypad.py
786  arraypad.pyi
787  arraysetops.py
788  arraysetops.pyi
789  arrayterator.py
790  arrayterator.pyi
791  format.py
792  format.pyi
793  function_base.py
794  function_base.pyi
795  histograms.py
796  histograms.pyi
797  index_tricks.py
798  index_tricks.pyi
799  mixins.py
800  mixins.pyi
801  nanfunctions.py
802  nanfunctions.pyi
803  npyio.py
804  npyio.pyi
805  polynomial.py
806  polynomial.pyi
807  recfunctions.py
808  scimath.py
809  scimath.pyi
810  setup.py
811  shape_base.py
812  shape_base.pyi
813  stride_tricks.py
814  stride_tricks.pyi
815  twodim_base.py
816  twodim_base.pyi
817  type_check.py
818  type_check.pyi
819  ufunclike.py
820  ufunclike.pyi
821  user_array.py
822  utils.py
823  utils.pyi
824 %%SITEPKGS%%/lib/tests/
825  __init__.py
826  test__datasource.py
827  test__iotools.py
828  test__version.py
829  test_arraypad.py
830  test_arraysetops.py
831  test_arrayterator.py
832  test_financial_expired.py
833  test_format.py
834  test_function_base.py
835  test_histograms.py
836  test_index_tricks.py
837  test_io.py
838  test_loadtxt.py
839  test_mixins.py
840  test_nanfunctions.py
841  test_packbits.py
842  test_polynomial.py
843  test_recfunctions.py
844  test_regression.py
845  test_shape_base.py
846  test_stride_tricks.py
847  test_twodim_base.py
848  test_type_check.py
849  test_ufunclike.py
850  test_utils.py
851 %%SITEPKGS%%/lib/tests/data/
852  py2-objarr.npy
853  py2-objarr.npz
854  py3-objarr.npy
855  py3-objarr.npz
856  python3.npy
857  win64python2.npy
858 %%SITEPKGS%%/linalg/
859  __init__.py
860  __init__.pyi
861  _umath_linalg.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
862  lapack_lite.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
863  linalg.py
864  linalg.pyi
865 %%SITEPKGS%%/linalg/tests/
866  __init__.py
867  test_deprecations.py
868  test_linalg.py
869  test_regression.py
870 %%SITEPKGS%%/ma/
871  API_CHANGES.txt
873  README.rst
874  __init__.py
875  __init__.pyi
876  core.py
877  core.pyi
878  extras.py
879  extras.pyi
880  mrecords.py
881  mrecords.pyi
882  setup.py
883  testutils.py
884  timer_comparison.py
885 %%SITEPKGS%%/ma/tests/
886  __init__.py
887  test_core.py
888  test_deprecations.py
889  test_extras.py
890  test_mrecords.py
891  test_old_ma.py
892  test_regression.py
893  test_subclassing.py
894 %%SITEPKGS%%/matrixlib/
895  __init__.py
896  __init__.pyi
897  defmatrix.py
898  defmatrix.pyi
899  setup.py
900 %%SITEPKGS%%/matrixlib/tests/
901  __init__.py
902  test_defmatrix.py
903  test_interaction.py
904  test_masked_matrix.py
905  test_matrix_linalg.py
906  test_multiarray.py
907  test_numeric.py
908  test_regression.py
909 %%SITEPKGS%%/polynomial/
910  __init__.py
911  __init__.pyi
912  _polybase.py
913  _polybase.pyi
914  chebyshev.py
915  chebyshev.pyi
916  hermite.py
917  hermite.pyi
918  hermite_e.py
919  hermite_e.pyi
920  laguerre.py
921  laguerre.pyi
922  legendre.py
923  legendre.pyi
924  polynomial.py
925  polynomial.pyi
926  polyutils.py
927  polyutils.pyi
928  setup.py
929 %%SITEPKGS%%/polynomial/tests/
930  __init__.py
931  test_chebyshev.py
932  test_classes.py
933  test_hermite.py
934  test_hermite_e.py
935  test_laguerre.py
936  test_legendre.py
937  test_polynomial.py
938  test_polyutils.py
939  test_printing.py
940  test_symbol.py
941 %%SITEPKGS%%/random/
942  LICENSE.md
943  __init__.pxd
944  __init__.py
945  __init__.pyi
946  _bounded_integers.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
947  _bounded_integers.pxd
948  _common.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
949  _common.pxd
950  _generator.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
951  _generator.pyi
952  _mt19937.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
953  _mt19937.pyi
954  _pcg64.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
955  _pcg64.pyi
956  _philox.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
957  _philox.pyi
958  _pickle.py
959  _sfc64.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
960  _sfc64.pyi
961  bit_generator.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
962  bit_generator.pxd
963  bit_generator.pyi
964  c_distributions.pxd
965  mtrand.cpython-%%XY%%%%SOEXTENSION%%.so
966  mtrand.pyi
967 %%SITEPKGS%%/random/_examples/cffi/
968  extending.py
969  parse.py
970 %%SITEPKGS%%/random/_examples/cython/
971  extending.pyx
972  extending_distributions.pyx
973  meson.build
974 %%SITEPKGS%%/random/_examples/numba/
975  extending.py
976  extending_distributions.py
977 %%SITEPKGS%%/random/lib/libnpyrandom.a
978 %%SITEPKGS%%/random/tests/
979  __init__.py
980  test_direct.py
981  test_extending.py
982  test_generator_mt19937.py
983  test_generator_mt19937_regressions.py
984  test_random.py
985  test_randomstate.py
986  test_randomstate_regression.py
987  test_regression.py
988  test_seed_sequence.py
989  test_smoke.py
990 %%SITEPKGS%%/random/tests/data/
991  __init__.py
992  mt19937-testset-1.csv
993  mt19937-testset-2.csv
994  pcg64-testset-1.csv
995  pcg64-testset-2.csv
996  pcg64dxsm-testset-1.csv
997  pcg64dxsm-testset-2.csv
998  philox-testset-1.csv
999  philox-testset-2.csv
1000  sfc64-testset-1.csv
1001  sfc64-testset-2.csv
1002 %%SITEPKGS%%/testing/
1003  __init__.py
1004  __init__.pyi
1005  overrides.py
1006  print_coercion_tables.py
1007  setup.py
1008 %%SITEPKGS%%/testing/_private/
1009  __init__.py
1010  extbuild.py
1011  utils.py
1012  utils.pyi
1013 %%SITEPKGS%%/testing/tests/
1014  __init__.py
1015  test_utils.py
1016 %%SITEPKGS%%/tests/
1017  __init__.py
1018  test__all__.py
1019  test_ctypeslib.py
1020  test_lazyloading.py
1021  test_matlib.py
1022  test_numpy_config.py
1023  test_numpy_version.py
1024  test_public_api.py
1025  test_reloading.py
1026  test_scripts.py
1027  test_warnings.py
1028 %%SITEPKGS%%/typing/
1029  __init__.py
1030  mypy_plugin.py
1031  setup.py
1032 %%SITEPKGS%%/typing/tests/
1033  __init__.py
1034  test_isfile.py
1035  test_runtime.py
1036  test_typing.py
1037 %%SITEPKGS%%/typing/tests/data/mypy.ini
1038 %%SITEPKGS%%/typing/tests/data/fail/
1039  arithmetic.pyi
1040  array_constructors.pyi
1041  array_like.pyi
1042  array_pad.pyi
1043  arrayprint.pyi
1044  arrayterator.pyi
1045  bitwise_ops.pyi
1046  char.pyi
1047  chararray.pyi
1048  comparisons.pyi
1049  constants.pyi
1050  datasource.pyi
1051  dtype.pyi
1052  einsumfunc.pyi
1053  false_positives.pyi
1054  flatiter.pyi
1055  fromnumeric.pyi
1056  histograms.pyi
1057  index_tricks.pyi
1058  lib_function_base.pyi
1059  lib_polynomial.pyi
1060  lib_utils.pyi
1061  lib_version.pyi
1062  linalg.pyi
1063  memmap.pyi
1064  modules.pyi
1065  multiarray.pyi
1066  ndarray.pyi
1067  ndarray_misc.pyi
1068  nditer.pyi
1069  nested_sequence.pyi
1070  npyio.pyi
1071  numerictypes.pyi
1072  random.pyi
1073  rec.pyi
1074  scalars.pyi
1075  shape_base.pyi
1076  stride_tricks.pyi
1077  testing.pyi
1078  twodim_base.pyi
1079  type_check.pyi
1080  ufunc_config.pyi
1081  ufunclike.pyi
1082  ufuncs.pyi
1083  warnings_and_errors.pyi
1084 %%SITEPKGS%%/typing/tests/data/misc/extended_precision.pyi
1085 %%SITEPKGS%%/typing/tests/data/pass/
1086  arithmetic.py
1087  array_constructors.py
1088  array_like.py
1089  arrayprint.py
1090  arrayterator.py
1091  bitwise_ops.py
1092  comparisons.py
1093  dtype.py
1094  einsumfunc.py
1095  flatiter.py
1096  fromnumeric.py
1097  index_tricks.py
1098  lib_utils.py
1099  lib_version.py
1100  literal.py
1101  mod.py
1102  modules.py
1103  multiarray.py
1104  ndarray_conversion.py
1105  ndarray_misc.py
1106  ndarray_shape_manipulation.py
1107  numeric.py
1108  numerictypes.py
1109  random.py
1110  scalars.py
1111  simple.py
1112  simple_py3.py
1113  ufunc_config.py
1114  ufunclike.py
1115  ufuncs.py
1116  warnings_and_errors.py
1117 %%SITEPKGS%%/typing/tests/data/reveal/
1118  arithmetic.pyi
1119  array_constructors.pyi
1120  arraypad.pyi
1121  arrayprint.pyi
1122  arraysetops.pyi
1123  arrayterator.pyi
1124  bitwise_ops.pyi
1125  char.pyi
1126  chararray.pyi
1127  comparisons.pyi
1128  constants.pyi
1129  ctypeslib.pyi
1130  datasource.pyi
1131  dtype.pyi
1132  einsumfunc.pyi
1133  emath.pyi
1134  false_positives.pyi
1135  fft.pyi
1136  flatiter.pyi
1137  fromnumeric.pyi
1138  getlimits.pyi
1139  histograms.pyi
1140  index_tricks.pyi
1141  lib_function_base.pyi
1142  lib_polynomial.pyi
1143  lib_utils.pyi
1144  lib_version.pyi
1145  linalg.pyi
1146  matrix.pyi
1147  memmap.pyi
1148  mod.pyi
1149  modules.pyi
1150  multiarray.pyi
1151  nbit_base_example.pyi
1152  ndarray_conversion.pyi
1153  ndarray_misc.pyi
1154  ndarray_shape_manipulation.pyi
1155  nditer.pyi
1156  nested_sequence.pyi
1157  npyio.pyi
1158  numeric.pyi
1159  numerictypes.pyi
1160  random.pyi
1161  rec.pyi
1162  scalars.pyi
1163  shape_base.pyi
1164  stride_tricks.pyi
1165  testing.pyi
1166  twodim_base.pyi
1167  type_check.pyi
1168  ufunc_config.pyi
1169  ufunclike.pyi
1170  ufuncs.pyi
1171  warnings_and_errors.pyi
1172 bin/f2py
1175 [FILE:1275:patches/patch-numpy_core_include_numpy_npy__math.h]
1176 --- numpy/core/include/numpy/npy_math.h.orig    1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
1177 +++ numpy/core/include/numpy/npy_math.h
1178 @@ -285,7 +285,11 @@ NPY_INPLACE npy_longdouble npy_tanl(npy_
1179  NPY_INPLACE npy_longdouble npy_expl(npy_longdouble x);
1180  NPY_INPLACE npy_longdouble npy_sqrtl(npy_longdouble x);
1181  NPY_INPLACE npy_longdouble npy_hypotl(npy_longdouble x, npy_longdouble y);
1182 +#if defined(__NetBSD__)
1183 +#define npy_log2l __builtin_log2l
1184 +#else
1185  NPY_INPLACE npy_longdouble npy_log2l(npy_longdouble x);
1186 +#endif
1187  NPY_INPLACE npy_longdouble npy_atan2l(npy_longdouble x, npy_longdouble y);
1188  NPY_INPLACE npy_longdouble npy_powl(npy_longdouble x, npy_longdouble y);
1189  NPY_INPLACE npy_longdouble npy_modfl(npy_longdouble x, npy_longdouble* y);
1190 @@ -303,14 +307,22 @@ NPY_INPLACE npy_longdouble npy_modfl(npy
1191  #define npy_cbrtl cbrtl
1192  #define npy_log10l log10l
1193  #define npy_logl logl
1194 +#if defined(__NetBSD__)
1195 +#define npy_expm1l expm1
1196 +#else
1197  #define npy_expm1l expm1l
1198 +#endif
1199  #define npy_asinl asinl
1200  #define npy_acosl acosl
1201  #define npy_atanl atanl
1202  #define npy_asinhl asinhl
1203  #define npy_acoshl acoshl
1204  #define npy_atanhl atanhl
1205 +#if defined(__NetBSD__)
1206 +#define npy_log1pl log1p
1207 +#else
1208  #define npy_log1pl log1pl
1209 +#endif
1210  #define npy_exp2l exp2l
1211  #define npy_fmodl fmodl
1212  #define npy_frexpl frexpl
1215 [FILE:564:patches/patch-numpy_f2py_cfuncs.py]
1216 --- numpy/f2py/cfuncs.py.orig   1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
1217 +++ numpy/f2py/cfuncs.py
1218 @@ -547,6 +547,9 @@ cppmacros["F2PY_THREAD_LOCAL_DECL"] = ""
1219  #define F2PY_THREAD_LOCAL_DECL __thread
1220  #elif defined(__STDC_VERSION__) \\
1221        && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L) \\
1222 +      && !defined(__DragonFly__) \\
1223 +      && !defined(__FreeBSD__) \\
1224 +      && !defined(__sun__) \\ 
1225        && !defined(__STDC_NO_THREADS__) \\
1226        && (!defined(__GLIBC__) || __GLIBC__ > 2 || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ > 12)) \\
1227        && !defined(NPY_OS_OPENBSD) && !defined(NPY_OS_HAIKU)