Ravenports generated: 21 Feb 2023 14:25
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659  dbcallou.dsl
660  dbchunk.dsl
661  dbcompon.dsl
662  dbdivis.dsl
663  dbefsyn.dsl
664  dbfootn.dsl
665  dbgloss.dsl
666  dbgraph.dsl
667  dbhtml.dsl
668  dbindex.dsl
669  dbinfo.dsl
670  dbinline.dsl
671  dblink.dsl
672  dblists.dsl
673  dblot.dsl
674  dbmath.dsl
675  dbmsgset.dsl
676  dbnavig.dsl
677  dbparam.dsl
678  dbpi.dsl
679  dbprocdr.dsl
680  dbqanda.dsl
681  dbrfntry.dsl
682  dbsect.dsl
683  dbsynop.dsl
684  dbtable.dsl
685  dbtitle.dsl
686  dbttlpg.dsl
687  dbverb.dsl
688  docbook.dsl
689  version.dsl
690 share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular/images/
691  ChangeLog
692  Make.images
693  caution.eps
694  caution.gif
695  caution.pdf
696  home.eps
697  home.gif
698  home.pdf
699  important.eps
700  important.gif
701  important.pdf
702  next.eps
703  next.gif
704  next.pdf
705  note.eps
706  note.gif
707  note.pdf
708  prev.eps
709  prev.gif
710  prev.pdf
711  tip.eps
712  tip.gif
713  tip.pdf
714  toc-blank.eps
715  toc-blank.gif
716  toc-blank.pdf
717  toc-minus.eps
718  toc-minus.gif
719  toc-minus.pdf
720  toc-plus.eps
721  toc-plus.gif
722  toc-plus.pdf
723  up.eps
724  up.gif
725  up.pdf
726  warning.eps
727  warning.gif
728  warning.pdf
729 share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular/images/callouts/
730  1.eps
731  1.gif
732  1.pdf
733  10.eps
734  10.gif
735  10.pdf
736  2.eps
737  2.gif
738  2.pdf
739  3.eps
740  3.gif
741  3.pdf
742  4.eps
743  4.gif
744  4.pdf
745  5.eps
746  5.gif
747  5.pdf
748  6.eps
749  6.gif
750  6.pdf
751  7.eps
752  7.gif
753  7.pdf
754  8.eps
755  8.gif
756  8.pdf
757  9.eps
758  9.gif
759  9.pdf
760  ChangeLog
761 share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular/lib/
762  ChangeLog
763  dblib.dsl
764 share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular/olink/
765  ChangeLog
766  olink.dsl
767 share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular/print/
768  ChangeLog
769  XREF
770  catalog
771  dbadmon.dsl
772  dbautoc.dsl
773  dbbibl.dsl
774  dbblock.dsl
775  dbcallou.dsl
776  dbcompon.dsl
777  dbdivis.dsl
778  dbefsyn.dsl
779  dbgloss.dsl
780  dbgraph.dsl
781  dbindex.dsl
782  dbinfo.dsl
783  dbinline.dsl
784  dblink.dsl
785  dblists.dsl
786  dblot.dsl
787  dbmath.dsl
788  dbmsgset.dsl
789  dbparam.dsl
790  dbprint.dsl
791  dbprocdr.dsl
792  dbqanda.dsl
793  dbrfntry.dsl
794  dbsect.dsl
795  dbsynop.dsl
796  dbtable.dsl
797  dbtitle.dsl
798  dbttlpg.dsl
799  dbverb.dsl
800  docbook.dsl
801  notoc.dsl
802  plain.dsl
803  version.dsl
804 @xmlcatmgr share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular/catalog
807 [FILE:3387:patches/patch-common__dbl1it.dsl]
808 --- common/dbl1it.dsl.orig      Wed Jun 20 14:50:47 2001
809 +++ common/dbl1it.dsl   Thu Mar 13 23:01:54 2003
810 @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
812  ;; Contributors:
813  ;; camille@mandrakesoft.com
814 +;; sysadmin@alexdupre.com
816  (define (it-author-string #!optional (author (current-node)))
817    ;; Return a formatted string representation of the contents of:
818 @@ -64,7 +65,7 @@
819  (define (it-xref-strings)
820    (list (list (normalize "appendix")    (if %chapter-autolabel%
821                                             "&Appendix; %n"
822 -                                           "&appendix; %t"))
823 +                                           "l'&appendix; intitolata %t"))
824         (list (normalize "article")     (string-append %gentext-it-start-quote%
825                                                        "%t"
826                                                        %gentext-it-end-quote%))
827 @@ -72,7 +73,7 @@
828         (list (normalize "book")        "%t")
829         (list (normalize "chapter")     (if %chapter-autolabel%
830                                             "&Chapter; %n"
831 -                                           "il &chapter; %t"))
832 +                                           "&chapter; intitolato %t"))
833         (list (normalize "equation")    "&Equation; %n")
834         (list (normalize "example")     "&Example; %n")
835         (list (normalize "figure")      "&Figure; %n")
836 @@ -84,27 +85,27 @@
837         (list (normalize "procedure")   "&Procedure; %n, %t")
838         (list (normalize "reference")   "&Reference; %n, %t")
839         (list (normalize "section")     (if %section-autolabel%
840 -                                           "la &Section; %n"
841 -                                           "la &section; %t"))
842 +                                           "&Section; %n"
843 +                                           "la &section; intitolata %t"))
844         (list (normalize "sect1")       (if %section-autolabel%
845 -                                           "la &Section; %n"
846 -                                           "la &section; %t"))
847 +                                           "&Section; %n"
848 +                                           "la &section; intitolata %t"))
849         (list (normalize "sect2")       (if %section-autolabel%
850 -                                           "la &Section; %n"
851 -                                           "la &section; %t"))
852 +                                           "&Section; %n"
853 +                                           "la &section; intitolata %t"))
854         (list (normalize "sect3")       (if %section-autolabel%
855 -                                           "la &Section; %n"
856 -                                           "la &section; %t"))
857 +                                           "&Section; %n"
858 +                                           "la &section; intitolata %t"))
859         (list (normalize "sect4")       (if %section-autolabel%
860 -                                           "la &Section; %n"
861 -                                           "la &section; %t"))
862 +                                           "&Section; %n"
863 +                                           "la &section; intitolata %t"))
864         (list (normalize "sect5")       (if %section-autolabel%
865 -                                           "la &Section; %n"
866 -                                           "la &section; %t"))
867 +                                           "&Section; %n"
868 +                                           "la &section; intitolata %t"))
869         (list (normalize "simplesect")  (if %section-autolabel%
870 -                                           "la &Section; %n"
871 -                                           "la &section; %t"))
872 -       (list (normalize "sidebar")     "the &sidebar; %t")
873 +                                           "&Section; %n"
874 +                                           "la &section; intitolata %t"))
875 +       (list (normalize "sidebar")     "&sidebar; %t")
876         (list (normalize "step")        "&step; %n")
877         (list (normalize "table")       "&Table; %n")))
879 @@ -221,8 +222,8 @@
880     (list (normalize "sect5")           "&Section;")
881     (list (normalize "section")         "&Section;")
882     (list (normalize "simplesect")      "&Section;")
883 -   (list (normalize "seeie")           "&See;")
884 -   (list (normalize "seealsoie")       "&Seealso;")
885 +   (list (normalize "seeie")           "&see;")
886 +   (list (normalize "seealsoie")       "&seealso;")
887     (list (normalize "set")             "&Set;")
888     (list (normalize "sidebar")         "&Sidebar;")
889     (list (normalize "step")            "&step;")
890 @@ -441,9 +442,9 @@
892  (define %gentext-it-table-endnotes% "&TableNotes;:")
894 -(define %gentext-it-index-see% "&See;")
895 +(define %gentext-it-index-see% "&see;")
897 -(define %gentext-it-index-seealso% "&SeeAlso;")
898 +(define %gentext-it-index-seealso% "&seealso;")
901  (define (gentext-it-nav-prev prev) 
904 [FILE:2042:patches/patch-common__dbl1it.ent]
905 --- common/dbl1it.ent.orig      Wed Feb 19 18:40:36 2003
906 +++ common/dbl1it.ent   Thu Mar 13 23:01:54 2003
907 @@ -92,11 +92,8 @@
908  <!ENTITY sect5           "Sezione">
909  <!ENTITY section         "Sezione">
910  <!ENTITY Section         "Sezione">
911 -<!ENTITY See             "Vd.">
912 -<!ENTITY see             "Vd.">
913 -<!ENTITY SeeAlso         "Vd. Anche">
914 -<!ENTITY seealso         "Vd. Anche">
915 -<!ENTITY Seealso         "Vd. anche">
916 +<!ENTITY see             "vd.">
917 +<!ENTITY seealso         "vd. anche">
918  <!ENTITY set             "Raccolta">
919  <!ENTITY Set             "Raccolta">
920  <!ENTITY setindex        "Indice Raccolta">
921 @@ -111,7 +108,7 @@
922  <!ENTITY TIP             "SUGGERIMENTO">
923  <!ENTITY Tip             "Suggerimento">
924  <!ENTITY Warning         "Avvertimento">
925 -<!ENTITY warning         "avvertimento">
926 +<!ENTITY warning         "Avvertimento">
928  <!ENTITY and             "e">
929  <!ENTITY by              "di">
930 @@ -125,8 +122,8 @@
931  <!ENTITY nonexistantelement "elemento non esistente">
932  <!ENTITY notes           "Note">
933  <!ENTITY Notes           "Note">
934 -<!ENTITY Pgs             "pp.">
935 -<!ENTITY pgs             "pp.">
936 +<!ENTITY Pgs             "Pp.">
937 +<!ENTITY pgs             "Pp.">
938  <!ENTITY Revisedby       "Revisionato da: ">
939  <!ENTITY revisedby       "Revisionato da: ">
940  <!ENTITY TableNotes      "Note">
941 @@ -142,6 +139,8 @@
942  <!ENTITY listofexamples  "Lista degli Esempi">
943  <!ENTITY ListofFigures   "Lista delle Figure">
944  <!ENTITY listoffigures   "Lista delle Figure">
945 +<!ENTITY ListofProcedures "Lista delle Procedure">
946 +<!ENTITY listofprocedures "Lista delle Procedure">
947  <!ENTITY listoftables    "Lista delle Tabelle">
948  <!ENTITY ListofTables    "Lista delle Tabelle">
949  <!ENTITY ListofUnknown   "Lista degli Sconosciuti">
950 @@ -152,6 +151,7 @@
951  <!ENTITY nav-prev        "Indietro">
952  <!ENTITY nav-prev-sibling "Salta Indietro">
953  <!ENTITY nav-up          "Risali">
954 +<!ENTITY nav-toc         "Sommario">
955  <!ENTITY Draft           "Bozza">
956  <!ENTITY above           "sopra">
957  <!ENTITY below           "sotto">
960 [FILE:1398:patches/patch-common__dbl1ru.ent]
961 --- common/dbl1ru.ent.orig      Wed Feb 19 20:41:30 2003
962 +++ common/dbl1ru.ent   Thu Aug 26 13:31:31 2004
963 @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
964  <!ENTITY set             "\U-041F;\U-043E;\U-0434;\U-0431;\U-043E;\U-0440;\U-043A;\U-0430;">
965  <!ENTITY SetIndex        "\U-0418;\U-043D;\U-0434;\U-0435;\U-043A;\U-0441; \U-043F;\U-043E;\U-0434;\U-0431;\U-043E;\U-0440;\U-043A;\U-0438;">
966  <!ENTITY setindex        "\U-0418;\U-043D;\U-0434;\U-0435;\U-043A;\U-0441; \U-043F;\U-043E;\U-0434;\U-0431;\U-043E;\U-0440;\U-043A;\U-0438;">
967 -<!ENTITY Sidebar         "\U-0412;\U-044B;\U-0434;\U-0435;\U-043B;\U-0435;\U-043D;\U-0438;\U-0435;">
968 +<!ENTITY Sidebar         "">
969  <!ENTITY sidebar         "\U-0432;\U-044B;\U-0434;\U-0435;\U-043B;\U-0435;\U-043D;\U-0438;\U-0435;">
970  <!ENTITY Step            "\U-0428;\U-0430;\U-0433;">
971  <!ENTITY step            "\U-0448;\U-0430;\U-0433;">
972 @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
973  <!ENTITY WARNING         "\U-0412;\U-041D;\U-0418;\U-041C;\U-0410;\U-041D;\U-0418;\U-0415;">
974  <!ENTITY Warning         "\U-0412;\U-043D;\U-0438;\U-043C;\U-0430;\U-043D;\U-0438;\U-0435;">
975  <!ENTITY warning         "\U-0412;\U-043D;\U-0438;\U-043C;\U-0430;\U-043D;\U-0438;\U-0435;">
976 -<!ENTITY and             "">
977 +<!ENTITY and             "\U-0438;">
978  <!ENTITY by              "">
979  <!ENTITY called          "">
980  <!ENTITY edited          "\U-041F;\U-043E;\U-0434; \U-0440;\U-0435;\U-0434;\U-0430;\U-043A;\U-0446;\U-0438;\U-0435;\U-0439;">
983 [FILE:2151:patches/patch-common__dbl1zhcn.dsl]
984 --- common/dbl1zhcn.dsl.orig    Sat Aug 21 05:25:09 2004
985 +++ common/dbl1zhcn.dsl Sat Aug 21 05:25:47 2004
986 @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
987         (list (normalize "bibliography") "%t")
988         (list (normalize "book")        "%t")
989         (list (normalize "chapter")     (if %chapter-autolabel%
990 -                                           "&#181;&#218; %n &Chapter;"
991 +                                           "\U-7B2C %n &Chapter;"
992                                             "the &chapter; called %t"))
993         (list (normalize "equation")    "&Equation; %n")
994         (list (normalize "example")     "&Example; %n")
995 @@ -84,30 +84,30 @@
996         (list (normalize "glossary")    "%t")
997         (list (normalize "index")       "%t")
998         (list (normalize "listitem")    "%n")
999 -       (list (normalize "part")        "&#181;&#218; %n &Part;")
1000 +       (list (normalize "part")        "\U-7B2C; %n &Part;")
1001         (list (normalize "preface")     "%t")
1002         (list (normalize "procedure")   "&Procedure; %n, %t")
1003         (list (normalize "reference")   "&Reference; %n, %t")
1004         (list (normalize "section")     (if %section-autolabel%
1005 -                                           "&#181;&#218; %n &section;"
1006 +                                           "\U-7B2C; %n &section;"
1007                                             "the &section; called %t"))
1008         (list (normalize "sect1")       (if %section-autolabel%
1009 -                                           "&#181;&#218; %n &section;"
1010 +                                           "\U-7B2C; %n &section;"
1011                                             "the &section; called %t"))
1012         (list (normalize "sect2")       (if %section-autolabel%
1013 -                                           "&#181;&#218; %n &section;"
1014 +                                           "\U-7B2C; %n &section;"
1015                                             "the &section; called %t"))
1016         (list (normalize "sect3")       (if %section-autolabel%
1017 -                                           "&#181;&#218; %n &section;"
1018 +                                           "\U-7B2C; %n &section;"
1019                                             "the &section; called %t"))
1020         (list (normalize "sect4")       (if %section-autolabel%
1021 -                                           "&#181;&#218; %n &section;"
1022 +                                           "\U-7B2C; %n &section;"
1023                                             "the &section; called %t"))
1024         (list (normalize "sect5")       (if %section-autolabel%
1025 -                                           "&#181;&#218; %n &section;"
1026 +                                           "\U-7B2C; %n &section;"
1027                                             "the &section; called %t"))
1028         (list (normalize "simplesect")  (if %section-autolabel%
1029 -                                           "&#181;&#218; %n &section;"
1030 +                                           "\U-7B2C; %n &section;"
1031                                             "the &section; called %t"))
1032         (list (normalize "sidebar")     "&sidebar; %t")
1033         (list (normalize "step")        "&step; %n")
1036 [FILE:1026:patches/patch-common_dbl1de.dsl]
1037 --- common/dbl1de.dsl.orig      Thu Oct 26 14:33:11 2000
1038 +++ common/dbl1de.dsl   Fri Jan 19 09:36:46 2001
1039 @@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
1040     (list (normalize "abstract")                ": ")
1041     (list (normalize "answer")          " ")
1042     (list (normalize "appendix")                ". ")
1043 -   (list (normalize "caution")         "")
1044 +   (list (normalize "caution")         ": ")
1045     (list (normalize "chapter")         ". ")
1046     (list (normalize "equation")                ". ")
1047     (list (normalize "example")         ". ")
1048 @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
1049     (list (normalize "step")            ". ")
1050     (list (normalize "table")           ". ")
1051     (list (normalize "tip")             ": ")
1052 -   (list (normalize "warning")         "")
1053 +   (list (normalize "warning")         ": ")
1054     ))
1056  (define (gentext-de-label-title-sep gind)
1057 @@ -372,9 +372,9 @@
1058                (err (node-list-error msg (current-node))))
1059           msg))))
1061 -(define %gentext-de-start-quote% "\U-201E;")
1062 +(define %gentext-de-start-quote% (dingbat "ldquo"))
1064 -(define %gentext-de-end-quote% "\U-201C;")
1065 +(define %gentext-de-end-quote% (dingbat "rdquo"))
1067  (define %gentext-de-start-nested-quote% "\U-201A;")
1071 [FILE:1941:patches/patch-html__dbverb.dsl]
1072 --- html/dbverb.dsl.orig        Sat Mar 15 18:03:51 2003
1073 +++ html/dbverb.dsl     Sat Mar 15 18:05:09 2003
1074 @@ -98,36 +98,9 @@
1075           (para-check 'restart)))))
1077  (define ($verbatim-line-by-line$ indent line-numbers?)
1078 -  (let ((expanded-content
1079 -        ;; this is the content with
1080 -        ;; inlinemediaobject/imageobject[@format='linespecific']
1081 -        ;; expanded
1082 -        (let loop ((kl (children (current-node))) (rl (empty-node-list)))
1083 -          (if (node-list-empty? kl)
1084 -              rl
1085 -              (if (equal? (gi (node-list-first kl))
1086 -                          (normalize "inlinemediaobject"))
1087 -                  (let* ((imgobj (node-list-filter-by-gi
1088 -                                  (children (node-list-first kl))
1089 -                                  (list (normalize "imageobject"))))
1090 -                         (datobj (node-list-filter-by-gi
1091 -                                  (children imgobj)
1092 -                                  (list (normalize "imagedata")))))
1093 -                    (if (and (not (node-list-empty? imgobj))
1094 -                             (not (node-list-empty? datobj))
1095 -                             (equal? (attribute-string (normalize "format") datobj)
1096 -                                     (normalize "linespecific")))
1097 -                        (loop (node-list-rest kl)
1098 -                              (node-list rl (string->nodes (include-characters
1099 -                                                            (if (attribute-string (normalize "fileref") datobj)
1100 -                                                                (attribute-string (normalize "fileref") datobj)
1101 -                                                                (entity-generated-system-id (attribute-string (normalize "entityref") datobj)))))))
1102 -                        (loop (node-list-rest kl)
1103 -                              (node-list rl (node-list-first kl)))))
1104 -                  (loop (node-list-rest kl) (node-list rl (node-list-first kl))))))))
1105      (make sequence
1106        ($line-start$ indent line-numbers? 1)
1107 -      (let loop ((kl expanded-content)
1108 +      (let loop ((kl (children (current-node)))
1109                  (linecount 1)
1110                  (res (empty-sosofo)))
1111         (if (node-list-empty? kl)
1112 @@ -146,7 +119,7 @@
1113                                   ($line-start$ indent 
1114                                                 line-numbers?
1115                                                 (+ linecount 1)))
1116 -                  (sosofo-append res (process-node-list c))))))))))
1117 +                  (sosofo-append res (process-node-list c)))))))))
1119  (define ($linespecific-display$ indent line-numbers?)
1120    (make element gi: "P"
1123 [FILE:2009:patches/patch-print__dbverb.dsl]
1124 --- print/dbverb.dsl.orig       Sat Mar 15 18:06:31 2003
1125 +++ print/dbverb.dsl    Sat Mar 15 18:07:18 2003
1126 @@ -94,36 +94,9 @@
1127           (process-children)))))
1129  (define ($linespecific-line-by-line$ indent line-numbers?)
1130 -  (let ((expanded-content
1131 -        ;; this is the content with
1132 -        ;; inlinemediaobject/imageobject[@format='linespecific']
1133 -        ;; expanded
1134 -        (let loop ((kl (children (current-node))) (rl (empty-node-list)))
1135 -          (if (node-list-empty? kl)
1136 -              rl
1137 -              (if (equal? (gi (node-list-first kl))
1138 -                          (normalize "inlinemediaobject"))
1139 -                  (let* ((imgobj (node-list-filter-by-gi
1140 -                                  (children (node-list-first kl))
1141 -                                  (list (normalize "imageobject"))))
1142 -                         (datobj (node-list-filter-by-gi
1143 -                                  (children imgobj)
1144 -                                  (list (normalize "imagedata")))))
1145 -                    (if (and (not (node-list-empty? imgobj))
1146 -                             (not (node-list-empty? datobj))
1147 -                             (equal? (attribute-string (normalize "format") datobj)
1148 -                                     (normalize "linespecific")))
1149 -                        (loop (node-list-rest kl)
1150 -                              (node-list rl (string->nodes (include-characters
1151 -                                                            (if (attribute-string (normalize "fileref") datobj)
1152 -                                                                (attribute-string (normalize "fileref") datobj)
1153 -                                                                (entity-generated-system-id (attribute-string (normalize "entityref") datobj)))))))
1154 -                        (loop (node-list-rest kl)
1155 -                              (node-list rl (node-list-first kl)))))
1156 -                  (loop (node-list-rest kl) (node-list rl (node-list-first kl))))))))
1157    (make sequence
1158      ($line-start$ indent line-numbers? 1)
1159 -    (let loop ((kl expanded-content)
1160 +    (let loop ((kl (children (current-node)))
1161                (linecount 1)
1162                (res (empty-sosofo)))
1163        (if (node-list-empty? kl)
1164 @@ -141,7 +114,7 @@
1165                                 (process-node-list c)
1166                                 ($line-start$ indent line-numbers?
1167                                               (+ linecount 1)))
1168 -                (sosofo-append res (process-node-list c))))))))))
1169 +                (sosofo-append res (process-node-list c)))))))))
1171  (define ($verbatim-display$ indent line-numbers?)
1172    (let* ((width-in-chars (if (attribute-string (normalize "width"))
1175 [FILE:725:files/pkg-message-single]
1176 These are DSSSL stylesheets for the DocBook DTD by Norm Walsh. Use them
1177 in conjunction with a DSSSL processor (such as jade) to convert documents
1178 marked up as DocBook to other formats.
1180 For example (assume $DBPATH = $PREFIX/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular)
1182    jade -t sgml -d $DBPATH/html/docbook.dsl  filename.sgml  (DocBook -> HTML)
1183    jade -t rtf  -d $DBPATH/print/docbook.dsl filename.sgml  (DocBook -> RTF )
1184    jade -t tex  -d $DBPATH/print/docbook.dsl filename.sgml  (DocBook -> TeX )
1186 To further parse the output of the 'tex' transformation you will need the
1187 'jadetex' macros, which may not yet have been ported.
1189 More documentation (in HTML format) is available in
1191    $PREFIX/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular/doc/